Women and wives. Dieter is sick and the mulattos of his dreams Dieter bohlen everything about the performer

ILL DIETER (Bohlen Dieter) (born February 7, 1954, in Oldenburg (western Germany).

Personal life
Dieter Bohlen lived with his first wife, Erika (September 29, 1954), for almost 11 years (from 1983 to 1994). In their marriage they had 2 sons Marc (Marc, July 09, 1985), Marvin Benjamin (December 21, 1988) and daughter Marilyn (February 23, 1990).

In 1996, Dieter Bohlen married Verona Feldbusch (May 30, 1969), but the marriage lasted only four weeks.

From 1997 to 2000 he lived with Naddel Abd el Farrag (March 05, 1965), part-time backing vocalist for Blue System and Modern Talking.

From 2001 to 2006, Dieter had a relationship with Estefania Kuster (Estefania Kuster, July 28, 1979), with whom he has a son, Maurice Cassian (July 7, 2007).

From 2006 to this day, Dieter Bohlen lives with his girlfriend Carina Fatma Walz (Carina Fatma Walz, 1984), with whom they had two children: daughter Amelie (Amelie, March 24, 2011) and son Maximilian (September 7, 2013) .

Creative pseudonyms: Steve Benson, Ryan Simmons, Dee Bass, Joseph Cooley, Art Of Music, Countdown G.T.O., Fabrizio Bastino, Jennifer Blake, Howard Houston, Eric Styx, Michael von Drouffelaar.

Studied in several secondary schools(in Oldenburg, Göttinten, Hamburg), graduated from high school with honors and on November 8, 1978 Dieter received a diploma in business economics. Education - economic.

IN academic years took part in several musical groups, among which were AORTA and MAYFAIR, for which he wrote about 200 songs. At the same time, Dieter does not give up trying to get work in recording studios, constantly sending demo materials to them. At the end of 1978, by a happy coincidence, Bohlen got a job at the music publishing house Intersong and on January 1, 1979 began working as a producer and composer.

He received his first gold disc for the song Hale, Hey Louise, performed by guitarist Ricky King. The song reached number 14 on the charts and brought the music publishing house five hundredfold profit. In the original data of the single, the author was indicated as Steve Benson - the first pseudonym of Dieter Bohlen, invented together with Andy Selleneit, who later became the chief of BMG / Ariola in Berlin, and at that time worked as an assistant at one of the departments.

In the late 1970s - early 1980s. Dieter Bohlen is a member of the duo MONZA (1978) and the trio SUNDAY (1981), works with German stars: Katja Ebstein, Roland Kaiser, Bernd Cluver, Bernhard Brink. In 1980-81 Under the pseudonym Steve Benson, he releases three singles.

On November 11, 1983 at 11:11 a.m. (it is at this time that carnival is celebrated in Germany before Lent) Dieter Bohlen marries Erica Sauerland. Married to Erica, three children are born: Marc (July 9, 1985), Marvin Benjamin (December 21, 1988), Marilin (February 23, 1990), who different times Dieter Bohlen devotes several songs to his stage career.

From 1983 to 1987 and from 1998 to 2003. Dieter collaborates with Thomas Anders (b. March 1, 1963, Münstermayfeld), with whom he records 5 German-language singles, 1 English-language single (as part of the HEADLINER project), 13 albums and 20 singles (as part of the MODERN TALKING duet). The MODERN TALKING group is currently Dieter Bohlen's most successful project. The popularity of the duo and the merits of Dieter Bohlen were assessed by the presentation of 75 gold and platinum discs during one evening in the Westphalian Hall of Dortmund (Westfalenhalle, Dortmund), the delivery of which to the stage required a special forklift. In total, more than 120 million audio media containing recordings of the duo’s compositions have been sold worldwide. The group's best-selling album was “Back For Good” (1998), selling more than 10 million copies worldwide.

After the collapse of MODERN TALKING at the end of 1987, Bolen created the group BLUE SYSTEM, the permanent leader of which he remained until its dissolution in 1998. During the existence of BLUE SYSTEM, it released 13 albums, 30 singles and shot 23 video clips. BLUE SYSTEM was practically the next stage name Dieter Bohlen. At the end of 1989, BLUE SYSTEM's triumphant tour in the USSR followed, which was visited by a total of 400,000 people. On October 28, 1989, Dieter received the title of the most successful German producer and composer.

Dieter Bohlen - author of music for many German films, programs, shows and television series. Among the most famous works soundtracks for "Rivalen der Rennbahn", "Zorc - Der Mann ohne Grenzen" and "Die Stadtindianer". One of his works with television was the series “Schimanski-Tatort” (“Schimanski-Crime Scene”), the title song of which in one episode was Midnight Lady performed by Chris Norman. It was this song that was the start for the second ascent of the ex-vocalist of the group SMOKIE to musical Olympus. In the same film, Dieter Bohlen first appears on television as an artist, playing one of the minor roles.

Period from mid to late 1980s. can be considered the time when Dieter Bohlen wrote greatest number musical works and collaborated with a huge amount musical performers. In total, the musician has worked with more than 70 performers, including Al Martino, Bonnie Tyler, C.C. Catch, Chris Norman, Lory "Bonnie" Bianco, Les McKeown, Nino de Angelo, Engelbert Humperdinck, Ricky King and many others.

In 1997, Dieter Bohlen introduced the world to his own version of TAKE THAT and the BACKSTREET BOYS - a new boy group called TOUCHE (a German group singing in English with a French name). An important role in the successes of Dieter Bohlen was played by sound engineer Louis Rodriguez, who for a long time helped Bohlen arrange the compositions. Dieter dedicated one of the most popular hits, Brother Louie, to Louis.

In the summer of 2002, Dieter Bohlen published an autobiographical book “Nichts als die Wahrheit” (“Nothing but the truth”), which went on sale in the fall and became an absolute bestseller. In the autumn of the same year, he became a member of the jury of the German competition for the selection of young talents “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” (“Germany is looking for a superstar”). The first single, We Have A Dream, recorded by ten finalists, instantly reaches the top of the charts and becomes double platinum. The subsequent album “United” becomes no less sold out and receives platinum status five times, becoming the second best-selling album among Dieter Bohlen’s albums.

During 2003, Dieter Bohlen entered into many advertising contracts with famous trademarks engaged in the production of clothing, dairy products, and the sale of communications equipment. In the fall of 2003, Dieter Bohlen released his second autobiographical book, “Hinter den Kulissen” (“Behind the Scenes”).

Among the successful works of the early 2000s are compositions for Alexander (Alexander, winner of the first competition “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”) and Yvonne Catterfeld.

Compiled by Ilya YEREMENKO
by order of the portal www.km.ru

Where does Dieter Bohlen live? Being at home is the most beautiful thing! Many celebrities, with their hard-earned money, afford expensive villas with large pools and luxurious gardens. For most, this is not something extravagant. But there are also those who do not spend money on luxury - for example, Dieter Bohlen. Although his fortune is estimated at around 135 million euros, the DSDS jury member has no desire to flaunt the luxury and pomp in Los Angeles. Where exactly does Dieter Bohlen live? Although he could easily afford an impressive property in Miami or Dubai, 64-year-old Dieter Bohlen likes his coziness and comfort. He lives in a small village south of Hamburg: Tötensen. "I live in a century-old house that has been rebuilt over and over again, and that's what I find cool," he told Bunte magazine. Rustic and old-fashioned is what Pop-tiatn likes. "I mixed a lot of antiques with modern pieces. I would describe my style as romantic and cozy," he explains. Dieter Bohlen's Villa in Tötensen Privacy is important to him When you arrive in Tötensen, you won't have to wait long to find the DSDS judge's shelter. Behind the iron white gates is his yellow house with a dark roof. If you stand right in front of the gate, you can even look at the large balcony that was built on the second floor of the house. Balcony of Dieter Bohlen's villa A beautiful stone path leads to the entrance, hidden behind neatly trimmed bushes. The pop titan lives here with his girlfriend Karina Waltz and their children Amelie and Maximilian. The former Modern Talking star leaves the interior decor rather to his beloved. “The house is her concern. We have a clear division of roles,” he admits with pride. He likes to spend his summers in Mallorca. Sometimes you can meet the six-time dad at his summer home in Mallorca. He especially likes the port of Cala Ratjada! There, a small family can swim in the blue water, eat fresh fish or stroll along a fabulous beach. When Bohlen and his girlfriend run into fans, they may even chat with them. With such good weather there can only be a good mood! In this apartment building Dieter Bohlen bought an apartment right in the port of Santa Ponsa in the southwest of the island. But then there was information that she became small with the birth of her sixth child and the family moved. In the future, Dieter wants his family to continue in the same way. wonderful life already without him. According to Hamburger Abendblatt, Bohlen wants to “save even more and more money for for many years forward" so that his family can live in abundance when he is no longer here. Modern Talking World – text In Touch from 05/25/18

Dieter Günther Bohlen – German singer, composer and producer, founder popular group Modern Talking.

Childhood. First performances

Dieter was born into a family of entrepreneurs. He became addicted to music very early, having heard the songs of The Beatles at the age of 9. The boy decided to learn to play the guitar. To save money for an instrument, Bohlen collected potatoes for a farmer who lived next door. When there was enough money and Dieter bought a guitar, he began to gain popularity at school, performing at holidays with a repertoire from famous hits and your own songs.

The Bohlen family moved often, so their son managed to study in three schools. Dieter graduated from high school with honors and received a diploma in business economics in 1978.
First music group Bolen appeared in 1969, the group was called Mayfair, then he played in Aorta. Over the course of several years, Dieter wrote about 200 songs for them.

Already while studying at university, music allowed him to make a living performing in nightclubs. Bohlen received 250 marks for each appearance. After some time, he saved up money for a piano and bought himself a car. All this time he made home demo recordings and sent them to producers in Hamburg.

After graduating from university, Dieter got a job at the music company Intersong. His job was to monitor pop music for new releases and compile lists and reports on them. In parallel with the performance of his main duties, Bohlen wrote songs and offered them to various performers.

Start of a career. Modern Talking

In 1978, Dieter became the vocalist of the groups Monza and Sunday. At the same time, he wrote songs for others popular artists. His first success came with the song “Hale, Hey Louise” (written under the pseudonym Steve Benson), performed by Ricky King. The composition was in high positions in German music ratings for almost six months, and Bohlen received a “golden disc” and a good profit for it.

The truly great success was facilitated by the fact that Dieter began writing songs in English. In 1983, he met Thomas Anders, and they created Modern Talking, which subsequently gained worldwide popularity.

The duo worked from 1983 to 1987, then, after a long break, from 1998 to 2003. During this time, Modern Talking released 12 albums and 20 singles. Once in the Westphalian hall of Dortmund, Dieter was presented with 75 gold and platinum discs in one evening, which were delivered by truck.

Over the entire existence of the duo, 165 million media with its recordings have been sold. The best-selling album was the 1998 album “Back For Good”, which sold more than 26 million copies. Four of the band's albums went multi-platinum.

Blue System

At the end of 1987, after the collapse of Modern Talking, Bohlen created the group Blue System, of which he was the frontman until the reunion of Modern Talking in 1998. The group managed to record 13 albums and 30 singles, and released 23 videos.

In 1989, Bohlen became the most popular foreign artist in the Soviet Union. During the Blue System tour in the USSR, a total of about 400 thousand tickets were sold.
At the end of the year, Dieter received the title of the most successful German composer and producer.

In 1991, Blue System recorded the hit It's All Over with American singer Dionne Warwick. This song got into the American U.S. R&B charts.


In 2002, Dieter created the project “Germany is looking for a superstar.” The final hit of the first season topped the charts, and the compilation disc became the second highest-grossing album in the musician’s discography.

Bolen himself began producing the finalists of the competition. In 2007, after the 4th season of the show, he began working with its winner, Mark Medlock. In three years, the musicians recorded four albums, and their joint single “You Can Get It” went platinum.

In 2010, Dieter took singer Andrea Berg under his “tutelage”. She recorded the album “Schwerelos” under the guidance of a famous producer, which reached the top of the German ratings.

Personal life

Dieter Bohlen has always been popular among women. In the early 80s he met Erika Sauerland. They got married. Erica gave birth to two sons and a daughter to the musician, but after 11 years of marriage the couple separated due to Dieter’s infidelities.

While married, Bohlen entered into a relationship with an Arab woman, Nadia Abd El Farrag. It didn't last long, because... The girl started having problems with alcohol.

In 1996, Dieter married model Verona Feldbush, but nothing serious happened with her either.

Photo: Dieter Bohlen personal life

Bohlen's next woman, Estefania Küster, gave birth to his son in 2005.
At the end of the 2000s, the singer met Karina Waltz, a girl 31 years younger than Dieter. The couple is still together and has two children. Wanting to stay young, Dieter started playing sports. He runs several kilometers a day, plays tennis, and goes to physical therapy. In 4 years, the musician managed to lose about 10 kg.

In 2002, Dieter wrote an autobiography entitled “Nothing but the Truth.” The book became a bestseller.


A collection was published in 2017 best songs Dieter on three discs, shown on TV big show in support of the album. The concert featured performers of Bohlen's songs and the winners of the show “Germany is looking for a superstar.”


  • "The First Album" - 1985
  • "Let's Talk About Love" - ​​1985
  • "Ready for Romance" - 1986
  • "In the Middle of Nowhere" - 1986
  • "Walking on a Rainbow" - 1987
  • "Twilight" - 1989
  • "Obsession" - 1990
  • "Déjà Vu" - 1991
  • "Forever Blue" - 1995
  • "Back For Good" - 1998
  • "Year of the Dragon" - 2000
  • "Victory" - 2002
  • "Universe" - 2003
  • "Dieter - Der Film" - 2006
  • "Die Mega Hits" - 2017

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Even though legendary group Modern Talking has not existed for a long time; the name of Dieter Bohlen still excites his fans who fell in love with the musician’s work. Having achieved wild popularity, the artist worked fruitfully for a long time, creating new musical projects, as well as producing young performers. Today Bohlen continues to pursue his career, however, he surprises the public not only with his creative ideas, but also with his personal life. The singer was married more than once, and was also distinguished by his loving disposition and passionate character, thanks to which he became the father of many children.

Dieter was born in 1954 in Bern, Lower Saxony, Germany. He also has Russian roots, as his maternal grandmother was Russian and lived in Konigsberg, now Kaliningrad. His father was an engineer, and his mother was raising three children. In his childhood, the future singer was a very nimble and active child, causing constant problems for his parents. IN school years the boy became interested in music, already trying to compose songs. After graduating from school, the young man received economic education, however, did not begin to work in his specialty, taking up musical career. Bohlen produced German stars and wrote songs for them.

In 1983, together with the singer, he created the duet Modern Talking, thanks to which the group’s songs topped the European charts for several years. However, in 1987 the duo ceased to exist, and the musician took up his career. He created the Blue System group, with which he worked actively. From 1998 to 2003, Modern Talking reasserted itself, after which the participants parted ways with a huge scandal.

In the photo, Dieter Bohlen with his first wife Erica

Dieter's personal life interested journalists and fans no less than his stellar songs. His first wife was the stylist Erika, whom he met at a disco in Göttingen. The lovers celebrated their wedding at the end of 1983, celebrating it rather modestly, and even the newlyweds came to the marriage registration in denim suits. Three children were born to this union: sons Mark and Marvin, and daughter Marilyn. Eleven years later, the couple divorced, as the wife was tired of the singer’s fans and his many mistresses. After the divorce, Bolen did not forget the children, paying the necessary expenses former family. He also maintained good friendly relations with Erica.

The musician had long love relationship with a model of Arab origin, Nadia Abdel Farrah. Dieter had strong feelings for the girl, however, she had a harmful addiction to alcohol and often cheated on her star lover, which caused him mental trauma. In 1996, the singer married for the second time, and Verona Feldbush became his chosen one. However, this marriage quickly faded away, since the girl was more interested in Bohlen’s income than in himself. The divorce is over loud scandal, because ex-wife accused the artist of assault.

Pictured is Dieter Bohlen and his wife Estefania Küster

In the early 2000s, Dieter started new novel. His passion was a young girl named Estefania Küster. In March 2011, the lovers had a daughter, Amelie, and in the fall of 2013, a son, Maximilian. The couple lives together to this day, raising children. Off stage the artist is an ordinary husband and a father who fulfills the whims and desires of his children and the woman he loves.

See also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 08/20/2016