Rock band Tokio Hotel - where Tom, Bill Kaulitz and other members are now. Bill Kaulitz Bill Kaulitz: “There was no balance.”

Four years ago, twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz moved to Los Angeles and enjoyed life away from public attention. Now they are back with a new album. Bill Kaulitz and Gustav Schaefer spoke with the news agency about the time-out and why the return is not one.

Former teen group Tokio Hotel released their new album"Kings of Suburbia". The guys disappeared from the scene four years ago. Twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz (25) moved to Los Angeles, while Gustav Schäfer (26) and Georg Listing (27) were catching up. But the new album was successful again. Before sales began, the album was already in first place in numerous countries.

It must be nice to know that your fans are still with you...

Bill: That's great! It was always incredible. In four years we have won several Awards. Our fans have always supported us this way. Even while we weren't doing anything. This support is incredible and does not take for granted. Before we took time out, they told us: “You can’t do this, you’ll ruin your career.” We took this into account. We didn't want to make an album that wasn't completely satisfying and that was only half cool. Besides, we needed time for ourselves. Ultimately, everything is fine with our careers, as you can see.

Why did you leave with Tom in 2010 for Los Angeles?

Bill: Eventually, life here stopped being fun for us. We couldn't build a personal life outside of our careers. There was no balance. After we were broken into, we said to ourselves: “We don’t want to look new home and turn it into a prison so that no one else can get into it.” In four weeks we planned everything, packed our things and left.

What couldn't you do in Germany?

Bill: Actually, that's it. From ordering pizza to checking into the hotel under pseudonyms. We couldn't stay in one place for too long. We did not part with our bodyguards. There were always about twenty people next to us, and fifty in front of the house. That is, your private and personal life is located within four walls behind a gate and a fence. You simply don’t see any other life anymore.

What happened in LA?

Bill: It was completely different there. Every morning I asked myself: “What should I do today? Should I go to a restaurant or drink coffee? We could plan ordinary things, such as our daily routine. If I wanted to go for a walk with my dog ​​now, I would have to organize it. If you're on tour, no problem, but in your personal life you don't want that. We needed balance, which is why we moved to Los Angeles.

There you could live like ordinary 20-year-old guys...

Bill: Absolutely. We went to nightclubs and could sometimes get completely drunk. Like absolutely everyone our age does, only we no longer made headlines. We didn't want any more articles about our personal lives. There was very little talk about music: much more interest was in what we do, what we say, where we live, what we wear and who we sleep with. During these four years we did not give a single interview; everything around us was calm.

What don't you like about LA?

Bill: For example, that all clubs are open until two in the morning. At 1:45 you can buy your last drink, and at 2:00 sharp the lights turn on in every club and bar. You need to start drinking after lunch. I'll never get used to this! It annoys me so much that I would rather move to New York. Besides, we really miss German pastries, plum cake and driving fast on the Autobahn.

Gustav, what have you and Georg been doing all this time?

Gustav: He and I traveled to all the cities we had already been to a hundred times, but we saw nothing except the airport and the hotel. Georg, like me, visited Paris. There we went on the subway for the first time!

Do you mean for the first time?

Did they recognize you?

Gustav: No, not really. It was an awesome feeling.

You also took full advantage of the break...

Gustav: Yes. We were finally able to make up for lost time with our families. For example, on Sundays we often had lunch together. And we celebrated holidays.

Why are you back now?

Bill: We don't feel like it's a comeback. At the end of 2011 we were on tour in South America, Japan and Russia. Then we took a break for a year and a half. It didn't feel like it lasted that long. At that time we started making music again and going to the studio. We didn't spit at the ceiling these four years. It used to be quite normal for a band to not release an album for four years. Moreover, we didn’t break up. It was clear from the very beginning that we would do the album again. It just wasn't specified exactly when.

Are you worried about your future? What if you are never as successful as before?

Bill: After the fourth album we are relatively calm. I believe we will always have a future in the music business. You could even say that I am sure of this. Over the past ten years we have built a very good base that will remain forever. Moreover, this is due not only to the success of one album. In addition, there are many other areas of music. For example, Tom wants to write music and produce other artists.

Can't you imagine anything else?

Bill: No. I'm incredibly grateful that we were able to come all this way. I can't imagine doing any other normal profession, I really don't want to do anything else. We are lucky that we get to do what we love and what we are passionate about every day.

Wolfgang Joop really likes your style. What does fashion and style mean to you? Is this art to you?

Bill: Yes, absolutely. Fashion is my second great passion and a kind of complement to music. For me, these two things go hand in hand. I don't see myself as a songwriter who just stands on stage and just sings. I have always been both a singer and an artist. And I like the show. Performances are always much more than just playing instruments. Fashion also belongs to all this, just like myself. I also fulfilled some of my fashion dreams: I collaborated with photographers, brands and designers that I have long wanted to work with. I really like Wolfgang, and we have quite a lot good relationship. He's an excellent designer. My main dream is to have my own clothing line. I will definitely implement it someday. But I will need this time to do everything in at its best. I don’t want it to just have my name written there and that’s it. I already have several titles and projects that I have been working on for a long time. The right moment has not yet arrived, but I am sure that someday it will still happen.

But is music still in the foreground?

Bill: In the near future we'll all be thinking about the album. We have a lot of work now, and we don’t have a minute of free time. Therefore, in the near future everything will be exactly like this.

Recently the leader of the German music group Tokio Hotel Bill Kaulitz secretly visited Russia. The singer presented to the public his solo art project BILLY, within the framework of which a closed presentation of the mini-album BILLY-I "m Not Ok (I'm Not Ok) and the photo book Love Don"t Break Me (Love, not ok) took place in Moscow and St. Petersburg break me). Bill Kaulitz shared his impressions of the visit with HELLO.RU.

The release of the presented album took place on May 20 and is available for listening only on the Internet. It features 5 dance songs that talk about despair, heartbreak and hope. For the song Love Don't Break Me, the musician released a candid video clip and a book of the same name, visually complementing the story with photographs from the filming.

Bill Kaulitz presented his book during a visit to Russia, October 2016 Previously, the BILLY project was successfully presented in the USA, Mexico, Germany, France and Italy. For his events, Bill chooses special art venues, since he positions his project as a relationship between art, fashion and music. Thus, for the presentation in Moscow, the musician preferred a club format, inviting guests to the Bessonnitsa nightclub, and in the Northern capital the meeting was held at the Tsiferburg entertainment center.

Despite the increased interest from fans, closed events were only able to be attended by limited quantity Human. Bill chose to keep the meeting private by not having the press present. Nevertheless, HELLO.RU managed to ask the musician a few questions and take pictures of him at the presentation.

Bill has prepared a number of surprises for his Russian fans. Immediately before his trip to Moscow, the 27-year-old artist shocked the public with a new image - he got a short haircut and dyed his hair in an extreme color. The singer decided on this experiment for the sake of one of his new videos, which will be released in the near future. Guests of both capitals had the opportunity to see a pre-show of one of them - the song Not Over You.

I would really not like to reveal all the secrets. I can only say that most likely you will see me shaving my hair right in the video,” Bill shared.

During the event, the musician signed each copy of the photo book and vinyl copy of the album, willingly took pictures and answered questions from the public, talking about his plans. Already in the spring of 2017, the Tokio Hotel group will return to Russia with a new concert tour, Dream Machine Tour, which is planned to cover 8 cities. Tickets for upcoming concerts are being snapped up by fans at high speed, despite the fact that the group is in no hurry to release a new album.

Bill hastened to reassure the fans and asked them to wait a little:

To be honest, I myself don’t know when this X-day will come. We're still working on the material. Most likely, the new album will be released in early 2017.

The musician explained his busyness by saying that in addition to the group and solo project, he has plans to make his film debut. Bill and his twin brother Tom Kaulitz are also in the process of writing a book.

We have too many projects now. When I wake up in the morning, I don’t even know what to do. While I'm traveling around the world with my solo project, my brother Tom, as the band's producer, is working in a studio on the other side of the world on new tracks, the other band members Georg and Gustav are also working like bees, although they are usually less involved. So rest assured: we will go on tour with new material! Despite the fact that the theme of the evening was a project into which Bill invested all his personal experiences, fans, not wanting to upset the artist, were in no hurry to ask questions about his recent separation from his other half, but they still received the answer:

Yes, I was very hurt by this relationship, it seemed to me that I had finally found the only thing I had been looking for for so long. However it was a good experience. When you give yourself completely to your loved one, this is not forgotten. On at the moment I'm free. And very happy! Of course, being happy is a choice. Sure, I can be sad and depressed and hang out in bars and have one-night stands, but I don't encourage that. The next morning I feel empty, which is not what I want. That's why I tell people that I'm happy - and I really feel it. I'm completely fine and I'm not afraid to experience this again.

The musician also noted that he loves to visit nightclubs. Immediately after the end of the event, Bill went for a walk around the capital's establishments, visiting the Kamchatka bar and the ARMA17 club. In St. Petersburg, the singer also walked along the streets at night.

It was not by chance that I chose Moscow and St. Petersburg for my presentation. I'm in love with these cities. I really like the mentality of Russian people. I have encountered rudeness, but at the same time, you are very hospitable. I was captivated by the architecture of St. Petersburg. Driving through the city, I feel the history of each building. There is nothing like this in Los Angeles! I would definitely love to live here or just have a frosty Christmas.

The rock band was popular in Russia more than eight years ago. The members have changed a lot since then.

The guys from Tokio Hotel were one of the most popular rock bands in Russia in 2007-2008. The bright appearance of the participants was immediately remembered, and posters with brothers Bill and Tom Kaulitz hung over the table of literally every second seventh-grader.

True, by 2010 the group’s popularity in Russia had sharply waned, and German teenagers disappeared from television screens. The group, which was founded back in 2001, still exists. True, the participants have changed a lot. By the way, the whole group moved from Germany closer to the stars - to Los Angeles.

Russian fans remember this group

Bill Kaulitz

Now the lead singer of the group is 28 years old. Russian listeners remembered Bill for his long black hair, but since then the star has changed his image several times - he cut his hair short and dyed it platinum. Now Bill has a very ordinary hairstyle, and from time to time he grows a beard. But black pencil doesn’t let your eyes down anymore.

In the singer’s personal life, little has changed. In an interview, Bill said many times that he dreams of finding the girl of his dreams and does not waste time on frivolous relationships. According to rumors, the celebrity dated Nikki Ramsay, the daughter of British chef Gordon Ramsay, for a long time, but the girl left him, tired of threats from the artist’s fans.

Tom Kaulitz

The band's guitarist and producer, as well as Bill's twin brother, was very different from the lead singer. In 2007, the musician wore dreadlocks, which he has now cut off. In addition, Tom has pumped up his muscles and does not hesitate to show them off at photo shoots.

Tom also differs from his brother in his attitude towards girls - the musician dated dozens of beauties. But in 2015, he decided to settle down and married model Ria Sommerfeld. True, six months later he filed for divorce. Now the musician has been dating model Heidi Klum, who is 16 years older than him, for three months.

Gustav Schäfer

The 29-year-old drummer has not changed much in appearance, except that he has matured and gained a little weight.

But in May 2016, Gustav became a father. Despite constant concerts and tours, the drummer spends a lot of time with his daughter and constantly shares photos on his Instagram. It seems that the little girl dotes on her famous daddy!

Which captured almost the entire world about ten years ago. The team, consisting of young guys, performing catchy hits in the pop-rock style, attracted everyone with its message, youth and, of course, the extravagant image of the group's leader, Bill Kaulitz.

In 2010, the team took a time out and for several years “rested” from the overwhelming popularity, working at the same time on a new sound. The end of 2014 pleased fans with a new long-awaited work - the album "Kings of Suburbia", which demonstrated a new vector of development for the group. This time the album was performed in the electronic dance music (EDM) genre, which caused mixed assessment fans, but was also able to attract a new audience to the group’s work. Bill Kaulitz, the band's lead singer, also made major changes to his image and stage presence. What happened in his life over the past time?

Bill Kaulitz: biography

Bill was born on September 1, 1989 in Leipzig, ten minutes after the birth of his twin brother Tom. Later the family moved to the small village of Leutsche. Since childhood, twin brothers Bill and Tom have been involved in music and were different from their peers. Bill always preferred to be different from his peers, not paying attention to bullying and gossip. As he admitted later, it was precisely this very experience in childhood that tempered him and helped him subsequently go through the trials of public criticism and adhere to the vector of development he himself had chosen.

Bill Kaulitz passed the test of fame at a young age. Everything changed quite dramatically: the talented guys were once noticed by producer Peter Hoffman, who played a significant role in the further promotion of the team. For short time The whole of Germany learned about the group.

Tokio Hotel: a success story

The year 2001 was marked by the emergence of the group Devilish, which a little later changed its name to Tokio Hotel. Since then, the composition of the group remained unchanged, the group experienced a real storm of popularity, which did not subside until 2009. Recognizable style gave rise to the soloist huge amount rumors and controversy about his sexual orientation. Partly, this is what aroused the audience’s interest in the group: the young age of the participants, coupled with their talent and skill, as well as the non-trivial appearance of the leader, left them no chance to go unnoticed. At the moment, Bill continues to experiment with his appearance, although his style has become much more masculine than in early years creativity.

The evolution of the style of the lead singer of the group Tokio Hotel

From a young age, Bill Kaulitz, whose photos were featured in all popular teen magazines, was not afraid to change his appearance depending on own desire. For a long time, black hair color was his business card: V early years he preferred short hair with long, side-swept bangs, then he grew long hair, styled them in spectacular “explosive” hairstyles. The cardinal one occurred in 2011. It was then that the lead singer first dyed his hair a light shade, and to this day his style remains the same: short platinum blonde hair. At the beginning of his career, Bill Kaulitz preferred to complement his image with makeup, but now he practically does not use makeup on stage and when going out.

The artist's private life

How does the lead singer of Tokio Hotel live and does he have a soulmate? How does Bill Kaulitz himself comment on rumors about his sexual orientation? The artist’s personal life is hidden from the public at all times. Bill himself has repeatedly expressed his own position: he is still looking for and waiting for his soul mate and believes in “excessive love”, for the sake of which he will be ready to do absolutely any act. At the moment, Bill Kaulitz is busy working on his own solo album, which he promises to please fans with in April 2016.

12.10.2018 |

"Tokio Hotel" is a German rock band that became famous throughout the world 10 years ago. Talented, bright, outrageous guys blew up the music charts with their tracks and received many awards and prizes. Millions of fans listened to their music, copied appearance– they grew their hair long, dyed it black, and lined their eyes.

Tokio Hotel Group then and now

Twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz were born in Leipzig, Germany in 1989. When the boys were 7 years old, their parents separated and their mother married musician Gordon Trumper. He taught the children to sing and play the guitar. Bill composed songs and performed them to the accompaniment of Tom.

Bill and Tom Kaulitz as children

In 2001, the twins formed a band called Devilish, joined by guitarist Gustaf Schäfer and drummer Georg Listing. The guys performed in clubs and recorded their first solo album. The twins had unusual looks: Bill painted his eyes and nails black, Tom wore dreadlocks.

Tokio Hotel Group formerly

The group was noticed by producer Peter Hoffman, he invited the young men to sign a contract and change their name to “Tokio Hotel”. The guys recorded 15 compositions, among which was “Durch den Monsun”, which hit the top lines of the world charts. The song "Schrei" has become the anthem of all teenagers. This track is a protest against adult oppression.

At the peak of popularity

From 2006 to 2014, the team released 4 records in German and English languages, toured Europe, the USA and Latin America. The guys' popularity was enormous. However, the next album, "Dream Machine", did not rise above number 5 in the German charts.

Band members today

In 2018, after a large-scale tour in support of the new record, the guys took a creative break. However, the group continues to exist.

Bill Kaulitz - lead singer of the band Tokio Hotel

In 2016, Bill decided to perform solo and released the album “I’m Not OK.” It included 15 songs. A video clip was shot for the single “Love Don’t Break Me”.

Bill Kaulitz then and now

Now Bill has radically changed his image, he cut his hair short and dyed his hair platinum blond. The musician participates in fashion shows, appears on the covers of glossy magazines. The Modelwerk modeling agency signed a contract with Bill.

Bill participates in fashion shows

Kaulitz runs a YouTube channel where he posts videos about the band and everyday vlogs. Bill continues to make music. In October of this year he recorded a duet with German performer Nisse.

Bill remains a musician

As for Kaulitz's personal life, there have always been many rumors about it. The Tokio Hotel soloist was credited with having affairs with singers, models, makeup artists, and even the daughter of the famous chef Gordon Ramsay. The artist usually does not give any comments about love relationships.

Bill Kaulitz and Trina Strassenburg

Officially, he only had an affair with a fan of Tokio Hotel’s work, Trina Strassenburg. They met at a band concert and dated for a year, then broke up due to constant quarrels.

Tom Kaulitz – guitarist and producer

Tom Kaulitz has always been not only the guitarist of the Tokio Hotel group, but also co-authored many songs. In 2016, he became the producer of his brother Bill's solo album.

How Tom Kaulitz has changed

As for successes on the personal front, in the summer of 2015 Tom married German model Ria Sommerfeld, but the relationship fell apart six months later.

Tom Kaulitz today

Later, the guitarist dated Iranian fashion model Shermin Shahrivar. She was 7 years older than him. This spring, rumors appeared that Tom was having an affair with Heidi Klum herself. Paparazzi photographs of the couple in love appeared in the press.

Tom Kaulitz and Heidi Klum

Bill and Heidi did not hide their relationship from the public. Soon they officially appeared as a couple at the AmfAR charity dinner in Cannes. According to Heidi, she is happy with Bill and is not embarrassed by the 16-year age difference.

Gustav Schäfer – drummer

Gustav Schäfer was born in Magdeburg in the autumn of 1988. He loved music since childhood, listening to records by Phil Collins and Eric Clapton with his father. At the age of 12, Gustav became part of the Tokio Hotel group.

Gustav Schäfer hasn't changed much

The drummer is known among fans for his tattoos. He has 4 of them: on his back, on his arms, on his right leg. What struck fans most was the tattoo with the words of a Johnny Cash song; this is Gustav’s favorite performer.

Schaefer Tattoos

Over the years, Schaefer has not changed much in appearance, but serious changes have occurred in his personal life. He got married and had a daughter. Now Gustaf Schäfer remains the drummer of Tokio Hotel.

Georg Listing – bassist

Georg Listing was born in the spring of 1987 in Halle. As a child, the boy attended music school, where he learned to play the bass guitar. Another favorite musical instrument Listing - piano. He entered the Tokio Hotel at the age of 13.

Georg Listing then and now

Now Georg Listing has hardly changed, he just cut his long hair and pumped up a little. He continues to be friends and work with the Kaulitz twins. In addition, the musician travels a lot.

Georg loves to travel

He recently visited Iceland's most famous waterfalls and shared beautiful photos on Instagram. Georg does not talk about his personal life.

Tokio Hotel is preparing a new album

Today the Tokio Hotel group continues to perform in in full force and tour the world. Recently, the lead singer of the band, Bill Kaulitz, wrote on Instagram that a new album, “Tokio Hotel,” will soon appear on the shelves of music stores. While the final release date is not known, fans of the twins hope that the songs will bring the group a new round of popularity.

Photo: Instagram,,,