How the forces of evil are depicted in Russian fairy tales. Good and evil in works of Russian literature. View the contents of the document ""Good and evil in Russian folk tales""

"Good and Evil
in Russian
folk tales»
Presentation prepared by:
Tkach L.A.

“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson!"
A.S. Pushkin
Fairy tales are most often told to children because
it is children who absorb the lessons that are laid down
people into fairy tales.
In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. Always good
receives a reward for his actions.

How did the people depict these two concepts: good and evil?
fairy tales
are subdivided
positive and negative.
Positive characters: Ivanushka the fool, Ivantsarevich, Ivan peasant son, Vasilisa the Wise, Elena
Beautiful, Marya Morevna and other heroes.

Positive characters in fairy tales always get help
forces of nature, allowing you to cope with difficult tasks,
appeared on their way.

Male characters in fairy tales are always endowed with
ingenuity, courage, kindness and responsiveness.

Female characters in fairy tales are endowed with incredible
beauty, they say about them “what can be said in a fairy tale, not with a pen
describe." They are wise and hardworking, caring and kind.
Therefore, smart, brave and
wonderful heroes.

But evil in fairy tales is always depicted as scary,
ugly. At first it has incredible power. But
the courage and intelligence of the heroes help defeat him in an unequal struggle.
Negative heroes fairy tales: Koschey the Immortal,
Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych - most often these are the heroes
are the embodiment of evil.

Listening to fairy tales, everyone
the child immediately decides for himself
what is good and what is
Badly. And strives to imitate
good heroes. This is how they are formed
concepts: good and evil.
Eat porridge
listen to the fairy tale
With your mind and mind
yes by all means
reel in!

Good and evil are the basic concepts of morality. Every person has been taught these aspects since childhood. Everyone measures their actions against this standard. It has a name - morality. Every child is taught to distinguish between good and evil, what is good and what is bad. Children are not able to fully evaluate their actions and their consequences. But teenagers already clearly understand what is what. And sometimes they consciously choose evil and vile actions.

Good is a person’s actions aimed at benefiting another living being. Good people needed always and everywhere. They bring light, warmth and joy. It is impossible to live without such people. They keep society from moral decay. Goodness is the only salvation in the stormy ocean of tough life.

If there were no kindness, the world would soon end. The strong would destroy the weak without a second thought. The harsh laws can be clearly seen in wildlife. The scary thing is that the predator is relentless, he has no pity or compassion. But he has a goal and he will achieve it by any means. Unfortunately, today there are more and more “predators” among people, tough and ruthless. The only thing that can stop them is cruel treatment if they are pushed to the wall. They will never stop on their own. This is what makes evil so scary. It won't stop. The only way to stop him is through brute force, but not everyone has it.

Life is about struggle. The fight between good and evil. Each person decides for himself what will be more in his life. Everything depends on moral choice. If an individual chooses good, then his life will be filled with love, tenderness and light. Other people will be drawn to him. But, if the choice falls on evil. One, two and more. A person's life will get worse and worse. The person will be filled with anger, rudeness, hatred and rage. Soon it will become unbearable for those around you. Everyone will avoid him and reduce communication as much as possible. Few people want to communicate with an evil person. It does not help to grow and develop, but only pulls down, towards degradation.

But there is a way out of this too. It all starts with awareness and recognition of the problem. This is a step towards correction. Next, you need to change your thinking and bad habits. This is the most difficult thing. You need to start doing good deeds and helping others. Over time, life will change and joy will come.

Option 2

Since childhood, we have been familiar with the concepts of good and evil. Adults explain to us every day that it is good to be good, and bad to be bad. The police insist on crossing the road only when there is a green light or at a zebra crossing; doctors persuade us that getting sick is bad. Why is it bad? If it allows you to not go to school, lie in bed and eat a lot delicious dishes prepared by a caring mother. Firefighters warn that matches are not a toy and are evil in the wrong hands.

At school they say that a B is good and a C is bad. But no one can answer the question of who decided this and why.

All their lives people are put in situations where they are confronted with different things in black and white, good and bad, good and evil. And a person is obliged to choose one of the sides; he has no right to be neutral, because in society you are either a worthy citizen or not.

Even religion has its good and its evil. Nor can fairy tales make do with only positive examples. They definitely need the evil sides of life in the form of the Serpent Gorynych and the Nightingale the Robber.

Helping those in need is good, humiliating the weak is evil. Everything is simple and clear. And it is not at all difficult to distinguish between these two concepts. But which of them is stronger by nature and by nature? After all, today evil is presented as good. Or rather, if earlier people categorically said: “to steal means a thief!”, Now they find a bunch of arguments to continue the logical chain: “to steal means a thief, means cunning, means rich, can buy himself and his loved ones a comfortable life, Well done!"

The fine line between light and dark has been erased. And it was not circumstances that erased it, but people who are engaged in substituting concepts today. If it is profitable to be kind, I will be; if it is practical to be evil, I will be. The duplicity of people is scary. It became completely unclear where it had gone: pure, quiet and selfless goodness. Although if you really think about it, the answer is there. Evil has swallowed up good.

Now, in order to be good you need to go through seven stages of evil. Steal, deceive, destroy. And then build churches, help sick children and smile at the cameras, smile endlessly and enjoy being so beautiful and kind. A good man who ruined thousands of souls before he decided to lay the foundation of a new temple or hospital.

There are no concepts of good and evil now. They do not act as a separate front, they are a single fist that hits when it is not necessary and strokes when it is no longer necessary.

Essay on good and evil

The theme of good and evil is as old as time. For a long time, these two radically opposite concepts have been fighting for the right to triumph over each other. Since time immemorial, good and evil have made people argue about how to separate black from white. Everything in life is relative.

The concepts of good and evil are collective. Sometimes a seemingly good deed leads to negative consequences. Just like in an evil deed, some find advantages for themselves.

Good and evil are always inseparable, one does not exclude the other. For example, if for one person some news brings joy and carries goodness, for another this news can cause grief and negative emotions, and therefore carry evil within itself. Sometimes people identify certain objects and phenomena with evil: “money is evil, alcohol is evil, war is evil.” But if you look at these things from the other side? How more money, the more independent and wealthy a person is - he is well-fed and happy, he is ready to bring good to the world. Alcohol in small doses, paradoxically, can also bring goodness - one hundred grams of alcohol served at the front during the war, raising the morale of soldiers and acting as a pain reliever for severe wounds.

And even the war itself, a seemingly completely negative phenomenon, also carries in itself a piece of, if not good, but a certain benefit: the conquest of new lands, the unity and brotherhood of the allies, the cultivation of the will to win.

According to tradition, in fairy tales and films, good always triumphs over evil, but in life justice does not always triumph. But when planning to do something mean to someone, you must always remember about the universal “law of the boomerang” - “the evil emitted by you will certainly return to you.” Let's start with ourselves, let's be kinder and more merciful to each other, and maybe then in our cruel modern world there will be a little more good than evil.

"Good and evil in Russian folk tales"

Good and evil in Russian folk tales.

Educator Popova V.V.

Popova Maria

“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!” A.S. Pushkin

In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. Good always receives a reward for its actions.

How did the people depict these two concepts: good And evil ? All fairy tale heroes are strictly divided into positive and negative.

Positive heroes: Ivan the Fool, Ivan the Tsarevich, Ivan the Peasant Son, Vasilisa the Wise, Elena the Beautiful, Marya Morevna and other heroes.

Female characters in fairy tales are endowed with incredible beauty, they are talked about “what cannot be said in a fairy tale, cannot be described with a pen”. They are wise and hardworking, caring and kind. Therefore, smart, brave and beautiful heroes always come to their rescue.

But evil in fairy tales is always portrayed as scary and ugly. At first it has incredible power. But the courage and intelligence of the heroes help defeat him in an unequal struggle. Negative heroes of fairy tales: Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Zmey Gorynych - most often these heroes are the embodiment of evil.

Listening to fairy tales, every child immediately decides for himself what is good and what is bad. And strives to imitate good heroes. This is how concepts are formed: good and evil.

Eat porridge

listen to the fairy tale

With your mind and mind


just wrap it up!

So “good and evil” is the main moral concept in life. Good is considered a moral value that is attributed to the pattern of human relations and actions. The opposite of good is evil, which needs to be corrected or removed altogether. Evil cannot be caused or allowed at all - this is the main task of human moral behavior.

Russian folk tales provide an opportunity, better, to learn about complex world while still a small child. And for the younger generation, the boundary between good and evil should be clear and precise. This is how children will be able to discern what is bad and what is good.
In folk tales, evil and good always look bright and are very noticeable. At the same time, all the bad and evil characters can never improve, they simply find themselves defeated and humiliated, that is, with nothing. Anyone who brings evil with him will definitely be punished in the end. But goodness, on the contrary, will be well rewarded and will receive everything, and maybe even more.

That is why every Russian fairy tale provides an example of the confrontation between good and evil. No matter how evil the heroes are, they are always defeated by strong, savvy, successful and simply kind characters. All this is thanks to him good heart, pity for other defenseless characters who need help. Everyone helps good heroes, even birds and animals. Here vivid examples: Ivan Tsarevich was helped by the Gray Wolf, and the hare, crab and duck helped in finding a needle to defeat the evil Koshchei and save Vasilisa.

For many centuries, the Russian people produced oral folk art, in which it was laid folk wisdom, your aspiration and hope. A Russian folk tale is not only entertainment that brightens up a long evening, but also a lesson in how a person should behave and what he should strive for. The book with Russian folk tales is the most beloved for both children and adults. She is simple, kind and bright. There is no place for betrayal, falsehood and lies in it. Every evil deed receives the punishment it deserves.

Let us remember the words written by the great Russian poet - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows! Folk tales are written, in principle, for children, so that the younger generation can absorb important points and the lessons that are hidden in fairy-tale characters and their funny adventures. But many adults also like them. In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. For good deeds everyone will be rewarded. There are probably few people who will say that they don’t remember a single one fairy tale character. This is due to the fact that folklore is imbued with the soul of the entire Russian people.

Consider evil in folk tales, which has always been portrayed as ugly and scary.

Evil has invincible strength and power, instilling fear and suppression in all heroes. Creates a feeling of complete defenselessness. An evil character endowed with magical powers always had an ugly, not very pleasant, repulsive appearance. But thanks to intelligence, courage, valor and courage, fairy-tale heroes still manage to defeat him. Such characters as Baba Yaga, the three-headed Serpent Gorynych and Koschey the Immortal bring only misfortune, grief and tears to the people. They are provided with a huge army of various evil spirits. For example: evil witches eating small children. But at the same time, Baba Yaga provides irreplaceable assistance to the main character.

The Russian people portrayed the concepts of “good and evil” quite interestingly. There are two types fairy-tale heroes- negative and positive. The positive characters are: Ivan Tsarevich, Andrei the Shooter, Ivan the Fool, Marya the Magician, Elena the Beautiful, Vasilisa the Wise, Ivan the Peasant Son, Alyonushka and many others. All these fairy-tale characters have hidden external beauty. For example: Ivanushka the fool is an object of ridicule and bullying. Everyone, even his brothers, laughs at him and mocks him without pity. But despite this situation, the hero copes best with his father’s instructions, because he is more responsible for his affairs and actions, more observant, endowed with courage and ingenuity. For his good and correct deeds, Ivanushka the fool received half a kingdom and a beautiful princess.

In our Russian folklore, evil characters are always precisely opposed to good ones. There are no heroes in fairy tales who are half bad or half good. They are either dark from the very beginning, evil and envious, or completely light, kind, generous, sympathetic to other characters. This usually applies not only to human characters, but also to animals. For example: Little Humpbacked Horse, Gray Wolf, Sivka-Burka and many others.

Consider the following fairy-tale character, “Ivan Tsarevich.” The Russian people also portrayed him as brave and sympathetic, kind and smart. It is because of these positive qualities The power of nature came to his aid, which allowed the prince to overcome the difficult tasks that arose on his difficult path. Female image in Russian folk tales is always endowed with incredible beauty, As the saying goes, “neither to say in a fairy tale, nor to describe with a pen.” He is wise and kind, caring and hardworking, and it is precisely because of such qualities that beautiful, brave and intelligent heroes rush to their aid. A good character always has a gentle character, good manners and a pleasant appearance.
When a child listens to a fairy tale, he almost immediately identifies a good role model for himself, someone he wants to be like. Like this in a simple way oral folk art instilled in the child the concept of evil and good, what is bad and what is good.

Maretta Bystrova

Target: Bring up goodwill, the ability to correctly evaluate the actions of characters. Encourage children to actively perceive something familiar fairy tales. Evoke an emotional response to the appearance of familiar characters.

Preliminary work: the teacher arranges illustrations, pictures fairy-tale heroes; cubes of red and blue; musical accompaniment; shadow theater with heroes fairy tales"Kolobok".

Educator: Children, today we will go on a trip to our friends fairy tales. For a long time Russian people invented fairy tales: for your own amusement, for the younger ones to learn. And most often they talked about struggle good with evil, and this was depicted by differently: using the example of people, animals or unusual creatures. But the character traits remained unchanged.

Evil characters usually had a repulsive appearance, bad character and bad habits.

A good characters, on the contrary, had a pleasant appearance, affectionate character and good manners.

« Good» And "evil"- the main moral concepts in life.

Good- This moral value, which refers to human activity, a pattern of people’s actions and relationships between them.

Evil is the opposite good, this is what morality seeks to eliminate and correct.

To prevent evil and fight it - important tasks moral behavior of a person.

Therefore in all In Russian fairy tales, good opposes evil., no matter how terrible it is and defeats it with the help of strength, ingenuity, and luck.

We've been sitting for a bit, I suggest we have a fun physical education session "Ivan Tsarevich".

Ivan Tsarevich, what a hero!

He bravely enters the battle,

He will wave his sword like magic, and Zmey-Gorynych won’t care.

Lunged once and twice -

The head flew off.

Another three-four lunge

The rest flew away.

(Performing movements according to the text)

Now it's time to play the game "Become a Wizard".

Target: Decompose, using characteristics, red and blue cubes. Find out which cubes have more « kind» (red) or "evil" (blue).

The teacher lists characteristics: cowardice, compassion, cruelty, patience, love, care, envy, greed, laziness, friendship, responsiveness,. Two children lay out the cubes to the sides under the children's dictation.

Educator: Children, let's count how many cubes.

Children: six red « kind» and four blue "evil".

Educator: Children, what more cubes!

Children: « Kind» !

Educator: So and in fairy tales are good Evil always wins.

Educator: Children, I offer you the next game "Get to know the hero fairy tales» .

Target: Guess the riddle and find out fairy tale character. Think about what kind of hero this is Kind or angry and why you decided so.

The teacher reads riddles:

Beware of any disease: flu, sore throat and bronchitis. The glorious doctor challenges you all to battle (Aibolit) I fly in a mortar and kidnap children.

I live in a hut on a chicken's leg.

Golden-haired beauty, my name is (B. Yaga)

In his favorite song sung:

If you are kind, it's always easy

But when it’s the other way around, it’s difficult. (Leopold the Cat). He's like a shepherd similar:

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his jaws bared, ready to attack the sheep. (Wolf).

Educator: Children, I offer you one more fabulous physical education session"Pinocchio".

Pinocchio stretched,

He bent over once, he bent over twice.

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I couldn't find the key.

To get us the key

You need to stand on your toes.

Educator: Children, now I will introduce you to the shadow theater.

We'll play with you fairy tale"Kolobok".

(the teacher introduces the children to the principles of work shadow theater, selects actors and the fairy tale has begun)

Educator: Children, ours the evening has come to an end, let's say a big thank you to the artists, hold hands and wish each other good.