Old Slavonic names before the baptism of Rus'. Slavic Vedic names. Endings of ancient Russian names

In our century, educated parents are paying more and more attention to Old Church Slavonic names, giving them to their children. Thus, they return to the original Russian traditions that have existed in Rus' since ancient times in naming.

Old names in new times

New sound in modern world acquire the names Vsevolod and Milana, Mstislav and Darina. Such a keen interest of modern residents in rare, long-unused ancient Slavic names is not surprising. When looking for a name for their child, parents strive to make it original and unusual. In addition, they want the baby’s name to be sonorous and poetic. In addition to the above, modern parents do not forget about the content and semantics of the name.

The Slavs used to give their children names with meaning. At the same time, the name must have only positive energy. Ancient Slavic names meet all these requirements. Russian people intuitively understand their meaning, and the beauty with which they sound will not leave anyone indifferent. Ancient Slavic names (male and female) today are considered by many parents as best names for your children.

Double naming

A name determines a person's destiny. It serves as the key to his inner world. Ancients Slavic tribes adhered to the tradition of double naming, which was based on the belief in the mystical connection between the name and the person to whom it was given. It is no coincidence that in Rus' a person had two names: one was false - for everyone, and the other secret - for himself and his closest friends. Names were supposed to serve as protection from evil spirits and bad people. Often the first false Slavic name was given to those who were purposefully unattractive (Zloba, Kriv, Byaka, Nekras, Likho).

It was believed that a name is the key to a person, and without knowing the essence of an individual, it is much more difficult to harm him. The ritual of secondary naming was performed upon reaching adolescence, when all the main character traits had already been formed, and it was already possible to judge which of them had become predominant. Based on these traits, the name was given.

The meaning of ancient Slavic names

Let's analyze ancient Slavic names and their meanings.

According to their meaning, Old Church Slavonic names are conventionally divided into several groups:

  • Names that repeat names various representatives flora and fauna (Raven, Eagle, Walnut). These days such names are not used.
  • Old Slavonic names reflecting various traits of human character. For example, Veselin can mean “cheerful”, and the name Khrabr means “courageous”; Dobrolyub means “loving and kind.” In the modern world, the names of this group have become widespread.
  • Names relating to various mythical characters. These were mainly the names of ancient Slavic deities. So, Lada is the Slavic goddess of love, Yarilo is the Slavic god of the sun.
  • Interesting ancient Slavic names indicating the order in which a child was born in the family. The logic was completely simple. The first son received the name Pervush, the second son was called Vtorak, the third - Tretyak, and so on.

For a more detailed study of Slavic names and their meanings, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following lists.

Men's names

Ancient Slavic names of boys and their meaning:

  1. Bajan. It means "desired child."
  2. Belogov. It means "enlightened".
  3. Borislav. It is believed that this is interpreted as "fighting for glory."
  4. Vsevolod. The interpretation of this name is “knowing everything.”
  5. Radiant. Means “radiant, luminous.”
  6. Radimir. The meaning of the name is “rejoicing in the world, caring for the world.”
  7. Svyatopolk. This means “commands the holy regiment.”
  8. Trojan. The meaning is "third".
  9. Chedomir. Derived from two words: “peace” and “child”.
  10. Yarema. Explained as “bearing a yoke.”

Women's names

Old Slavic female names and their meanings:

  • Bogdana means “given by God himself”;
  • Faith. It means “keeping faithful”;
  • Dalina. Means "far";
  • Christmas tree. The name comes from the name of the tree - spruce;
  • Zlata. Interpreted as “gold-colored”;
  • Lana. Means "sweetheart";
  • Lyubina. It is derived from the word “love”;
  • Milada. Interpreted as “sweetheart”;
  • Stanislava. The meaning is "holy glory";
  • Yuna. Derived from the word “young”.

Two-basic Slavic names and their meaning

One of the largest groups of Slavic names are names with two stems. Until the era of Christianity began, the names of this group were most widespread.

Many names used by the Slavs are made up of 2 basics. For example, the name Lubomir is considered to be a derivative of two words - “to love” and “peace”, and Boguslav is a derivative of “glory” and “god”. It sounds very beautiful and at the same time the name has an absolutely clear meaning. It is thanks to this that Slavic names have received a second life in our time, becoming very popular among their contemporaries. Most often, these names are given to children born in Poland, Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic.

These names are divided into two subgroups. The main group includes two-basic names (Tikhomir, Svyatoslav, Ratibor, Dobrozhir, Gostomysl, Yaropolk, Velimudr, Vsevolod, Bogdan, Lyubomila, Dobrogneva), and the second group contains names that are derived from the names of the main group (Dobrynya, Svyatosha, Ratisha, Tishilo , Yarilka, Putyata, Miloneg).

History of Slavic names

Without a doubt, a significant part is connected with the names of people cultural life and formation folk traditions. In Russia, with the advent of Christianity, ancient Slavic names were almost completely forgotten. There were even lists of ancient Slavic names that were prohibited by the Christian Church. It is quite easy to guess the reasons for what is happening. Some of the names (Yarilo, Lada) were the names of ancient Slavic gods. Some of them formed a group of people who, after the baptism of Rus', tried to promote the restoration of the Old Slavonic cult and traditions.

Today in Russia Slavic names are not in fashion. They are called only 5% of babies born. This makes Russian culture poorer. Although ancient Slavic names (male) are undoubtedly truly Russian.

Propaganda of Slavic names is of great importance. People are trying to preserve ancient Slavic female names, full list which can be found in special publications.

Some of the names are very popular. Let's talk about two of them.

The meaning of the name Bogdan

Bogdan often becomes the late and only boy, the fruit of long expectations. Parents, sometimes regardless of their wishes, call those children who were born after great anxieties and fears this way. In infancy, Bogdan is prone to colds. At the same time, the mother, concerned about her son’s health, does not deny him anything.

The role of the father in upbringing is almost not felt. The child becomes attached to his mother, jealous of almost everyone. He lacks sociability, so he doesn’t get along very well with his peers. IN school years Bogdan is friends with children who enjoy authority among his comrades and who are able to stand up for him. The grades in the subjects are not very good. Despite the presence of abilities, natural laziness, to which Bogdan is prone, interferes. True, laziness becomes dull over time.

In adulthood, Bogdan is a calm man with good self-esteem. He strives to get well in life and make a career. A man is capable of achieving heights in any specific specialty that does not require improvisation.

In the family, Bogdan wants to be the unquestioned leader. He likes his wives to be submissive and allow him to show his power. Such categoricalness manifests itself not only in relationships with his wife, but also in communication with colleagues and acquaintances. Having had too much alcohol, Bogdan can get involved in an argument about any issue, without listening to his opponent’s arguments. At the same time, he has many character traits that turn him into good husband. For example, he shows persistence in seeking additional income, being frugal in his expenses. Bogdan likes to spend money only on vacations for the whole family.

The meaning of the name Radmila

Parents continue to choose Radmila - this is one of the most popular names. It combines two words: joyful and sweet. Despite the fact that the girl has a calm character, you should not leave her alone. Because of her developed imagination, it is not easy to predict what will come to her mind when she is left to her own devices.

Predisposed to colds and other infectious diseases. She is absolutely not afraid of dogs. Regardless of the size of the animals, he boldly approaches them and pets them.

Radmila asks adults a lot of different, sometimes unchildish questions that can confuse them. He enjoys communicating with strangers, since parents are sometimes tired of answering numerous questions. Radmila retains her sociability throughout her life. Radmila does not always experience pleasure when she finds herself in the center of someone else's attention. She is characterized by authority, but this trait makes her a potential leader.

Such ancient Russian names have become widespread in at the moment. Names have a long history, and it doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon.

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Ancient names

Ancient Russian names

Old Russian names formed from ordinary words and made sense. The name always emphasized some feature of a person.

For example, let’s take an ancient Slavic name - Fun Putyatishna.

The meaning of this name means funny (not boring with her) and intelligent, quick-witted.

And according to energy the name Fun Putyatishna– this is intelligence and sexuality. A woman with this name will spin a man as she wants. And it doesn’t matter whether he is a hero or a prince.

Endings of ancient Russian names

Ancient Russian names had endings that gave the name certain meaning and even determined a person’s caste (belonging to any class).

Gore– height, sky (Belogor, Veligor, Zlatogor, Svetogor).

Slav- wise, chief, knowledgeable, hospitable, glorious (Izyaslav, Ogneslav, Zareslav, Svyatoslav, Pereslav, Miroslav).

Wise- the same as glory - wise, chief, knowledgeable, welcoming, glorious (Lyubomudr, Velimudr, Dobromudr).

Thought- the same as glory - wise, chief, knowledgeable, hospitable, glorious (Radomysl, Goromysl, Lyutomysl, Ostromysl).

World– vital, healthy, secular (Budimir, Radomir, Jaromir, Slavomir, Zoremir, Khotimir, Blagomir, Velimir, Svetomir).

Light- the same as the world - vital, healthy, secular (Peresvet, Vsesvet, Voisvet, Rodosvet).

Zar– the same as the world – (Luchezar, Svetozar, Belozar, Lyubozar).

Regiment– strong, persistent, collected (Yaropolk, Svetopolk, Boripolk, Branipolk).

Bor– fighter, warrior (Branibor, Maribor, Ratibor).

Yar– heat, fire, ardor (Svetoyar, Pereyar, Zlatoyar, Sivoyar).

Mil – sweet, gentle (Lyubomil, Slavomil, Darimil, Radomil, Jaromil).

Names with the endings of mountains, slav, wise, thought, world, zar, light- belonged to the upper class (sages and rulers).

Names with endings bor, regiment- belonged to the warrior class.

Names of farmers, artisans, traders and other people- usually meant a character trait, some kind of word.

For example:

Bulat - strong, hardy

Bulba is a tough guy

Buslay - reveler

Duginya - strong, bending in an arc

Gudim - musician

Stavr – experienced

Noisy - screamer

Zhitko – grain grower

There were other endings in ancient Russian names:

Tour (Belotur)

Guest (Vidogost, Radogost)

Vit (Lyudevit, Svetovit, Dobrovit)

View (Vsevid, Provid)

An (Bogdan)

Yan (Bayan, Belyan)

Dar (Bogodar, Lubodar)

Lad (Dukhovlad)

Neg (Mironeg, Luboneg, Pereneg)

Ancient Slavic male names


Basco- Beautiful

Bahar– storyteller

Accordion- storyteller (“bayat” - tell), keeper of antiquities











Greyhounds- fast

Branko– warlike

Branibor- a fighter who wins a fight




Buoy– powerful

Brawler- exuberant, courageous

Bulat- strong, resilient

Rush- swift, strong

Bulgak- restless

Bus– foggy

Buslay- reveler

Vazhday- debater

Wakey- talker

Valdai- lord

Valuy- screamer

Vedagor- knowledgeable, knowledgeable





Vesnyan– spring


Evening- born in the evening

Volga (Voleg)- hospitable

Tedged- kopusha


Vyshata- high


Vyatko– big, senior, chief

Guy– movable

Gum- noisy, loud

Silenced- quiet

Glushko- quiet

Guodong- slow

Golik- thin

Goyko- big man, strong man

Golovan- smart

Gorazd- capable, understanding

Goran- high

Gordian- courageous, proud, worthy


Gorynya- mountain-like, indestructible


Guests– merchant

Gridya- warrior, warrior

Humming- musician

Davilo– strongman


Dobrynya- Kind







Dubynya- oak-like


Poles– lanky

Zhitko– grain grower

Zhikhar- daredevil




Izbor- chosen fighter



Kolovrat (Koloyar)– rotating circle


Shaggy- shaggy, shaggy

Kuchma- shaggy, unkempt


Lipok- flower

Lun- white


Lyubomud– sage

Lyubomysl- wise, wise head


Lutobor- a fierce fighter

Men- changed

Menshak– junior


Miroslav– bright-headed, smart

Mlad- young

Mnata– suspicious

Can– strongman

Molchan– silent


Nemir– restless

Ognedar- gives Fire



Olel- Darling



Peresvet– vital



Polel– able to love

Prokosh- thrifty for future use

Putyata- smart

Ragosa- quarrelsome person, one who quarrels






Bell- big guy














Smeyan– cheerful



Suhan- skinny, skinny


Stavr– experienced

Stoyan- very courageous

Deleted- daring, brave

Ulad– settling

Ushak- eared

Torop- hasty



Shemyaka– strong-armed (“mellow” – crush, reap).

Shiryai– broad-shouldered

Noisy- noisy, screamer

Shust- nimble, fast








Ancient Slavic female names





Buyana– noisy, strong

Vereshchag- chatterbox

Vesnyana– spring

Vetrana– windy, light



Dobrava– kind





Guess- quick-witted, smart

Dolyana– lucky


Fun- funny, comforter


Izbora– chosen one


Lada- beloved, dear

Lepava- beautiful, pleasant

Lyubava- darling

Milolika- sweet face, beauty

Milonega- sweet and gentle








Nemira– restless

Nesmeyana- sad


Olela- darling

Polelya- knows how to love






Rogneda– abundant


Smeyana- laughing, cheerful






Chernava– dark-skinned





Asmud- son Prophetic Oleg

Ikmor- governor of Svyatoslav’s squad.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Book "The Energy of the Name"

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A name determines a person's destiny. This is the key to his inner self. After all, it is not without reason that in Rus' a person had two names, one - false, for everyone, and the other - secret, only for the person himself and his very close people.

A name determines a person's destiny. This is the key to his inner self. After all, it is not without reason that in Rus' a person had two names, one - false, for everyone, and the other - secret, only for the person himself and his very close people. This tradition existed as protection from unkind spirits and unkind people. Often the first Slavic name was deliberately unattractive (Kriv, Nekras, Zloba), for even greater protection from evil ones. After all, without the key to the essence of a person, it is much more difficult to cause evil. The rite of the second naming was performed in adolescence, when the main character traits were formed. The name was given based on these traits. Slavic names were replete with their diversity; there were groups of names:
1) Names from the animal and flora(Pike, Ruff, Hare, Wolf, Eagle, Nut, Borscht)
2) Names by birth order (Pervusha, Vtorak, Tretyak)
3) Names of gods and goddesses (Lada, Yarilo)
4) Names by human qualities(Brave, Stoyan)
5) And the main group of names is two-basic (Svyatoslav, Dobrozhir, Tihomir, Ratibor, Yaropolk, Gostomysl, Velimudr, Vsevolod, Bogdan, Dobrogneva, Lyubomila, Mirolyub, Svetozar) and their derivatives (Svyatosha, Dobrynya, Tishilo, Ratisha, Putyata, Yarilka , Miloneg).
From the listed names, it is easy to trace the process of creating a derivative name: the second part is cut off from the two-base one and a suffix or ending is added (-neg, -lo, -ta, -tka, -sha, -yata, -nya, -ka).
Example: Svyatoslav: Svyato + sha = Svyatosha.
Of course, the names of people carry a significant part of the culture and traditions of the entire people. In Russia, with the advent of Christianity, Slavic names almost completely fell into oblivion. There were lists of Slavic names prohibited by the church. Why this happened is not difficult to guess. One part of the names (Lada, Yarilo) were the names of Slavic gods, the owners of the second part were people who, even after the Christianization of Rus', tried to restore the cult and traditions (magi, heroes). Today in Russia only 5% of children are given Slavic names, which certainly impoverishes the already meager Slavic culture.

In ancient times, people believed that there was a magical connection between a person and his name. They believed that without knowing the main name, it was impossible to harm a person. Therefore, children were often given two names: the first - deceptive, known to everyone, and the second - secret, which only those closest to them knew. The secret name was hidden to protect the child from the evil eye and evil spirits. A false name was sometimes deliberately made unattractive to deceive evil spirits.

During adolescence, the ritual of re-naming took place. The young man was named in accordance with the expressed traits and characteristics of character that were manifested by this time.

History of origin

IN pre-Christian era Slavic names reflected the meaning attached to the naming process. Usually the name carried positive energy and expressed the hopes and wishes of the parents. There are several options for the origin of Slavic names:

  • From weather phenomena (Frost, Wind), time of day (Twilight, Zoryan).
  • From the natural world: fish (Ruff, Catfish), animals (Wolf, Hare), birds (Eagle, Nightingale, Raven).
  • According to human qualities (Clever, Good-natured, Silent, Quiet). By character traits: Brave (brave, courageous), Veselin (cheerful, mischievous), Offended (touchy).
  • By external features(Curly, Mal, Chernysh). Strong Old Slavic boys could be called: Dubynya (strong, like an oak), Gorislav (steadfast, like a mountain).
  • Names from verbs, adverbs (Zhdan, Khoten, Nayden, Daren).
  • By birth order: numerals (Pervusha, Vtorak, Tretyak, Shestak, Nine), and ordinal (Elder, Menshak).
  • From the pagan gods (Veles, Yarilo).
  • Negative names were chosen to protect against the evil eye (Dashing, Zloba, Nezhdan, Fool), or as a reflection of physical disabilities (Kriv, Nevzor, ​​Nekras).
  • By occupation, profession - Kozhemyaka, Warrior, Villager. These names look like nicknames, but in fact they are confirmed by surviving documents.
  • Names are derived from the names of other peoples. From the ancient German names Hrodrik, Ingvarr, Helg came the ancient Russian Rurik, Igor, Oleg.
  • Compound or dibasic names made up of two roots united by a connecting vowel.


Most of the ancient Slavic names are represented by complex two-basic names. One root of such a name determined qualities (strength, power, might, love), and the second root showed the scope of their application (everything, people, good, gods, army). The underlying meaning of such names can be determined intuitively by ear. For example, Bogomil is dear to God, Vsemil is dear to everyone, Kazimir seems to show the world.

The inclination towards the art of war was conveyed by names with military roots - regiment, war-, rati-:

  1. Yaropolk.
  2. Ratibor.
  3. Ratislav.
  4. Vojislav.

Those inclined to study spiritual sciences added the holy root:

  1. Svyatoslav.
  2. Svyatomir.

Positive qualities were determined by the roots good-, sweet-, joyful-, loving-:

  1. Lyubomir.
  2. Dobrogost.
  3. Radolub.

Some meanings are already difficult to determine by sound, because the meanings of words have changed. For example, the root -fat meant abundance, wealth:

  1. Zhiroslav.
  2. Domazhir.

The root -ostro (ost) meant brave:

  1. Ostromir.
  2. Witty.

The root -slav spoke of the princely origin of the name and the upper class. Craftsmen and peasants had the same names with simple suffixes and endings: -l(o), -yat(a), -sh(a), -n(ya):

  1. Dobroslav - Dobrynya, Dobryata.
  2. Putislav - Putyata, Putyatya.
  3. Stanislav - Became.
  4. Mstislav - Mestila, Mistyasha.


Many names of ancient Slavic men were lost after the arrival of Christianity in Rus'. To replace Slavic pagan gods with Christianity came one God. With the change in faith, there was a rejection of names that included the names of the old gods (Yarilo, Veles). Some ancient Slavic names were banned by the Christian Church.

Old Slavonic names replaced names from the Bible (Greek, Hebrew, Roman and others). After the adoption of Christianity, children began to be named after Orthodox saints. For example ancient name Ivan, which formed the basis of many folk tales and seems to be originally Russian, comes from the Hebrew name John, and appeared after the baptism of Rus'.

Some of the ancient Slavic names remained in use as secular household names; they were used to call a child in the family circle. Some of these names gradually turned into nicknames.

Many ancient names formed the basis of surnames (Nezhdan - Nezhdanov, Volk - Volkov, Nevzor - Nevzorov, Nekras - Nekrasov, Molchan - Molchanov, Zayats - Zaitsev, Tretyak - Tretyakov, Zloba - Zlobov, Putyai - Putin, Orel - Orlov, Ersh - Ershov).

Some Slavic names have survived to this day almost unchanged. Vladimir, Stanislav, Vyacheslav, Vladislav - remain popular and modern today. These names were borne by rulers, princes, generals and governors, so they remained relevant for many centuries. Some Old Slavonic names were canonized by the church, name days were added for them, these names were included in church calendars and remained in use:

  • Vladimir.
  • Bogdan.
  • Vsevolod.
  • Vladislav.
  • Yaroslav.

Complete list of Old Church Slavonic and their meanings

This is what the ancient names of Russian men meant:

  • Bazhen (desired, beloved, God's).
  • Bazan (screamer).
  • Bashilo (pampered, mischievous).
  • Belimir (white, bright world).
  • Belogor ( white mountain, sublime).
  • Beloslav (white, bright glory).
  • Belyai (white, light).
  • Berislav (taker of glory).
  • Bogdan (given by God).
  • Bogolyub (God loving).
  • Bogomir (Peace be with God).
  • Boleslav (more glorious, most glorious).
  • Borimir (fighting for peace).
  • Borislav (fighting for glory).
  • Bratislav (brother, friend of glory).
  • Bronislav (protector of glory).
  • Bryachislav (glorious warrior).
  • Budimir (awakening, awakening the world).
  • Burislav (stormy glory).
  • Vadim (arguing, proving).
  • Vadimir (attracting, calling).
  • Velizar (great dawn, a lot of light).
  • Velimir (great, big world).
  • Velimudr (knowing).
  • Vesilin (cheerful, cheerful).
  • Vladimir (owning the world, striving for harmony).
  • Vladislav (owner of fame).
  • Vlastimir (ruler over the world).
  • Voislav (fighting for glory, glorious warrior).
  • Volodar (owner of will, ruler).
  • Volga (wonder, hero).
  • Vorotislav (returning glory).
  • Vsevolod (who owns everything).
  • Vseslav (the most glorious, generous).
  • Vysheslav (above others in glory, glorified).
  • Vyacheslav (most glorious, most glorious).
  • Gleb (presented to God, given under the protection of God).
  • Gorazd (big, large, skillful).
  • Gorislav (blazing in glory).
  • Gradomir (creator of the world).
  • Gradislav (preserver of glory).
  • Gremislav (loudly famous).
  • Danislav (let him be glorious).
  • Darimir (giver of peace).
  • Dobrolyub (kind, loving).
  • Dobromil (kind, dear).
  • Dobromysl (good-thinking).
  • Dobroslav (glorified by good, glorifying good).
  • Dobrynya (kind, daring).
  • Dragomil (especially dear, precious).
  • Dragomir (treasuring the world, beloved by all).
  • Druzhina (friend, comrade, or army, detachment).
  • Dusan (mental, spiritual).
  • Dukhovlad (possessing the spirit).
  • Yeseniy (clear sky, clear).
  • Zhdan (desired, expected).
  • Zhiteslav (glorifying life).
  • Zvyaga (loud).
  • Zvenimir (ringing for peace, calling for harmony).
  • Zlatan (golden, precious).
  • Zlatomir (golden world).
  • Zlatoslav (golden glory).
  • Izyaslav (who gained fame).
  • Izheslav (be with glory).
  • Istislav (glorifying the truth).
  • Casimir (bringer of peace, tranquility).
  • Krasimir (beautiful world).
  • Krasislav (beauty of glory).
  • Labuta (clumsy, lump).
  • Ladimir (pacifying, in harmony with the world).
  • Ladislav (glorifying beauty, harmonious).
  • Lel (loving, passionate).
  • Radiant (radiant, luminous).
  • We love (beloved).
  • Lyubomir (loving the world, any world).
  • Ljubomysl (loving to think).
  • Luboslav (glorifying love).
  • Lyudmil (dear to people).
  • Mal, Malyuta (small, baby).
  • Mieczysław (famous for his sword, glorious warrior, valiant).
  • Milan (sweet, gentle).
  • Milovan (affectionate, caring).
  • Miloslav (sweet glory).
  • Mirko (peaceful, calm).
  • Miroslav (glorious in the world, glorifying the world).
  • Molchan (silent, taciturn).
  • Mstislav (irreconcilable, avenging glory, glorious avenger).
  • Myslimir (thinking about the world).
  • Hope (hope, expectation).
  • Negomir (gentle world).
  • Nikola (winner, warrior).
  • Odinets (the only one, the first in a row).
  • Oleg (sacred, dedicated).
  • Ostromir (piercing, brave world).
  • Witty (sharp-thinking, brave-thinking).
  • Overexposure (bright, bright, clear).
  • Polkan (strong, quick).
  • Polyuda (giant, huge).
  • Wonderful (wonderful).
  • Putimir (reasonable world, way of peace).
  • Putislav (who glorified his path, blessed road).
  • Radamir (rejoicing in peace, fighter for peace).
  • Radey (joyful, joy).
  • Radimir (who cares for peace).
  • Radislav (rejoicing in glory, caring for glory).
  • Radmil (sweet joy).
  • Radosvet (light of joy).
  • Ratibor (fearless warrior, winner of the army).
  • Rodislav (nice by birth).
  • Rostislav (growing glory, grown for glory).
  • Svetozar (illuminating with light, illuminated with light).
  • Svyatomir (holy world).
  • Svyatoslav (sanctified by glory).
  • Svyatopolk (fighter for a holy cause, holy army).
  • Slawomir (glorifying the world).
  • Stanislav (becoming glorious or famous by the camp).
  • Stoyan (steadfast, strong).
  • Tverdimir (solid world).
  • Tvorimir (creating the world).
  • Tihomir (quiet, peaceful, tranquil).
  • Tichoslav (quiet glory).
  • Khotislav (desiring glory, striving for glory).
  • Brave (brave).
  • Hranislav (guardian of glory).
  • Czeslav (famous).
  • Chudomil (wonderful, dear).
  • Janislav (glorious).
  • Jaromir (bright world).
  • Yaropolk (bright regiment, powerful army).
  • Yaroslav (bright, glorious, glorifying Yarila, the god of the Sun).

Ancient Slavic male names not only sound beautiful, but also have deep roots and sacred meanings. They carry the stamp of energy, culture and traditions Slavic people. Choosing Old Slavic male name, parents lay the foundations of spiritual qualities and direction life path your child, because the traits that the great ancestors possessed will be projected onto the growing boy.

Male names:

Bazhen (Bazhan) - desired child, desired.

Belozar - white dawn, enlightened.

Belogor is highly enlightened.

Beloslav - From BEL - white, turn white and SLAV - to glorify.

Belyan - walking the path of light and spiritual improvement.

Berimir - caring for the world; or the conqueror of it.

Berislav - one who takes glory, who cares about glory.

Blagoslav - glorifying kindness.

Bogdan (Bozhko) is a child given by God.

God-knower - one who knows the gods.

Bogodar (Bogadar) - gifted by the gods.

Bogolyub - lover of the Gods.

Bogomil (Bogumil) - dear to one of the Gods.

Bogumir - interaction of the Gods and the world.

Boleslav - glorifying the forest deity.

Borimir is a fighter for peace (or in the world), a peacemaker.

Borislav is a fighter for glory or a glorious fighter. (Judeo-Christian abbreviation “Boris”).

Boyan is a divine storyteller.

Bratislav - From BRATI - to fight and SLAV - to glorify or glorify brotherhood (brother).

Bronislav (Branislav) - a famous warrior or one who glorifies battle.

Bryachislav - from BRYACHA - to rattle and SLAV - to glorify.

Budimir is a peacemaker or peacemaker.

Vedagor - knowledgeable about the highest, knowledgeable.

Vedislav - glorifying knowledge (knowledge).

Veleslav - glorifying Veles. Veligor - great sublime.

Velimir (Velemir) - great world or the incarnation of Veles.

Velimudr (Velemudr) - knowledgeable or wise, like Veles.

Velisvet (Velesvet) - the great enlightened one; light of Veles; interaction between Veles and Svetovit.

Velislav - great glory, most glorious.

Wenceslaus - dedicator to glory, crowned with glory.

Veselin - cheerful, cheerful.

Vladimir is the ruler of the world (a cursed name in Rus' due to its bloody baptism).

Vladislav (Volodislav) - owner of glory.

Vojislav is a glorious warrior or truly glorious.

Wolf is one of the personified names of the animal world or a partial embodiment of Perun.

Raven is one of the personified names of the animal world or a dark embodiment.

Vorotislav - returning glory.

Vsevid (Vseved) - all-seeing; omniscient.

Vsevolod is the ruler of the people, who owns everything.

Vsemil - beloved by everyone.

World - universal, i.e. capable of penetrating all worlds.

Vsesvet - all-worldly, i.e. capable of perceiving all lights (worlds).

Vseslav - all-glorifying, famous.

Vyshezor - one who sees (sees) higher worlds, i.e. the worlds of Rule and Glory.

Vysheslav - glorifying the elder RELATIVES (Gods).

Vyacheslav is the most famous, the most glorious.

Vyachko is a legendary personality: Vyachko is the progenitor of the Vyatichi.

Godoslav (Godlav) - Historical figure: Godoslav is the prince of the Bodrichi-Rarogs.

Gorazd - skillful, capable, good.

Gorislav - fiery, burning in glory or highly revered.

Gorynya - mountain-like, huge, indestructible; fiery.

Gostemil (Gostomysl; Gostemysl) - dear to another (guest). Historical figure: Gostomysl - Prince of Novgorod.

Gradimir - guardian of the world or his city.

Gradislav - protecting the glory or glorifying the city (or glorified in it).

Granislav - improver of glory.

Gremislav - famous.

Gudislav is a renowned musician, trumpeting glory.

Dalemir is far (secluded) from the world (society).

Darimil - giver of mercy, abundantly merciful.

Daren - gifted.

Dzvenislav - glorified.

Dedoslav is a glorifier of ancestors, the keeper of family traditions.

Dobrovest - one who talks about goodness.

Dobrovlad - possessing kindness and non-violence.

Dobrogor - exalting good.

Dobrolyub - kind and loving.

Dobromil is kind and sweet.

Dobromir (Dobrynya, Dobrysha) - kind and peaceful.

Dobromysl is kind and reasonable.

Dobroslav - glorifying kindness.

Domaslav - glorifying relatives.

Dragomir is more valuable than the world.

Drevoslav - glorifying antiquity, the heritage of ancestors, the family tree.

Tree world - associated with the family tree and nature.

Dubynya - like an oak, indestructible. Druzhina is a comrade.

Ruff is one of the personified names of the animal world.

Lark is one of the personified names of the animal world.

Zhdan is a long-awaited child; expected.

Zhivomir - living in the world or the embodiment of Zhiva.

Zhivorod (Zhivarod) is the healer’s path to ROD.

Zimovit - harsh, merciless; winter orbit - the prototype of “Santa Claus”.

Zlatomir is a golden world.

Iskren - sincere; sparkling.

Casimir - showing the world.

Koschey is thin and bony.

Krasimir is beautiful and peaceful.

Kriv is the leader of the tribal union, which later began to be called “Children of Kriv” or “Krivichi”.

Kudeyar is the sorcerer of Yarila.

Ladimir (Ladomir) - living in harmony with the world; sorcerer of Lada.

Ladislav - glorifying Lada (love), the embodiment of Lada.

Swan is a personified name for the animal world; one of the incarnations of Mara.

Radiant - radiating dawn.

We love - beloved.

Lubodar - giver of love.

Lyubomir - loving the world or beloved in the world.

Inquisitive - someone who loves to think.

Lyuboslav - lover of glory, beloved, glorified.

Lyubomud - one who keeps wisdom.

Lyuboyar - loving Yarila - the sun.

Mal (Maloy, Mladen) - the youngest.

Mieczyslaw - famous for the sword.

Milan is cute. Milovan - caressing, caring, or the one who was spared.

Milorad - sweet, joyful (to the sun).

Miloslav - sweetly glorifying.

Miloyar is Yarila's favorite.

Peaceful - peace-loving.

Miroslav - glorifying the world and glorified in the world.

Molchan - taciturn, silent.

Mstislav - glorifying revenge. Historical figure: Mstislav Vladimirovich - Prince of Tmutarakan, Grand Duke Kyiv.

Nevzor - blind. Nekras is one of the “negative” names.

Fire expert - one who knows the spiritual essence of fire; sorcerer of the Fire God.

Ognedar is a giver who makes sacrifices to Fire.

Firelover - a lover of fire or the embodiment of the Fire God.

Ogneslav - glorifying Ognebog or his incarnation.

Ogneyar - fusion of two elements (levels); solar flame; partial embodiment or embodiment.

Oleg - early Russian (post-Aryan) meaning - “movement towards the light”.

Eagle is one of the personified names of the animal world; one of the incarnations of Perun.

Peresvet is a very light or partial incarnation of one of the Gods of the light pantheon. Historical figure: Peresvet - warrior of the Battle of Kulikovo.

Provid (Prozor) - seer, clairvoyant.

Putimir is a wanderer. Putislav (Putyata) - glorifying wanderings; explanatory.

Radiohost - caring about another (guest).

Radimir (Radomir) - caring about the world.

Radislav - one who cares about fame.

Reasonable - reasonable, sensible.

Ratibor is a defender.

Ratmir is the defender of peace.

RODislav (RODaslav, RODeslav, RODOSlav) - glorifying the ROD; glorifying his family.

Rostislav - growing fame.

RODimir (RODamir, RODemir, RODomir) - ROD and WORLD; giving birth to the world; partial embodiment or embodiment; RODOmysl - thinking about one's own kind.

RODosvet - an enlightening, spiritualizing genus; the name of the sorcerer ROD.

Svetoslav (Svetislav) - glorifying light, bright, ardent.

Svetlana is bright, pure in soul.

Svetobor - fighting, winning with light, enlightenment.

Svetovid - seeing the light, perspicacious; incarnation of Belobog.

Svetozar - illuminating with light.

Svetogor - The embodiment of the power of the earth.

Svetomir is an enlightening world (society).

Svetopolk is the leader of the light army.

Svetoyar - ardently light (enlightened), sunny.

Skorodum is a quick thinker.

Slawomir - glorifying the world or glorious in the world.

Smeyan - cheerful.

Nightingale is a personified name for the animal world.

Catfish is a personified name for the animal kingdom.

Stanimir - establisher of peace.

Stanislav - establisher of glory.

Stoyan - strong, unbending.

Sudimir is a sage who talks about the world.

Sudislav - bestower of glory.

Tverdimir (Tverdomir) - from TVERD - solid and MIR - peaceful, peace.

Tverdislav (Tverdoslav) - from TVERD - firm and SLAV - to glorify; glorifying the firmament.

Tvorimir is the creator of the world. Tihomir - quiet and peaceful.

Trislav - glorifying Triglav. Tur is the personified name of the animal world. Historical figure: Tur - the founder of the Turic family.

Brave - brave. Caslav - aspiring to glory.

Churoslav - glorifying CHUR (sorcerer).

Yarilo is the solar incarnation, the hypostasis of the heavenly plowman.

Jaromil - dear to Yaril the sun.

Jaromir is a sunny world.

Yaromudr - endowed with bright wisdom.

Yaropolk - leader of the solar army. Yaroslav - glorifying Yarila.

Female names:

Bazhena is the feminine form of the name Bazhen.

Belogora - enlightened.

Beloslava is the female form of the name Beloslav.

Berislava is the female form of the name Berislav.

Blagoslava is the female form of the name Blagoslav.

Bogdana is the feminine form of the name Bogdan.

Bogumila - dear to the Gods.

Boleslava is the female form of the name Boleslav.

Borislava is the female form of the name Borislav.

Boyana is the feminine form of the name Boyan.

Bratislava is the female form of the name Bratislava.

Bronislava is the female form of the name Bronislav.

Vedana (Vedeneya, Vedenya) - knowledgeable.

Vedislava - glorifying knowledge.

Velizhana is polite, pacifying her feelings.

Velizara - multi-light, illuminated.

Velimira is the feminine form of the name Velimir.

Velislava is the female form of the name Velislav.

Wenceslaus is the female form of the name Wenceslaus.

Faith is faith, true.

Veselina (Vesela) is the female form of the name Veselin.

Vladimir is the female form of the name Vladimir.

Vladislava is the female form of the name Vladislav.

Voislava is the female form of the name Voislav.

Omniscient - omniscient.

Vsemil is the feminine form of the name Vsemil.

Vseslav is the feminine form of the name Vseslav.

Goluba is meek.

Gorislava is the female form of the name Gorislav.

Gradislava is the female form of the name Gradislav.

Granislava is the female form of the name Granislav.

Darena (Darina, Dara) is the female form of the name Daren.

Dzvenislava - glorified.

Dobrovlada - possessing kindness.

Dobrogora - exalting goodness.

Dobrolyuba - loving goodness.

Dobromila is the feminine form of the name Dobromil.

Dobromira is the feminine form of the name Dobromir.

Dobroslava is the female form of the name Dobroslav.

Dragomir is the feminine form of the name Dragomir.

Zhdana is the female form of the name Zhdan.

Zhivoroda - priestess of Zhiva.

Zvenislava - proclaiming glory; glorifying.

Zlatotsveta (Zlata) - golden-flowered.

Zoremira - illuminating, enlightening the world.

Iskra is the feminine form of the name Iskren.

Kazimir is the female form of the name Kazimir.

Krasimira is the female form of the name Krasimir.

Lada - beloved, dear. Goddess of love, mother of the Gods.

Ladomila - dear to the goddess Lada, merciful.

Ladomira is the female form of the name Ladomir.

Ladoslava - glorifying Lada.

Luchezara - radiant, illuminating with light.

Lyubava (Love) - beloved.

Lyubomila - beloved, dear.

Lyubomir is the feminine form of the name Lyubomir.

Lyuboyara - loving Yarila.

Lyudmila is the female form of the name Lyudmil.

Ludomira - reconciler of people.

Milada - dear to the goddess Lada.

Milana (Milena) is the female form of the name Milan.

Miloslava is the female form of the name Miloslav.

Miroslava is the female form of the name Miroslav.

Mstislava is the female form of the name Mstislav.

Hope is hope.

Nekrasa is the female form of the name Nekras.