What do you need to open a current account? Marking of Russian banks. Is it possible to operate an LLC without opening a current account?

The current account of any organization performs many functions. This is, first of all, the implementation of fast and safe settlements both with counterparties and with budgets of various levels, storage and redistribution of resources, receipt and repayment of loans, loans, etc. Depending on the size and scope of the company’s activities, its cash flows are formed, the effectiveness of management often determines the result of all work.

The need to use a current account

Every entrepreneur starts his own business with the sole purpose of obtaining maximum income. To do this, at the formation stage, it is important to create a base that will subsequently allow you to expand business projects and increase turnover.

When creating a small enterprise within the framework of an LLC or individual entrepreneur, many owners wonder whether a current account is needed. Legislatively this moment regulated by the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated June 20, 2007 No. 1843-U. This document allows small businesses to operate without opening a bank account, but their cash turnover (within one concluded agreement) should not exceed 100 thousand rubles.

For many individual entrepreneurs, it is easier to use other banking services that are less expensive to maintain than a current account. A credit institution card is sufficient to manage a small amount Money, in this case, it is necessary to have a cash register to record cash receipts. Violation of the procedure approved by law entails penalties that apply to the enterprise itself and its manager (owner).

Preparatory stage

Opening a current account is quite simple at first glance, but first, each company needs to carry out a small marketing research market of credit institutions. The main criterion for assessing a bank as an intermediary in cash management is its business reputation and reliability. Cost and range of services provided also play a big role.

Many enterprises open not only a current account, they are interested in collection services, working with monetary documents, the ability to open several groups, including currency and special ones. Currently, a mandatory condition for concluding an agreement with a bank is the presence of a remote control system, i.e., a “client-bank” program, which allows not only to carry out the necessary operations in the current mode, but also to track the amount of funds for all categories of payments. The program itself also plays an important role; clients of a credit institution consider it in the context of ease and efficiency of use.

Documents for opening an account

All credit institutions regulate a standard list of documents and requirements for organizations with which they enter into settlement and cash service agreements. They are posted on the bank’s website and are available to any potential client. In order to open a current account with the selected credit institution, you must provide the following package of documents.

  1. Certificate of state registration of the organization.
  2. Certificate of registration in tax office.
  3. Statement of desire to open a current account.
  4. Current extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  5. Permission to carry out the specified type of activity (license).
  6. Charter of the enterprise (LLC).
  7. Protocol general meeting owners and an order to appoint a manager.
  8. Identity cards of officials who are given the right to sign financial documentation. These include: manager, director of the enterprise, financial director, chief accountant or other person authorized by order.
  9. Lease (sublease) agreement for the company's main office or documents confirming ownership of the premises
  10. Card with signatures and imprint official seal organizations.

It is possible to provide copies specified documents. They are certified by the enterprise independently or a bank employee puts the appropriate mark upon presentation of the originals. In some cases, the participation of a notary is required (at the request of the bank).

Bank cards

One of mandatory conditions For an enterprise, when opening a current account, it is necessary to have a properly executed document that gives permission to manage assets. The card with samples of the seal imprint and signatures of authorized persons is filled out by the enterprise independently according to instruction 28-I; the form and procedure for filling out the form are regulated by Appendix No. 1.

The first and second signatures of the authorized person are confirmed by the relevant internal order of the organization (appointment order). One person does not have the right to sign financial documents for both persons. If a situation arises when only the manager has the right to do this, then only the first and only signature is reflected on the card. Regardless of the form of ownership, an organization can open (one or more, in one or different banks) checking account. LLC, IP, CJSC decide this question independently, taking into account the volume of financial flows, their intensity or production needs.

Additional documents

Sometimes credit institutions study companies more carefully and in detail before directly signing an agreement. The security service checks the correspondence of the legal address with the actual location of the company, additional conversations are held with the manager, the “acquaintance” of the bank and the future partner does not always go smoothly. In this case, in order to open a current account, you must provide additional information About company. Most often, the bank requests the following documents:


If it is possible to transmit information via electronic communication channels, it is necessary to issue a digital signature to manage cash flows. Enterprises and banks that plan to work using the “client-bank” system carry out this procedure before opening a current account. As part of servicing existing contracts, digital signatures can be created at the request of the client at any time. The work order is as follows:

  • filing an application;
  • software installation;
  • obtaining a key (it is generated by the credit institution and transferred to the client for use for the period specified in the agreement);
  • obtaining a certificate;
  • verification of the certificate and key by the bank for compliance with the given counterparty.

After going through these stages, you can start working using your digital signature.

Notification to fiscal authorities

If, after submitting documents and the company passing all bank checks, the credit institution makes a positive decision, then it gives a notification (certificate) that a current account has been opened. Tax Inspectorate, off-budget funds appropriate notification must be submitted. For this purpose, clear deadlines and document forms have been established, for non-compliance with which penalties are applied.

Within seven days (working days) from the date of receipt of the certificate of opening a current account, the enterprise must submit a notification to the tax office in form C-09-1. This form contains the details of the organization (TIN, full name, ORGN) and the bank (name, correspondent account). The form is filled out in two copies, one of which is returned with a mark from the tax authority at the place of registration of the enterprise. The same procedure is provided for when notifying the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

Closing a current account

As a result of the company's activities, it becomes necessary to liquidate part of it or relocate it, and the partner bank often changes. A current account can be closed at any time upon the client’s request. All outstanding claims in the event of insufficient funds in the account are sent to the claimants.

The enterprise must completely eliminate the amount of debt to the bank for settlement and cash services, and transfer the remaining funds to another account or cash out. Unused (received under the agreement) check books with counterfoils are returned to the credit institution. Notification of the tax office and relevant funds follows the same principle as when opening an account. A current account opened in another branch or credit institution is reported to the maximum extent possible. short time to all partners of the enterprise.

When all the formalities for opening an individual entrepreneur with the tax authorities have been settled, there are still some nuances that need to be thought through before you start your business. economic activity: choice tax regime, accounting, printing.

Why does an individual entrepreneur need a current account?

One of the questions that often arises for a new entrepreneur is whether he needs a bank account. A bank account is not required for individual entrepreneurs. It is usually opened by those who plan to work with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs using non-cash payments.

Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is possible to make payments between individual entrepreneurs or in the connection between individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in cash, however, the legislation limits such payments to an amount of up to 100,000 rubles per contract. For business entities this means that one-time contract, not exceeding the announced amount, can be done in cash, but for the sake of systematic payments under the same contract, a current account for an individual entrepreneur will still have to be opened.

Many organizations fundamentally work only by bank transfer, so for them the lack of a bank account with a company is a good reason for refusing to cooperate. IN modern business a current account with an individual entrepreneur is a sign of “ good manners”and the “seriousness” of the entrepreneur. Considering that most organizations, like individuals, are increasingly switching to online services, including in banks; having accounts is no longer a “luxury”.

Pay contractors, accept payments from clients, issue wages employees and transfer taxes and extra-budgetary contributions - a current account allows you to do all this easily and quickly, without even visiting a bank branch.

Another important factor in favor of opening an individual entrepreneur’s current account is the opportunity to receive business loans from “your” bank under a simplified procedure and preferential rates.

Opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs: where to start?

When opening an account for non-cash payments, you are usually guided by the following criteria:

  • cost of opening and maintaining an account;
  • ease of working with the bank (availability and location of branches, mode, speed of service);
  • Availability of remote banking services (RBS) for entrepreneurs.

Opening an individual entrepreneur's current account with Sberbank of the Russian Federation has long been no longer an alternative solution: you can choose any financial institution that provides services to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in your city. As a rule, you can find the most favorable rates from smaller banks (including regional ones). To do this, compare the tariffs and conditions of banks located in your city (they can be found on the websites and in bank branches). If you're lucky, you can open an account for free, taking advantage of a promotion or special offer for legal entities.

Be sure to talk to the manager for working with legal entities and entrepreneurs: perhaps he will be able to offer you interesting individual conditions.

Please note the presence of the Bank-Client system. Remote banking allows you to manage money via the Internet at any time and without leaving your home: track balances, make transfers, receive statements. This saves a lot of time (there is no need to go to the bank, sit in line, or adjust to the branch’s operating hours) and eliminates a large part of the “paper” accounting work. In addition, rates for self-service via Internet banking are usually cheaper than for similar work on paper.

Check the cost of cashing out funds through a cash desk and the commission for intrabank transfers from an individual entrepreneur’s account to an individual’s account. Most likely, the second option will allow you to transfer money from your current account to your current account via Internet banking and cash it out through a plastic card. To do this, you need to issue a debit card with free or minimal annual maintenance, linked to the individual’s account. Don’t forget to find out the addresses of ATMs that will dispense your funds without commission.

List of documents for opening a bank account for an individual entrepreneur

Let's move directly to the question of how to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur. Each bank may have its own requirements for the package of documents required to hire an entrepreneur for service.

According to the instructions of the Central Bank, the mandatory list of documents includes:

  1. Copy of passport: main spread and pages 4–5 with registration.
  2. A copy of the registration certificate tax accounting(TIN).
  3. A copy of the state registration certificate of individual entrepreneur.
  4. Licenses confirming the right of an entrepreneur to engage in licensed activities.
  5. KOPiP (card with sample signatures and individual entrepreneur seal imprint).
  6. Power of attorney and documents for third parties authorized to manage funds in the individual entrepreneur’s current account.

Usually the list is not exhausted by these documents: bankers also request a “fresh” extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and a letter from local authority Rosstat on the assignment of statistical codes.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs can be obtained from the territorial tax office within a week; its validity period for the bank is 1 month. All copies must be notarized or, if such a service is provided, certified by authorized bank employees for a fee.

Additionally, you will be asked to fill out an application and other papers required for security checks.

During the time required to comply with all formalities, bank employees will prepare an agreement, after which you will receive a certificate of opening a current account as an individual entrepreneur.

Notification of tax and extra-budgetary funds

The last stage of interaction with the bank - signing agreements on settlement and remote services - does not end with opening an account. Now you need to notify the tax office and Pension Fund about this event, and as soon as possible.

Notification of the tax inspectorate is carried out on a form according to form S-09-1, filled out and signed by the entrepreneur in 2 copies. Violation of the 7-day deadline established for filing a document is punishable by a fine of 5,000 rubles (Article 118 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It is advisable to visit the tax authorities in person: you need to take the second copy of the notice, signed by the inspector, and keep it with the rest of the individual entrepreneur documents. If it is not possible to get to the tax office in person, a representative can submit documents, but only with a notarized power of attorney in hand.

You can send documents by mail: a valuable letter must be accompanied by a list of attachments and a receipt. Online submission is possible only if the individual entrepreneur has a qualified digital signature certificate.

Federal Law No. 212-FZ of July 24, 2009 (Article 28, paragraph 3, paragraph 1) imposes individual entrepreneur the obligation to report the opening of a current account to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of Russia, as well as to the Social Insurance Fund (if the individual entrepreneur is registered with social insurance) within a week.

There are no standardized forms for notifying these funds, but there are forms recommended by these institutions that are available for download at official Internet portals relevant authorities.

What is a current account: 5 features + 5 advantages and 3 disadvantages of opening a bank account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs + 6 required documents.

Citizens of all developed countries use banking services...

It is not surprising that in Russia and Ukraine banks appear like mushrooms after rain.

Some close as quickly as they open, unable to withstand the onslaught of the crisis; some stay afloat by winning new clients.

If you are a bank client, then you certainly know what is a current account.

But do you know about the intricacies of its opening and closing, the peculiarities of marking and other features?

Then read the article to find answers to your questions.

What is a current account and what is it for?

Almost all clients of banking institutions have current (or current) accounts.

If our citizens open savings or other types of accounts with caution, then the plastic card that is issued when opening a bank account is frequent guest in wallets and purses.

Explanation of the term

If we use the terminology to define this phenomenon, it turns out that a current account is a kind of account that is used by another financial institution in order to control the monetary transactions that their client makes.

Most often, the actual amount of money in your account is equal to the account balance.

It is rare that banks provide credit money to account owners.

5 features of a current account:

  1. Their main purpose is to provide the client with quick and uninterrupted access to his money.
  2. You, as a consumer of banking services, can withdraw your money and deposit it into your account whenever you want, regardless of the time of year or time of day (at least, this should be the case ideally).
  3. This type of banking service should not be used to save money or as a source of passive income.

    There are other types for this, for example, savings, deposit, etc.

  4. You can open several current accounts in one bank, which will differ in currency or intended purpose of the money.
  5. It’s rare that an entrepreneur can run his business without a cash account.

Marking of Russian banks

To avoid confusion, all accounts are marked with numbers.

Since the peculiarities of the banking system in different countries may differ, then the markings of customer accounts may also differ.

I will explain how the account is marked in Russian banks so that the system for assigning a 20-digit digital code in the Russian Federation is clear.

*Before the 1998 reform, the code of the Russian currency was 810 and corresponded to the marking Soviet rubles. Then, according to requirements international standard ISO, these three digits were replaced by 643, but within the Russian financial system Soviet 810 markings are still used.

For example, if we see this marking 408.17.810.2.7771.8694739, we can understand that:

  • the account belongs to an individual;
  • citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • the money kept in his account is rubles.

The numbers in the code are not always separated from each other by a dot.

A more common marking is to write them in a single row without spaces or punctuation.

A current account is a useful service for individuals and legal entities

Clients of banks and other financial organizations can be both individuals and legal entities. Naturally, all banking services, including registration of a current account, are also available to both.

Current account for individuals

In fact, according to banking terminology, accounts for individuals are usually called not current, but current.

Such accounts are not associated in any way with entrepreneurial activity, but are opened for the private needs of a private person.

But these names are very conventional, since “r/s” is used to name the account of both individuals and legal entities, which stands for current account.

Current account for private individuals is used for:

  • transfer of salary or pension;
  • replenishment of personal finances;
  • payment for various things, products, services and other things (payment is made through a payment terminal or through online banking), etc.

The main condition is that the money that goes to the account of an individual should not come from a commercial organization.

If you need to add such a service, you will have to enter into a separate contract.

Current account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

Current account is a useful working tool for LLCs, so any private entrepreneur is in a hurry to open it in order to be able to pay for goods and services, receive such payment, replenish it with his own funds and perform other financial transactions.

Advantages of opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur or LLC:

    Small commission.

    Legal entities, unlike individuals, pay a fixed amount for financial transactions and this amount is relatively small (no more than 40 rubles).

    Payment terminal.

    By opening such an account with a specific bank, you can receive payment terminals from them, which is very important, for example, for store owners, because many buyers want to pay for purchased goods by card rather than in cash.

    Internet banking.

    Today, individual entrepreneurs, LLCs, and individuals have the opportunity to manage their money online.

    Salary cards.

    Having received an account in one of the financial institutions, you can issue salary plastic cards for both yourself and your employees, which allows you to accumulate accounts within one account.

  1. Payment of taxes - this function is available to both individual entrepreneurs and individual entrepreneurs.

Disadvantages of opening an account for an individual entrepreneur or LLC:

    The need to pay monthly for maintenance.

    As a legal entity, you will have to transfer a fixed amount to the bank every month for facilitating your financial transactions.

    But, if you do not make any transactions within a month, then the payment will not be withdrawn.

    Possibility of losing your money, if the bank closes, goes bankrupt, changes hands, etc.

    But, in fairness, it is worth saying that this does not happen very often.

    The likelihood of your account being seized, for example, by the Tax Service.

    This can happen when you haven't paid your taxes.

    Once you pay off the debt, you will have to tinker to unblock your account, so it is not recommended to quarrel with the IRS.

How to open and close a current account in a banking organization?

The procedure for opening and liquidating a current account in a domestic bank for individuals and entrepreneurs is quite simple, but you should still be aware of some nuances in order to demonstrate your awareness if possible.

What do you need to do to open a bank account?

In accordance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, every individual and legal entity can open a bank account in the chosen bank, but no one can force you to do this if you don’t want to.

The bank whose client you want to become does not have the right to refuse you to open a current account.

The only exceptions to this rule:

  • , illegal;
  • you yourself are under criminal investigation;
  • you cannot present all the documents required by the bank to carry out the transaction.

Legal entities should also open a bank account because, according to current legislation, legal entities can carry out monetary transactions without becoming a bank client for an amount that does not exceed 100,000 rubles.

By the way, only ruble accounts are available to private entrepreneurs and individual entrepreneurs, because a separate account is opened for foreign currency.

You, as a legal entity, must present the bank with a number of documents:

1 Card of sample signatures and seals certified by a notary
2 Help about your financial condition(first of all, the bank is interested in your lack of debt to the Tax Service and Social Insurance)
3 Identity cards of everyone who will have access to the account (director, accountant, owner, etc.)
4 Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (you must receive it no earlier than a month before going to the bank)
5 Copies of all constituent documents, certified by a notary
6 A completed application form, the form of which will be provided by the bank

Depending on which bank you decide to serve, the list of documents required by the financial institution may change.

It is better to clarify in advance what you need to bring with you, so as not to delay registering your account.

Some more information about using a current account by an individual entrepreneur:

Features of opening a current account using the example of Sberbank

Sberbank is the largest, most reliable and oldest bank in the Russian Federation.

It is not for nothing that private entrepreneurs choose it in order to open an account here for the needs of their business.

A large number of branches, numerous useful functions, pleasant service and other advantages attract both individuals and small businesses to Sberbank.

By the way, right now (until January 31, 2017 inclusive) private entrepreneurs can open it absolutely free.

If you don’t have time to drop by the bank, you can get a bank account number through online banking via the link https://sberbank.esphere.ru/#/sla, and then bring all the required documents within 30 days.

But in general, it is not at all necessary to open an account with Sberbank.

Many other financial institutions of the Russian Federation are at your service.

And citizens of neighboring countries also cannot complain about the lack of banking and other organizations in their cities.

How to close a current account?

Reasons for closure may vary:

  • you yourself wish it;
  • the court will rule so;
  • your company will go bankrupt;
  • The tax office will close the account;
  • you will regularly violate the terms of service, etc.

If you yourself decide to close your account due to the fact that you are reorganizing or closing your company, or have chosen another bank for service, then you need to submit a written application to the client manager.

If you have some money left in your accounts, you can get it all at the cash desk or transfer it to another account.

Now you know, what is a current account, what it is for and how to open it.

Private entrepreneurs do not have to worry about the confidentiality of their data and facts on financial transactions - all banks are required to store information about their clients and not distribute it to third parties.

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A current account is necessary for a legal organization in order to carry out various operations and settlements with counterparties (suppliers, customers) and employees. The question of whether an account is required by a company is not an easy one. There is no legal requirement to open. But taxes can only be paid by bank transfer. The Central Bank has also introduced restrictions on paying for services or goods in cash: 100,000 rubles within the limits of the contract for one product or service. It is not comfortable. Having a current account allows you to transfer finances to the accounts of other organizations, pay salaries, repay loan payments, pay for services provided (for example, legal, transport) and much more. When an organization receives a loan, an account is also necessary because the funds are deposited into it and not issued in cash.

Opening a current account for an organization: features

For opening a current account for an LLC, a certain fixed amount has been introduced in some banks. It is one-time and does not exceed 3,000 rubles. For advertising purposes, to attract customers, some banks offer this service free of charge. A subscription fee is also often charged for maintaining the account itself. The exact cost becomes known after the client selects the necessary banking services. Payment orders that are sent also have their own cost. Sometimes, packages offer a certain number of “payments” for free.

Increasingly, banks are offering the service of opening a current account for an LLC online. An account is reserved through the form on the website. In a special section, download application forms and documents required to be presented at the bank branch. This simplifies the registration procedure.

What is needed to open a bank account for an LLC

In order to open an account, you need to bring to the branch a set of documents required for this bank. Originals and copies are required. Making copies in some banks is not free. If you don’t want to overpay, you can provide photocopies you made yourself. There is no need to notarize. The manager's seal and signature on the copy is sufficient.

In addition, it is necessary that the head of the organization fill out a card with samples of signature and seal. This can be done at the department, simultaneously with the provision of papers. Then you need to pay in cash to open an account.

What documents are needed

How to choose a bank to open an account

Many banks provide business services. To choose the best option, you should analyze some criteria. The list below is the indicators that managers pay attention to most often. From it you can choose the ones you need.

Criterias of choice

  • low price for opening and maintenance;
  • Internet bank. This service – remote account management – ​​is available from all major banks. It is possible to install such a program on a desktop computer, laptop or smartphone;
  • informing about any transactions via SMS;
  • possibility of obtaining a corporate card;
  • cash withdrawal;
  • the possibility of obtaining a loan or loan;
  • availability of a conveniently located service office. For some, it is important that the bank has actual office space.

Where is the best place to open a current account for an LLC?

When choosing where it is better to open a current account for an LLC, you should consider some aspects:

  1. "Name" on the market. Some little or unknown banks may offer more profitable terms to attract customers. But the reliability of such a financial organization is questionable. You should choose banks that have a good reputation as partners.
  2. Large network of branches and ATMs.
  3. Rates.
  4. Convenient Internet banking.
  5. Speed ​​of work with the client.

Bank rating

You can select the following top banks for opening a current account for an LLC:

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Having a bank account greatly simplifies the activities of companies. You can make transfers in favor of counterparties or accept payments from them without wasting time on personal meetings.

Select bank

Opening a current account is a simple procedure that does not require much time. You just need to collect a list of documents and submit them to the bank. Thanks to online services Today you can reserve an account without leaving the office. In this article you will learn how to open a current account, and also receive important recommendations at the bank's choice.

How to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur

Opening an account for an individual entrepreneur allows you to control cash flows more quickly, and keep track of expenses much easier. To open a bank account, an entrepreneur needs to carry out several simple steps.

So, we bring to your attention instructions for opening a current account for individuals (IP). It consists of the following steps:

First, decide on a bank (choose the most suitable tariff. If your business has little income and expenses, then you should find the most optimal package of services. Also keep in mind that individual entrepreneurs’ funds in an account in a bank licensed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are insured for an amount of over 1,400,000. Financial organizations without a license may turn out to be scammers. Don't trust own funds new banks offering to open an account free of charge and in the shortest possible time.

For example, it is considered one of the most reliable and popular banks for opening a current account);

find out what documents the bank requests (this can be done by visiting a bank branch and asking a consultant. If you value your time, you can find out this information on the website of the selected bank);

then collect all the papers required by the bank (do not neglect the generally accepted certification rules, otherwise the bank may refuse to open an account. If a credit institution requires you to provide the original, then the brought copy will also cause a refusal to open a current account);

go to the bank branch and wait for your turn ;

when a specialist sees you, give him all the documents ;

you will be asked to sign an agreement for banking services, as well as fill out an application to open an account;

check all the data that the bank employee indicated in the contract ! If you find any discrepancies, notify the employee. Any mistake may subsequently lead to the inability to manage the account, and if the bank’s license is revoked, it will be problematic to get your money back;

sign the contract and choose a tariff for service (often banks offer ready-made packages of services, which already include a certain number of payments per month, issuing certificates, etc. It is profitable to purchase a package of services, since it is more economical in terms of money);

connect additional services (for example, Internet banking or SMS notifications about account transactions);

deposit funds into your account to activate it and debit the commission (it’s more profitable to pay not monthly, but immediately for a year);

then the bank employee will give you the details of the open account . However, the account will not be active immediately. The opening time depends on the speed of document processing by the bank. This may happen on the day of treatment, or maybe on the third day. In any case, the operator will notify you of the result.

After the employee reports the final opening of the account, you can provide the details to your counterparties. They can also be found in your personal account on the bank’s website.

Select a bank for individual entrepreneurs

Opening a current account for an organization

Various organizations, including legal entities, also do not experience difficulties when opening current accounts.

The procedure differs from the case with an individual entrepreneur only in the document package. Legal entities have a more complex structure, and more paperwork is required to formalize their activities.

Nevertheless, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the instructions for opening an organization account. The latter can be both commercial and budgetary: the process of obtaining a banking service is no different. To open a current account, a legal entity will need to perform the following sequence of actions:

decide on a credit institution (large companies are better off choosing well-known banks with a wide branch network. They are reliable and inspire trust from counterparties);

decide who will handle the invoice - a manager or a trusted representative (the second option implies the presence of, for which you will need to provide certificates to a notary);

collect documents (they may differ in different banks, so pay attention to this Special attention. Depending on what legal form your company has, you will need to provide additional documents);

go to the bank branch (some banking specialists go themselves to the company’s office or to any comfortable spot for the manager legal entity by prior arrangement);

sign the service agreement in two copies (before signing, check that the bank operator has provided all the data correctly. Errors in such documents are not allowed);

fill out an application to open an account (it is important to indicate the currency and purpose of the account);

add additional services to your account y (for example, many businessmen cannot do without mobile application, through which you can view account transactions at any time of the day);

after this, the specialist will inform you about the bank’s decision within 1-2 days (and in some cases later) . If an account has been opened for you, then you need to deposit an amount into it to activate it. Most often, it amounts to the annual cost of the service package.

After these simple manipulations, you can ask the bank operator for details. Now you can make non-cash payments and control cash flows in your account.

Select bank

Opening a current account for an LLC

To open a current account, an LLC will need to complete the following steps:

choose a suitable bank(little known financial organizations won't fit. The bank in which the LLC’s account is opened is the most important component of the company’s status. And most potential business partners pay attention to it);

the manager or representative, by proxy, goes to the credit institution, where he signs an agreement to join banking services. The latter is compiled in two copies. There can be no mistakes in it, and therefore you should carefully study its contents before putting your own signature;

you need to familiarize yourself with the list of service tariffs and choose the best option (it is better to familiarize yourself with the service packages in advance, before going to the bank. This will reduce the time spent with a bank employee);

within a few days the bank makes a decision to open an account (after a positive answer, the specialist will call you and ask you to come to the office to activate the account);

on last stage you will need to pay for a service package and activate additional functions (For example, Personal Area in Internet Banking).

The entire account registration process takes no more than 40 minutes. To speed up this process, you can prepare documents in advance, download application forms from the bank’s website and fill them out.

Select a bank for LLC

How to open a current account online

The procedure for opening an account in all banks is approximately the same, but there are some nuances. For example, in Sberbank, in, in, increased demands are placed on clients. They are expressed both in the list of documents and in the longer process of their processing by the bank.

If you do not want to waste time going to the bank when opening a current account, then you can use online application through the website of the selected bank. This way you can reserve an account for both an individual entrepreneur and an LLC.

If you have already decided on a bank, then opening an account through its website will not be difficult. To do this, you need to follow steps, some of which are completed online and others when you visit the bank. You can familiarize yourself with them in the table.

Steps to open an account on the bank's website The procedure for opening an account through a bank after submitting an online application
Select a bank from the rating of tariffs for current accounts;

go to home page official website of the bank;

find the “Open account” button;

enter information about the organization or individual entrepreneur (name and TIN required);

indicate contact information (phone number, email address);

expect a call from the bank.

You will only need to go to the bank to have your documents verified by a specialist. Opening an account online is quick, and the main thing is that you can do it while in the office. Some banks allow the client to transfer documents without visiting a branch. To do this, a bank specialist comes to your office, where he prepares documents.

After simple online registration steps, your details will be sent to your email address. The account will be active, but operations on it are limited. You can only top it up. The bank gives you a few days to come to the branch with a package of documents and finally open an account. If this is not done, the account will cease to function, and all funds transferred to it will be returned to the senders.

The service of opening an account online is also beneficial because many banks offer the first few months of service for free. This is convenient for saving money, especially if you have just registered your business.

Notification of opening a current account to the tax office and the Pension Fund of Russia

Previously, after opening an account, individual entrepreneurs and organizations, including LLCs, had to inform about this tax authority and an insurance fund. However, from May 1, 2014 this requirement canceled, and information about open account The bank transfers it to the tax office. From May 2, 2014, the credit institution also informs the pension fund.

Thus, in 2017, there is no need to write applications to the tax and insurance fund to open an account. There are no longer any fines for this, since all responsibility lies with the bank.

Is it possible to work without a current account?

There are no clauses in the law obliging all individual entrepreneurs and LLCs to open a current account. However, the regulations have restrictions on the amount of 100,000 rubles per contract. This clause means that if the amount of the contract with the counterparty is over 100,000 rubles, the funds must be transferred exclusively to the company’s current account.

For example, you entered into a rental agreement for a premises. The monthly fee is 10,000 rubles. After 10 months, the amount under the contract will be 100,000 rubles. Accordingly, from the 11th month you have the obligation to open a current account.

Some entrepreneurs try not to allow the amount under one contract to exceed 100,000 rubles, and each time they open new ones. However, sooner or later such actions will interest the tax authority, which is fraught with fines.

It is important to understand that there is nothing complicated about opening an account. In addition, it is convenient if in the future you want to expand the boundaries of your business. Modern technologies allow you to control the company’s cash flows online, which is only possible when opening an account.

Opening an account should be approached responsibly. Your activities and the attitude towards your company from potential business partners will depend on this. There are some tricks that will help a businessman open an account profitably.

Check with the bank in advance for the package of documents and the rules for their certification so as not to fill out the paperwork again.

Choose a reliable bank