A rival with long hair in a dream. Rival, rival: what is the dream about? Modern combined dream book - dreamed about a rival

Having a worthy opponent means always striving to look good, to be in good physical fitness and dress nicely. We’ll find out what your rival is dreaming about in proven dream books.

The rival is the embodiment of the negative principle, symbolizing chaos, discord, cruelty, confrontation, the race for leadership, talkativeness, curiosity, corrosiveness, cunning. She is the source of quarrels, intrigues, the hidden cause of family quarrels. Such a woman does not behave constantly, changeably, striving for extremes. For such ladies, the thirst for vanity always borders on weakness and fragility.

In some dream books, a competitor is always beautiful woman, embodying aristocratic origin, expressing nobility and self-esteem. She is always an object of adoration for men, a muse for creative impulse, and inspiration.

A rival is a fatal temptress, a destroyer of men caught in her network. IN Greek mythology such women were compared to sirens who enchanted sailors sailing by with their singing. Representatives of the strong half of humanity forgot about everything and crashed their ships on the rocks.

If you saw a rival, perhaps the dream warns that you need to be more active, more efficient, show more love and care for a man, and stand guard over your family or personal happiness. For those dreamers who have not yet decided on their chosen one, such a plot hints at your passivity. Don't look for reasons for your loneliness, find opportunities.

To hit the one you consider to be your husband’s mistress is, in reality, to make an irreparable mistake. Before making serious decisions, you should carefully consider your desires and actions.

Throwing a beautiful lady into the pool that your spouse smiled at will eliminate all friction and disagreements with your spouse. Good period to improve slightly tired relationships. Joint vacations and close communication in private are favorable. Now more than ever we should trust each other, showing care and attention.

Make friends with someone who is closely acquainted with your lover. In reality you will find a worthy companion and ally. This will turn out to be a very honest, hardworking and decent person. On the other hand, such a vision reflects the delicacy and diplomacy of the dreamer. You make contact easily, bringing good people closer to you.

Having fun communicating with your beloved’s ex-passion is a sign of good news. This news will entail a lot of positive events, troubles and worries. Most likely, there will be a serious reason to meet close relatives.

Seeing your chosen one’s potential mistress as old and ugly means excluding her from possible competitors. You are no longer afraid of the influence of her charms on the groom. Your excellent appearance, grooming and femininity outshine other women. This is a good time to hint to your lover about his marriage proposal.

If you dreamed of your rival crying, you should expect excellent prospects. That moment when everything works out. Your career has taken off, your loved one is full of desire and feelings for you, your loved ones are glad and happy for your well-being. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy freedom and independence. Who knows, maybe everything will change soon.

What else to expect from a rival in a dream

  • she is pregnant - be careful, deep emotions and shocks are possible;
  • V wedding dressbad sign, she will manage to take your fiance away;
  • cut her hair - in reality a strong patroness will appear who will direct your feminine energy in the right direction;
  • kissing her in a dream means strong friendship and good relationships;
  • kicking her out of her own home is a timely decision difficult situation with your spouse, having sorted out the relationship in time.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

Watching in a dream how a rival circles around your companion means in reality being a completely self-sufficient and self-confident person. You know how to please a man and enjoy sex. Intimacy is another reason for you to prove that you are the best and will not back down from the one who suits you in a relationship.

Gustov Miller

If you dreamed of a colleague who is trying to compete with you, in reality there will be an opportunity to prove yourself in business environment. You will be able to show business qualities, interest in your experience and qualifications. At the same time, you should not put other employees in a bad light in order to appear better against their background. This will not raise your rating and authority among management, but will only ruin the reputation and attitude of the team.

For a girl to see her boyfriend with someone else, this is a sign that she should moderate her self-esteem and reduce her sense of self-superiority. With this behavior you can make an irreparable mistake and alienate your loved one. There will always be someone who will surpass you in some aspects. Trust your feelings, be gentle and attentive.

A man dreamed of being outsmarted by his business partner, a woman. This reflects your frivolity, carelessness, and inattention. You often avoid serious issues, entrusting decisions to someone who dreams of driving you out of business and ruining you. In part, she has the right to this, because you have burdened her with responsibility for all the current work, abusing your freedom.

They saw themselves as an insidious rival - good sleep. This means you are full of strength, energy and optimism for new achievements. Everything planned comes to fruition, income grows, and new acquaintances bring a lot of impressions and ideas.

David Loff

If you see a rival, this personifies a person who constantly slows you down, preventing you from fully developing and moving forward. Perhaps you are burdened with additional responsibilities, responsibilities that do not bring you moral satisfaction, much less worthy material reward.

To eradicate this situation, the dream calls on you to be bolder, more persistent, to show your temper and strong character. You must clearly understand your life goals, goals, and priorities. In time, get rid of what limits your opportunities on the path to success and happiness.


You dream about the one who decided to take your spouse away, but he remained in the family - such a dream should instill confidence in the dreamer. Your doubts about your husband’s sincerity and devotion are completely in vain. Even if there was a reason to doubt his loyalty, he will prove his love and devotion to you many times over.

In reality see your mistress or ex-girlfriend his young man very unpleasant. And in night dreams, such a vision will bring a little joy. But if the subconscious sends you such an image, then it needs to be deciphered correctly. Seeing a rival in a dream is not always a bad sign. From time to time, a homewrecker in night dreams will foretell happiness in reality. Detailed interpretations look for images below.

Rival with lover

Have you ever seen a rival in a dream who was walking with your boyfriend? Such a dream suggests that the dreamer is a weak nature. The girl herself is ruining her happiness. If the person becomes more persistent, then the guy will not treat the lady like a nonentity. The subconscious tells the girl that now the man is not treating his wife very well. And a woman allows a guy to do this to her. In order not to miss your love and charm a man with your charm, you need to increase your self-esteem. The subconscious whispers to the girl that she needs to start working on herself right now. If you miss the moment, then the motivation for change will disappear, and the girl will lose the opportunity to become better. You need to gain strength and patience. It is stupid to wait for changes in your character right away. Self-development may take time more than a year. But don't begrudge the time you invest in yourself. The effort spent will pay off in spades.

Rival quarrels with her lover

If the subconscious suggests seeing a rival in a dream who is arguing with your boyfriend, you can consider this sign to be the best for yourself. The lady who breaks off relations with your significant other lets the man go, and now he will belong only to you. But you shouldn’t take what you see literally. It’s not his mistress who lets the guy go, but your subconscious is ready to come to terms with the fact that the guy had a life before your relationship. Sometimes girls are jealous of their men not only for the present, but even for the past. You shouldn't do this. The guy is unable to go back and correct the mistakes he made. Therefore, a lady should accept a man as he is. The girl must understand that the guy had relationships in the past. But since a man broke up with his exes, he consciously chose you over them. This thought can act as a good sedative. So stop beating yourself up, throw it away former lovers get the guy out of your head and live happily.

Declarations of love

Girls are very impressionable creatures. They want love and affection on a constant basis. But many men are reserved and do not allow themselves to show feelings. What should a girl think who happened to see her rival in a dream? If in your night dreams your boyfriend declared his love to his ex, this means that you lack tender words from your boyfriend. The lady must realize that this is her personal problem, the guy has nothing to do with it. If a girl lacks affection, she should decide something like this psychological problem on one's own. A man is not the most gentle creature. And demanding constant declarations of love from him is stupid. The lady should think about why she feels a lack of attention. Most often, this syndrome affects women who do nothing. Girls give all of themselves to relationships and are surprised when they do not receive the same return from their partner. You need to understand that the guy’s head is filled not only with your romance, there is also room for work, hobbies and friends.

Talk to your opponent

What did you do in your night dreams? Seeing a rival in a dream and talking to her is not the most pleasant image to interpret. The homewrecker symbolizes the gossip that your friends spread. Think about which of your friends is capable of such a base act. If you find a person you don't trust, try to break off relations with her. A girl who spoils your reputation cannot do anything good for you. Girlfriends who say nasty things behind your back betray and humiliate you. If you don’t want dirty gossip to circulate about you, share less details of your personal life with people you know. Some girls can make up tall tales out of envy. The less you give reasons for rumors, the calmer your life will be. The subconscious mind says that you temporarily need to stop sharing information with everyone you know and identify the person who is a traitor.

Woman crying

Have you encountered a dream that did not please you? Seeing a former rival crying in a dream is a good omen, so don’t be upset. Your boyfriend's crying lover foreshadows a truce with your significant other. If in a relationship lately a strange alienation appeared and you tried with all your might to normalize them, consider that you succeeded. The subconscious mind shows the image of a crying rival as a sign of victory over other candidates for a place in the heart of the faithful. The dreamer can be sure that the guy has no one else besides her. Such confidence raises a woman's self-esteem and makes her more attractive to a man. It is better not to share your joyful conclusions with your beloved. There is no need for him to know that you are thinking about his former passions. Make one and commemorate reconciliation with a loved one.

Rival leaves

Can’t decipher your night dreams on your own? Refer to the dream book. Seeing a rival in a dream running away from you, her heels sparkling, is a good omen. The defeated woman notifies the dreamer that the enemies with whom she fought for so long have finally surrendered under pressure and no longer pose a threat. A woman has reason to be proud of her endurance and business acumen. The subconscious says that the girl can celebrate her victory. And since the image of a loved one’s past life has appeared in the subconscious, you should celebrate your victory with your other half. The man will be happy about your success and will be sincerely proud of you. The girl should arrange a real holiday for herself. For example, you can buy a trip to warm countries or go somewhere with your loved one for the weekend.

Pregnant rival

Seeing a pregnant rival in a dream is a bad omen. A woman who sees such an image is not confident in her man. She suspects her husband of treason. The lady assumes that the guy has love on the side. Fears in the form of a pregnant rival haunt a woman. What should be done to free the subconscious from such images? A woman must pull herself together and calm down. You should free your mind from thoughts about your opponent. The girl must believe that the young man loves her and is not playing with her feelings. A lady should trust people more and stress herself out less.

Make friends with your rival

Seeing your rival beautiful and well-groomed in a dream and making friends with her is a good omen. The dreamer will be able to improve her work affairs. Old acquaintances will help the girl solve her problems, and new ones will become comrades-in-arms in her endeavors. A lady can safely implement even her wildest plans - they will definitely come true. But you should think carefully about how not to run into a traitor. Therefore, before choosing an attorney, a girl should check everyone loved one for reliability. Otherwise, the lady will definitely get a knife in the back later.

Rival in a black dress

did you see strange dream? Seeing a rival in a black dress - good sign. Your subconscious colors everything that came before you in dark colors. This means that now this is no longer relevant for the dreamer. You're gradually letting go ex-love boyfriend and realize that the past remains in the past. Therefore, do not blame your lover for anything and help him forget old wounds and grievances. Yes, you got the guy with experience former relationship, but any adult has a similar experience. You would be surprised if your lover had no one before you. Therefore, do not be angry with fate and accept everything that it presents with joy and a smile. The subconscious mind says that you are ready to forget past grievances and move on.

Our experts will help you find out what it means to dream about beating your opponent in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Hello! Beat a rival in a dream. She didn’t resist me, she got great pleasure from the fight. Towards the end of the dream I decided to rip out a clump of hair. But we couldn’t tear out much. And the rival then showed her legs covered in sores like psoriasis. And she sat next to her husband (he is now her husband) They are cousins. That's how I married my sister.

    I dreamed that she was pestering me at first, I was silent, then I couldn’t stand it and started hitting her very hard in the face, and in the end it was as if I had defeated her. And while I was beating her, my husband seemed to be telling her to back off, otherwise I would kill her.

    Hello! My name is Maria, I have been married for 30 years. I had a dream like this! As if my husband and I were somewhere in a hotel, I walked into a room with a huge bed in the middle of the room. Usually I saw such rooms in a museum. So I went into the room and my husband and this girl were making love on this bed, there was another couple, but I didn’t remember them. I didn’t think for a long time, I started beating my rival, took her by the hair and dragged her across the floor and kicked her out the door. In the dream, my husband kept repeating that he would marry her and he would not live with me. The dream was very unpleasant. I remember that I cried a lot.

    Hello. Is your service paid?
    In a dream, my husband’s mistress came home to my parents, I was outraged by this... The neighbor called her over, and the neighbor (he was already deceased) began to beat her (so professionally... through a pillow so that there were no bruises) I dragged my mistress out by the hair across the threshold, she couldn’t stand on her feet, and threw her down the stairs... her husband caught up with her and said, if you love me, you will forget this address forever

    I seem to live in some kind of house, but I don’t know this house, but I’m like the housewife there. And for some reason a girl moved in with me, or I let her live, something like that. In reality, I don’t know her, but there is something familiar about her. next to her in the room there is another girl or woman sitting, but I don’t remember who, but it was someone very familiar to me. and they are talking among themselves about some man, then I realized that this stranger was talking about my husband, that she was living with him or something like that. I don’t remember exactly, but it was so clear to me that everything was being said about my husband and it became so unbearable for me to restrain myself. I started quarreling with her, saying that she took you in as a human being, and you’re like this with me. Then I started kicking her and this second girl out. And then I started beating her all the time. Although she’s healthier than me, I had so much strength and courage... later I went outside and they were there and someone else was there. They invited me to compete in archery. But someone hid my arrow or something. But it seemed to me that it was broken.. so I didn’t shoot... I was looking for something shoot but changed my mind... even when I was beating her, I kept shaking her, I shouted to her that my husband and I have lived for 15 years, we love each other, we have children, and you came here and are breaking everything... for some reason I was sure that it’s her fault...I often dream something like this..

    I hit my opponent very hard. I cried, she laughed. I was in unbearable pain (mentally, from hopelessness), but it was as if she had not been beaten. Laughed at me! And then I watched from the 9th floor as he and his friends took pictures and crumpled up

    Hello, Tatyana! First, I’ll tell you a little about characters my dream. Several years ago, my husband, the father of our daughters, left me. He left for another woman. For many years he has not been interested in how his daughters live. He knows that I soon got married.
    Today I dreamed that two daughters came home with bruises on their faces and said that they met dad and his Lena. They supposedly started beating them for no reason. I asked again: definitely for nothing? It drove me crazy. My older sister was nearby and without thinking twice, both of them, angry, rushed to meet these two. (The children said that they were heading to our house) We ran as fast as we could. My sister says: I should have gone to the police, but it was late and it was in the village. I was worried that we wouldn't find them. But still they met... I was the first to notice my ex. He was scared (seeing two angry ones rushing...) But first I asked with a shout: where is this...? He silently pointed his finger somewhere down... She tried to crawl away from me on her hands and knees with heart-rending screams and cries of mercy, but I, unable to contain my indignation, rushed to beat her, feeling that he was trying to get closer from behind, kicked him, I don’t know if I hit him according to him..... because I woke up from an excess of emotions, my heart is still pounding... Why did I say that there were warm colors? She was wearing a golden-colored hat.

    At first I dreamed that I was pregnant and gave birth to twins (a boy and a girl). Then my beloved man and a woman. This woman said that she slept with him a couple of times. I started hitting her in the face. Then I felt sorry for her and left. Or she disappeared. the man made excuses. He said that nothing happened

    She punched me in the face, very brutally. And he stood aside and pretended that nothing was happening. After she sat down on the ground, beaten, she pityingly gave her his hand and raised her up. She took her hand and, looking at him, both left with a contemptuous smile.

    I dreamed that I was beating my opponent, and my ex-boyfriend I looked from the side (I don’t remember which of us started first). Then she stood up and cried, and began to cry. He drove up to her and she got into his car, and I immediately jumped in on the way to them. I threatened her in the car... we brought her home, and then I don’t remember

    I dreamed that I beat my ex’s rival, her body was covered in tattoos, I felt her resistance in the dream, the result of the dream was that we became friends. And before this dream I saw that I was removing worms from my eyes.

    Hello, my boyfriend and I broke up for a month now, and today I had a dream that in some apartment, I see the wind from the mountain’s balcony, and somehow it turns out that I’m watching them, she gives him a letter congratulating him on his birthday, he wasn’t particularly happy , and I put mine down and he smiled and went into the house, then I went into this house and found her and started hitting her by the hair on the floor, beat her with her hands, scolded her, called him names, then she hit him too, she didn’t scream or cry and in at the end of the dream I was already hitting him when I came out feeling exhausted and I said I was tired and he didn’t look at me, help, the aftertaste after sleep was not pleasant

    We broke up with our loved one but we communicate, he says that he has no one, but doesn’t want to come back, I dreamed that in a dream he married someone else and she was the force in his car, I dragged her in and beat her hard and cruelly, his friend was holding him so that he didn’t interfere, then I tried to tell her something and he sat in the cushion with a friend and dangled his legs and looked

    She hit the woman on the head with a rolling pin to whom my man had left. I had never seen her. She's in another city. In a dream, it was as if she came to the house in which I was born and lived with my parents (deceased). This house no longer exists in reality. I hit my rival on the head with a rolling pin in the house and sent her out with a scandal. Then I saw my late sister in a dream; she was visiting relatives in the house of the deceased and took her down the street to show her where my aunt and her rival allegedly lived. This house no longer exists in reality, the owners are dead. I tried to tell my sister how a man left me

They don't promise good things. Every girl is subconsciously afraid of her lover's betrayal.

This fear can even cause dreams of her lover spending time in the company of other women. But similar dreams there are other reasons. Why do you dream about your rival?

It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of a rival - basic interpretation

Before you explain what your rival is dreaming about, it’s worth remembering the entire dream in detail; it will contain answers to all your pressing questions and tips on how to behave further with your lover. It's important to remember where exactly did you meet your rival, and whether your lover accompanied her at the same time. Your feelings that accompany you in your sleep are also important. Even the smallest details can be very important to correct interpretation dreams.

If a rival in a dream walks arm in arm with your loved one– you yourself are not confident in yourself and are very modest. You should take care of yourself, and then you won’t have to worry about your man looking at another woman. He will be captivated by your beauty and will belong only to you.

If you caught a couple in love in the process of cheating– you are dissatisfied with your intimate relationship with your partner. You may be looking for the reason for this in external circumstances, but it lurks deep inside. If you dreamed of your lover exchanging tender words with his second woman, you yourself lack the affection of love, pleasant and tender words. You should compensate for this lack and it is better to tell your regular partner about this than to try to compensate for it on the side.

If you hear your loved one quarreling with his mistress- you will win in a dispute that is fundamental to you. If you are trying to win a case that is important to you, even a court case, you will definitely do it, because the dream promises you victory over yourself and over your opponents. It is also worth paying attention special attention such dream details:

If your rival gets into an argument with you, your friends are discussing you behind your back;

If your rival cries, you will make peace with your loved one;

If you see your rival running away, you will get rid of your enemies;

If she calls you names and wishes you harm, you will be tormented mentally, a long period of disappointment awaits you;

If your rival gives you a gift, you will be deceived.

Why do you dream of a rival according to Miller’s dream book?

Why do you dream of a rival according to Miller’s dream book? She is dreamed of as a symbol of failed, immature relationships that do not allow partners to fully develop. They should be more attentive to each other so as not to lose their direction in life.

If you dream about how your rival is expecting your lover's first child- this dream symbolizes only your fears and concerns. You are susceptible and obsessed with them. If a similar situation happened in reality, you simply wouldn’t know what to do, you would lose everything, which is why your fears come true in your dreams.

It is worth remembering that groundless jealousy often destroys relationships. There is no need to constantly reproach your partner for cheating, so as not to incur it. It is worth learning to forgive and accept him for who he is.

If you see in a dream how you beat your opponent- such dreams promise you such life situation, in which you will receive significant material and moral damage. If you hit her with your feet or hands, a quarrel with your loved one awaits you. If you dream that you will even pull her by the hair, in reality you will not find more common language with your chosen one.

If you beat a woman with a stick, your relationship can no longer be restored;

If you hit your opponent with a knife in a dream, you may make an irreparable mistake;

If your rival defeats you in a dream, you will be defeated in love;

If you defeat your opponent in a fight and experience a genuine feeling of happiness from this, you will experience a feeling of real superiority over women;

If you shoot your opponent with a pistol, you will be able to change your life so radically that you will surprise yourself.

If you dream about how you came to visit your rival- in reality you are trying to make peace with your chosen one, whether you succeed or not - the dream will tell you. If your mistress let you into her house, in reality you will be able to make peace with your loved one, you will be able to gain mutual understanding with him. If your rival kicked you out in a dream, you should reconsider your attitude towards your lover, perhaps you were wrong on some issues, it’s worth postponing the truce until better times.

If you and your rival have become friends at all- such a dream suggests that you will be able to get a faithful assistant and friend in life. Also, the dream book can foreshadow you success in all your endeavors; the much-needed advice of your companion and ally will help you with this. If in a dream you communicate in a friendly manner with your rival, you will soon also chat in a friendly manner with your childhood friends. They will appear to you as help at the most opportune moment and will be able to help in a situation in which you previously did not find opportunities for resolution and implementation.

Why do you dream of a rival according to the esoteric dream book?

IN esoteric dream book it is said that seeing a rival in a dream is not so bad dream. In many ways it can even be very useful for a woman. What do you mean? Having seen such a dream, she can think a lot about her behavior, whether she values ​​​​her lover, whether she really shares his ideas and his life priorities.

The appearance of a rival in a dream for a woman who is engaged in business in reality may also mean that her competitors are actively fighting for her territory. It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings. Someone in it can really set you up at any moment; you should beware of this not only because of possible financial losses, but also because of possible moral damage.

If you dream of a rival whom you know by sight in reality– it’s worth taking a closer look at this woman, perhaps she is ready to cause irreparable damage to you and your family. If you know that you have a rival, and you dream about her, you definitely need to check if you have a lining in your house. Perhaps someone brought it to you old thing or placed a broken mirror so that goodness and prosperity would escape from you as if through your fingers.

If in a dream you have an argument with a rival, and you lose it - your enemies will win and defeat your point of view, you may lose not only your family, but also your job, and this is important to you. If you had a fight with your rival in a dream and your man defended you, such a dream suggests that you have nothing to fear, he is really with you and you are a couple that many envy. It is precisely this envy that we should be wary of.

Why do you dream of a rival according to other dream books?

In Aesop's dream book it is said that a rival in a wedding dress is a rather bad sign that appeared in a dream. Such a dream means that when another woman appears, your man will give preference to her. But such a dream may also mean that you are insanely afraid of losing the favor of your man. If this is the case, you should take care of yourself, and not look for options for his imaginary betrayal.

If in a dream you notice stains on your rival’s clothes, your chosen one cannot choose one of two women. That's what they say in Hasse's dream book. If the clothes on another woman are completely torn, she herself will refuse the man and will not want to have a family with him. If your rival is drunk, this means that you should be wary of a deterioration in your relationship with a loved one. If you see a completely dead rival, you should not doubt the devotion and love of your loved one. In fact, you are driven by fears, they are unfounded.

If you even see several of your husband’s mistresses in a dream, such a dream only means that in reality you will meet not a rival, but a friend, several girlfriends, and will have a wonderful time with them. If you see that your rival is your relative or sister, a quarrel with this girl awaits you. The quarrel will not have anything to do with your family but will be quite serious and unpleasant for both girls.

You shouldn’t be afraid of dreams, and even those dreams in which you see your lover’s mistress. This is most likely just a dream and you should perceive the reality field positively. Then your relationship with your significant other will be more positive and will bring you a lot of joy and happiness.

Trust yourself and your loved one, then your relationship will not be in danger.

The world of dreams attracts us with its mystery. As often happens: you wake up, but you don’t want to open your eyes - the dream was so good. But sometimes it’s the other way around: you think it would be morning soon so that this whole nightmare would end. For any woman, a dream in which she saw her rival is unpleasant: even in business sphere, even in love. Let's figure out what your rival might be dreaming about.

Why do you dream about your rival?

Seeing a rival in a dream means that you are not paying enough attention to your soulmate. IN in this case your subconscious mind is working. Somewhere at the level of intuition you understand that you spend more time on business, children or hobbies than on your loved one. Correct yourself.


You may also dream of a rival in a dream so that you will be more attentive to your friends. Perhaps one of them desperately wants to take your place: with your man, in your workplace or in some other field of activity. There is an option that she is simply spreading rumors about you.


In the professional sphere, this dream promises troubles at work associated with your lack of confidence in yourself and your own strengths. Perhaps for some reason you will lose the favor of your superiors. If you dreamed that you were overcoming all the obstacles that your rival was preparing, in reality you will experience success in all possible undertakings, both already started and planned.

Seeing an opponent or rival in a dream means that you are too frivolous and irresponsible about your work. This may cause problems in the workplace. But you will also hesitate to solve problems, spinning into a whirlpool of problems.

If your rival defeats you at work in a dream, then in reality you will make irreparable mistakes associated with your too free behavior. If you are the winner, then there is nothing to worry about. All your life rivals will eventually become like-minded people.

Relationships with men

A woman dreams of such a dream so that she pays more attention to her man and her attitude towards him. The dream warns against rash decisions that could destroy peace in your family. Take care of your relationships and your love.

A rival who appears in a dream foretells success even in matters where you did not expect a positive result. Force yourself with the power of thought in a dream to hug your opponent and shake her hand. By doing this, you will give the green light for all the benefits.

The dream in which married couple(or one of the couple) dreamed of a rival or a rival means that you should pay attention to your relationship, treat your significant other with care, cherish love and peace in the family.


A meeting with a rival under any circumstances and in any setting marks joyful events and good news.

If you dreamed that you were the victorious rival, then you can safely take on the most daring task: you can find a companion, an assistant everywhere.

If not just one opponent or rival stands in your way, but several at once, get ready, obstacles and troubles await you ahead.

If in a dream your rival is ahead of you in business, then in reality you will have to put in a lot of effort in order to achieve success and overcome obstacles. If luck smiled on you, then to solve the problem you just need to want to deal with it.

So, if the night has upset you with such an unpleasant dream in which you saw your rival, it’s too early to be upset, try to hug her at all costs - and luck is on your side. If the problem with another woman is too strong, try...
Sweet dreams!