The dismembered bodies of missing girls were found in Volzhsky. Maniac without a meat grinder: how the Volga killer dealt with two girls

Three years ago, the media wrote one after another about the girls who disappeared in the Panamanian jungle. But neither officials, nor rescuers, nor journalists have yet been able to give a clear answer to the question of what happened in April 2014. The versions put forward by the police, upon careful examination, crumbled almost faster than the sand from the beaches of Bocas del Toro (this is where the students first vacationed) in their hands. Incredible, but true: the more the authorities knew, the more strange this case seemed. Evidence designed to shed light on what happened only added to the mystery of this tragedy.

Two pretty students from Holland wanted to improve their Spanish in the summer, and at the same time relax a little in Panama - you must admit, this desire looks absolutely harmless and is in no way associated with extreme sports. But no one could have predicted how this trip would end. If we omit the details and present only the essence of the events, we get literally the following: the girls went to the mountains, recording their ascent on camera, and then something inexplicable happened, which led to their death.

This plot somehow reminded us of the story that happened with Dyatlov’s group at the Mountain of the Dead. Alas, despite the fact that the police have at their disposal a technical arsenal that operatives never even dreamed of in Soviet times, this has not brought the investigation one step closer to the solution...

So, Lisanna Frohn and Chris Cremers from the small Dutch town of Amersfoort carefully planned their trip to Latin America.

Their vacation began at the Bocas del Toro resort, where the friends simply relaxed - swam, sunbathed, flirted with guys and posted beach photos on social networks.

Two weeks passed, on March 29 the girls moved to Boquete - away from the ocean and closer to the mountains, to begin studying at language courses. However, soon after their arrival it turned out that Spanish classes would start a week later. Lisanna and Chris decided to spend the free time exploring the picturesque surroundings - the jungle was just a stone's throw away - and met guide Feliciano Gonzalez, from whom they ordered and paid for two tours. It was he who sounded the alarm when his clients did not show up for a meeting on April 2.

Apparently, quite athletic (Lisanna, for example, played volleyball for student team), but extremely frivolous girls, dressed only in tops and shorts, taking with them one small backpack with a minimum of things for two, decided that they could climb the El Pianisto trail, which is approximately 6 km long, to the famous Baru volcano and on one's own. However, many did just that, because no special equipment was required.

According to the workers of the cafe located at the beginning of this very difficult journey, the Dutch women still took with them a guide dog named Blue, specially trained to find the way home. However, an hour later the husky came running to the establishment alone. Meanwhile, several people told the police that they saw the tourists return from the route, but no one remembered where they went next. An attempt to time the movements of Lisanna and Chris was, to put it mildly, unsuccessful.

The extensive search operation would later be called the largest in the history of the country. Experts from the Netherlands specially flown to Panama, equipped with the most, also joined the search for the missing. modern equipment. Hundreds of people were interviewed on both sides of the Cordillera, three helicopters and numerous search dogs were deployed. A group of volunteers under the leadership of the same Gonzalez combed the jungle along with police and rescuers, Chris’s parents also arrived, and also began to look for their daughter and her friend, but, alas, all to no avail. It seemed that Fron and Cremers had disappeared without a trace.

At first, the investigation focused on the version that the girls simply got lost, because the path in the jungle leading from the outskirts of the city to the observation deck at an altitude of just under 2000 meters above sea level ended at the top only in guidebooks, but in fact went down the slope mountains towards the Caribbean. And it was not at all like the beautiful sidewalks and pedestrian paths in the Netherlands, although it was clearly visible. The main thing was not to leave the path. But the girls did just that...

The assumption that the Dutch women were kidnapped was also considered. The police expected that the criminals were about to demand a ransom for them. However, this did not happen. At the end of the month, it seemed that the entire country, with the possible exception of the jungle, was plastered with advertisements announcing a hefty reward for any information about the missing students.

A version was also put forward that the girls were torn to pieces by wild animals, among the alleged killers were predators, the same puma or jaguar.

Terrible finds

Only 2 months later, a new trail appeared in the case, leading to the other side of the Cordillera ridge. The Indians found a backpack belonging to the girls on the bank of a mountain river. Experts could not figure out how he ended up about 20 kilometers from the beginning of El Pianisto. Its contents appear to have remained intact: swimsuits, two pairs sunglasses, money, documents, camera and mobile. The police had special hopes for gadgets.

Two months later, further upstream, fragments of girls’ bones and boots with feet were discovered. On a large stone lay neatly (!) laid out denim shorts that belonged to Kremers.

In other words, experts had enough materials to understand the causes of the tragedy. But it was not there!

Fingerprints that did not belong to their owners were found on the girls’ smartphones, some of them were repeated. According to one source, about 10 people picked up the phones. According to others, no less than 30. Moreover, these were people of different genders and ages. Attempts to call 911 were recorded in the devices' memory. The phones were turned on and off many times. Moreover, during the last dialing, the gadgets were not unlocked.

But this fact fades when you learn about the photographs taken by someone on the night of April 8th. Over a three-hour period, 90 photographs were taken (!), 87 of them in complete darkness, without flash, although with the lens open. The remaining three still show something. The scariest and most mysterious shot is Chris's red hair, shot in close-up.

And if the first two uninformative photographs depicting the soil were published in the press immediately, the girl’s parents decided to show the third only six months later - on the air of one of the TV shows. However, we never saw the entire frame. Whether they purposefully covered his upper right corner (if so, why?) is unknown.

The discovered bone fragments also look extremely suspicious. They are too white, as if they had been specially cleaned. The police's assumption that the hip bone was chewed off by predators seems too incredible (no traces of teeth were found on it).

This tragedy is still discussed on many Internet forums, trying to put forward at least one coherent version that would fit all the evidence. But there are several points that prevent this from being done.

Firstly, questions are raised by the fact that the testimony of eyewitnesses who claim to have seen the girls returning openly contradicts the data stored on electronic devices.

Let’s say that gadgets can also “lie”; not all of them and do not always set the correct date and time of shooting on the camera. But why should witnesses mislead the investigation? Is it possible that they were trying to buy time to transport pretty white girls to Costa Rica and sell them into sexual slavery? Another topic for heated discussions is frequency of emergency calls

. Why did the girls dial the coveted number for several days at the same time? Did they have access to smartphones in other periods, and if not, why not? Either found by chance, or a thrown backpack with neatly folded things

It seems to be meant to evoke the idea that the students were killed not by people, but by animals who did not need documents and money. But why then are there no traces of teeth on the found bone fragments? Even if the girls did not immediately understand that climbing to the top in the tropics was not much like an easy pleasure ride, but even a few hours spent in the jungle should have been enough to realize the idea that it was not worth taking off your clothes there. What made Chris take off her shorts and only wear her underwear?

Where did the students actually die - near the river or did someone bring body parts and leave them on the shore? Why didn’t Chris’s parents want to show that same shot for so long?

Is it possible that the covered fragment depicts something very important, giving the key to solving a terrible mystery?

The simplest assumption is that the girls died as a result of their injuries, because it is so easy to slip and fall on wet stones, but this version in no way explains the fact that only fragments of bodies were found.

“We had less than 10% of one person's body, and less than 5% of another. This is too little,” a forensic anthropologist from Panama, who preferred not to give his name, said in a conversation with Crete in May 2017. Moreover, this expert generally considers the existing set of body fragments “extremely strange.” He claims that the complete absence of marks on the bones proves that the police were mistaken in passing off the incident as an accident. The journalist himself is firmly convinced that a serial killer is operating in the tropics, because women continue to disappear in the same places.

Another expert from the Panama Institute of Medicine, which trains coroners, agrees with Jeremy: “Whoever committed this terrible crime was incredibly smart and left almost no trace. It will be very difficult to catch him." According to this criminologist, the Panamanian authorities do not undertake to investigate this case, realizing that it is almost impossible to find the real criminal. “It’s easier for them to ignore the incident or write it off as an accident, so as not to fall on their face,” the specialist concluded.

What do you think happened in Panama in 2014?

On Thursday, October 26, Volgograd law enforcement officers detained a resident of the city of Volzhsky in Khimki near Moscow. He was suspected of murdering two young girls who left a karaoke club with him in hometown and went missing. Soon after the arrest, the girls’ bodies were found in one of the Volga forest parks. What prompted a 31-year-old man to commit a double murder - in the “360” material.

Disappearance of the girls

It all happened early in the morning of October 13th. Two friends, 28-year-old Olga Sh. and 29-year-old Daria L. were relaxing at the Voice karaoke club, reported Volgograd Notebook. At about 06:00 they left the establishment together with an unknown man, after which no one saw them. Four days later, local law enforcement officers opened a criminal case under the article “Murder” into their disappearance. The police collected information about the missing girls. It turned out that both had young men, and before they had never gone on a spree or skipped work. All this time Cell phones the girls were turned off.

At the same time, police looked at recordings from surveillance cameras installed at the exit from the karaoke club. On them, law enforcement officers saw the missing girls with an unknown man. It subsequently turned out that he was local resident Alexander Maslennikov, who was released from prison in May of this year. IN penal colony he spent 11 years - he was sentenced for rape, robbery and sexual assault.

When Maslennikov was not found at his place of residence, the police began to find out where else he might be hiding. His relatives said that Alexander rents an apartment in another part of the city. Housing is intended for " carnal pleasures"and is located not far from the houses where the missing Daria and Olga live. There they began to look for them. Soon, more recordings were discovered from CCTV cameras installed at the entrance to the very high-rise building in which the bachelor’s “den” was located. In the footage, Maslennikov entered the house with the girls and came out with two sports bags.

A week after the disappearance of the girls and Maslennikov himself, the man was put on the federal wanted list. The mayor of the city of Volzhsky, Igor Voronin, even promised 700 thousand rubles to the one who provided law enforcement officers important information about the whereabouts of Maslennikov. Volunteers posted directions around Volzhsky so that local residents could help the police find the trail of the escaped attacker. However, no useful information was received.

Detention in Khimki

Federal media began reporting about what happened in the city of Volzhsky, which became known after an official statement from the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Volgograd Region about the capture of the attacker. According to law enforcement officials, 31-year-old repeat offender Alexander Maslennikov was detained near the house of his close friend, to whom he came after the incident.

According to the data, a resident of Volzhsky met a resident of Khimki in in social networks. A new acquaintance turned out to be a hairdresser raising a 14-year-old daughter alone. She decided to personally meet with her pen pal and invited Maslennikov to visit. He immediately agreed and hitched a ride to the Moscow region. He was detained in Khimki while he was shopping with a friend.

The Hue Telegram channel published a video of the arrest of Alexander Maslennikov. In the footage you can hear him answering questions from law enforcement officers. He told the police not only about his criminal record, but also about suspicions of murder.

Crime of passion

The media reported that Alexander Maslennikov raped the missing girls and then killed them. After that, he decided to get rid of the corpses, dismembered the bodies, and, according to some publications, put their parts through a meat grinder. Nation News news agency, in turn, stated that the terrible story was invented by the journalists themselves, who learned that shortly before his escape, Maslennikov bought a meat grinder in a store. This was the reason for the fantasy.

A day after Maslennikov’s arrest, police found the bodies of Daria and Olga in a forest park near the Volga cafe “Caspian”. The attacker covered the corpses with leaves, so they could not be found for a long time. Then Maslennikov fully admitted to what he had done and told how everything really happened. The reality turned out to be much more prosaic. The man wanted to have sex with the girls, and when one of them refused him, he stabbed her with a knife. Another girl came running to her friend’s scream. Maslennikov stabbed her too. Then the attacker dismembered the bodies of the victims in his own bathroom and carried the bodies out of the apartment in large sports bags. He threw out body parts in a forest park, where they were found.

Alexander Maslennikov will be delivered to Volzhsky on Saturday, October 28. According to media reports, he will be accompanied by employees of the special unit of the Russian National Guard SOBR.

Law enforcement officers and volunteers have not been able to find girlfriends for a week

Law enforcement officers and volunteers have not been able to find their girlfriends for a week. The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case for the murder of two people and put the main suspect on the federal wanted list - a previously convicted local resident with whom the girls were seen by witnesses.

Ill-fated vacation

The party after which 29-year-old Daria Labutina and 28-year-old Olga Shaposhnikova disappeared took place on the day mystical secrets and prejudices - on the eve of Friday, October 13. There is information that at first there were three friends in the karaoke club on Olomoucka Street, but one of them did not want to stay for long, so she left the establishment around midnight.

If in the first days the news about the girls who disappeared after the party caused many to smile - like “they were on a spree” or “they’ll wake up and come back,” then the longer they looked for their friends, the fewer skeptics remained who considered the situation funny.

As Daria and Olga’s acquaintances note, the missing Volzhan women were not frequent guests of nightlife establishments and did not abuse alcohol or anything else. In general, it is simply impossible to condemn them for their allegedly inappropriate lifestyle.

In a conversation with a Volgogradskaya Pravda correspondent, the head of one of the volunteer teams named Kristina also confidently rejects all the “party” versions:

Don’t believe those who say that the girls could have gone on a spree somewhere,” says the volunteer. - Both have common-law husbands who now do not find a place for themselves. They even turned white when a cordon was suddenly set up in the forest belt on Pushkin Street. We probably thought about the worst. But so far, neither they nor their parents have lost faith that the girls will be found alive. By the way, the parents are simply in shock; they still have difficulty speaking. Dasha, in general, is such a calm and quiet girl. She in Lately didn't work, was a housewife. For the first time in a long time, they decided to relax a little at the club, and then this happened...

Tall Stranger

The footage from the CCTV camera recorded the moment the friends left the club - 5.45. Until this time, Daria and Olga sang and danced indoors. Then the girls got into the car with a new acquaintance - a tall young man, whom we met at a party.

Now the investigation knows that it was 31-year-old local resident Alexander Maslennikov, who had previously been convicted. In a future criminal case, he will become the main suspect.

From that moment on, the trace of the girls literally melted into thin air: no one else saw them, their phones were turned off, no one tried to contact their relatives. It is also impossible to find their alleged kidnapper - there is no trace of him.

In discussions that took place on social networks, many Volga residents more than once noted the bad reputation of the establishment where Olga and Daria vacationed. Allegedly, unpleasant incidents often happen there - and not only verbal ones, it sometimes comes to real fights. But this, of course, does not make it any easier for the relatives of the missing girls.

The Investigative Committee of Russia for the region began searching for the Volzhan women. A criminal case was initiated on the grounds of a crime provided for in paragraph “a” of Part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder of two persons).

Investigators also managed to learn more about the mysterious stranger with whom the friends were last seen. In total, Alexander Maslennikov spent more than 11 years in prison. The man was serving a sentence for rape and robbery. His friends say that he used sexual violence against two of his classmates. And he did it with particular cruelty.

The 31-year-old Volzhanian was put on the federal wanted list on October 18. Referrals have been sent to all possible law enforcement agencies in the region.


Former classmates remember Alexander as a closed and uncommunicative teenager.

At school he was unsociable and unsociable. Moreover, he was somehow slippery, he could only offend the weak, and they often beat him. In general, he has a very negative personality, according to school acquaintances.

Closer people - a neighbor and Native sister Maslennikova. The latter is not happy about conversations with the press. Apparently, questions about his brother in last days took her out peace of mind- she said that she knew nothing about her relative and did not want to know, as well as about her father. And then she demanded to leave the family alone.

However, there is another version of events. Allegedly, a couple of days after the disappearance of his friends, Alexander came to his parents’ house, but after his visit, the suspect’s sister herself called the police.

The family’s neighbor Olga laments that she would hardly have recognized Maslennikov when they met - she doesn’t remember his face at all:

I've lived here all my life. The head of the family is an alcoholic. He hasn’t worked for a long time, sometimes he doesn’t even make it home - he falls asleep drunk right on the bench or even under it. But his wife has worked at the plant all her life, I can’t say anything bad about her. Their daughter lives with her parents; she has two small children and a husband. True, he is not often at home - he is constantly away. In my opinion, he works somewhere in the North on a rotational basis. But I haven’t seen their son for a very long time, now I don’t even remember what he looks like. But, of course, I’m just shocked that he could be involved in the disappearance of these girls, and the whole city is talking about it.

They are waiting for Alexander Maslennikov at his parents’ house - law enforcement officers have installed surveillance here in case to the prodigal son wants to take refuge with his family. However, he did not live here - he rented an apartment in another place. But investigators have not yet found any leads there either.

His new neighbors, looking at the photo on the police orientation, say with regret that they either did not see the wanted man at all, or simply did not pay attention to him. It’s hard to blame them: Maslennikov was recently released from custody and moved into their house.

"They couldn't do that"

Not only the girls’ parents are in a state of shock, but also all their acquaintances, as well as colleagues. Previously, Olga and Daria worked in one of shopping centers Volzhsky, in different departments - one in a shoe store, and the other in a denim clothing store. Soon this department moved out, due to layoffs, Daria took up housekeeping. However, friendship began between the girls, and this did not become an obstacle to communication.

On Sunday, October 15, Olga was supposed to go to work. However, her colleagues did not wait for her - they learned about the disappearance of the employee later.

Relatives came to us, and then the police - that’s how we learned about what happened. “We are still in shock,” say workers at the shoe store where the girl worked.

They can’t say anything negative about Olga, and they are a friendly and polite girl, always ready to help. At work, she was collected, responsible, efficient, coped with her duties perfectly, and got along well with customers.

This will also be confirmed by another friend of hers - Dmitry, the husband of Olya’s classmate:

Olya is a nice girl, my wife studied with her. Now she is at work, but she is very worried about her classmate, so I am on duty at the search site. Suddenly some information will appear. Now classmates communicate very actively on social networks, call each other, and none of them believes that Olga and her friend could get into the car with the first man they met. She is a smart girl and does not do rash things.

Concern and vigilance

About 600 people are searching for the missing - police, the National Guard and concerned citizens. They are combing the city and its environs, but so far this has not yielded encouraging results. The only thing you can still believe in in this situation is that the girls are alive. And until proven otherwise, their loved ones and everyone involved in the search can hope for a happy ending to this story.

At the same time, the search for the male suspect has also yielded nothing. Unfortunately, Maslennikov does not stand out enough from the crowd to be easily identified. Every day, law enforcement officers receive reports that the man was seen in one part of the city, then in another. But none of them have yet been confirmed - there are quite a lot of tall bald men in Volzhsky. In addition, the city is gripped by fear: the Volga residents are not just worried about the missing girls, but they themselves are escalating the situation - and in such a situation, in any face you meet, you can see the features of a suspect from the orientation.

Not far from the Voice karaoke bar on Pushkin Street, where the girls disappeared, there is a forest belt. The other day this place was cordoned off: sniffer dogs, buses with military personnel, law enforcement officers. All forces were pulled together to verify the eyewitness's report.

I called the operatives. Together with volunteers, on Wednesday, October 18, we looked for the missing girls here. I managed to stumble upon a shovel that was lying next to a fresh mound. The earthen mound was covered with branches. The police immediately cordoned off the area,” shared volunteer Maxim D.

The work continued for about a day. During this time, according to the volunteers, police found an empty wine bottle, two cans of energy drinks and two packs of condoms, one of which was unpacked, on the premises. The shovel and other material evidence were taken to the police department by law enforcement officers.

In addition, in the forest belt, law enforcement officers also found a larger find - a car. The police found out that the eggplant-colored Lada car could belong to suspect Alexander Maslennikov. However, no traces of the man or the missing girls were found nearby. The police drove the car to the impound lot.

Search curator Roman Khalikov notes that constant contact has been established with all the volunteers who work in different areas of the city of Volzhsky.

Work is carried out from early morning until late evening. At night, for safety, we do not recommend leaving the house, especially for girls. Together with Olya and Dasha’s relatives, who joined the search, we inspect every hole, go around entrances, nooks and crannies, dark, unlit places.

Many Volga residents came to the rescue, worried about the fate of the missing girls. People print out information about Alexander Maslennikov and post them all over the city, offering all possible help.

Mysticism and reward

Photographer: Alexander Kiryanov

Let us remind you that on this day 29-year-old Daria Labutina and 28-year-old Olga Shaposhnikova rested in one of the karaoke clubs in the city of Volzhsky. The girls had fun all night until the club closed. Cameras installed in the establishment recorded that the girls left at 5.45 and got into the car with a man they met at the club. His name has already been established - this is Alexander Maslennikov, who with October 18 wanted.

The story of the missing girls is shrouded in all sorts of secrets and mysteries. The editors of the Volgogradskaya Pravda publishing house decided to sort out the complicated matter. We have collected the main secrets that have become known to us.

Mystery No. 1. There were three girls

According to the investigation, initially there were three girls. This is also confirmed by friends of friends. One of the girls decided not to stay up late and went home around midnight. In other words, she was miraculously saved.

Mystery No. 2. Suspect's dubious past

As mentioned above, now the only suspect in the disappearance of the girls is Alexander Maslennikov. This man is the last person the girls were seen with; in addition, there is irrefutable evidence that the friends got into his car. As we learned, Alexander had already been convicted of robbery and rape. In total, he spent 11 years in prison. His acquaintances claim that he abused two of his classmates, and with particular cruelty.

And at school he was unsociable, unsociable, say Alexander’s former classmates. - Moreover, he was kind of slippery, he could only offend the weak, they often beat him. Overall a very negative personality.

Mystery No. 3. Maslennikov family

At the same time, Alexander grew up in a dysfunctional family. And although his mother is good woman, who worked at a factory all her life, her father is a drunkard.

“The head of the family is an alcoholic,” says a neighbor of Maslennikov’s parents. - He hasn’t worked for a long time, sometimes he doesn’t even make it home - he falls asleep drunk right on the bench or, even worse, under it. But I can’t say anything bad about his wife; she’s worked at the factory all her life. Living with them are their daughter with two small children and their son-in-law, who, however, is constantly away - he, in my opinion, works on a rotational basis somewhere in the north.

Sister Alexandra refused to answer any questions. However, according to unofficial information, her brother came to her parents' house a few days after the girls disappeared. Then Oksana herself called the police.

Mystery No. 4. Information about missing girls

Olya and Dasha worked together for some time in one of the Volzhsky shopping centers. Since then, the girls have not stopped communicating. Daria Labutina was a salesperson in a denim clothing store, and when the department moved, the girl was left without work and became a housewife. Olga Shaposhnikova sold shoes. On Sunday, October 15, she was supposed to start her shift, but never showed up.

According to Olga’s colleagues, she is an executive and responsible worker. She interacted politely with customers and was always ready to help.

In addition, the girls’ acquaintances characterize them as decent and family-oriented. Both girls have common-law husbands.

No one believes that Olga and her friend could get into the car with the first man they met. Olya is a smart girl and does not commit rash acts.

Mystery No. 5. The only clue

According to investigators, there is one material clue in the case - this is the car in which the girls were taken away. The eggplant-colored Zhiguli is very clearly visible in the footage recorded by the CCTV camera. Later, the car was discovered during an inspection of the forest belt closest to the club. Law enforcement officers found out that the car may belong to that same Alexander Maslennikov. But there were no traces of him or the girls near the car. The police took the vehicle to the impound lot.

In the same forest belt, police managed to find an empty wine bottle, two cans of energy drinks and two packs of condoms, one of which was unpacked. Other clues are still under wraps.

The tragic story began early in the morning of October 13, when 28-year-old Olga Shaposhnikova and 29-year-old Daria Labutina left a karaoke club located on Olomoucka Street, from that moment no one saw them again. As it turned out, the girls left the entertainment establishment together with 31-year-old Volzhsky resident Alexander Maslennikov.

Literally the next day a search for the girls was organized. Volunteers from Volgograd and Volzhsky, police officers, members of the Russian Guard, military personnel and dog handlers were involved in the search operation. But after 10 days of searching, the girls could not be found.

In addition to the girls, law enforcement officers were looking for Alexander Maslennikov. On October 18, he was charged in absentia under the article “murder of two persons” and on the same day he was put on the wanted list. For information valuable to the investigation and assistance in capturing the suspect, the head of the city of Volzhsky even announced monetary reward in the amount of 700 thousand rubles.

Investigators found out that his close friend lives in the city of Khimki, Moscow Region, with whom the wanted man may be hiding. The operatives immediately headed to the Moscow region, where on October 26 Maslennikov was detained near his friend’s house, the Investigative Committee reported.

The detainee provided law enforcement officers with information about the burial of his victims. The day before, the remains of the missing girls, packaged in plastic bags, were found in a forest belt on Pushkin Street.

- The remains were found in almost the same place where they were looking, but further, in the reeds,- a source in law enforcement agencies told - Several packages with fragments of bodies were found there. The first discovery was a package containing a woman's leg.

On the morning of October 28, a suspect in a brutal crime was taken from Khimki near Moscow to Volzhsky.

Alexander Maslennikov Photo: Investigative Directorate of the Russian Investigative Committee for the Volgograd Region
- Soon Alexander Maslennikov should be taken to the place that he himself showed on the interactive map, - said a source in law enforcement agencies.

According to information local residents, in the city Pushkin Street leading to the forest plantation is already blocked. Volzhans are going to see the detained criminal in person.

Today it is known that Alexander Maslennikov has already been convicted several times. He was released from prison in May 2017, where he spent 11 years for rape, sexual assault and robbery. On October 18, Maslennikov left Volgograd region on passing transport, which I found in one of the social networks. networks.