Is it possible to make wine from apples? Homemade apple wine

During the hot and sultry summer, many housewives prepare soft drinks to quench their thirst.

The best option in this case would be homemade apple wine, prepared with your own hands with warmth. This is what this article will talk about, namely how to properly prepare wine from apples at home.

Iced teas, compotes and fresh juices are very popular at this time of year. However, if you want to go out into the countryside with barbecue or spend the evening in a warm and friendly company, then a reasonable question arises about “hotter” drinks than compote or fresh juice. An excellent option would be homemade apple wine.

Homemade apple wine. Preparing apples

Apples collected on the ground or picked from a tree do not need to be washed, since their peel contains yeast, which necessary for fermentation. If the fruits are heavily soiled, you just need to lightly brush them with a clean brush or wipe with a dry cloth.

To prevent the finished homemade wine from tasting bitter, you should remove core and seeds, as well as cut out moldy or rotten parts if present.

How to make wine from apples. Apple juice wine

Methods for processing apples depend on the equipment available. The most convenient device for obtaining juice is a kitchen juicer, which will squeeze out clean fresh apple with maximum quality, which will simplify the further cooking process.

If you don't have a juicer, you can use a mechanical grater. But the resulting applesauce will have to be squeezed out using a press or gauze. The main task at this stage of wine preparation, get the maximum qualitative apple drink with minimum quantity pulp.

How to make apple wine. Settling apple juice

The resulting apple juice or liquid puree should be placed in a container with an open wide neck (jar or pan) for several days, tied with gauze. top part to prevent insects from getting into it.

When natural yeast spores enter the mixture, it will begin to separate into pulp (pulp, remnants of the peel), which will begin to accumulate at the top and simple apple juice. In order for the yeast to be distributed evenly throughout the apple consistency, you need to stir the contents of the container for the first few days (3-4 times per day) wooden stick or a spoon.

On about the 3rd day, the pulp will gather in a dense layer on the surface and its necessary remove with a colander or saucepan. After this, only apple juice should remain in the container, and a thin film on top. This stage can be considered complete only after foam appears in the wort, which means the fermentation process has begun. This will also be indicated by the vinegar-alcohol smell and characteristic hissing.

Adding sugar

Wine from apple juice

Required amount of sugar to add to apple wine determined based on the initial sweetness of the fruit. If the sugar content exceeds 20 percent, fermentation will be poor or stop altogether. To avoid this, sugar is added in parts, and not all at once.

To get dry apple wine, add 150–220 g. granulated sugar per 1 liter of fermented juice.

If you want to make dessert or sweet wine, then 300–400 gr. 1 liter of sugar is enough for you. It is advisable not to exceed these standards, otherwise the final product will turn out cloying.

The first batch of granulated sugar (100–150 grams/liter) is added after removing pulp. It is poured into the fermenting juice, while mixing the consistency well. On the fourth or fifth day after this, you can add a second portion of sugar (50–100 grams/liter) and this is done as follows:

  • The water seal is removed.
  • The wort is poured into a separate container, 2 times less than the amount of sugar added (example: for 500 g - 250 ml).
  • Sugar is added to the drained juice and mixed.
  • The resulting sugar syrup is poured back into the original container and closed with a water seal.

The procedure for adding granulated sugar can be repeat several more times, achieving the sweetness you need with breaks of 4-5 days using the technology described above, while adding 30-80 grams. sugar per liter of apple consistency.


How long to wander under certain conditions

First, you need to exclude possible contact between air and wort using airtight containers, otherwise you may end up with vinegar instead of apple wine. Jars, glass bottles or plastic eggplants work well for this purpose.

Then you need to make a removal of carbon dioxide from the fermenting liquid, which can be made next way:

A small hole is made in the lid of the vessel and a small-diameter dropper-type tube is inserted into it. The end of the tube, which is located in the vessel, must be positioned as high as possible, otherwise it will become clogged with foam, and the outer end must be lowered into a container with water a few centimeters.

As a result, gases from the wine container will unhindered go outside without oxidizing the future alcoholic drink.

There are alternative options in which a medical glove with a small hole in the finger is put on the jar or a special lid is purchased - a water seal.

To make apple mash you can also use special a device that is a large can with a special lid. This vessel is filled with apple consistency to almost 4/5, since the remaining volume is needed for the accumulation of foam and carbon dioxide.

During fermentation, the can is placed in a warm (18–25 degrees) and dark place. In this case, the fermentation process lasts 30–60 days. The completion of this stage will be the absence of bubbles and characteristic hissing when opening the water seal.

Important! If fermentation lasts longer than expected, then should pour the wine mixture into another container, but without sediment, to avoid the appearance of a bitter aftertaste.


As a result of the previous manipulations, you should get young apple wine that can already be tasted, but it will be a drink with a harsh taste and smell. And to eliminate these shortcomings, wine necessary maintain for a certain time and at the appropriate temperature. To do this, you will need a new sealed and completely dry container, which will prevent the ingress of third-party yeast.

Transferring apple wine is done very carefully using a water seal tube. During this process, it is necessary to drain the upper clarified layers, leaving sediment at the bottom. If desired, you can sweeten the filtered drink by adding sugar to taste or pour in one seventh of the vodka from the total volume of wine so that the apple wine becomes stronger. This contributes to the long storage of the wine drink, although its taste becomes harsher.

Then the vessel is filled to the top with wine and sealed tightly. In case of adding additional dose of granulated sugar, it is advisable to keep the wine for another 1.5 weeks under a water seal in case re-fermentation occurs.

It is best to store the resulting wine drink in a cool (6–16 degrees) and dark place for 2–4 months. This will be quite enough to fully ripen the wine and improve its taste.

And so that the apple strong drink turns out absolutely clean and tart, it is necessary to systematically (once every 1.5 weeks) remove the sediment by regularly pouring the wine into an appropriate container until there is practically no sediment left.

And finally, a small “miracle” happens and the fortified apple drink is completely ready in every sense of the word. Now the fun part begins - the spill wonderful wine drink into containers prepared for this purpose. But first you need a little tasting, and only then reliable sealing of the filled container. The wine is ready!

Subject to everyone rules for preparing apple wine, this drink should smell like ripe fruit and be amber in color. Without fixing, its “degrees” should vary from 10 to 12 percent, and for at least three years it can easily be preserved in its original form.

A simple recipe for apple wine at home

Homemade apple wine.

The strength of this drink is approximately 12 degrees, and it is quite simple to prepare.

To do this you will need only four kilograms of sugar and 20 kilograms of apples.

Apple wine recipe:

  • Pass unwashed apples through a juicer.
  • Pour the resulting juice into a jar and cover with gauze.
  • Let the drink sit for three days, collect the pulp, and then stir regularly with a wooden spoon, adding granulated sugar in the right amount depending on the intended purpose of the wine (quantitative indicators of added sugar in certain types apple wine are indicated above - “Adding sugar”). The technology for bringing a wine drink to the desired condition is also similar to the above (see “Maturing”).

Semi-sweet and fortified apple wine is made in the same way, provided that the appropriate proportions above are observed.

Apple jam wine recipe

If you find old apple jam in your home bins, you should not throw it away. After all, you can make wonderful homemade wine from it, which you can’t always buy even in a store. To prepare it you will need for one liter of jam:

  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Seedless raisins - 100 gr.

Wine making process:

Apple wine from compote. Original recipe

If old apple compote spoiled, then you shouldn’t despair about it. You'll just have a reason to make it beautiful apple wine. For three liters of such compote you only need a handful of raisins and three hundred grams of granulated sugar. Don't be lazy and choose free time by following the following recipe:

  • Pour the fermented compote into a completely clean jar, add raisins and sugar and mix well.
  • If you have a medical glove on hand, put it on the neck of the jar and send the jar to a dark room for two weeks.
  • After this period, you need to remove the pulp and strain the drink through cheesecloth.
  • Then close the resulting drink with a tight lid and leave it to preserve for several months in a dark room.
  • Do not forget to regularly check the presence of sediment in the container, and if it is found, pour the wine into another appropriate container, leaving the “wine sludge” in the previous container.

It's interesting and useful! If you don’t have raisins, don’t despair; they can be easily replaced with rice, which is even more economical. It will take literally a few grains, and the result will be identical to the original.

And in conclusion, I would like to dwell on the following point, which will once again confirm the usefulness of an apple wine drink, be it cider or fortified wine.

The fact is that all the vitamins and microelements contained in apples, when wine is properly prepared from them, retain all of their useful properties and have a beneficial effect on all organs.

This fact is undeniable in the case of using a quality product, that is, apples. Therefore, you need to use the generous gifts of nature and enjoy excellent taste homemade wine drinks made with your own hands.

Attention, TODAY only!

Anyone who has tried cider once will not be able to remain indifferent to this light, pleasant, slightly sour drink. And if you are lucky enough to try homemade cider, then no one will buy it again. After all, this drink, made with your own hands from homemade apples, will forever remain an alcoholic favorite.

The good thing about homemade wine is that you can adjust its strength and sweetness to your own taste. Preparing it is quite simple, the main thing is to choose the appropriate recipe and strictly follow it.

Manufacturing nuances

Like any other alcoholic drink, apple cider has its own manufacturing nuances. Of course, preparing apple wine is quite simple, but you should prepare for this process in advance and know its main stages and features.

For cooking homemade wine from apples, you will need (except for raw materials):

  • juicer or meat grinder (for the most simple option grater);
  • two containers where the wine will mature and ferment;
  • air outlet tube.

The process of making wine itself consists of several main stages:

  1. Preparation of raw materials;
  2. Processing raw materials using a juicer or meat grinder;
  3. Infuse the resulting juice for several days in a separate container without a lid;
  4. Removing husks from juice;
  5. Adding sugar;
  6. Fermentation of wine in closed containers and removal of excess oxygen (up to 45 days);
  7. Wine maturation (2-4 months).

There is not much mechanical work in this process; more time is spent on ripening and fermenting the wine. But the result will please you with its soft taste with pleasant sourness. This natural wine does not contain harmful preservatives or impurities.

Selection and preparation of raw materials

The taste of wine always (!) depends on the raw materials, so you should pay attention Special attention selection of apples and their preparation. Fruits are divided according to the degree of maturity, ripening period, sugar content and acidity. Each variety of apple is suitable for making a specific type of wine, so it is worth remembering that:

  • table wines are made from sour varieties;
  • dessert wines – from sweet, non-acidic varieties with increased sugar content;
  • dry wines - from carrion (unripe fallen varieties).

The ideal option for wine would be apples that ripen in the fall and in the first month of winter, since they are stored for a long time, unlike summer ones. A bouquet can be made from apples different varieties to achieve a special taste, for example, take 3 parts sweet apples and 2 parts sour apples or vice versa, depending on personal preferences. All these nuances should be taken into account in the first stages of selecting raw materials, which must go through the following stages of preparation:

  1. Select apples: not wormy, without foulbrood or damage;
  2. Don't wash them! It is enough to wipe with a napkin or remove dirt with a brush;
  3. Remove damaged areas and core with a knife;
  4. Grind the apples using a meat grinder or juicer, depending on availability and recipe. If these devices are not available, then you can simply grate the apples;
  5. Place the resulting porridge in bottles and begin preparing the wine.

The process of preparing raw materials is not complicated. It is only important to select the correct apples by variety and acidity in order to ultimately obtain the ideal apple wine.

Classic recipe

The most popular and standard homemade apple wine contains nothing but raw materials and sugar. The result obtained applies to table wines (their strength is 10–12 degrees). This wine can be stored for up to 12 months (provided it is prepared from apples of the sweet and sour autumn variety).

  1. Prepare raw materials: select and sort apples, remove damaged areas and core. Grind them through a meat grinder or juicer;
  2. Pour the resulting puree into a container and cover it with gauze or a thin cloth that allows air to pass through;
  3. Leave for 3 days, stirring the contents every 8–12 hours;
  4. After three days, it is necessary to remove the husk (skin);
  5. Pour in water and add half the sugar;
  6. Pour all the liquid into a separate fermentation container;
  7. The container should have a water seal or its neck should be covered with a glove;
  8. After 4 days, it is necessary to open the water seal and drain 200 ml of wort using a tube;
  9. Dissolve another 400 grams of sugar in the wort and add the wort back to the wine;
  10. Close the shutter and leave for another 4 days;
  11. Repeat the procedure with the wort;
  12. Leave the wine to ferment at a temperature of 20–22 degrees (not lower than 18 and not higher than 24 degrees);
  13. As soon as the wine stops fermenting (after 40 days), the shutter will stop gurgling (the glove will deflate);
  14. Pour the wine into a new container, close tightly and leave;
  15. Every couple of weeks you should separate the wine from the sediment;
  16. As soon as the drink becomes clear, pour it into bottles and store it in a cool place.

Homemade apple cider: a simple recipe

Cider differs from wine in lower strength, but its sweetness can always be controlled by adding more or less sugar. This drink is perfect for dinners cold winter or friendly get-togethers.


  • apples – at least 7 kg;
  • granulated sugar - at the rate of 200 g per 1 kg of raw materials.

Time spent: 7 days + 70 days of fermentation.

Calories: 105.

Making homemade wine from apple jam

To prevent the abyss apple jam, which no one has eaten over the winter, you can start making wine from it. This recipe does not involve the use of sugar, so the wine is sour.

  • purified water - 5 l;
  • raisins - 100 gr;
  • apple jam - 3 l.

Time required: 2 hours +1.5 months of fermentation.

Calories: 230 calories.

  1. Remove the jam from the jars and place in a large saucepan;
  2. Add water and boil for 10 minutes. To prevent the jam from burning, you need to stir it constantly;
  3. Remove the jam from the heat and condemn;
  4. Wash wine bottles;
  5. Place the jam in the bottle so that 1/5 of the container remains free;
  6. Distribute the raisins evenly among the bottles;
  7. Cover the neck of the container with gloves or gauze;
  8. Leave the jars to ferment for 1.5 months in a warm place;
  9. At the end of fermentation, the gloves will fall off and the drink will become transparent;
  10. Pour the wine into bottles.

How to make fortified homemade wine from apples

By preparing wine according to this recipe, you can get a strong drink at 14-15 degrees.

  • apples (sweet and sour) – 6 kg;
  • vodka – ¾ tbsp.;
  • raisins – 200 gr;
  • sugar – 2 kg 200 gr.

Time spent: 2 hours + 3 weeks of fermentation.

Calorie content: 220 kcal.

  1. Grind the prepared apples into puree;
  2. Pour boiling water over raisins, cut into small pieces;
  3. Mix sugar (2 kg), puree and raisins;
  4. Place the puree into a bottle with a narrow neck and close the bottle with a rubber glove;
  5. Pierce a hole in one finger of the glove. You can also use a water seal instead of a glove;
  6. Leave the wine to ferment for 3 weeks;
  7. After 3 weeks, strain the wort;
  8. Pour the remaining sugar into the wort and leave to infuse in a separate closed bottle;
  9. After 10 days, add vodka to the wort, shake well and bottle;
  10. Leave the wine to mature for a couple of months.

Homemade dessert wine recipe

Soft dessert wine (15 degrees) is very loved by women, and when it is prepared by the caring hands of her husband, it seems doubly tastier. After a year of storage, the wine will taste similar to port.

  • sweet apples – 11 kg;
  • pears – 1 kg 200 g;
  • raisins – 200 gr;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Time required: 8 days + fermentation time.

Calories: 240.

  1. Pass apples and pears through a juicer;
  2. Pour boiling water over the raisins and let them steam;
  3. Cut the raisins in half and add to the juice;
  4. Place the puree in wide-necked containers and tie them with gauze;
  5. Stir the puree 4 times a day;
  6. After 4 days, strain the mixture and pour it into a bottle along with 500 grams of sugar;
  7. place a water seal or glove on the neck of the bottle;
  8. Leave for 4 days;
  9. Add another 300 grams of sugar, after mixing it with the poured wort (this can be done using a straw);
  10. Leave for another 3 days;
  11. Throw in the remaining sugar and wait until the end of fermentation;
  12. Carefully pour off the wine so that the sediment remains in the bottle;
  13. Strain the drink;
  14. Pour it into a clean bottle and seal it tightly;
  15. Wait until the wine turns light, and then pour it again (leaving sediment) into long-life bottles.

Recipe for making dry apple wine

This wine contains a small amount of sugar, so it has a sour but spicy taste.


  • apples – 5 kg;
  • sugar – 100-150 g per 1 liter;
  • water – 2.5 l.

Preparation time: 2 hours + month of fermentation.

Calories: 150.

  1. Prepare the apples and chop them to a puree using any suitable tool;
  2. Fill the fermentation containers ⅔ full with the resulting mass;
  3. Distribute the sugar evenly among the containers;
  4. Wrap the neck of the container with gauze;
  5. The mass must ferment for at least four days;
  6. Then strain the mixture;
  7. Pour the juice into new clean containers;
  8. Leave to ferment, covering the necks with gloves;
  9. Strain and bottle;
  10. Store in bottles in a cool place.

To make your homemade wine aromatic and tasty, you should know that:

  1. You should not wash apples before making wine, as wild yeast accumulates on their skins. But thanks to these yeasts, the fermentation process occurs;
  2. For homemade All varieties of apples are suitable for wine (the color or ripening time does not matter). It is only important to use ripe, juicy fruits;
  3. By mixing different varieties, you can get interesting blends. The combination of sour and sweet apples tastes especially good;
  4. You can add water only if you are using unripe and sour apples. Then apple wine is diluted in a proportion of 100 ml per 1 liter.

Having decided what kind of wine you want to get in the end, you should choose a variety of apples and start preparing the drink, following the recipe and taking into account useful tips.

Hello again! Today we will make wine from apples. But before you start the cooking process, weigh all the pros and cons, since the cooking technology is not easy and requires wise decision-making.

Of course, if you have a large fruit harvest this year and you have already made or cooked it, then making a decision will be much easier. After all, it would be a pity if the fruits were lost; it would be better to actually make a delicious homemade drink out of them.

In fact, I recommend that you first first and very carefully study all the information on the technology for preparing a homemade drink. Analyze all the nuances and subtleties, prepare required material and only then start working.

If you are new to winemaking, then you have come to the right post, as in it you will find recipes, tips, and detailed description the whole process. After reading the article, I think you will come to the following conclusion: it is not so difficult to prepare an intoxicating drink if you have a juicer and time)!

Well, are you ready? Then go ahead and sing!

To prepare apple wine, choose the following varieties: sour, sweet and sour, sweet and tart.

Before cooking, consider the degree of ripening of the fruit. If you choose summer varieties, then you can use them immediately; if you choose autumn varieties, then it is better to let them lie in a dark place for several days after harvesting so that they ripen. Winter varieties must first be left for 3-4 weeks in a dry cellar and only then processed into raw materials.

The recipe below allows you to store the drink for a long time. It does not turn sour or mold.


  • Apple juice - 1 l;
  • Sugar - 280 gr.;
  • Water - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Pass the apples through a juicer and pour the resulting juice with the remaining pulp into one container. Leave the mixture for three days in a warm place to allow the fermentation process to begin.

2. Do not forget to periodically stir the wort during this period.

3. Well, after 3 days, strain the juice from the pulp. Measure the exact amount of already pure juice. For every liter of juice you need to add 100 ml of water.

Now be careful, I’ll tell you how to add sugar. It is added per 1 liter of pure juice (that is, do not include water) in 4 doses:

  • 1 day - 100 gr.;
  • Day 4 - 30 gr.;
  • Day 7 - 30 gr.;
  • Day 10 - 20 grams.

Please note that it is best to first dilute the sugar in a small amount of wort and only then pour this syrup back into the bottle. Mixing the contents in bottles is strictly prohibited.

5. On the very first day, cap the bottles, then insert a PVC hose (easy to buy in the store). The hose is needed to allow the carbon dioxide produced during the fermentation process to escape.

If you use jars as containers, then put nylon lids on them and punch a hole in them, then insert a hose and cover it with plasticine around it.

Next, be sure to make a water seal. It is needed to prevent oxidation of the juice, otherwise you will not get wine, but vinegar. Thanks to the water seal, gas will escape, but oxygen will not enter.

6. The drink should be left in this state for 1-1.5 months. Through given time fermentation should end:

  • the gurgling should stop;
  • the juice itself will lighten a little;
  • and the pulp particles should stop moving.

Now carefully drain the juice from the sediment using the same PVC hose. Discard the sediment.

7. The simplest thing remains: pour the wine into bottles and close with corks. Place the preparations in a cool place and leave for a month. After a month, the liquid will become transparent and acquire a beautiful amber color.

8. After a month, drain the juice from the sediment again and bottle it. And to each liter of drink add sugar in the following amount:

  • dessert wine - 100-160 g;
  • liqueur - 200 grams.

Be sure to dissolve the sugar in a small amount of slightly warmed wine before adding.

9. That's all. Homemade drink is ready. Of course, it is advisable not to drink it immediately, but to cork it and leave it to age for another 2-4 months.

A simple recipe for making an apple juice drink

Very important point When preparing intoxicating wine, it is a matter of adding and calculating sugar. Therefore, I found recommended and proven proportions:


  • Apples;
  • Sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Gather and sort the harvest: leave ripe and juicy fruits. Broken apples work too, just cut off the bad part (but it's better to use unbroken fruit).

3. Pour the resulting juice into a deep container and leave for three days. During this time, the pulp will turn into pulp and directly into the juice itself.

Don't forget to stir the contents at least once a day.

4. Now remove the pulp by straining through cheesecloth or a sieve. In this case, immediately pour the juice into a container in which the drink will subsequently ferment. Just don’t fill the container to the top, as you need room for the gas and foam released.

5. The next step is adding sugar. To obtain dry wine you need 200 grams. sugar per 1 liter of juice, for a dessert drink - 400 grams. Add sugar, but do not stir the contents.

  • take a small tube and place one end directly into the container with the drink, and secure the other in the lid of the reservoir;
  • You can put a medical glove on the bottle, but first pierce it with a needle over the entire area;
  • or use special plastic tips.

It is very important that oxygen does not enter the drink, otherwise you will get vinegar.

7. Leave the drink in this state for 30-45 days. And after the specified time, separate the juice from the sediment. The sediment is not needed, throw it away. Pour the juice into bottles, seal them and put them in a dark place for 2 months. If during this time a sediment forms again, you can strain the drink again.

To make the wine more expressive, you can safely add cinnamon or anise when serving. And you can add honey to the heated drink.

How to make wine from white wine

Be sure to keep in mind that it is strictly forbidden to wash fruits. After all, it is on the peel that the necessary yeast lives, and if you wash it off, the end result will be a complete failure. So try to pick the fruits on a clear and not rainy day.


  • Apples - 5 kg;
  • Egg white - 1 piece.

Cooking method:

1. Pick apples. Sort them, removing rotten and wormy fruits.

Apples need to be collected from trees, not fallen ones.

Do not wash the fruits. Cut them into slices and pass through a meat grinder.

2. You should succeed apple pulp. Transfer it to a steel or glass container and leave it at a temperature of 18-22 degrees, while tightly covering the contents with a lid. The workpiece should stand in this form for a week, but be sure to stir the juice every day and a couple of times a day so that it does not turn sour.

On day 7, strain the liquid and squeeze out the pulp.

3. Place the remaining pulp in a gauze bag and hang it over a wide bowl. During the day, the juice from the cake will drain. In fact, you don’t have to perform this procedure, but simply throw away the pulp.

4. Pour all the juice you received into a container with a water seal.

It is better not to use a medical glove as a water seal; it does not allow the wine to fully “breathe.”

5. Leave the preparations for 2 weeks. At first the liquid will be active, then moderate, and then quiet. Sediment forms at the bottom. Therefore, after time has elapsed, filtering needs to be done. Simply strain the liquid using a thin silicone hose into a sterile container and discard the sediment.

After 2-3 weeks, repeat the filtration again.

6. If filtration does not help you and the drink is not completely clear, then use the following method. Perfectly separate the white from the yolk and beat it with a little clean water, and then dissolve in a small amount of wine and add to the drink. Leave for 2 weeks under a water seal.

7. After 2 weeks, the protein will be deposited at the bottom of the dish, carrying with it all the remaining pulp. Filter the wine again and bottle it, seal the containers and leave in vertical position in a dark and cool place.

8. After a month, you can enjoy homemade wine, but it is better to save it until winter.

Step-by-step recipe for making homemade dry wine

Also pay attention to the following point:

Before sealing the bottle, make sure it is full to capacity. This is necessary so that the wine does not sour from contact with air.

Well, the aging period of the drink varies from 2 to 4 months.


  • Apple juice - 6.5 l;
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • Water - 5 liters.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the fruit into pieces and pass through a juicer. Leave 7-8 fruits for fermentation.

2. Sourdough is made as follows. Cut the skin off the apples, making sure to cut so that a waxy coating containing yeast cells is preserved on the surface. Place the cut skins in three liter jar and fill with sugar syrup. Leave for 2 days in a warm place.

The syrup is made from the following calculation: 1 glass of sugar per 1 liter of water.

3. Now you need to prepare the wort. To do this, pour the resulting juice into a glass container, add sugar and mix everything well. Pour in water. Then pour the wort into convenient containers, add the starter and leave to ferment. Remember, the fermentation process must take place under a water seal (see previous recipes).

4. After 10 days, filter the drink and bottle it. Seal and store in a cool, dark place. Leave for at least 1 month before use.

DIY apple and pear wine

I would like to suggest making a version with the addition of pears. The manufacturing process is the same, but the taste is different. So if you have already mastered all the nuances of winemaking, then it’s time to try new recipes.


  • Pears - 2 kg;
  • Apples - 2 kg;
  • Sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Wipe the fruit with a dry cloth and remove the core. Extract the juice using a juicer.

2. Pour the pear and apple juice into one convenient container and cover with a thin towel. Leave the liquid for 3 days for the juice to infuse.

It is important to periodically stir the contents on days 1 and 2, but on day 3 it is better not to touch the juice so that the pulp settles.

3. On day 4, filter the consistency and add sugar. Sugar is added at the rate of 250 g. for 1 liter of wine. Install a water seal and leave for 10 days. After 10 days, filter again and bottle the drink. Seal tightly with corks and store for 1.5-2 months in a cool, dark place.

Video recipe for homemade apple wine

By the way, homemade apple wine is very healthy, as it preserves vitamins A, B and C, minerals and other useful substances. So a glass of drink will save you not only from depression, but also from many other ailments. The main thing is to drink in moderation)!

Simple wine without juicing at home

In conclusion I would like to offer enough quick way making liqueur. Usually, the intoxicating drink is still made with the extraction of apple juice, but sometimes you can try to make wine without it. In my opinion, this technology is good when the number of fruits is simply huge.


  • Sour apples - 6.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Collect fruits and wipe with a cloth. Cut into cubes, removing all damaged parts, stems and core.

2. Then sprinkle the fruits with sugar and leave them in a non-oxidizing container for fermentation. Cover the mixture with a towel. When a sour smell appears, grind the resulting pulp using a blender.

3. Transfer the pulp into a clean container. Put a medical glove on the neck and prick your finger on it. Place the container in a room with a temperature of 18-23 degrees. When the fermentation process begins, the glove will inflate, but when it deflates, this will indicate the end of fermentation.

4. After fermentation is complete, filter the drink from sediment using a hose. Pour clean wine into sterile bottles and place in a cool place. And after two weeks, repeat the filtration again. Then pour it into bottles again, seal them, and put them in a storage place.

Well, it's time to sum up. The process of making homemade wine from apples consists of several stages: picking and preparing the fruit, obtaining and settling the juice, adding sugar, fermentation, filtration, ripening. Only by following all the steps and tips described in the article above will you get a delicious intoxicating drink. The main thing is to do everything with love and follow technology. I hope everything works out for you!

What if the apple trees produced such a large harvest that you filled half the cellar with compotes and jams, but it only decreased by half?

Make homemade wine from apples: a recipe without yeast allows you to get a completely natural and healthy drink with a unique taste and smell. Let's find out how, following simple technology, you can get a relaxing and delicious wine from the apple harvest at no extra cost.

To prepare a drink slightly stronger than cider, we use the following ingredients:

  • 15 kg of ripe apple slices;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 2.4 kg granulated sugar.

Wine from apples without yeast according to a simple recipe is made from raw materials of any color and ripening period, the main thing is that they have time to ripen and are juicy. Some winemakers mix different varieties of apples, even sour and sweet ones, and get more delicious wine than from one variety.

How to make homemade wine from apples without yeast

For homemade apple wine, fruits plucked from trees and picked from the ground will do. The main thing is not to wash them, otherwise the natural yeast will be washed away. Dirt is removed with a dry cloth. Having sorted through and, if necessary, rubbed the raw materials, we proceed to the production of a homemade wine drink.

  • We remove the seeds from the apples along with the core: they will make the drink bitter. For the same reason, we cut off rotten areas. Cut the apples into slices.
  • We pass the raw apples through a juicer, resulting in translucent juice with particles of pulp. In the absence of a device for squeezing three apples on a grater, obtaining a liquid pulp.
  • Place the juice or puree in an enamel container for three days, cover with a cloth and keep warm, stirring the contents several times a day. Yeast spores penetrate it, and the mass begins to divide into pulp and pure juice, which is why apple wine is made at home without yeast - wine or other.
  • When the juice forms on top dense layer pulp, carefully remove it and throw it away, leaving only a thin film in the pan - 3-5 mm. At this time, the smell of alcohol should emanate from the wort, indicating the beginning of the fermentation process.
  • Mix the wort with water and half the norm of sugar, mix well, install a water seal or a glove with a hole and keep it in a warm, dark corner until the end of the fermentation process.
  • Four days after placing it under the seal, drain a liter of wort, dissolve 600 g of granulated sugar in it and pour it back. Repeat adding the remaining sugar on the eleventh day.
  • If 50 days have passed and fermentation has not ended, pour the juice into a clean bottle, separating it from the sediment, and put it under the seal until the end of the process.
  • Fermented apple wine without yeast, prepared according to a simple recipe, is poured through a thin hose or tube into a vessel treated with boiling water, corked and left in a cool place such as a cellar for aging, draining the drink from the sediment every 15 days.
  • As soon as sediment stops forming and the liquid becomes light, pour the wine into sterile bottles, seal it tightly and keep it in the cellar or refrigerator.

Here's how easy it is to make wine from apples without yeast! As a result, you will get a low-alcohol drink with a pronounced fruity aroma and a strength of about 12 percent. Store it for no longer than three years, or better yet, use it within the next couple of years and make a new wine.

Now you know how to prepare homemade wine from apples: a recipe without yeast allows you to get a clear drink with a characteristic taste and aroma without foreign impurities. Stock up on apples, master the simple technology of making wine drinks and make healthy aromatic wine for your personal needs and for treating your friends!

Home winemaking became known many centuries ago. Proverbs and ancient monuments serve as evidence. Wine used to be available high society, priests. Nowadays it is a publicly available product. He has exquisite taste. It is known that homemade wine is prepared from almost any fruit. For example, apple wine can be made at home using a simple recipe, just like grape wine. On the pages of my blog I will share with you my easiest favorite recipes.

First, let's collect the “right” apples

Before you start making wine, I want to give you some tips on choosing apples:

  1. Poorly ripened or overripe fruits are tasteless. It is better not to use them for making apple wine, because they do not have enough sweetness, aroma, or acidity.
  2. It's good if you have your own garden or a couple of apple trees in your yard. If not, and you want to make homemade wine from store-bought apples, you should know that store-bought fruits are often coated with a special wax. They will not give the necessary fermentation, the wine will be spoiled.
  3. It is better to buy this fruit from trusted sellers.

Apple wine at home: a simple recipe with a glove

Many gardeners and summer residents prefer to make homemade apple wine. All vitamins and microelements are preserved in the wine drink. Have you ever made homemade wine? It’s worth deciding to make this drink. I assure you that you will like the wine and you will make it all the time.

There are many ways to make it, but I will share the simplest apple wine recipe that can be easily made at home using a glove.

You will need:

  • 10 kilograms of apples;
  • 1.6 kilograms of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water.

A little about raw materials. You can use any apples, but the best taste qualities Homemade wine is obtained from autumn varieties with a sweet and sour taste. They can be from one tree or from several, which is much more effective.

The collected fruits of summer varieties are processed immediately. Autumn ones are allowed to rest for about five days. Winter ones should sit for two weeks before processing. Sort the finished fruits, remove rotten and damaged ones. Be sure to remove the core with seeds, otherwise the wine will be bitter.

Important! Do not wash apples to avoid loss of natural yeast.

Grind the prepared fruits. It is better to do this using a juicer. If it is not available, twist through a meat grinder and grate. Place the resulting product in an enamel pan, cover with two-layer gauze, secure in a circle with an elastic band, leave in a warm place for three days, stirring the contents 2-3 times a day.

On the fourth day, remove the pulp from the surface, add water (preferably spring or well) and half the sugar. Stir, pour into the bottle, leaving a space of 10 centimeters to the top of the neck. This space is necessary for the foam and carbon dioxide released during fermentation. Put on a rubber medical glove with your finger pierced by a needle. Leave to ferment.

On the fifth day, drain a glass of wort, dissolve two glasses of sugar in it, pour it back into the bottle, put on a glove, and leave to ferment. We carry out the procedure using a rubber tube, which will prevent agitation of the sediment. After 4 days, repeat everything with the remaining sugar. Fermentation continues. Its completion is indicated by a deflated glove.

Advice! If after a month and a half the fermentation has not stopped, pour the wine from the sediment into a clean jar or bottle, put on a glove, and after a few days the fermentation will stop.

Pour the finished wine into clean jars, close, and leave to settle. Two or three times a month, drain the apple wine from the sediment. Pour the fully clarified wine into bottles and store it, drinking as needed.

You have learned the recipe for excellent table wine. To get fortified wine, you need to increase the amount of sugar or add half a liter of vodka. Put on a glove and leave for further fermentation for 10 days. Then send it for ripening. This wine is stored better, but the taste deteriorates and the aroma is reduced.

Eat different ways making wine. I want to offer a simple recipe for apple wine without pressing the juice, prepared at home.

Homemade apple wine without juicing

We will need:

  • 20 kilograms of apples;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar.

We take ripe apples and sort them. We cut out the rotten areas, remove the tails; very dirty fruits can be wiped with a dry paper towel.

Important! There is no need to wash apples; their skin contains natural yeast.

Remove the core and cut the fruit into slices. We need to get puree, so we pass the fruits through a meat grinder. Transfer the resulting pulp into a large enamel pan and cover with a lid. Stir the drink several times a day, preferably with a wooden spoon. For three days.

During these days, the pulp will form a cap over the juice; it must be removed on the third day. Now we will gradually add sugar at the rate of 300 grams per 1 liter of juice. Immediately add 100 grams of sugar to the resulting wort and mix well.

After five days, add 0.5 cups of sugar and pour the wort into a bottle.

We make a small hole in the nylon cover and insert the tube into it. We close the bottle with the wort with such a lid. The end of the tube must be lowered into a jar of water. This is how the fermentation process will occur. After five days, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, add the last 2 tablespoons after another five days. The wine will ferment for a month, maybe two.

Important! The drink should be kept warm at 22-25 degrees. If there is a temperature change, the wine will stop fermenting and will be spoiled.

If sediment appears after a month, it means the wine can be poured into three liter jars. Pour the wine carefully so that it does not mix with the sediment. Cover the resulting drink with a nylon lid and place it in a cool place. The wine must mature for four months. If sediment appears during this time, pour the wine again into another bottle.

The wine is very tasty, amber in color, with a pleasant aroma of apples. In small quantities it is even useful. During production it is not subjected to heat treatment, thus retaining a lot of vitamins.

To make the recipe more clear, you can watch a video on how to make wine from apples at home simply and without any hassle.

I would also like to tell you about one recipe for apple wine, which can be prepared at home without using yeast. We will replace them with raisins.

Apple wine with raisins

For this recipe we will need:

  • 10 kilograms of apples of different varieties;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 100 grams of raisins of different varieties for sourdough.

We use several varieties of apples to ensure that the wine has a richer taste and an unusually pleasant aroma.

Usually, when making wine, apples are not washed, but since we will add raisins, they will play the role of natural yeast. Cut the washed apples into four parts, remove the seeds, and grind in a meat grinder. Add a kilogram of sugar and unwashed raisins to the resulting puree, mix everything well.

To be sure of the quality of the raisins, we will take a small amount of this berry and make a starter. Pour one tablespoon of raisins (unwashed) into 0.5 cups of warm water, add one tablespoon of sugar. Cover with gauze and leave in a warm place for three days.

Reference! It is better to take several varieties of raisins and make a starter from each variety. After three days, determine which raisins fermented better and use those to make wine.

Transfer the applesauce and raisins into a glass container. We put a medical glove on the neck, having first pierced it with a needle.

After about a month, pour the wine into a clean jar and discard the sediment. Taste for sweetness; if the wine is too sour for you, add sugar. We close the jar tightly with a lid, lower it into the basement or place it in a cool, dark place. The wine will be ready in five months. We filter the matured wine using gauze and bottle it. The wine is ready to drink.

On a note! If you like fortified wine, you can add 150 grams of vodka to it before storing. But the taste will be harsher.

Now you know that from apples you can make not only juice, jam, jam, but also make excellent wine.

Wine from apple pomace after juicer

In our garden there are several apple trees of different ripening periods. One of the apple preparations is juice. After the juicer, apple pulp remains, and we decided to make wine from it. The result was a good, amber-colored, aromatic, light apple wine. I'll tell you how to do it step by step.

Making homemade wine starts with raw materials. Ripe apples are best. Do not wash fruits before processing. You can wipe it with a dry cloth. Remove damaged, rotten areas.

Important! Be sure to clean out the core. The dishes used for preparing wine must be doused with boiling water. The cake must be used immediately to avoid molding and souring of the wine material.

Let's look at how to place wine:

  1. We take a suitable container (glass, enamel), fill it two-thirds of the volume with the remaining raw materials from the juicer.
  2. Pour half a glass of sugar for each kilogram of cake, pour in unboiled cold water. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. During fermentation, foam forms, so the contents of the container should not reach 10 centimeters to the top of the neck.
  4. Cover the dishes with gauze in several layers, leave for 4 days to ferment in room conditions. Stir it a couple of times a day.
  5. If the wort is in a saucepan or tank, pour it into bottles, install a water seal, or use a rubber glove. Place in a dark place for 10 days, shaking daily. Then strain through a fine sieve.
  6. For ten liters add half a kilo of sugar.
  7. Place for fermentation with a glove or water seal. Total time fermentation takes about one and a half months.
  8. We drain the young wine from the sediment and send it to the cellar to settle for at least three months, ideally half a year.
  9. Three times a month we pour the wine, freeing it from sediment. After the formation of sediment stops, the wine is ready to drink.

I'll tell you the simplest recipe for making apple wine. To make it you will need sliced ​​dried apples. I’m sharing the secret of how to make wine without sugar.

It is better if the apples are autumn varieties with a sweet and sour taste. Leave the harvested crop to rest for a week or two. Then remove damaged, rotten ones and chop them. This will be the raw material for making wine. You can use the pulp after the juicer.

Place a layer on the bottom of the barrel dried apples. They contain fresh crushed or cake. Fill completely cold boiled water. Close the container tightly and put it in the basement for a month. Pour the finished product into a jar or bottle. The wine turns out sour due to the lack of sugar. If desired, you can sweeten before use.

Advice! The pulp remaining in the barrel can be filled with water a couple more times to repeat the process. The resulting wines can be mixed or consumed separately.

You can always go to the store and buy a bottle of wine for the holiday. But homemade wine, made with your own hands, is still better. You know that there is nothing superfluous, no impurities in it. Did you find out simple recipes how to make wine from apples and grapes at home. All that remains is to use them.