Homemade apple wine in a bottle. Apple season – we make a bouquet of wine from apples without pressing. Technology of homemade apple wines without juice - advantages and disadvantages of making wine from apple pulp - Women's opinion - Ekaterina Danilova

If there is a bad apple harvest at the dacha, then this is an excellent reason to prepare delicious homemade apple wine. This drink delights with its rich taste and gradually reveals pleasant fruity notes. The product will not only be an excellent drink for feasts, but will also help you process and not lose a single gram of ripe fruit. How to cookhomemade apple wine, simple step by step recipe We suggest you read it.

A bountiful harvest of apples contains fruits of varying quality and degree of ripening. As a rule, the highest quality apples taken from the branch are stored fresh. The following are used for preparations in the form of jam and compotes. Most of the fallen fruits in such situations will remain on the ground, especially if they have become spoiled or wrinkled.

However, it is an excellent raw material for makingapple wines at home using simple step-by-step recipes, which will be presented below. The basic rule of winemakers is that apples cannot be washed. On the surface of the fruit there are natural yeasts necessary for high-quality fermentation and the desired fermentation. Therefore, even if the apples have been picked up from the ground, it is enough to wipe them with a damp cloth to remove any remaining soil and dust.

Thus, even overripe and slightly spoiled fruits are suitable for production. It is important to go through them, cut off damaged and broken fragments. You also need to separate the seeds and cut out the core. The rest of the raw materials will be further used in in full for productionDIY apple wine.

Let's do homemade apple wine

Today you can find many recipes for making such a drink. Before you begin the process, it’s worth considering that you won’t be able to get a quick result. To get good delicious wine it will take more than three months. Therefore, we must be patient and proceed directly to cooking.

Classic recipe

This is the easiest recipe to make homemade apple wines step by step . It is based on the principle, so it is the simplest option.

To make apple wine at home we will need:

Apple wine recipeinvolves the addition of sugar, it is worth remembering that its amount directly affects the strength of the drink. Therefore, if you want to get a stronger wine, then the amount of sugar during the fermentation period can be increased.

  1. To prepare the drink, the fruits prepared in advance must be crushed using any in a convenient way. This can be a meat grinder, grater, blender and any other available tools. The main thing is to choose containers made of stainless steel, glass, wood or enamel-coated to avoid oxidation.
  2. The resulting mass must be placed in a large container so that it does not escape during the fermentation process and placed in a warm place, covered with gauze. During the first 24 hours, you need to constantly stir and remove the thick crust that forms on top several times a day. At this stage, the wine is aged for about a week (7-10 days).
  3. Then you need to strain the resulting wort and squeeze out the excess pulp. At this stage, sugar should be added to the resulting liquid and slightly diluted with water. The ratio is indicated in the recipe. Sugar must be completely dissolved before adding to the wort; to do this, you can heat the liquid until completely dissolved and, after cooling, pour it into the future wine.
  4. Pour the wine into a glass bottle and close it with an airtight lid with a water seal. If the latter is not available, then it can be replaced with a medical glove with a hole for the release of carbon dioxide. This is necessary in order to limit as much as possible the flow of oxygen into the container and at the same time organize the release of carbon dioxide released during the fermentation process.
  5. The container with the drink is sent for active fermentation to a dark and warm room. An inflated glove or active bubbles in the water seal will indicate that the process is in the active stage. As soon as the bubbles subside or the glove drops, you should pour the wine into another container, separating it from the sediment. To do this, use an overflow using a hose, placing the container on a hill and the empty, clean container down.

Apple wine at home using a simple step-by-step recipey ready. Alcohol content 8-9%. For a more impressive result, you should let the wine mature. Aging and maturation have great value to reveal the flavor range of the drink.

Fortified apple wine

The previous recipe produces a light wine. If neededsimple step-by-step recipe for making wine at homewith a high alcohol content, then we follow the further recommendations.

Ingredients of the fortified drink recipe:

  • apples, for fortified wine it is better to use sweet and sour varieties, in quantities of 5-6 kg or as much as you have;
  • raisins no more than 200 g;
  • vodka 150 ml or alcohol in appropriate proportions;
  • granulated sugar approximately 2.2 kg.

How to make wine from appleswith increased strength? The essence of preparing the drink differs little from the recipe described above, with a few exceptions.

  1. We prepare apples using standard techniques, separate the core and cut into pieces. Grind in any convenient way until pureed.
  2. Steam the raisins in warm water and cut them.
  3. The mass obtained from apples must be mixed with sugar and raisins, then sent for primary fermentation in a warm place. Be sure to install a water seal or wear a glove over the neck. Primary fermentation lasts three weeks.
  4. Upon completion of the fermentation process (after 3 weeks), it is necessary to strain and get rid of any remaining pulp. Add 200 grams of sugar, having previously dissolved it. Pour into the bottle and close the container.
  5. After 10 days, you need to open a bottle of wine, pour in vodka and bottle it.

The result is a wine with an alcohol content of about 14%. To obtain stronger alcohol, you can add more vodka.

In the summer, many housewives prepare soft drinks to quench their thirst; fresh juices, compotes and iced teas are especially popular. However, when it comes to outdoor recreation with barbecue or an evening in a warm friendly company, then homemade wine made from apples is the best that can be offered to guests. The drink turns out to be especially tasty if you make it yourself, because the preparation technology is simple and the taste is amazing.

Homemade apple wine: low alcohol recipe

If there are a lot of ripe apples in your garden, hurry to collect them before they begin to deteriorate and rot. In addition to the fact that you can eat them raw, make jam or compote from them, you can also make wonderful apple cider, better known to everyone as apple wine.

To ensure that the cooking process is easy and the result does not disappoint, please note: simple tips on the preparation, processing and transformation of fresh fruits into high-quality homemade wine.


  • Apples - to taste;
  • Sugar – quantity is determined by the weight of the apples.

Stage 1. Preparing apples for pressing

First of all, we need to clean the fruits from dirt. It is not recommended to wash apples, but wiping them with a soft brush or dry cloth is a must.

After we wipe the fruit, we proceed to cutting out wormholes, damaged and rotten areas, if any. It is also advisable to remove the core with seeds.

Stage 2. Preparation of wort

We process apples using a juicer or grater. Of course, it is better to use a juicer, since it immediately produces pure apple juice, without pulp. After grating, apple pulp will remain in the juice, which means that you will also have to squeeze the resulting mass by hand.

Pour the apple juice into a container with a large neck. Without closing it, we leave the product alone for 3 days. For the first 2 days, stir the contents (to speed up the fermentation process), on the third day it is better not to touch the juice at all. After 3 days, the juice will begin to ferment; moreover, it will separate in the container into 2 parts: the pulp and the apple juice itself.

We remove pulp from the surface of the drink. We reserve one cloudy juice for later use.

Stage 3. Determine the amount of sugar

You can make homemade wine from apples completely without sugar, but most people still prefer to feel at least a slight sweetness in such a drink. This is why regular sugar is often added to wine.

Everyone must determine the amount of sweetness for themselves, based on their own taste, and also based on what type of wine you would like to get.

Depending on the amount of sugar in apple juice, there are 3 types of apple wine:

  • Dry – 200 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice;
  • Semi-sweet – 300 g per 1 l;
  • Dessert (sweet) – 400 g per 1 liter.

Stage 4. Sealing

Pour the apple juice diluted with sugar into a large, airtight container. It must be filled to 80% of the total volume. Don't forget to leave free space, since quite a lot of foam and gases will be released during the fermentation process.

The resulting gases must be removed from the vessel using a special thin tube. We attach one end of this tube to the hole in the lid of the “apple” container, and lower the other end into a bottle of water. Thanks to this, gases can escape freely, without allowing air to enter the tube.

If air gets into the juice, the result will not be wine at all, but real vinegar.

Stage 5. Proper storage of wine at home

We remove the container with the drink for a month in a poorly lit place. The temperature at which homemade apple wine should be stored should not exceed 20°C.

After 1-1.5 months of storage, the wine will need to be drained from the sediment, pouring the drink into a clean, sterilized container, filling it to the very brim.

Transfusion must occur through a siphon - a special tube designed to transfer liquid from vessel to vessel. It is important for us that as little apple pulp as possible remains in the wine.

Again, put the container with homemade wine in a dark place for 2 months. At the end of this period, the wine is last time strain and bottle into clean bottles.

This completes the preparation of apple wine at home. Its approximate shelf life after complete preparation is one year. Unlike homemade cherry wine, the low-alcohol apple drink does not become stronger when aged. So you can drink it immediately after preparation, which takes a total of about 5 months.


  • Apples – 10 kg + -
  • — 2 kg + -
  • — 1 l + -
  • Vodka – 150 ml + -
  • White raisins – 100 g + -
  • Sugar - 1 glass (added to strained wine) + -

Step-by-step preparation of apple wine

For lovers of strong alcoholic drinks, there is a recipe for delicious apple wine. To give it a light strength, we will take vodka, and to cause fermentation, we will use white raisins. The advantage of this recipe, compared to the previous one, is the faster preparation time. In just 1-1.5 months, the summer drink will be ready for consumption.

  1. We select good ripe fruits for wine, wipe them with a dry cloth, and remove the core.
  2. Cut the apples into medium pieces and twist the slices in a meat grinder.
  3. Pour sugar (2 kg) into the crushed apple mass, as well as washed, dried raisins. Mix the products, transfer the mixture into a glass (large) bottle.
  4. If the mass turns out to be a little dry (this happens when the apples are not too juicy), then add 1 liter of water to it.
  5. Keep the resulting mass at room temperature. Under such conditions, the wort will easily ferment and begin to form gases. As soon as gases appear, you will need to pull a rubber medical glove over the neck of the bottle (it must be secured at the bottom with tape). We pierce one “finger” on the glove. This will block the access to oxygen, but will allow carbon dioxide to escape.
  6. After 3 weeks from the moment of fermentation, be sure to filter the apple wine, pouring the drink from one container to another through 3-4-layer gauze.
  7. The sediment remaining at the bottom of the bottle after pouring is transferred to a thick gauze filter, then squeezed out. The transparency of the apple wine will depend on this.
  8. Pour 1 tbsp into the strained drink. sugar, seal the container with the wine with a lid, put it in a cool, dark place for another 1 week.

When the wine has matured, pour vodka into it, mix everything, pour it into bottles and store it in the refrigerator or cellar.

Homemade apple wine is a delicious drink, although it takes quite a long time to prepare. The labor-intensive process of preparing it is worth the result you get in the end. Don’t forget that homemade wine will cost you several times cheaper than store-bought wine, especially if the apples grew in your own garden. Take advantage of the generous gifts of nature - and enjoy the excellent taste of an exquisite drink.

Bon appetit!

Apple wine made at home does not require large financial costs and professionalism. However, if certain taste requirements are met, a homemade alcoholic drink will not be inferior to one bought in a store.

Selection of raw materials and preparation of dishes

Before you start working on apple wine at home, it is useful to familiarize yourself with some recommendations from experts.

Any apple fruit is suitable as a raw material, from overripe or dried to carrion, i.e. unripe fruits that have fallen from the branches. It all depends on what type of alcohol you plan to make. So, for example, for a dry dessert drink you should take unripe fruits. Pourable, juicy apples are suitable for dessert alcohol.

If you make wine from overripe apples, its shelf life is short (about 1 year). Therefore, in cases where it is planned to store the drink for more long time, you should take sweet and sour ripe fruits for it.

Apple juice can be made by mixing different types apples The bouquet of the drink will have a special aroma and taste if you take sweet and sour fruits in a 2:1 ratio. Winemakers often use sweet, tart and sour fruits as raw materials, combining them in a 1:1:2 ratio.

It is not recommended to wash apples, because the liquid will remove microorganisms necessary for fermentation from the surface of the fruit. The fruits are wiped with a dry cloth, and then the core is removed and the rotten areas are cut off. Apples affected by worms should not be used for making alcoholic beverages.

Apple wine is not recommended to be made from fruits that are produced on an industrial scale. This is explained by the fact that such fruits are often covered with special wax or chemical composition to save longer. When interacting with yeast, the wine may not ferment or may end up tasteless.

The container for apple juice wine should be taken in such a way that it closes tightly, preventing air from passing inside. But it is necessary to ensure the release of gas, since its accumulation can lead to the drink fermenting. The best option would be a water seal. You can use a simple rubber glove, piercing it with a needle on one of the fingers.

The duration of preparing a homemade alcoholic drink from apples can reach 50 days, after which the alcohol is aged for another 2-3 months until it reaches the desired strength and taste qualities.

Classic apple wine recipe

In order to make apples classic recipe, you need to take 10 kg of fruit, 2.5 liters of water and 1.6 kg of granulated sugar.

The apples should be sorted and minced through a meat grinder. You can use a juicer. The resulting puree is placed in a container and gauze is secured on top. The mass should be infused for 3 days. Every 7-12 hours it must be stirred well. After the specified time has elapsed, the pulp should be removed, i.e. floating pulp, leaving a thin layer of 0.5 cm. Then add water, add sugar (about 0.7 kg) and pour the resulting mass into a container with a water seal.

After 4 days, you should remove 200 ml of wort through a straw and dissolve 300 g of sugar in it. Then the wort is poured back into the container. After 3 days, this process is repeated.

The room temperature for fermentation should not be less than 18ºC or exceed 24ºC. The most suitable temperature is 21-22ºС. You can tell that the process is nearing completion when the noise from the water seal stops. If a glove was put on the bottle, the gas will completely escape from it and it will fall.

The apple wine is poured into a clean bottle, which is tightly closed, and the liquid is allowed to settle. Every 10-14 days the drink is drained, leaving a sediment. When the liquid becomes transparent, pour into fine glassware. The alcohol content in such a product can reach 12º.

Fortified apple wine

A stronger alcoholic drink from apples can be prepared by taking 6 kg of unripe fruits, 200 g of black currants or sultanas, 2 kg of sugar, and 160-180 ml of vodka.

Puree is made from pre-sorted fruits, for which you can use either a meat grinder or a juicer. The currants or sultanas are crushed. Then 1.8 kg of sugar is dissolved in the puree, currants/sultanas are added and poured into a bottle with a narrow neck, at the base of which a shutter is installed.

After 3 weeks, the resulting wort is filtered. Over the next few days, add the remaining sugar in equal portions, while again tightly closing the container. After 9-11 days, vodka is added to the mixture, after which the liquid is thoroughly shaken. After this, bottling is carried out. Wine made from apples in this way can reach a strength of 14º.

Preparing apple wine at home without fixing it can cause the drink to ferment and turn into vinegar. Its consumption even in small quantities can cause great harm to health.

Dry apple wine recipe

Dry apple wine can be prepared by taking the following ingredients: 11 kg of apples, 2.1 liters of water and approximately 460 g of granulated sugar.

The juice is squeezed out of the fruit, and the resulting mass is lightly sprinkled with sugar. Then the ingredients are poured into a closed container, which has a special water seal. It is necessary to monitor the fermentation process. As soon as it is completed, the apple wine should be filtered by passing through a cloth or gauze. This procedure should be done until the color of the wine acquires a light shade. Then the apple juice wine is distributed into bottles and sent to infuse in a dark place with a low temperature.

Dessert apple wine

Using pear fruits, you can make homemade apple wine, which is classified as a dessert drink. You will need 10 kg of apples, 1.4 kg of pears, 200 g of raisins and approximately 1 kg of sugar.

The fruit is made into puree. Chopped raisins are added to it. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured into a bottle that is tightly closed for a day. During this time, the mass should be thoroughly mixed 3-4 times using a wooden spatula. After the time has passed, 0.4 g of sugar is added to the liquid and a gas outlet is installed on the container.

Over the next few days, fermentation will occur in the bottle and the liquid will darken. After 4-6 days, another 200 g of sugar is added to it. The remaining sand is poured out after another week.

The finished apple juice wine is filtered until it turns light. Then it is bottled.

The strength of this alcoholic drink can reach 16º. At long-term storage(more than a year), such a wine may acquire flavor nuances characteristic of port wine.

Many people have thought at least once in their lives about making wine with their own hands. In fact, anyone can make this tasty, healthy and invigorating drink at home.

Wine is made not only from grapes, but also from other berries and fruits. Let's consider in this article: how to make homemade apple wine, general recommendations for preparation and several popular recipes.

To make apple wine at home correctly, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • Learn how to follow the entire sequence of a particular recipe and only then proceed to action..
  • If your goal is to learn how to make wine according to several recipes, start with more simple ways. Winemakers advise starting with making dessert and fortified apple wine. These types of drink do not require special equipment. In addition, summer varieties of fruit do not need to be prepared in the same way as autumn and winter varieties.
  • Choose carefully the raw materials and equipment for preparing the drink. For example, if using a plastic container, make sure it is suitable for storing food. Otherwise, there is a chance that the wine will come out with a chemical aftertaste.
  • If this is your first time using a water seal or its analogues: a tube, a glove, find out in more detail how to make a drain. The container may burst if this device is installed incorrectly. For example, when using a medical glove on cups, do not forget to make holes with a needle in the outer phalanges of the fingers on it. The larger the container, the more punctures. Usually 1-3 punctures are made on each finger of the glove.
  • Stick to average optimal temperatures for preparing the drink. For fermentation – 22-25 degrees, for ripening – 10-14, for storage – 10-15 without strong temperature changes.

Which types of apples should be used to make certain types of wine?

To make table wine or cider, it is advisable to select autumn varieties of sweet apples with a sour aftertaste. Antonovka is good for making fortified wine. To make the drink tart, you need to use wild apples. Autumn and winter varieties are suitable for producing sweet and semi-sweet wine.

Wine always has a good taste of sourness, so if you intend to use very sweet apples, it is better to add other sour fruits, berries, and dried fruits to them.

Good additives include: sloe, lemon, orange zest, rowan, raisins and others.

The benefits of homemade apple wine

Different types of wine are made from apples: dry, fortified, sweet, cider and others. Each of them saves beneficial properties vitamins and microelements of this fruit. Homemade apple wine, when consumed in moderation, has the following beneficial effects:

  • relaxes from nervous and physical fatigue;
  • lifts the mood;
  • improves stomach function;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • in the content of cosmetic products gives a rejuvenating effect;
  • strengthens the hair structure when added to shampoo;
  • helps women with hormonal imbalances;
  • accelerates metabolism and fat processing, therefore serves good remedy for those who want to lose weight;
  • protects against the development of cancer.

Apple wine at home - a simple recipe

This method is one of the easiest for making wine from apples. When properly prepared, the drink turns out to be no more than 12 degrees in rpm content.


  • 20 kg apples;
  • 2-3 kg of sugar.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Wipe the apples with a clean, dry towel. They cannot be washed in water, as the yeast necessary for fermentation will be lost.
  2. Remove seeds from fruits. They are harmful and spoil the taste.
  3. Squeeze the fruit in a juicer or grate it. The main thing is to get puree with juice.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into a jar. Cover it with gauze to protect it from insects. Let the mixture sit for 3 days. The pulp will rise to the top, separating from the juice.
  5. Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon 4 times a day. When it has brewed, on the third day, remove the pulp with a spoon or colander.
  6. Depending on the sweetness of the variety, add 100-150 g of sugar per 1 liter of drink. Accordingly - than apples are sweeter, the less sugar you need. Mix the future drink well.
  7. Wait 5 days, then add the same amount of sand and mix.
  8. Install a water seal.
  9. Every 5 days, add the same portion of sugar.
  10. For good fermentation, you should pour the composition into an airtight container and drain it. Bottles work well. After pouring the composition into them, make holes for the tube and insert them there.
  11. Place a glass next to each bottle and insert straws into them. This promotes the release of carbon dioxide from the mixture and closes it off from oxygen, which prevents fermentation.
  12. During the fermentation stage, the drink should be kept in a room with a temperature of 23-26 degrees. This process will take one to three months.
  13. When this stage is completed, sediment will appear at the bottom. This is an indication that the wine has fermented well.
  14. Pour the drink into another container without sediment. Place it to ripen in a cooler room with a temperature of no more than 15 degrees. The second stage of infusion will take 3-4 months.
  15. Watch for sediment. When it appears, pour the drink into another container. If no sediment appears within two weeks, the wine is ready.

It has an amber color and a pleasant apple aroma. Shelf life – 3 years.

Apple fortified wine

This homemade apple wine recipe requires the addition of an alcoholic beverage. Here we will look at the method containing vodka. The wine will have a strength of 12-16 degrees.


  • 10 kg apples;
  • 2 kg sugar;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 200 g vodka.

Prepared in the following order:

  1. Wipe the fruit with a dry cloth.
  2. Remove the seeds.
  3. Grind the fruits in a meat grinder or on a grater, mix them with sugar and raisins.
  4. Place the composition in an airtight container and install a water seal.
  5. Leave the future drink to ferment in a warm room with a temperature of 24-26 degrees for 3 weeks.
  6. After this time, sediment will appear at the bottom of the container. Pour the mixture into another container, add 1 cup of sand and stir it.
  7. Let the drink steep for another 2 weeks.
  8. Then, pour it again into another container, getting rid of the sediment, and add vodka.
  9. Mix the mixture and move the container to a cooler room for 3 weeks.

This wine has a golden color, sweet and sour taste and the smell of fresh fruit.

Homemade semi-sweet

This type of drink is prepared using the same technology as those mentioned above. Only you need to add more sugar to it - 250-300 g per 1 liter of mixture.

Cooking technique:

  1. Clean any dirt or rot from the fruit with a rag.
  2. Grind them in a way that suits you.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a container, covering it with gauze.
  4. When pulp appears on the surface, stir it into the mixture.
  5. After 5 days, remove the pulp from the future drink. Leave a thin layer of pulp - about half a centimeter.
  6. Divide the sugar into 10 equal portions. Add one to the composition and stir. Then add and stir sugar in this amount every 5 days.
  7. Install a water seal.
  8. Infuse the drink for a month and a half at a temperature of 20-25 degrees.
  9. After this, the semi-sweet wine will be ready. In order to improve its taste, it should be allowed to stand in a cool place for another 4-5 months. In this case, it is necessary to regularly free the composition from sediment.

How to make apple wine with raisins

To make wine with a special taste, you should add other fruits, dried fruits, and berries. Raisins serve as a good catalyst for fermentation. Therefore, if your goal is to make wine tastier and faster, this method will suit you.


  • sweet apples – 10 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • unwashed raisins – 100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Sort through the apples, clean them of dirt, rot and seeds.
  2. Grind on a grater or in a meat grinder.
  3. Add 2 kg of sugar and 100 g of raisins to the resulting mass. There is no need to wash dried fruit so that it does not lose its main property in making wine - accelerating fermentation.
  4. Transfer the composition into a bottle and seal it with a punctured rubber glove.
  5. After 21 days, strain the mixture through cheesecloth and add 200 g of sugar. Stir it until completely dissolved. Close the mixture tightly and place in a dark room.
  6. After 2-3 months, the drink needs to be filtered. You can add 100 ml of vodka.
  7. Pour the resulting wine into clean containers and store in a cool room.

Recipe for apple wine with chokeberry

Apple wine with the addition of chokeberry has a tart, astringent, pleasant taste. In addition, it is very good for health: it stabilizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and improves tone and mood.


  • apples – 3 kg;
  • chokeberry – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the apples from dirt, rot and seeds and chop.
  2. Grind the rowan.
  3. Mix the fruit with chokeberry and 330 g of granulated sugar.
  4. Place the composition in an airtight container, add warm boiled water, cover with a cloth and place in a warm room.
  5. Install a water seal.
  6. After a week, add another 330 g of sand and stir until dissolved. The mixture needs to be stirred every day.
  7. After a week, add the last portion of sugar and shake the mixture.
  8. Stir the drink for 14 days. Then leave it to steep in a cool room for a month.
  9. If sediment appears, the composition should be filtered and poured into other containers.

Making a drink from compote

From a spoiled home apple compote you can make wine.


  • compote – 3 liters;
  • sugar – 200-250 g;
  • raisins – 50-100 g.

Cooking technique:

  1. Pour the compote into another jar, add sugar and raisins and mix the ingredients.
  2. Put a medical glove on the neck of the jar and leave the mixture to ferment in a dark room for 2 weeks.
  3. After this time, remove the pulp from the mixture and strain it through cheesecloth.
  4. Let it steep in a dark place for 2 months, pouring the wine periodically to get rid of sediment.

The drink should be clear, uniform and tasty.

After looking at these recipes, it's clear that making wine isn't that easy, but it's not that difficult either. With the intention, anyone can make a quality drink. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of experienced winemakers and follow a clear sequence of actions according to the given recipes. The wine combines beneficial and taste properties. As the creator of penicillin, Alexander Fleming, said: “Antibiotics cure people, but only wine can make them happy.”

Apple wine is not only tasty, but also healthy

Not every gardener still knows how to make homemade wine from apples from their own harvest. This information is especially useful for beginners. There are several winemaking secrets that make the original product more tasty and aromatic. You should definitely familiarize yourself with them so as not to make major mistakes.

Do not wash fruits before sending them for processing. The fact is that the skin contains a lot of beneficial bacteria (yeast) that promote natural fermentation. Under no circumstances should they be washed off. If the apples are too dirty, wipe them with a dry, clean cloth. Before preparing wine, rotten parts of the fruit are cut off and the center is removed.

Homemade apple juice wine is prepared in several stages:

  • preparation of future wort;
  • fermentation process;
  • bringing to the conditioning stage;
  • excerpt.

Even a beginner can make homemade cider

But the utensils for preparing apple wine, on the contrary, are thoroughly washed and dried. If possible, sterilize the container. If third-party impurities are absent from the initial wort, the final product will be more tasty and with a bright aroma. During the fermentation process, the container is closed with a water seal or a medical glove is tightly put on, after first piercing one finger with a needle. This will prevent the wine from turning into vinegar and will serve as a kind of indicator of how fermentation is proceeding.

Home review apple wine

The room in which the procedure for preparing homemade wine will take place must be protected from direct sunlight. The air temperature is maintained at +18…+24°C. It would be ideal to place the containers in the kitchen or pantry.

Step-by-step recipe for making homemade dry wine from apples

Before covering the preparation technology, it will be useful to know the name of apple wine. You've probably already heard about the concept of "cider". The preparation procedure is simple. Having mastered the theoretical material, even a beginner can experiment with preparing different types of product. The technology is no different from the classical one. The only thing is that dry wine should contain less sugar. For 1 liter of juice only 100-150 g of sugar is taken. The dose cannot be reduced, because in this case the fermentation process will not occur.

Surplus harvest can be easily processed into delicious wine

If a bountiful harvest has ripened in the garden and it is not possible to process it in full, then it is advisable to make homemade wine from apples. We will give you a simple recipe now. The apples are pre-prepared, but not washed. If the fruits are dirty, you can wipe them with a dry, clean cloth.

Review of making homemade apple wine

More details at: http://forum.chzda.ru/forum22/topic191.html

To ensure that the final product is without bitterness, the seeds are immediately removed from the fruit. The prepared apples are passed through a meat grinder (grated, squeezed through a juicer). Ideally it should be puree. It is transferred to a suitable jar and covered with a cloth to prevent insects from getting in. The drink is kept in this state for 3 days. During this time, the pulp will separate from the juice and float to the top. Every day the juice is mixed with a wooden spoon, and on the fourth day the pulp is carefully collected.

Wine retains all the beneficial substances from fresh fruits

Sugar is added to the drink as needed. The first portion is poured immediately after removing the pulp, and then 2 more times every 5 days. For the process to proceed correctly, the wine is poured into an airtight container with a water seal. You can use a medical glove by making a hole in one of the fingers with a needle.

The temperature in the room where fermentation occurs must be maintained at +22...+25°C. The procedure lasts from 1 to 3 months. When the wine is finished, sediment will appear at the bottom. After this, the finished product is carefully poured into a clean container and sent for ripening in a cool, dark room. The container must be hermetically sealed. If sediment appears again, the liquid is poured again into a clean container. The wine is considered fully prepared only when no sediment is visible at the bottom for 2 weeks. The maximum shelf life of dry apple wine is 3 years.

Making semi-sweet apple wine at home

What sorts of apple wine have they gotten the hang of making? People came up with a name for it a long time ago, but the recipes continue to be improved even now. A very popular semi-sweet drink made from natural selected fruits at home. To make it, you will need to take about 300 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice. This is prepared as follows.

Semi-sweet apple wine is ideal for home feasts

The apples are carefully wiped, spoiled or rotten areas are cut out, and the seed pods are removed. The fruits are twisted through a meat grinder or ground on a grater, passed through a juicer. The resulting puree is poured into a container of the required volume and covered with a thick cloth. After a couple of days, pulp floats to the surface, which needs to be stirred regularly (several times a day). After 5 days, the pulp is collected.

Feedback from a novice winemaker on making apple wine

More details at: http://forum.chzda.ru/forum22/topic191.html

The total amount of sugar is divided into 9 equal portions. Every 5 days, another portion of sugar is added to the wort. Fermentation should take place in an airtight container, on top of which a water seal is installed, or a medical rubber glove is worn. You should make a small hole in it with a needle. The drink ferments for 45 days at a temperature of +20°C. After this period, the cider is carefully poured into a clean container and sent to a cool, dark room for six months to age. To ensure that there is no sediment in the finished product, it is poured into a clean container 2 times a month, leaving the grounds at the bottom.

A bottle of homemade cider will decorate the festive table

A simple recipe for making homemade fortified wine from apples

How to make apple wine at home so that it has increased strength? Yes, very simple. Only for this you will need to add alcohol-containing drinks (for example, vodka) to the final product. As a result, the cider should have a strength of 12-16°. The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. Apples are wiped from dirt and dust, cut into pieces, and the core is removed.
  2. Grind the fruits in a meat grinder.
  3. Sugar and raisins are mixed with the resulting puree.
  4. This mixture is poured into an airtight container and sealed with a water seal.
  5. The container is left in a warm room for 21 days (until the fermentation process is completed).
  6. After the characteristic sediment appears, the liquid is carefully poured into a clean container and a glass of sugar is added, mixing thoroughly.
  7. The drink is again left under the water seal for another couple of weeks.
  8. Again, separate the cider from the sediment and pour in vodka (at the rate of 200 g per 10 liters of liquid).
  9. Mix the wine thoroughly, seal it tightly and send it to a cool room for 3 weeks.

Drinking wine in moderation is beneficial for the body.

The drink is completely ready to drink.

How to make wine at home from apple preparations - manufacturing nuances

You can make delicious homemade apple wine not only from freshly harvested apples. The video gives a hint that cider can also be made from derivative products, for example, jam, juice, wine and even compote. Of course, the taste characteristics will differ, but the quality of the original product remains the same. high level. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of preparing apple wine from derivative products.

How to make homemade wine from apple juice

The juice makes excellent cider. This will require 6 kg of apples, 2 times more water and about 3.5 kg of sugar. The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. Place the apples cut into pieces into a pan and press down with a heavy press.
  2. Half of the sugar and water are used to cook the syrup, which is poured over the apples.
  3. The container is placed in a cool room for 40 days.
  4. After the specified period, the liquid is poured into a clean container, and a portion of syrup is again added to the remaining apples and left for the same period.
  5. After 40 days, the liquid is drained again and mixed with the first portion, and then sent to a dark and cool room for six months.
  6. After the specified time, the drink is drained from the sediment and sent to the refrigerator for a month.

Cider has not only excellent taste, but also a rich history

Homemade wine is ready, its strength will not exceed 7°.

How to make wine from apple compote at home

It often happens that compote preparations spoil or are stored for longer than two years. It is clear that you can no longer drink this drink, but wine made from apples (its name is cider) can turn out excellent. You will need to take a handful of raisins and about 300 g of sugar for 3 liters of compote. The preparation procedure is simple and looks like this:

  1. Pour compote into a clean bowl, add sugar and raisins, mix thoroughly.
  2. A water seal or medical glove is placed over the neck.
  3. The container is sent to a dark room for fermentation for 2 weeks.
  4. After 2 weeks, the pulp is carefully removed and the liquid is filtered through gauze.
  5. The drink is poured into a clean container, covered with a lid and sent to a dark room for 2 months.

Properly prepared cider looks very beautiful in a glass.

You should regularly check for sediment in your wine. When it is detected, the liquid is drained and the grounds are left at the bottom. Such manipulations are carried out until the formation of sediment is noticed within 2 weeks. The wine will be clear and soft in taste.

Recipe for making wine from dried apples at home

How to make homemade wine from apples? It’s as simple as shelling pears, even if these same apples are not freshly picked, but dry. You will need to take 1 kg of dried bread, 3 kg of sugar and 8 liters of water, yeast. The dryings are crushed to a pulp using a blender or meat grinder. Thus, the fruit will release more nutrients into the drink.

Add sugar (half the prepared quantity) to the resulting slurry and pour boiling water over it. Nothing else is added until the vessel has completely cooled. Next, the liquid is filtered and the cloudy sediment is removed. The second half of the sugar is dissolved in warm water and mixed with the yeast until it is completely dissolved. This mass is poured into a vessel with apple juice and close it with a water seal (put on a medical glove). You must not allow air to get into the container, otherwise you will end up with sour vinegar instead of tasty wine.

To prepare a homemade drink, not only fresh but also dried fruits are used.

In principle, such a product is ready for use immediately after fermentation is complete. Only its taste qualities will not be fully revealed. To achieve maximum effect, the drink is kept in a cool room for several months.

How to make wine from apple jam at home

What is not used to make apple wine at home? A simple recipe for making it from jam (for example, old and unused). You will need to take jam and water in equal proportions, as well as seedless raisins (based on 100 g of raisins per 1 liter of jam). The drink is prepared as follows.

The jar is sterilized, and boiled water cool down. If the jam is unsweetened, then additionally prepare sugar syrup (a mixture of water and sugar in a 1:2 ratio). The jam and syrup are placed in a prepared container, and raisins are added there, which will act as yeast here. The vessel is covered and sent to a warm room for 10 days.

You can make great wine from old jam

When the pulp appears on the surface, it is carefully collected. At this point, another clean vessel is prepared. The liquid is filtered and poured into a clean jar. A water seal or medical glove is put on top. The product will ferment for about 40 days. The completion of the process will be indicated by a deflated glove or the absence of air bubbles in the water seal.

The wine is decanted, bottled and sent to a dark, cool room for a couple of months. After the specified period, the drink is poured into a clean container, leaving sediment at the bottom, and sent for storage. The strength of the original product is about 13°.

Beautiful photos with glasses of homemade apple wine entice gardeners to prepare this amazing drink. However, after this, the question arises of how to properly preserve it so as not to lose its marketability and taste. There are certain tricks and features here.

Apple wine has a relatively short shelf life

By general rule wines are stored in special cellars. This room should not only be dry, but also protected from mold and any rot. Otherwise, not only the taste of the wine will suffer, but also its aroma (even if the bottle is tightly closed). It is recommended to maintain a constant temperature of +8°C throughout the year.

The container must be tightly sealed. When exposed to air, wine oxidizes and its taste is greatly reduced. In order for the product to be stored better, it should be pasteurized first. The protruding piece of cork is cut off, and the neck of the bottle is filled with paraffin, wax or sealing wax.

It is recommended to store wine bottles in horizontal position. This is done so that the inner edge of the cork is constantly wetted. In this case, the closure will maintain its density; air will in no way get into the bottle. If you plan to store the drink for a very long time for the purpose of aging, then the bottles should be buried in the ground in the basement to make it easier to maintain the required temperature regime and avoid temperature changes.

A homemade drink is ideal for welcoming guests

The taste of wine is influenced not only by the preparation technology and storage method, but also by the variety of apples from which it is made. To achieve a good result, you can mix several varieties, which together form a successful bouquet. In conclusion, it is worth saying that homemade apple wine retains all the beneficial substances and vitamins contained in fresh fruit. That is why in moderation this drink is very useful if there are no medical contraindications.