Prayer to the Queen of Heaven of Kazan. Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God - a strong prayer for marriage, health and intercession

The miraculous image of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is a talisman of Russia, especially in hard times. From baptism to wedding, a person walks with this image, receiving God’s blessing on his life from it. Through prayers at the icon, fires are stopped, the blind regain their sight, and enemies are defeated. The prayer of the Kazan Mother of God for the gift and health of children, family well-being is strong; she is our helper in life and work.

In what cases do they pray to the image?

They ask God for many blessings, and miraculous icons help with this. When praying to this image, you need strong faith in the Lord and knowledge of how to correctly address the Blessed Virgin and what to ask for.

The prayer of the Kazan Mother of God helps:

  • for blindness and vision problems;
  • in diseases, oncology;
  • to achieve a successful marriage;
  • for children's illnesses;
  • for infertility;
  • for depression and melancholy;
  • in difficult life situations.

The icon is a keeper family well-being, it is used to bless the couple at their wedding. All newlyweds should have this image on their home iconostasis. In case of family troubles, you should turn to him for help, and the crisis will pass.

History of the icon

Ivan the Terrible conquered Kazan and ordered the conversion of local Muslims to Christianity. They resisted fiercely and big fire The Kazan Kremlin, along with part of the city, was regarded as the wrath of God for this. It was here that the miraculous icon was revealed, which received the name Kazan. The icon of the Mother of God was found buried in the ground at the site of the fire. The place was indicated by the little girl Matrona thanks to her dreams of the appearance of the Blessed Virgin. Immediately after its acquisition, the image performed several miracles - when it was transferred to the temple, two blind men received their sight during a religious procession. Ivan the Terrible, surprised by such a miracle, gave the order to build the Kazan Cathedral and with it a convent.

In the seventeenth century, the icon saved Russia from the Poles. The army turned to the Most Holy Theotokos for help, organizing a prayer service and observing a three-day fast. God heard their prayer and appeared in a dream to one sick archbishop. The Almighty said that through the prayers of the Mother of God and the saints, the army would defeat the enemies the next day. And to confirm the truth of the dream, he granted the archbishop healing from illnesses. In memory of this event, a celebration of the icon was established, which takes place on November 4.

Prayers for Marriage

Mothers call upon God's mercy for their children and pray for their daughter's marriage. Requests from the Kazan Icon are quickly heard by God. If parents are worried about their daughter’s long loneliness, they need to visit more often. Orthodox church, pray at the face and light candles.

When praying, you should not mindlessly read ready-made texts. These prayers were compiled in ancient times by holy people and provide an example of how we should speak with the Lord. We must pray in spirit, and written appeals do not replace our own prayer, but only guide it.

A woman's prayer for marriage:

About the gifts of children and their health

Infertile couples ask the intercession of the Mother of God for the gift of children and conception. The ways of the Lord are unknown to man, and those who pray do not always quickly receive what they ask for. The power of prayer lies in firm faith, trust in mercy and complete surrender of oneself to God’s providence.

Strong prayer for conception:

The Kazan icon is famous for its emergency assistance in cases of child health problems. They pray for health at the image, which it is advisable to place in the children's room or near the crib. You can pray a short prayer, repeating it as many times as necessary.

A short prayer: “Be merciful to us, Most Holy Theotokos, and ask the Lord God for healing for my child. Amen".

About the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In 1552, Tsar John IV (Ivan the Terrible) annexed the Kazan Khanate to Russia, as a result of which about 10,000 Russians were freed from Tatar captivity. In honor of this event, many Orthodox churches were erected in Rus'.

In 1579 in Kazan, the Most Pure Mother of God appeared three times to the ten-year-old girl Matrona with the command to inform the archbishop and the ruler of the city that they would find Her icon in the ground, at the site of a recent fire. They did not believe the girl’s words, but on July 8 (old style, July 21 – new style), accompanied by people, the mother and girl came to the indicated place. Those who came dug for a long time, but to no avail. When Matrona herself began to dig, soon after that the icon wrapped in cloth was found. The news of the miraculous discovery of the image of the Queen of Heaven in Kazan quickly spread throughout Rus'. On the site of the appearance of the icon, by order of the king, a temple was built in her honor and a convent was founded. July 21 and November 4 are days of celebration in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

In some literary publications you can get acquainted with the opinion that the first miracles from the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary were the healing of those with sore eyes. Therefore, it is precisely for deliverance from such ailments that all sufferers should pray before the image of the Queen of Heaven. However, according to our understanding, the mercy of the Most Holy Theotokos is limitless! Therefore, before Her image one must pray not only for the sight of blind eyes! On the page is the story of a resident of Sal Diveeva about a miraculous healing...

Prayer for health in front of the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Oh, Most Holy Lady and Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Thy honorable icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who come running to You, beg, O merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to keep our country peaceful, and His Holy Church unshakable will protect from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the all-powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from slander. evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death. Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that we all sing gratefully of Your greatness and mercy, let us be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom and there with all the saints we will glorify the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Kazan image of the Queen of Heaven The following pages of the site are dedicated to:

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most powerful in Orthodox culture. A huge number of miracles and amazing phenomena are associated with it.

On the eve of finding great icon The spirit of every believer becomes stronger, which means that we will all be heard by God sooner. At this time, it is especially good to pray for financial well-being.

Preparation for prayer

Prayer is a part of the life of any Christian. Every word must be understood. It is advisable to know the prayers by heart, but it is not scary if you read it. Prayer is a conversation with God, a kind of sacrament, so complete silence and solitude are needed.

Rid yourself of all extraneous thoughts and anger. Feel the goodness in your heart. If you are under stress, wait a little before starting your prayer. You should be calm and peaceful.

Prayer for well-being in front of the Kazan Icon

We magnify You, Holy Virgin, Our Mother of God. We honor Your holy image, which gives us healing and strengthens us in faith. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

After this, you need to bow, cross yourself three times and begin to read the prayer. The Kazan icon is incredibly strong. It can give not only joy and good health, but also success in business, health and good spirits. Here is the text of the prayer for prosperity in all matters:

Our zealous intercessor, Mother of the Most High Lord,

Pray for us Your Son, Jesus Christ our God, and save us all,
those who resort to Your sovereign protection.
Cover us with your cover, Queen and Lady,
in adversity and sorrow and in illness, burdened with sins,
standing before you and praying to you
and with a contrite heart before Your most pure image with tears,
and those who have irrevocable hope in You, deliverance from all evils,
Grant happiness to everyone and save everyone, Our Mother of God:
for You are the Divine protection of Your servants.

The word “Pokrov” in most cases is applicable specifically to the Kazan icon, since history says that it saved the Russian land from foreign invaders many times. Starting from the 17th century, when the Poles wanted to destroy the country from within with their secret invasion, and ending with the wars of the 19th century.

History of the icon

The Kazan Mother of God was found after a fire in 1579 in Kazan. It was a severe fire that destroyed not only the city church, but also many houses. The icon was found under the ruins of the temple, completely intact. Rumors and talk about the miracle quickly spread, which is why everyone knew about what had happened. Read our article about the terrible secret of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God to shed light on future fate icons.

Shortly before the discovery of the icon, people almost completely lost faith in God, as they were broken by grief. They asked themselves the question: “Why did God allow this to happen?” They didn't know it was the wrong question. Many modern clergy believe that this was a sign from God that faith should never be lost under any circumstances. After all, in the end, the Creator not only gave people hope for the best, but also gave them a symbol of independence. No one knows the plans of our Lord, but everyone understands and everyone feels that this icon was not found by chance on that terrible day.

The Icon of the Kazan Mother of God gave strength to the Russian people to survive all the great wars. Many generals prayed to her before decisive battles. She healed many people from illnesses, from demonic power and from curses.

Read also the prayer for help in front of the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” This will help you make your life free of grief and troubles. Remember that the most important thing is faith. Read your prayers as if you were talking to God or the Virgin Mary. These words must come from the heart. I wish you strong faith, love and joy. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.07.2016 02:30

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is one of the greatest symbols of faith in the history of Orthodox Christianity. ...

A terrible fire in 1579 destroyed part of the city of Kazan. Many residents lost friends and loved ones. In a difficult hour, the Mother of God appeared to the little girl Matrona and ordered her to dig up the icon from the ashes. Since then, the prayer of the Kazan Mother of God - strong prayer, helping the suffering, entered the religious life of Russian Christians. Any appeal to the saints, the Ever-Virgin, Her Son or the Lord and observance of ritual actions.

What do they ask the Kazan Mother of God for?

The icon, which miraculously appeared to a ten-year-old girl, comes to the rescue on various occasions. Let us list the main requests that those praying make.

  1. Marriage. The Kazan image of the Mother of God helps women find happiness in marriage with a worthy spouse after sincere prayer.
  2. Health. The icon is asked to improve the general physical and mental condition of a person. Frees the image of the Ever-Virgin and Child from blindness.
  3. The Kazan holy painting protects from foreign invaders.
  4. The Mother of God from Kazan stands guarding integrity Russian statehood.
  5. In a difficult period of life, it is worth asking for help from the sacred image of the Virgin Mary.

How to offer a prayer to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

  • With a humble heart, kneel before the icon. Uncover spiritual secrets. It’s good to go to confession and repent before prayer.
  • Light candles in front of the holy image, observing safety precautions when handling open fire.
  • Women are advised to cover their heads with a scarf.
  • It is better to close your eyes in order to fully concentrate on pronouncing the holy words.
  • Make the sign of the cross. Place your hands in a prayer gesture at your chest.
  • Whisper, speak out loud or silently the sacred words of prayer. The sufferer will definitely be heard if he prays with all his might with sincere faith in the Lord.
  • Perform the ritual several times a week, not forgetting to attend church.
  • The prayer is read at home in a clean corner in front of the holy image of the Kazan Mother of God. Appealing directly to one of the revered lists of icons, of which there are a great many in Russian churches, will have a beneficial effect on one’s fate.

The original image has been considered lost since 1904, when it was stolen and subsequently destroyed or resold. There is a version that the holy icon was preserved, but it was stolen, prudently replacing the real shrine for the night. In any case, the prayer of the Kazan Mother of God more than once came to the aid of Russian Christians as a strong prayer against foreign adversity and support in difficult times. The image of the Ever-Virgin will help you get married, get rid of illnesses and restore health after sincere and passionate requests. With ardent faith, any miracles of the Kazan icon, unusually found in the ashes of a burnt city, are possible.

Parents' prayers for children

First prayer to the Mother of God for children

O Most Holy Lady Virgin Mary, save and keep my children under Your shelter ( names), all youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of their mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Thy maternal gaze, for Thou art the Divine Cover of Thy servants.

Mother of God, lead me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children ( names), caused by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen.

Second prayer to the Mother of God for children

Holy Father, Eternal God, from You comes every gift or every good. I diligently pray to You for the children whom Your grace has given me. You gave them life, revived them with an immortal soul, revived them with holy baptism, so that in accordance with Your will they would inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, preserve them according to Your goodness until the end of their lives. Sanctify them with Thy truth, may He be holy in them Your name. Help me, by Your grace, to educate them for the glory of Your name and for the benefit of others, give me the necessary means for this: patience and strength. Lord, enlighten them with the light of Your Wisdom, may they love You with all their soul, with all their thoughts, plant in their hearts fear and disgust from all lawlessness, may they walk in Your commandments, adorn their souls with chastity, hard work, patience, honesty, protect them with truth from slander , vanity, abomination, sprinkle with the dew of Thy grace, that they may prosper in virtues and holiness, and may they grow in Thy good will, in love and piety. May the Guardian Angel always be with them and protect their youth from vain thoughts, from the temptations of this world and from all evil slander. If, when they sin before You, Lord, do not turn Your face away from them, but be merciful to them, arouse repentance in their hearts according to the multitude of Your bounties, cleanse their sins and do not deprive Your blessings, but give them everything necessary for their salvation, preserving them from all illness, danger, troubles and sorrows, overshadowing them with Your mercy all the days of this life. God, I pray to You, give me joy and joy about my children and grant me the privilege of appearing with them on the Last Judgment Yours, with unashamed boldness to say: “Here I am and the children whom You gave me, Lord. Amen.” Let us glorify Your All-Holy Name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God and Father, Creator and Preserver of all creatures! Bless my poor children ( names) By Your Holy Spirit, may He kindle in them the true fear of God, which is the beginning of wisdom and direct prudence, according to which whoever acts, his praise abides forever. Bless them with true knowledge of You, keep them from all idolatry and false teaching, make them grow in true and saving faith and in all piety, and may they abide in them constantly to the end. Grant them a believing, obedient and humble heart and mind, so that they may grow in years and in grace before God and before people. Plant in their hearts love for Your Divine Word, so that they may be reverent in prayer and in worship, respectful to the ministers of the Word and sincere in their actions, modest in their movements, chaste in their morals, true in words, faithful in deeds, diligent in their studies. , happy in the performance of their duties, reasonable and righteous towards all people. Keep them from all the temptations of the evil world, and let not evil society corrupt them. Do not allow them to fall into uncleanness and unchastity, so that they do not shorten their own lives and do not offend others. Be their protector in any danger, so that they do not suffer sudden destruction. Make it so that we do not see in them dishonor and shame for ourselves, but honor and joy, so that Your Kingdom may be multiplied by them and the number of believers will increase, and may they be in heaven around Your table, like heavenly olive branches, and may they reward You with all the elect honor, praise and glorification through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Third prayer to the Mother of God for children

Lord Jesus Christ, bring Your mercy to my children ( names), keep them under Your roof, cover them from all evil lust, drive away from them every enemy and adversary, open their ears and the eyes of their hearts, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on my children ( names) and turn them to repentance. Save, Lord, and have mercy on my children ( names) and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of Your Gospel and guide them on the path of Your commandments and teach them, O Savior, to do Your will, for You are our God.

  • Reading psalms for every need– which psalms to read in different circumstances, temptations and needs
  • Prayers for family well-being and happiness– a selection of famous Orthodox prayers about family
  • Prayers to the Mother of God for children– a selection of famous prayers for children to the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • "Orthodox akathists"– collection of akathists
  • Prayers of Orthodox soldiers- a collection of prayers for spiritual help and protection of Orthodox soldiers, as well as prayers during disasters and invasions of enemies, foreigners and non-believers..
  • See also other prayers in our section "Orthodox prayer book"- different prayers for all occasions, prayers to the saints, prayers for travelers, psalms, prayers for warriors, prayers for the sick, prayers for different cases family life: blessing for marriage, prayers for God’s protection for those entering into marriage, prayers for happy marriage, prayers of pregnant women for a successful resolution and the birth of healthy children, prayers of parents for children, prayers for infertility, prayers for children in school and many others.
  • Orthodox akathists and canons. A constantly updated collection of canonical Orthodox akathists and canons with ancient and miraculous icons: Lord Jesus Christ, Mother of God, saints.

See also the materials in our sections:

Read other prayers in the "Orthodox Prayer Book" section

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When and how to pray to Our Lady of Kazan for children?

When to pray to Our Lady of Kazan for children

You can pray to the Kazan Mother of God any day and any time when a request for help arises. Also, the words of prayer can have a very strong effect on the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (July 21 and November 4)

How to pray to Our Lady of Kazan for children

Many pray in front of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God

Strong prayer of the Kazan Mother of God for children - prayer for health

Prayer to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God

The powerful prayer of the Kazan Mother of God works miracles; the miracles are confirmed by the image of the Mother of God and her son sent to earth by the Higher Powers under strange circumstances. The Kazan icon depicts the faces of the Mother of God and the baby, depicted standing left hand from mother. Christ on the icon is depicted as a baby with a raised right hand, denotes this gesture the blessing of the Lord.

In a difficult situation, most believers ask the Mother of God for help in front of the icons; in Orthodoxy, the prayer to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is considered a strong prayer. The appearance of the icon in 1579 is associated with a fire in Kazan due to hot weather; as a result of the tragedy, the fire burned most of the city. In the ruins of the ashes local residents found an icon of the Mother of God, the location of which was seen in a dream by the girl Matrona, the daughter of a merchant who lived in Kazan.

IN historical chronicle Kazan July 1579 is the time of the appearance of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, which helped many people who survived the fire in those distant times, and now helps everyone who turns to the Mother of God with their troubles through prayer.

Before reading the prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God, you should know how the prayer of the Kazan Mother of God helps, and believe in its power. Appeal to the face of the Saints helps believers in our Lord in getting rid of health problems, the face blesses young people before marriage, after the prayer of the parents, the image of the Mother of God takes children under its protection.

The help of prayer is powerful when problems arise. life problems: in the family, at work, love, conceiving a child, marriage, but prayer to the icon of the Mother of God helps no less with emotional distress, loss loved one, depression, psychological diseases.

Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God - text

The power of prayer lies in a person’s faith in the Lord, in the miracles performed by the Almighty. Having an image, you can pray correctly in front of the Kazan Icon at home, you don’t have to go to church for this.

It is best to pray in the morning, at good location spirit, think in advance about the necessary words for help; when performing a prayer, you can light a candle, but this is not necessary.

O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Thy honorable icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who come running to You, beseech, Merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, that He may preserve our country in peace, and may He establish His holy Church May he preserve the unshakable from unbelief, heresies and schism.

There are no imams of any other help, no imams of other hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the All-Powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians.

Deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death; Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that we all praise Thy greatness with gratitude, let us be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom and there with all the saints we will glorify the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I’ve never even heard of such an icon; I don’t know what it looks like. After reading the prayer it became interesting.

What, this is a very famous icon, you should definitely have it at home and pray to it!

Lari, you yourself pray to the Kazan icon mother of god? or just teach others?

I wouldn’t write just as probably as you think! The icon was given to me 3 years ago, and since then I have been praying to it constantly!

I don’t understand what the argument is about. everyone prays to the icon that suits their soul best. There is no need to oblige anyone here. You pray to the Kazan Mother of God - well done. no - it's okay.

While visiting church I noticed a pattern. There is a category of people who come up to pray to the same icons. With all this, any temple has numerous images of saints, but believers divide the icons into their own and those of others. IMHO. For me, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is an unknown portrait that turns out to have all the prerequisites to be in demand.

People just get used to praying to specific saints. I always do this myself? I don't see anything wrong here. Moreover, in my opinion, there is no icon of the Kazan Mother of God in our church at all.

IN different churches there is an icon, not only in Kazan. In general, yes, this is a voluntary matter, no one forces anyone to pray to her.

I want to buy an icon of the Mother of God to hang on the wall at home, but how to choose a real one?

So, are there really fake icons? Buy Kazan, consecrate it in the church if it is not already consecrated, and pray for your health.

I want to buy this icon for my house, I believe in its power.

It’s difficult to choose a real one, can anyone tell me how to choose icons when buying, what to look for so as not to be fake?

Varvara, I think you came to the wrong address. . . Here people leave reviews about the prayer of the Kazan Mother of God. The icon is bought in the church on the advice of the priest.

According to a custom passed down from my grandmother, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God has a strong meaning in our family. I didn’t know about the history of the appearance of the Holy Face, but it was interesting to read, thank you.

Having icons at home is good, an icon of the Kazan Mother of God is very, very good for the house in which the holy face is located.

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Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer to Our Lady of Kazan

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People always turn to the Lord for help in difficult times. The icon of the Kazan Mother of God, the image of which appeared back in 1579 as a result of a strong fire on the territory of Kazan, as a result of which more than half of the city was destroyed, is no exception. The prayer of the Kazan Mother of God has helped many people in difficult life situations, which allows us to believe in its power.

Prayer to the Kazan Icon

Before praying to this icon, you must not only believe in the Lord, but also know what you can ask from it. When asking for help, you should not say memorized phrases, but speak with your heart and believe that it will help:

  • in adversity;
  • in the most difficult everyday cases;
  • in grief;
  • in serious illnesses of body and soul;
  • with deep sadness.

Prayerful appeal to this image of the Virgin Mary greatly helps people suffering from eye diseases. This is due to the fact that the icon first appeared in the temple in 1579, where the first healing from blindness took place, lasting three years.

The Mother of God’s prayer for help allows not only to be healed physically, but also spiritually, which is very important and relevant for many parishioners in any of their worldly problems.

Prayer of the Mother of God of Kazan for marriage

Turning to the Most Pure Virgin Mary allows you not only to be healed of illnesses, but also to get married successfully. Girls who are in search of their chosen one can always turn to Her for help and protection.

It is enough just to ask sincerely, and She will not refuse you. Also, very often girls turn to Her image for help, to whose love the chosen one does not respond. In this case, it is recommended to pray to the image of the Queen of Heaven for a solution to this problem.

You can safely heal from long-term loneliness only by diligently reading the prayer to the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, not forgetting to invest not only meaning, but also emotions positive character. The Lord not only blesses us, but also sends us good luck and goodness of the soul.

In most families, girls are married off at a young age by their parents and blessed with an icon of the Virgin Mary. This image can be found in every home iconostasis. This is due to the fact that the icon is very strong and powerful.

The prayer of the Kazan Mother of God for marriage is strong, which allows ladies asking for a happy and long family life to find peace and well-being. But you must ask sincerely, only then will the Holy Image send what you want.

For some families the Shrine is very powerful amulet, capable of maintaining a marital hearth for many years. Protects children born in marriage. In case of a family crisis, it is enough to simply turn to her with a cry of prayer.

Finding your life partner is very simple. It is enough to visit an Orthodox church and light three candles to the face of the Mother of God of Kazan.

Prayer to the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

It is necessary to address the Heavenly Powers and the Most Pure Virgin Mary correctly:

  • The words of prayer should not be simply memorized and pronounced like a poem.
  • Every word of prayer must be sincere, pronounced and come from the heart.
  • When turning to this image, remember that the face intercedes and helps only those who really ask sincerely.

The intercessor helps all Christians who turn to her. You shouldn't live with your misfortune. Turn to the Lord for help, and He will certainly not leave you in trouble. After all, his main calling is to help those who suffer and need His help. And only by knocking on Him through prayers can you not only be cured of your illness and find your destiny, but also find harmony.

Here, directly, is the prayer itself to the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos:

“O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Thy honorable icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who come running to You, beseech, Merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, that He may preserve our country in peace, and may He establish His holy Church May he preserve the unshakable from unbelief, heresies and schism.

There are no imams of any other help, no imams of other hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the All-Powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians.

Deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death; Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that we all praise Thy greatness with gratitude, let us be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom and there with all the saints we will glorify the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

God bless you!

Watch also the video prayer of the Mother of God of Kazan:

Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God for children, health and family preservation

The icon of the Kazan Mother of God is an ancient Russian shrine. Its original is in the Church of Yaroslavl Wonderworkers in Kazan. Every year people come to her with different corners land to ask for help. The copies of this icon also have miraculous powers.

How does the Kazan Mother of God help?

According to existing data, the appearance of the icon dates back to July 21, 1579. On this day there was a strong fire, and at night the image of the Mother of God appeared to the merchant’s daughter, who ordered her to go to the place where the fire was and find the icon there. Since then, the face began to work wonders, helping people cope with various problems. There is a certain list of what the Kazan Mother of God is asked for:

  1. The icon helps to cope with various physical and mental illnesses. People with vision problems especially often turn to her. This can be explained by one situation: during one religious procession, a miracle happened. Two blind people took part in the procession. They touched the icon and their vision was restored.
  2. Sincere appeals help to enlist the support of the Mother of God in difficult situations. In any sadness, she will become a mentor and consolation.
  3. The prayer of the Kazan Mother of God helps to accept the right decision to avoid making mistakes. Many believers confirm that the Mother of God in difficult times came in a dream and gave instructions on how to cope with problems.
  4. Mothers pray for their children to protect them from harm. The Mother of God helps to protect soldiers in war from death.
  5. They also turn to the Higher Powers on joyful events, for example, prayer and an icon are used to bless the newlyweds for marriage.
  6. Single people pray in front of the image to meet their love and get married.
  7. Married couples ask the Mother of God for help in difficult situations in order to improve their relationship.
  8. The image of the Mother of God is protective and is placed in the home to deal with negativity.
  9. The famous icon is a real guide, helping people find the right path.

What do they pray to the Kazan Mother of God?

In order for the words addressed to the Higher powers to be heard, it is important to follow a number of rules regarding the reading of prayers.

  1. Of great importance is the belief that prayer requests will be heard and the Mother of God will certainly help.
  2. It is important to pronounce each word thoughtfully, giving it a certain meaning.
  3. In order for all thoughts to be focused exclusively on prayer, it is necessary to turn to the Mother of God alone. The exception is church services.
  4. The image of the Kazan Mother of God should be before your eyes. For home rituals, it can be purchased at the church store.
  5. Regardless of whether a person prays in church or at home, three candles should be lit. Incense is needed in order to achieve harmony and get rid of extraneous thoughts.
  6. The prayer before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God should be said standing, with the face directed to the east, where the sun rises.
  7. It is important to contact the Higher powers regularly and the time of day does not matter.
  8. It is recommended to pronounce the text like a verse, without hesitating or rearranging words. If your memory is bad, then you need to copy the words onto a sheet of paper with your own hands and read them.
  9. Before pronouncing the prayer text, you must cross yourself three times and bow to the waist or the ground.
  10. Priests recommend not only reading special prayers, but also turning to the Mother of God and God in your own words to talk about the problems that have arisen.
  11. It is important not only to turn to the Higher Powers in difficult times, but also to thank them for the help provided.

Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God for children

It is difficult to imagine something more powerful than a prayer said by a mother for her child. Prayer to the Kazan Mother of God helps to protect a child from bad things, take care of his happy future and provide assistance in difficult situations. Many mothers recite the text for their sons who serve in the army or are at war. The prayer to the Kazan Mother of God can be said during a service or alone in front of an image in a temple or at home. It is recommended to light candles and cross yourself.

Prayer to the Kazan Mother of God for health

Many people first turn to God and the saints in times when health problems are discovered. The Mother of God will be a good helper in solving such problems. It is recommended not only to read the prayers of the Kazan Mother of God for healing, but also to turn to her in your own words to talk about existing problems and ask for healing. You can ask not only for your own healing, but also for relatives or friends. It is important to carry out petitions regularly so as not to lose contact with Higher powers.

Prayer to Our Lady of Kazan for help

There are situations when support is needed, but there is no one to get it from. In such a situation, the Mother of God will come to the rescue, who will give you self-confidence, help you not make a mistake in your choice and will walk alongside you to overcome all adversities. It is believed that the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos of Kazan Mother of God helps to find the way for people who have lost their way from the right path. It is important to pronounce words with a pure heart and then they will definitely be heard.

Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God for love

There are many singles in the world who dream of finding their soulmate and the Mother of God can help in realizing this desire. It is necessary to say the prayer text regularly, otherwise there will be no result. The prayer of the Most Holy Kazan Mother of God helps to bring a meeting with a worthy person closer, establish contact and learn to love.

Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God for marriage

Many girls dream of walking down the aisle with a real prince and worry if this event does not happen for a long time. To fulfill your dreams and build a strong family, a prayer to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God for marriage has been used since ancient times. The text presented will help when love is unrequited. It is worth noting that this image of the Mother of God is used by parents to bless their daughter as she walks down the aisle. To read the prayer of the Kazan Mother of God, you need to place three candles in front of the image and say the text.

“Most Holy Lady, Mother of God of Kazan. Send bright love into my life, not unrequited love. Thy will be done. Amen".

Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God for conceiving a child

Unfortunately, many couples face the problem of procreation. To gain hope, many women ask for help from Higher powers. Popular and effective is the prayer of the Kazan Mother of God for conception, which, according to reviews, helped a huge number couples become parents of healthy babies. You should turn to the Mother of God every day. Confession is no less important to receive remission of sins.

Prayer to the Kazan Mother of God for the preservation of the family

Family life without conflicts is impossible, since misunderstandings arise sooner or later in every couple. The most powerful prayer of the Kazan Mother of God will help preserve feelings and find ways to improve relationships. You can say the words in front of the image in church or in front of the image of the Virgin Mary at home. After the prayer to the Kazan Mother of God is said, it is necessary to light three candles in front of the icon. When they are completely burned, cross yourself three times and wash with holy water.

Prayer to Our Lady of Kazan for work

A huge number of people have problems finding employment, since finding a decent place is not so easy. Many people have jobs, but feel uncomfortable there due to various problems. To correct both situations, you can turn to heaven for help. There is a strong prayer to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God for work, which should be read only with pure thoughts and unshakable faith. It is recommended to repeat the words with a lit candle, looking at the face.