Recipe for making apple cider at home. Apple cider at home - a simple recipe

You can make various desserts from apples (jams, marmalade, marshmallows), juice, Apple vinegar, wine and sparkling apple cider. Spain, France and England have long been arguing about which of them was the first to come up with the recipe and manage to make this pleasant sparkling drink.

Real cider in these countries is still made from special varieties of apples without the addition of wine yeast. In England, hot apple cider (in English Hot Mulled Cider) is a traditional Christmas drink.

Today there are a great many options for making cider: classic recipe with and without sugar, recipe with lemon and other additives. There is also a flavorful non-alcoholic spiced cider. And, of course, you can make apple cider at home. You just need to choose the recipe you like.

Typically, cider is made by fermenting Apple juice with natural yeast.

With added sugar

This is a simple recipe that will allow you to make an excellent intoxicating drink from apple juice, even for beginners. You can prepare a small volume for the first test, proportionally reducing the amount of ingredients. If the attempt is unsuccessful, then you can make healthy apple cider vinegar from the wort.

You can use different apples for making cider. A combination of sour and sweet varieties (ratio 1:2) is considered ideal.

You can make both still cider (apple wine) and carbonated cider (sparkling wine) with your own hands.

You will need:

  • fresh apples – 10 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • spring water* – 1 l.

* Water is used only when the fruits are too acidic and it is necessary to reduce the acidity of the wort. Depending on its taste, add up to 100 ml of water per liter of juice. If the acidity is normal, then no water is added so as not to worsen the taste and color of the drink.

The result will be a wine (7-11% strength) the color of May honey with a soft sweet taste and apple aroma.

To make carbonated cider, you need to fill it with carbon dioxide. After fermentation is complete and the sediment is removed, the wine must be poured into prepared containers. These can be ordinary standard glass containers or plastic bottles. They must be thoroughly washed and dried. At home it is better to give preference plastic bottles. This is a convenient and safe container for sparkling wine. If it is not possible to purchase new bottles, use the plastic container in which you came pure water. Containers from various carbonated drinks retain an odor that is almost impossible to wash out.

  1. Pour sugar into each bottle at the rate of 10 g/l of liquid. Sugar will provoke fermentation in young wine, which will fill the cider with carbon dioxide.
  2. Pour cider into the container to a level of 5–9 centimeters from the neck. Seal securely.
  3. The bottles should be kept out of light for 10–14 days at room temperature. Gas pressure must be monitored daily. Excess gas must be released to prevent the container from bursting.
  4. If you make wine with your own hands, then it is more convenient and safer to control the pressure and also release the gas if necessary if the fizzy drink is poured into a plastic container.

Ready sparkling cider is stored in the refrigerator or basement. Before drinking, it is customary to keep this wine at low temperatures (5–7 °C) for 3 days.

From juice without sugar

The old recipe, which is popular in Britain and France, is distinguished by the fact that the cider is made without added sugar. In our conditions, classic cider can be made from aromatic Antonovka or juicy white liqueur. The fruits must be ripe; greenish and overripe apples are discarded.

This recipe requires only one ingredient - apples. They are not washed so that the wild yeast remains on the peel and passes into the juice. Without these important microorganisms, you may end up with apple cider vinegar rather than a light sparkling wine.

Making cider without sugar will be successful if natural apple juice has sufficient sugar content. You can only make vinegar from very sour apples without adding sugar.

It is worth noting that apple cider vinegar is a healthy product that is used not only in cooking. Apple vinegar is used in medicine and cosmetology. This vinegar is often recommended by nutritionists. Vinegar (1 tbsp) and honey (2 tbsp) diluted in a glass of water is an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system.

Sparkling cider is made using the technology described above (recipe No. 1).

Christmas mulled cider wine

If you have made apple cider, you can use it to prepare a pleasant and healthy hot drink - mulled wine. Hot apple cider is an important part of English Christmas.

The hot cider recipe is simple and the ingredients are readily available.

For this you will need:

  • cider - 1 l.;
  • honey - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks;
  • cloves - 7–10 pcs.;
  • allspice peas - ½ tsp;
  • orange -2 pcs. (zest only).
  1. Pour cider into an enamel pan and add all ingredients.
  2. Place over medium heat and cook, stirring occasionally (about 15). Don't boil!

Hot apple cider is pleasantly warming and helps to cope with a cold.

Non-alcoholic cider

You can quickly make non-alcoholic cider from ripe apples.

For this you will need:

  • apples - 1.2 kg;
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks;
  • cloves – 5–7 pcs.;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • orange - 1 pc.
  1. Wash the apples and squeeze out the juice (you can use a juicer).
  2. Pour into an enamel pan. Put honey/cloves/cinnamon there. Stir. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer the mixture for 10 minutes.
  3. Strain. Place orange slices into prepared glasses and pour hot cider. You can put star anise, pieces fresh apples. Non-alcoholic cider can be prepared for children's parties.

How to serve such a drink correctly and beautifully can be seen in the photo on the Internet.

Many people unfairly ignore cider, completely unreasonably considering it a drink for the “lower strata” of society. Perhaps the drink gained notoriety because of the spread across Russia a couple of decades ago of cheap cans of a low-alcohol drink with an apple taste, a pronounced smell of alcohol and, neither to the village nor to the city, the inscription “Cider” on the packaging. Let me make a reservation right away - this, forgive the frankness, swill has absolutely nothing in common with cider.

The birthplace of the original drink is France, and the cider itself is sparkling wine, predominantly made from apples. But, as is commonly believed, the French know a lot about good alcohol, right?

So let’s not believe stupid stereotypes, and to dispel this offensive misconception, there is no more effective way than making apple cider yourself, following the recipes and production technologies. In this article we will look at how this drink is prepared, how to make it yourself, and also give various options preparations.

In order to make real dry homemade apple cider, you should use only apples. Their needs to be processed into pulp, in which, due to the sugar content, the process of live fermentation occurs. Making cider without adding sugar will allow us to kill several birds with one stone:

  • Get a more natural taste, not “clogged” with sugar. It's no secret that dry wines allow a fuller range of flavors to be revealed. And cider, like sparkling wine, can be dry, and in this case it is called exactly the same - brut (see:).
  • Reduce the calorie content of the product (which women will especially appreciate).
  • Get a product that is light in alcohol content. Real cider, obtained through natural fermentation without added sugar, can be unusually light - even 2.5-3 degrees. Weak dry cider is easy to drink, perfectly quenches thirst and does not (if consumed wisely) put you in an overly “heated” state.

How to make cider with sugar?

Many compatriots prefer sweeter cider, so sugar is often used to produce this drink. Let's look at how to make cider at home with added sugar.

To make sweet homemade cider you will need 10 kilograms of apples and 1.5 kilograms of sugar. In some cases, you will have to resort to adding a small amount of water (up to 1 liter). The simplest recipe looks like this:

  1. Picking apples. Ideally, apples for cooking should be picked after they have fallen. On their peel live very useful inhabitants - wild yeast, which makes the fermentation process possible. That is why the collected apples should not be washed under any circumstances; the maximum that can be done is to wipe the fruits with a dry rag.
  2. Now we need to get applesauce. This can be done using a meat grinder, food processor, or even a regular blender, after removing the leaves and stalks.
  3. Next you should pour applesauce into thoroughly washed (and equally well dried) containers in which fermentation will take place. At the same time, a third of the volume should be left free - this space is necessary for foam and carbon dioxide.
  4. Add sugar. For every kilogram of puree you will need 100-150 grams, the exact amount is determined by taste - the puree should not become cloying.
  5. Wrap the neck with gauze, put the container in a dark place. For three to four days, our future cider should be kept in a dark place at room temperature. Every day you need to stir the wort and be sure to submerge the foam in the apple juice.
  6. Squeeze out the juice and pour it into a perfectly clean, dry container, in which the fermentation process will take place for 1-2 months. If you have one, install it on the container; if not, a medical glove with a pierced finger will do.
  7. Drain off the remainder filter the resulting liquid through several layers of gauze. Then we bottle it and send it to a cool room for three months.
  8. Enjoy resulting in a wonderful real cider!

Remember that the recipe for homemade cider can be modified by you personally, feel free to experiment!

Cider from juice

Apple juice cider is another way to make this wonderful drink no added sugar. To make cider from juice at home, you need to squeeze out the juice (separating it from the “puree”), let it sit for 24 hours, then drain the remainder and pour it into containers equipped with water seals (or with the same glove).

To speed up fermentation, you can place the wort in a warmer room - up to 27 degrees. In this case, the process will take about a month. In principle, the drink can be consumed in a month, but it is better, as in the previous recipe, to keep it for 3-4 months in a dark room.

It is important not to disturb the sediment when pouring the drink from the fermentation tank into the bottles in which the cider will be aged; for this you can bottle it through a straw.

After aging, it should be filtered and poured into containers in which it will be stored. In the refrigerator, such a drink will not spoil even in three years. Cider made according to this recipe will be quite strong - from 6 to 10 degrees depending on the sugar content of the apples and the fermentation time.


Let's discuss how to make apple cider at home carbonated. To do this, put a little sugar at the bottom of each bottle before filling - about 10 grams per liter of drink. The presence of sugar will cause fermentation to begin and the drink will become carbonated due to the released carbon dioxide.

When carbonating, bottles of the drink are placed in a dark, cool room for two weeks, and it is important to periodically assess the pressure. The easiest way in this case is to use a plastic container - just periodically try to push the bottle with your fingers.

If you decide to make homemade apple cider, we recommend not limiting yourself to one recipe. You can experiment - when making part of the batch, use the simplest recipe, and for another part, for example, try not adding sugar.

Many people like to use various spices and additives, for example, cinnamon, which gives the cider an extraordinary aroma. Your homemade apple cider recipe will continue to evolve as long as you aren't afraid to experiment.

I am sure that after some time this noble light drink will become a regular part of your diet!

Cider is a tasty, aromatic drink with a strength of no more than 8 degrees. Sometimes it is also called apple wine, as it is most often prepared from apples. In addition to them, pears and garden berries can be used for cider. But the cider became famous precisely because of its original apple note. This is an aromatic drink, invigorating, with a honey taste.

Apple cider is made using natural process fermentation, no yeast is added to the drink. Ciders are classified according to taste into sweet, semi-sweet, bittersweet and bitter. According to the classification, they are dry, sweet and traditional. We recommend that you try making cider at home. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

History of the drink

Presumably this drink originated in France, although some cider lovers find references to it already in ancient Egyptian history. In any case, the history of cider goes back hundreds of years. The 11th century is considered to be the time when the drink appeared. According to some legends that have come down to us, this drink was invented by Charlemagne himself.

Until the last century, apple cider was considered more of a drink for the poor and peasants than for the nobility. But over time, its taste was also appreciated by the upper strata of society, and since then entire apple orchards have appeared on many famous vineyards. Today, not only manufacturers, but also ordinary people More and more people began to think about how to make homemade cider for the holidays and family events.

Several useful nuances of use

Cider is drunk exclusively cool. It is advisable to pour it into glasses or cups at a considerable distance. This is necessary in order to free the drink from carbon dioxide. Traditionally, cider is not distilled to the last drop from the glass. The natural drink forms sediment at the bottom, which explains this tradition.

Choosing apples

In order to make apple cider at home, it is important to choose the right varieties of apples. If we talk about the industrial production of the drink, then about 48 varieties of apples are officially permitted, including Black Kingston, Bitter Tremlett, Dabinett, Yarlington Mill. These varieties have too much tannin. For home production, you can use those varieties that are available to you. The main thing is that apples should not be too sweet or sour.

Green, unripe apples are not used to make cider. It is also not recommended to use overripe apples, as they become less juicy due to an excess of pectin. For home production It is better to use late and winter varieties, they contain more sugars, tannins, and extractives. In other words, cider from these varieties will be richer in taste and aromatic.

Preparing apples

The selected apples must be inspected. If there is a hint of rot, it is better not to use such an apple. Suitable fruits should be soft, juicy, without any signs of shock. Apples cannot be used for cider. different varieties. Only one variety will give the taste and aroma characteristic of this type of apple.

The stems and cores of the apples are removed. Apples are wiped with a dry cloth, but not washed. Natural yeast accumulates on the skin, thanks to which fermentation will then occur. It is even advisable to put the pureed apples in a dry and dark place for a couple of days. Now the apples are ready for further processing into a delicious drink.

Homemade recipe apple cider

Cider prepared according to this recipe is tasty and aromatic, honey-colored and low in strength.


Cider represents light apple wine with a subtle aftertaste. A gentle drink came to us from France. There are several options for making cider: based on apples and with the addition of pears. In most cases, alcoholic food is prepared by fermenting fruit with yeast, subsequently giving it a gaseous state.

How to make apple cider

It is not necessary to give preference to one type of apple; combine them and experiment. As practice shows, the ideal ratio has been calculated, which involves preparing cider from two parts of sweet fruits and one part of sour ones.

  • apples - 8 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.
  1. Collect the apples, wipe with a dry towel and place in a paper bag. Place in a warm cupboard for 3 days. The fruits cannot be washed, since the cider is prepared using wild yeast that lives on the peel.
  2. After the expiration date, peel the apples from twigs and leaves. Cut into small cubes and puree using a blender, food processor or meat grinder.
  3. Select a suitable container for infusing the composition, sterilize it by boiling water in it. Dry thoroughly, wipe, and transfer the applesauce to the pan. Important! Choose a container so that the apples do not fill it completely (approximately 2/3). You can use regular three-liter jars from glass. In this case, it is necessary to divide the puree into several containers and leave room for gas and foam to form.
  4. After packaging the puree into jars, add sugar (preferably cane) to each composition. Based on the calculation that per 1 kg. mass is 125 g. sand. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the original variety of apples: the sweeter they are, the less sugar is added. In the end, you should end up with a sweet, not too cloying wort.
  5. Stir the mixture in each container, pull a gauze cloth or bandage over the neck. Send the composition to infuse in a dark place (pantry, closet), the exposure time is 4-5 days. Avoid places with sharp temperature changes (cellar, balcony, etc.).
  6. Stir the wort with a wooden spoon every morning and evening. The mixture will be whipped into dense layer and strengthen on the surface of the composition. You need to constantly “stoke” it. After 10-15 hours after the formation of the whipped layer, a characteristic hissing and foam will appear, this will be a consequence of the start of fermentation.
  7. Now pick up another container, but not for infusion, but for fermenting the wort. Boil it, wipe it dry. Squeeze all the juice from the apple mixture into a jar and put a rubber glove on the mouth. Use a needle to pierce 2 holes in the middle finger.
  8. Place the composition in a dark, dry place with a temperature range of 20 to 26 degrees. The duration of fermentation ranges from one to two months. After this period, the glove will fall to one side, a characteristic sediment will appear at the bottom of the jar, and the cider will turn light. All these signs indicate the end of fermentation. Important! There are cases when fermentation lasts more than two months. You shouldn’t wait any longer in hopes that the cider is “just about to ripen.” Using a silicone tube, pour the mixture into another jar and leave to ferment under the same conditions.
  9. After fermentation is complete, carefully drain the cider, being careful not to stir up any sediment. Prepare a filter for straining: fold the gauze into 4 layers, place cotton wool between them. Skip the drink, pour it into dark bottles, cork (roll up). Important! If you do not plan to further saturate the cider with carbon dioxide, fill the bottles up to the neck. Otherwise, leave extra space.
  10. After sealing the composition, send the cider to ripen in a dark, cool place (recommended temperature 8-10 degrees, no changes) for 3-3.5 months. After this period, the drink is considered ready.

In the end, you will get cider with a delicate golden color, 8-12% strength, with a sweet taste and light aroma. When drinking the drink in small quantities, there is no hangover.

The traditional cider recipe includes only apples, however experienced housewives came up with an original variation of the drink with the addition of pears. The end result will please you; the product is moderately sweet, easy to drink, and non-addictive.

  • pears - 5 kg.
  • green apples - 3 kg.
  • red apples - 2 kg.
  • granulated cane sugar - 700 gr.
  • bentonite (optional)

Betonite is necessary for cider clarification; it is added as desired. In addition to the above ingredients, you will also need an infusion container, a fermentation vessel, a saucepan, and dark bottles (glass or plastic).

  1. Decide for yourself how you will ferment the composition. If cultured baker's yeast is used, the fruit must be washed. If you decide to use the wild fermentation method, then pears and apples need to be wiped with a dry towel.
  2. Next, you need to extract the juice from the fruit. To do this, remove the twigs and leaves, cut the fruit into pieces, and pass through a meat grinder, food processor, blender or juicer.
  3. After the composition has turned into porridge, prepare a bag of gauze fabric, folding it in several layers. Then squeeze the liquid into a clean glass jar (pre-sterilized).
  4. If you decide to ferment the composition with wild yeast, send it to a dark place with a stable temperature. When fermenting with nutritional yeast, add it according to the manufacturer's instructions. If desired, you can add granulated sugar (50-70 grams per 1 liter of composition) if apples and pears do not have enough taste.
  5. When the mixture is mixed, put a medical glove on the neck, pierce one hole with a needle in the middle or index finger. As a rule, fermentation is completed after 1-2 months.
  6. After this period, you can add bentonite to the cider, giving the drink a delicate beige tint. To mix the drug correctly, dissolve 40-50 grams in a small amount of purified water. composition per 10 liters of the future drink. Pour into cider, shake the jar so that the crystals dissolve completely and do not settle. Wait 3 days, then remove from the sediment.
  7. Finish cooking by pouring the mixture into plastic bottles. Seal them and place them in the refrigerator or cellar for 1 month. After this period, proceed to tasting, if necessary, re-strain.

Not everyone likes non-carbonated drinks; some prefer to drink the composition with bubbles. For these purposes, carbon dioxide saturation was invented, which we will consider in more detail.

  1. After fermentation is complete, be sure to remove the sediment from the drink. A filter made of 6 layers of gauze and an oblong piece of cotton wool placed between them will help you with this. The mixture must be passed through a kind of sieve several times.
  2. The strained composition must be poured into plastic or glass bottles. In this case, the containers must be pre-sterilized. Cider is poured only into dry cans, since even a drop of untreated water will spoil the product.
  3. After careful preparation, place sugar (beetroot or cane) on the bottom of the bottles. For 1 liter of composition there are 12 grams. sand. Sugar will provoke repeated fermentation, as a result of which carbon dioxide will begin to be released.
  4. After this, pour cider into the bottles, step back about 7 cm from the neck to leave room for foam. Screw on the lids, take them to a dark closet or pantry, and leave for 2 weeks. Important! Twice a day it is necessary to check the gas pressure in the containers. At elevated levels, the bottles will explode or swell, so periodically unscrew the caps and release the gas.
  5. After infusing at room temperature, transfer the finished cider to the refrigerator and store under these conditions continuously.

You can prepare an exquisite French drink yourself without spending a pretty penny. Choose your favorite variety of apples or pears, grind the fruits into porridge, squeeze out the juice and infuse the wort. Add granulated sugar in moderation so that the cider does not turn out cloying.

Video: homemade apple cider recipe

Classic cider is a weak alcoholic drink with a strength of no more than 8°. Despite such a low degree, it can be put on a par with even the most exquisite wine without hesitation. And all thanks to the alluring apple note with honey taste.


Disputes over the discoverers of a particular drink are not uncommon in history. This situation has not spared cider either. The title of the true homeland of the drink in different time awarded to France, England and Spain. To do this, they even came up with different legends about how the world first learned about the apple temptation. One of the most famous stories They consider the story about the “lucky sitting” of Charlemagne, who had the imprudence to sit on a bag of rotten apples after squeezing out the first liter of cider. According to the second, no less famous legend, the history of the appearance of the drink began with sailors who simply loved to take it with them on sea ​​travel Apple juice. In their opinion, this particular juice perfectly quenched thirst. All the crew members were amazed when they saw that their favorite apple juice began to ferment under the influence of high temperatures, gradually turning into apple wine.

But if you dive deeper into the history of cider, you can see that the drink appeared even earlier. Experts say that for the first time, the famous ancient Greek scientist Pliny shared with the world a description of the taste of fermented juice, reminiscent of modern cider. In his writings, he noted the popularity of the drink among residents of the banks of the Nile, who did not pour out the fermented juice, but, on the contrary, drank it in the heat instead of water.

It is important to know!

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Before you begin the recipe for making cider, you should pay special attention to the choice of apple variety, because the future taste of your drink depends on them. Factories that produce cider use about forty-eight varieties of apples during production. Of these, a special place is occupied by: Bitter Tremlett, Yarlington Mill, Black Kingston, Dabinnett. Preference is given to these apples primarily due to their high tannin content, characterized by an astringent taste. For a homemade recipe, it is not necessary to scrupulously look for these particular varieties of apples in stores or markets. You can simply use apples picked in late fall, or use winter varieties.

As for the taste of apples, they should not be too sweet or sour; the ideal option would be a balance of flavors, so it is best to stick to sweet and sour varieties. Also pay attention to the ripeness of the fruit. The apples you choose should not be green, unripe or, on the contrary, overripe, since it is in latest version contained a large number of pectin, which makes apples less juicy in taste. Suitable apples should be filled with juice.


Before making cider at home, apples should be carefully inspected to ensure there is no rot or mold. If there are black spots on the surface, they must be removed along with the core. Most important point in preparing apples - washing. Typically, all fruits are washed thoroughly to prevent bacteria from entering the body. But in in this case It is the yeast microorganisms on the surface of the peel that will serve as the natural catalyst that will allow the apples to ferment faster. Therefore, in this recipe the apples are not washed, but simply wiped with a clean, dry cloth.

Next, cut the fruits or pass them through a meat grinder; you can also use a food processor without peeling them. The crushed mixture should be transferred to glassware with a wide neck, pour in the resulting juice. The ideal option would be regular glass jar volume 3 l. To speed up the fermentation process, you can add half a glass of sugar and a small handful of raisins. From this volume you should get half a liter of fermented juice.


The simplest and most reliable water seal in the recipe is an ordinary rubber glove. It will prevent oxygen from entering the container, which means eliminating oxidation and molding of apples. Using a glove you can easily determine the degree of fermentation. This glove should be worn on top of the neck of the jar. Do not try to close the container with a lid; during the fermentation process, carbon dioxide and pressure will gradually push it out and in the end it will simply fly out.

Leave the container with fruit in a dark place for five to seven days at a temperature of 22-30°C. If such a temperature cannot be achieved, then it is better to place the jar near an electric heater or battery. But make sure that the container does not overheat. A simple thermometer can help in this situation, which should be placed next to the heated container and periodically monitor the temperature.

After a week, the glove should rise up and fill with carbon dioxide. By homemade recipe the cider turns out slightly cloudy, significantly different from the factory analogue, but this is quite acceptable. If after 7 days the glove is not filled with gases and does not rise up, then the fermentation process has not begun. Don't be upset, try again.


The alluring notes of cider are already floating in the air, just a little remains to be done and soon the drink will captivate you. But before this sweet moment, let’s filter and pour the drink into a clean glass container. The first stage is very simple, take regular gauze, fold it in several layers and cover it with the container into which you will strain the cider. After filtering, the apple pulp should be thoroughly squeezed and discarded. Place the homemade cider in the refrigerator and let it brew for another 4 days, without shaking the glass vessel so that the desired sediment remains at the bottom.

You need to pour the cider carefully so that the sediment formed during infusion does not get into the drink. For convenience, use a hose when pumping top part cider. It is advisable that the container into which you will pour the drink matches the volume of apple alcohol, since the remaining space inside can provoke oxidation and spoil the taste of the long-awaited pleasure. Cider according to this recipe can be stored for 1 year in a cool place under a tightly closed lid.


Cider is one of those rare alcoholic drinks that you shouldn’t stare at for hours, spin the filled glass in your hands, watching the contents flow, inhale the alcohol vapors and savor it one sip at a time. Everything is completely the opposite - cider should be drunk in one gulp. The only nuance with which you can experiment is foaming the drink. Of course, when pouring normally, the cider foams quite poorly, but if you lift the bottle a meter higher than the glass, the streams of apple alcohol will hit the walls of the glass vessel hard, fill with oxygen and form that famous foam in the glass.

In Spain and France, the tradition of pouring the entire bottle of cider into several glasses at the same time has been preserved, however, here you will already need small company. Apple cider should be served chilled within 12-14 °. It is this temperature, according to many gourmets, that allows the drink to reveal its taste.

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