How to dry apples in an electric oven. Dried apples

The apple contains a lot of mineral and organic elements that are of great benefit to the human body. They are rich in iron and vitamin C.

But, when long-term storage, apples are losing their beneficial features. They are stored in cellars, compotes are made, or the apples are dried, that is, they are dried.

This is perhaps the most effective and reliable way preservation of all vitamins in fruits.

Apples are dried in several ways. This is drying in the sun, in the oven, microwave or in electric dryers for vegetables and fruits.

Rules for drying apples

The basic rules of drying include:

  • Whole, undamaged apples are dried; they must be ripe and selected by size.
  • Autumn sour and sweet and sour varieties of apples are suitable for drying.
  • The thickness of the slices should be no more than 1 cm.
  • All cut apples should be the same thickness.
  • It is recommended to cut apples into slices, so they dry faster than those that were cut into circles.
  • In order for the apples to dry evenly, they are laid out very carefully; there should be one layer of fruit in the row, then they will not stick together.

To prevent apples from turning dark you need...

Since apples are very rich in iron, they oxidize quickly. To prevent sliced ​​apples from darkening when dried at home, they should be immersed in cold water with the addition of salt or a small amount of citric acid. Use approximately 10 grams of salt or 2 grams of acid per liter of water. The fruits are then air dried.

Another popular way is blanching, i.e., cut up circles or slices of fruit are dipped into hot water (almost 90 °C) for a few seconds. But when blanched, apples lose some of their sugar and acid.

You can also hold apple slices over the steam of boiling water, placing them in a sieve or colander in advance, then immerse them in cold water to cool. Thanks to this procedure, the apples dry much faster.

Apple selection rules

The apples chosen are ripe, whole, with dense flesh and taste sweet and sour, without wormholes or fruit rot.

Large ones are dried only in cut form, they are cut into slices and circles, and the seeds are removed. The apple skins are either peeled or left on. For drying, mainly summer varieties are used, less often autumn ones.

Drying apples in the oven

At first glance, drying apples in the oven may seem like the easiest way. Well, what’s so complicated here: washed and chopped apples are placed on a baking sheet and in the oven. But no, you need to take into account small nuances. You need to remember that fruits are dried in an open oven, because with the oven closed they will quickly bake.

Definitely very necessary carefully monitor the condition of the apples, because they can dry out or even burn out.

Apples, cut into slices and circles, are evenly placed on a baking sheet, having previously covered it with parchment.

The disadvantage of this method of drying apples, perhaps, is that this the process is very long and takes a lot of time.

Not all varieties of apples are used for oven drying.

With sweet varieties, drying turns out to be loose and tasteless.

Sour and sweet and sour varieties of apples are excellent. The most delicious drying is obtained from the Antonovka variety.

Drying apples in the oven takes almost 6 hours in time. The fruits are mixed every 40-50 minutes to dry them evenly.

You cannot immediately turn on the oven at a high temperature, as the apples can instantly become crusty and all the moisture will remain in them. The oven door should be slightly open at the beginning of the process; close it at the very end, when all the water has practically evaporated.

Drying in the oven is divided into three periods:

  • During the first period, the temperature is 50°C, the oven door is slightly open until the apples begin to wilt.
  • An hour after the start of the process, the temperature is raised to 70°C, and most of the water begins to evaporate from the apples.
  • The last, third period, consists of increasing the temperature to 80°C.

Tumble Drying

The most in a convenient way drying is drying apples in an electric dryer. It takes up little space, works itself and does not require constant presence, the apples are not exposed to dust and various insects.

The apples cut into slices are placed on special sections of the dryer, then they are installed in the electric dryer itself. Close the lid and press the power button.

Approximate Drying time is about 6 hours. On initial stage set the temperature to 75-85°C, then lower it to 50°C. The readiness of apples is easy to determine; when pressed, they stop releasing juice.

The most the best varieties apples that are dried in electric dryers are considered early autumn: Aport, Titovka autumn, Pepin, Antonovka. It is not recommended to dry winter varieties. Those apples that have fallen can give quite good results when dried. Delicious dried fruits also come from summer varieties, as well as wild apples.

Drying apples in the sun

Summer pleases us with fresh fruits, but not all of us live in those regions where they eat fresh vitamins all year round. This is the best time to dry. Drying apples in the sun is considered less expensive and accessible to everyone.

Sliced ​​apples are laid out on trays, baking sheets, or on a table located outside. They dry under the influence of sunlight; they must be turned over every day until completely dry.

You can also string apples on a string and hang them like a New Year's garland in a sunny place. You can make special dryers covered with gauze or mesh, so they can be easily protected from flies and other insects.

Dry in the sun only possible in the summer heat.

Since apples are dried in the summer, summer varieties are used for drying them. For example, Papirovka, Melba, Borovinka, Dream. The most delicious dried fruits come from fruits with white pulp.

This type of drying is considered the longest, since the finished drying can be stored for almost a week, sometimes even five days is enough.

Other drying methods

In addition to drying in the sun and in the oven, fruits are dried in the microwave and electric stove.

Apples are prepared for the microwave in the same way as other types of drying, then they are placed on a plate, previously covered with a cotton cloth, and covered on top.

The entire drying process takes only 3–4 minutes, with a microwave power of 200 W. Another advantage is that beneficial elements and vitamins are not greatly destroyed and are preserved in large quantities in dried fruits.

Perhaps, Drying apples on an electric stove is not the best The best way , but what to do if it’s raining or very cloudy outside. A baking sheet or other metal dish is placed on the stove, and a wire rack with apples laid out is placed on it.


Almost every housewife is faced with the question of how to preserve more fruits, berries and vegetables for the winter, so as to preserve the benefits. It is no secret that during canning some vitamins are lost, but there is a method that allows you to preserve up to 95-97% of vitamins. Agree, it's tempting. And this is drying.

Why dry?

Drying is stored for quite a long time. And all because during the drying process, moisture is removed from the products, which means unfavorable conditions are created for the proliferation of microorganisms. By the way, the natural structure of the cell is preserved. Dried foods after soaking are not much different in taste and aroma from fresh ones. In addition, dried foods take up much less space than frozen ones, which “eat” exactly as much as fresh foods would take up. But not everyone has a large freezer.

Drying helps save money. Agree, it is cheaper to buy greens during the season, dry them and use them all winter, than to buy small packages at the cost of a large bunch.

Dried vegetables and herbs will help diversify dishes during the cold period; they preserve everything nutrients, have a wonderful aroma and taste. And fruits and berries will become great addition to cereals or replace sweets and candies. They can also be used as a filling for baked goods, as an addition to casseroles, cheesecakes and other dishes. We must not forget that dried products prepared at home will differ in appearance from store-bought ones. The reason is simple: you don't use food coloring or preservatives.

Where to dry?

If you have an attic, veranda, or balcony with a large window sill, you can dry it right there. This method is the cheapest in terms of energy consumption, but in this case you have to make sure that there is air access to the product, that insects do not get there, that there is no dust, foreign odors, such as paint from a neighbor’s apartment. Natural drying is a lengthy process, and therefore requires certain “dances with tambourines.” And there is nothing to say about dependence on the weather - on a rainy day nothing will dry, and mold may appear.

If you don’t have time to bother with drying naturally, you can speed up the process. You can also dry it in the oven, electric dryer, convection oven, or microwave. We will consider the first two options in detail.

Oven drying

Before we start drying, let's determine what kind of oven you have. In a convection oven, the process goes faster and more evenly due to airflow from all sides. If there is no fan in the oven, the evaporated moisture has nowhere to go, so you need to create a small hole between the oven and the door, for example, inserting a wooden spoon into the gap.

You also need to take into account that the baking sheets will have to be swapped, and the products themselves will need to be periodically turned over or mixed. This must be done, because in the oven you have to dry it on a baking sheet, and not on a mesh, and the airflow does not occur completely evenly. The top of the slice may already be dry, but the bottom will remain wet. Some housewives manage to dry food by threading it onto skewers and placing it on a wire rack, like a kebab. But I haven't tried this method.

You need to lay out the slices at a distance from each other in one layer so that the air blows on each piece from all sides. When the slices have significantly reduced in size, they can be placed on one baking sheet and placed on another new batch.

When drying, it is better to adhere to a temperature regime of up to 80 degrees C. If you want to achieve a hard surface on the product, then you need to start with the maximum temperature, i.e. 70-80 degrees, and then reduce the temperature to 40 degrees. This is how apple slices are dried, for example. To keep the surface soft, do the opposite, start at 40 degrees and raise the temperature to 70. This is how mushrooms are dried.

Sometimes you have to change the temperature several times. This, for example, should be done when drying currants, blueberries, etc. First the temperature is low, then higher and then low again so that the berries do not burn.

Drying in an electric dryer

An electric dryer helps save time and effort during the drying process. It consists of mesh trays, which are inserted one into the other, and a lid.

Each dryer has a heating element and a fan, which, depending on the model, can be located either at the very bottom of the appliance or in the lid. Before buying my electric dryer, I looked through the reviews of many housewives who recommended models with a heating element in the lid, so I chose just such a model. Warm air circulates through the dryer and blows vegetables or fruits from all sides.

On average, different models may have a different number of pallets, but for some models, pallets can be purchased separately. My model comes with 5 pallets, but I wouldn't mind two extra.

It must be taken into account that it is too a large number of pallets are also not very good. It is more difficult for air to circulate and evenly blow across all tiers. Therefore, some products can dry faster, while others may still remain wet. This ties the hostess to the process, because She needs to keep an eye on it so that some of the food does not dry out or burn. However, I came to the conclusion that the bottom and top tiers dry the fastest, while the middle ones dry a little longer. And although my dryer model does not require constant presence nearby, it can be left overnight, I try not to do this.

Moreover, I change the tiers once every few hours so that the drying process occurs more evenly. When the slices decrease in size, I compact them onto several grids, and, if necessary, lay out a new batch of prepared products on the vacated pallets.

There are models with the ability to adjust the temperature, so you can choose the optimal one for each product.

There are also drying cabinets (the size of a bedside table), but not every housewife will find a place for such a device.

To make the drying process faster, chopped vegetables and fruits should be placed skin side down. But with plums and apricots, you can do the following: place them on the mesh cut side down and press the convex side with your finger so that they turn out slightly.

You can also make marshmallows in an electric dryer if it comes with special trays without a grid.

With the advent of the electric dryer, I stopped using the oven for drying. This process has become easier, better and more uniform.

It’s up to you to decide which way to dry food, but the fact that this is an excellent way to preserve vitamins and seasonal berries, fruits and vegetables for the winter is an indisputable fact.


Diets and healthy eating 12.10.2017

Summer this year did not please us with warmth, and autumn presented many surprises in the form of torrential rains and devastating hurricanes. Accordingly, the harvests left much to be desired. But apples have pleased many with their abundance, and now our task is to preserve them for the winter. The jam and marmalade have been cooked, compotes and juices have been rolled up, many craftsmen have supplied wine, but there are still a lot of apples.

I suggest drying apples, this is a great way to preserve the nutrients that apples are very rich in, and in winter, when there are so few local fruits, they will be very useful. And today we, dear readers, will look at how to dry apples at home, we will figure out how to do it correctly in order to preserve their maximum benefit.

What are the benefits of apples?

First of all, let’s figure out what benefits apples bring to us, what is their value. Despite the fact that almost 80% fresh apples They consist of water, their benefits for our body are enormous. They contain complex polyphenolic compounds that protect the body from premature aging, from the development of oncological processes, and from disruption of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Organic acids, glucose, fructose, sucrose, tannins, essential oils, and pectins were found in apple fruits. Apples are rich in vitamins: ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins A, E, H, rutin, nicotinic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B8, B9.

Apples are rich in the macroelements potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium that are essential for maintaining health. 28 microelements were also found in apples, including iron, copper, zinc, iodine, molybdenum, manganese, and others.

Apples are the most important general strengthening product; they

  • Improves digestion;
  • Strengthen intestinal motility;
  • Cleanse the body of toxins;
  • Regulate blood cholesterol levels;
  • They have diuretic and choleretic properties;
  • Relieves inflammatory processes;
  • They have disinfectant properties.

Apples are recommended in dietary nutrition for anemia and vitamin deficiencies, constipation, edema, jaundice, hypertension and atherosclerosis, and obesity. When baked, apples are useful for inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, kidneys, and liver.

Read more about the benefits of apples in the article About medicinal properties apples you can read in the article

How to dry apples yourself for the winter

There are several ways to dry apples for the winter, and I will try to sort them all out. I remember how as a child, in the village at my grandmother’s, we cut apples into slices, strung them on threads, and hung these apple beads on the shady side of the house under the roof, covering them with gauze from insects. This type of natural drying is the most correct; it allows you to preserve maximum amount vitamins But this method is not available to city residents, and it’s already autumn, too cold for drying fresh air, so we will dry apples in our own apartment.

Preparing for drying

Before drying, the fruits need to be prepared. Summer and autumn varieties that have a sweet and sour taste are well suited for drying. Fruits with thin skins dry faster. Wash, dry and remove the core. To remove the core, you can use a special device or do it with a knife, first cutting the apple into 4 parts.

You should not prepare a lot of apples for drying in advance; their pulp oxidizes in air and darkens. It is better to prepare one portion that you can dry.

You need to cut it as thin as possible, then the drying time will not be long. To do this, it is best to take a special grater, which is called a slicer; the apples are cut into thin slices and dried very quickly. It is better not to remove the peel if the apple trees grow in an environmentally friendly place; the peel contains a lot of useful substances and it is worth preserving them.

How to air dry apples at home

It is quite possible to dry apples in a house or apartment without an oven or dryer; you just need to cut them thinly and lay them out in one layer on a clean cloth or paper. Drying occurs naturally without exposure to high temperatures, which means that all the beneficial properties of the dry slices are preserved.

Watch the video to see how these tools can quickly cut fruit into thin slices and quickly air dry them.

How to properly dry apples in the oven

The simplest thing is to dry apples for the winter in the oven found in every home. It does not make a significant difference where to dry apples, in the oven of an electric or gas stove, it is important at what temperature to dry the apples. The recommended temperature is 50 - 60 degrees.

It’s good if the oven model allows you to set the exact temperature, then you don’t have to worry about drying out the fruit. Most of our ovens do not provide such low temperatures, and it is difficult to set high temperatures accurately, but there is still a way out. Set the temperature to the lowest setting and open the oven door. It is advisable to heat the oven in this state and place a thermometer in it. We adjust the temperature by opening or closing the door. When I didn’t have an electric dryer, this is how I dried apples.

The drying process itself is very simple, the main thing is not to overdry the slices. It is best if the slices are thin; in this case, the drying process will go faster.

The fruits are cut, now we cover the baking sheet with parchment or baking paper, arrange the slices in one layer and put them in the oven. It is advisable to stir them several times during drying so that they dry evenly on all sides. After 2 - 3 hours, it is advisable to turn off the oven and leave the baking sheet with apples outside until it cools completely. Only with cooled slices can you correctly assess whether the apples are properly dried. Several such approaches are delicious, aromatic and healthy apple slices will be ready.

Drying apples in an electric oven is even easier than in a gas stove oven. Modern electric stoves are equipped with precise temperature controls and fans, and they have the ability to turn on an even supply of heat throughout the entire chamber, which makes the process extremely easy. You just need to periodically open the oven so that excess moisture does not accumulate in it.

After watching the video, you will find out how easy it is to carry out such drying.

How to properly dry apples in an electric dryer

Electric dryer - extraordinary useful thing in the house, you can use it to dry not only fruits, but also mushrooms, berries, and medicinal herbs. The structure of the dryer is very simple, it has several lattice trays that are installed on top of each other, and apples cut into slices are laid out on them.

There are different models with different prices, we choose for ourselves what suits us best. In the dryer, the drying process is simple, the temperature is set with a special regulator, lay out the slices, turn it on and that’s it. All that remains is to monitor and not forget about safety precautions, because this is an electrical device.

How long to dry apples in the dryer? Be prepared that it will take a lot of time, from 4 to 15 hours, it all depends on the density of the fruit and the thickness of the slices. I stretch the drying process into several stages, after 2 - 3 hours I turn off the dryer, let the apples cool, taste them, and if they don’t seem dry enough to me, I turn the device on again.

At what temperature should you dry apples in an electric dryer?

The temperature for drying apples is constant, and wherever you dry them, it should not exceed 60 degrees Celsius.

Drying apples in the microwave

You can dry apples in the microwave, although I personally have not used this method. But such a method exists, and I decided to tell you about it. My friend often dries it this way. To dry fruit in a microwave oven, you need to thinly slice it, place it on a plate in one layer, put it in the oven and turn it on at full power. Apples dry very quickly under the influence of ultra-high frequency waves, so we set the time to 3 - 5 minutes and see what condition our slices are in.

If there is a lot of moisture on them, put the plate in the oven again for a few minutes. Don’t be upset if the first time you get coals instead of elastic dry slices, this requires experience, everything will depend on the type of apple and the thickness of the slices. My advice: set the minimum time, then get used to it.

I suggest watching a short video that will give you an idea of ​​how to dry apples in the microwave.

Other ways to dry apples at home

Apples dry perfectly on a central heating radiator; I also dried them this way when I didn’t have an electric dryer. Apples should be prepared in the usual way; small portions should be placed in clean cotton bags. Roll the bags into rolls and place them on the batteries, turning them over periodically. A few days are enough for the slices to lose moisture. After this, be sure to dry them in air, laying them out on the table so that they are ready for storage for the winter.

Many people dry apples by hanging a special grill over the burners of a gas stove. I do not advise you to use this method, since gas combustion products are extremely harmful to humans.

How to determine the readiness of dried apples

Properly dried slices should not crumble or break, they should be elastic, retain the apple flavor, but they should not contain moisture. This is usually learned through experience; over time, doubts no longer arise. Pay attention to the skin, it should darken.

Dried fruits have accompanied humans for centuries. It is assumed that this was one of the first products of our distant ancestors. Apricots and apples that fell from the tree, fruits that were crushed and not picked in time dried out in the sun, became weathered, lost excess moisture and turned into a real delicacy. It is noteworthy that such a delicacy could be stored for a long time. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of years have passed. The harvesting technology has remained virtually unchanged. Today, many people love dried fruits and dishes prepared from them. And even novice housewives know how to dry apples in the oven.

The benefits of dried fruits

It's no secret that dried fruits are health products. They contain many vitamins, especially group B. In addition, they contain mineral elements: calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium. Apple “drying” contains vitamins A, B and C, essential oils, pectin, and organic compounds. The glycemic index of this delicacy is low, so even those who adhere to strict diets can consume it.

Doctors also confirm the benefits of dried apples. They advise eating this food for those who have problems with sugar levels, suffer from gout, rheumatism, and atherosclerosis.

And cosmetologists value this product for its beneficial effects on skin, hair, and nails.

Choosing raw materials

Almost any variety of apple is suitable for drying. Before drying apples for the winter, they need to be sorted depending on size. Large ones will have to be cut, but medium ones can be dried in halves. Very small wild forest apples are very tasty. They can be prepared whole.

Making dried fruits in the oven

Today you can easily find dried fruits of all kinds in the supermarket. On the shelves there are dried slices of pineapple and melon, colorful berries, “dried” tangerines, plums, watermelon, papaya and passion fruit. Apples are also on sale. A no less assortment can be found in the markets. Among the imported delicacies, you can easily find the most ordinary fruits, dried by local grandmothers.

It is always easier to buy, however, in order to be sure of the quality of the product, you will have to prepare it yourself. Moreover, there is nothing difficult about drying apples at home. To do this you will need an oven and the apples themselves. And patience.

Apples need to be washed, dried and cut. You can do this in the usual way, or you can use a special notch for the middles. Then you will get beautiful rings. If you soak the apples in water before drying them in the oven, cold salty water, their color will remain light. The slices should be placed on a wire rack or baking sheet and placed in the oven. At what temperature should you dry apples? Of course, at a minimum! And the oven door should be kept open. This is done so that the fruits do not fry, but dry. If the slices are on a baking sheet, they need to be stirred. This should be done at least once every 30 minutes. They will be ready in 8 hours.

How to dry apples on a wire rack in the oven? Similar. Only the pieces should be larger so that they do not fall through. And you don’t need to stir or transfer anything. These apples will dry completely in 5-6 hours.

Alternative harvesting methods

In addition to oven drying, there are other methods for preparing apples. Previously, they were simply dried in the sun, laid out on pallets. This method is primarily good for its cost-effectiveness - it requires virtually no costs. To dry apples in the sun, you will need several baking trays. You can lay out the slices only in one layer so that the fruit does not spoil. The process will be long. For the fruit to completely lose moisture, you will have to wait at least a week. But no intervention is needed. Sliced ​​fruits can simply be covered with gauze to prevent insects from landing on them.

The second method, on the contrary, is the most modern. Several years ago, electric dryers became available for sale. In such dryers, dried fruits are cooked for several hours. Washed and sliced ​​apples just need to be placed on pallets and the device plugged in.

Apple slices can be strung on a thread and hung in a draft. Preparing “drying” in this way will be interesting and easy even for children.

Recipes from apple "drying"

The most common recipe with dried apples is compote. Its taste has been known to everyone since kindergarten. The main rule of dried fruit compote is that it should not be boiled for too long. Otherwise, the aroma of apples may evaporate. Baking recipes containing such a healthy and tasty ingredient are no less popular. Anyone who knows how to dry apples in the oven probably bakes pies with them in winter. In order to add to the dough, dried fruits need to be prepared. To do this, pour boiling water over them and let them stand. Then you can cut the slices into small pieces and add them to the dough.

But with all the abundance of recipes, the use of “drying” in pure form. This is a great alternative to overseas chips and sweets.

Among other things, dried apples are delicious independent dish and are an excellent ingredient for cooking various dishes and drinks, including jelly and even candy. So, you simply need to have them in your home pantry, especially since they keep for quite a long time, and you can prepare them at home. How to dry apples in the oven for the winter?

general information

You can dry apples for your own consumption. in several ways. These include:

Each of these methods has its own advantages and benefits.

For example, the most fast The duration of drying is in the microwave and air fryer.

But you can use them to dry small amount of fruit at a time, so they are not very suitable in cases where you need to process several tens of kilograms of apples taken from your favorite garden at your summer cottage. In such a situation, it is better to use the oven. However, many housewives are concerned with questions: Is it possible to dry apples in a gas oven? and how to properly dry apples in the oven?

The answer is simple: of course you can. Moreover, fruits prepared in this way are obtained less “rubbery” and soaks better when preparing fillings for pies and compotes. That is, they taste better than apples dried “naturally” in the open air.

The only drawback This option for drying apples and pears: from long-term operation of a gas appliance, the air in the kitchen becomes heavy, so it is not very pleasant to be in it. But this drawback can be corrected by regular high-quality ventilation.

Drying rules

How to dry apples at home in the oven? To make dried fruits from apples aromatic, tasty and crispy and had an attractive appearance great importance has the correct one. In this case, you should follow a few simple rules.

Best suited for drying winter, sour and sweet and sour varieties apples that do not have a tart taste. Their flesh should be quite dense, not watery, with a light yellow or white tint.

Optimal options: “Antonovka”, “Anise”, “Pepin saffron”, “Papirovka”, “Aport”, etc. Sweet apples are not very suitable for this purpose, as they become tasteless after drying.

Before drying, the apples are sorted, sorted, and then washed under running water.

Each fruit is cleansed of peel and core. It is better to dry summer apples with their skins.

To prevent darkening of the pulp, peeled apples should be placed in water acidified with citric acid or vinegar.

Some housewives, before drying apples, subject them to blanching. However, after such processing, the amount of nutrients and vitamins in such dried fruits is significantly reduced.

After thorough washing and cleaning, the fruits are cut into circles or slices with a thickness of 5 to 7 mm.

Step-by-step instruction

How to dry apples in the oven for the winter? After preliminary preparation You can start drying the apples.

Choosing the optimal mode. At what temperature should you dry apples in the oven? At the initial stage, the oven should be turned on at 50-55 degrees. If you set a higher temperature, best case scenario the apples will quickly become covered with a crust, which will interfere with the further evaporation of liquid from them, and in the worst case, they will simply burn, turning into black coals.

Determining the drying time. How long can you dry apples in the oven? The total drying time is from 6 to 8 hours. In this case, two hours after the start of the procedure, the apples must be carefully mixed, making sure that they remain on the baking sheet in an even layer.

Helpful advice: in order for the liquid to drain faster, at the initial stage of drying the oven door should be slightly open. Thanks to air circulation, dried fruits will not burn and will reach the desired state much faster.

Monitoring the condition of the apples. What mode should I use to dry apples in the oven? After the first stirring, the temperature in the oven should be raised to 70 degrees. Close the door completely. After the number of fruits on the baking sheet has halved in volume, reduce the temperature again to 50 degrees.

Determining the readiness of dried fruits. In about 3-4 hours the apples will be completely ready.

To verify this, you can bend one slice by holding it in your hands. If it bends and your hands remain clean, it means that the dried fruit from apples has “reached the desired condition.”

If the slice breaks, the apples are overdried. However, you shouldn’t be too upset about this. Such fruits can be used for compotes.

You can determine the readiness of dried apples visually. They should have a light brown tint, but still retain their flexibility and elasticity.


How to dry apples in the oven: on a baking sheet or on a wire rack? Drying apples in the oven of a gas stove can be done in two ways.

On a baking sheet

How to dry apples in the oven on a baking sheet? To do this you need to line a baking tray. parchment paper and carefully place the fruits, cut accordingly, on it.

To prevent the apples from burning, you need to periodically shake. When using several baking sheets, they need to be swapped from time to time.

On the grid

How to dry apples in the oven on a wire rack? This method has several benefits compared to the previous one:

  • firstly, when drying on a wire rack, the apple slices will dry out more evenly at both sides;
  • secondly, the process itself will take less time.

paper There is no need to use this drying method.

How to reduce time?

Despite the fact that cooking dried fruits from apples in the oven, at first glance, may seem like a very simple procedure, this method has several serious shortcomings.

These include:

  1. Necessity careful control over the condition of the fruits throughout the entire drying period.
  2. Duration this process.

For this reason, many housewives are thinking about how to reduce drying time apples in the oven. How to dry apples at home in the oven fast? There is such a way. To do this, peel and cut apples into slices. boiled in boiling water for 5-7 minutes, after which cooling off under running cold water. After this, you can dry them in the oven.

Second option: keeping prepared apples in a sieve or colander over steam 10 minutes and their subsequent cooling in cold water.

Convection function

How to dry apples in a gas stove oven with convection (fan)? Provided that modern gas ovens equipped with convection function, the process of drying apples becomes simpler and more productive. In this case, preparing dried fruits takes less time.

In order to start drying, the prepared apples need to be laid out on a wire rack or baking sheet and placed to intermediate level into the oven with the convection mode (blowing hot air) turned on, setting the temperature 40 degrees. After an hour or an hour and a half it can be increased up to 75-80 degrees, and then, when the volume of apples has approximately halved, lower it again to 40 degrees.

The oven door should be slightly slightly open.

Total process duration: from 6 to 7 hours. Apples can be dried continuously, for example by leaving them overnight, but it is preferable to obtain a longer product. High Quality, through every three hours remove them from the oven for better evaporation of moisture.

Delicious recipes

Drying apples in the oven at home can turn into a pleasant and useful activity. Every housewife has their own recipes preparation of dried fruits.

However, they will be most useful if they are dried in the oven without any additional additives.

But, they can be made even more delicious using the following recipe.

"Apple rings"


  • apples (any quantity);
  • granulated sugar (to taste);
  • water.

How to do? Preparation:

  1. From washed apples remove the cores along with the seeds. If you want the rings to turn out beautiful and neat, it is better to use a special device that you can buy in the store.
  2. Cut the peeled fruits thin slices, making sure that their thickness is the same and does not exceed 5-7 mm. Place them in a pan or other convenient container.
  3. From water and sugar make syrup by boiling water and adding granulated sugar to taste. Cool it to room temperature.
  4. Pour the syrup over the apples until it covers them completely. Leave in a cool place for a day.
  5. After that remove the slices from the syrup and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a wire rack.
  6. Place the apples in the oven and dry them at a temperature of about 60 degrees, turning over from time to time. They will be finally ready in about 6-8 hours.

Then they take them out and put them in paper bags, glass jars or canvas bags for storage.

If desired, these apple slices can be served as independent dish, sprinkling them with powdered sugar or cinnamon.

In a word, in order to in the cold season To add a “portion of health and vigor” to yourself, you must make sure that your home pantry is stocked with dried apples, which have enormous nutritional value and health benefits.

They can be eaten as a separate treat, used as a snack, prepared into compotes, infusions and pie fillings, as well as delicious and healthy sweets and even cakes.

Dried apple rings in the oven - photo:

The main thing is that in order for the dried fruits to ultimately turn out tasty and beautiful, choose the “right” varieties of apples for their preparation and strictly follow technologies for their preparation. As a result you will get valuable and high quality product, which is sure to please all your family and friends.