How to make apple wine at home. Homemade apple wine

What if the apple trees produced such a large harvest that you filled half the cellar with compotes and jams, but it only decreased by half?

Make homemade wine from apples: a recipe without yeast allows you to get a completely natural and healthy drink with a unique taste and smell. Let's find out how, following simple technology, you can get a relaxing and delicious wine from the apple harvest at no extra cost.

To prepare a drink slightly stronger than cider, we use the following ingredients:

  • 15 kg of ripe apple slices;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 2.4 kg granulated sugar.

Apple wine without yeast simple recipe They are made from raw materials of any color and ripening period, the main thing is that they have time to ripen and are juicy. Some winemakers mix different varieties apples, even sour and sweet, and get more delicious wine than from one variety.

How to make homemade wine from apples without yeast

For homemade apple wine, fruits plucked from trees and picked from the ground will do. The main thing is not to wash them, otherwise the natural yeast will be washed away. Dirt is removed with a dry cloth. Having sorted through and, if necessary, rubbed the raw materials, we proceed to the production of a homemade wine drink.

  • We remove the seeds from the apples along with the core: they will make the drink bitter. For the same reason, we cut off rotten areas. Cut the apples into slices.
  • We pass the raw apples through a juicer, resulting in translucent juice with particles of pulp. In the absence of a device for squeezing three apples on a grater, obtaining a liquid pulp.
  • Place the juice or puree in an enamel container for three days, cover with a cloth and keep warm, stirring the contents several times a day. Yeast spores penetrate it, and the mass begins to divide into pulp and pure juice, that’s why apple wine made at home without yeast - wine or other.
  • When the juice forms on top dense layer pulp, carefully remove it and throw it away, leaving only a thin film in the pan - 3-5 mm. At this time, the smell of alcohol should emanate from the wort, indicating the beginning of the fermentation process.
  • Mix the wort with water and half the norm of sugar, mix well, install a water seal or a glove with a hole and keep it in a warm, dark corner until the end of the fermentation process.
  • Four days after placing it under the seal, drain a liter of wort, dissolve 600 g of granulated sugar in it and pour it back. Repeat adding the remaining sugar on the eleventh day.
  • If 50 days have passed and fermentation has not ended, pour the juice into a clean bottle, separating it from the sediment, and put it under the seal until the end of the process.
  • Fermented apple wine without yeast, prepared according to a simple recipe, is poured through a thin hose or tube into a vessel treated with boiling water, corked and left in a cool place such as a cellar for aging, draining the drink from the sediment every 15 days.
  • As soon as sediment stops forming and the liquid becomes light, pour the wine into sterile bottles, seal it tightly and keep it in the cellar or refrigerator.

Here's how easy it is to make wine from apples without yeast! As a result, you will get a low-alcohol drink with a pronounced fruity aroma and a strength of about 12 percent. Store it for no longer than three years, or better yet, use it within the next couple of years and make a new wine.

Now you know how to prepare homemade wine from apples: a recipe without yeast allows you to get a clear drink with a characteristic taste and aroma without foreign impurities. Stock up on apples, master the simple technology of making wine drinks and make healthy aromatic wine for your personal needs and for treating your friends!

Greetings, my dears!

Today I will teach you how to make amazing apple wine at home and tell you how to do it easily and simply. Moreover, the day after tomorrow (August 19, 2018) will come Apple Spas. Do you know why it was remarkable in ancient times?

The fact is that previously it was on this day that caring housewives began to prepare for the winter. Moreover, in Orthodox tradition Apple Spas became the first day of eating this fruit in the new season. So you and I still have today and tomorrow to harvest apples and make delicious wine from them on Sunday.

By the way, it contains a large number of useful acids and tannins, vitamins (A, B and C), minerals and phytoncides with pectins. This wine normalizes blood sugar levels, strengthens nervous system and improves immunity. The main thing is to know how to prepare it correctly.

Experienced winemakers advise fermenting apple juice and pulp in complete darkness at a temperature of 22-28 degrees. If the room is cold, it is recommended to put a warm winter jacket or blanket over the bottle with a water seal to maintain the required fermentation temperature. And if this is not enough, then a hot water bottle placed under a jacket or blanket can act as an additional source of heat.

But the most important rule in apple winemaking, do not wash the collected fruit under any circumstances. After all, their peel contains special microorganisms that contribute to the normal process of natural fermentation. Real winemakers do not add yeast to the drink. So let's get started.

How to make wine from apples at home without squeezing the juice and without adding yeast?

Apple wine prepared according to this recipe turns out to be very light and at the same time beautiful - amber in color. Instead of yeast we will use crushed grapes or raisins.


  • 2 kg apples
  • 4.5 liters boiling water
  • sugar
  • 1 kg grapes

Finely chop the apples without cutting out the core. Only rotten and wormy areas of the fruit need to be cut off.

Place the prepared raw materials in an enamel bucket with a lid, fill it with boiling water (just not to the brim!) and add sugar. When the infusion has cooled a little, put well crushed grapes in it and cover everything with a lid. Place in a warm place to ferment for 4-5 days.

Strain the contents of the bucket, pour into a bottle and add 200 g of sugar for each liter of wine. Then install a water seal or put a rubber glove on the neck of the container, first piercing 3-4 holes in it with a needle, and put it in a cool place for five months.

How to quickly make homemade wine from fresh apples using a juicer?

Reader Irina shared this recipe with me. She said that her husband prepares very tasty apple wine every year using this technology. So take it on board!

We will need:

  • 4 buckets of apples (about 14 liters of juice)
  • 2.8 kg sugar

Cooking method in stages:

We prepare the apples as follows: do not wash them, but cut off the rotten and wormy places.

Using a juicer, prepare apple juice, pour it into the prepared container and remove as much foam as possible, add 1 kg of sugar. Next, you need to wait for the fermentation process, which will begin within three days. All this time it is necessary to stir the juice regularly.

When the “cap” appears, carefully remove it.

Pour the fermented juice into a bottle, add another kilogram of sugar and install a water seal. After 5-7 days, add another 800 g of sugar to the container with the drink and put it in a cool place for about a month.

Apple wine at home - a simple recipe without added sugar

This divine drink is prepared by real winemakers who do not tolerate adding sugar, water or yeast to it. However, the wine turns out to be dry and sour in taste - in general, it’s not for everyone.

To begin, prepare:

  • Apples in any quantity
  • Containers for pulp
  • Wine fermentation bottle
  • Good mood

Cooking method in stages:

Do not wash the apples, clean them from rot and cut them into slices.

Grind the fruits in a blender or food processor.

We place the ground slices of fruit into containers, filling them no more than 2/3, and cover the top with gauze or a towel.

For 5-7 days, place the containers in a warm place and stir daily to prevent mold. The pulp should rise, but not touch the covering cloth.

Now we need to squeeze out the fermented juice from the finished raw material through cheesecloth.

Tip: pass the finished juice through a colander in a bucket so that the future wine contains as little pulp as possible!

We saturate the wine with oxygen for better fermentation. To do this, take a mug and within 2-3 minutes scoop the drink from the bucket and pass it through a colander again.

We get such a beautiful shade of fermented apple juice, which will soon become the most natural dry wine.

Pour into a bottle and put a water seal on the neck, put the container in a warm place. In about a month our alcoholic drink will be ready, bon appetit!

How to make wine from apples and chokeberries at home?

For this recipe, chokeberries must be collected when they are overripe. Then the wine will be sweet and have a deep taste.


  • 2.5 kg apples
  • 5 kg chokeberry
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1.5 kg sugar

Cooking method in stages:

Do not wash the berries and apples, clean them from rot, and cut the fruits into slices. We scroll the wine raw materials in a juicer.

Attention: a twin-screw juicer is best suited for these purposes, since it squeezes out 90% of all the juice!

Pour the resulting juice into a clean container, filling it no more than two-thirds of the total volume. We throw away the cake or recycle it. Next, the technology is as follows: add 750 g of sugar to the juice, cover the container and place it in a dark, warm place for three days to allow the raw materials to ferment, not forgetting to stir it regularly (a couple of times a day is enough).

Then we remove the “cap” that has formed on top, pour the juice into a bottle, add water and another 750 g of sugar and put a water seal on the neck. We leave the future wine in this way for a month so that it “ripens”.

Prepare delicious wine from apples using a recipe using water and gloves

I am publishing this recipe specifically for those who are used to cooking the old fashioned way and using a rubber glove instead of a water seal. Despite this, the wine turns out aromatic and pleasant to the taste.


  • 5 kg apples
  • 5 liters of water
  • 1 kg sugar

Cooking method in stages:

Cut the apples into slices, using a special device.

Place the fruit pieces into a clean container.

Grind the fruit using a blender, food processor or drill. Fill with water, cover with gauze, place in a warm place and stir daily for three days.

Strain the fermented juice through cheesecloth into a bottle, add sugar.

Put a rubber glove on the neck of the container, in which a hole must first be pierced with a needle. When the glove is deflated, it is necessary to pour the wine into containers and put it in the cellar.

How to make homemade wine from apple juice?

If you have a desire, you can experiment with store-bought apple juice. However, keep in mind that only straight-pressed drink will do. And even then the result is not guaranteed. Therefore, it is better to use freshly prepared juice from your own country supplies for such wine.

We will need:

  • Apple juice – 6 l
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg
  • Honey – 300 g

Cooking method in stages:

Pass the apple juice through a colander to remove as much suspended matter as possible. Add 750 g of sugar, cover the container with the raw materials and place in a warm place for three days, remembering to stir it regularly during this entire time.

Remove the top layer (“cap”) from the fermented juice, pour it into a bottle, add another 750 g of sugar and place a water seal on the neck. After a week, add honey and leave the wine to ferment for another three weeks.

Remove the alcoholic beverage from the sediment using a dropper tube.

Our wine is ready! It should turn out to be such a beautiful amber color.

How to make wine from summer varieties of green apples at home?

Using this recipe, preparing a drink will not be difficult even for novice winemakers. The main thing is to observe the necessary proportions and technology.


  • Bucket of green apples
  • 2.5 kg sugar
  • 3.5 liters of water

Cooking method in stages:

Peel the apples from rot, cut each fruit into four parts and place them in a clean container.

Add half a kilo of sugar.

Pour 3.5 liters of cool water into a container with raw materials boiled water.

Leave for five days to ferment.

Press the fermented raw material and pour the juice into a 10-liter bottle.

Add 2 kg of sugar to the container and place a water seal on it. Within a month the wine will be ready.

Video tutorial on how to make apple wine at home using a very simple recipe

As you may have noticed, in winemaking there are basic principles and personal secrets of each master or amateur. So, those who live in cold corners of Russia advise laying a sheet of plywood on the cool floor in the room, and placing a bottle of wine on it so that it ferments better.

At the second stage (after removing the “cap” from the surface of the container), experienced winemakers advise adding a glass of natural honey instead of 200 g of sugar. This improves the taste of the finished drink, as fermentation becomes more intense and of higher quality.

The following video shows a very simple recipe for making apple wine. It differs from those already in this article, but this does not mean that the homemade alcoholic drink is less tasty. Enjoy watching!

What are you planning to cook for Apple Spas from the fresh harvest? Share in the comments and also write which apple wine recipe you liked best. I will be very glad to hear from you. See you again on the blog!

Many people have thought at least once in their lives about making wine with their own hands. In fact, anyone can make this tasty, healthy and invigorating drink at home.

Wine is made not only from grapes, but also from other berries and fruits. Let's look at in this article: how to make homemade apple wine, general recommendations for preparation and several popular recipes.

To make apple wine at home correctly, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • Learn how to follow the entire sequence of a particular recipe and only then proceed to action..
  • If your goal is to learn how to make wine according to several recipes, start with more simple ways. Winemakers advise starting with making dessert and fortified apple wine. These types of drink do not require special equipment. In addition, summer varieties of fruit do not need to be prepared in the same way as autumn and winter ones.
  • Choose carefully the raw materials and equipment for preparing the drink. For example, if using a plastic container, make sure it is suitable for storing food. Otherwise, there is a chance that the wine will come out with a chemical aftertaste.
  • If this is your first time using a water seal or its analogues: a tube, a glove, find out in more detail how to make a drain. The container may burst if this device is installed incorrectly. For example, when using a medical glove on cups, do not forget to make holes with a needle in the outer phalanges of the fingers on it. The larger the container, the more punctures. Usually 1-3 punctures are made on each finger of the glove.
  • Stick to average optimal temperatures for preparing the drink. For fermentation – 22-25 degrees, for ripening – 10-14, for storage – 10-15 without strong temperature changes.

Which types of apples should be used to make certain types of wine?

To make table wine or cider, it is advisable to select autumn varieties of sweet apples with a sour aftertaste. Antonovka is good for making fortified wine. To make the drink tart, you need to use wild apples. Autumn and winter varieties are suitable for producing sweet and semi-sweet wine.

Wine always has a good taste of sourness, so if you intend to use very sweet apples, it is better to add other sour fruits, berries, and dried fruits to them.

Good additions include: sloe, lemon, orange zest, rowan, raisins and others.

The benefits of homemade apple wine

Made from apples different types wines: dry, fortified, sweet, cider and others. Each of them saves beneficial features vitamins and microelements of this fruit. Homemade apple wine, when consumed in moderation, has the following beneficial effects:

  • relaxes from nervous and physical fatigue;
  • lifts the mood;
  • improves stomach function;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • in the content of cosmetic products gives a rejuvenating effect;
  • strengthens the hair structure when added to shampoo;
  • helps women with hormonal imbalances;
  • accelerates metabolism and fat processing, therefore serves good remedy for those who want to lose weight;
  • protects against the development of cancer.

Apple wine at home - a simple recipe

This method is one of the easiest for making wine from apples. When properly prepared, the drink turns out to be no more than 12 degrees in rpm content.


  • 20 kg apples;
  • 2-3 kg of sugar.


  1. Wipe the apples with a clean, dry towel. They cannot be washed in water, as the yeast necessary for fermentation will be lost.
  2. Remove seeds from fruits. They are harmful and spoil taste qualities.
  3. Squeeze the fruit in a juicer or grate it. The main thing is to get puree with juice.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into a jar. Cover it with gauze to protect it from insects. Let the mixture sit for 3 days. The pulp will rise to the top, separating from the juice.
  5. Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon 4 times a day. When it has brewed, on the third day, remove the pulp with a spoon or colander.
  6. Depending on the sweetness of the variety, add 100-150 g of sugar per 1 liter of drink. Accordingly - than apples are sweeter, the less sugar you need. Mix the future drink well.
  7. Wait 5 days, then add the same amount of sand and mix.
  8. Install a water seal.
  9. Every 5 days, add the same portion of sugar.
  10. For good fermentation, you should pour the composition into an airtight container and drain it. Bottles work well. After pouring the composition into them, make holes for the tube and insert them there.
  11. Place a glass next to each bottle and insert straws into them. This promotes the release of carbon dioxide from the mixture and closes it off from oxygen, which prevents fermentation.
  12. During the fermentation stage, the drink should be kept in a room with a temperature of 23-26 degrees. This process will take one to three months.
  13. When this stage is completed, sediment will appear at the bottom. This is an indication that the wine has fermented well.
  14. Pour the drink into another container without sediment. Place it to ripen in a cooler room with a temperature of no more than 15 degrees. The second stage of infusion will take 3-4 months.
  15. Watch for sediment. When it appears, pour the drink into another container. If no sediment appears within two weeks, the wine is ready.

It has an amber color and a pleasant apple aroma. Shelf life – 3 years.

Apple fortified wine

This homemade apple wine recipe requires the addition of an alcoholic beverage. Here we will look at the method containing vodka. The wine will have a strength of 12-16 degrees.


  • 10 kg apples;
  • 2 kg sugar;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 200 g vodka.

Prepared in the following order:

  1. Wipe the fruit with a dry cloth.
  2. Remove the seeds.
  3. Grind the fruits in a meat grinder or on a grater, mix them with sugar and raisins.
  4. Place the mixture in an airtight container and install a water seal.
  5. Leave the future drink to ferment in a warm room with a temperature of 24-26 degrees for 3 weeks.
  6. After this time, sediment will appear at the bottom of the container. Pour the mixture into another container, add 1 cup of sand and stir it.
  7. Let the drink steep for another 2 weeks.
  8. Then, pour it again into another container, getting rid of the sediment, and add vodka.
  9. Mix the mixture and move the container to a cooler room for 3 weeks.

This wine has a golden color, sweet and sour taste and the smell of fresh fruit.

Homemade semi-sweet

This type of drink is prepared using the same technology as those mentioned above. Only you need to add more sugar to it - 250-300 g per 1 liter of mixture.

Cooking technique:

  1. Clean any dirt or rot from the fruit with a rag.
  2. Grind them in a way that suits you.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a container, covering it with gauze.
  4. When pulp appears on the surface, stir it into the mixture.
  5. After 5 days, remove the pulp from the future drink. Leave a thin layer of pulp - about half a centimeter.
  6. Divide the sugar into 10 equal portions. Add one to the composition and stir. Then add and stir sugar in this amount every 5 days.
  7. Install a water seal.
  8. Infuse the drink for a month and a half at a temperature of 20-25 degrees.
  9. After this, the semi-sweet wine will be ready. In order to improve its taste, it should be allowed to stand in a cool place for another 4-5 months. In this case, it is necessary to regularly free the composition from sediment.

How to make apple wine with raisins

To make wine with a special taste, you should add other fruits, dried fruits, and berries. Raisins serve as a good catalyst for fermentation. Therefore, if your goal is to make wine tastier and faster, this method will suit you.


  • sweet apples – 10 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • unwashed raisins – 100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Sort through the apples, clean them of dirt, rot and seeds.
  2. Grind on a grater or in a meat grinder.
  3. Add 2 kg of sugar and 100 g of raisins to the resulting mass. There is no need to wash dried fruit so that it does not lose its main property in making wine - accelerating fermentation.
  4. Transfer the mixture into a bottle and seal it with a pierced rubber glove.
  5. After 21 days, strain the mixture through cheesecloth and add 200 g of sugar. Stir it until completely dissolved. Close the mixture tightly and place in a dark room.
  6. After 2-3 months, the drink needs to be filtered. You can add 100 ml of vodka.
  7. Pour the resulting wine into clean containers and store in a cool room.

Recipe for apple wine with chokeberry

Apple wine with the addition of chokeberry has a tart, astringent, pleasant taste. In addition, it is very good for health: it stabilizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and improves tone and mood.


  • apples – 3 kg;
  • chokeberry – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the apples from dirt, rot and seeds and chop.
  2. Grind the rowan.
  3. Mix the fruit with chokeberry and 330 g of granulated sugar.
  4. Place the composition in an airtight container, add warm boiled water, cover with a cloth and place in a warm room.
  5. Install a water seal.
  6. After a week, add another 330 g of sand and stir until dissolved. The mixture needs to be stirred every day.
  7. After a week, add the last portion of sugar and shake the mixture.
  8. Stir the drink for 14 days. Then leave it to steep in a cool room for a month.
  9. If sediment appears, the composition should be filtered and poured into other containers.

Making a drink from compote

From a spoiled home apple compote you can make wine.


  • compote - 3 liters;
  • sugar – 200-250 g;
  • raisins – 50-100 g.

Cooking technique:

  1. Pour the compote into another jar, add sugar and raisins and mix the ingredients.
  2. Put a medical glove on the neck of the jar and leave the mixture to ferment in a dark room for 2 weeks.
  3. After this time, remove the pulp from the mixture and strain it through cheesecloth.
  4. Let it steep in a dark place for 2 months, pouring the wine periodically to get rid of sediment.

The drink should be clear, uniform and tasty.

After looking at these recipes, it's clear that making wine isn't that easy, but it's not that difficult either. With the intention, anyone can make a quality drink. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of experienced winemakers and follow a clear sequence of actions according to the given recipes. The wine combines beneficial and taste properties. As the creator of penicillin, Alexander Fleming, said: “Antibiotics cure people, but only wine can make them happy.”

Apples make very good table, dessert and liqueur wines, which anyone can make with their own hands. In financial terms, apple wine is one of the most inexpensive. At the same time, by successfully selecting the composition, you can get a very interesting bouquet. Winemaking technology for preparing apple alcohol has its own secrets and subtleties.

Cooking features

Have you decided to make wine from apples at home? Then you should know some nuances, without taking into account which you are unlikely to get something worthwhile.

  • Apple varieties differ in sugar content and acidity, have different time maturation. Unsweetened apples with high acidity, including wild apples, are more suitable for table wines. Non-acidic apples with high sugar content are suitable for making dessert wines. There are also sweet and sour varieties that are considered universal. Wines made from summer and overripe apples quickly spoil, but drinks made from autumn and winter varieties store well. Antonovka is an excellent representative of late-ripening apples. Unripe carrion is suitable only for dry wines. The best bouquet is obtained from a combination of 2-3 parts of tart sweet fruits and 1-2 parts of sour ones.
  • The quality of the raw materials is critical. The apples must be good, not wormy and without rot. If you come across spoiled and damaged areas, they need to be cut out before preparing the wine, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the taste of the drink. It is advisable to also remove the cores with pits.
  • Apples do not need to be washed. Dust and small dirt can be removed using a dry cloth or a piece of clean cloth. For wine to ferment, yeast-like fungi are needed that live on the surface of the fruit, and after washing they may not remain there.
  • To make must, apples must be crushed to obtain maximum amount juice It is best to use a juicer. However, if there is none, you will have to manually grate the fruits or grind them in a meat grinder.
  • In order for the juice to ferment and separate well from the pulp, it is better to place the crushed apple mass in a warm place, remembering to stir two or three times a day with a wooden spoon. This is done to avoid souring and to ensure uniform distribution of yeast.
  • To make it easier to press the pulp, you can keep the wort in the cold a few hours before (optional) or remove its top layer with a spatula (if there is a lot). You can squeeze it with your hands through gauze.
  • All ingredients from the recipes must be added before placing in the fermentation container. apple juice. At first it is better to add only half of the sugar, the rest in portions later. This scheme is required if sweet apples are used. If there is too much sugar, fermentation can stop.
  • Apple wine, like other wines, should ferment without contact with air, while freely releasing the resulting carbon dioxide somewhere. This opportunity can be provided by a purchased or homemade device- a water seal or a simple medical glove with a small hole in the finger.
  • When fermentation is over, the young wine must be poured into another container for settling. At this point, you can add more sugar to taste. But in this case, the drink should stand under a water seal for another week. To increase the strength and better preserve the wine, you can add a little alcohol or vodka (2–15% of the wine volume). After this, the container must be tightly sealed. Lightening of the wine will indicate its maturation. At this stage it can be bottled.

If you strictly follow the preparation technology and choose the right varieties, apple wine will turn out very tasty. Its golden color and pronounced, but unobtrusive, apple aroma will definitely appeal to every connoisseur of alcoholic beverages.

Traditional or classic recipe

This recipe allows even beginners in winemaking to make good homemade wine from apples. For it, it is advisable to use universal sweet and sour varieties. Some winemakers believe that the juice should be diluted with water, others are against this. If the apples are sour, then adding a small amount of water (no more than 1/3 of the juice volume) is justified. You decide.

Composition and proportions:

  • 10 kilograms of unwashed apples;
  • 2 liters of water (optional);
  • 1.6 kilograms of sugar.


Sort through the unwashed apples and wipe them with a dry cloth if necessary. Cut the fruits into slices, remove the cores with seeds and stalks, cut off the spoiled areas. Then the apple pieces must be crushed to a homogeneous mushy mass in any way convenient for you.

Pour the applesauce into an enamel bucket or large saucepan, cover with a cloth (a piece of clean gauze) and place for 3 days in a warm, sunny room. The fermented mass must be stirred two or three times a day.

After three days, you need to collect and squeeze out the floating pulp, strain the resulting juice and pour it into a fermentation container of a suitable size. Dissolve 800 grams of sugar in water and pour the sugar syrup into the juice. Put on the water seal. Place the container in a dark room.

After four days, you need to remove the water seal and, using a long hose, drain 500 ml of wort. Add 400 grams of granulated sugar to it and mix thoroughly. After it has completely dissolved, pour the liquid back into the fermentation container and reinstall the water seal. After another four days, the described process should be repeated.

The wort ferments well at a temperature of 18–24 °C. The process itself usually lasts 1–2 months. If the water seal stops gurgling, it means the wort is no longer fermenting. It happens that this moment does not come for a long time. Then, on day 50, the wort must be drained from the sediment into a clean container and again placed under a water seal until fermentation is complete. It will end very quickly.

Pour the young apple wine into another container, close with a regular lid and transfer to a cool place where it will settle for 3-6 months. After two weeks, the drink will need to be removed from the sediment. Repeat this procedure periodically until the wine is completely cleared. Then the ripened wine can be bottled. The result will be homemade table wine made from apples with a strength of 10–12 degrees.

Fortified wine recipe

Raisins will help speed up fermentation. On its surface, just like on the apple peel, there is wild yeast. By adding vodka (diluted ethyl alcohol or purified moonshine), the overall strength of the drink will rise. The shelf life of the wine will also increase, although the organoleptic properties will suffer slightly. In particular, the taste will become harsher.


  • 6 kilograms of apples;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar;
  • 200 grams of unwashed raisins;
  • 100 milliliters of vodka.


Sort the unwashed apples, cut them into pieces and remove the cores. Grind until mushy and pour into an enamel pan. Place the container covered with gauze in a warm place for three days.

Strain the wort and squeeze out the pulp. Add 1.5 kilograms of sugar to apple juice. Stir the wort and pour into a clean fermentation container. Install the water seal. After three weeks, add the rest of the sugar (500 grams).

When fermentation is complete, you need to drain the apple wine from the sediment, add vodka and pour into another container. Close it tightly and place it in the basement for further purification and ripening of the drink.

Young wine can be clarified by pouring it into a clean container as 2–3 cm of sediment accumulates. After a few months, the drink with a strength of 14–16 degrees can be bottled.

Apple and pear juice recipe

To make dessert wine you will need sweet apples. Pears will give the drink an interesting flavor, and raisins will enhance and speed up fermentation.


  • 15 kilograms of sweet apples;
  • 1 kilogram of pears;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 250 grams of raisins.


Squeeze the juice from apples and pears using a juicer, add unwashed raisins to it. Pour the juice into a 15-liter enamel bucket, which then needs to be covered with a piece of gauze and placed in a warm place for 3 days. The fermentation process will begin. The fermented juice should be stirred several times a day with a wooden spatula.

After the specified time has passed, the liquid must be filtered, half a kilogram of sugar added, poured into a fermentation container, and a water seal installed. After five days, add 300 grams of granulated sugar, after another four days - the rest. When fermentation is complete, drain the wine, strain and pour into a clean container. We install it in a cool place. After the apple juice wine has clarified, bottle the drink.

The strength of this dessert wine can reach 15–16 degrees. After a year of storage, its taste will resemble port wine. Due to its sweetness and pleasant apple-pear aroma, this drink will certainly be appreciated by ladies.

Recipe for spiced wine with raisin sourdough

The apples, according to the recipe, will be subjected to heat, as a result of which the wild yeast will die. Without yeast, the wort will not ferment. Therefore, raisin starter is necessary.


  • 3 kilograms of sweet and sour apples;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon.


You should prepare the starter in advance. To do this, mix unwashed raisins with 50 ml of warm water and 1 tablespoon of sugar in a cup. Place it on the windowsill and cover with a gauze napkin. In 2-3 days it will be ready.

Pour water over the prepared and chopped apples, add spices and cook over low heat until they become soft. After cooling, rub the apple mixture through a sieve. Add it to the starter and leave to ferment for three days.

Strain, add sugar and pour into glass jar under the water seal. When fermentation is complete, pour into a clean jar and close tightly. Periodically drain the apple wine from the sediment. When it clears, bottle it. The drink will be delicate with the aroma of apples and cinnamon.

Homemade wine is no worse than factory wine. It is not difficult to make, the main thing is to follow the described preparation technology and not violate the proportions indicated in the recipes. You need to pay attention to the selection of raw materials. And remember, the most delicious wine comes from late-ripening apples.

Apple wine is the cheapest in terms of its preparation. At home in a barrel you can make alcoholic drinks from wild, unripe, dried, green apples, fermented jam, juice or compote with any suitable flavor.

The main thing on how to make homemade apple wine is the correct selection of taste and smell. All components must get along well with each other. Whichever of the additional ingredients you choose, the result will be very similar: apple wine has a pleasant golden color, a very subtle smell of the fruits of paradise, which is at the same time not too strong, but refined.

In this case, the main recommendation is to implement a clear technology. If you follow the apple wine recipe, you can get any drink you need: table, dessert or homemade liqueur wine from apples.

Cooking features

Now we will tell you the main features:

  1. The correct amount of raw materials, proportions and equipment - the use of unripe chopped fruits is necessary if you want to get dry wine from carrion. Sweet apples are suitable for dessert wines. But keep in mind that homemade wine made from apples that have long been overripe will not last for a relatively long time. Therefore, if you want to enjoy homemade wine from sliced ​​apples even after a year, you need to choose the right sweet and sour apples with the addition of cinnamon or sea buckthorn.
  2. Do you want to know the proven method that our grandmothers used to make apple wine and wait until it is ready, not very long - do not wash the fruits immediately before the fermentation stage. Apples only need to be gently wiped with a clean napkin. Water will remove all bacteria from the surface that are necessary for the fermentation process to proceed.
  3. Wormy apples, especially rotten carrion, are not suitable for wine; in addition, the core of the fruit must be removed before cooking.
  4. In order to get the largest amount of apple juice, you will have to use a meat grinder or juicer.
  5. The pulp of unripe fallen fruits must be separated from the juice; before this, the mixture is infused for 3 days, retaining its beneficial properties.
  6. Squeeze, mix, and then lighten the puree using a press or through cheesecloth with a wooden spoon. The procedure should be repeated several times. The collected waste is thrown away (foam, pulp).
  7. The fermentation process of the tincture should take place in a closed container with a lid. It is necessary to take into account that air cannot enter the barrel through any cracks, otherwise the wine will be lost and that’s it. But the gas must have some kind of gap in order to freely exit the barrel during fermentation. Otherwise, the wine will ferment or even spoil. This process is facilitated by a built-in water seal on the surface or the use of a glove (a rubber glove should be pierced on one of the fingers).
  8. When fermentation has already completed, the wine is corked and taken to the cellar without adding additional components at this stage of winemaking.

Classic apple wine recipe


  • 11 kilograms of apples;
  • 2.7 liters of water;
  • 1.8 kilograms of sugar.


The fruits need to be rubbed through a meat grinder, and the juice should be placed in a bucket, securing a clean cloth on top. For three days, it is necessary to stir the mixture while it is cooking, every 10 hours. After this, the pulp that will stand out must be removed. It is necessary to leave a thin layer of about 0.5 centimeters. Now you need to add water to the mixture, then add 800 grams of sugar. The container must have a water seal.

After 4 days, the water seal is opened, 200 ml of wort is poured, in which 400 grams of sugar are dissolved. This large mixture is poured back and fits. The same thing is repeated after 4 days. You will know that the fermentation process has already ended by the sound made by the water seal. Once the wine has stopped bubbling, the winemaking process is complete.

Are you wondering how long this process takes? Experts have found that making wine from apples at home takes about a month and 20 days. Two months later, you will have to pour the alcoholic drink into a clean container with a rag and let it sit. Now you need to remove the sediment every 2 weeks until the mixture becomes clear.

When you manage to prepare wine with such a result, bottle the semi-sweet wine and store it for a year. The strength of this recipe was measured by experts. It amounted to 12 revolutions. Your health will not suffer from its use. Let's find out how to make wine from apples, the benefits of which have been proven by many doctors.

It is worth noting that the production temperature of sparkling sparkling wine throughout the entire fermentation process should be 20–22 degrees, depending on the storage location. The maximum and minimum temperature values ​​are 18 (24) degrees.

Fruit fortified wine


  • 6.2 kg of unripe apple fruits;
  • 215 grams of raisins or black currants;
  • 2.3 kg granulated sugar;
  • vodka for making fortified wine from apples.


Sort through the apples and puree them using a good, powerful juicer. Prepare the raisins, cut them into small pieces. After this, you need to combine the resulting puree with granulated sugar - don’t take all of it, leave 300 grams for the last addition - and raisins, pouring the mixture into a container with a small neck. A water seal must be placed on its base.

After 20 days, the strong wort must be strained. After this, the rest of the sugar is periodically added to the mixture, and the bottle is tightly closed. After 10 days, you need to open the pan, pour in vodka, shaking the mixture well. Now bottle the fortified drink. The strength of this wine will be 13–14 degrees (depending on the variety). If the wine is not fixed, it may ferment into vinegar. Then you will need a number of tablets for an upset stomach, and you may need to call medical help.

Apple wine with spicy notes


  • 2 kg apples;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • a bag of cinnamon;
  • 0.5 kg sugar.


Prepared apples, which need to be cut into slices, put into a basin, fill them with water, and cover with cinnamon. The mixture must be boiled until the fruit becomes like jam. Now the mixture must be ground through a sieve and poured into a bottle to undergo the ripening process.

Before fermentation begins, place tubes in the jar to remove gas. After this, the liquid is filtered through these tubes again, and sugar is added. You must monitor the process for two weeks, occasionally stirring the contents of the bottle. After a period of approximately 15–16 days, the sediment is drained, and the finished refined alcohol is poured into ordinary small bottles.

Dessert apple wine


  • 10.3 kg apples;
  • 1.7 kg of pears;
  • 210 grams of raisins;
  • granulated sugar 1.2 kg.


Using a food processor or whatever you have at hand, thoroughly extract the puree. After this, cut the raisins and add them to the mixture. The mixed components should stand in a tight bottle for 24 hours. During this time, use a wooden spatula to mix the ingredients 3 times. After this, add 0.5 kilograms of sugar and be sure to install an air duct, after which the mixture will begin to bubble and become dark.

You will need to wait approximately 5 days and then add 300 grams of sugar, after the same period of time - the rest of the granulated sugar. Now it is necessary to strain the sediment several times so that the young wine brightens.

Dry apple wine


  • 11.3 kg apples;
  • 2.4 liters of water;
  • 485 grams of sugar.


Take the fruits, squeeze out the juice and sprinkle the ingredients with sugar. All this is poured into a closed container. The top of the starter should be closed with a water seal. Wait until the product has finished maturing and filter the sweet wine. You need to filter it until the color of the dry apple wine brightens. Dry homemade wine can be considered absolutely ready, although it still needs to brew in a dark, cold cellar.

Apple jam as a wine ingredient


  • sweet apple jam (if there is mold, it must be removed) – 1 liter;
  • liter of water;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 50 grams of sugar.


Pour all ingredients into a large container and mix. Carefully cover the product with a thin cloth and move it to a dark place. The mixture is left for 5 days, but do not forget to stir the components once a day. Ripening should begin within 8 hours. The first stage is completed.

After finishing, you need to remove the pulp and carefully drain the sediment. If you want to increase the strength, you can add alcohol or moonshine. The second step is completed.

The passage of time will only make the wine better. A similar simple but incredibly tasty drink made from scrap materials can be stored at home in a cold room for longer. A light drink needs to be aged for six months.

Semi-sweet wine with apples


  • 13.1 kg apples;
  • 3.7 liters of water;
  • 2.45 kg sugar.


All the time, follow the winemaking procedure for such semi-sweet wine: classic recipe. Now taking into account the fact that for every liter of wine it is advisable to add 50 g of pure alcohol. Homemade wine with an astringency of 13 degrees will really appeal to women.

Compote apple wine


  • 3 parts apple compote stock;
  • 1 part sugar;
  • 80 grams of raisins.


Strain the juice so that it does not contain excess impurities and pulp. Now make a grape starter. To do this, you must slightly heat one glass of compote at a temperature of 30 degrees and place raisins there, grated with sugar. This mixture with the lid closed must be removed from the stove, place a couple of jars with liquid in a warm place and cover the hole with a clean cloth.

When the fermentation process is completed, it is enough to pour the starter into a jar with strained compote. The sour apples that you have strained must be ground with sugar and left to ferment. When the fermentation processes are completed in both jars, it is necessary to combine their contents and strain. The drink is bottled and placed in a cellar to infuse for 3 months.

Green apples are the best ingredient for wine


  • 5 kg apples;
  • 3 kg granulated sugar;
  • a bag of cinnamon;
  • 2 liters of water.


In order to prepare such wine, you need to cut 5 kg of fruit, cover it with sugar and cinnamon and boil it, first filling it with 3 liters of liquid. Leave the mixture to ferment for a week while preparation takes place, then strain and shake every 8 days for a month. Now strain the liquid again and bottle it.

Wild Apple Alcohol Recipe


  • 10 kg apples;
  • yeast;
  • 3 kg sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.


Wine made from wild apples will be sour. The fermentation process is absolutely similar to the classic version, but after straining it is necessary to add not only sugar, but also yeast to the wort. In addition, the fermentation process will be 45 days.

Apple juice for making wine


  • 7 kg apples;
  • 3.5 kg sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.


You will get a drink that is no different from store-bought. Cook apples according to the classic version. The fermentation process will last 80 days. After this, the wine from apple juice must be infused for 6 months, then you should drain the sediment and put it in the refrigerator for 30 days. The wine is ready. Its strength is 7 degrees.

Instant apple wine recipe


  • 2 kg sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 3 kg apples.


Apple juice is mixed with granulated sugar in a ratio of 1 to 2 and poured into bottles. The fermentation process lasts 10 days, the mixture is stirred and after adding the rest of the sugar, it is left for another month. The wine is ready.

Dry apples for wine


  • 1 kilogram of dried apples;
  • 3 kg sugar;
  • 8 liters of water;
  • yeast.


The recipe is similar to the classic version, but initially, to obtain the liquid, you should grind the apples in a blender, grind them with sugar and add boiled water. Yeast is added after 10 days of infusion along with the rest of the sugar.

Yeast-free wine recipe with apples


  • 3 liters of apple juice;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 30 grams of raisins.


Cut the raisins into small pieces and prepare the wine in the same way as the compote wine recipe. The only difference will be the absence of pulp. Therefore, in order to achieve greater strength, it is necessary to fix it with alcohol at the rate of 50 g of alcohol per liter. Now you know how to make wine from apple juice.

Apple wine with rowan


  • 5 kg of frozen (fresh are also suitable) rowan berries;
  • 5 kg apples;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 2 kg sugar.


The name speaks for itself. The rowan along with the apples must be poured and slowly boiled using a juicer, and then left for 5 hours in a cool, dark place to cool completely. The ingredients are placed together with half the sugar and raisins, of which we will need a lot, in a tight container. This container is transferred to a dark place for 14 days. After this, the wine is filtered twice until clarification is achieved and placed in the cellar for 3–4 months. This is a must! Otherwise, it will cause irreparable harm to the body if you want to try drinking it.

Currant-apple wine


  • 5 kg of frozen or fresh currants (instead, you can take raspberries or chokeberries);
  • 5 kg apples;
  • 15 liters of water;
  • 5 kg sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of honey.


To make wine with honey with your own hands according to this recipe, after pressing, the currants must be boiled together with apples and half the sugar until completely soft. Now mix the mixture with water and place it in a bucket. The container must be secured with gauze and removed for 4 days, stirring every 8 hours. Now add the rest of the sugar there and leave it for 50 days. Strain the wine and fix it with alcohol in proportions of 15% of the volume of the drink, otherwise it begins to turn into acetone. Leave the mixture to steep for 6 months. Really, it wasn’t difficult, but quite simple? But what a result!

Delicious wine with cinnamon and ranetki


  • 13.1 kg apples;
  • 3.7 liters of water;
  • 2.45 kg sugar.


During the winemaking procedure for such types of wine, you will have to ensure that the same technology and content are followed as in classic version. Now along with the rule that for every liter of wine it is advisable to add a 50-gram glass shot of pure alcohol for fermentation.

Homemade wine with an astringency of 13 degrees will really appeal to women who have refined wine preferences and treat themselves to good alcohol from time to time.

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