The ignorant statements of positive heroes about love. A selection of quotes and statements from characters from D. Fonvizin’s comedy “Minor

As was customary in classicism, the heroes of the comedy “The Minor” are clearly divided into negative and positive. However, the most memorable and striking are the negative characters, despite their despotism and ignorance: Mrs. Prostakova, her brother Taras Skotinin and Mitrofan himself. They are interesting and ambiguous. It is with them that comic situations are associated, full of humor, and bright liveliness of dialogues.

Positive characters do not evoke such vivid emotions, although they are sounding boards that reflect author's position. Educated, endowed only positive features, they are ideal - they cannot commit lawlessness, lies and cruelty are alien to them.

Negative heroes

Mrs. Prostakova

History of upbringing and education I grew up in a family characterized by extreme ignorance. She didn't receive any education. I haven’t learned anything since childhood moral rules. There is nothing good in her soul. Serfdom has a strong influence: her position as the sovereign owner of the serfs.

Main character traitsRough, unbridled, ignorant. If she doesn't meet resistance, she becomes arrogant. But if she comes across force, she becomes cowardly.

Attitude towards other people In relation to people, she is guided by rough calculation and personal gain. She is merciless to those who are in her power. She is ready to humiliate herself in front of those on whom she depends, who turn out to be stronger than her.

Attitude to educationEducation is unnecessary: ​​“People live and have lived without science.”

Prostakova as a landowner A convinced serf woman, she considers serfs to be her complete property. Always dissatisfied with her serfs. She is outraged even by the illness of a serf girl. She robbed the peasants: “Since we took away everything that the peasants had, we can no longer rip off anything. Such a disaster!

Attitude towards family and friends She is despotic and rude towards her husband, she pushes him around, does not value him at all.

Attitude towards her son, Mitrofanushka, loves him, is tender towards him. Caring for his happiness and well-being is the content of her life. Blind, unreasonable, ugly love for his son does not bring anything good to either Mitrofan or Prostakova herself.

Peculiarities of speechAbout Trishka: “Fraud, thief, cattle, thief’s mug, idiot”; turning to her husband: “Why are you so spoiled today, my father?”, “All your life, sir, you’ve been walking with your ears open”; addressing Mitrofanushka: “Mitrofanushka, my friend; my dear friend; son".

Doesn't have any moral concepts: she lacks a sense of duty, love of humanity, and a sense of human dignity.


(translated from Greek as “revealing his mother”)

About upbringing and education Accustomed to idleness, accustomed to nourishing and plentiful food, free time spends in the dovecote.

Main character traits A spoiled “mama’s boy” who grew up and developed in an ignorant environment of serfdom landed nobility. Not devoid of cunning and intelligence by nature, but at the same time rude and capricious.

Attitude towards other people Does not respect other people. He calls Eremeevna (the nanny) “an old bastard” and threatens her with severe punishment; doesn’t talk to teachers, but “barks” (as Tsyfirkin puts it).

Attitude towards enlightenment Mental development is extremely low, he has an insurmountable aversion to work and learning.

Attitude towards family and close people Mitrofan does not know love for anyone, even for those closest to him - his mother, father, nanny.

Peculiarities of speech Expressed in monosyllables, his language contains many colloquialisms, words and phrases borrowed from servants. The tone of his speech is capricious, dismissive, and sometimes rude.

The name Mitrofanushka became a household name. This is what they call young people who know nothing and don’t want to know anything.

Skotinin - Prostakova's brother

About upbringing and education He grew up in a family that was extremely hostile to education: “Don’t be the Skotinin who wants to learn something.”

Main character traits: Ignorant, mentally undeveloped, greedy.

Attitude towards other people This is a ferocious serf owner who knows how to “rip off” the quitrent from his serf peasants, and there are no obstacles for him in this activity.

The main interest in life is Animal Farm, breeding pigs. Only pigs arouse affection and warm feelings in him, only towards them does he show warmth and care.

Attitude towards family and friends For the sake of the opportunity to marry profitably (he finds out about Sophia’s condition) he is ready to destroy his rival - dear nephew Mitrofan.

Peculiarities of speech Inexpressive speech of an uneducated person, often uses rude expressions; in speech there are words borrowed from servants.

This is a typical representative of small feudal landowners with all their shortcomings.

Russian teacher and Church Slavonic language. The half-educated seminarian “was afraid of the abyss of wisdom.” In his own way, he is cunning and greedy.

History teacher. German, former coachman. He becomes a teacher because he was unable to find a position as a coachman. An ignorant person who cannot teach his student anything.

The teachers make no effort to teach Mitrofan anything. They often indulge their student's laziness. To some extent, they, using Mrs. Prostakova’s ignorance and lack of education, deceive her, realizing that she will not be able to check the results of their work.

Eremeevna - Mitrofan's nanny

What place does she occupy in Prostakova’s house, her distinctive features? She has been serving in the Prostakov-Skotinin house for more than 40 years. Selflessly devoted to her masters, slavishly attached to their home.

Attitude towards Mitrofan Without sparing himself, Mitrofan protects himself: “I will die on the spot, but I will not give up the child. Show up, sir, just kindly show up. I’ll scratch out those thorns.”

What Eremeevna became after for many years serf service She has a highly developed sense of duty, but no sense of human dignity. There is not only hatred for one’s inhuman oppressors, but even protest. He lives in constant fear, trembles before his mistress.

For her loyalty and devotion, Eremeevna receives only beatings and hears only such addresses as “beast”, “dog’s daughter”, “old witch”, “old bastard”. Eremeevna's fate is tragic, because she will never be appreciated by her masters, will never receive gratitude for her loyalty.

Positive heroes


About the meaning of the name A person who thinks in the old way, giving preference to the priorities of the previous (Petrine) era, preserving traditions and wisdom, accumulated experience.

Education StarodumEnlightened and advanced man. Brought up in the spirit of Peter the Great's time, the thoughts, morals and activities of the people of that time are closer and more acceptable to him.

The hero's civic position is a patriot: for him, honest and useful service to the Fatherland is the first and sacred duty of a nobleman. Demands to limit the arbitrariness of the feudal landowners: “It is unlawful to oppress one’s own kind through slavery.”

Attitude to other people A person is assessed by his service to the Fatherland, by the benefit that a person brings in this service: “I calculate the degree of nobility by the number of deeds that the great gentleman has done for the Fatherland... without noble deeds, a noble state is nothing.”

What qualities does he honor as human virtues? An ardent defender of humanity and enlightenment.

The hero’s reflections on education He attaches more value to moral education than to education: “The mind, if it is only the mind, is the most trifle... Good behavior gives direct value to the mind. Without him smart man- a monster. Science in a depraved man is a fierce weapon to do evil.”

What traits in people cause the hero’s just indignation? Inertness, savagery, malevolence, inhumanity.

“Having a heart, have a soul - and you will be a man at all times.”

Pravdin, Milon, Sophia

PravdinHonest, impeccable official. An auditor with the right to take custody of estates from cruel landowners.

Milon, a faithful officer to his duty, is patriotic.

SophiaAn educated, modest, prudent girl. Brought up in the spirit of respect and honor for elders.

The purpose of these heroes in comedy, on the one hand, is to prove the correctness of Starodum’s views, and on the other hand, to highlight the evil nature and lack of education of such landowners as the Prostakovs-Skotinins.

As was customary in classicism, the heroes of the comedy “The Minor” are clearly divided into negative and positive. However, the most memorable and striking are the negative characters, despite their despotism and ignorance: Mrs. Prostakova, her brother Taras Skotinin and Mitrofan himself. They are interesting and ambiguous. It is with them that comic situations are associated, full of humor, and bright liveliness of dialogues.

Positive characters do not evoke such vivid emotions, although they are sounding boards that reflect the author’s position. Educated, endowed with only positive traits, they are ideal - they cannot commit lawlessness, lies and cruelty are alien to them.

Let us describe each of the characters in more detail:

Heroes Characteristic Character Speech
Negative characters
Mrs. Prostakova Central negative character, a representative of the serf nobility. She is depicted as an uneducated, ignorant and evil woman, who holds all the power in the family: “I scold, then I fight, and that’s how the house holds together.” She is convinced that education is unnecessary and even harmful: “People live and have lived without science.” A two-faced person: she communicates haughtily, rudely, even aggressively with serfs, teachers, husband, brother, and tries to flatter the people on whom her position depends. Confirmation of the same thought is the change in attitude towards Sophia. Pravdin calls her “a despicable woman whose hellish disposition brings misfortune to the whole house.” The only person who inspires her with good feelings is her son Mitrofanushka, “dear friend”, “darling”. That’s why in the finale it’s even a pity for her, because he also turns away from her. Trishke - “cattle”, “swindler”, “thief’s mug”, “blockhead”; To Eremeevna - “beast”, “rascal”, “dog’s daughter”. To Starodum - “benefactor.” “Whatever the peasants had, we took it away, we won’t be able to rip anything off.” “Rogues, thieves, swindlers! I’ll order everyone to be beaten to death.”
Skotinin Another sharply negative character, the owner of a bestial surname, narcissistic and cruel. His only passion is pigs and everything connected with them gives his image a certain semblance of an animal. “I haven’t read anything since I was born... God saved me from this boredom.” “I love pigs...” “Are there pigs in your villages?” “I want to have my own piglets.” “... I’ll break the devil... if I were a pig’s son... “Eco happiness has fallen.” “I would have… by the legs, but on the corner,” “Oh, you damn pig!” - Mitrofan. “Look how she screamed” - about her sister.
Mitrofan A minor of sixteen years old, the son of provincial landowners. His name is “speaking”, because Mitrofan translated from Greek means “like a mother.” The same two-faced: a tyrant towards his family, humiliatingly asks for forgiveness from Starodum in the finale. He has undeniable cunning. For example, a dream where “mother beats father.” Education depends on life, environment, and the conditions of a person’s formation. Mitrofan, who grew up in an ignorant family, is himself ignorant, stupid and lazy. Mitrofanushka is not only a complete ignorant who has an aversion to learning, but also an egoist; for him there is nothing significant except his own interests. “An ignoramus without a soul is a beast,” according to Starodum. Rude and cruel towards serfs, teachers, nanny, father. “Although he is sixteen years old, he has already reached the last degree of his perfection and will not go further,” Sophia says about him. “The damned pig,” as his uncle calls him, is the final result of the degradation of the nobility under a soul-crippling upbringing. Historically, a young nobleman who did not receive a written certificate of training from his teacher was considered a “minor.” He was not accepted into the service and was not allowed to marry. Thanks to comedy, the image of the “undergrown” has become a household word: this is usually what they say about stupid and ignorant people. Eremeevne - “old Khrychovka”; uncle - “Get out, uncle; get lost"; “garrison rat” - to teacher Tsyfirkin.. “Take them and Eremeevna too” - about teachers. “I don’t want to study, I want to get married.” “To hell with everything!”
Prostakov The person is weak-willed and weak. It’s definitely impossible to say about him that he is the “head of the family.” Submits to his wife in everything and fears her. He prefers not to have his own opinion - the scene with sewing a caftan: “Before your eyes, mine see nothing.” Illiterate “spineless henpecked”, in essence, he is not that bad person. He loves Mitrofan, “as a parent should.” “He is humble,” Pravdin says about him.
Positive characters
Pravdin A government official sent to check the situation on the Prostakov estate. Arbitrariness, in his opinion, is an unforgivable vice. Tyranny deserves punishment. Therefore, the truth will prevail and the estate of the cruel and despotic Prostakova will be taken away in favor of the state. “From the struggle of my heart, I do not fail to notice the malicious ignoramuses who, having power over their people, use it inhumanly for evil.” “So that there is no shortage of worthy people, special efforts are made to educate.”
Sophia Starodum's niece. A decent, kind, smart girl. Translated from greek name her "wisdom". Honest and educated. “God gave you all the pleasantness of your sex, ... the heart of an honest man,” Starodum tells her. “How can the heart not be content when the conscience is calm... It is impossible not to love the rules of virtue... They are ways of happiness.” “I will use all my efforts to earn the good opinion of worthy people.”
Starodum Sophia's uncle and guardian. Acts as a sounding board, expressing the author’s thoughts. His name says that he was raised in the era of Peter and adheres to its ideals, when they served at court faithfully and honestly, without fawning over " strongmen of the world this." And he honestly earned his fortune and position: he was on military service, also served at court. Has straightforwardness and impatience for injustice. A person with power, in his opinion, should not in any way violate the rights of other people. “Enlightenment elevates one virtuous soul.” “Cash money is not cash dignity.” “Ranks begin, sincerity ceases.” “Have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times.” “The dignity of the heart is indivisible.” “The main goal of all knowledge.” human - good behavior."
Milo A handsome officer, Sophia's fiancé. Despite his youth, he already took part in hostilities, where he showed himself heroically. Modest. “A young man of great merit,” “the entire public considers him an honest and worthy person,” according to Starodum. "I'm in love and I have the happiness of being loved.”“I believe true fearlessness is in the soul, not in the heart...”
Minor characters
Tsyfirkin He was a soldier in the past, so he values ​​the concepts of duty and honor: “I took money for service, but I didn’t take it for nothing and I won’t take it.” Rough, but straightforward and honest. “I don’t like to live idly,” he says. "Direct kind person"named Starodum. “Here gentlemen are good commanders!” “Here there is rapid fire for three hours a day.” “Hello for a hundred years, yes twenty, and another fifteen, countless years.”
Kuteikin A half-educated seminarian with a “speaking” surname: kutia is a ritual porridge, a mandatory Christmas and funeral dish. The man is undoubtedly cunning, as evidenced by the choice of text when teaching Mitrofan: “I am a worm, and not a man, a reproach of men,” “that is, an animal, a cattle.” Greedy for money, tries not to miss what he has. Church Slavonic vocabulary: “utter darkness”, “woe is me a sinner”, “the call was”, “I came”, “fearing the abyss of wisdom”.
Vralman German Adam Adamovich is Starodum's former coachman. The man is a rogue, as his last name suggests, posing as a scientist who can teach “French and all sciences,” while he himself interferes with other teachers. The owner of a lackey's soul, tries to please Prostakova, praising Mitrofan. He himself is ignorant and uncultured. “They want to kill the turnip!” “Shiuchi with the best horses, as far as I’m concerned, I’m all with the little horses.”
Eremeevna Mitrofan's nanny. She sincerely serves in the Prostakovs’ house, loves her pupil Mitrofan, but is rewarded for her service like this: “Five rubles a year, up to five slaps a day.” “... I would have broken down with him... I wouldn’t even take care of my fangs.”... you don’t know how to serve anymore... I would be glad if nothing else... you don’t regret your belly... but everything is not to your liking."
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    • D. I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor,” which is separated from us by two centuries, still excites us today. In the comedy, the author raises the problem of the true education of a real citizen. This is the 21st century, and many of its problems are relevant, the images are alive. The work made me think about a lot of things. Serfdom canceled a long time ago. But aren’t there parents now who don’t care about raising their child, but only about food? Are the parents who indulge their child’s every whim, leading to disaster, gone? […]
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  • Topics of education and upbringing are always relevant to society. That is why Denis Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” is interesting for readers today. The heroes of the work are representatives of different classes. The comedy is written in the style of classicism. Each character represents a certain quality. For this, the author uses speaking surnames. In comedy, the rule of three unities is observed: unity of action, time and place. The play was first staged on stage in 1782. Since then, there have been thousands, or even millions, of performances of the same name all over the world. In 1926, based on the comedy, the film “Lords of the Skotinins” was shot.


    Starodum personifies the image of a wise man. He was brought up in the spirit of Peter the Great's time, and accordingly, he honors the traditions of the previous era. He considers serving the Fatherland a sacred duty. He despises evil and inhumanity. Starodum proclaims morality and enlightenment.

    These are the worthy fruits of evil.

    The ranks begin - sincerity ceases.

    An ignoramus without a soul is a beast.

    Have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times.

    The direct dignity in a person is the soul... Without it, the most enlightened, clever person is a pitiful creature.

    It is much more honest to be treated without guilt than to be rewarded without merit.

    It is in vain to call a doctor to the sick without healing. The doctor won’t help you here unless you get infected yourself.

    All of Siberia is not enough for the whims of one person.

    Starodum. Fragment from the play “The Minor”

    Follow nature, you will never be poor. Follow people's opinions and you will never be rich.

    Cash is not cash worth

    They never wish harm upon those whom they despise; but usually they wish evil upon those who have the right to despise.

    An honest person must be completely honest man.

    Insolence in a woman is a sign of vicious behavior.

    In human ignorance, it is very comforting to consider everything that you don’t know to be nonsense.

    God has given you all the amenities of your sex.

    In today's marriages, the heart is rarely consulted. The question is whether the groom is famous or rich? Is the bride good and rich? There is no question about good behavior.

    The bad disposition of people who are not worthy of respect should not be distressing. Know that they never wish evil upon those whom they despise, but usually wish evil upon those who have the right to despise.

    People envy more than just wealth, more than just nobility: and virtue also has its envious people.

    Science in depraved man is a fierce weapon to do evil

    Children? Leave wealth to children! Not in my head. They will be smart, they will manage without him; and wealth is no help to a stupid son.

    The flatterer is a thief at night who will first put out the candle and then begin to steal.

    Do not have love for your husband that resembles friendship. Have a friendship for him that would be like love. It will be much stronger.

    Is he happy who has nothing to desire, but only something to fear?

    He is not the rich man who counts out money in order to hide it in a chest, but the one who counts out his extra money in order to help someone who does not have what he needs.

    Conscience, like a friend, always warns before punishing like a judge.

    It is better to lead life at home than in someone else's hallway.

    Everyone must seek his happiness and benefits in that one thing that is lawful.


    Pravdin is an honest official. He is a well-mannered and polite person. He conscientiously fulfills his duties, stands for justice and considers it his duty to help poor peasants. He sees through the essence of Prostakova and her son and believes that each of them should get what they deserve.

    The direct dignity in man is the soul.

    How clever it is to destroy inveterate prejudices in which base souls find their benefits!

    Moreover, from my own heart’s struggle, I do not allow myself to notice those malicious ignoramuses who, having complete power over their people, use it inhumanly for evil.

    Excuse me, madam. I never read letters without the permission of those to whom they are written...

    What is called sullenness and rudeness in him is one effect of his straightforwardness.

    From childhood his tongue did not say yes when his soul felt no.

    Evil behavior cannot be tolerated in a well-established state...

    With guilt you will fly to distant lands, to a kingdom of thirty.

    It was her crazy love for you that brought her the most misfortune.

    I apologize for leaving you...

    I am striving, however, to soon put limits on the wife’s malice and the husband’s stupidity. I have already notified our boss about all the local barbarities and I have no doubt that measures will be taken to calm them down...

    I have been instructed to take charge of the house and villages at the first rabies, from which the people under her control could suffer..

    The pleasure that princes enjoy in possessing free souls must be so great that I do not understand what motives could distract...

    Scoundrel! Should you be rude to your mother? It was her crazy love for you that brought her the most misfortune.


    Milon is an officer. He values ​​courage and honesty in people, welcomes enlightenment and considers it his duty to serve the Fatherland. Treats others with respect. Milon is an excellent match for Sophia. There are obstacles on their way, but at the end of the work the fates of the heroes are reunited.

    At my age and in my position, it would be unforgivable arrogance to consider everything deserved than young man worthy people encourage...

    Perhaps she is now in the hands of some selfish people who, taking advantage of her orphanhood, are keeping her in tyranny. This thought alone makes me beside myself.

    A! now I see my destruction. My opponent is happy! I do not deny all the merits in him. He may be reasonable, enlightened, kind; but so that you can compare with me in my love for you, so that...

    How! such is my opponent! A! Dear Sophia! Why are you tormenting me with jokes? You know how easily a passionate person is upset by the slightest suspicion.

    Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin

    Unworthy people!

    The judge who, fearing neither vengeance nor the threats of the strong, gave justice to the helpless, is a hero in my eyes...

    If you allow me to say my thought, I believe true fearlessness is in the soul, and not in the heart. Whoever has it in his soul, without any doubt, has a brave heart.

    I see and honor virtue, adorned with enlightened reason...

    I am in love and have the happiness of being loved...

    You know how easily a passionate person is upset by the slightest suspicion...


    Translated, Sophia means “wisdom.” In “Minor” Sophia appears as a wise, well-mannered and educated person. Sophia is an orphan, her guardian and uncle is Starodum. Sophia's heart belongs to Milo. But, having learned about the girl’s rich inheritance, other heroes of the work also lay claim to her hand and heart. Sophia is convinced that wealth should only be achieved through honest work.

    How appearance blinds us!

    I was now reading a book... French. Fenelon, about the education of girls...

    How many sorrows have I endured since the day of our separation! My unscrupulous relatives...

    Uncle! My true happiness is that I have you. I know the price...

    How can the heart not be content when the conscience is calm...

    I will use all my efforts to earn the good opinion of worthy people. How can I prevent those who see me moving away from them from becoming angry with me? Isn’t it possible, uncle, to find a way so that no one in the world would wish me harm?

    Is it possible, uncle, that there are such pitiful people in the world in whom a bad feeling is born precisely because there is good in others.

    A virtuous person should take pity on such unfortunates. It seemed to me, uncle, that all people agreed on where to place their happiness. Nobility, wealth...



    Mrs. Prostakova is one of the main characters of the work. She is a representative of the noble class, holding serfs. In the house, everything and everyone must be under her control: The mistress of the estate pushes around not only her servants, but also controls her husband. In her statements, Mrs. Prostakova is despotic and rude. But she loves her son endlessly. As a result, her blind love does not bring anything good either to her son or to herself.

    This is the kind of hubby God blessed me with: he doesn’t know how to figure out what’s wide and what’s narrow.

    So believe also that I do not intend to indulge the slaves. Go, sir, and punish now...

    My only concern, my only joy is Mitrofanushka. My age is passing. I'm preparing him for people.

    Live and learn, my dear friend! Such a thing.

    And I love that strangers listen to me too...

    Without sciences people live and lived.

    Mrs. Prostakova. Still from the film “The Minor”

    We took away everything that the peasants had; we can’t rip anything off. Such a disaster!..

    I don’t intend to indulge the slaves. Go, sir, and punish now...

    From morning to evening, like someone hanged by the tongue, I don’t lay down my hands: I scold, I fight; This is how the house holds together, my father!..

    Yes, now is a different age, father!

    My Mitrofanushka doesn’t get up for days because of a book. My mother's heart. Otherwise it’s a pity, a pity, but just think: but there will be a kid anywhere.

    It is bad to praise your child, but where will the one whom God brings to be his wife not be unhappy?


    Mitrofan is the son of landowner Prostakova. Actually, in comedy he is an undergrowth. This is what they called those who did not want to study or serve in the 18th century. Mitrofanushka is spoiled by his mother and nanny, he is used to idleness, loves to eat well and is completely indifferent to science. At the same time, the feeling of gratitude is alien to him. He is rude not only to his teachers and nanny, but also to his parents. So, he “thanks” his mother for her boundless blind love.

    Let go, mother, how you imposed yourself...

    Garrison rat.

    You're so tired beating your father.

    For me, where they tell me to go.

    I don't want to study - I want to get married

    He ate too much henbane.

    Yes, all sorts of rubbish got into our heads, then you are a father, then you are a mother.

    I'll study; just to have it last time and let there be an agreement today!

    Now I’ll run to the dovecote, maybe…

    Well, say another word, you old bastard! I'll finish them off.

    Vit is here and the river is close. I’ll dive, so remember my name... You lured me in, blame yourself...

    Skotinin is the brother of Mrs. Prostakova. He does not recognize science and any enlightenment. He works in a barnyard; pigs are the only creatures that give him warm feelings. It was not by chance that the author gave this occupation and surname to his hero. Having learned about Sophia's condition, he dreams of marrying her profitably. For this, he is even ready to destroy his own nephew Mitrofanushka.

    Every fault is to blame.

    It’s a sin to blame for your own happiness.

    Learning is nonsense.

    I haven't read anything in my life, sister! God saved me from this boredom.

    Everyone left me alone. The idea was to go for a walk in the barnyard.

    Don't be the Skotinin who wants to learn something.

    What a parable! I am not a hindrance to anyone else. Everyone should marry his bride. I won’t touch someone else’s, and don’t touch mine.

    I wasn’t going anywhere, but I was wandering around, thinking. I have such a custom that if you put a fence in your head, you can’t knock it out with a nail. In my mind, you hear, what came into my mind is stuck here. That’s all I think about, that’s all I see in a dream, as if in reality, and in reality, as in a dream.


    Nanny Mitrofanushka. He has been serving in the Prostakovs' house for more than 40 years. She is devoted to her owners and attached to their home. Eremeevna has a highly developed sense of duty, but self-esteem is completely absent.

    I have my own grips sharp!

    I tried to push myself towards him, but forcibly carried away my legs. Pillar of smoke, my mother!

    Ah, creator, save and have mercy! If my brother hadn’t deigned to leave at that very moment, I would have broken down with him. That's what God wouldn't order. If these were dull (pointing to the nails), I wouldn’t even take care of the fangs.

    God forbid vain lies!

    Even if you read for five years, you won’t get better than ten thousand.

    There is a lot in Denis Fonvizin's comedy negative heroes, whom the author ridicules, showing their stupidity. But there are also well-behaved characters who express the views of Fonvizin himself in the play. One of these heroes is Starodum.

    He is the oldest and wisest of the participants in the action. After spending many years in Siberia, he earned a fortune through honest labor, which he now bequeathed to his only niece, Sophia. For the old man, money in itself is not important; he values ​​morality and honesty in people more, and strives to find a well-behaved, if not rich, husband for his niece.

    Appearing at the Prostakovs’ house, Starodum immediately discerns self-interest in their false hospitality. He is very honest and straightforward with everyone with whom he talks. He does not flatter or deceive anyone, but says only what he thinks. He hates to see how low the nobility can fall.

    Like other characters, Starodum speaking surname. She indicates that he is an adherent of the old order, those that reigned in Peter's times. He values ​​intelligence in people, but believes that it is not enough to have great mind, after all, an intelligent person, if he does not have honesty, is doomed to become a monster.

    Starodum is very modest and friendly, even with ignorant and unworthy people, such as the Prostakovs and Skotinin. In his conversations with Sophia and Pravdin, he more than once expressed thoughts that wealth only spoils the younger generation. He is convinced that children from an early age need to be taught honor and duty, as well as to instill in them honesty and a sense of justice.

    There is no doubt that Starodum speaks through the mouth of Fonvizin himself. It is in his remarks that the whole ideological meaning the play, its entire moral. The image of Starodum is the most important for a complete understanding of this comedy.

    Essay Characteristics of Starodum and his image

    The famous comedy "Undergrown" is one of the best creations in the world dramatic works, based on classical literature late 18th century. Such an intriguing play was written in 1781 by a publicist and writer, a master of his craft, D.I. Fonvizin. If we talk briefly about the very essence of the story, then it describes the morals and life of the noble society in Rus', or rather, one such family - the Prostakovs. The main characters in this work– very versatile people, some of them belong to positive characters, while others are negative. One of the key figures here is the presence actor in the image - Staroduma. His characteristics can be judged by the qualities that he has inherent in himself.

    So, this is definitely a positive hero, with a high intellectual thinking. Starodum is distinguished by respectable morals and a desire for justice. He is smart, wealthy, has a good understanding of people, and he clearly likes the conservative ways of life. He has a very close attitude towards the education of noble people; it is not without reason that his beliefs include the idea that it is the state that should deal with this.

    Despite his venerable age, still 60 years old, Starodum has made a very good career for himself. He served at the royal court, then retired for health reasons and moved to live in Siberia. He has only one support in life - his niece Sophia, who lives on the Prostakov estate, known for her selfish manners. They, having sheltered the little girl, long ago decided that Starodum was lying in the grave. It turned out that this is not the case at all. Moreover, this man, in his letter to Sonya, bequeaths her an inheritance, and a huge one at that time. All this suggests to Mrs. Prostakova that she should marry Sophia to her, with the permission, so to speak, short-sighted son, Mitrofan. After some time, Starodum himself comes to the noble estate of the Prostakovs, here he meets Pravdin (a local guest, a civil servant) and tries to take Sophia to his place. Mrs. Prostakova behaves in front of him and does everything to “crawl” closer to the wealth of now her distant relative. Her insidious plan was never destined to come true, even when she forcibly tried to betroth her son to Sophia, but Milon (an officer, the lover of Starodum’s niece) intervened and did not allow this to happen. After such an event, the three of them safely left Prostakova’s estate, and Starodum finally even allowed himself to ridicule the local lady.

    This is how pious our hero turned out to be, and yet there really is something defiant and downright deliberate in his actions.

    Essay 3

    Starodum is Sophia's uncle, her mother's brother. And after the death of her parents, he was also her guardian, but before he left, Sophia was taken “under the wing” of the landowners Prostakovs. But then, as he found out later, they took her not because of their kindness, but for their own benefit, to take away everything she had. Starodum is about sixty years old, he is a retired officer, in his youth he served at court. After that he went to Siberia and lived there for a long time.

    In Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor" the role of Starodum is a reasoner. He is the oldest and wisest, kindest, most honest of all the heroes of this comedy. After he lived in Siberia for some time, he accumulated a large fortune and bequeathed everything to his only and beloved niece Sofiushka. For him, money was not as important as taking care of Sophia. He wanted to find her a worthy and not necessarily rich husband.

    Most of all, he valued honesty and sincerity in people. One day, Starodum found out that Tsyfirkin, one of the teachers of Mitrofan, the son of the Prostakovs, did not agree to accept the salary, due to the fact that he was unable to teach him arithmetic, and his conscience did not allow him to take the money. Starodum, as a reward for the teacher's honesty, generously rewarded him. Although only Mitrofan was to blame for this, since he was constantly lazy and did not want to learn his lessons.

    After Starodum appeared in the Prostakovs’ house, he immediately saw through the scammers and rogues and guessed self-interest in their false hospitality. But, despite this, he addressed everyone who approached him to talk with sincerity and honor. He deceived no one and did not flatter anyone, but spoke honestly and only what he thought about them. For example, to Prostakova, whom he saw right through, he told the whole truth about her. And at the end of the comedy, he openly mocked her self-interest, greed and their consequences.
    It is interesting that it is impossible to find out from Starodum’s biography whether he himself was a landowner. We only know that he did not get along at court, which is why he went to Siberia. Starodum believes that raising a nobleman is a state matter. It should include not only the education of the mind, but also the education of the heart. After all, without a soul, “the most sacred clever woman is a pitiful creature.” Any education must be based on positive and negative examples.

    Undoubtedly, Starodum is the brightest and positive image in this comedy. It is he who speaks through the mouth of Fonvizin himself. Therefore, all his remarks are very wise and full of meaning.

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