What is the "new California" project? Project "New California" - myth or reality

Since the First Zionist Congress, held in Basel in 1897, Jewish organizations around the world have intensified their search for ways to create a Jewish state in Palestine, Africa and South America. Russian Jews did not lag behind, they not only developed a project for the so-called South Russian Republic on the territory of Crimea, Volyn and Podolia with the capital in Odessa, but also made an unsuccessful attempt to implement it in 1905. After that, the project was forgotten and was remembered only after a decade and a half in America.


In 1923, a Jewish charitable organization from the United States, the Joint (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee), proposed to the Soviet government “a project beneficial for the USSR to create a Jewish autonomy on the territory of the Soviet Union,” including Odessa, Kherson, the northern part of Crimea, the Black Sea coast. sea ​​to Abkhazia and Sochi. In the United States, both this project and this future public entity were known as “Crimean California.”
To begin with, it was planned to resettle 500 thousand Jews from the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus to the autonomy. In return, the Joint promised the Soviet Union assistance in obtaining large loans and in lobbying its interests in the United States.
The Joint's proposals were actively supported by Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev and approved by V.I. Lenin. During the discussion of the project, appetites had to be tempered and a Jewish Autonomous Republic within the RSFSR had to be created only on the territory of Crimea. But even here it turned out to be a “bummer” - J.V. Stalin intervened and insisted that, to begin with, we should limit ourselves only to the creation of a committee for the land management of Jews in Crimea (KomZET), and make final decisions based on what had already been achieved practical results. The wheel of the Crimean project has begun to spin.
On July 21, 1924, by resolution of the Joint Executive Committee, the Agro-Joint Corporation was created, the main task of which was to settle several hundred Jewish families in the south of Russia in order to determine the possibility of mass Jewish colonization in the USSR.
KomZET was created on August 29, 1924 by decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, with the aim of attracting the Jewish population to productive agricultural work. On the initiative of interested party circles, on January 17, 1925, the Land Management Society of Jewish Workers (OZET) was organized to help KomZET.
On November 29, 1924, Agro-Joint entered into an agreement on organizing the land management of Jews with the Soviet government, on whose behalf KomZET acted. The essence of the agreement was the distribution of costs and responsibilities for land management of Jews between KomZET and Agro-Joint. KomZET provided land and provided some of the financing for the project, and Agro-Joint provided its main financing.
During the 14 years of Agro-Joint’s work in the USSR (until its completion in 1938), new agreements were concluded with the Soviet government (January 31, 1927, February 15, 1929, March 22, 1933), clarifying issues of the organization work, financing, loans, etc.
M. Poltoranin in one of his television interviews stated that during the implementation of the Crimean program, the Joint organization allocated a loan (credit) tied to the implementation of the program. According to the terms of the loan Soviet Union annually, for 10 years, he received 900 thousand dollars at 5 percent. According to the same conditions, in the USSR, state bonds-shares were issued for the entire amount of the loan, against which almost the entire Crimean land was divided into shares (apparently, the situation that had arisen had no other development options and this was the only possible and optimal for that period of time solution).
200 people received shares in the Crimean land, including very famous Americans: Roosevelt, his wife Eleanor, Hoover, Marshall. In fact, the loan was taken out against promissory notes, which were backed by the Crimean territory.
The repayment of the loan debt with specified interest was supposed to begin in 1945 and end in 1954 - that’s why 1954 was “critical” for the Soviet leadership, both in terms of political and financial obligations - lenders had to give either money or collateral lands .
The project was illegal and dangerous - since 1921, the Crimean Autonomous Republic already existed with its own constitution. In addition, both the Crimean Tatars and other peoples of the peninsula had plans for the lands of the future autonomy. Thus, the resettlement of Jews there was fraught with the transformation of the peninsula into a hotbed of ethnic tension, which was confirmed by subsequent events.
The resettlement of Jews met fierce resistance from both the Crimean Tatar population and the leaders of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, some of whom, in connection with this, were repressed.
IN rural areas In Crimea, two Jewish national districts were created - Freidorf and Larindorf, but the practical experience of resettling Jews there showed its inconsistency: the bulk of the settlers, faced with opposition from the local population and peasant labor that was unusual for them, returned to their native places. Of the Jews who remained in Crimea, the minority settled “on the ground” - the majority settled in cities (in 1930, out of 49,100 Crimean Jews, only 10,140 people lived in rural areas).
Taking into account these circumstances, in 1934 I.V. Stalin turned off Crimean project and made a “knight’s move”: in the east of the country, a special administrative-territorial entity was created for the resettlement of Jews - the Jewish Autonomous Region with its capital in Birobidzhan (so that “the sheep are safe and the wolves are fed”). Despite all the social cataclysms, the Jewish Autonomous Region still exists in this status, thereby continuing to solve the original problem.
But the “wolves”, unfortunately, remained hungry. The question of the need for the Soviet Union to implement the “Crimean California” project again surfaced during the Great Patriotic War and the Americans made us an offer that was impossible to refuse...


In 1942, to organize political and material support from wealthy American Jews in the USSR, the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC) was created, headed by S. Mikhoels. The Committee performed its functions quite successfully, but already at the end of 1943, at the Tehran Conference, Roosevelt warned I.V. Stalin that further deliveries under Lend-Lease and the opening of the 2nd front are impossible without the implementation of the “Crimean California” project - this is the demand of the Jewish tycoons of the United States.
And already on February 21, 1944, having returned from the USA, members of the JAC delegation sent I.V. Stalin and V.M. Molotov so-called “Note on Crimea,” which suggested:
"…1. Create a Jewish Soviet socialist republic on the territory of Crimea.
2. In advance, before the liberation of Crimea, appoint a government commission to develop this issue..."
The “note” was left unanswered, but soon, on May 18, 1944, the Crimean Tatars were deported from Crimea, followed by the Armenians, Bulgarians and Greeks on June 26.
In his above-mentioned television interview, M. Poltoranin also demonstrated the Russian translation of D. Marshall’s secret letter to US Secretary of Commerce A. Harriman, written in 1945. The letter sets out the desire of the US President to let I.V. know. Stalin, so that he was ready to relocate the Black Sea Fleet to Odessa and the Caucasus coast, since: “The coexistence on the territory of Crimea of ​​the base of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet and the Jewish Republic, open to the free entry of Jews from all over the world, seems to be an incongruity fraught with unpredictable consequences...”.
Judging by this letter, the issue was being worked out in earnest high level and very serious people were engaged in it.
It is quite obvious that I.V. Stalin was a staunch opponent of the creation of the Jewish SSR. According to the memoirs of Leonid Efremov, a member of the CPSU Central Committee, J.V. Stalin, at the last meeting of the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee during his lifetime, criticized V.M. Molotov in a rather harsh form precisely because he had previously proposed to transfer Crimea to the Jews.
It seems that to divert attention, the USSR carried out some insignificant, demonstrative actions. Real measures to create the Jewish SSR were actually sabotaged - the empty Tatar villages began to quickly be populated by Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian peasants from destroyed villages in the regions liberated from occupation.
Soon international situation changed - the United States from an ally became our adversary in the unfolding Cold War, which allowed I.V. Stalin to sharply reduce attention to their “wants”. In addition, things in the Middle East have turned out quite favorably for us. In Palestine, due to refugees from Europe, the Jewish population almost tripled in 1945-1946, reaching 600 thousand people. Thus, a “critical mass” was formed, which made it possible, instead of a Jewish republic in Crimea, to begin the struggle for the creation of a Jewish independent state in Palestine.
I.V. Stalin actively supported the long-standing Zionist idea of ​​​​creating a Jewish state in Palestine and in 1946 gave the command to supply weapons to the Jews who fought there against the Arabs and British. On May 14, 1948, the Jewish State of Israel was proclaimed. The first country to recognize the Jewish state in in full, May 17 became the Soviet Union.
But, despite the newfound Palestine, the idea of ​​​​exploiting Crimea among Jews did not die. On September 3, 1948, Golda Meir, appointed ambassador to the USSR, arrived in Moscow. In two weeks, she organized two rallies in Moscow of 50 thousand people each - these were people from Leningrad, Moscow and even Siberia, who demanded to fulfill the promises made to America and give up Crimea.
Soon, on November 20, 1948, the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee was dissolved and closed as a center of anti-Soviet propaganda - friendship with Israel ended. At the beginning of 1949, active members of the JAC were arrested and events known as the “fight against cosmopolitanism” began in the country. The events reached their culmination by 1953, but were curtailed immediately after the death of I.V. Stalin, whose death was more like a murder.
The deadline for repaying the debt to the Joint expired in 1954, but the Soviet Union, which was restoring the national economy destroyed by the war, could hardly complete all loan payments on time. A major scandal was brewing, undesirable for both the USSR and the Joint.


N.S. Khrushchev, who came to power, “was in the know.” Using the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia as a cover, he transferred Crimea from the RSFSR to the jurisdiction of Ukraine. According to the agreement with the Joint, the transfer of Crimean lands to Jews from the RSFSR was provided for, and Ukraine did not bear any legal responsibility for the implementation of this agreement.
In addition, the Jews already had their own land in Birobidzhan and it seems very likely that all this was still Stalin’s “preparation.”
Thus, the government of the USSR acquired the formal right to close the question of the obligations of the Soviet Union to Jewish organizations in the United States regarding the creation of Jewish statehood in Crimea. And this right was significantly reinforced by the fact that the USSR had a real nuclear weapons On August 29, 1949, the first Soviet atomic bomb, and on August 12, 1953 we tested the first hydrogen bomb
For the peoples of the USSR in those years, this action was also an empty formality - there was a single country inhabited by a single Soviet people. At that time, no one could have imagined that Ukraine would become a foreign state for Russia.
No one wanted all the details of the deal to be made public and, it seems, the interested American-Jewish side silently (“money loves silence”) postponed the resolution of this important issue for it until more favorable times.


The Americans never received the money, but it seems that, if necessary, there will always be “craftsmen” who can justify the penalty interest for non-payment of the loan, and inflate (taking them into account) the amount of debt at the moment to mind-boggling proportions.
The same “craftsmen” will be able to prove that the Crimean land divided into shares continues to be legally pledged by the current holders of shares and bonds issued in the 20s of the last century.
Meanwhile, the “Joint” case continues to live on in the lands of the former USSR.
Since 1991, the “CIS Department” has been operating within the “Joint” - judging by the size of the allocated budget funds, the organization is most active in Ukraine.
As of 2006, Ukraine received $41,421,785 (second from Israel, which received $140,616,535).
Recently, quite a lot of information has appeared on some Internet sites. interesting information. For example, on the website of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress on October 16, 2009, an article by Joseph Zisels “Restitution of Jewish property in Ukraine: formulation of the question” was published. This article examines various aspects of the topic of former Jewish property in Ukraine and the problems of its restitution (i.e. returning the owners to their heirs or successors). An article “Zazubrina” appeared on the website of the NGO “Zubr” newspaper, which tells how in the second half of last 2013, an initiative group led by A. Rapoport decided to recreate OZET in an updated format and hold the Founding Conference of OZET in April - May 2014 in Crimea (Feodosia). The same website reports that on March 23, 2014, an appeal was announced from the Coordinator of OZET in Ukraine and Crimea, the Head of the Beit Shlan Council (center for religious Zionism) Meir Landau to the allied organizations and Jewish communities of Crimea “to gather in the very near future for a conference on the issue restoration of the national and cultural autonomy of the Jewish people in Crimea."
On March 4, 2014, the website of the Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities of Ukraine published an “Address to the President Russian Federation V.V. Putin on behalf of multinational people Ukraine, on behalf of national minorities, on behalf of the Jewish community." The document was signed by the previously mentioned Joseph Zissels, Chairman of the Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities (Vaada) of Ukraine, Executive Vice President of the Congress of National Communities of Ukraine, and 36 other equally respected “Ukrainians.”
In the specified “Appeal”:
a) it is argued that Russian-speaking residents of Ukraine are not subjected to humiliation and oppression, their civil rights are not limited and that the stability of Ukraine is under threat posed by Russian authorities, that is, from V.V. Putin;
b) there is a call “not to interfere in internal Ukrainian affairs, to withdraw Russian troops to their permanent locations and stop encouraging pro-Russian separatism.”
It should be noted that the actions to recreate OZET coincided in time with the main events of the political crisis in Ukraine and it is highly doubtful that this was a mere coincidence.
To confirm doubts, it is also necessary to note:
1. The highest involvement in political events in Ukraine by employees of the US Embassy in Kyiv and senior American leadership.
2. The highest activity shown in the current political events of Ukraine is the head of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine, the head of the European Council of Jewish Communities and the President of the European Jewish Union (EJU) Igor Kolomoisky (2nd in the ranking of Ukrainian rich people in 2013).
3. The highest activity shown by the European Union in matters of restitution in the countries of the former Soviet bloc. After joining the association with the EU, the same awaits Ukraine, whose legislation it will have to follow.
It looks like everything has been calculated, people are prepared, positioned and taking the necessary actions...
Of course, the authenticity of the second version can be confirmed or refuted only on the basis of relevant archival documents, if any (according to A. Karaulov, M. Poltoranin’s information is based on archival documents).
If the second version is reliable, political events in Ukraine, coupled with measures to revive OZET, can be interpreted as the implementation of a certain plan of preliminary measures to seize the collateral lands of Crimea.
It seems that if Crimea were part of Ukraine, which joined the EU, its collateral lands would be seized by the United States through legal casuistry and restitution.
Experience shows that at present, with the help of brute military force, the United States can trample on any legal and moral norms and do whatever they see necessary with any NON-NUCLEAR power.
Crimea broke out into its historical nuclear missile homeland literally at the very last possible moment - a little more, and the Russian world could have lost it forever.
Judging by the rage that the entry of Crimea into Russia aroused in the United States, it is extremely doubtful that our good comrades - ordinary Jews, with whom we work, ride on trolleybuses and drink vodka in the kitchens, could have gained anything from the Americans confiscating the Crimean deposits lands.
Many events of the past show that ordinary Jews, as a rule, are used as auxiliary, consumable material in big games very big people who are least of all interested in someone's personal fate.
It seems that the proposed measures to seize Crimean lands, first of all, should solve the global strategic task of organizing some form of absolute American presence on the territory of Crimea - up to the declaration of the peninsula as the 51st American state (like Alaska and Hawaii).
That's why, dear comrades, Crimea now needs to be defended to the last nuclear warhead.

Crimea. A couple of months ago there was a question about the possibility of a return Russian territory was just beginning to be discussed in earnest. And so, the Ukrainian situation cleared up on its own, without military action. In order to expose the junta’s propaganda statements about illegal annexation, I will briefly describe the preparations and transfer of the territory of Crimea to Ukraine 60 years ago.

Crimea - Jewish Republic. Bolshevik plans

Lenin planned to create a Jewish Republic in Crimea. Stalin supported the idea. The Crimean land was pledged to American bankers - Jews by nationality. The final implementation was prevented only by dissatisfied indigenous people Crimea. This is in brief, and now we will consider in detail this difficult topic - Crimea and the Crimean Tatars.

Attempts to explain the expulsion Crimean Tatars There were many, but the propaganda machine worked hard to hide the truth. There is even a version according to which the Soviet government carried out the deportation because... The USSR sought to take possession of the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits, and then move on to Turkey. And the Crimean Tatars actively interfered with these plans. This option also includes the expulsion of Meskhetian Turks from Georgia from the territory bordering Turkey, as well as several others. Turkic peoples Caucasus: Balkars, Karachais, Chechens. However, even such powerful strategic plans did not explain the paradox of the “voluntary” move of more than 190 thousand people of the same nationality. But the whole reason is that Crimea was only being prepared for the territory of the state now called Israel, and the Tatars were too much of a nuisance with their disagreement.

Project Crimean California

With the advent of the era of the New Economic Policy, the ideologists of the creation of an autonomous Jewish republic in Crimea captured profits. The American one started to promote the idea financial institution"Joint", which in Soviet Russia officially represented the interests of the United States (there were no diplomatic relations with America at that time).
The Crimean problem began under Lenin (American agent Reinstein). Lurie (Yuri Larin) suddenly came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a Jewish republic in Crimea. The idea was suggested by Rosenberg from the Joint.

In 1922, Agro-Joint was created in Crimea and 186 collective farms were organized. Jews came from everywhere... Every year the Soviet government was supposed to receive 9OO thousand dollars from the Joint at 5% for 10 years.

In November 1923, Abram Bragin, the head of the Jewish section of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), prepared for the Politburo a draft decision on the creation in Crimea of ​​no longer an autonomous, but a full-fledged Soviet socialist Jewish republic. The project was named “Crimean California”. As a result, the settlers were allocated 132 thousand hectares of land for it.

On February 19, 1929, the Joint and the Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR entered into an agreement under which the USSR received annual funding of one and a half million dollars. However, the cunning Americans asked for 375 thousand hectares of Crimea as a guarantee. The land was divided into shares and registered as shares, and the buyers were more than 200 American citizens, the most famous being Hoover, Rockefeller, Roosevelt, MacArthur, and Marshall. If the USSR does not pay the debt before 1954, then it must give back Crimea.
The strange thing is that the money went through the Agro-Joint bank, bypassing the Soviet budget, directly to Jewish settlers. They were used to purchase food, equipment and supplies. Such “help” caused protests from Russians, Tatars, Germans, Bulgarians and Greeks living in Crimea. The Tatars destroyed trains carrying Jewish settlers. As a result of the riots, Stalin declared at a Politburo meeting that “Crimean California” gives the country nothing but national strife and in 1934 he created Birobidzhan.
And in 1936, the Crimea project was successfully closed and forgotten. The funds stopped coming (a total of $20 million was invested in the resettlers), but the resettlement itself did not stop.

According to census data:

  • In 1939, more than 65 thousand Jews already officially lived on the territory of 44 village councils in the Freidorf region of Crimea.
  • Crimean Tatars made up 19.4% of the peninsula’s population - 218,179.
  • The main population is Russians.

Official languages autonomous republic- Russian and Crimean Tatar. The basis of the administrative division was the national principle. 5 national districts (Alushta, Sudak, Bakhchisarai, Balaklava, Yalta) and 144 national village councils were considered Tatar. There, even education in schools was conducted in the Crimean Tatar language.


In 1943, Roosevelt told Stalin at the Tehran Conference that if the Crimean California project was not revived, then problems with Lend-Lease supplies might begin. Roosevelt himself had shares in a piece of land in Crimea.
I had to resuscitate...

In fulfillment of obligations to clear the peninsula for Jewish settlers, the Crimean Tatars were urgently evicted. On May 11, 1944, the “leader of all times and peoples” signed a decree of the USSR State Defense Committee on the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people to Uzbekistan.

However, additional reasons influenced this decision of the Soviet leadership. Or rather, the reasons were skillfully manipulated - facts of desertion, betrayal, collaboration with the Germans. I do not want to discuss this topic in this article (if anyone is interested, read in), if you look for similar facts, then half of Ukraine could be evicted under such an article... No matter how massive the cases of complicity with the invader, but to make a decision on the deportation of an entire people ( to be precise, before June 1, 1944, 191 thousand Crimean Tatars were evicted from Crimea) they cannot be the basis, it is necessary to determine the individual guilt of everyone, they must be punished according to their merits, and not according to an order according to a general template.

By Stalin's standards, evictions were carried out in a “soft” mode. The settlers were allowed to take

“personal belongings, dishes, household equipment, and food up to 5OO kg per family.”

People's Commissariat of Trade was obliged

“provide all trains with special settlers with hot meals and boiling water every day.”

Each train was equipped with medicines, a doctor and two nurses. Daily norm food per person: bread – 5OO g, meat or fish – 7O g, cereals – 6O g, fats – 1O g. Upon arrival at the place of decree

“to ensure that arriving special settlers are provided with personal plots and to provide assistance in the construction of houses with local building materials”,

“a loan for the construction of houses and for economic establishment up to 5,000 rubles per family with installments up to 7 years.”

Two months of state provision of food to cover the abandoned property - 8 kg of flour, 8 kg of vegetables and 2 kg of cereal per person.

However, despite all the “softness” of the resettlement, in the first years, from 15 to 25% of those evicted died. According to statistics of Crimean Tatar activists, up to 46% died. Isn't this genocide? Although every nation can present a bitter account to the father of nations on this topic...

If you dig deeper, the Bolsheviks were going to resettle all the Tatars of Russia to Transbaikalia and Mongolia, in accordance with the false story they created about the Mongol-Tatars, because The Tatars interfered with the invaders due to their humane mentality, just like the Rus, whose numbers had catastrophically decreased since the time of Peter the Great.

The revelations of the false story about the “bad Tatars” are fully described in the books of Gali Enikeev:

  1. "Crown of the Horde Empire"
  2. "The Great Horde: Friends, Enemies and Heirs"
  3. "In the footsteps of a black legend"
  4. "Heritage of the Tatars"

Proclamation of the State of Israel

Stalin understood perfectly well that the Americans were not trying at all in the interests of Soviet Jews, therefore, he put forward the condition that the territory of Crimea should remain in the status of an autonomous republic of the USSR. The US offered 10 billion in response! dollars of a loan to restore the country's economy, but in return Crimea would be allowed to secede from the Soviet Union. The tempting offer was rejected, and the topic of creating a “New California” again reached a dead end.

However, the Americans continued their shadow work in Crimea. In 1945, a highly confidential letter from J. Marshall to US Secretary of Commerce William Averell Harriman surfaced:

“Dear Averell! ...President Truman approves of your plans. He adds that the existence on the territory of the CRIMEA of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet and the JEWISH Republic, open to the free entry of Jews from all over the world, are INCOMPATIBLE... Crimea should become a demilitarized zone. Let Stalin know that he MUST be READY to REBASE the FLEET from Sevastopol to Odessa and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Then we will believe that the Crimean JEWISH Republic is a reality, and not a propaganda myth.”

Moreover, in plans, Jewish Crimean California from the Soviet Republic expanded to an INDEPENDENT JEWISH STATE, including: the entire Crimea, Odessa and Kherson regions, Sochi to the border with Abkhazia...

It was becoming dangerous to wait. At the same time, we had to create a situation in Palestine that distracted us from Crimea.

In 1947, at the UN, Stalin provided active support for the creation of an independent Israel. Portraits of Stalin still hang in some Israeli kibbutzim. The cult of personality of Joseph Vissarionovich was preserved, there is something to honor.

May 14, 1948. De facto, the USSR was the first and de jure the second (after the USA) to recognize the independence of Israel. Amid the excitement, thousands of Soviet Jews sent requests to the military registration and enlistment offices to be sent to Israel to fight the Arab countries, which had begun full-scale hostilities against the newly created state of the Jews.

Only during the War of Independence did the USSR and the USA unite on the side of Israel, for a short time. Further in the chronicle of the Arab-Israeli conflict there is only a confrontation between the superpowers. At the beginning of the Cold War, each fought for influence in the region, wanting to see the Jewish state, if not an ally, then a potential agent of influence. The Americans had a goal - to bury the British Empire, which owned the Suez Canal in Egypt. The USSR has special plans...

Propaganda of the Soviet press during the War of Independence denounced the British imperialists and Arab puppet regimes that were suppressing the Jewish national liberation movement. The USSR even allowed Czechoslovakia to supply Czech and Soviet-made weapons to Israel, which gave a huge advantage to the Jews in the war.

After the victory of the Jews, the representative of Ukraine to the UN, D. Manuilsky, proposed resettling over half a million Arab refugees to our Central Asia, creating an autonomous republic. Thank God this plan was not implemented...

It is widely believed that Stalin miscalculated in supporting the creation of the State of Israel. He allegedly hoped that this would turn out to be a state of workers and peasants, obedient to the Kremlin. Reasons: before the war, emigrants from Russia and Poland lived in Jewish Palestine, and after in Israel itself, among whom the ideas of socialism and communism were very popular. And of course, the popularity of the USSR among the Palestinians as a winner over Nazism. Stalin also intended to strengthen Israel's pro-communist orientation through the mass emigration of Soviet Jews. In general, at the dawn of the formation of the Jewish state, the USSR planned to bind Israel to itself for a long time.

As Cold War tensions grew, Stalin hoped to turn Israel into an outpost in the fight against world imperialism.
In fact, the father of nations reasoned more broadly, hoping to benefit from the creation of a Jewish state in any case.

  • If Israel accepts the “red element”, the Promised Land will become the best friend of the USSR and a stronghold of the world revolution not only in this region.
  • Otherwise, the USSR gets the entire Arab world as its allies - that’s also not bad.

However, the enthusiastic pro-Soviet mood lasted only a year. The Soviet press announced that Israel had returned the favor with black ingratitude by changing its political orientation to the West. At the same time, the Arabs only partially justified the hopes of the Soviet Union, although they are still not able to cope with Israel.
The real reason for “black ingratitude” was:

  1. plans for the mass eviction of Soviet Jews for Far East,
  2. reprisal of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee,
  3. "The Doctors' Case"

on this basis, even a split occurred in the Israeli Communist Party.

Why did Stalin need to ruin everything with such blatant anti-Jewish measures? There are many explanations, the relatively reasonable ones being the following. The leader decided to show that he no longer needed the support of the West, so important during the Second World War, and decided to enter the final battle with the world capitalist system. His suspicion reached a manic stage, and after the quarter-million Jews of Moscow created a furor at the meeting of the first Israeli ambassador in 1948, a total test of loyalty to Jewry was no longer required, the diagnosis was agents of the West.
Soon the JAC raised the question of creating a Jewish union republic in Crimea or the Volga region as a Soviet alternative to the already created Israel. But it turned out to be too late, the most that Moscow offered was a resolution of the CHK of the RSFSR “On measures to strengthen and further develop the economy of the Jewish Autonomous Region,” providing for the sending of 50 teachers and 20 doctors. Plus permission to publish the Birobidzhaner Shtern newspaper twice a week instead of once, an increase in its Russian-language circulation, the creation of a Jewish book publishing house in Birobidzhan and the publishing of an almanac in Yiddish.

Soon there came a wave of anti-Jewish repression. The Jewish intelligentsia was accused of seeking to tear Crimea away from the Union! All Jewish organizations (with the exception of several dozen synagogues controlled by the authorities) were closed. Jews who had relatives in America or Israel were accused of anti-Soviet activities, exiled to the Gulag, and exterminated in thousands by NKVD agents. Mass purges!

Under the guise of generous protection of Jews from pogroms, they were going to organize their mass eviction to Birobidzhan or Siberia. Already in January 1953, to implement this option, the Soviet media summed up the ideological justification for the upcoming action: the collective guilt of the Jewish people for the “crime” of the killer doctors. A special commission was created, headed by the head of the agitation and propaganda department of the CPSU Central Committee, M. Suslov. In Birobidzhan, barracks complexes similar to concentration camps were built rapidly. The deportation was to be carried out in two stages: first of all, purebred Jews, secondly, half-bloods. Trains were brought to large cities. Defense Minister N. Bulganin later revealed that Stalin wanted the trains to stage crashes and attacks by “detachments of people’s avengers.”

Khrushchev continued his anti-Semitic policies without resorting to direct repression. Under him, Judaism was declared obscurantist. Synagogues were closed at an even more rapid pace, and Jews were not allowed to gather for prayer even in private homes; it got to the point that baking matzo was banned.

Crimea - Ukraine

In 1954, the deadline came for the return of funds received for “New California” (the money, it turns out, was given on credit). Despite the fact that for the war with the Arabs the USSR transferred to Israel a significant amount of captured German weapons, agreed upon as repayment of the Joint debt (the first stage of the calculation occurred in 1945), America considered that the calculation had been carried out in an insufficient volume, and was preparing to demand the declared agreement on Crimean land.

The Jewish state was not created in Crimea, and since 1998 the return resettlement of the Crimean Tatars to their homeland began. But they returned the Tatars with a built-in virus of hatred, evil and hating RUSSIANS! Those who hate not the Jews, who initiated all this, but the Russians...

In fact, from ancient times Crimea belonged to two friendly ethnic groups - the Rus and the Tatars. And in the future it will also belong to them. To do this, both ethnic groups must restore their ancestral ties, realize themselves and become themselves. They are separated only by the ideologists of false history from the enemies of our ancestors.

Crimea - Antov territory

It will definitely count at the tribunal!


Project "Crimean California". Why was Stalin killed?

Why were the Crimean Tatars expelled? Jewish Republic in Crimea!

Blog creator, Anderstender.

Who owns Crimea? Project Crimean California and the eviction of the Crimean Tatars. Why was Stalin killed?

Crimea - Jewish Republic. Bolshevik plans

Lenin planned to create a Jewish Republic in Crimea. Stalin supported the idea. The Crimean land was pledged to American bankers - Jews by nationality. The final implementation was prevented only by the dissatisfied indigenous population of Crimea. This is in brief, and now we will consider in detail this difficult topic - Crimea and the Crimean Tatars.

There were many attempts to explain the expulsion of the Crimean Tatars, but the propaganda machine worked hard to hide the truth. There is even a version according to which the Soviet government carried out the deportation because... The USSR sought to take possession of the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits, and then move on to Turkey. And the Crimean Tatars actively interfered with these plans. This option also includes the expulsion of the Meskhetian Turks of Georgia from the territory bordering Turkey, as well as several other Turkic peoples of the Caucasus: Balkars, Karachais, Chechens. However, even such powerful strategic plans did not explain the paradox of the “voluntary” move of more than 190 thousand people of the same nationality. But the whole reason is that Crimea was only being prepared for the territory of the state now called Israel, and the Tatars were too much of a nuisance with their disagreement.

Project Crimean California

With the advent of the era of the New Economic Policy, ideologists of the creation of an autonomous Jewish republic in Crimea arrived in captured Russia. The idea was promoted by the American financial organization Joint, which officially represented the interests of the United States in Soviet Russia (there were no diplomatic relations with America at that time).
The Crimean problem began under Lenin (American agent Reinstein). Lurie (Yuri Larin) suddenly came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a Jewish republic in Crimea. The idea was suggested by Rosenberg from the Joint.

In 1922, Agro-Joint was created in Crimea and 186 collective farms were organized. Jews came from everywhere... Every year the Soviet government was supposed to receive 9OO thousand dollars from the Joint at 5% for 10 years.

In November 1923, Abram Bragin, the head of the Jewish section of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), prepared for the Politburo a draft decision on the creation in Crimea of ​​no longer an autonomous, but a full-fledged Soviet socialist Jewish republic. The project was named “Crimean California”. As a result, the settlers were allocated 132 thousand hectares of land for it.

On February 19, 1929, the Joint and the Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR entered into an agreement under which the USSR received annual funding of one and a half million dollars. However, the cunning Americans asked for 375 thousand hectares of Crimea as a guarantee. The land was divided into shares and registered as shares, and the buyers were more than 200 American citizens, the most famous being Hoover, Rockefeller, Roosevelt, MacArthur, and Marshall. If the USSR does not pay the debt before 1954, then it must give back Crimea.
The strange thing is that the money went through the Agro-Joint bank, bypassing the Soviet budget, directly to Jewish settlers. They were used to purchase food, equipment and supplies. Such “help” caused protests from Russians, Tatars, Germans, Bulgarians and Greeks living in Crimea. The Tatars destroyed trains carrying Jewish settlers. As a result of the riots, Stalin declared at a Politburo meeting that “Crimean California” gives the country nothing but national strife and in 1934 he created Birobidzhan.
And in 1936, the Crimea project was successfully closed and forgotten. The funds stopped coming (a total of $20 million was invested in the resettlers), but the resettlement itself did not stop.

According to census data:

In 1939, more than 65 thousand Jews already officially lived on the territory of 44 village councils in the Freidorf region of Crimea.
Crimean Tatars made up 19.4% of the population of the peninsula - 218,179.
The main population is Russians.
The official languages ​​of the autonomous republic are Russian and Crimean Tatar. The basis of the administrative division was the national principle. 5 national districts (Alushta, Sudak, Bakhchisarai, Balaklava, Yalta) and 144 national village councils were considered Tatar. There, even education in schools was conducted in the Crimean Tatar language.


In 1943, Roosevelt told Stalin at the Tehran Conference that if the Crimean California project was not revived, then problems with Lend-Lease supplies might begin. Roosevelt himself had shares in a piece of land in Crimea.
I had to resuscitate...

In fulfillment of obligations to clear the peninsula for Jewish settlers, the Crimean Tatars were urgently evicted. On May 11, 1944, the “leader of all times and peoples” signed a decree of the USSR State Defense Committee on the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people to Uzbekistan.

However, additional reasons influenced this decision of the Soviet leadership. Or rather, the reasons were skillfully manipulated - facts of desertion, betrayal, collaboration with the Germans. I do not want to discuss this topic in this article (if anyone is interested, read the source), if you look for such facts, then half of Ukraine could be evicted under such an article... No matter how massive the cases of complicity with the invader, but to make a decision on the deportation of an entire people (to be precise, before June 1, 1944, 191 thousand Crimean Tatars were evicted from Crimea) they cannot be the basis, it is necessary to determine the individual guilt of everyone, they must be punished according to their merits, and not according to an order according to a general template.

By Stalin's standards, evictions were carried out in a “soft” mode. The settlers were allowed to take “personal belongings, dishes, household equipment, and food up to 5OO kg per family.”

People's Commissariat of Trade was obliged
“provide all trains with special settlers with hot meals and boiling water every day.”
Each train was equipped with medicines, a doctor and two nurses. Daily food allowance per person: bread – 5OO g, meat or fish – 7O g, cereals – 6O g, fats – 1O g. Upon arrival at the place of decree

“to ensure that arriving special settlers are provided with personal plots and to provide assistance in the construction of houses with local building materials”,
“a loan for the construction of houses and for economic establishment up to 5,000 rubles per family with installments up to 7 years.”
Two months of state provision of food to cover the abandoned property - 8 kg of flour, 8 kg of vegetables and 2 kg of cereal per person.

However, despite all the “softness” of the resettlement, in the first years, from 15 to 25% of those evicted died. According to statistics of Crimean Tatar activists, up to 46% died. Isn't this genocide? Although every nation can present a bitter account to the father of nations on this topic...

If you dig deeper, the Bolsheviks were going to resettle all the Tatars of Russia to Transbaikalia and Mongolia, in accordance with the false story they created about the Mongol-Tatars, because The Tatars interfered with the invaders due to their humane mentality, just like the Rus, whose numbers had catastrophically decreased since the time of Peter the Great.

The revelations of the false story about the “bad Tatars” are fully described in the books of Gali Enikeev:

- “Crown of the Horde Empire”
- “The Great Horde: friends, enemies and heirs”
- “In the footsteps of the black legend”
- “Heritage of the Tatars”

Proclamation of the State of Israel

Stalin understood perfectly well that the Americans were not trying at all in the interests of Soviet Jews, so he put forward the condition that the territory of Crimea should remain in the status of an autonomous republic of the USSR. The US offered 10 billion in response! dollars of a loan to restore the country's economy, but in return Crimea would be allowed to secede from the Soviet Union. The tempting offer was rejected, and the topic of creating a “New California” again reached a dead end.

However, the Americans continued their shadow work in Crimea. In 1945, a highly confidential letter from J. Marshall to US Secretary of Commerce William Averell Harriman surfaced:

“Dear Averell! ...President Truman approves of your plans. He adds that the existence on the territory of the CRIMEA of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet and the JEWISH Republic, open to the free entry of Jews from all over the world, are INCOMPATIBLE... Crimea should become a demilitarized zone. Let Stalin know that he MUST be READY to REBASE the FLEET from Sevastopol to Odessa and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Then we will believe that the Crimean JEWISH Republic is a reality, and not a propaganda myth.”
Moreover, in plans, Jewish Crimean California from the Soviet Republic expanded to an INDEPENDENT JEWISH STATE, including: the entire Crimea, Odessa and Kherson regions, Sochi to the border with Abkhazia...

It was becoming dangerous to wait. At the same time, we had to create a situation in Palestine that distracted us from Crimea.

In 1947, at the UN, Stalin provided active support for the creation of an independent Israel. Portraits of Stalin still hang in some Israeli kibbutzim. The cult of personality of Joseph Vissarionovich was preserved, there is something to honor.

May 14, 1948. De facto, the USSR was the first and de jure the second (after the USA) to recognize the independence of Israel. Amid the excitement, thousands of Soviet Jews sent requests to the military registration and enlistment offices to be sent to Israel to fight the Arab countries, which had begun full-scale hostilities against the newly created state of the Jews.

Only during the War of Independence did the USSR and the USA unite on the side of Israel, for a short time. Further in the chronicle of the Arab-Israeli conflict there is only a confrontation between the superpowers. At the beginning of the Cold War, each fought for influence in the region, wanting to see the Jewish state, if not an ally, then a potential agent of influence. The Americans had a goal - to bury the British Empire, which owned the Suez Canal in Egypt. The USSR has special plans...

Propaganda of the Soviet press during the War of Independence denounced the British imperialists and Arab puppet regimes that were suppressing the Jewish national liberation movement. The USSR even allowed Czechoslovakia to supply Czech and Soviet-made weapons to Israel, which gave a huge advantage to the Jews in the war.

After the victory of the Jews, the representative of Ukraine to the UN, D. Manuilsky, proposed resettling over half a million Arab refugees to our Central Asia, creating an autonomous republic. Thank God this plan was not implemented...

It is widely believed that Stalin miscalculated in supporting the creation of the State of Israel. He allegedly hoped that this would turn out to be a state of workers and peasants, obedient to the Kremlin. Reasons: before the war, emigrants from Russia and Poland lived in Jewish Palestine, and after in Israel itself, among whom the ideas of socialism and communism were very popular. And of course, the popularity of the USSR among the Palestinians as a winner over Nazism. Stalin also intended to strengthen Israel's pro-communist orientation through the mass emigration of Soviet Jews. In general, at the dawn of the formation of the Jewish state, the USSR planned to bind Israel to itself for a long time.

As Cold War tensions grew, Stalin hoped to turn Israel into an outpost in the fight against world imperialism.
In fact, the father of nations reasoned more broadly, hoping to benefit from the creation of a Jewish state in any case.

If Israel accepts the “red element”, the Promised Land will become the best friend of the USSR and a stronghold of the world revolution not only in this region.
Otherwise, the USSR gets the entire Arab world as its allies - that’s also not bad.
However, the enthusiastic pro-Soviet mood lasted only a year. The Soviet press announced that Israel had returned the favor with black ingratitude by changing its political orientation to the West. At the same time, the Arabs only partially justified the hopes of the Soviet Union, although they are still not able to cope with Israel.
The real reason for “black ingratitude” was:

Plans for the mass eviction of Soviet Jews to the Far East,
- reprisal of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee,
- “the business of doctors.”
- on this basis, even in the Israeli Communist Party there was a split.

Why did Stalin need to ruin everything with such blatant anti-Jewish measures? There are many explanations, the relatively reasonable ones being the following. The leader decided to show that he no longer needed the support of the West, so important during the Second World War, and decided to enter the final battle with the world capitalist system. His suspicion reached a manic stage, and after the quarter-million Jews of Moscow created a furor at the meeting of the first Israeli ambassador in 1948, a total test of loyalty to Jewry was no longer required, the diagnosis was agents of the West.
Soon the JAC raised the question of creating a Jewish union republic in Crimea or the Volga region as a Soviet alternative to the already created Israel. But it turned out to be too late, the most that Moscow offered was a resolution of the CHK of the RSFSR “On measures to strengthen and further develop the economy of the Jewish Autonomous Region,” providing for the sending of 50 teachers and 20 doctors. Plus permission to publish the Birobidzhaner Shtern newspaper twice a week instead of once, an increase in its Russian-language circulation, the creation of a Jewish book publishing house in Birobidzhan and the publishing of an almanac in Yiddish.

Soon there came a wave of anti-Jewish repression. The Jewish intelligentsia was accused of seeking to tear Crimea away from the Union! All Jewish organizations (with the exception of several dozen synagogues controlled by the authorities) were closed. Jews who had relatives in America or Israel were accused of anti-Soviet activities, exiled to the Gulag, and exterminated in thousands by NKVD agents. Mass purges!

Under the guise of generous protection of Jews from pogroms, they were going to organize their mass eviction to Birobidzhan or Siberia. Already in January 1953, to implement this option, the Soviet media summed up the ideological justification for the upcoming action: the collective guilt of the Jewish people for the “crime” of the killer doctors. A special commission was created, headed by the head of the agitation and propaganda department of the CPSU Central Committee, M. Suslov. In Birobidzhan, barracks complexes similar to concentration camps were built rapidly. The deportation was to be carried out in two stages: first of all, purebred Jews, secondly, half-bloods. Trains were brought to large cities. Defense Minister N. Bulganin later revealed that Stalin wanted the trains to stage crashes and attacks by “detachments of people’s avengers.”

Only the murder of Stalin on March 5, 1953 stopped the impending massacre.

Khrushchev continued his anti-Semitic policies without resorting to direct repression. Under him, Judaism was declared obscurantist. Synagogues were closed at an even more rapid pace, and Jews were not allowed to gather for prayer even in private homes; it got to the point that baking matzo was banned.

Crimea - Ukraine

In 1954, the deadline came for the return of funds received for “New California” (the money, it turns out, was given on credit). Despite the fact that for the war with the Arabs the USSR transferred to Israel a significant amount of captured German weapons, agreed upon as repayment of the Joint debt (the first stage of the calculation occurred in 1945), America considered that the calculation had been carried out in an insufficient volume, and was preparing to demand the declared agreement on Crimean land.

The Jewish state was not created in Crimea, and since 1998 the return resettlement of the Crimean Tatars to their homeland began. But they returned the Tatars with a built-in virus of hatred, evil and hating RUSSIANS! Those who hate not the Jews, who initiated all this, but the Russians...

In fact, from ancient times Crimea belonged to two friendly ethnic groups - the Rus and the Tatars. And in the future it will also belong to them. To do this, both ethnic groups must restore their ancestral ties, realize themselves and become themselves. They are separated only by the ideologists of false history from the enemies of our ancestors.

Crimea - Antov territory

It will definitely count at the tribunal!


Project "Crimean California". Why was Stalin killed?

Why were the Crimean Tatars expelled? Jewish Republic in Crimea!
The creator of the blog I am Rus!, Anderstender.

Project " New California" - myth or reality?

The Soviet leadership gave Crimea into the hands of the Jews. Lenin and Stalin planned to create a Jewish Republic in Crimea. Next, Stalin mortgaged the Crimean land to American bankers, Jews by nationality, and then Khrushchev transferred Crimea to Ukraine so as not to pay the Americans debts... It all started long before the war. In 1920, after the liberation of Crimea from the troops of General Wrangel, the Soviet sages were faced with the question - what to do with it? Before the revolution, the peninsula was a summer holiday destination for royal family, landowners and nobles. Agriculture German settlers and Jews, endowed with numerous benefits, occupied the most fertile lands. The new government immediately took away the privileges. And in Crimea they started thinking - why are we going to feed Moscow? Through societies and unions, for example, the German “Bunde-stroy” or the Jewish consumer cooperative “Amateur”, former settlers began to look for ways to connect with their compatriots abroad. Germany after the Treaty of Versailles lay in ruins. But the Jewish lobby in the United States became interested in Crimea. Taking advantage of the difficult situation, the charitable Jewish organization “Joint” quietly entered Simferopol. The exact name is “American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.” Agro-Joint began to operate actively, actively helping the Crimean Jewish colonists. He financed the arrival of new settlers and the training of national personnel in local educational institutions Crimea. Already in 1923, the USSR and the USA independently began to discuss the idea of ​​​​relocating Jews from Belarus, Ukraine, Russia to lands in the Black Sea region and creating national autonomy there. The head of the Jewish section of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), Abram Bragin, actively lobbied for this idea. Already terminally ill, Lenin even visited the “Jewish Pavilion” at the 1923 All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, which was sponsored by the Joint. In November 1923, Bragin prepared a draft document, according to which, for the 10th anniversary October revolution it was proposed to form an autonomous Jewish region on the territory of Northern Crimea, the southern steppe part of Ukraine and the Black Sea coast up to the borders of Abkhazia, with a total area of ​​10 million dessiatinas. As many as 500 thousand Jews were supposed to move there. He was supported by Bukharin, Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Rykov. If you can’t win, buy it. At the end of the 20s, seeing Moscow’s position, the Joint began negotiating with the Kremlin about issuing a very decent loan secured by Crimean lands. The agreement was signed in the early 20s by the entire leadership of the RSFSR. The Joint allocated $900 thousand per year for 10 years at 5% per annum. It was also planned to pay additional amounts of up to 500 thousand dollars a year. Total - about 10 million, still backed by gold, full-fledged dollars. The Soviet state had to repay the debt from 1945 to 1954. – Millions of hectares of Crimean land were divided into shares. Two hundred of the largest financial and political families in America - Rockefeller, Marshall, Warburg, Roosevelt (and his wife Eleanor), Hoover and others - bought these shares, - Mikhail, chairman of the interdepartmental commission for the study of archives of the KGB of the USSR with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister, told the "Moment of Truth" program Poltoranin. That is, the American Jewish lobby turned out to be the largest latifundist in Crimea.

Almost in parallel, the resettlement of Crimean Tatars to the lowland regions of Crimea took place. Mutual insults began between the newcomers and the Tatars, sometimes turning into pogroms. – The Tatars turned back trains with Jews from Simferopol back to Ukraine, Belarus, and Bulgaria. Pogroms began against already settled Jewish families. It ended with Stalin saying: “We cannot fan the flames of interethnic hostility.” And in 1934 he created Birobidzhan,” says Mr. Poltoranin. The Joint branch in the USSR was liquidated by the Decree of the Politburo of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of May 4, 1938. But the United States did not abandon the idea of ​​seizing Crimean lands. And a new act of tragicomedy took place during the Great Patriotic War. We are changing the “second front” for gingerbread Since the beginning of World War II, American newspapers wrote extremely sparingly about the atrocities of the Nazis in our occupied territories. But they described the defeat of the Soviet troops in every detail. Public opinion Things were not going well for our country. Moreover, there was a catastrophic lack of money to purchase food, medicine, and weapons abroad. After all, Lend-Lease was not at all free for our country. In order to solve these two grandiose tasks, Stalin gave the green light to the creation of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC). The chairman of the presidium was artistic director State Jewish Theater Solomon Mikhoels. The executive secretary is Shakhno Epstein, and the deputy chairman is poet and playwright Itzik Fefer. In 1943, the JAC delegation went on a tour of the American continent and England. During the almost six-month trip, about 32 million dollars were collected for the Red Army Fund. More than 500 thousand people attended lectures and rallies by representatives of the USSR. The information blockade was broken. But the Americans would not be them if they did not derive their very material benefits from such a show. The creation of “Crimean California” - an independent Jewish state - was a constant topic at Mikhoels and Fefer’s meetings with the American and British establishment. Millionaire D. Rosenberg bluntly stated: “Crimea interests us not only as Jews, but also as Americans, since Crimea is the Black Sea, the Balkans and Turkey.” Also, the Soviet delegation was hinted that the first loan that Lenin issued did not need to be repaid. It is only necessary for the Kremlin to give the green light to the creation of a Jewish state. Then they will also throw in money for the development of Jewish Crimea - almost 10 billion dollars. The idea went deep. Already in February 1944, an interesting document was prepared at the JAC, which was placed on the table of the first deputy chairman of the Council People's Commissars Vyacheslav Molotov. The document is worth quoting. “During the Patriotic War, a number of questions arose related to the life and structure of the Jewish masses of the Soviet Union. Before the war, there were up to 5 million Jews in the USSR from the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus, the Baltic states, Bessarabia and Bukovina, as well as from Poland. In the Soviet regions temporarily captured by the Nazis, it must be assumed that at least 1.5 million Jews were exterminated. At one time, the Jewish Autonomous Region was created in Birobidzhan with the prospect of turning it into a Jewish Soviet Republic, in order to thus resolve the state and legal problem for the Jewish people. It must be admitted that the experience of Birobidzhan, due to a number of reasons, primarily the insufficient mobilization of all capabilities, and also due to its extreme remoteness from the location of the main Jewish labor masses, did not give the desired effect. But, despite all the difficulties, the Jewish Autonomous Region has become one of the most advanced regions in the Far Eastern region, which proves the ability of the Jewish masses to build their own statehood. This ability is even more manifested in the development of the created Jewish national districts in Crimea.

In view of all of the above, we would consider it advisable to create a Jewish Soviet Republic in one of the areas where this is possible for political reasons. It seems to us that one of the most suitable areas would be the territory of Crimea, which to the greatest extent meets the requirements both in terms of capacity for resettlement and due to the successful experience in the development of Jewish national areas there. The creation of the Jewish Soviet Republic would once and for all resolve in a Bolshevik manner, in the spirit of Lenin-Stalinist national policy, the problem of the state-legal status of the Jewish people and further development its age-old culture. No one has been able to solve this problem for many centuries, and it can only be resolved in our great socialist country. The idea of ​​​​creating a Jewish Soviet Republic is extremely popular among the broadest Jewish masses of the Soviet Union and the best representatives of the fraternal peoples. In the construction of the Jewish Soviet Republic, the Jewish people of all countries of the world, wherever they may be, would provide us with significant assistance. Based on the above, we propose: To create a Jewish Soviet socialist republic on the territory of Crimea. In advance, before the liberation of Crimea, appoint a government commission to develop this issue. We hope that you will pay due attention to this issue, on the implementation of which the fate of an entire nation depends. Chairman of the Presidium of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee of the USSR S. MIKHOELS. Executive Secretary SH. EPSTEIN. Deputy Chairman of the Presidium I. FEFER. February 15, 1944, Moscow" Mikhail Poltoranin - Mikhail Nikiforovich, historians reproach you for not seeing the documents you refer to when talking about “Crimean California.” Do they really exist? – Yes, there are documents in the archives. At one time, when I worked on the declassification commission, we decided that documents from 1917 to 1945 would be disclosed. Except, of course, documents on our agency. We declassified the documents, but Alexander Yakovlev and Dmitry Volkogonov came to Yeltsin, and the president, by his decree, again classified them, illegally. They did this in order to pull documents out of the archive only when they need to, distort the history of our country and pour dirt on it.

A vice for Stalin Note that Crimea is still in the hands of the fascists, and the guys who visited the USA are already ready to create their own country and, most likely, appoint themselves as its leaders. Molotov sent the project back. And in June 1944, a meeting took place between millionaire, chamber of commerce and industry president Eric Johnston and US Ambassador to the USSR Averell Harriman with Stalin and Molotov. The Americans made a generous offer - to invest the notorious $10 billion in the Crimean economy. In return, create a republic where Jews from all over the world could come, turning it into the world's largest resort with a profitability of almost 2 billion dollars. Messengers " good will“they demanded the already mentioned Mikhoels for the post of leader. Stalin believed that Lazar Moiseevich Kaganovich would cope. Plus, the money should go not only to the Black Sea coast, but to other regions that suffered from the occupation. The Americans didn't want to pay that much. They tried to put pressure on Stalin from the other side. – In 1943, Stalin complained to Josip Broz Tito that in Tehran, Roosevelt told him (Stalin) that the United States could no longer continue deliveries under Lend-Lease, because the Jewish lobby, very strong in America, was demanding from me the project of creating a “Crimean California” " We (the United States) also cannot open a second front unless a decision is made on Crimea,” Mikhail Poltoranin refers to the conversation. As we see, colossal pressure was put on Stalin. The deadline for paying off bills for Crimean land was approaching. “Crimea is almost ours. The Soviets have no money,” they rubbed their hands in the United States. In 1945, the year the repayment of Lenin's loans began, the notorious George Marshall wrote a secret letter former ambassador, and now Minister Harriman. “To the US Secretary of Commerce A. Harriman Dear Averell! The President approves of your plans. He added the following to them. The coexistence on the territory of Crimea of ​​the base of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet and the Jewish Republic, open to the free entry of Jews from all over the world, seems to be an incongruity fraught with unpredictable consequences. This from the very beginning raised his doubts about the reality of the “Crimean project”. Crimea should become a demilitarized zone. Let Stalin know that he must be prepared to relocate the fleet from Sevastopol to Odessa and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Then we will believe that the Crimean Jewish Republic is a reality and not a propaganda myth. J. Marshall." Apparently, then Joseph Vissarionovich had an idea on how to deceive those who considered themselves smarter than other Americans. Versailles, Palestine, Khrushchev - Stalin reminded the world Jewish lobby about the congress in Basel, which took place back in 1887. It was decided that homeless Jews should create their own state in Palestine. In the mid-forties of the last century, the British ruled there. And then Stalin in 1946 gave the command to supply weapons to the Jews who fought against the Arabs and the British. Tens of thousands of machine guns, machine guns, and howitzers went to Palestine through Bulgaria. Stalin’s opinion: let Israel be in Palestine, not in Crimea,” says Poltoranin. As a result, on May 15, 1948, the creation of Israel was proclaimed. The country was recognized by the United States and the Soviet Union, and on May 18, 1948, the USSR was the first to establish diplomatic relations with Israel. But, despite the fact that the Jews received Palestine, the idea of ​​“Crimean California” did not die. – In June 1948, Golda Meir was appointed Israeli Ambassador to the USSR, and arrived in Moscow on September 3. In two weeks, she organized two rallies of 50 thousand people each in Moscow. These were people from Leningrad, Moscow, even from Siberia. At the rallies they demanded to fulfill the promise to America and give up Crimea. As a result, it was decided to evict the “fifth column” from Crimea. In the summer of 1953 Arctic Circle- 17 ships left for Novaya Zemlya. This was the beginning of an operation codenamed “White Partridge,” Poltoranin clarifies. Stalin also planned to evict the Jews from major cities countries, in particular from Moscow. Minister Furtseva has already compiled lists. But suddenly - mysterious death leader. In 1954, Khrushchev gave Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR. The RSFSR, read – the Soviet Union, stopped carrying legal liability for bills signed in the 1920s by the Russian government. Nobody returned the money to the Americans. And after 1991, the Joint again actively launched its activities in Ukraine, including in Crimea. Arguments of historians Director of the International Center for History and Sociology of the Second World War and its Consequences, Higher School of Economics, Doctor historical sciences Oleg BUDNITSKY: - The creation of Jewish autonomy in Crimea was the idea of ​​some JAC leaders. But there was no reason for this, and everything remained a wish. In the 20s, through Agro-Joint, Jewish collective farms were actually created in Crimea and other regions of Ukraine. But all this collapsed during the period of collectivization...

Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the documents on the issuance of a loan by the Joint secured by the lands of Crimea. This umbrella charity was created to help the Jewish population during the First World War. She did not conduct commercial activities. She only helped Jews create state farms and rural communes, which was beneficial for the Soviet government. Therefore, imagining a loan secured by Crimean lands is very strange. I believe that this was not the case. It is mythology to say that the Americans cared about the creation of a Jewish state in Crimea. They even refused to bomb the access roads to Auschwitz in order to prevent the delivery of Jews to the camp. According to the US, this distracts aviation from more important tasks. And to imagine that the Americans threaten Stalin with a termination of Lend-Lease because of autonomy in Crimea is an anti-Semitic and anti-American fantasy. Gennady KOSTYRCHENKO, historian, author of the book “Stalin’s Secret Politics”: - The question of creating an independent Jewish state has never been raised. The letter from the JAC to Stalin discussed the creation of the Jewish Soviet Socialist Republic. This, in my opinion, was a mistake. In his speech, Stalin emphasized: “some Jewish comrades think that the Red Army is waging a war for their future, and the Red Army is liberating the Soviet Union.” As for a certain loan secured by Crimean land, this was impossible. The land had already been nationalized. Agro-Joint did finance and support Jewish settlers. But almost half of the money was transferred free of charge. And the second half soviet republic should have reimbursed. All debts were repaid in the 1930s. There were no other loans. To say that Roosevelt threatened Stalin to stop deliveries under Lend-Lease and not to open a second front until the issue with “Crimean California” was resolved is fiction. This is not recorded anywhere; it is not in the documents of the Tehran and Yalta conferences. Information sources: http://argumenti.ru/toptheme/n387/250894 Author: Ivan KONEV #Crimea

Back in the 20s of the 20th century, there was an idea of ​​​​creating Jewish autonomy in the sparsely populated part of northern Crimea. There was even a document signed with such an intriguing title: “On Crimean California” between the Joint (an American Jewish charitable organization that represented the United States in the early years of Soviet power) and the Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR.

Under this agreement, the Joint allocated $1.5 million per year to Russia for the needs of Jewish agricultural communes. (Before 1936, 20 million dollars were transferred to Russia). Several of these communes worked very productively: they received high harvests, introduced new technology, and livestock farming grew. Then they were transformed into state farms. But over time, for various reasons, the so-called. The “Crimean project” has stalled. (And the money, until 1936, was transferred from the USA...that’s a scam)

In 1943 At the Tehran Conference, Roosevelt, in a conversation with Stalin, said that his administration would soon have problems with supplies to the USSR under Lend-Lease if the “Crimean California” project was not revived. A very informed source, Milovan Djilas, the future vice-president of Yugoslavia, wrote about this. He and Josip Broz Tito secretly flew to the USSR and in a personal conversation asked Stalin why the Tatars were deported from Crimea in the spring of 1944. According to him, Stalin referred to data Roosevelt's commitment to clear Crimea for Jewish settlers.

Stalin understood that the Americans were pushing through the Crimean project not in the interests of Soviet Jews, but for their own geopolitical purposes. However, difficult circumstances forced us to maneuver, and the bargaining around “Crimean California” continued. Stalin insisted that this state entity should be part of the USSR in the status of an autonomous republic (they were going to appoint Lazar Kaganovich as its leader), and wanted to receive a $10 billion loan to restore the country's economy. They seemed to promise money, but on the condition that Crimea secede from the USSR. The thing is Once again stalled... http://www.kursants.ru/news/trojanskij_kon/1-0-4

But Crimea still left the USSR. The year 1954 arrived, which was supposed to be the time of final repayment of old debts. The Americans believed that the balance of the twenty million loan still hung over the USSR, although in order to pay off these debts, a lot of captured German weapons were transferred to Israel through the Joint for the war with the Arabs. Washington could start a squabble and demand Crimean lands. And then the new collective leadership of the USSR - Khrushchev, Bulganin, Malenkov, Molotov, Kaganovich - decided to play it safe.

In the fall of 1953, Khrushchev visited Crimea. The peninsula made a depressing impression on him. Then he flew to Kyiv, where he spent a long time trying to persuade the leadership of the Ukrainian SSR to accept Crimea under their jurisdiction. The Ukrainian comrades did not want to take Crimea - after the war they had enough of their own problems. However, using old connections, Khrushchev persuaded the Ukrainian leaders. Now the Ukrainian SSR had to answer for the old Soviet debt. Having transferred the peninsula to it, Moscow retained the main base of the Black Sea Fleet - Sevastopol. In fact, Kyiv took it into its hands only with the collapse of the USSR. However, this is a completely different story.

Khrushchev apparently believed that he had found perfect way, some kind of trick, a legal clue, to outwit the USA, and their Jewish lobby. Perhaps, in the terms of 1953, this was the case. Nikita Sergeevich could not have imagined in his nightmare that in less than 40 years the USSR would simply disappear from the world map!

I think that with the increase in military threats in the Promised Land, the question of a new resettlement of the Jewish people will definitely arise. And then the old interests in Crimea will intensify and materialize - that’s Kolomoisky for you.

Russia won’t give up Crimea now, of course, but they will bargain until they get stomach cramps.