Dunduk culinary wine from chokeberry. Chokeberry wine at home without yeast with vodka, simple recipe

Wine from chokeberry at home You can cook something very tasty. Despite the fact that jam or compote is not made from chokeberry, because these preparations are not very tasty due to astringency and bitterness. But it is very useful, in it high content vitamins B and C, some metals and minerals that are beneficial to the body. How cook and several simple recipes presented in this article.

Cooking features

Getting ready chokeberry wine just like from grapes or any other product. The only difference is that the sugar content in it is much less, so fermentation lasts 5-7 days, instead of the usual 2-3.

For wine to ferment, you need sugar and wine yeast. Therefore, winemakers monitor the fermentation process, and if it does not proceed, they buy wine fungi.

What is needed to make rowan wine not only tasty, but healthy and beautiful:

Homemade chokeberry wine can treat some diseases. It is taken before meals, a tablespoon at a time, by those who have high cholesterol, thin blood vessel walls, or high blood pressure.

Simple recipeat home

To prepare wine, you need the usual ingredients:

  • sugar;
  • water;
  • berries.

Sometimes natural starters are added:

  • raspberries;
  • rose hip;
  • raisin;
  • or citric acid.

Often there is enough sugar and wine fungi in rowan to start the fermentation process. But, to be on the safe side and mold does not appear on the surface, it is better to add sourdough. This recipe suggests adding raisins as this component.

To prepare you need:

  • 5 kg chokeberry;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 g of raisins (they cannot be washed to start fermentation).

Cooking steps:

  1. Preparation. The berries are kneaded with clean hands. It is necessary to crush every berry.

Important! Rowan cannot be washed, as there are natural yeasts on its peel that promote the fermentation process. The dirt will then precipitate and be removed by filtration.

Advice! Chokeberry wine can be stored for 5 years, no more, because it will lose its color, taste and beneficial properties.

Watch the video! Homemade wine, how to make wine from chokeberry

Homemade wine with cinnamon and vodka

This recipe produces aromatic and spicy wine, similar to an expensive liqueur.

What you need for preparation:

  • chokeberry – 5 kg;
  • sugar – 4 kg;
  • vodka – 0.5 l;
  • ground cinnamon – 5 g.

Step by step making wine:

Important! It is better not to drink wine right away, because it will ripen only after 3-5 months. Then you can start tasting.

Chokeberry wine in a jar

The wine prepared according to this recipe is very tender and aromatic. It will be a source of pride; you can treat your guests with it with pleasure. Those who don’t have large bottles and a spacious basement will especially like this recipe.

Required ingredients:

  • chokeberry - 700 g;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • raisins – 100 g;
  • clean water – 500 ml.

It is prepared like this:

  1. Sort the berries, mash them with your hands and pour them into a three-liter jar.
  2. Send unwashed raisins, water and 300 g of sugar there. Cover with a lid, in which holes are made for the release of carbon dioxide, and place in a dark, warm place.
  3. Stir every day, shaking the jar to mix the wort.
  4. After a week, add another 300 g of sugar and stir, then let it ferment further.
  5. After another week, repeat the procedure with sugar.
  6. After 30 days, add the remaining sugar and leave the jar until the rowan berries sink to the bottom and the drink becomes clear.
  7. The wine is ready, you can strain and bottle it.

Advice! You can store this wine in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

Interested self-production dessert and liqueur drinks, it is worth trying simple and proven recipes for preparing chokeberry wine at home, tasty and aromatic.

Despite the fact that chokeberry or chokeberry berries are bitter and are not often used in making preserves and preserves, they are excellent for making wine. Recipes for making it at home differ in the method of squeezing the juice, preparing the wort, and adding a blend of fruit and berry juices.

Interesting! The most successful are dessert and sweet wines. You can also make dry wine, but it will be tart and not everyone will like it.

Tricks for making rowan wine

The collected berries should not be washed - there are special microorganisms on the peel that promote the fermentation process.

Young wine must be aged for at least 90 days to avoid astringent notes. If the recipe uses fermentation, it is better to age the drink for at least 6 months.

To improve the taste, the wine is blended - other fruit and berry juice mixtures are added, and clean and unboiled water is used.

Necessary equipment

A novice winemaker should not spend money on an expensive water seal or a system whose tightness is difficult to ensure. A simple medical glove can serve as a water seal.

To strain the liquid, you will need a thin cotton cloth or gauze and a colander. You can use plastic containers, but there is a chance that the wine will have an unpleasant aftertaste.

To settle the wine you will need a small three-liter container, and you can store it in bottles with a ground-in lid.

The most popular cooking method is fermentation. Its essence lies in the fact that the squeezed berry mass is boiled with water and then left to ferment. In addition to this recipe, wine is made using yeast, as well as the Cahors type.


First of all, you need to thoroughly mash the berries until you obtain a homogeneous puree-like mass. For 7.5 kg of berries, take 3 kg of sugar and 1.5 liters of warm (35-37º C) water. 2/3 of the total amount of sugar and water is added to the resulting berry mass. Everything is thoroughly mixed until the sugar is completely dissolved and covered with gauze for the duration of fermentation.

Interesting! Chokeberry wine takes longer to ferment compared to other berry drinks; the process will take at least a week.

The container must be located in a room called a fermentation room. The temperature of the fermentation room is within 22-25 ºС; direct sunlight should not penetrate into it. The settled mixture is thoroughly mixed twice a day.

You can tell that fermentation has begun by the foam that appears on top of the mixture. Sometimes fermentation takes a long time to start. If the process does not start on its own within 4-5 days, you need to add wine yeast or baking yeast. The calculation of yeast powder is based on the proportion of 10 g of yeast per 10 liters of liquid mixture.

After a week, strain the liquid, called wort, through a colander. Berry pulp should not be squeezed too hard. The fermentation tank is filled with wort; you need to ensure that the liquid takes up no more than half the volume. The container is tightly closed with a shutter and placed back into the fermenter.

1/3 sugar and 1/3 warm water are added to the remaining cake according to the recipe. The mixture is covered with gauze and placed along with the wort. The cake continues to ferment for a week, after which it is strained again. To prevent the mixture from spoiling, it is often kneaded. After a week of fermenting the berry mass with water, it is filtered and mixed with fermenting rowan juice, and the remaining cake can be used as a filling or for making jam.

The strained liquid must be added to the containers with the wort, stirring them carefully. The removed factory water seal can simply be washed with water and reinstalled on the container, and the medical glove must be replaced with a new one.

After completing all manipulations, the container with the wort must be kept in the fermentation room for at least 45 days until gas formation is complete. When using a glove, you can determine from it whether fermentation is in progress or has already been completed. The released gas fills the glove and lifts it above the container. After fermentation is complete, the glove falls off.

Young wine is carefully pumped into three-liter bottles using a narrow tube, without tilting the container. If desired, you can make fortified chokeberry wine by adding sugar at this stage. For 2-3 days, the bottles are placed in the cold until sediment appears at the bottom. To get rid of it, the liquid is carefully drained. Next, the wine is bottled, tightly capped and aged for three to six months. Lovers of young wine can skip this step, but do not forget that in this case it will be slightly bitter.

Homemade wine recipe with yeast is even easier to prepare; even a novice winemaker can handle it. For 3 kg of berries you will need 1 liter of water and 15 g of yeast. Next, you need to prepare the wort, for which the berries are mashed or crushed in a blender. The resulting mixture is filtered, about 2 liters of juice should come out.

To reduce astringency, you can blend rowan juice with grape and apple juice, and also add hibiscus leaves.

The berry cake is poured with boiling water several times, left to infuse, and drained. Do this until you get 5 liters of wort. Then add 1.5 kg of sugar and yeast, after which the mixture is thoroughly kneaded. After which the wine is sent to ferment for a month in a glass container with a water seal or glove.

During this time, sugar will need to be added in two more doses in the same amount, at intervals of a week. Then wait until sediment appears, carefully drain the wine and seal it in bottles.

Cahors type

This recipe produces a wine with a slight sourness and a moderately tart note, similar to dry wine made from grapes, for example, Cahors. To complete the recipe for 5 kg of chokeberry, you need to take 4 tbsp. Sahara. Beat the berries into a homogeneous puree using a blender, add ¾ of the total amount of sugar and mix thoroughly.

Place a gauze knot in a saucepan with the berry pulp, in which a few rowan sprigs are tied. Place the container with berries in a warm, dark place for a week and mix thoroughly every day. After a week, squeeze out the berries, put the juice in a cold place under a water seal for three weeks, pour the pulp with a liter of water, add the remaining ¼ sugar and leave to ferment again.

Then mix all the liquid with the squeezed juice and let it sit for 2 months. During this time, the wine must be drained from the sediment three times. The resulting wine should be ruby ​​red in color, viscous and with a noble taste.

Rowan wine is healthy in small quantities due to its composition rich in microelements. For hypertensive patients, it is recommended to use it in prophylactic doses to reduce blood pressure. Chokeberry increases hemoglobin and has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. But those suffering from hypotension, thrombophlebitis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not get carried away with this drink.

Step-by-step chokeberry wine recipes

Chokeberry wine is made according to recipes based on classical fermentation. The step-by-step basis of the recipes is as follows:

  • the collected berries are prepared;
  • the wort is obtained;
  • the fermentation process starts;
  • young wine is filtered and bottled;
  • the drink is sent to ripen.

However, there are more than hundreds of recipes for making wine, and the taste of the drink can be very different. This variety is achieved by experimenting with the basic recipe.

Raisins are introduced into the classic recipe to improve the fermentation process and produce a light grape sweetness in the aftertaste. Add 10 grams of raisins per 1 kg of berries along with water and sugar before fermentation. To promote fermentation, it is added unwashed.

With cloves and cinnamon

This recipe almost completely repeats the fermentation technique. The difference is that at the fermentation stage of the wort, 5 grams of cinnamon and cloves are added. For the best taste, it is not recommended to drink the wine young, but when properly aged, it has a unique spicy aftertaste and resembles the taste of liqueur.

With cherry leaf

This recipe will add piquant notes of cherry aroma to the wine. Cherry leaves and sometimes the berries themselves are added to get a richer flavor. It turns out to be a light liqueur-type drink.

To prepare it, you need to take a glass of chokeberry and sugar, 100 g of cherry leaves, a liter of water and 0.5 liters of vodka, as well as 1 tsp of citric acid.

Leaves and berries are poured with water and boiled for half an hour. Then the mass is filtered and cooled. The second step is to add another glass of sugar, citric acid and everything is boiled over low heat. Then cool, filter and add vodka. The drink will be ready in a few hours.

How to properly store chokeberry wine

Since the wine is usually not too strong (12-14 degrees) and sweet, it can be stored for quite a long time. It is recommended not to increase the storage temperature above 18 degrees, and the storage period should not be longer than 5 years.


Wine made from chokeberry at home is excellent for the preventive treatment of hypertension, but it is better not to get carried away with it if you have gastrointestinal diseases.

A variety of recipes allows you to experiment with the result. The wines are tasty and healthy. It is not recommended to drink wine fresh; you need to let it brew for at least 3 months, then the wine will be aged,

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

The season for making fruit wine is over, but the difficult period of classic winemaking from juicy grape varieties has not yet started. It's time to deviate a little from the planned schedule to do something extraordinary for the whole family. homemade wine from chokeberry without yeast according to one of our simple recipes. Domestic winemakers characterize the finished drink as “high quality” and there are a number of reasons for this. Despite the long and complex preparation, the wine turns out thick, rich and very aromatic. Its tart, deep taste is more “for an amateur” than for the average gourmet. But even this can be easily corrected by combining chokeberry with apples, fresh or frozen berries, and cherry leaves. Next, we’ll talk in detail about the technology and features of preparing the sweet “drink of the Gods.”

High-quality wine from fresh chokeberry at home - a simple recipe with photos

Aronia chokeberry ("chokeberry" among the people) in our area is represented by three popular types. And none of them were interesting before local residents, as an ingredient for preparing food or drinks. Only in the last few decades has the berry gained popularity in home medicine and cosmetology, and then in cooking. Now chokeberry is a godsend for winemakers. Even the lightest wine from fresh chokeberry, prepared at home according to our simple recipe from the photo, it turns out to be of high quality, thick, extractive, with a bright ruby ​​color and a powerful aroma of autumn berries.

Necessary ingredients for high-quality homemade wine from fresh chokeberries

  • chokeberry - 12 kg
  • granulated sugar - 7 tbsp.
  • well water - 1 l

Step-by-step preparation of wine from fresh chokeberries at home

  • Collect 10-12 kg of ripe chokeberry. Remove the berries from the stems and leave them unwashed to preserve the yeast bacteria on the surface of the skin. Prepare the optimal vessel to begin the process.
  • Note! The container for the first stage should be made of stainless steel or enameled metal (without cracks). Plastic, copper and aluminum utensils are not suitable for winemaking.

  • Having chosen a container, start kneading the chokeberry. Carefully crush each berry with your hands. Lazy people can use a potato masher, meat grinder or other kitchen device.
  • Pour granulated sugar into the crushed berries in the proportion of 1 tbsp. for 2 kg chokeberry. To get a tart-sour drink, reduce the amount of sweetener; for a sweet dessert wine, increase the amount of sugar. But remember, excessive sweetness cannot be avoided, unlike its lack.
  • Mix the berry mixture with sugar thoroughly, feel free to dip your hand deeper into the bowl. Then cover the vessel with a lid and leave in a dark place at a temperature no higher than 25C for 7-13 days. Mix the juice with the pulp once a day or two to prevent mold from forming.
  • After a week or a week and a half, lift the container with the workpiece back and work hard with your hands, catching and squeezing the pulp from the juice. Leave the dry cake, it will be useful in further stages. Strain the juice through a kitchen sieve. Don’t worry about the purity of the liquid: any fines that slip through the holes will not harm the further winemaking process.
  • Pour all the resulting juice into two five-liter glass bottles. Considering that 12 kg of chokeberry are used as a basis, this dish should be enough.
  • It's time to give the squeezed pulp a second life. To do this, fill the berry cake with a liter of well or bottled water and add one glass of sugar. Mix the mixture thoroughly and press the pulp to the bottom so that the liquid rises to the top. Cover the vessel with a lid and leave again for 1-1.5 weeks at +18C - +25C.
  • Protect previously squeezed and strained juice, poured into glass jars, from unnecessary contact with air. To do this, put caps with water seals on the bottles, and lower the ends of the tubes into a jar with clean water. Leave the juice for further fermentation in a cool place with a temperature not lower than +18C, but not higher than +25C.
  • Return back to the waterlogged pulp. Don't forget to stir it every day or once every two days. After 7-13 days, repeat earlier known process: Squeeze out the pulp and strain the resulting juice through a sieve. This time you can throw away the cake; it will not survive a third fermentation.
  • It's time to get your first batch of juice. Remove the hydraulic seals from the bottles and carefully, using a small sieve, remove foam and any small debris from the surface of the liquid.
  • Drain the first and second batches of chokeberry juice in one huge vessel, and then distribute into two 5-liter containers. glass bottles. Return the water seals to their place and place the vessels at the desired temperature conditions for the next 7-12 days.
  • At first, remove the foam from the liquid (once every 5-7 days). But after 2 weeks, begin periodic filtration. To do this, use a thin flexible tube and additional glass bottles. Try to drain the wine each time without touching the sediment on the bottom of the jar.
  • Note! The longer and thinner the stream when pouring, the better the drink will be enriched with oxygen and become “more valuable”.

  • Wine filtration can be done not too often - once every 3-4 weeks. But there is another, important and necessary procedure that promotes the active functioning of alcoholic yeast. This is a kind of “feeding”. Add 8-10 drops of an aqueous solution of ammonium chloride (ammonia) to the entire volume of the drink after a month of seething. Continue this session once every 2 weeks.
  • 2 months after the start of the winemaking process, the drink itself will begin to lighten. But this is not at all a reason to stop removing it from the sediment. Now filtration can be carried out every two weeks to eliminate all the “used” bacteria that have settled on the bottom of the bottle.
  • A clear lightening of the wine is a sign of approaching completion. Now the liquid in bottles is, although still young, wine! Now is the time to take a sample so you can correct any taste defects. The young drink should be slightly sour, but not too sour.
  • If the acidity seems excessive to you, sweeten the wine. To do this, place the required amount of sugar in a sterile gauze bag and hang it just below the liquid level with a thread to the neck of the bottle. Put the water seal back on. Remove the bag only when the sugar has completely dissolved.
  • Pour the finished high-quality wine from fresh chokeberry at home (according to a simple recipe with photos) into bottles and close with lids. And only after the effects of fermentation have completely disappeared, replace the usual lids with tight sealed plugs.
  • Fragrant chokeberry wine at home: a simple recipe with video

    Despite the full details of the previous recipe for aromatic homemade wine from ripe chokeberry, we recommend watching the detailed video instructions. After all, experts say that it is better to see the winemaking process once than to hear about it several times. Exists a whole series little things and nuances that are noticeable only by visual observation. And if you have already decided to make real aromatic wine from chokeberry at home, you absolutely need a simple recipe with a video.

    Homemade fortified wine from blueberries and chokeberries - recipe without yeast

    In general, the recipe for making fortified wine from berries (blueberries, currants, blackberries and chokeberries) without yeast is no more complicated than the recipe for other fruit and berry drinks at home. And in our case it’s even simpler. The next lesson is about quickly and simple preparation not classic wine, but real rowan liqueur. This process does not require any heroism, and the finished drink turns out surprisingly aromatic, strong, deep and rich.

    Necessary ingredients for fortified blueberry and chokeberry wine without yeast

    • chokeberry - 1 kg
    • blueberries – 1 kg
    • sugar - 1 kg
    • gin (or other alcohol of identical strength) - 2 l

    Step-by-step preparation of fortified berry wine from blueberries and chokeberries at home without yeast

  • Collect or buy one kilogram of blueberries and chokeberries. Remove any leaves and stems, but leave the berries unwashed.
  • Using a wide funnel, pour the crop into one large glass jar. Please note: berries should occupy no more than 1/3 of the vessel. Since the recipe also includes sugar and alcohol filling.
  • Using the same funnel, add the required amount of sugar (1:2) to the mixture of blueberries and chokeberries. This way the drink will not be too sweet, with tart notes and light sourness. If you want to make a sweet, "sticky" liqueur, increase the amount of sweetener.
  • It's time to pour half of the gin into the jar. Such a drink, even if it is not of the highest quality, will do an excellent job as one of the components of the liqueur.
  • To significantly reduce the cost of producing excellent homemade wine, you can replace half of the gin with 40% vodka or rum of the same strength. Make sure that the bottle is not filled to the very neck.
  • Note! It is very important that 1/4 - 1/5 of the part remains in the vessel free space. Otherwise, further shaking of the bottle will not make any sense.

  • After pouring all the necessary liquid ingredients, seal the container tightly. Take the jar with both hands and shake well so that the sugar is evenly distributed throughout the vessel.
  • Place the container in a cool place without strong odors for a week. Shake the container every day. Then, for two months, drain the jar 1-2 times a week.
  • TO New Year's holidays fortified wine from blueberries and chokeberries at home according to a recipe without yeast will be completely ready for use. Strain the drink through a layer of gauze and pour into small glass bottles.
  • How to make delicious wine from chokeberry with cherry leaves

    Chokeberry wines are valued not only for their wonderful aroma and rich tart taste, but also for their benefits to the body. After all, chokeberry itself is filled with vitamins and beta-carotenes, fructose, tannins and pectin, macro- and microelements, including iron, copper, boron, fluorine, molybdenum, etc. This means that a drink based on such an amazing berry turns out to be completely harmless (in moderate doses) and even medicinal. Let's find out how to make delicious wine from chokeberry with cherry leaves.

    Necessary ingredients for delicious rowan wine with cherry leaves

    • chokeberry - 1 tbsp.
    • cherry tree leaves - 100 g
    • vodka – 500 ml
    • water - 1 l
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • citric acid - 1 tsp.

    Step-by-step preparation of homemade chokeberry wine with cherry leaves

  • Remove the rowan berries from the branches, rinse carefully and place in a saucepan. Also rinse the cherry leaves and add them to the bowl with the chokeberry.
  • Pour water over the ingredients, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Then cool the broth, strain on a fine sieve, squeeze out the leaves and return the liquid back to the pan.
  • Boil the decoction with sugar and citric acid for 15-20 minutes over low heat. Avoid excessive bubbling of the liquid.
  • After a third of an hour, remove the vessel from the stove, cool and filter the broth. Add the required amount of vodka to the base and mix well.
  • After 8-12 hours, delicious chokeberry wine with cherry leaves can be poured into decanters and tasted.
  • Wine from frozen chokeberries and apples at home: video recipe

    If everything is already clear with the proportions and utensils for winemaking, then the selection of high-quality raw materials for wine from frozen chokeberries and apples at home is still in question. It's time to discuss it:

    • firstly, the berries must be ripe (picked after the first autumn frosts) and healthy;
    • secondly, any damaged, wrinkled or spotted specimens should definitely be thrown away;
    • thirdly, the chokeberry should not be washed at the time of starting to make wine (you should not collect rowan after heavy rain);
    • fourthly, even apples to be added to berry wine must be correct: ripe, juicy, with a rich sweet and sour taste and slight tartness;
    • fifthly, if the recipe contains water, it must be bottled, pump room or well.

    Other details of making wine from frozen chokeberries and apples at home in video recipes:

    Making chokeberry wine at home is somewhat troublesome, but very enjoyable. Thanks to simple, detailed recipes for making a drink from berries, apples and cherry leaves without yeast, you can enjoy the amazing processes of winemaking without being distracted by mistakes and rework.

    Post Views: 43

    How many people consider a plant such as rowan, including chokeberry (chokeberry), to be a tree that is not completely useless, no, rather, decorative, suitable only for praising beauty native nature. But in addition to the fact that chokeberry has a peculiar piquant taste and has healing properties, it is no worse than any other berries for homemade preparations, including for making various alcoholic drinks. Homemade chokeberry wine is very beautiful, dark in color, tart and extremely healthy? it lowers blood pressure, compensates for iodine deficiency and has a general beneficial influence on the body (of course, you need to know where, how and how much you can drink it).

    The main difficulty for beginning winemakers? find an intelligent and simple guide on how to make homemade wine. After all, thick volumes replete with the terms “sulfitation”, “pure yeast culture?” and others, rarely respond to simple questions? how much of what is needed, how to properly prepare the dishes - but basically they give the impression that winemaking? it is the lot of a select few, that it is something like household magic. To some extent, of course, this is true? watch how berry or grape juice ferments? almost the same as seeing with your own eyes the biblical miracle of turning simple water into wine. But the Lord was also a man, or not entirely?

    Wouldn’t it be great to talk about this with an old friend over a glass of good wine? which, by the way, needs to be done first.

    Making chokeberry wine


    • Chokeberry - 5 kg;
    • Sugar? 1.5-2 kg;
    • Water? 1 liter;
    • Raisins (necessarily unwashed)? 50 g.

    Berry processing

    The rowan must be ripe, otherwise you will have to increase the dose of sugar so that fermentation goes well. It is impossible to wash rowan, so as not to wash away the yeast bacteria “responsible” from it. for fermentation. By the way, for the same reason? absence of yeast bacteria? Homemade wine cannot be made from frozen berries or berries picked after rain.

    Prepare dishes? enameled without damage, stainless steel or glass. It is believed that it is better to crush the rowan tree thoroughly with your hands, although it is much easier to do chokeberry juice using a meat grinder.

    Wort preparation

    Should I add sugar to the rowan pulp? about 0.5 cups per 1 kg of berries. ?How much to weigh in grams? - it depends, firstly, on the sweetness of the berries, and secondly, on the desire of the winemaker. But we must remember that rowan wine still contains more of it than any other? black chokeberry berry? low sugar? and therefore the drink, as a rule, ferments slowly or can stop altogether, moreover, dry rowan wine turns out to be so tart that you will not soon find an amateur for this. But is it also not worth showing excessive generosity? wine bacteria will process as much sugar as they can, its excess will simply precipitate, and it will no longer be possible to make oversweetened wine truly tasty. If the need arises, the wine can be sweetened later.

    By the way, raisins (unwashed!) in the list of ingredients are intended precisely to support the fermentation process, that is, to perform the function of yeast. Raisins will not affect the taste of the drink in any way.

    If you really want to add yeast? Well, what can you do? It means you need to prepare real wine yeast.

    Wine sourdough recipe

    Pour 170 g of unwashed (!) raisins into 1.25 cups of water, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, stir and cover with a towel. The starter (until this mixture is ripe for full-fledged yeast) ferments for 3 days in a warm, dark place. How long can this yeast be stored? No more than 10 days, so make them in reserve
    no need.

    Mix the rowan pulp with sugar thoroughly, again? not a plastic spoon or a metal one, but a stainless steel or wooden spoon, even better? with your hands (rejoice, hygiene fans? You can wash spoons and hands).


    Cover the container with chokeberry juice and pulp with a lid or cloth to prevent midges from getting in, and put it in a warm place (maximum? 25 degrees). The mixture ferments for about a week. All this time, every day, the juice and pulp must be carefully mixed so that mold does not appear on the surface.

    Installation of a water seal and subsequent?quiet? fermentation

    After about a week, the berries will swell, float to the top, and if you put your hand into the container, foam will appear. It's time to squeeze out the chokeberry juice. This can be done with a juicer, but, as practice shows, the filter becomes tightly clogged after the first two handfuls of berries, and how long does it take to clean it? It's better to do it manually. Filter the juice through a colander and pour it back into the jar, on which you should install a water seal.

    Many novice winemakers use a rubber glove with a hole as a water seal, but it is still better to install a real water seal on the jar, especially since it is not at all difficult to make it yourself. Make a hole in the center of the nylon cover, thread a hose through it (you can use a tube from a dropper), cover the hole around the hose tightly with clay or children's plasticine? That's it, you don't need to do anything else.

    The lid is placed on the jar, the tip of the tube is lowered into another jar of water - the contact of the wort with oxygen will be minimal, and excess carbon dioxide will escape through the tube into the water. The jar of wort is set aside in a cool, dark place and continues to ferment.

    Add water and sugar to the squeezed pulp (how much, again, depends on the winemaker, on average 0.5 kg of sand and 1 liter of water). It is advisable to take spring or well water, you can buy good bottled water in the store, but it is better to neglect chlorinated tap water.

    Remove the pulp for re-fermentation for another week, remembering to stir every day. After the pulp has stood for a week, strain it through a colander. Remove the water seal from the jar of wort, remove the foam from the surface and pour in the juice strained from the pulp. Install the water seal in its original place.


    During subsequent fermentation, the wine should be filtered 2-3 times a week. At first (the first 2 weeks) you can do this by carefully pouring the wort into another container, without shaking and remembering to remove the accumulated foam, leaving sediment at the bottom. Later, you will need to drain the drink into another container using a thin hose. Is it good for the stream to be as thin and long as possible? Is this how ventilation happens? wine, which helps avoid its spoilage. You should also remember that each time before pouring, all dishes must be thoroughly washed with soda and dried.

    It is not necessary, but highly desirable, to stimulate the vital activity of wine bacteria after vigorous fermentation. To do this, home winemaking usually uses ammonia (not alcohol? an aqueous solution!) in the amount of 1 drop per liter of wine. Some people try to add yeast to the drink at this stage? this should not be done.

    Sweetening young wine

    How long has it been since fermentation started? Two months? The contents of the jar should already be transparent? this means that although the wort is still fermenting, it has already turned into young chokeberry wine. Does a young drink differ from a mature one primarily in taste? it is more sour. If the taste of sugar is clearly felt, you can try to correct this deficiency by airing it again. If the taste of wine remains sweet, does this not mean that it is irreparably spoiled? the wine will just be a little less strong than we would like.

    Sour young wine needs to be sweetened. For this, 1 tablespoon of sugar per liter is usually enough, although these proportions can be changed depending on your own taste preferences.

    Just don’t think about what to sweeten the wine? this means pour sugar into it and stir silently, according to etiquette. The process of sweetening wine is quite different. Granulated sugar is poured into a cotton bag, which is tied with a cord and lowered into a jar of wine so that it is suspended? - completely immersed in wine, but as close to the surface as possible. The bag is fixed in this position, the jar of wine is closed with a water seal for at least a week? as much as needed to completely dissolve the sugar.

    Wine maturation

    The final stage. The wine is bottled and sealed tightly, but not tightly. Young wine still ferments for some time and carbon dioxide, not finding a way out, can not only squeeze out the cork, but also crush the bottle itself. So during the few months it takes for the wine to fully ripen, you need to regularly inspect the sealed bottles.

    Chokeberry and apple wine

    As has long been known, everything in the world has its pros and cons, and sometimes it is the case that an advantage is also a disadvantage at the same time. As already mentioned, does chokeberry wine lower blood pressure? For some, this is an undoubted advantage of the drink, however, there is also an opposite point of view (how many people, so many opinions). What if it comes with apples? and the pressure will be fine, and the taste of the wine will remain

    Apple-rowan wine can be made in two versions. For the first, apple and chokeberry juice from rowan are taken in a ratio of 9:1. A tenth of water and 100 g of sugar per liter of wort are added to the total volume of juice.

    Option two. Peel 1 kg of apples, remove the core, finely chop, combine with 2 kg of chopped chokeberries, add 3 kg of sugar. Place everything in a fermentation container and add as much warm water as needed to completely cover the pulp.

    Then, for both options, everything happens according to the technology described above: the wort ferments under a cloth for several days, then a water seal is installed. Also filtered, aerated and sweetened if necessary.

    Sometimes there are recipes for homemade rowan wine, which recommend mixing chokeberry juice with sugar and vodka, and sometimes even adding yeast. Perhaps such a drink is tasty, healthy and has its connoisseurs, but it cannot be called wine.