Parallel subordination of subordinate clauses: subtleties, scheme, options. SPP with several subordinate clauses: examples

In this chapter:

§1. Types of subordination in NGN with several subordinate clauses

An IPP can have more than one subordinate clause. In this case, it is important to understand how all the parts complex sentence are interconnected, what obeys what. Three types are possible:

1) consistent submission,
2) parallel subordination,
3) homogeneous subordination.

Consistent submission

With sequential subordination, a chain of sentences is formed: the first subordinate clause is subordinate to the main clause, the second subordinate clause is subordinate to the first subordinate clause, etc. With this type of subordination, each subordinate clause is the main one for the subsequent subordinate clause.

I'm afraid that Anna will be late for the exam, which is scheduled to start early in the morning.

Scheme: [...], (union What...), (conjunctive word which…).

At consistent subordination a subordinate clause related to the main clause is called a subordinate clause of the first degree, and the next subordinate clause is called a subordinate clause of the second degree, etc.

Parallel subordination

If subordinate clauses of different types belong to one main sentence, then parallel subordination is formed. With this type of subordination, both subordinate clauses belong to the same main clause. It is important that these clauses are of different types and they answer different questions.

When the teacher came in, the kids stood up to greet her.

Scheme: (conjunctive word When…), [ … ], (union to …).

Homogeneous Subordination

If subordinate clauses are sentences of the same type and refer to the same member of the main sentence or the entire main sentence as a whole, then a homogeneous subordination is formed. With homogeneous subordination, subordinate clauses answer the same question.

I suddenly felt how the tension subsided and how light my soul became.

Scheme: [...], (union How...) and (union How …).

Subordinate explanatory clauses are similar to homogeneous members of the sentence; they are connected to each other by the conjunction And. Both subordinate clauses refer to the main clause of the sentence. There is no comma between them.

It is important that with homogeneous subordination, conjunctions or allied words can be omitted, which is typical for sentences with several subordinate clauses.

Test of strength

Find out your understanding of this chapter.

Final test

  1. Is it true that an NGN can have more than one subordinate clause?

  2. What is subordination called when the first subordinate clause is subordinated to the main clause, the second to the first, etc.?

    • consistent submission
    • homogeneous subordination
    • parallel subordination
  3. What is subordination called when subordinate clauses of different types are attached to one main clause?

    • consistent submission
    • homogeneous subordination
    • parallel subordination
  4. What is subordination called when subordinate clauses are sentences of the same type and refer to the same member of the main sentence or the entire main sentence as a whole?

    • consistent submission
    • homogeneous subordination
    • parallel subordination
  5. When the performance ended, the children clapped so that the artists felt their gratitude.?

    • consistent submission
    • parallel subordination
    • homogeneous subordination
  6. What is subordination in a sentence: I think that in the next episode the hero will save the girl he is in love with.?

    • consistent submission
    • parallel subordination
    • homogeneous subordination
  7. What is subordination in a sentence: I heard the door slam and people talking in the hallway.?

    • consistent submission
    • parallel subordination
    • homogeneous subordination
  8. What is subordination in a sentence: I think that my brother will be happy with my gift and that I made a very good choice.?

    • consistent submission
    • parallel subordination
    • homogeneous subordination

Having subordinate elements, they are divided into several groups. There are three of them in total. In speech there may be a complex expression with a homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses, heterogeneous (parallel) and sequential. Further in the article we will consider the features of one of these categories. What is a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses?

General information

Homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses (examples of such constructions will be given below) is an expression in which each part refers to the main element or to a specific word in it. Last option occurs if the additional component distributes only a certain part of the main one. Sentences with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses have a number of features. Thus, the spreading elements are of the same type, that is, they answer the same question. They are usually connected to each other by coordinating conjunctions. If they have an enumeration value, then the connection is non-union, just like with homogeneous members. This, in general, is what homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses means.

Communication in context

1. The quiet boys looked after the car /1 until it drove away beyond the intersection /2, until the dust it raised dissipated /3, until it itself turned into a ball of dust /4.

Once in the hospital, he recalled how they were suddenly attacked by the Nazis, and how everyone was surrounded, and how the detachment managed to get to their own.

3. If the conjunctions “whether... or” are used as repeating constructions (in the example it can be changed to whether), the homogeneous clauses associated with them are separated by a comma.

It was impossible to tell whether it was a fire or whether the moon was beginning to rise. - It was impossible to understand whether it was a fire, whether the moon was beginning to rise.

Structures with combined connection

A sentence with numerous homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses is found in several variants. So, maybe together, for example. For this reason, when carrying out analysis, there is no need to immediately draw up a general outline or rush to place punctuation marks.

Context Analysis

Homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses is analyzed according to a certain scheme.

1. Highlighting grammar basics, count the number of simple elements included in the structure.

2. They designate all and allied words and, based on this, establish subordinate clauses and the main clause.

3. The main element is defined for all additional ones. As a result, pairs are formed: main-subordinate.

4. Based on the construction of a vertical diagram, the nature of the subordination of subordinate structures is determined. It can be parallel, sequential, homogeneous, or combined.

5. A horizontal diagram is constructed, based on which punctuation marks are placed.

Analysis of the proposal

Example: The dispute is that if your king is here for three days, then you are unconditionally obliged to carry out what I tell you, and if he does not stay, then I will carry out any order that you give me.

1. This complex sentence contains seven simple ones: The dispute is /1 that /2 if your king will be here for three days /3 then you are unconditionally obliged to carry out what /2 what I tell you /4 and / if he does not stay /5 then I will carry out any order /6 that you give me /7.

1) the dispute is;

2) if your king will be here for three days;

3) something... you are unconditionally obliged to do that;

4) what will I tell you;

5) if he doesn’t stay;

6) then any order will be carried out by me;

7) which you will give me.

2. The main clause is the first (the dispute is), the rest are subordinate clauses. Only the sixth sentence raises the question (then I will carry out any order).

3. This complex sentence is divided into the following pairs:

1->2: the dispute is that... then you are unconditionally obliged to do this;

2->3: you are unconditionally obliged to do this if your king is here for three days;

2->4: you are unconditionally obliged to do what I tell you;

6->5: I will carry out any order if it does not remain;

6->7: I will carry out any order you give me.

Possible difficulties

In the example given, it is somewhat difficult to understand what type of sixth sentence it is. In this situation, you need to look at the coordinating conjunction “a”. In a complex sentence, it, unlike the subordinating connective element, may not be located next to the sentence related to it. Based on this, it is necessary to understand what simple elements this union connects. For this purpose, only sentences containing oppositions are left, and the rest are removed. Such parts are 2 and 6. But since sentence 2 refers to subordinate clauses, then 6 must also be like that, since it is connected with 2 by a coordinating conjunction. It's easy to check. It is enough to insert a conjunction that has a sentence of 2 and connect it with 6 with the main one related to 2. Example: The dispute is that any order will be carried out by me. Based on this, we can say that in both cases there is a homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses, only in 6 the conjunction “what” is omitted.


It turns out that this sentence is complex with homogeneously related subordinate clauses (2 and 6 sentences), in parallel (3-4, 5-7) and sequentially (2-3, 2-4, 6-5, 6-7). To place punctuation marks, you need to determine the boundaries of simple elements. In this case, the possible combination of several unions at the border of proposals is taken into account.

Parallel subordination of subordinate clauses is one of three types of subordination of secondary (or dependent) parts in each type. Each type has its own subtleties and tricks, knowing which you can easily determine this type.

Homogeneous, sequential and parallel subordination of subordinate clauses

All three types characterize the order in which the answer to the question posed from the main part of the sentence occurs. It is worth noting that there can be (and most often is) several subordinate parts and they can stand both in front of the main part and after it.

Homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses is a subordination when all minor parts answer the same question. As a rule, such clauses have one common conjunction or For example: “Mom told me that everything would be fine and that she would buy me a doll.” In this case, you can see one common conjunction “what”. However, there are also cases when the conjunction is omitted, but it is implied. An example is the following sentence: “Nastya noticed that he was looking at her and there was a blush on his cheeks.” In this version, the conjunction is omitted, but the meaning remains the same. It is very important to see this omitted conjunction clearly, as such sentences often appear in the exam.

Consecutive subordination of subordinate clauses is such a subordination when the secondary members answer the question of their “predecessor”, that is, questions are asked from each part of the sentence to the subsequent member. For example: “I am sure that if I get an excellent score, I will enter a good educational institution" The sequence is clearly expressed here: I am sure (of what?), that..., then (what will happen?).

Parallel subordination of subordinate clauses is a type of subordination when the secondary parts refer to one thing. They do not answer one question, but together they explain the meaning of the main statement. It is advisable to draw up diagrams of this kind so as not to make mistakes in determining the type. So, submissions: “When the cat jumped out of the window, Masha pretended that nothing bad had happened.” So, the main part is the middle of the sentence (and from it you can ask a question both to the first subordinate clause and to the second): Masha pretended (when?) and (what happened then?). It is worth noting that a simple complex sentence will not contain any of the types of subordination presented above. As a rule, they are built only between parts.

Thus, we can conclude that in a complex sentence the dependent parts have three types of attachment: homogeneous, sequential and parallel subordination of subordinate clauses. Each type determines the dependence on the main member and the connection with the same secondary parts. To correctly identify this type, you just need to ask the question correctly and draw diagrams of complex sentences, indicating these same questions with arrows. After a visual drawing, everything will immediately become clear.

Complex sentences may have not one, but several subordinate clauses.

Complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses are of two main types:

1) all subordinate clauses are attached directly to the main clause;

2) the first subordinate clause is attached to the main clause, the second - to the first subordinate clause, etc.

I. Subordinate clauses that are attached directly to the main clause can be homogeneous and heterogeneous.

1. Complex sentences with homogeneous subordination subordinate clauses.

With this subordination, all subordinate clauses refer to one word in the main clause or to the entire main clause, answer the same question and belong to the same type of subordinate clause. Homogeneous subordinate clauses can be connected with each other by coordinating conjunctions or without conjunctions (only with the help of intonation). The connections of homogeneous subordinate clauses with the main clause and among themselves resemble the connections of homogeneous members of the sentence.

For example:

[I came to you with greetings, to tell you], (that the sun has risen), (that it fluttered with hot light across the sheets). (A. Fet.)

[That, (who lives real life), (who has been accustomed to poetry since childhood),forever believes in the life-giving, full of reason Russian language]. (N. Zabolotsky.)

[At the end of May, the young bear was drawn to her native place], (where was she born) And ( where the months of childhood were so memorable).

In a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination, the second subordinate clause may lack a subordinating conjunction.

For example: ( If there is water) And ( there won't be a single fish in it), [I won't trust the water]. (M. Prishvin.) [ Let's shudder], (if suddenly a bird flies up) or ( an elk will trumpet in the distance). (Yu. Drunina.)

2. Complex sentences with heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses (or with parallel subordination). With this subordination, subordinate clauses include:

a) to different words of the main sentence or one part to the entire main sentence, and the other to one of its words;

b) to one word or to the entire main sentence, but answer different questions and are different types subordinate clauses.

For example: ( When in my hands new book ), [I feel], (that something living, speaking, wonderful came into my life). (M. Gorky.)

(If we turn to the best examples of prose), [then we'll make sure], (that they are full of true poetry). (K. Paustovsky.)

[From the world (which is called nursery), the door leads into space], (where they have lunch and tea) (Chekhov).

II. Complex sentences with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses.

This type of complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses includes those in which the subordinate clauses form a chain: the first subordinate clause refers to the main clause (clause of the 1st degree), the second subordinate clause refers to the subordinate clause of the 1st degree (clause of the 2nd degree) etc.

For example: [ The young Cossacks rode vaguely and held back their tears.], (because they were afraid of their father), (who was also somewhat embarrassed), (although I tried not to show it). (N. Gogol)

The specificity of subordinate parts is that each of them is subordinate in relation to the previous one and main in relation to the following one.

For example: Often in the fall I closely watched the falling leaves to catch that imperceptible split second when the leaf separates from the branch and begins to fall to the ground(Paustovsky).

With sequential subordination, one clause can be inside another; in this case, there may be two subordinating conjunctions nearby: what and if, what and when, what and since, etc.

For example: [ The water came down so scary], (What, (when the soldiers ran below), raging streams were already flying after them) (M. Bulgakov).

There are also complex sentences with a combined type of subordination of subordinate clauses.

For example: ( When the chaise left the yard), [he (Chichikov) looked back and saw], (that Sobakevich was still standing on the porch and, it seemed, was looking closely, wanting to find out), (where will the guest go). (Gogol)

This is a complex sentence with parallel and sequential subordination of subordinate clauses.

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses

A comma is placed between homogeneous subordinate clauses not connected by coordinating conjunctions.

For example: I realized that I was lying in bed , that I'm sick , that I was only delirious.(Cupr.)

I envy those who spent their lives in battle , who defended a great idea.(EU)

We remember the great hour when the guns fell silent for the first time , when all the people met victory both in the cities and in every village.(Isak.)

Comma not placed between homogeneous subordinate clauses connected by a single connecting conjunction (regardless of whether there is a subordinating conjunction or a conjunctive word with both subordinate clauses or only with the first).

For example: I believe that nothing passes without a trace and that every smallest step we take matters for our present and future life.(Ch.)

The militia brought Prince Andrei to the forest where the trucks were parked and where there was a dressing station.(L.T.)

When the rain began to fall and everything around sparkled, we followed the path... came out of the forest.(M.P.).

When repeating coordinating conjunctions, a comma is placed between subordinate clauses.

For example: Everyone found out that the lady had arrived, and that Kapitonich let her in , and that she is now in the nursery...(L.T.).

Unions either... or when connecting predicative parts of a complex sentence, they are considered repeating, and homogeneous subordinate clauses are separated by a comma, which is placed before or.

For example: Whether there were weddings in the city, or someone cheerfully celebrating name days, Pyotr Mikhailovich always talked about it with pleasure.(Writing).

In case of heterogeneous subordination, subordinate clauses are separated or separated by commas.

For example: As soon as the heat passed, the forest began to get cold and dark so quickly that I didn’t want to stay in it.(T.)

Anyone who has not experienced the excitement of the barely audible breathing of a sleeping young woman will not understand what tenderness is. (Paust.).

With sequential and mixed subordination, a comma is placed between subordinate clauses according to the same rules as between the main and subordinate clauses.

For example: If only our wanderers could be under their own roof , if only they could know , what happened to Grisha.(Necr.)

Helen smiled with such a look , who spoke , that she did not allow the possibility , so that anyone can see her and not be admired.(L.T.)

Any , who in life fought for the happiness of being yourself , knows , that the strength and success of this struggle depend on confidence , with which the seeker goes to the goal(M.P.)

A comma is placed between two adjacent subordinating conjunctions or between a conjunctive word and a subordinating conjunction, as well as when a coordinating and subordinating conjunction meets, if the internal subordinate clause is not followed by the second part of the double conjunction this or that.

For example: The bear fell in love with Nikita so much that , When he went somewhere, the animal anxiously sniffed the air.(M.G.)

We were warned that , If If the weather is bad, the excursion will not take place.

The night is over and , When the sun rose, all nature came to life.

The removal of the second (internal) part here does not require the restructuring of the first subordinate part.

If the subordinate clause is followed by the second part of a complex conjunction then, so, then a comma is not placed between the preceding two conjunctions.

For example: The blind man knew that the sun was looking into the room and that if he stretched his hand out the window, dew would fall from the bushes.(Cor.)

I thought that if at this decisive moment I did not out-argue the old man, then later it would be difficult for me to free myself from his tutelage.(P.).

Removing or rearranging the subordinate clause (if he reaches out his hand through the window and if at this decisive moment I don’t argue with the old man) is impossible, since parts of the double conjunction something will be nearby.

Dash in a complex sentence

Between the subordinate part (group of subordinate clauses) and the subsequent main part of the sentence Maybeput a dash , if a subordinate clause or a group of subordinate clauses preceding the main clause is pronounced with logical emphasis on an informatively important word and with a deep pause before the main part (usually this is how subordinate explanatory clauses are distinguished, less often - conditional, concessive, etc.).

For example: Where did Nelidova go?- Natasha didn’t know(Paust.); And if you look at them for a long time– the rocks began to move and crumble(Ast.); Did he call them, did they come on their own?– Nejdanov never found out...(T.).

A dash is placed also between the subordinate and main parts in similarly constructed parallel complex sentences.

For example: He who is cheerful laughs, he who wants will achieve it, he who seeks will always find!(OK.).

A dash is placed after the subordinate clause before the main clause, if it contains the words this, here, and also if the subordinate clause is an incomplete sentence.

For example: That she is an honest person is clear to me.(T.)

What he found in her is his business.

Where is he now, what is he doing - these are the questions that I could not answer.

I answered something that - I don’t know myself(compare full - what did I answer).

A dash is placed between subordinate clauses in the absence of an adversative conjunction or the second part of a comparative conjunction between them.

For example: Artistry is so that every word is not only in place - so that it is necessary, inevitable and so that there are as few words as possible(Black).

A dash is placed to clarify the nature of the subordinate clause.

For example: Only once did she perk up - when Mika told her that ditties were sung at yesterday's wedding.(R. Zernova)

A dash is placed to enhance the interrogative nature of the sentence while emphasizing the unusual location of the subordinate part before the main one or the intonation separation of the main part from the subsequent subordinate clause.

For example: What is influence?- You know?; Are you sure – is this necessary?

A dash is also placed when there are an abundance of commas, against which the dash acts as a more expressive sign.

For example: But we gained experience , and for the experience , as they say , no matter how much you pay, you won’t overpay.

Comma and dash in a complex sentence

Comma And dash as a single punctuation mark, they are placed in a complex sentence before the main part, which is preceded by a number of homogeneous subordinate parts, if the division of the complex sentence into two parts with a long pause before the main part is emphasized.

For example: Wherever I am, whatever I try to have fun with , – all my thoughts were occupied with the image of Olesya.(Cupr.)

Who is to blame and who is right? , – it’s not for us to judge.(Kr.)

The same sign is also placed before a word repeated in the same part of a sentence in order to connect with it a new sentence or the next part of the same sentence.

For example: I knew very well that it was my husband, not some new person unknown to me, but a good man , - my husband, whom I knew as myself.(L.T.)

And the idea that he can be guided by this interest, that in order to sell this forest he will seek reconciliation with his wife , – this thought offended him.(L.T.)

A dash is placed after the comma that closes the subordinate clause, including before the word this.

For example: The best he could do , - leave on time; The only thing I like here , - This is an old shady park.

Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses

Parsing scheme complex sentence with several subordinate clauses

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2. Specify the type of offer for emotional coloring(exclamation or non-exclamation).

3. Determine the main and subordinate clauses, find their boundaries.

4. Draw up a sentence diagram: ask (if possible) questions from the main to the subordinate clauses, indicate in the main word on which the subordinate clause depends (if it is a verb), characterize the means of communication (conjunctions or allied words), determine the types of subordinate clauses (definitive, explanatory and etc.).

5. Determine the type of subordination of subordinate clauses (homogeneous, parallel, sequential).

Sample analysis of a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses

1) [Look at the pale green sky strewn with stars,(on which there is neither a cloud nor a spot),and you will understand], (why is the warm summer air still?), (Why nature on guard) (A. Chekhov).

[...noun, ( on which...), And verb], ( Why…), (Why…).

(Declarative, non-exclamative, complex, complex with three subordinate clauses, with parallel and homogeneous subordination: 1st subordinate clause - attributive clause (clause depends on the noun sky, answers the question which on which); 2nd and 3rd subordinate clauses - explanatory clauses (depending on the verb you'll understand, answer the question What?, are joined by the conjunction word why)).

2) [Any Human knows], (what should he do?, (what separates him from people), otherwise), (what connects him to them) (L. Tolstoy).

[...verb], ( What…., (What…), otherwise), (What…).

(Declarative, non-exclamative, complex, complex with three subordinate clauses, with sequential and parallel subordination: 1st subordinate clause - explanatory clause (depending on the verb knows, answers the question What?, joins by union What), 2nd and 3rd clauses - pronominal clauses (each of them depends on the pronoun That, answers the question which (That)?, is added by a conjunctive word What).

Among complex sentences with several subordinate clauses, complex sentences are distinguished by structure

  • with consistent subordination,
  • with uniform subordination
  • with parallel subordination.

Subordination is when two or more subordinate clauses are subordinate to one main clause.

  • With homogeneous subordination subordinate clauses not only explain the main part, but are also subordinate clauses of the same type.

With homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses, commas are placed in the same way as with homogeneous members offers. If homogeneous subordinate clauses are connected by repeating conjunctions, then a comma is placed between them, and not if the conjunctions are non-repeating.

  • When in complex sentences different subordinate clauses belong to the same member of the main part or in which the same subordinate clauses explain different words in the main part, represent sentences with parallel subordination.

Example: When a person is overly tired, it seems that he will sleep for who knows how long.

  • Consistent submission- this is a sequence of subordinate clauses in which each subsequent subordinate clause is connected to the previous clause, and only the first subordinate clause is connected to the main part.

With the sequential subordination of subordinate clauses, conjunctions may appear next to each other: what and if, what and when, etc. A comma is placed between the conjunctions, if there is no further part of the conjunction - then or so, for example: He warned that if the fire is not extinguished now, the flame will spread to roof. It is acceptable for there to be no subordinating conjunction before the second subordinate clause.

Combined submission- This various combinations subordinating connection in one complex sentence.

Types of subordinate clauses in complex sentences

  • Definitive

Refers to a noun or to a noun phrase with demonstrative words that, such. Answers the question which?

  • Pronominal attributive

Refers to the pronouns that, each, everyone; everything, such, such. Answers questions; Who? Which? what?

  • Explanatory

Refers to a verb of thought, speech, perception, or a noun combined with the demonstrative word that. Answers case questions.

  • Connection

Applies to the entire main part.

  • Concessive

Relates to the entire main part

Punctuation rules

If in an incomplete subordinate clause there is one conjunctive word, then a comma is not separated from the main one, for example: I want to help you, but I don't know how.

If the subordinate clause at the end of a complex sentence is an indirect question, question mark is not put (unless, of course, the main thing is interrogative), for example: Indicate which of the definitions are separated.

A comma is not placed if homogeneous subordinate clauses are connected by connecting or dividing conjunctions, for example: Like someone sentenced to death and confident of the impossibility of pardon.