Provisions of the Nystadt Peace. Peace of Nystadt (Treaty of Nystadt)

Between Russia and Sweden; signed on 10. IX by Russian commissioners J. V. Bruce and A. I. Osterman (see) and Swedish commissioners Lilienstern and Strömfeldt; completed the Northern War of 1700 21. By the time of the peace negotiations, Russia held in... ... Diplomatic Dictionary

Treaty between Russia and Sweden that ended the Northern War of 1700-21 (See Northern War of 1700-21). Signed on August 30, 1721 in Nystadt (Finland). The Russian delegation was headed by Y. V. Bruce and A. I. Osterman; Swedish Lilienstadt and... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Treaty between Russia and Sweden, ending the Northern War 1700 21. Signed on August 30. 1721 in Nyschtadt (Finland). Rus. The delegation was headed by J. V. Bruce and A. I. Osterman, the Swedish Lilienschtedt and Stremfeldt. Consisted of a preamble and 24 articles. By … Soviet historical encyclopedia

Treaty of Prut, peace treaty between Russia and Turkey as a result Prut campaign 1711. Signed on July 12 (23), 1711 on the Prut River, near the city of Iasi, by Russian envoys P. Shafirov and B. P. Sheremetev and ... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Treaty of Adrianople. The Treaty of Adrianople of 1713 completed the Russian Turkish war 1711 1713 years. Signed on June 13 (24), 1713 in Adrianople (now Edirne, ... ... Wikipedia

The peace treaty between Russia and Sweden, signed on August 30 (September 10), 1721 in the city of Nystadt (Swedish Nystad, now Usikaupunki, Finland), ended the Northern War of 1700 21. According to the N.M., Ingermanland (Izhora land), ... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

- (August 30, Old Style (September 10), 1721, ratified on September 9 (Old Style)) Russian-Swedish peace treaty concluded in the city of Nystadt (Finland). It was signed on the part of Russia by Y. V. Bruce and A. I. Osterman, on the part of Sweden ... ... Wikipedia

Check information. It is necessary to check the accuracy of the facts and reliability of the information presented in this article. There should be an explanation on the talk page... Wikipedia

Treaty of Frederiksborg is a peace treaty signed on July 3 (14), 1720 at Frederiksborg Palace in Denmark between Sweden and the Kingdom of Denmark and Norway. Background In 1718, the Swedish king Charles XII was killed while inspecting the siege... ... Wikipedia

Treaty of Narva Union Treaty between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on the continuation of a joint war against Sweden during Northern War 1700 1721 The treaty was signed on August 19 (30), 1704 near Narva by the Russians... ... Wikipedia

30.08.1721 (12.09). – Nystadt Peace, which ended the Northern War (1700–1721). Annexation of Estland, Livonia, Ingermanland and part of Karelia

On the annexation of the Baltic states to Russia “into perfect and unquestioned eternal possession”

Baltics(Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). If these peoples want independence from Russia, it must respect their free will. However, the Bolshevik borders of these states cannot be recognized as fair and in accordance with international law.

During the era of the emergence of the Russian state, the coast Baltic Sea were inhabited by various tribes: Slavic, Letto-Lithuanian, Finno-Ugric. Basically they depended on Polotsk in the south, on Novgorod in the north; there was no other statehood there. Many of the non-Slavic tribes had a primitive system, and developed Rus' naturally absorbed them.

Estonians and Latvians did not have their own statehood in 1721, when these territories were received by Russia through their purchase from Sweden for 2 million efimki according to the Nystadt Peace Treaty. Then the local education system and administration used German, there was no national elite. Only as part of Russian Empire these Baltic tribes could develop their culture and were spared the fate of the Prussian tribe, of which only the name remained long ago.

For the first time, Latvia and Estonia received their statehood through illegitimate means, as a result of the anti-Russian revolution of 1917 and collusion with the illegal power of the Bolsheviks.

Estonia signed a peace treaty with the RSFSR (2/2/1920) in the ancient Russian city of Yuryev (now Tartu), receiving about a thousand square meters. km of Pskov and Narva lands with a population of 60,000 people. At the same time, the Estonians betrayed the White Army, promising the Bolsheviks its disarmament; all her property was confiscated by the Estonians; tens of thousands of white soldiers and members of their families died behind barbed wire under open air in Narva and other camps: Ievve, Izenhof, Asserin, Kopli and Pääsküla near Revel... Sometimes the whites came under the crossfire of two sides: the Bolshevik and the Estonian - this is how the Talab regiment of Yudenich’s army died: its fighters were driven into the water and shot on both sides from machine guns. “The corpses of the North-Western Army served as fertilizer for Estonian independence,” wrote an eyewitness (G. Grossen. The Agony of the North-Western Army. From difficult memories. Berlin, 1924)... The surviving White Guards were later used as slave labor in hard work .

Latvia signed a similar Treaty of Riga (11.8.1920), as a result of which it received from the Bolsheviks part of the Vitebsk and Pskov provinces with an indigenous Russian population of about 200,000 people. At the same time, the Latvians themselves actively participated in the Bolshevik war against the Russian people: it is enough to mention the divisions of the famous Latvian riflemen and three of Dzerzhinsky’s deputies in the Cheka (Peters, Latsis, Eiduk).

Lithuania. After the invasion of the Horde into Rus', the Lithuanians (unlike the Latvians and Estonians) from 1240 created their own statehood in the form of, together with the Russians, defending against the German onslaught and including in the 14th–15th centuries Russian lands right up to Kyiv, Smolensk, Vyazma. The official language in the principality was Russian, the basis of law was Russian Truth. Thus, Lithuania rather became part of Rus'. But under Western influence in 1569, the Lithuanian and Polish gentry formed the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Afterwards, the Lithuanian lands, together with the Little Russian, Belarusian and Polish lands, became part of the Russian Empire.

The declaration of independence of Lithuania and its agreement with the Bolsheviks on borders in 1920 were also illegitimate. Moreover, its current borders are much greater than those of that time. In 1939, Lithuania received the Vilnius region after the partition of Poland according to, which the Lithuanians welcomed. In 1940, already as part of the USSR, Lithuania received part of the territory of the Belarusian SSR (Druskininkai resort, etc.); in 1941, the Vylkovysk region in the southwest (for it the USSR paid Germany 7.5 million dollars in gold). And after the war, the port of Klaipeda (Memel) with its surroundings, which had seceded from Prussia, was transferred to the Lithuanian SSR - however, these territories were decided in 1945 received by the USSR, not Lithuania, they were attributed to her in 1950 (see: Nezavisimaya Gazeta. 2001. March 28; for the map see: Stringer. 2003. 17. November. P. 14). (This fact is not affected in any way by the fact that in 1919 the Memel region was torn away from Germany and was under the control of the French, captured from them by the Lithuanians in 1923 and returned to Germany in 1939.)

Even in 1990, when settling borders in Europe Soviet Union, the USA and Western European countries signed the “2+4” agreement (dated September 12, 1990) - also without any mention of Lithuania. Since Lithuania left the USSR and declared its renunciation of all rights and obligations within the USSR, it, according to international law, is obliged to return the “Soviet” lands that were cut off to it to Russia as the legal successor of the USSR.

On this basis, Russia could easily return these territories in 1991, especially since they would provide Russia's land connection with East Prussia through Belarus. However, in 1997, the Russian government concluded an agreement with Lithuania, renouncing all these territories (ratified under Putin in 2003).

However, it is never too late to strive to restore historical justice and protect the rights of compatriots. We have already noted more than once the illegitimacy of both the Bolshevik and the current government, which gives the leader every right to consider such a distribution of Russian lands illegitimate. The need to revise these illegitimate borders becomes especially obvious after Lithuania and Poland joined the EU and NATO with the introduction of a visa regime for transit Russian citizens between central Russia and the “Kaliningrad” region.

The introduction of an apartheid system in relation to Russians in Latvia also morally obliges us to revise all Bolshevik borders: out of 2.4 million inhabitants, 700,000 Russians were declared “non-citizens” and “occupiers” (despite the fact that some of them live on historical Russian lands) , they have no political and social rights; many professions are closed to them, the use of the Russian language in local government bodies is prohibited; forbidden schooling in Russian. The whole history is distorted (Peter I, who liberated them from the true occupation, is included among the “occupiers”).

In Estonia, 220 thousand Russians are in the same situation. In addition, the authorities took away from the Estonian Orthodox Church The Moscow Patriarchate (this is 90% of all Orthodox Christians in Estonia) transferred almost all churches to the newly formed Estonian church under the jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Constantinople. This is justified by the fact that during the pre-war period of Estonia’s self-proclaimed independence, only Constantinople jurisdiction was legalized in it, although all the taken away churches were built before the revolution and were the property of the Russian Church.

The economy of the Baltic states depends on trade with Russia, on Russian energy resources, export transit, etc. Taking advantage of this, as well as financially helping the self-organization of the Russian-speaking population, the Russian Federation could improve its situation, strengthen its influence on the formation of elected authorities and, through them, raise the issue of the current illegitimate borders.

At the same time, Russia should take advantage of the fact that Latvia and Estonia themselves are putting forward territorial claims to the Russian Federation for parts of the Pskov and St. Petersburg regions. This gives us reason to draw the attention of Europe to the fact that the admission of the Baltic republics to NATO violates the condition according to which those admitted should not have territorial disputes with their neighbors.

And, as always, no one asked the people.

I’m so interested, Galina, is this what Peter 1 should have asked the people?

It is accessible and understandable, in particular, that these ethnic groups did not have their own statehood just like the Kurds and Uighurs, Koryaks and Evenks. It is necessary to recognize the illegality of the Bolshevik decisions as political party, who came to power illegally, but here many problems arise.

A new time has come and we must understand that where there is a division of people along national or territorial lines, there will certainly be violence, revolution, war. We forget that Man’s stay on Earth is temporary, and His main mission, right now, is peace, friendship and Love. Thank you for the necessary and important historical information. Great Russia will unite many peoples, it is a pity that, unfortunately, many do not understand this.

Peter the first is great! But the Baltic lands must be returned now before the collapse of the EU, and dignity must be restored to the Russians in the Baltic lands. It’s also hard for us in Belarus due to unemployment, and bondage for $100-150, working only for food until the age of 63, imposed on Belarus by the Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the territory of the EU, degrades the dignity and honor of the state itself and the lives of people. We are not slaves. But in life there is something worthy and there is nothing more valuable than the dignity of life, and for this we all need to be Brothers, help each other and defend the honor of life and the Baltic lands.

If we raise the question of the illegality of the “Bolshevik rule,” then we must also raise the question of the illegality of the RSFSR, the USSR, and the Russian Federation. Then it is necessary to raise the question of the illegality of the Victory in ’45, because it appeared to the peoples and nations of the USSR as a result of the victory of the Communist Party over the “fifth column” in ’37-39. After all, if the Communist Party had not approached the internal security of our fortress - the Soviet country - so responsibly, there would have been no Victory over fascism in Europe and in the World.

The illegality of all authorities after March 2/15, 1917 is beyond doubt from a legal point of view. However, a distinction must be made between the legitimate historical and geopolitical rights and interests of our people and the illegality of their rulers. The people had the right to defend themselves from external aggression, but the fact that their victory was appropriated by the anti-people power of the Communist Party is another matter. Don't be in Russia. power - perhaps there would have been no war. And about strengthening internal security by killing tens of millions of the best citizens - are you kidding? Or has the communist government caused such serious damage to your moral ability to distinguish between mass terror and fortification? However, Stalin strengthened his power in this way, and the state... you yourself see the current consequences of communist rule, and even today the majority in power are former members of the CPSU...

Not since “after March 2/15, 1917” the illegality... is undeniable, everything has been illegal since the overthrow of the real kings of the Rurikovich family. But on November 7, 1917, the working peoples of the Russian Empire decided: “to live without the kings of feudalism and capitalism.” And the will of our working peoples common country- this is the law. It's the best law from a legal point of view. But a law without the use of physical force remains only a wish and a recommendation. In the penitentiary system in the USSR, in memory there was approximately not much more than 1.5% of the population, as in the majority developed countries(approximately), as it is now in Russia. So, in the USSR since 1921. to 1953 4,060,306 people were convicted. (Yu. Zhukov, V.N. Zemskov Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences). And according to statistics, the population grew constantly from 1917 to 1990, from approximately 185 million people. up to 290 million people As for the innocent, trials were often public with the participation of foreign representatives. But they didn’t have time to identify Vlasov alone, but how many children and women were burned in concentration camps as a result of the actions of this traitor, how many captive young handsome Russian guys perished without their offspring... But just as the USSR stopped fighting the “fifth column”, so too They received treason in full in 1991, because all power was filled entirely with bad boys. And already regarding the “white ribbon men” of 2011, Stalin I.V. said at the end of May 1941: “... The roots of this company, this gang had to be looked for in the caches of foreign intelligence services, who bought these people, took them into their maintenance, paid for them faithful servile service." And further. In the 20s and 30s, the term “repression” had the meaning of any derogation of rights at all: disciplinary punishment at work and a reprimand was also repression. Thus, one can count tens of millions of cases of repression. I don’t know how you have the “moral ability” to distinguish between the philosophical categories of good and evil, but I recommend that you sit down with higher mathematics textbooks and repeat the theory large numbers. With respect to MVN.

Sorry, but this is an article about the Nystadt Peace and the annexation of the Baltic states. I don’t consider it necessary to discuss other issues and your conjectures with you here. I have already answered your patriotic views.

khronologichskaya oshibka v tekste ...
[Fixed, thanks]

This day in history:

1721 On September 10 (August 30, old style), the Peace of Nystad was signed between Russia and Sweden, which was the result of the Northern War of 1700-1721.

“Treaty of Nystadt 1721 - between Russia and Sweden; signed on September 10 by Russian commissioners J. V. Bruce and A. I. Osterman and Swedish commissioners Lilienstern and Strömfeldt; ended the Northern War of 1700-21.

By the time of the peace negotiations, Russia held in its hands Finland, Ingermanland, Estland and Livonia, which had been conquered from the Swedes. Russian troops several times landed troops on the territory of Sweden itself. Under these conditions, even the withdrawal of the allies - Denmark and Poland - which concluded through the mediation of England peace treaties with the Swedes, did not shake the firmness of Russian diplomacy. Russia supported the same demands as at the Åland Congress, namely, it agreed to return only Finland to the Swedes, reserving all other territories occupied by Russian weapons. When, on the eve of the Nystadt Congress, the French envoy to Sweden, Campredon, arrived in St. Petersburg as a mediator, these conditions were announced to him. Peter I and his ministers agreed, as a further concession, only to refuse support for the claims of the Holstein Duke to the Swedish throne and to provide Sweden with monetary compensation for Livonia. All Campredone's efforts to mitigate these conditions were to no avail. The French mediator had no choice but to return to Sweden and recommend that the Swedish king agree to the proposed conditions, since the continuation of the war threatened devastated Sweden with even worse consequences.

"To the Nishtat Peace." Officer's medal for participants in the Northern War, 1721

The peace congress took place in May - September 1721 in Nystadt, Finland. Peter I and Russian diplomats acted persistently and very skillfully, using military pressure simultaneously with negotiations. During the congress, when the Swedes showed intransigence, a landing force was landed on the Swedish shores, which destroyed 4 cities, many villages and factories, “so that (in the words of Peter I) it would be better.” Finally, in order to influence the Swedes, the Russian delegates indicated a deadline for the end of negotiations and threatened that Russia would not agree to peace without recognizing the Duke of Holstein as heir to the Swedish crown. The moment for presenting these demands was chosen very favorable, since Sweden's ally England had to withdraw its fleet from the Baltic Sea. Peter I resolutely refused to conclude a preliminary treaty, seeing in this Sweden’s desire to delay the peace treaty. He met the Swedes halfway on some minor issues: he promised to speed up the payment of monetary compensation for Livonia, which was going to Russia, approved the involvement of the English king in the peace treaty as an ally of Sweden, agreed to raze some small fortresses and, as the most significant concession, refused to support the Duke of Holstein , i.e., from interfering in the “domestic” affairs of the Swedes. As a result of these negotiations, the Nystadt Peace Treaty was signed.

According to the Nystadt Peace Treaty, “eternal, true and inviolable peace on land and water” was established between Russia and Sweden. Hostilities were to cease within 2 weeks in Finland, and in more distant places - 3 weeks after ratification of the treaty. Sweden recognized the annexation to Russia of Ingria, part of Karelia, all of Estonia and Livonia, conquered by Russian weapons, with the cities of Riga, Revel, Dorpat, Narva, Vyborg, Kexholm, the islands of Ezel, Dago, Moon and all other lands from Vyborg to the Courland border. Russia pledged to return Finland to the Swedes and pay 2 million efimki (thalers) as compensation for Livonia. (P.Kh. At the current exchange rate, without accrued interest, this is about $350 billion.) In dire need of imported grain and losing fertile regions, Sweden received the right to purchase 50 thousand rubles worth of duty-free bread from Livonia annually. The Baltic landowners retained their rights to land holdings; the previous privileges and self-government of cities in the annexed provinces were also preserved; rights were recognized Protestant Church. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as an ally of Russia, was given the right to conclude a formal treaty with Sweden, provided that it did not contradict the Nystadt Peace Treaty. England was included in the Treaty of Nystadt as an ally of Sweden. An exchange of prisoners of war was provided for, and unimpeded trade was established between Russian and Swedish merchants. An amnesty was declared for those who, during the war, “took service with one side and through this acted against the enemy”; However, the Ukrainian traitors who went over to the Swedes along with Mazepa were excluded from the amnesty.

The Treaty of Nystadt, which gave Russia the Baltic provinces with convenient ports, fulfilled the historical task that had faced the country since the time of Ivan III, not resolved by Ivan IV and solved in its entirety only by Peter.

During the solemn festivities that marked the conclusion of the Nystadt Peace Treaty, the Senate presented Peter I with the title of Emperor and Father of the Fatherland. Russian state thanks to internal transformations and success foreign policy"turned into the All-Russian Empire, a powerful naval and military power."


Concluded on August 30 (September 10) based on the results of the Russian-Swedish diplomatic congress.

Pod-pi-san in Ny-stadt (Swedish: Nyu-stad, Finnish: Uu-si-kau-pun-ki, now not in Finland) from the Russian side, General Feld -tseykh-mei-ste-rom gr. I'M IN. Bruce and A.I. Os-ter-man-nom; with Swedish - gr. J. Lil-li-en-sted-tom (Yu. Li-li-en-ste-tom) and Bar-ron O.R. Strom-feld-tom (Strem-fel-tom, Strom-fel-tom).

Compiled from the preamble, 24 articles and the next (additional) article. Us-ta-nav-li-val-val-eternal peace between both-and-mi go-su-dar-st-va-mi, forbade them to enter into alliances, on -right-line each other against each other. Both sides are obliged to stop military operations in the Grand Duchy of Finland (VKF) within two weeks (in other territories) ri-yah - up to three weeks), Russia - you will move your troops from most of the territory of the VKF within 28 days after about-me-na ra-ti-fi-kats. gram-mo-ta-mi [with-stood on September 19 (30) in Nystad]. Do-ku-men-you, from-but-si-s-sie-sya to the Finnish is-to-ria, which during the war found themselves in the dis-same -NII Russian troops, returned to Sweden.

According to the Treaty of Nystadt, Russia was re-given “into a completely un-precious eternal dominion” for 2 million efim -kov (you-pla-che-ny in 1722-1724) Swedish provinces In-ger-man-land (see in article In-ger-man-land-dia), Lif-lan- Diya, Es-t-lyan-diya and part of Ka-re-liya with the cities of Vy-borg, Kex-golm (now not the city of Pri-ozersk), etc. (there are all of them) le-nie re-ho-di-lo in the Russian sub-data, ar-hi-you re-da-va-lis of Russia), which is oz-na-cha-lo fact -tich. from the Table of the World of 1617; the remaining part of the VKF under the Treaty of Nystadt returned to Sweden. Co-maintained the Russian gar-ran-tii co-storage in Sweden “taught the new form of the government” - established by -after the death of King Charles XII (1718), an aristocratic image of government with weak royal power.

About the “eternal oblivion” of all hostile actions that took place during the war with both their sides, and the all-general am-ni-stiya (didn’t spread out on the Za-Rozh-Kaz-Cossacks, who moved to a hundred -ro-nu Sweden); pre-dos-ta-vil the Russian and Swedish military-but-captive free-bo-du you-bo-ra - return to ro-di-nu after ure-gu-li- re-establishment of debt obligations or staying in a new place of residence (the Swedes who took over -we should have lived in Russia).

Ga-ran-ti-ro-val on-se-le-niu Lif-lyan-dia and Es-t-lyan-dia preservation of their rights and privileges, in cha- st-no-sti is-po-ve-da-nie pro-tes-tan-tiz-ma, and to the local nobility - return of the land, seizure -that he had royal power during the years of pro-ve-de-reduction in the second half of the 17th century, and thereafter to the property, but under the condition that it is not given under the Russian monastery (in pro- In this case, they would have been obligated to sell the land in the meantime three years and one year so-from-vet-st-ven-but). Introduced Russian-Swedish trade; Sweden has the right to travel every year from Ri-ga, Re-ve-la (now not the city of Tallinn) and Arens-burg (now not the city of Ku-re-saare, Es-to-niya) grain for 50 thousand rubles, except for those years when there will be children in Russia impose a ban on the ex-port of bread.

It was established for both countries the obligation to provide assistance to the slaves who had suffered a shipwreck among the Russians. and Swedish be-re-gov, and ensure the protection of our own property after suffering. Us-ta-but-viol-equal rights of both of their powers on the seas (Swedish military na-slavs should have sal-lu-to-vat the Russian cre- -by shooting the Swedish “slogan”, the Russians near the Swedish fortresses - the Russian “slogan”).

Confirmed the non-ob-ho-di-most (for-fi-si-ro-va-na in the previous Russian-Swedish do-go-vo-rah) according to the requirement of ka -to expel from the parties all per-re-be-chi-kovs, including persons accused of state crimes and criminals pre-stu-p-le-ni-yah. Op-re-de-lil in a row of considerations of disputes between Russian and Swedish under-given special ny-mi ko-mis-sa-ra-mi.

He re-led the words and the salt of both countries on the territory at his own discretion. I obliged Sweden at the request of the Polish king Av-gu-st II to immediately begin peaceful negotiations with Speech Po-spo-that under the Russian medium-st-ve with the condition that the future Polish-Swedish treaty will not -children will speak to the Nystadt Peace (in connection with this, the Speech Po-spo-li-ta could not lay claim to Lif-land). Included the proposal to King Vel-li-ko-bri-ta-nii George I and other mo-nar-hams to join the Peace of Nystadt in the paragraph about joining the anti-Russian and anti-Swedish unions (Holy Roman Empire with went to the do-go-vo-ru, concluding the Av-st-ro-Russian Vienna Tract of 1726).

In the context of the Treaty of Nystad on October 22 (November 2), 1721 in the Church of the Holy Trinity in St. Petersburg I accepted the title “Father of the Father, Im-per-ra-to-ra of the All-Russian, Peter the Great.”

In memory of the conclusion of the Nystadt world from gold from-go-to-le-for a medal, by an unknown-author so-chi-nyon cant "Rejoice, Ros-to-the-earth", from marble from the sculptural composition "Peace and Victory" (1722 year, sculptor P. Ba-rat-ta; us-ta-nov-le-na in the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg).

The festival in honor of the Peace of Nystadt was held in 1721 in St. Petersburg, and in the winter of 1721/1722 - in Moscow.

In 1721, at the initiative of Peter I, a celebration was held for special invited persons by Russian authorities diplomatic pre-sta-vi-te-la-mi in many European cities and Kon-stan-ti-no-po-le.

The Nishtdt world was a major victory for Russian diplomacy. He knew-but uk-re-drank the inter-popular po-lo-tion of Russia, having obtained a wide-ranging exit to the Baltic to the sea and the opportunity to develop profitable trade and cultural ties with European states in a convenient way -st-va-mi.

Confirmed by the Abo peace of 1743, by the Verel peace of 1790.

Historical sources:

Complete agreement for the laws of the Russian Empire. So-b-ra-nie 1st. St. Petersburg, 1830. T. 6. No. 3819.

1721 On September 10 (August 30, old style), the Peace of Nystad was signed between Russia and Sweden, which was the result of the Northern War of 1700-1721.

Masquerade in Moscow on the occasion of the conclusion of the Nystadt Peace. 18th century engraving

“Treaty of Nystadt 1721 - between Russia and Sweden; signed on September 10 by Russian commissioners J. V. Bruce and A. I. Osterman and Swedish commissioners Lilienstern and Strömfeldt; ended the Northern War of 1700-21.

By the time of the peace negotiations, Russia held in its hands Finland, Ingermanland, Estland and Livonia, which had been conquered from the Swedes. Russian troops several times landed troops on the territory of Sweden itself. Under these conditions, even the withdrawal of the allies - Denmark and Poland - who concluded peace treaties with the Swedes through the mediation of England, did not shake the firmness of Russian diplomacy. Russia supported the same demands as at the Åland Congress, namely, it agreed to return only Finland to the Swedes, reserving all other territories occupied by Russian weapons. When, on the eve of the Nystadt Congress, the French envoy to Sweden, Campredon, arrived in St. Petersburg as a mediator, these conditions were announced to him. Peter I and his ministers agreed, as a further concession, only to refuse support for the claims of the Holstein Duke to the Swedish throne and to provide Sweden with monetary compensation for Livonia. All Campredone's efforts to mitigate these conditions were to no avail. The French mediator had no choice but to return to Sweden and recommend that the Swedish king agree to the proposed conditions, since the continuation of the war threatened devastated Sweden with even worse consequences.

"To the Nishtat Peace." Officer's medal for participants in the Northern War, 1721

The peace congress took place in May - September 1721 in Nystadt, Finland. Peter I and Russian diplomats acted persistently and very skillfully, using military pressure simultaneously with negotiations. During the congress, when the Swedes showed intransigence, a landing force was landed on the Swedish shores, which destroyed 4 cities, many villages and factories, “so that (in the words of Peter I) it would be better.” Finally, in order to influence the Swedes, the Russian delegates indicated a deadline for the end of negotiations and threatened that Russia would not agree to peace without recognizing the Duke of Holstein as heir to the Swedish crown. The moment for presenting these demands was chosen very favorable, since Sweden's ally England had to withdraw its fleet from the Baltic Sea. Peter I resolutely refused to conclude a preliminary treaty, seeing in this Sweden’s desire to delay the peace treaty. He met the Swedes halfway on some minor issues: he promised to speed up the payment of monetary compensation for Livonia, which was going to Russia, approved the involvement of the English king in the peace treaty as an ally of Sweden, agreed to raze some small fortresses and, as the most significant concession, refused to support the Duke of Holstein , i.e., from interfering in the “domestic” affairs of the Swedes. As a result of these negotiations, the Nystadt Peace Treaty was signed.

According to the Nystadt Peace Treaty, “eternal, true and inviolable peace on land and water” was established between Russia and Sweden. Hostilities were to cease within 2 weeks in Finland, and in more distant places - 3 weeks after ratification of the treaty. Sweden recognized the annexation to Russia of Ingria, part of Karelia, all of Estonia and Livonia, conquered by Russian weapons, with the cities of Riga, Revel, Dorpat, Narva, Vyborg, Kexholm, the islands of Ezel, Dago, Moon and all other lands from Vyborg to the Courland border. Russia pledged to return Finland to the Swedes and pay 2 million efimki (thalers) as compensation for Livonia. In dire need of imported bread and losing fertile regions, Sweden received the right to purchase duty-free bread worth 50 thousand rubles annually from Livonia. The Baltic landowners retained their rights to land holdings; the previous privileges and self-government of cities in the annexed provinces were also preserved; the rights of the Protestant Church were recognized. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as an ally of Russia, was given the right to conclude a formal treaty with Sweden, provided that it did not contradict the Nystadt Peace Treaty. England was included in the Treaty of Nystadt as an ally of Sweden. An exchange of prisoners of war was provided for, and unimpeded trade was established between Russian and Swedish merchants. An amnesty was declared for those who, during the war, “took service with one side and through this acted against the enemy”; However, the Ukrainian traitors who went over to the Swedes along with Mazepa were excluded from the amnesty.

The Treaty of Nystadt, which gave Russia the Baltic provinces with convenient ports, fulfilled the historical task that had faced the country since the time of Ivan III, not resolved by Ivan IV and solved in its entirety only by Peter.

During the solemn festivities that marked the conclusion of the Nystadt Peace Treaty, the Senate presented Peter I with the title of Emperor and Father of the Fatherland. The Russian state, thanks to internal transformations and successes in foreign policy, turned into an All-Russian Empire, a powerful naval and military power.”

Quoted in: Diplomatic Dictionary // Ed. A. Ya. Vyshinsky and S. A. Lozovsky. M.: OGIZ, 1948

History in faces

Letter from J. Bruce and A. Osterman to Peter I:
Most merciful sir! At the same time, we most submissively send to your royal majesty the authentic treaty of peace, which we have just concluded, signed and exchanged with the Swedish ministers. We did not have time to translate it, since it was necessary at that time, and we were afraid that in the meantime the news of the conclusion of peace would not spread. We only inform your royal majesty that in the main cases it was written in everything against the decrees of your majesty, and for better information we enclose a short extract from all the articles. We, your royal majesty, therefore, by our servile position, we most all congratulate and pray to God, so that your dearest person in his indispensable holy preservation may have your royal majesty, through your single labors and highly wise management, enjoy this eternally glorious world received, and all your other The intentions to actually lead to the desired happy ending could, as we wish with all our hearts, of your royal majesty, the most humble slaves - Yakov Bruce, Andrei Osterman.

August 30th, at four o'clock in the morning

Quoted from: Soloviev S.M. History of Russia from ancient times. Volume 17, chapter 3. M.: Mysl, 1993. p.299