How to make pear compote. How to make delicious pear compote for the winter

Pear compotes, if the main fruit remains in splendid isolation, can be very tasty, but they look rather faded.

Depending on the variety, the drink may even acquire a bluish tint. The addition of berries allows you to tint and further highlight the taste.

However, if your family is not so picky, then just select a recipe from the appropriate variety and the aromatic fruit decoction will be received with a bang!

Pear compotes - general principles of preparation

Pear compotes for everyday use and for winter can be prepared from any variety of pear. The exception is late winter varieties, which are removed from the trees immature and stored long time.

For compotes, you can use both small-fruited and large-fruited varieties. Large fruits are cut into slices, and small ones are used whole. If the peel of the fruit is too hard, and the compote will be prepared for the winter, it is cut off.

Pear compotes are sweetened with granulated sugar or honey. Sugar is added to cold water and the fruit is boiled in the resulting syrup, and honey is diluted in the prepared decoction.

Pear compotes are often cooked in combination with other fruits or berries. Unusual taste has pear compote prepared with citrus fruits (oranges). Very often the drink is flavored with cinnamon, vanilla, mint or rosemary.

To preserve for the winter, fruits are placed only in sterile jars and laid loosely. To ensure that compotes are stored for a long time and do not explode, before pouring syrup over the fruits, they are poured with boiling water several times and then kept in it for at least 10 minutes. Cover the containers with boiled metal lids. After this, the jars are tightly wrapped in a blanket, placed on the lids, and kept under it for two days.

Vanilla compote from pear halves for the winter


One and a half kilograms of pears;

400 gr. sugar;

One packet of vanilla sugar;

An incomplete spoon of dry lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fruits well, preferably with warm water, cut them lengthwise into halves and remove the core, trying to capture all the rough tissue. Cut off some of the flesh from the tail side and cut out the nose.

2. Fill a sterile jar with pear slices “up to the shoulders”, placing the pieces with the convex part towards the walls of the container.

3. Using two and a half liters of water, boil syrup from the entire volume of sugar and pour the almost boiling solution into jars.

4. After 10 minutes, drain the syrup, boil again and pour into the container, leave for the same time.

5. Then drain again and bring to a boil. Add citric acid and vanillin to the boiling syrup and boil it for at least two minutes.

6. After this, pour boiling syrup to the very top and roll up the jar with a sterilized lid.

7. Turn the container upside down on a blanket and cover it with it. After two days, remove the cooled jars to a storage location.

Mint compote of pears and plums


Two ripe large pears, Duchess variety;

Seven plums, medium size;

50 gr. sugar;

Two grams of fresh mint;

Filtered drinking water – 1.5 l.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fruits well without removing the seeds, transfer the plums to a saucepan.

2. Cut the pears into slices, having previously cut out the seeds and cores from the fruit, and send them to the plums. Add sugar and pour in water.

3. Place the container on high heat and bring to a boil. As soon as the liquid in the jar boils, dip well-washed mint leaves into it and immediately remove from heat.

4. Let the drink brew for 20 minutes or keep it covered until it cools completely.

Fragrant compote of pears with thyme, mint and lemongrass


Eight pears, medium size;

Half a glass of white sugar or honey;

One sprig each of mint and thyme;

Schisandra – 5 cm stem (you can do without it).

Cooking method:

1. Cut fruits washed with warm water into slices. Be sure to remove the seed pods from the fruits and cut off the spouts.

2. Place the fruit pieces in a saucepan. It is advisable to choose a container such that the prepared slices occupy at least a third of the container’s volume.

3. Wash the lemongrass stem, mint and thyme sprigs well.

4. Cut the lemongrass into small pieces and, along with mint and thyme, place in a saucepan.

5. Add granulated sugar, pour in drinking water to the very top of the pan and place on maximum heat. As soon as the water in the pan begins to boil, turn off the stove and cover with a lid.

6. If you decide to sweeten the drink with honey, add it only after you remove the drink from heating.

Pear compote for the winter with preliminary blanching of the fruit


Twelve dense pears, medium size;

One and a half liters of drinking filtered water;

Three grams of lemon or half a large lemon;

300 gr. unrefined sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fruit thoroughly with warm water and tear off the tails.

2. B large saucepan measure out a little over 2 liters. water and set to maximum heat. Add lemon or freshly squeezed, strained lemon juice.

3. Place the prepared fruits in boiling water and wait until they boil again.

4. As soon as the liquid boils intensely, reduce the temperature to medium and simmer for a quarter of an hour.

5. Remove the blanched fruits with a slotted spoon and fill a sterile glass container with them.

6. Boil the syrup again and pour it over the pears.

7. Seal the container tightly with a sterile lid and place it under a blanket for a day, bottom up.

8. Then unwrap. If the compote has cooled completely, turn the jar over; if the container is still warm, wait until it cools completely, and only then turn it over.

Compote of pears and oranges


Large pears of any variety – 8 pcs.;

Four large oranges;

One and a half liters of water;

A small pinch of vanillin, cinnamon, mint and cloves;

Two spoons of light honey.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the oranges and plunge the citrus fruits into boiling water for a minute. Then immediately transfer to cold, almost ice-cold water. This simple method allows you to rid the orange zest of its inherent bitterness.

2. Cut each orange in half and squeeze the juice out of them using a special juicer. Then peel the remaining pulp from the skin and cut into thin strips.

3. Peel the pears and cut out the core. Cut the fruit into slices and immediately sprinkle them with strained orange juice. If this is not done, the pear flesh will darken.

4. Place orange zest strips in a saucepan of boiling water and cook for at least 3 minutes.

5. Add pear slices and on the lowest heat, boil the fruit in the orange broth for seven minutes. Remove from heat and leave pan alone until completely cooled.

6. When it cools down, strain the broth. Add honey to it and stir until it dissolves well.

7. Then dip the pears into it and pour in the orange juice. You can add zest, but it's not necessary.

8. Let the compote stand for about three hours in the cold. You can do more, but this is only if you have not added zest to it again, otherwise it will be bitter.

Cinnamon pear compote with orange zest


Half a kilo of pears;

Three cinnamon sticks;

200 gr. sugar, sand;

A spoonful of grated orange zest.

Cooking method:

1. Pour boiling water over the cinnamon sticks and soak in it for five minutes.

2. Tear off the tails of clean fruits and cut into six slices. Cut out the core and peel off the skin.

3. Do not throw away the cores and peel, but fill them with a small amount of water and simmer over low heat for seven minutes.

4. Mix two liters of clean water with the water in which the cinnamon sticks were infused and bring to a boil. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, add pear slices into it and simmer for a quarter of an hour with slight bubbling. Ten minutes before readiness, add the strained broth in which the pear peel and fruit cores were boiled.

5. Add granulated sugar and zest. Stir well, remove the pan from the stove and leave covered for 2 hours to allow the drink to infuse well.

Pear compote, wild variety, for the winter


Refined sugar – 300 gr.;

One and a half kilograms of pears (wild ones);

4 gr. crystal lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fruits, tear off the tails and fill sterile containers with them to 2/3 of the volume.

2. Boil water and pour into jars with pears up to the neck.

3. After ten minutes, drain the liquid, boil again and pour it back again. Do this procedure 3-4 times.

4. B last time Add lemon juice to the boiling liquid along with sugar and pour the boiling syrup over the pears only after it has boiled for about two minutes.

5. Then cover the containers with sterile lids and roll up. Put it under the blanket and only after it has cooled down well, put it in the storage place.

Pear compotes - cooking tricks and useful tips

If fruits with rough peels are lightly boiled before placing in jars, then the peel does not need to be cut off.

Don’t rush to throw away the cut peels and cores; you can use them to make syrup for compote. Only it will definitely need to be strained through a fine sieve.

Do not wash jars with dishwashing detergent. It is enough to clean the containers well baking soda, and then rinse it off thoroughly.

You can sterilize jars not only over steam. This can be done much faster in the oven.

If in a hermetically sealed container, after turning it over, you find air bubbles rising upward, roll the lid again with the key. If this does not help, remove it and close the jar with a new sterile lid.

If you were unable to preserve fresh fruits, and the thought of a pear drink haunts you, you can brew it from dried fruits, but be careful! High-quality dried pear fruits are not cheap, and those that do not differ in price from apple or berry “dried fruits” are usually prepared from wild varieties. As a rule, they are very tart, and sometimes overly bitter. If you are lucky, then the best neighbors in the drink will be dried or canned in own juice, cherry, dried apricots. The drink made from pear and frozen red currants has an original taste.

Although in modern stores you can easily buy any sweet soda, juice, fruit drink or lemonade, many people get a special pleasure when they manage to enjoy homemade compote. A properly prepared drink made from fresh fruit and the optimal amount of sugar perfectly quenches thirst and is therefore indispensable in the heat.

How to make pear compote for the winter

The reputation of compotes in our country was significantly damaged by catering establishments that served “for third” a not very tasty drink made from dried fruits or low-quality berries, the sweetish taste of which did not go well with lunch. However, some gourmets in the USSR appreciated just such a set of dishes, and continue to order compote even with a large selection of drinks. And as an independent dish, in hot weather, it is irreplaceable!

Pear compote for the winter is rightfully considered inexpensive, so the housewife can provide her family with at least ten liters of this delicacy along with or apricot, but it will turn out to be cheap only for those who grow berries at their own dacha. Important rule: for preparing the drink, it is better to choose firm, not too ripe pears without dents or bruises. You don't have to cut off the skin.

Buy fruits from a trusted person in the market. The result directly depends on the type of fruit. Small Asian pears are best suited for compote, and it is recommended to choose slightly unripe fruits. After all, fruits that are too soft and potato-like will instantly lose their shape when cooked, and the drink will turn out cloudy and unsightly. Hard fruits will allow you to cook a transparent compote of a light caramel sunny color.

Blanching pears for compote for the winter

Before putting the drink into jars, the fruit must be blanched. This will require 1-2 liters of water and a pinch of citric acid. Follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Add citric acid to the water.
  2. Bring the solution to a boil.
  3. Turn off the heat (or reduce to low) and place the pre-washed whole pears there.
  4. Leave the fruit in hot water for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Then immediately immerse in cold water for 5 minutes. After this, the dessert can be placed in jars.

How to make pear compote

If you are thinking about how to close the compote for the winter and are using small fruits, start with blanching described above. When the pears are already placed in jars, cook the syrup, and the ratio of sugar should depend on the initial sweetness of the fruit. If the juice from the pears is already sweet, then you need a weak syrup, you can even acidify it with lemon juice. For fruits with more delicate taste A rich syrup will do.

Banks must be sterilized in advance. Experienced housewives For this, they use a pan of boiling water and a special lid attachment, however, in exceptional cases, sterilization before canning can be done on the spout of an old kettle. Pour hot syrup over the blanched pears placed in jars and close immediately. Before storing the workpiece in the cellar, closet or mezzanine, allow it to cool.

To completely guarantee the safety of the drink, it is recommended to sterilize the entire product, in already closed jars. To do this, the preservation needs to be loosely covered with a lid and cooked in boiling water for about half an hour, maintaining low heat. After this, wrap the workpieces in a warm blanket or blanket to ensure slow cooling, and only after a couple of days put them away in a place where they are permanently stored for the winter.

Pear recipes for the winter

There are various recipes preservations that you can choose depending on the result you want to get. If you need fresh pear compote as a drink for the winter, add plenty of liquid to the fruit. If you want to enjoy canned fruits, there may be a minimal dose of syrup. In addition, pears can be combined with other fruits and berries.

Gourmet tastes differ. Some people prefer to combine them with sweet berries like strawberries or raspberries, while others prefer a piquant, sour combination with white grapes and red currants. If you successfully master one or two basic recipes for compotes for the winter, then in the future you will be able to change them to suit your mood, depending on your own culinary preferences.

Pear compote for the winter without sterilization

If you don’t know how to cook compote for the winter, try recipes that do not require sterilization. For the most simple recipe you will need the following ingredients (in proportion to three liter jar):

  • pears – 1 kg;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • a few sprigs of mint.

This combination of spices gives the drink a special piquant taste. You need to cook it like this:

  1. If the fruits are large, it is better to cut into slices. It is not necessary to cut off the skin, but it is better to peel the rough, thick skin.
  2. Experienced housewives do not recommend throwing away the core. Having cut it out, you need to dip it in syrup and cook there: you get a special aroma.
  3. Blanch the pear pieces according to the method described above.
  4. Place the fruits in sterilized jars, filling them up to the shoulder. Add vanilla and mint.
  5. Pour in hot syrup made from a liter of water and a glass of sugar.
  6. Roll up the lids immediately. Cover the jars with a blanket to allow them to cool slowly.

How to cook compote for the winter with pears and lemon

Many gourmets prefer to acidify the compote. If you want to make this option, blanch the pears and prepare the syrup according to the recipe described above, but instead of spices, put one or two sliced ​​​​lemon slices along with the zest in each jar. You can also add a little lemon juice to the syrup for a nice flavor. It is better to drink this compote chilled.

Canned pears for the winter in their own juice

Sometimes compote is not brewed as a drink, but in order to preserve the bright, rich taste of fresh fruit. Delicious dessert it will work out if you make a blank with the following components (based on a liter jar):

  • pears – 3-4 pcs.;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • citric acid – 4 g.

A tasty preparation will turn out if the pears fit evenly into the jar, filling it up to the shoulders. It is advisable to cut them into halves or slices. Do this:

  1. Place the fruits in jars.
  2. Pour sugar and citric acid into each jar.
  3. Take a large saucepan and line the bottom with a towel.
  4. The jars need to be loosely covered with lids and placed on the bottom of the pan (three or four jars fit in a standard five-liter pan).
  5. Fill with water. It should cover the cans up to the hangers. Then they need to be boiled and boiled for 20-25 minutes.
  6. The fruits will produce juice that will fill the jars. After this they need to be rolled up. This recipe preserves vitamins.

How to make compote for the winter from pears and apples

The most popular fruits in Russian gardens are suitable for any seaming. If you already know how to cook pear compote for the long winter, try combining them with apples for a change. Maintain proportions:

  • apples – 500 g;
  • pears – 500 g;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • water – 2.5 l.

Standard utensils will be three liter jar. Do this:

  1. Cut the fruits in half. The core must be removed.
  2. Cut them into slices and place them in water with a pinch of citric acid so that they do not have time to darken.
  3. Boil sugar syrup.
  4. Place the slices in pre-sterilized jars. Fill with syrup.
  5. Roll up the jars. After this, they need to be turned over on their necks and left for a day.

Pear compote with berries

Those who know exactly how to prepare compote for the winter will love sweet and sour recipes with the addition of berries. Try modernizing well-known recipes by replacing apples with black or red currants, raspberries, blueberries or any other of your favorite berries. Gooseberries go well. However, remember that when cooked, berries give a richer and more concentrated taste and aroma than fruit, so you need to add them a little.

In addition, adding fragrant herbs to the drink, for example, a sprig of basil or mint, has an interesting effect. When cooking the syrup, you can add a cinnamon stick or a vanilla pod, or a couple of clove inflorescences. Some people with a sweet tooth love the combination of pears with honey or grapes. Don’t forget that you can use not only fresh, but also dried fruits if you have managed to make such supplies for the winter.

Video: how to cook pear compote for the winter

Pear compote is an amazingly tasty, sweet drink that can be found in many different variations. Pear compote is boiled with the addition of lemon, rum, mint - choose the recipe to your taste. Pears removed from the compote can be a separate dessert. You can also decorate cakes, pastries, and ice cream with canned pears.

How to choose pears
For cooking you can use different varieties pears If the variety is small-fruited, the pears can be preserved whole. Large pears can be cut into halves or smaller.

How to peel fruits

Thin-skinned pears cannot be peeled. If the skin is very thick, you can cut it off a little. Another solution to the problem of thick skin is to immerse the fruit in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

Don't rush to get rid of the skin. It, as well as the seed pods, can be used to make syrup.

Pears should be cored and stalked. You should know that pears darken quickly, so if you are busy slicing large quantity fruits, it is better to store them in a 0.1% solution of citric acid (1 g of acid per liter of water) so that they do not darken.

How to cook compote

Pear compote is cooked very easily and quickly - about ten to fifteen minutes. Then the fruits are placed in sterilized jars. Sugar is added to the pear broth, the syrup is brought to a boil and the fruit is poured over it. All that remains is to roll up the jars, cool them and store them in a suitable place.

By the way, if you want your compote to be brighter (after all, the pears themselves are quite pale), you can add a “dye” to the drink - a handful of raspberries or currants.

Useful properties
Pear compote has pronounced antimicrobial properties, so while you enjoy its pleasant taste, the body is “cleaned”. Pear compote is also known for its diuretic effect. The result is flushing of the kidneys and unloading of the circulatory system.

Calorie content
The calorie content of the pear drink is also low - only 70 kcal. You can reduce calories by replacing sugar with honey.

Pear is considered one of the healthy delicacies. The fruits of this tree contain fiber, organic acids, mineral and biologically active substances, as well as many vitamins. Pears have the ability to remove various toxins and heavy metals from the body. Pear preparations for the winter are indispensable in the family diet. Many people do not want to prepare pears for the winter, considering them too soft and delicate raw materials, but if you know how to cook pear compote for the winter, the fruit will not soften in the syrup and will retain its shape.

The relevance of this recipe is confirmed a huge amount jars that housewives close from year to year. This wonderful pear compote for the winter is suitable for both adults and children. The compote has a delicate taste and an equally pleasant aroma. It perfectly quenches thirst, refreshes and at the same time has a whole set of vitamins that are not destroyed during the heat treatment of pears.

Required ingredients:

  • pears (medium size) – 1000 g;
  • lemon zest – 1 pc. (2x2 cm);
  • citric acid – 1 tsp. (calculation for 1 liter of water);
  • granulated sugar – 350 g;
  • clean water for syrup – 700 ml.

A simple recipe for pear compote for the winter:

  1. We will need fruits without external defects, dense and not overripe. Wash the fruits selected for making compote thoroughly.
  2. We process the pears: cut off the stalks, peel them, cut them in half and remove the seed pods.
  3. Fruits cut into halves should not darken; to do this, they must be placed in a special solution for 5 or 10 minutes (dilute a teaspoon of citric acid in a liter of cold water, if this is not enough, do more based on this calculation).
  4. We traditionally take a three-liter jar for compote, wash it and sterilize it with any in a convenient way, also applies to the metal cover.
  5. Place a piece of lemon zest and prepared pears on the bottom of the processed container, cover with a lid and set aside for now.
  6. Let's start preparing the syrup - bring the water in the pan to a boil and dissolve the required amount of granulated sugar in it - the whole procedure will take approximately 15 minutes. Don't forget to stir constantly.
  7. Remove the pan from the heat and pour the hot syrup into the jar in a thin stream, cover with a lid and wait 5 minutes.
  8. Now you need to sterilize the glass jar filled to the brim for 10-15 minutes.
  9. We roll up the pear compote for the winter, insulate the inverted container with the compote and wait for it to cool naturally.

Spicy compote with rum pear

Rum will add piquancy to the usual pear compote. They add it in small quantities, but even this is enough for the pear drink to acquire a very original taste. Rum pear is a wonderful delicacy for adults, but this type of compote is not suitable for small children due to the proportion of strong alcohol it contains.

Required ingredients:

  • pears – 3 kg;
  • rum – 50 g;
  • plain water – 2 l;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg.

How to make pear compote for the winter:

  1. For compote, select ripe and strong pears, wash them, remove the peel, cut each into 4 parts, cut out the core with seeds.
  2. Place the peeled slices in any bowl with pre-acidified water for a few minutes so that the flesh does not darken.
  3. Place a saucepan with two liters of water on big fire, as soon as boiling occurs, pour a kilogram of granulated sugar into it, stirring constantly, waiting for it to completely dissolve.
  4. Dip all the cut fruits into the resulting boiling syrup and cook until they soften.
  5. We take out the pear slices and put them in jars.
  6. Boil the sweet aromatic solution in the pan again and add rum this time.
  7. Pour boiling water carefully and slowly, otherwise the glass of the jars may crack.
  8. We close the pear compote for the winter and wrap it upside down with any thick blanket and leave it for 24 hours.
  9. Jars with lids must be sterilized in advance.

Pear and apple compote for the winter

An assortment of pears and apples is considered traditional for compote. This drink can be given to babies from 7 months. The combination of pear sweetness and apple sourness gives the compote a pleasant and rich taste. The mixture of these fruits ensures long-term preservation of the product, since an assortment of pears and apples will not allow the drink to ferment, and therefore the cans will not explode.

Required ingredients:

  • ripe pears – 4 pcs.;
  • fresh apples – 3 pcs.;
  • spring water – 2 liters;
  • granulated sugar – 350 grams.

Pear compote for the winter recipe:

  1. Wash all fruits thoroughly in cool water.
  2. We cut each fruit into 4 parts, remove the stalks, minor defects (if any) and seed pods.
  3. We sterilize the three-liter jar together with the lid (by any available method).
  4. Place the pear-apple mix into the prepared container; the fruit will take up about half a jar.
  5. Boil water in a separate saucepan, then pour it over the chopped fruits in the jar, cover with a tin lid and leave to blanch for 20 minutes.
  6. After a certain amount of time, pour the aromatic water back into the pan. To make this more convenient, use a special plastic lid with holes - it will trap pieces of fruit when draining the water and prevent them from spilling out.
  7. Bring the pear infusion to a boil and add sugar, stirring constantly, waiting for all the sugar crystals to dissolve.
  8. As soon as the syrup has become homogeneous, pour it into a jar with pears and apples.
  9. Close with a tin lid, screw it on, wrap it in any thick thing and leave for 1 day. The jar must be upside down.

Pear compote recipe with plums and mint

An easy-to-prepare recipe for this compote will delight anyone with its original taste. The fruit tandem of pears and plums results in a drink that is not only healthy, but also beautiful in color. The pears take on a pinkish color, and their natural sweetness is offset by plummy sourness. Adding mint leaves has a calming effect on the human body and leaves a pleasant feeling of light freshness in the mouth.

Required ingredients:

  • pears (juicy varieties) – 2 pieces;
  • ripe plums – 7 pieces;
  • mint leaves – 2 grams;
  • bottled water – 2 liters;
  • sugar – 250 grams.

Recipe for pear compote for the winter:

  1. Fruits and mint should be thoroughly washed under running water. cold water, the fruits must be strong, ripe and without damage.
  2. We are processing the main components: we cut the pears into slices and remove all the seeds and cores, we pierce the plums in several places with a toothpick, so they will burst less during heat treatment, there is no need to remove the seeds from them.
  3. Set aside the fruit and sterilize the jar and metal lid.
  4. Place mint, plums and chopped pears in a clean container.
  5. In a separate bowl, boil water, as soon as it boils, pour it into the jar to the edge of the neck and cover with a lid, wait 30 minutes.
  6. After time has passed, pour the aromatic fruit and mint infusion back into the pan with the addition of sugar, bring to a boil and wait until the syrup becomes homogeneous, let it bubble for another 5 minutes and remove from heat.
  7. Fill the mint-fruit mix a second time, also to the edge of the jar; it’s okay if the water overflows a little.
  8. Use a seamer to tighten the tin lid and turn the compote upside down. We wrap it in something dense and thick, for example, a blanket and let it stand for a day. Then the jar can be removed to any dark place.

If after cooking you still have fruits, you can use them to prepare, and, instructions for the production of which we have also included in our collection of recipes on the site.

Exotic pear and olive in a jar for the winter

This recipe does not contain sugar, so when choosing fruits, pay attention to the type of pears; they should be quite juicy and sweet. Despite the original, even exotic composition of the compote, it has a rather pleasant taste. Olives, like pears, are very beneficial for the human body: they are rich in vitamins, microelements, minerals, and also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. This drink can definitely surprise and delight guests. Try our pear compote, the recipe will surprise you.

Required ingredients:

  • pear fruits (sweet varieties) – 1 kg;
  • olives – 8-10 pieces.

What to cook from pears:

  1. We select fruits for compote that are strong, without visible damage, wash them thoroughly in cold water, remove the “tails,” cut each into two halves and cut out the core along with the seeds, then cut the pears into small slices (try to make them thinner).
  2. Wash and treat the jar, do the same with the tin lid that you will use to close it.
  3. Place the chopped fruit in any deep bowl, which can then be placed on the stove (for example, an iron basin or pan).
  4. Place in a separate pan clean water(preferably bottled), put on high heat and wait for it to boil.
  5. Pour the resulting boiling water over the sliced ​​pears and wait for them to cool completely.
  6. As soon as the pear infusion has cooled, put the container in which it is located on a small fire and patiently wait for the next boil.
  7. The water with the pears “gurgled”, remove the container from the heat and leave to cool again. It is recommended to do this procedure 3 more times, that is, there will be a total of 5 times (together with the first two described). We do this in order to gradually draw out the sweetness from the pears, obtaining natural syrup.
  8. After the last boil, we pack the hot compote into a jar, you can transfer the pears with a long-handled spoon, throw in the olives, and slowly pour in the sweet water in a thin stream so that the glass container does not burst from overheating.
  9. We roll up the jar filled to the brim and insulate it, after turning it over. After 24 hours, place in a cool, dark place.

Some varieties of sweet pears for compote: “Children’s”, “Lada”, “Thumbelina”, “Osennyaya sweet”, “Berezhenaya”, “Yeseninskaya”, “Vidnaya”, “Otradnenskaya”, “Otly sweet”, “Duchess summer”.

Pear preparations for the winter contain many useful substances, even though the fruit has been heat-treated. The presence of arbutin in fruits provides an antimicrobial effect against diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Compote from the fruits of the pear tree strengthens the body's immunity and also perfectly tones, which is very important in winter.

Step-by-step recipes for sweet pear compote for the winter with apples, cherries, blackcurrants and fresh lemons with and without sterilization

2018-08-10 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams ready-made dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


17 gr.

68 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for pear compote for the winter

Pear compotes for the winter have a rich sweet taste with lightly spicy notes. Therefore, among other fruits, not counting various berries, they confidently hold the lead among winter drinks. Therefore, it is with pear that we will make today’s compote in pure form and with the addition of other ingredients.


  • 6 liters of artesian water
  • 3 kg of small pears;
  • 220 grams of sugar;
  • 2 tsp citric acid.

Step-by-step recipe for pear compote for the winter

Wash all small pears with a sponge under running water. See if there are rotten places. Such specimens are not suitable for harvesting.

So, place whole fruits in a large saucepan or basin. Pour in water and bring to a boil, simmer for fourteen minutes.

Now carefully (you can use the tails) transfer the pears into sterilized jars, filling them one-third full.

Pour sugar and all the citric acid into the remaining liquid. Dissolve dry ingredients completely.

Pour the resulting syrup over the fruits and cover the neck with lids. Boil pear compote for the winter in a suitable saucepan, and then roll up tightly.

To ensure that the fruit fits as tightly as possible into the jars, choose the smallest pears. If you can't find anything like this, cut them into two or four pieces before welding. Regarding citric acid. It is added to this winter drink not only as a preservative, but also to add the sourness necessary for such a sweet compote.

Option 2: Quick recipe for pear compote for the winter


  • liter of filtered water;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • 4 grams of citric acid;
  • 3 kg of juicy pears.

How to quickly prepare pear compote for the winter

Wash ripe juicy pears and, after processing, cut into thin small slices. Scald all jars in which the drink will be sealed with boiling water.

Fill containers up to the shoulders with fruit pieces. Immediately pour boiling water over it. Cover with lids and let stand for about five minutes.

After time, pour the liquid into a bowl and bring to active bubbling. Only after this add all the regular sugar and citric acid. Dissolve.

Return syrup to jars. Immediately roll up and, turning over to check the seal, cool on the kitchen counter for 24 hours. All that remains is to put the pear compote in the basement or pantry for the winter.

Since we do not heat-treat the workpiece, we recommend completely pouring boiling water over the finished slices before putting them in jars. But it is better to store the sweet pear drink in a cool place.

Option 3: Apple-pear compote for the winter

Compote of apples and pears - ideally combined fruits - will undoubtedly decorate any winter table, both as an addition to various baked goods, and as a stand-alone drink.


  • 2 kg of sour apples;
  • 2 kg of ripe pears;
  • 8 liters of filtered water;
  • 0.5 kg white sugar.

How to cook

Wash sour apples and sweet pears. Cut all the fruits into two halves. Cut out the core.

On a dry cutting board, chop each part into relatively thin slices. Place everything into a clean enamel bowl.

Pour in all the planned water and bring to a boil on a large burner. Boil for a few more minutes, skimming off any light foam.

Now place the fruit in equal batches into the scalded jars. Add simple sugar to the remaining liquid. Dissolve by boiling for a few more moments.

At the end, pour the hot sweet mixture over the apples and pears up to the neck. Cover. Place in a bowl or pan of boiling water.

Sterilize pear compote for the winter for ten minutes, after which it’s good to roll it up.

Option 4: Pear compote with cherries for the winter

Do you like tart notes? Then include ripe cherries in the pear compote recipe, after removing the pits.


  • 1.5 kg of ripe cherries;
  • 3 kg of autumn pears;
  • 8 liters of filtered water;
  • 10-11 grams of citric acid;
  • 0.4-0.5 kg of sugar.

Step by step recipe

Wash, process, pat dry autumn juicy pears with napkins and chop into slices. In addition, wash the cherries and then squeeze out the pits.

Sterilize glass jars boiling water Place berry and fruit pieces in equal parts.

Cover with lids, and at the same time cook syrup from filtered water and regular sugar. After a couple of minutes of boiling, add granular acid. Turn off the burner and stir.

Pour the prepared liquid into jars. It should fill the containers to the brim. Cover the pear compote again for the winter and carefully place it in the pan. There, sterilize in boiling water for about 11 minutes.

On last stage Screw the drink tightly, cool and place on a shelf in the pantry.

Cherries, especially when it comes to compotes, can be left with pits. However, we strongly recommend removing them, since there are many opinions about their harm when stored for a long time. Although if you don't believe that, top off your drink with whole cherries.

Option 5: Compote of pears and blackcurrants for the winter

Another berry that can be added to the compote presented today is black currant, which usually replaces citric acid.


  • 1 kg of ripe black currants;
  • 3 kg sweet autumn pears;
  • 8 liters of artesian water;
  • 0.5-0.6 kg of sugar.

How to cook

Sort out the blackcurrants, process and wash thoroughly. Do the same with pears. In addition, remove the core from the latter and cut into medium cubes.

Fill 1/5 of the blackcurrants into clean, sterilized jars. Sprinkle pear slices on top. In total, the fruits should fill the jars by one third.

Separately, cook light syrup from sugar and cool water. While it is still boiling, pour a ladle into the containers with fruit. Fill up to the neck.

Sterilize pear compote for the winter for ten minutes, covering it with lids.

Before sending the drink to its place long-term storage, cool the jars completely and check the sealing of the lids for leaks. To do this, just turn them upside down.

Blackcurrant will color the drink in a dark, rich shade. In addition, this berry will play the role of a preservative, which means we will not need to add citric acid to the drink.

Option 6: Pear compote with fresh lemon

We will prepare the last drink with fresh lemon, which will fill it with pleasant sourness and a subtle bitter tint.


  • 2 kg of ripe juicy pears;
  • 0.5 kg of fresh lemons;
  • a glass of regular sugar;
  • 5 liters of water.

Step by step recipe

Wash fresh lemons very thoroughly (preferably with a sponge). Remove "butts". On a dry board, cut the fruit into quarters, removing and discarding the seeds if you encounter them.

At the next stage, chop the washed and processed pears into short halves.

Now pour water into a clean pan. Add white sugar while mixing constantly. Dissolve it by bringing to a boil over medium heat.

Scald glass jars. Carefully place the prepared pears and lemons inside (both fruits in equal volume). In this case, the containers should be one third full.

At this stage, pour boiling sweet syrup over the lemons and pears up to the neck. Roll up with sterilized lids. Cool the finished pear compote for the winter and put it in a cold place for further storage.

Since we use lemons along with the skin, the drink will be slightly bitter. If you are not satisfied with this shade in the compote, simply squeeze out the juice from the fruit along with the pulp, but without the seeds.