Foma Gordeev. Problem lesson based on M. Gorky’s story “Foma Gordeev” “You need to know why you live... Stories about Foma’s peers

Analysis of an episode of the work "Foma Gordeev" - "The Death of Ignat"

Ignat Gordeev - gifted and smart man from the people, greedy for life, “seized with an indomitable passion for work,” a former waterman, and now a rich man - the owner of three steamships and a dozen barges. “His life did not flow smoothly, along a straight channel, like other people like him, but every now and then, rebelliously boiling, rushed out of the rut, away from profit, the main goal of existence.”

The image of Ignat Gordeev very clearly shows the type of merchant-robber, whom spiritual depravity pushes towards physical depravity, and the feeling of his vileness makes him repent hysterically. “Three souls lived in Ignat’s body”: profit, debauchery, repentance.

He belonged to people who internally protested against the order of this world, although they could not resist the emerging economic relations.

Some of last words Ignat Gordeev, his last parting words to his son: “Don’t rely on people... don’t expect much from them... We all live to take, not to give...” clearly illustrate his attitude towards life. The way this character lived his entire life is how he died. Everything he did, he did for himself and only for himself. Even his son, whom he was waiting for so much, was for him only something that he left behind, so that his goods would not be lost, would not leave him even after his death.

Thomas's father is Ignat Gordeev, a rather rich merchant. He created his fortune himself. Having left the working environment, Ignat managed to preserve some spiritual values ​​that had long ago lost any meaning for other merchants. However, the thirst for accumulation took over, and Ignat began to spend all his energy on creating capital. “But, giving so much energy to this pursuit of the ruble, he was not greedy in the narrow sense of the concept and even, sometimes, revealed sincere indifference to his property.” Sometimes - “this usually happened in the spring, when everything on earth becomes so charming and beautiful and something reproachfully affectionate blows onto the soul from a clear sky - Ignat Gordeev seemed to feel that he was not the master of his body, but its low slave.” Then Ignat went on reckless sprees. On such days, “it seemed like he was furiously tearing at the chains that he had bound and carried around himself, tearing at them and being powerless to break them.” This protest soon ended, and the thirst for money took over. Such impulses did not bring anything new to Ignat’s soul, and nothing changed in his life.

Of course, despite the brevity of the episode, the scene of Ignat’s death is an extremely important and striking part of the work.

The death of his father greatly influenced the life of the main character, Foma Gordeev, changed its usual course, and, in addition, it was the description of death that once again emphasized the character of Ignat Gordeev himself, and the events that developed after it showed the character of his son.

Ignat passes on his rebellious spirit to his son, and it develops much stronger in him. In his childhood, when Aunt Anfisa reads fairy tales to him, robbers become Foma’s favorite heroes; he even counts his father among them as a child. Having become a little older, Foma naturally stops believing in fairy tales, but his favorite pastimes are “robber raids” into neighbor’s orchards for apples, into which “he puts his heart more than into all other adventures and games.” But life gradually takes its toll, and reality breaks in beautiful world childhood. And she bursts in very rudely: his father is dying. After this, life begins to “tug at him from all sides, not allowing him to concentrate on his thoughts.” He remains alone: ​​he did not trust anyone as much as his father, even Mayakin, although in words he could not disagree with him, in his soul he opposed almost everything that he said. And now there was simply no one to guide him. He is surrounded mostly by people who are either weak, broken by life, or dishonest, or mean and cowardly. There is no one among them who could show Thomas his “path,” although among them there are those whose fate is very similar to the fate of Thomas. This is Lyubov Mayakina, his godsister, and his school friend Yezhov. Lyubov tried to find the meaning of life in books, but she read them randomly and superficially; as a result, her own concepts were blurred, and she did not have new ones, as such. Yezhov had a slightly different situation: he received good education, became a feuilletonist writer, but life has battered him so much that he does not have the strength to move on, and he is no longer interested in almost anyone except himself. As a result, he, too, cannot help Foma.

The death of Thomas's father was a kind of turning point in the narrative, a transition for the main character to a new stage in his life, and this is precisely one of the main reasons for the importance of this scene.

In my opinion, Ignat Gordeev is far from the least of the characters in the work. This character hero, through a description of whose life, partly by contrasting it with the lives of other merchants, Gorky was able to show the morals and habits of the merchants of his day. In addition, the description of the life of Ignat Gordeev helps to further understand the character and feelings of Thomas himself.

Analysis of an episode of the work "Foma Gordeev" - "The Death of Ignat"

Ignat Gordeev is a gifted and intelligent man from the people, greedy for life, “seized with an indomitable passion for work,” a former waterman, and now a rich man - the owner of three steamships and a dozen barges. “His life did not flow smoothly, along a straight channel, like other people like him, but every now and then, rebelliously boiling, rushed out of the rut, away from profit, the main goal of existence.”

The image of Ignat Gordeev very clearly shows the type of merchant-robber, whom spiritual depravity pushes towards physical depravity, and the feeling of his vileness makes him repent hysterically. “Three souls lived in Ignat’s body”: profit, debauchery, repentance.

He belonged to people who internally protested against the order of this world, although they could not resist the emerging economic relations.

One of the last words of Ignat Gordeev, his last parting words to his son: “Don’t rely on people... don’t expect much from them... We all live to take, not to give...”, clearly illustrate his attitude towards life. The way this character lived his entire life is how he died. Everything he did, he did for himself and only for himself. Even his son, whom he was waiting for so much, was for him only something that he left behind, so that his goods would not be lost, would not leave him even after his death.

Thomas's father is Ignat Gordeev, a rather rich merchant. He created his fortune himself. Having left the working environment, Ignat managed to preserve some spiritual values ​​that had long ago lost any meaning for other merchants. However, the thirst for accumulation took over, and Ignat began to spend all his energy on creating capital. “But, giving so much energy to this pursuit of the ruble, he was not greedy in the narrow sense of the concept and even, sometimes, revealed sincere indifference to his property.” Sometimes - “this usually happened in the spring, when everything on earth becomes so charming and beautiful and something reproachfully affectionate blows onto the soul from a clear sky - Ignat Gordeev seemed to feel that he was not the master of his body, but its low slave.” Then Ignat went on reckless sprees. On such days, “it seemed like he was furiously tearing at the chains that he had bound and carried around himself, tearing at them and being powerless to break them.” This protest soon ended, and the thirst for money took over. Such impulses did not bring anything new to Ignat’s soul, and nothing changed in his life.

Of course, despite the brevity of the episode, the scene of Ignat’s death is an extremely important and striking part of the work.

The death of his father greatly influenced the life of the main character, Foma Gordeev, changed its usual course, and, in addition, it was the description of death that once again emphasized the character of Ignat Gordeev himself, and the events that developed after it showed the character of his son.

Ignat passes on his rebellious spirit to his son, and it develops much stronger in him. In his childhood, when Aunt Anfisa reads fairy tales to him, robbers become Foma’s favorite heroes; he even counts his father among them as a child. Having become a little older, Foma naturally stops believing in fairy tales, but his favorite pastimes are “robber raids” into neighbor’s orchards for apples, into which “he puts his heart more than into all other adventures and games.” But life gradually takes its toll, and reality breaks into the wonderful world of childhood. And she bursts in very rudely: his father is dying. After this, life begins to “tug at him from all sides, not allowing him to concentrate on his thoughts.” He remains alone: ​​he did not trust anyone as much as his father, even Mayakin, although in words he could not disagree with him, in his soul he opposed almost everything that he said. And now there was simply no one to guide him. He is surrounded mostly by people who are either weak, broken by life, or dishonest, or mean and cowardly. There is no one among them who could show Thomas his “path,” although among them there are those whose fate is very similar to the fate of Thomas. This is Lyubov Mayakina, his godsister, and his school friend Yezhov. Lyubov tried to find the meaning of life in books, but she read them randomly and superficially; as a result, her own concepts were blurred, and she did not have new ones, as such. Yezhov had a slightly different situation: he received a good education, became a feuilletonist writer, but life has battered him so much that he does not have the strength to move on, and he is no longer interested in almost anyone except himself. As a result, he, too, cannot help Foma.

The death of Thomas's father was a kind of turning point in the narrative, a transition for the main character to a new stage in his life, and this is precisely one of the main reasons for the importance of this scene.

In my opinion, Ignat Gordeev is far from the least of the characters in the work. This is a typical hero, through the description of whose life, partly its contrast with the lives of other merchants, Gorky was able to show the morals and habits of the merchants of his time. In addition, the description of the life of Ignat Gordeev helps to further understand the character and feelings of Thomas himself.

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Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Maxim Gorky Birth name: Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov (1868 – 1936) Around 1900 Ivanova A.V. UKP at Correctional Colony No. 2 in the village of Talitsy

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The novel “Foma Gordeev” (1899) M. Gorky’s novel “Foma Gordeev” presents a broad picture of Russian life, of which the author himself was a contemporary. M. Gorky shows the merchant environment at the turn of the century. The hero is unusual: he breaks with his surroundings, violently and tragically protests against lies and hypocrisy, tries to find his own path, his “I” in life. In the end, he becomes an alcoholic and can become an inhabitant of a flophouse, similar to the one that the author showed in the play “At the Lower Depths.” Ivanova A.V. UKP at Correctional Colony No. 2 in the village of Talitsy

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Father's instructions You need to feel sorry for people... you do that well! Only - you need to feel sorry with reason... First, look at the person, find out what good he is, what good is he? And if you see someone who is strong and capable of action, be sorry, help him. And if someone is weak, incapable of doing anything, spit on him, pass by. help someone who is resilient in trouble.... He may not ask you for your help, so you guess it yourself, and help him without his asking. You can’t live alone without friendship... try to be friends with those who are better, smarter than you... Try not to be fake, but to be real... Don’t be worse than others in science... Honor God and your parents! ….books alone are not enough: one must also know how to use them… This must be learned from life itself… A person must take care of himself for his business and firmly know the path to his business… ….You are in sin, you are also responsible… Live honestly and firmly... Don’t covet someone else’s, take care of your own...

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Instructions from Yakov Mayakin: Live fearlessly and do what you are assigned to do. But man is appointed to organize life on earth... ... no one, brother, acts at a loss to himself if he is smart... ...Why do we need to repair a house if we didn’t live in it and it’s not ours? Wouldn’t it be smarter if we stood on the sidelines and stood and watched for the time being... Life... is very simply put: either bite everyone, or lie in the mud... ...The merchant in the state is the first force, because he has millions with him. Ivanova A.V. UKP at Correctional Colony No. 2 in the village of Talitsy

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Lyubov Mayakina about the meaning of life ... every day I am more and more convinced that living is difficult... What should I do? Going to get married? For whom? For a merchant who will rob people all his life, drink, and play cards? Don't want! I want to be a person... I am a person because I already understand how badly life works. Study? Will my father let me... Run? I don't have enough courage... What should I do? Ivanova A.V. UKP at Correctional Colony No. 2 in the village of Talitsy

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Something is growing in my soul... Ivanova A.V. UKP at IK-2 in the village of Talitsy Debts must be paid... A visible court is needed... So that people can understand... And what joy does it (money) bring to a person? Don’t swear behind your back, but swear straight into your eyes... - A cockroach crawls - and it knows where and why it needs to go, but what do you do? Where are you going?.. Is it possible for a person with a soul to live the way you live? There is a fire burning in my soul... there is shame in it... And I also feel that something is growing in my soul... Against everyone! ... Against falsehood!..! Gordeev and Mayakin Gordeev and Sasha

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Where is my place? Ivanova A.V. UKP at IK-2 in the village of Talitsy, Foma, handsome and slender, in a short drape jacket and high boots, stood leaning his back against the mast, and, pinching his beard with a trembling hand, admired the work. The noise around him made him want to shout, tinker with the men, chop down wood, carry heavy things, command - to make everyone pay attention to him and show everyone his strength, dexterity, living soul in yourself. But he restrained himself and stood silently, motionless: he was ashamed. He is the boss of everyone here, and if he starts working on his own, no one will believe that he is working simply out of desire, and not in order to push them along, to show them an example... “Where is my place?” he thought gloomily. Where is my business?.."

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This kind of work needs to be done... Ivanova A.V. UKP at IK-2 in the village of Talitsa Having reached the handle of the gate, he swung his chest against it and, without feeling pain, began to roar around the gate, powerfully resting his feet on the deck... For the first time in his life he experienced such an inspiring feeling and all with the strength of his hungry soul he swallowed it, got drunk on it and poured out his joy in loud, jubilant shouts in harmony with the workers... “We need to do such work,” he said, moving his eyebrows, “so that a thousand years later people will say: these are Bogorodsk men done... yes!..

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My soul hurts! Ivanova A.V. Foma felt that the newly arising excitement would not last long in him. Some worm was sucking his heart... - If you feel sick, it means you want something... What do you want? - I don’t know! - Foma answered sadly, shaking his head... - I don’t want to go on a spree... Everything is the same: people, and fun, and wine... I’m becoming angry - so I would beat everyone... I don’t like people. .. You just can’t understand why they live?'s hard to speak so that people understand you... it's hard! - My soul hurts! - ...And that’s why it hurts because it’s not reconciled!

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But he could not break out of the shackles of his wealth... Ivanova A.V. UKP at IK-2 in the village of Talitsy So Foma lived day after day, cherishing the vague hope of moving somewhere to the edge of life, out of this hustle and bustle. ...he wanted to scream, howl like a beast, scare all the people - to stop their senseless fuss, to pour something of his own into the noise and bustle of life, to say some loud, firm words, to direct them all in one direction, and not against each other... He imagined himself outside the hollow in which people were boiling; he saw himself firmly on his feet and dumb. He could shout to people: “How are you living? Aren’t you ashamed?” But if they, hearing his voice, ask: “How should one live?” He understood perfectly well that after such a question he would have to fly head over heels from a height, there, under the feet of people, to the millstone. The desire for freedom grew and strengthened in him. But he could not break free from the shackles of his wealth... ...he understood that the old man was pressing him in order to turn him on his own path. ... then he made peace with it and continued his reckless, drunken life,

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What should you do to be satisfied with yourself? Ivanova A.V. UKP at IK-2 in the village of Talitsy - ... what you need to do to live in peace ... that is, to be satisfied with yourself. - You must always live in love with something that is not accessible to you... A person becomes taller because he reaches upward... - There are two of us... rejected from life... We both want... the same thing ... attention to a person... feeling happy the right people... Gordeev and feuilletonist Yezhov

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Deceivers... Ivanova A.V. UKP at IK-2 in the village of Talitsy There were about thirty of them, all respectable people, the flower of the local merchants... Here is Lup Reznikov, he began his career as a brothel keeper... Kononov, about twenty years ago, was tried for arson, and now he is also under investigation for molestation of a minor... ...Among these people there is almost not a single one about whom Foma would not know something criminal... ...Many of them are at odds with each other, they all give no mercy to one another in the military trade business, everyone knows each other after each other, bad, dishonest actions... But now... they merged into a dense, dark mass and stood and breathed like one person... “Deceivers...” he thought, encouraging himself.

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There are a total of 42 presentations in the topic

30.03.2013 17358 0

Lessons 17–18
Gorky's novel "Foma Gordeev":
problems and heroes

The blitz tournament based on Gorky’s novel was compiled on the basis of an article by T. I. Gavrilova, teacher of Lyceum No. 1 in Bratsk (Literature at school. – No. 7. – 2006).

Goals : discuss the content of the novel; find out the features of the issue and the characteristics of the heroes; develop skills in analyzing the language of a work; teach to evaluate the actions and characters of heroes, taking into account historical process, corresponding to the duration of the work.

Progress of lessons

The class is divided into four groups, two of which are groups of players, one group is researchers who are preparing a defense of the project “The Theme of Merchants in the Works of A. N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm” and M. Gorky “Foma Gordeev”, and a group of experts, teacher assistants , who evaluate the players’ work (3 people, their students themselves chose among their classmates).

I. Preliminary task.

1. Think about the questions:

– What kind of person was Thomas’s father?

– What was the essence of your father’s science?

– How did Thomas’ character manifest itself in his interactions with different people?

– What is Yakov Mayakin’s philosophy of life?

– Trace the relationship between Thomas and godfather after the death of his father.

– How does Thomas’s fate develop after his father’s death?

Why didn’t Thomas follow in his father’s footsteps?

2. Remember expressions from the text that seem aphoristic to you. Be prepared to explain them.

On the board (epigraphs):

The merchant in the state is the first force, because he has millions with him.

No, I'll choose my own place.

What have you done? You didn’t create life - a prison... You didn’t create order - you forged chains for a person. It’s stuffy, cramped, there’s nowhere for a living soul to turn... A man is dying!

1st page. His father's son.

Teacher . In M. Gorky’s novel “Foma Gordeev" presents a broad picture of Russian life, of which the author himself was a contemporary. M. Gorky shows the merchant environment at the turn of the century. The hero is unusual: he breaks with his surroundings, violently and tragically protests against lies and hypocrisy, tries to find his own path, his “I” in life. In the end, he becomes an alcoholic and can become an inhabitant of a flophouse, similar to the one that the author showed in the play “At the Lower Depths.”

Questions for the teams.

1. M. Gorky begins the novel with a story about Thomas’s father, Ignat Gordeev. Why? Tell us about him (origin, social status, lifestyle, distinctive features character).

2. How is Thomas’s relationship with his father? “We need to teach you how to live...” – the father often said to his son. What was his father's science of life that he taught to Thomas?

Name your father's instructions:

- you are their master, they are your servants, so you know;

– you are the owner and therefore you are free to do what you want;

- have a mind, at least small, but your own;

- you need to regret with reason... etc.

Thus, the main thing that Father Thomas taught was to be a master, to achieve one’s own, regardless of the means.

3. In what other works of Russian literature do we get acquainted with fatherly instructions (remember the instructions of Father Molchalin (Griboyedov. “Woe from Wit”); the honor lessons of officer Grinev (Pushkin. “The Captain’s Daughter”); the fatherly instructions of Chichikov (Gogol. “Dead Souls” "))?

4. How does Thomas’ character manifest itself in his interactions with different people?

– Relationships with first school friends (Ezhov, Smolin).

- Neglect of the poor.

– The first feeling of power over people and the power of money (the incident with the theft of apples).

– Oddities of character (daydreaming, “soul-searching”).

– The desire to live not according to orders (searching for oneself and one’s place in life).

Generalization. Thomas – white crow in his environment: “I will choose my own place.”

2nd page.“It’s stuffy, cramped, there’s nowhere for a living soul to turn...”

So, in the second part of the novel we learn that Thomas, rejecting the established, previous life and rules, begins to search for his place in life.

Questions for the teams.

1. Which life principles adheres to Thomas's godfather, Yakov Mayakin, what does he teach his godson?

“I will teach you, Thomas: I will teach you the most real, true science... and if you understand it, you will live without mistakes.”

“Life, Brother Thomas, is very simple: either bite everyone, or lie in the dirt.”

2. “And he’s smart... smarter than his father... smarter, but worse,” Foma thinks about Yakov Tarasovich. Why?

3. How and how does their relationship and, at the same time, Thomas’s merchant activity end?

4. What significance for understanding the ideological content of the novel is the scene of the merchant Kononov walking on the new ship?

The speeches of Ya. Mayakin and Foma Gordeev are read out.

5. How do the merchants appear in Thomas’s words?

3rd page. Merchant youth. (Home preparation.)

Teacher . In the novel, in addition to Foma, Gorky draws images of several other young people, the same age as the protagonist, who come from the same merchant environment. Why do you think the author talks about them?

Groups prepared 2 messages (for 2–3 minutes):

1. Lyuba Mayakina.

2. African Smolin.

3. Taras Mayakin.

4. Nikolai Yezhov.

Teacher's summary. All these images are given to compare with the main character. Some of them have come to terms with the surrounding reality. Their dissatisfaction with life is a temporary phenomenon, a tribute to fashion. They are more educated (Taras Mayakin, Afrikan Smolin), their predatory nature is covered up with good manners and European clothes, but the essence of their life philosophy is the same: “Either bite everyone, or lie in the dirt.”

Yezhov is a windbag, he is very far from the people who do not understand him, and neither do he. Foma saw this.

Only Foma Gordeev went to the end in his protest against the wolf laws of his environment. Romantic, fairy-tale ideas about life very soon came across a completely different one, real life, where are his laws, which he cannot understand and explain and by which he does not want to live. Angrily, as best he can, he protests against lies and hypocrisy, trying to find his place in life in order to feel like a human being.

Running around looking for people who live and think differently. Not finding it, he pours wine on the suffering soul, sees no way out of the impasse in life, having lost faith in everything.

4th page. Possible future of Thomas.

Try to imagine and tell how the fate of the main character will turn out in the future.

Warn students that their guesses should be based on the historical process of this period.

5th page. Analysis of the novel's language.

Teacher . The language of the novel is characterized by vivid imagery and aphorism. What interesting sayings did you remember while reading the work?

Students name memorable expressions; some of them can be offered for discussion:

– Conscience is invincible only for the weak in spirit.

– And on earth it is always worse for good (people) than for bad ones.

- You can only overhear the truth.

“There is no man on earth more disgusting and disgusting than the one who gives alms, there is no more unfortunate person who accepts it.”

6th page. Creative report by a group of researchers.

Defense of the project “The Theme of Merchants in the Works of Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm” and Gorky “Foma Gordeev” (report material can be presented in the form of an abstract, poster, or a video project).

Questions for the teams players.

1. Compare the times of Ostrovsky and Gorky. Has anything changed in merchant environment after 30 years?

2. What does Ignat Gordeev have in common with Dikiy and Kabanova from the play “The Thunderstorm”? Did you see the difference between them?

3. Which of the heroes can Thomas be compared to?

II. Summing up the results of the tournament.

The floor is given to the experts.

Homework.(This activity can also be done in class if there is time.)

Teacher . This novel, like all of Gorky’s works, is multifaceted in its themes. Closing the last page, the thoughtful reader asks himself more than one question. So you answer one of them: “What do you need to do to live peacefully, that is, to be satisfied with yourself?” (To do this, you need to live restlessly and avoid, like a bad disease, even the possibility of being satisfied with yourself. You need to always live in love with something inaccessible to yourself. A person becomes taller because he reaches upward.)