Pablo Picasso - biography, personal life of the artist: I will die without ever loving anyone. Pablo Picasso - biography, facts, paintings - the great Spanish painter Who is Picasso

Pablo Picasso - talented Spanish and French artist, sculptor. He is one of the founders of Cubism. Pablo Picasso's name (born Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Martir Patricio Ruiz y Picasso) was very long, so he used his mother's surname to sign his works. He is one of the most famous artists 20th century. According to art critics, his works are the most expensive. Below is short review life and

The artist's childhood and adolescence

Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in Spain. He started drawing with early age. The boy's first lessons were given to him by his father, who was an art teacher. Pablo Picasso's family was simple, despite the fact that his mother belonged to a wealthy family of vineyard owners. Young artist made great progress and already at the age of 8 painted his first picture.

IN short biography Pablo Picasso should note that in 1891 the boy moved with his family to the northern part of Spain, because his father began teaching drawing in A Coruña. The boy continued his studies at the local art school from 1894 to 1895.

Then the family moved to Barcelona, ​​and in 1895 Picasso began studying at school fine arts La Lonja. Even then, people were able to appreciate his talent: Picasso was too young to study at this school, but his father insisted that his son try to enroll on a competitive basis. He passed all his exams with flying colors and began his studies.

In 1897, Pablo continued his studies in fine arts in Madrid. But he devoted most of his time to studying the collection of the Prado Museum. Studying at the academy, which adhered to classical traditions, seemed too boring to the artist.

In 1898, he returned to Barcelona and joined a society of artists, which met in a bohemian cafe. A short biography of Pablo Picasso notes that it was in this cafe that the first exhibitions of his works took place in 1900. At the same time, the artist met C. Casagemas and J. Sabartes, whom he later depicted on his canvases.

"Blue" and "pink" periods

In a short biography of Pablo Picasso, you need to give a short description of the “blue” and “rose” periods. In 1900, the artist went to Paris with Casagemas. At the World Exhibition he becomes acquainted with the works of the Impressionists. That period was not easy for Picasso, and Casagemas' suicide was a great shock for the young artist.

Under the influence of these circumstances, at the beginning of 1902, Picasso began to create in a style that was called “blue”. The main themes of the paintings were old age, death, poverty, melancholy and melancholy. The people depicted in the paintings seem thoughtful, slow, immersed in their inner world. Among all the shades, the artist uses blue the most. The heroes of Picasso's paintings were cripples and representatives of the lower classes of society. His paintings are somewhat similar to the works of the artist El Greco.

In 1904, Picasso moved to Paris and his home became a hostel for poor artists. This was the beginning of the “pink” period in his work. The sad images were replaced by circus and theater themes. The palette was dominated by pink-gold and pink-gray, and the main characters of the paintings were wandering artists. In these paintings one could feel the romantic spirit of a lonely wandering artist.

"Girl on the Ball"

This work is the most famous creation of the “pink” period. It was written in 1905. The heroes are a fragile gymnast and a resting athlete. The main theme of the canvas is a traveling circus.

The gymnast practices her routine on the ball, and the athlete rests on the cube. The landscape evokes despondency, melancholy and contrasts with the cheerful craft of circus performers. Also contrasting in this picture are the depicted geometric figures- cube and ball, active gymnast and resting athlete.

In 1913, this painting was acquired by I. A. Morozov, and in 1948 it became part of the exhibition State Museum Fine Arts named after. A. S. Pushkin.


In the short biography of Pablo Picasso, the theme of cubism occupies a special place. The artist became more interested in the analysis of forms than in experiments with color. Together with J. Braque in 1907, he created a new direction in fine arts- cubism. Most often, Picasso depicted still lifes on his canvases, musical instruments and other items that were typical of bohemians.

The period of cubism in the artist’s work ended after the First World War. But some elements of Cubism appeared in Picasso's paintings until 1921.

Surrealism period

In a brief biography of Pablo Picasso, it should be noted that the period of surrealism is one of the ambiguous and uneven periods in the artist’s work. An absolutely surreal world appears on the canvases, a difficult atmosphere to perceive. The paintings contained incomprehensible creatures, shapeless, screaming or aggressively sensual images.

During this period, he also created quiet works that stood out from the rest. Most often this creative period women became the heroines of the paintings. The reasons for their frequent appearance may have been due to the fact that the artist did not get along well with his wife. In 1918, Picasso married and the Russian ballerina Olga Khokhlova, and in 1921 the couple had a son.

The artist was inspired to create sensual paintings by Marie-Therese Walter, whom he met in 1932. During this period, Picasso created busts, strange abstract forms from rough materials. But at the same time, in some works you can see that he was also inspired by classical forms.

Creation of Guernica

In 1937, German and Italian aircraft destroyed Guernica, the capital of the Basques. This news shocked the artist so much that in two months Pablo Picasso writes one of his most famous paintings is “Guernica”. The play of colors creates the appearance of a fire, and the central place in the composition was given to the fallen warrior and the woman running up to him. This painting conveys the horror and despair that gripped the inhabitants of Guernica. This creation was exhibited at the World Exhibition in Paris.

During the war period, Picasso's paintings served as a reflection of the time: they were executed in dark shades and conveyed a feeling of anxiety. At the same time, the main characters of his paintings again became women with distorted faces and shapeless figures. From 1940 to 1944, Picasso remained in Paris and continued to create. In 1944, the artist joined the Communist Party, and in 1950, Picasso created the famous “Dove of Peace.”

Creativity in the post-war period

This period can be called happy for the artist. In 1945, he met Françoise Gilot, who would become the mother of his two children. The main theme of the paintings becomes family life. The artist and his family move to the south of France, full of Mediterranean charm.

Pablo Picasso creates not only canvases, but also engages in crafts and manual labor. He creates decorative plates, figurines, and paintings. In 1953, Pablo separated from his wife, during which time he wrote several remarkable works. In 1958, Picasso married Jacqueline Roque, who inspired him to create new paintings.

The artist's works differ in the quality of their execution and their diversity. Pablo Picasso died on April 8, 1973 in France. The talented artist had a great influence on the development of fine art.

Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, full name- Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martir Patricio Ruiz and Picasso (in Russian the version with an emphasis on the French manner of Picasso, Spanish Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Mártir Patricio Ruiz y Picasso (October 25, 1881 (18811025), Malaga, Spain - April 8, 1973, Mougins, France) was a Spanish and French painter, sculptor, graphic artist, theater artist, ceramist and designer.

The founder of cubism (together with Georges Braque and Juan Gris), in which a three-dimensional body was depicted in an original manner as a series of planes combined together. Picasso worked a lot as a graphic artist, sculptor, ceramist, etc. He brought to life a lot of imitators and had an exceptional influence on the development of fine art in the 20th century. According to the Museum's assessment contemporary art(New York), Picasso created about 20 thousand works during his life.

By expert assessments, Picasso is the most “expensive” artist in the world: in 2008, official sales of his works alone amounted to $262 million. On May 4, 2010, Picasso's Nude, Green Leaves and Bust, sold at Christie's for $106,482,000, became the most expensive work art in the world at that time.

On May 11, 2015, at the Christie's auction, a new absolute record was set for works of art sold at public auction - Pablo Picasso's painting "Algerian Women (Version O)" went for a record $179,365,000.

According to a survey of 1.4 million readers conducted by The Times newspaper in 2009, Picasso - best artist among those who lived over the past 100 years. Also, his paintings rank first in “popularity” among thieves.

According to Spanish tradition, Picasso received two surnames from the first surnames of his parents: his father - Ruiz and his mother - Picasso. The full name that the future artist received at baptism is Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano (Crispiniano) de la Santisima Trinidad Martir Patricio Ruiz and Picasso. Picasso's maternal surname, under which the artist became famous, has Italian origin: Picasso's mother's great-grandfather Tommaso moved to Spain in early XIX century from the town of Sori in the province of Genoa. The house in Malaga's Merced Square, where Picasso was born, now houses the artist's house-museum and a foundation bearing his name.

Picasso began drawing from childhood; he received his first artistic lessons from his father, the art teacher José Ruiz Blasco, and soon became very successful at it. At the age of 8, he painted his first serious oil painting, “Picador,” which he did not part with throughout his life.

In 1891, Don José received a position as an art teacher in A Coruña, and young Pablo and his family moved to northern Spain, where he studied at the local art school (1894-1895).

The family subsequently moved to Barcelona, ​​and in 1895 Picasso entered the La Lonja School of Fine Arts. Pablo was only fourteen, so he was too young to enter La Lonja. However, at the insistence of his father, he was allowed to take entrance exams on a competitive basis. Picasso passed all the exams with flying colors and entered La Lonja. At first he signed with his father's name, Ruiz Blasco, but then chose his mother's surname, Picasso.

At the beginning of October 1897, Picasso left for Madrid, where he entered the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando. Picasso used his stay in Madrid mainly for detailed study of the collection of the Prado Museum, and not for studying at the academy with its classical traditions, where Picasso was cramped and bored.

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Pablo Picasso(full name - Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Martir Patricio Ruiz and Picasso) – spanish artist, sculptor, graphic artist, theater artist, ceramist and designer.

He said that he depicts the world not as he sees it, but as he imagines it. It's much more valuable, that's what it is highest creativity. His works are recognized as the most sought after and turned out to be the most expensive in the world.

short biography

Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain. Pablo was the son of an art teacher Jose Ruiz, paints and brushes have accompanied him since childhood.

Pablo began to make clear pencil sketches very early. Life in the south of Spain, in the colorful ancient Malaga, where bullfights brought together almost all the inhabitants of the city, bright colors nature left their mark on his work.

The beginning of creativity

My first oil painting on wood "Picador" Picasso painted it at the age of 8, dedicating it to a bullfight. He never parted with her - she was his talisman. And in general, if he liked some thing, he became its slave, for example, he wore out his favorite shirts to holes. He was a dark-eyed, stocky, impulsive boy in a southern way, overly ambitious and very superstitious.

One day, a father asked his 12-year-old son to complete a picture with pigeons. Picasso was so carried away that he created his own painting. When her father saw her, he froze in surprise. It took him a long time to come to his senses, but then I gave my son a palette and paints and never took them up again, leaving painting behind.

Study and first successes

When the family moved to Barcelona in 1894, Pablo entered the School of Fine Arts. He began to sign his works with his mother's last name - Picasso. In 1897 in Madrid he competed for entry into the San Fernando Academy. That’s when the young man felt like a real artist.

Many things in painting came easily to him; he painted quickly. Communicating with his colleagues, young artists, and comparing his paintings with others, he saw that his work was brighter, more colorful, and more interesting. So gradually the realization of his exclusivity came to him.

But he understood that the artist’s path to the pinnacle of fame is difficult and long. Here his ambition and desire to conquer Olympus came in handy at all costs. He subordinated his life to one idea, showed dedication and self-discipline, taking on any work that allowed him to create freely.

Trip to France

In 1900, Picasso and a friend went to Paris- they were going there talented artists, new trends in art were born, the impressionists created there. There he worked hard and studied French. A year later, he already exhibited his works in the gallery of the famous collector Vollard.

At this time, he was greatly impressed by the suicide of a friend. Unwittingly, a “blue” period emerged in his work, when he painted gloomy paintings, the heroes of which were beggars, blind people, alcoholics, prostitutes “Absinthe Lover”, “Beggar with a Boy”.

The elongated figures in his paintings were reminiscent of the style of the Spaniard El Greco. But over time, the “blue” period gave way to the “pink” - this is how his famous "Girl on the Ball".

The Birth of Cubism

Since 1904, Picasso settled in Montmartre, where he worked on the painting "Family of an acrobat with a monkey". In 1907 he met the artist Georges Braque. Soon they moved away from naturalism together, inventing new uniform painting - cubism.

Angular volumes, geometric figures, fragments of still lifes and faces in which it is difficult to discern something human fill his canvases (“Portrait of Fernand Olivier”, “Factory of Hort de Ebro”).

After the First World War, Cubism gradually began to disappear from Picasso's works. He collaborated with the Russian ballet, making sets and costumes for productions.

At this time he met a Russian ballerina Olga Khokhlova, who became his wife in 1918, and in 1921 their son Paul was born. Picasso was still painting his cubist still lifes, but had already become involved with graphics, creating cycles of paintings for Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Aristophanes’ Lysistrata.

Creativity during the war

During the Spanish Civil War, Picasso, an opponent of Franco, supporting the Republicans, painted a series of aquatints in 1937 "The Dreams and Lies of General Franco". After the bombing of the Basque town of Guernica by German and Italian aircraft, after the loss of life and destruction, Picasso created artistic monument this tragedy.

On a huge canvas, in his typical expressive manner, he embodied everything - grief, suffering of people, animals, destroyed buildings.

With this picture he reflected his fear of an unknown force, warning everyone that the civil war in Spain could spread to Europe.

During the years of the German occupation, he remained in Paris and did not stop his work, painting portraits and still lifes, which reflected the tragedy and hopelessness of life under the fascist regime. He hated the war, hated Hitler, and in 1944 became a member of the French Communist Party.

But this was a purely external adherence to the ideals of Marx: he did not paint ideological paintings, and did not obey the laws and charters of the party. Written by him "Dove of peace" with a twig in its beak became a symbol of liberation from fascism.

Picasso - ceramic

In 1947, Picasso became interested in the craft and with his own hands at the factory he made decorative plates, dishes, jugs, figurines, but soon he got tired of this hobby, and he moved on to portraits.

IN last years Picasso wrote in different styles, imitated the impressionists. Before his death, he admitted that most of all he liked Modigliani's paintings.

Critics of painting noted: “ Not everything in his work is of equal value, but all his works are very highly valued.".

Pablo Picasso died April 8, 1973 at the age of 91 in Mougins, France. He was buried next to his castle Vauvenart.

On April 8, 1973, the famous Spanish and French artist passed awayPablo Picasso.


Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in the family of an art teacher. Father with early childhood introduced his son to art. According to legend, Picasso’s father was so amazed by the boy’s technique that he once exclaimed: “Now I’m giving up painting forever!” Picasso received two surnames, from both parents, but gained fame under the surname of his mother, whose father was an Italian who emigrated to Spain. Since Picasso spent a large period of his life in France, his last name in Russia is often pronounced with an emphasis on the last vowel, although in reality it should be pronounced with an emphasis on “a”.

Pablo Picasso. Self-portrait

The most popular

The Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, considered the best in Spain, exclusively embarrassed the young master with its academicism, so he left his studies and began to independently study the work of great artists. Picasso's own work soon changed the idea of ​​art. According to expert estimates, Pablo Picasso is the most “expensive” artist in the world. Among the thieves, the master's paintings are the most desirable. And this is not just like that. According to polls conducted in 2009 by The Times newspaper, Pablo Picasso - the best artist who has lived in the last 100 years. Over the 91 years of his life, he created more than 20 thousand works. Picasso's first exhibition took place in Barcelona when the artist was 17 years old.

Pablo Picasso. Avignon girls


Pablo Picasso is considered the founder of Cubism, and his 1907 painting “Les Demoiselles d'Avignon” is called the starting point of modern art. Constantly searching for new forms artistic expression, he said that the most dangerous thing for a successful creator is to start copying himself, because this leads to creative sterility. The work on the scenery brought Picasso together with his first wife, Russian ballerina Olga Khokhlova. During Civil War in Spain in 1936-1939, fascist German aviation almost wiped off the face of the earth the quiet and peaceful town of Guernica, known for its rare monuments of ancient culture. Picasso was so amazed by such wildness that he created the 8-meter canvas “Guernica”. During the Second World War in occupied Paris, the Gestapo asked the artist whether he had made Guernica. He replied: “No, you did it.” The great genius died of cardiac arrest, which occurred due to pneumonia. By that time, he had a multi-million dollar fortune and several personal castles.

There is hardly a person on the planet who is not familiar with the name Pablo Picasso. The founder of Cubism and an artist of many styles influenced the fine arts of not only Europe, but the whole world in the 20th century.

Artist Pablo Picasso: childhood and years of study

One of the brightest was born in Malaga, in a house on Merced Square, in 1881, on October 25. Nowadays there is a museum and foundation named after P. Picasso. Following the Spanish tradition at baptism, the parents gave the boy enough long name, which is an alternation of the names of saints and the closest and most revered relatives in the family. Ultimately, he is known by the very first and the last. Pablo decided to take his mother's surname, considering his father's to be too simple. The boy's talent and passion for drawing manifested itself from early childhood. The first and very valuable lessons were taught to him by his father, who was also an artist. His name was Jose Ruiz. He painted his first serious painting at the age of eight - “Picador”. We can safely say that it was with her that the work of Pablo Picasso began. The father of the future artist received an offer to work as a teacher in La Coruña in 1891, and the family soon moved to northern Spain. There, Pablo studied for a year at a local art school. Then the family moved to one of the most beautiful cities - Barcelona. Young Picasso was 14 years old at the time, and too young to study at La Lonja (the school of fine arts). However, his father was able to ensure that he was allowed to take the entrance exams on a competitive basis, which he did brilliantly. After another four years, his parents decided to enroll him in the best advanced art school at that time - “San Fernando” in Madrid. Studying at the academy quickly bored the young talent; in its classical canons and rules he felt cramped and even bored. Therefore, he devoted more time to the Prado Museum and studying its collections, and a year later he returned to Barcelona. TO early period His work includes paintings painted in 1986: “Self-Portrait” by Picasso, “First Communion” (depicting the artist’s sister Lola), “Portrait of a Mother” (pictured below).

During his stay in Madrid, he made his first trip where he studied all the museums and the paintings of the greatest masters. Subsequently, he would come to this center of world art several times, and in 1904 he would move permanently.

"Blue" period

This time period can be seen as precisely at this time, his individuality, still subject to outside influence, begins to manifest itself in Picasso’s work. Known fact: the talent of creative people manifests itself most clearly in complex life situation. This is exactly what happened with Pablo Picasso, whose works are now known throughout the world. The takeoff was provoked and occurred after a long depression caused by the death of close friend Carlos Casagemas. In 1901, at an exhibition organized by Vollard, 64 works by the artist were presented, but at that time they were still full of sensuality and brightness, the influence of the Impressionists was clearly felt. In their legal rights The “blue” period of his work entered gradually, manifesting itself with rigid contours of figures and a loss of three-dimensionality of the image, a departure from the classical laws of artistic perspective. The palette of colors on his canvases is becoming more and more monotonous, the emphasis is on Blue colour. The beginning of the period can be considered “Portrait of Jaime Sabartes” and Picasso’s self-portrait, painted in 1901.

Paintings of the "blue" period

The key words for the master during this period were loneliness, fear, guilt, pain. In 1902 he returned to Barcelona again, but could not stay there. The tense situation in the capital of Catalonia, poverty on all sides and social injustice result in popular unrest, which gradually engulfed not only all of Spain, but also Europe. Probably, this state of affairs also influenced the artist, who works fruitfully and extremely hard this year. In the homeland, masterpieces of the “blue” period were created: “Two Sisters (Date)”, “Old Jew with a Boy”, “Tragedy” (photo of the canvas above), “Life”, where the image of the deceased Casagemas once again appears. In 1901, the painting “The Absinthe Drinker” was also painted. It traces the influence of the then popular fascination with “vicious” characters, characteristic of French art. The theme of absinthe appears in many paintings. Picasso's work, among other things, is full of drama. The woman’s hypertrophied hand, with which she seems to be trying to defend herself, is especially striking. Currently, “The Absinthe Lover” is kept in the Hermitage, having got there from a private and very impressive collection of works by Picasso (51 works) by S. I. Shchukin after the revolution.

As soon as the opportunity arises to go to Spain again, he decides to take advantage of it and leaves Spain in the spring of 1904. It was there that he would encounter new interests, sensations and impressions, which would give rise to a new stage in his creativity.

"Pink" period

In Picasso's work, this stage lasted a relatively long time - from 1904 (autumn) until the end of 1906 - and was not entirely homogeneous. Most of the paintings of the period are marked by a light range of colors, the appearance of ocher, pearl-gray, red-pink tones. Characteristic is the emergence and subsequent dominance of new themes for the artist’s work - actors, circus performers and acrobats, athletes. Of course, the overwhelming majority of the material was provided to him by the Medrano Circus, which in those years was located at the foot of Montmartre. The bright theatrical setting, costumes, behavior, variety of types seemed to return P. Picasso to the world, albeit transformed, but real forms and volumes, natural space. The images in his paintings again became sensual and filled with life and brightness, as opposed to the characters of the “blue” stage of creativity.

Pablo Picasso: works of the “pink” period

The paintings that marked the beginning of a new period were first exhibited at the end of winter 1905 at the Serurrier Gallery - these are “Seated Nude” and “Actor”. One of the recognized masterpieces of the “pink” period is “A Family of Comedians” (pictured above). The canvas has impressive dimensions - more than two meters in height and width. The figures of circus performers are depicted against the background of a blue sky; it is generally accepted that a harlequin with right side- this is Picasso himself. All the characters are static, and there is no internal closeness between them; each is shackled by internal loneliness - the theme of the entire “pink” period. In addition, it is worth noting the following works by Pablo Picasso: “Woman in a Shirt”, “Toilet”, “Boy Leading a Horse”, “Acrobats. Mother and Son", "Girl with a Goat". All of them demonstrate to the viewer beauty and serenity, rare for the artist’s paintings. A new impetus for creativity occurred at the end of 1906, when Picasso traveled through Spain and ended up in a small village in the Pyrenees.

African creative period

P. Picasso first encountered archaic African art at a thematic exhibition at the Trocadero Museum. He was impressed by pagan idols of primitive form, exotic masks and figurines that embodied great power nature and distanced from the smallest details. The artist’s ideology coincided with this powerful message, and as a result, he began to simplify his heroes, making them like stone idols, monumental and sharp. However, the first work in the direction of this style appeared back in 1906 - this is a portrait by Pablo Picasso of the writer. He rewrote the picture 80 times and had already completely lost faith in the possibility of embodying her image in classic style. This moment can rightly be called transitional from following nature to deformation of form. Just look at such paintings as “Nude Woman”, “Dance with Veils”, “Dryad”, “Friendship”, “Bust of a Sailor”, “Self-Portrait”.

But perhaps the most striking example of the African stage of Picasso’s work is the painting “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” (pictured above), on which the master worked for about a year. She crowned this stage creative path artist and largely determined the fate of art as a whole. The painting was first published only thirty years after it was painted and became an open door to the world of the avant-garde. The bohemian circle of Paris literally split into two camps: “for” and “against”. The painting is currently kept in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.

Cubism in the works of Picasso

The problem of uniqueness and accuracy of the image remained in the first place in European fine art until the moment when cubism burst into it. Many consider the impetus for its development to be a question that arose among artists: “Why draw?” At the beginning of the 20th century, a reliable image of what you see could be taught to almost anyone, and photography was literally on the heels of photography, which threatened to completely displace everything else. Visual images become not only believable, but also accessible and easily replicated. Pablo Picasso's Cubism in this case reflects the individuality of the creator, abandoning a plausible image of the outside world and opening up completely new possibilities and boundaries of perception.

TO early works include: “Pot, glass and book”, “Bathing”, “Bouquet of flowers in a gray jug”, “Bread and a bowl of fruit on the table”, etc. The canvases clearly show how the artist’s style is changing and becoming more and more abstract features towards the end of the period (1918-1919). For example, “Harlequin”, “Three Musicians”, “Still Life with a Guitar” (pictured above). The audience’s association of the master’s work with abstract art did not suit Picasso at all; the very emotional message of the paintings was important to him, their hidden meaning. Ultimately, the style of cubism that he himself created gradually ceased to inspire and interest the artist, opening the way for new trends in creativity.

Classical period

The second decade of the 20th century was quite difficult for Picasso. Thus, 1911 was marked by the story of stolen figurines from the Louvre, which did not show the artist in the best light. In 1914, it became clear that, even after living in the country for so many years, Picasso was not ready to fight for France in the First World War, which separated him from many of his friends. And the following year his beloved Marcelle Humbert died.

The return of a more realistic Pablo Picasso, whose works were once again filled with readability, figurativeness and artistic logic, was influenced by many external factors. Including a trip to Rome, where he became imbued with ancient art, as well as communication with ballet troupe Diaghilev and meeting the ballerina Olga Khokhlova, who soon became the artist’s second wife. Her portrait of 1917, which was in some way experimental in nature, can be considered the beginning of a new period. Russian ballet Pablo Picasso not only inspired the creation of new masterpieces, but also gave his beloved and long-awaited son. The most famous works period: “Olga Khokhlova” (pictured above), “Pierrot”, “Still Life with a Jug and Apples”, “Sleeping Peasants”, “Mother and Child”, “Women Running on the Beach”, “The Three Graces”.


The division of creativity is nothing more than the desire to sort it into shelves and squeeze it into a certain (stylistic, time) framework. However, to the work of Pablo Picasso, who is decorated with the most best museums and galleries of the world, this approach can be called very conditional. If we follow the chronology, then the period when the artist was close to surrealism falls on the years 1925-1932. It is not at all surprising that at every stage of the master’s work, a muse visited the master of the brush, and when O. Khokhlova wanted to recognize herself in his canvases, he turned to neoclassicism. However creative people fickle, and soon the young and very beautiful Maria Teresa Walter, who was only 17 years old at the time of their acquaintance, entered Picasso’s life. She was destined for the role of a mistress, and in 1930 the artist bought a castle in Normandy, which became a home for her and a workshop for him. Maria Teresa was a faithful companion, steadfastly enduring the creative and loving tossing of the creator, maintaining friendly correspondence until the death of Pablo Picasso. Works from the period of surrealism: “Dance”, “Woman in a Chair” (in the photo below), “Bather”, “Nude on the Beach”, “Dream”, etc.

World War II period

Picasso's sympathy during the war in Spain in 1937 belonged to the Republicans. When in the same year Italian and German aircraft destroyed Guernica - political and Cultural Center Basque - Pablo Picasso depicted a city lying in ruins on a huge canvas of the same name in just two months. He was literally gripped by horror from the threat that hung over all of Europe, which could not but affect his creativity. Emotions were not expressed directly, but were embodied in the tone, its gloom, bitterness and sarcasm.

After the wars died down and the world came into relative balance, restoring everything that had been destroyed, Picasso’s work also acquired happier and brighter colors. His canvases, painted in 1945-1955, have a Mediterranean flavor, are very atmospheric and partly idealistic. At the same time, he began to work with ceramics, creating many decorative jugs, dishes, plates, and figurines (photo shown above). The works that were created in the last 15 years of his life are very uneven in style and quality.

One of the greatest artists of the twentieth century, Pablo Picasso, died at the age of 91 at his villa in France. He was buried near the Vovenart castle that belonged to him.