Hairdryer love zone. What is important to know about the love zone? What should be in the love zone


Feng Shui (feng shui) is a Chinese teaching that considers the organization of the surrounding space in accordance with the flow of qi energy. According to this teaching, in order for a person to be happy and successful, it is necessary to properly arrange housing, paying attention to each sector of the house Special attention. In this article we will look at what is love zone, where it is located and how to register it.

Marriage sector: general provisions

It is believed that the love zone (or marriage zone) is in the southwestern part of the home.

At the same time, she is responsible not only for passionate feelings between a man and a woman, but also for the well-being of the family as a whole; the design of this part of the apartment affects mutual understanding between household members.

Proper organization of space in this sector will not only help strengthen relationships between loved ones, it can also attract love into the life of a lonely person. However, you should not treat the process of designing a love zone according to Feng Shui as a magical rite - this has nothing to do with a love spell, and you will not be able to make someone love you with the help of Feng Shui knowledge.

First of all, you need to know that this part of the apartment should always be clean and comfortable. Of course, chaos is not welcome anywhere, but keep in mind that the less well-groomed the marriage area, the more problems awaits you in the family. Along with this, it is worth considering special recommendations on the design of this particular zone.

Choosing the right furniture

When decorating the interior, try to ensure that each piece of furniture in this area has its own pair. 2 armchairs, 2 bedside tables, 2 chairs - there should be 2 in total, because love is the mutual feelings of two people. If the marriage area is in the bedroom and, accordingly, there is a matrimonial bed in this place, this does not mean that you need to put another bed next to it.

Just try to have more paired items in the bed area - 2 pillows, 2 sconce lamps at the head (it will be better if the lamps are crystal).

What items should be in this sector?

This zone is favorably influenced by the elements of Earth and Fire, while Water and Metal can only cause harm. Accordingly, try to ensure that there is no abundance of metal objects, as well as the presence of water in any form. Decorative fountains, vases with flowers - all this should not be here. You shouldn’t even put fresh flowers here, because they need water to grow. But painted flowers will come in handy - paintings with their images will have a positive impact on the feelings of the spouses. If you want your love to be passionate, then it is better to choose decorations with images of peonies, and if tenderness and warmth are not enough, then take roses.

For the same reason, the so-called altar of love should not be located in the bathroom or toilet. According to Feng Shui, the water in the bathroom will “wash” your feelings every day. If the marriage area falls into the kitchen, then this is also not the best option.

Of particular importance in the marriage zone is the pairing of objects located in it. Here you can put, for example, figurines that will personify love - best of all, if they are figurines of a boy and a girl, two swans or doves. The most famous symbols of happiness and harmony in the family are butterflies and mandarin ducks.

It is appropriate to place candles in this area, preferably red and white flowers- they will personify a man and a woman. If your personal life is not going well, then you should periodically light candles - this will cleanse your energy, the element of Fire will help you make relationships passionate and strong. The love zone can also be decorated beautiful stones- in this way you will reinforce the influence of the elements of the Earth.

Try not to store items made from artificial materials in this place. Painting it like gold, fake granite, etc. - all this will bring lies into your life and provoke betrayal. There should be no damaged things in this area - any cracks and scratches will affect family relationships. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the stronger the objects in the love zone, the stronger the relationship. For the same reason, there should not be things here that previously did not belong to you - any objects store the energy of their past owners. Thus, antiques cannot be stored in the marriage zone - the presence of “alien” energy will attract strangers into your life, which could end in betrayal.

In the marriage area, you can place photographs of loved ones, just make sure that there are no images of single people. If you are still single, you can decorate this part of the apartment with images of loving couples and various heart-shaped figures - this will allow you to attract love into your life and let new feelings into your heart. Heart-shaped souvenirs, boxes with hearts - all this will help you activate the love zone and find your happiness. By the way, photo frames should be thin and elegant - heavy objects can “burden” your relationship.

What colors can be used when decorating

Traditionally, the colors of love are red, pink and light green. However, you should not try to chaotically paint the wall with bright spots - do not forget that everything should look harmonious, and the motley colors of the interior can look tasteless and irritate the eyes.

When decorating the love sector, you can use different shades of brown, but try to avoid too much dark colors. If you are lonely and feel inner devastation, then you should use yellow- for example, choose light wallpaper with a pleasant yellowish tint.

Activating the marriage sector to enhance passion

In order for the relationship between spouses to be harmonious, it is necessary to maintain sexual interest in each other, and passion dulls over the years. To prevent the fire of your feelings from going out, Feng Shui experts advise storing objects with erotic symbolism in the marriage area. These could be oils for erotic massage, aphrodisiacs, books about love and sex, images of erotic content. But remember that these items should be closed from prying eyes; you should not display them in a visible place.

What if it’s a bathroom or a kitchen?

If you are unlucky and the love sector in your home is located in the bathroom, then in this case you should neutralize Negative influence of this room. To do this, you should hang a mirror on the outside of the bathroom door, and give the doors themselves a color so that they blend in with the wall. In this way, you will, as it were, fence off this space, move it away. Then the place in the house closest to the bathroom can be considered the love zone.

If the love zone is the kitchen, then you need to put a table in this sector. It is desirable that it be round in shape, and the number of chairs be even (remember about the pairing of objects). Try to keep the sink further away - we have already discussed the negative effects of water above. Make sure that there are no forks and knives lying around in the marriage area; these sharp objects can attract conflicts into your life.

We can conclude that in the love zone it is worth storing things that are associated with love and family happiness.

This part of the apartment is suitable for storing things dear to your heart and family photographs. The main thing is to try to decorate this corner of your home with love and tenderness and be sure to believe that everything will always be fine in your family - then your marriage will be truly strong, and your children will grow up cheerful and happy.

Chinese traditions consider human feelings to be the most important area of ​​life, which helps to achieve complete harmony and happiness.

That is why feng shui for attracting love is a real science, including certain behavioral tactics and specific talismans.

It is worth noting that love, according to Feng Shui, is associated both with the search for a soul mate and with the establishment of already existing relationships.

Feng Shui for love in the apartment

First of all, experts from ancient teachings recommend optimizing the space around you to increase love energy. The right environment in your home will not only help you attract love into your life. Feng Shui of an apartment also allows you to harmonize the relationship between the sexes.

Apartment design

  • If you are looking for a partner or future spouse, even if you are looking for a close friend, try to follow these rules.
  • Keep pictures and photos of attractive people of the opposite sex indoors. They will help attract a soul mate. Decorate the eastern part of the workplace with red objects: vases, talismans, paintings.
  • According to Feng Shui, love requires a lot of luck, so hang it in the living room, be it peacocks or phoenixes. Avoid images of lonely people in the house. Such portraits only attract negative energy.
  • Get rid of the abundance of feminine energy in the house. Your partner may be put off in advance by the presence of cosmetics, jewelry and lace in every room. If you need to attract a specific man, decorate the interior taking into account his interests.

How to decorate your bedroom according to Feng Shui to attract love

When you are puzzled by the question of how to find love according to Feng Shui, pay attention to the design of your bedroom, especially if it has an advantageous placement in the love and marriage sector or in the family area.

  • Hang pictures with lunar paths near your bed, as well as images of this Earth satellite. According to Feng Shui, the energy of the Moon significantly increases the chances of attracting a partner. Paintings with beautiful scenery and floral motifs.
  • Do not install mirrors in the sleeping room, especially on the wall opposite the bed. These items very quickly take away love luck from a person’s life. It is not advisable to keep potted flowers and images of autumn scenes and sunsets in the bedroom.
  • According to Feng Shui, love never comes to the home of single people. Therefore, the bed should be a double bed, with free access to both sides. The bed should consist of 2 pillows. The space above the bed itself should not be covered with shelves or decorative elements, because Qi energy should circulate freely in the room.
  • Don't place your bed so that your head is near the window and your feet are near the door. Please also note that the bed should have a clear view of everyone entering or leaving the room. There shouldn't be many corners in the bedroom. In addition, this room cannot be a walk-through room.
  • The southwest part of the sleeping room is an ideal place to store a seashell that will help improve relationships. At the same time, children's toys should not be stored in the bedroom.

Regardless of the location of the bedroom, it is important to know where the love corner is according to Feng Shui. This is the far right area in each apartment. This is where candles, incense and aphrodisiacs would be appropriate. Work documents, TV and computer gadgets are not desirable in this sector.

The love corner should always be clean and well lit.

Feng Shui to attract love and marriage: basic actions

The right search for a future partner - important aspect attracting love luck. According to Chinese teaching, one should occupy active position and independently draw up a specific scenario for the development of events.

  • Make a list with the merits of your future chosen one. In addition to all the qualities you need, work on the list of your partner’s disadvantages. Please note that both lists must be varied. How to attract love according to Feng Shui in this way? Just send this information to your loving spirits. To do this, copy the data onto red or pink paper, roll it into a tube and tie it with a scarlet ribbon. Keep this scroll in the far right corner of the door.
  • At midnight, in the southwest of the bedroom, light several red candles, maybe even scented ones. Place them in a wide vessel with water: let them float freely and create a romantic atmosphere in the house. It is advisable that the container with water should be a crystal or glass vase, with stones and a precious ring on its bottom. It is also worth putting a few rose or peony petals on the water.
  • On first dates, try not to forget about the need for red shades in clothes and accessories. This will increase positive energy.

Flower of Romance

Few fans of Chinese traditions know that Feng Shui for love and marriage is also a thorough study of a person’s destiny based on Bazi astrology. Getting to know the 4 Pillars of Destiny allows you to discover and activate the so-called Flower of Romance or Peach Flower. He, in turn, is one of the main creatures Chinese horoscope: Horse, Rat, Rooster or Rabbit.

First, find out what animal you were born on. This is determined by the exact time, day, month and year of birth. Remember the following ratio:

  • For Monkeys, Rats and Dragons, the Rooster is the flower.
  • Pigs, Rabbits, Goats should focus on the Rat.
  • Horses, Dogs or Tigers consider the Rabbit as the Peach Blossom.
  • Bulls, Roosters and Snakes have the Flower in the form of the Horse.

Feng Shui to attract love and marriage involves the use of Flowers of Romance in the form of corresponding animal figures. You should always keep such a figurine with you. Also keep in mind that each creature is assigned its own cardinal direction, so everyone has individual romantic sectors in their house.

  • The horse occupies the center of the southern part of the apartment.
  • The rat belongs to the middle of the northern zone.
  • The rooster is identified with the center of the western sector.
  • The rabbit is assigned the middle of the eastern area of ​​the house.

IN Right place you should place a beautiful vase with fresh flowers and clean water. True, if the romantic sector is in the bathroom, it is better not to engage in activation, but to subtract the Peach Blossom not by the day, but by the year of birth.

Please note that the Flower of Romance only applies to new connections and acquaintances. It will not help improve contact with your old partner or spouse. On the contrary, this symbol is capable of developing infidelity and conflict in a couple. Therefore, the vase of flowers is removed immediately after finding love.

How to find love using feng shui using flying stars

IN in this case we are talking about how to attract love using feng shui special types energy. These streams are presented in the form of flying stars moving around the apartment.

For romance, it is best to keep an eye on the Green Four and Purple Nine Stars. These elements, when handled correctly, bring true love into life.

To know where the Flying Star is located in given year or month, you should use a special card. Then the favorable energy must be activated. This is done simply: the room in which the given time The star should become the most visited in the house or even a place to sleep.

Please note that according to Feng Shui, love, family and romance are attracted by the Stars only if there are no negative objects around the apartment: dying trees, power lines, garbage dumps.

Feng Shui signs of love

It is difficult to imagine Chinese practices without numerous symbols of love and family well-being. Some of the talismans will help single people meet their soulmate, while others will ensure stability and peace in an existing marriage.

  • Mandarin ducks are a feng shui sign of love, as well as a symbol of tenderness and strong family ties. A pair of these birds expresses a happy cancer, but they also promise good luck in relationships for single people. The talisman is used to activate the love sector in the southwest, as well as to improve the atmosphere in the bedroom.
  • Crystals are earth elements that are very active in the southwest sector of the bedroom. Illuminating the crystal will ensure that your partner’s passionate feelings are revealed.
  • A pair of swallows in China is the personification of home comfort and cleanliness, large offspring and prosperity. Such birds would be appropriate in any sector of the apartment.
  • A Feng Shui photo to attract love should contain images of peonies. It is these flowers that are perceived as the strongest talismans. Therefore, such a picture or photograph would be appropriate at the entrance to a bachelor’s bedroom. Married partners should place images of peonies in the living room.
  • Butterflies are an expression of joy and fulfilled desires. A couple of such creatures or a whole flock should definitely decorate the walls of the bedroom so that sexual relations partners did not fade away.
  • For those who thirst for spiritual unity in marriage, figurines of geese are suitable. The paired image of these birds is especially appropriate in the southwest. In addition, a guarantee of marital fidelity is provided in the same sector by two kissing doves.
  • Feng Shui hieroglyphs are also very important for attracting love. The stability of relationships is ensured by the “double luck” symbol, which will also help you find a new partner. Activation of romantic luck is possible by placing this sign, drawn on red paper with gold, in the southwestern part of the house. It is also allowed to put the symbol under the bed, hide it in your purse and decorate bed linen with it.
  • Classic Chinese lanterns in red shades are also very useful in the love sector. If you hang such talismans in a couple, they will return the lost sensual fervor to the relationship. A great place for lanterns is near your front door as they will be able to attract positive energy.
  • The dragon-snail is a mythical symbol of harmony in the relationship of lovers. Such a talisman is necessary to reduce the number of conflicts and find the right way out of quarrels. The creature should be placed in the east of the apartment or in the living room.
  • Among the guardians of the hearth, Feng Shui for love and marriage advises placing a Zaoshen figurine at home. This talisman helps get rid of problems in the family, brings overall happiness and even improves well-being. As a rule, the figurine is found in the netsuke style, so it should be placed on the eastern side of the house.

Marriage relationships according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, the love of a husband and wife is a special matter that requires reverent attitude and attention. The organization of space here plays no less a role than in a bachelor’s house.

  • Choose dates for dates, wedding registrations and weddings carefully. The energy matrix also implies that each person has several days when meeting the opposite sex is dangerous and pointless. Ideally, building relationships is difficult to imagine without analyzing the Bazi map and the Tong Shu calendar. On some days, it is also dangerous to rearrange the furniture in the bedroom, especially the bed.
  • Try to activate the sectors in the southwest and northwest. These zones are identified with the place of the mother-housewife and the male patriarch, respectively. Please note that these areas suffer greatly when toilets, kitchens, and storage rooms are placed there. The same negative effect will be provided by disorder, an abundance of trash and the presence of things with Sha energy.
  • A Feng Shui family bedroom is ideal for attracting the love of your husband. In the southwest of the room there should be a massive object from the element of Earth, but only if the marriage relationship is not too conservative. Shades of orange will help refresh your senses. Sofas and photographs of children are not allowed in the bedroom. The bed itself should be with the head of the bed facing the wall, and old things should not be stored under it.
  • Pay attention to the overall layout of the house. If there are partitions and walls in the center of the room, this is not very good sign. It’s even worse when the center of the house is littered with cabinets, surrounded by solid doors, or dedicated to a bathroom.
  • Regularly carry out energetic cleansing of the entire house so that stagnation of Qi or Sha is not possible. Use aroma lamps, candles, incense and even charged water for this. Don't forget about the importance of regular wet cleaning and changing bed linen.

Feng Shui for attracting love is equally important for both single and married people. Organizing a harmonious space that attracts good luck and happiness in your personal life is not a one-time process. That is why it is worth changing the layout and furniture in your apartment gradually. Also, never forget about your own positive attitude.

, and someone is exclusively interested in feng shui love zone. In a word, every person is trying to find what he really lacks in life, and what his soul strives for.

It can really help with this feng shui love zone, which is located in every house or apartment, you just need to correctly identify it and activate it. We will tell you how to do this and what is needed for this in this publication.

Feng Shui of apartments, love zone

The sector of love and marriage is located in every house (apartment) in the southwest direction, its main element is earth, and its color is Yellow. Using a compass, determine where exactly this area is located in your home, and be sure to first free it from excessive clutter, remove excess furniture and dusty unnecessary old things, especially sharp and metal objects, pictures and photos (including yours) lonely and sad people, all this carries extremely negative information into your personal life, in other words, it sends a strong message to the universe that you want to be lonely.

Look around carefully and exclude the presence in this part of the apartment of objects that in any way represent water - aquariums, fountains, photographs of the water element and even vases with water, as well as objects of blue color. The fact is that according to the teachings of Feng Shui, any water floods and extinguishes any love relationship. But all these items will be very appropriate in the zonal space of wealth and prosperity.

The presence of living domestic plants here is also undesirable, since the tree pulls it out of the ground vitality, this especially applies to prickly and climbing flowers - cactus, aloe, vine, etc.

In this part, you should avoid any electrical appliances that will generate the already quite mobile and elusive Qi energy, which can lead to the creation of artificial and insincere relationships.

Depending on the layout of your apartment (house), indicated by feng shui love zone may be located in a variety of areas of your home, for example, in the bathroom or toilet, we already know that this area is not the best for it, since there is a negative effect of sewer pipes, which washes all the positive Qi energy away from the house.

For the sector of marriage and love, the bathroom is also not a very favorable place, but do not despair, you can try to correct and neutralize everything. So be sure to tie red ribbons or ribbons to all accessible plumbing drain pipes. Hang a wind chime over the bathroom, it will help you repel negative energy, and to make this talisman harmonize well with the interior of the bathroom and look appropriate, choose a model made from real sea shells. On the door both from the outside and from the inside you can attach a mirror, just keep in mind that it should not be opposite front door to the house. You can read more about how to properly place a mirror according to Feng Shui

Neutralize all negativity in the bathroom and toilet, but under no circumstances activate the treasured sector there, which is responsible for love and marriage. It is better to find a local zonal space of love in the bedroom and use it to attract or enhance a wonderful feeling in your life.

Feng Shui love zone. How to activate.

To the treasured sector. bringing a long-awaited feeling, it worked, it is necessary to correctly place necessary and important things in it, including amulets and Feng Shui talismans. First of all, there should be paired items here that symbolize love affection. You need two in total, two vases, two candlesticks with candles, two boxes, etc.

Be sure to place figurines of loving couples; they can be either decorative or Chinese according to all the canons of ancient Chinese teachings. The most common feng shui love figurine, a pair of mandarin duck birds that symbolize a happy and long marriage. There are also a couple of cranes, geese, herons, all of them carry the strongest energy of a happy couple in love that nothing and no one can separate. Swan fidelity and devotion to each other will be ensured by a pair of graceful swans.

The presence of a Moon Fairy figurine is beneficial both in this part of the home and in the entire apartment. This Fairy is considered the goddess of love and marriage, her peculiarity is that she helps or young unmarried girls to find your soul mate, or to carry the most important and important feeling through your entire life as an established married couple. In addition to the love sector, you can place this figurine in the bedroom or at the front door, as it can also attract fame and wealth to you. Please note that such a talisman works for exactly one year from the moment it appears in the room, after which it should be taken out of the house or replaced with the same new one.

It is also good to contain according to feng shui love zone objects of red and pink color, you can paint the walls in similar tones, or stick wallpaper, hang curtains, lay a carpet, buy desired color plaid, bedspreads or make red sofa cushions.

It is also appropriate to find other love attributes here; these can be a variety of hearts, kissing figurines, cupids, photographs in beautiful frames of loving couples, scented candles, sticks, etc.

The wind chime, which we have already mentioned above, must be present in you to attract the cherished feeling; again, you should choose red or pink flowers, with pendants in the shape of hearts, birds, crystals, triangular objects, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to note that by activating the treasured love zone in your home, you will not only find your soulmate in the near future, but will also become a charming, attractive and sociable person, and these qualities, you see, are the first step to success in love affairs.

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We will continue to find out how we can balance the energies in this sector and attract even more fresh positive energy into it, which will work to attract harmony and romance into our relationships and our lives. Let's not forget that before resorting to activating any zone, it is necessary to know its characteristics and the influence of the elements in relation to it, so if you have not yet read the description, do so before resorting to means of activating it.

The Qi energy activators and neutralizers already known to us are excellent for stimulating the love zone. negative energy crystals and ““ placed in this zone. Some craftsmen advise purchasing one specifically for this zone so that there are hanging hearts along with the tubes, but in fact this is not important and depends solely on your desire and perception. Calm romantic music, which should be turned on periodically in this zone, will also harmonize energies and bring into balance numerous vibrational flows.

Also auspicious symbol This zone is the heart - its shapes and images. These can be postcards, figurines with hearts, a frame in the shape of a heart, and so on. Hearts can be made from any material, but rose quartz or crystal hearts will work especially well. Crystal itself is earthy, which makes it even more suitable for this zone. This activator works well to attract love and new relationships into life.

Romance and love relationships are symbolized by chocolate and chocolates, so they are an appropriate talisman in this zone. You can resort to several recommendations from this zone at once and place a couple here chocolates in the shape of hearts wrapped in red or pink foil.

Another excellent paired stimulant for this zone is a pair of red Chinese lanterns, which will have a double effect due to their color. An analogue of lanterns can be a pair of candles - you can take both red candles, or you can take one red and one white - personifying a man and a woman. Some Feng Shui masters advise spouses to tie candles with a red ribbon to maintain a strong relationship. And if suddenly misunderstandings and conflict situations arise between you, light these candles for a short period, thereby helping to cleanse the subtle levels of your energy. In addition, the abundance of light in this sector stimulates the influx of new powerful energy to replace the stagnant one, so it is very good if you light them regularly, at least once a week, especially on the new moon. Candles can be of other colors in this zone, not necessarily red.

An aromatic lamp will be an excellent activator of this zone, being both an element of Fire and Earth - the ideal option would be if the lamp itself is made of ceramics, and its power will be multiplied by the properties of aromatic oils, refreshing the senses and igniting passion. Especially if you use the aromas of this particular zone (read about the aromas of the zone in the article ““). A red lamp will also help you get closer to your cherished goal - after all, by lighting it every evening you will enhance the illumination of the Love Zone, thereby attracting and stimulating the Chi energy in it.

Perhaps the most powerful symbol of love in Chinese philosophy is the image. This is the imperial flower of love, bliss and burning passion. The image of these flowers will influence sexual relations with a partner, however, images with them should be placed in the house very carefully, especially for married couples. For married couples, it is better to place peonies in the living room; in the bedroom they can lead to the appearance of lustful thoughts and harm marital fidelity. In their place in the bedroom it is better to hang roses or asters, which represent love, romance and tenderness. But to attract new love Feng Shui recommends placing paintings, panels, and any image with peonies in the bedroom and in the Love Zone, as well as a couple of vases made of crystal, ceramics, porcelain or clay with their image.

To stimulate their relationships and bring passion and novelty into them, Feng Shui recommends using tangerine tree- a symbol of love and undying passion in ancient China. It is believed that its fruits, sweet with a slightly sour taste, can restore youth and passion to relationships. It is also recommended to be purchased by couples who passionately, but unsuccessfully, want to have a child - the tree must be pampered with constant care and attention, and images of children can be placed next to it. For single girls, this tree promises to attract a rich and noble groom.

Lucky symbols placed in this zone will also work well to attract and strengthen Chi energy. For example, a double luck amulet is very effective for activating good luck in love. He can help do life together calm and married couple having problems conceiving, have children.

Also, the southwestern sector is considered an ideal place to store love paraphernalia and everything that in one way or another indicates love and relationships. You can place here romantic evidence of your feelings - gifts, souvenirs and love messages, as well as stones that match your zodiac signs, so that they are not separated by other objects. Books and ancient treatises on love, paintings or albums of erotic content that will help enhance the sexual aspect of relationships, objects that are erotically significant for you: erotic incense, aphrodisiac essential oils, objects of love pleasures - just make sure that the more intimate things are hidden from view and not touched by strangers.

Take care of your love and do not forget that strong and harmonious relationships are not just the right talismans and colors in the right feng shui zone, it is, first of all, understanding, accepting and giving love without expecting a return with interest. Well, the right feng shui will help you consolidate what you have invested with all your heart and love into your relationship!

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If you dream of finding a soulmate or are already in a relationship, but often have quarrels and conflicts, then take a closer look at this sector. The southwestern zone of Marriage and Love according to Feng Shui can indicate all your problems.

Southwestern Brak Zone

This sector is a real temple of a young family or a nascent relationship. The Marriage Zone helps improve Family status. Let's take a closer look at it.

What is he responsible for?

According to Feng Shui, the marriage zone is responsible for finding the right partner and for already established relationships. If you want something in your life, then carefully consider this sector. If you are often subject to scandals in your relationship with your significant other, you should harmonize this space.

Where is

Feng Shui devotes a whole part to this zone in the southeast. Find it using the Compass app on your phone or using a handheld device. You can allocate space throughout the house or in a separate room.

I am happy about my happy marriage

The southwestern zone of love and marriage according to Feng Shui is controlled and activated by several elements. Observe carefully: are you following the most simple rules for cleaning space.

Governing elements

The main element that governs the sector: Earth .

The southwest is dominated by land. You can decorate the space with ceramic vases and dishes. The area should be well lit with the help of sconces, candlesticks or floor lamps. It is recommended to choose candles as additional elements, because the element of fire feeds the element of wood well.

It is not recommended to display antique items in the sector; they carry a special energy that can only interfere. It is worth abandoning marble tables and granite inserts in the interior. Any photos with defects are unacceptable, especially if they are framed with massive and rough frames. There should be no fountains or aquariums in the southwestern space.

Shapes and colors

The main colors are all nude shades, but the dominant one is a soft pink shade. He is the one who can attract you into your life. romantic relationship or strengthen long-established ones.

How to activate the Marriage zone

The marriage and love zone according to Feng Shui can be filled with various symbols to activate it. Try to use only paired figures as stylish accents.


It is necessary to keep the sector of Marriage and love completely pure. Dirt, debris, scattered things and broken objects are not allowed. Develop a love for cleanliness in space and in thoughts.

To harmonize your relationship, place two candles in the Marriage sector: red and white. If these are long candles, then you can tie a red ribbon on them. Light candles once a week. Let the magical fire remove all the negativity between lovers.

Activation of the Marriage Zone

All symbols and silhouettes in this sector must be paired, like yin and yang. You can use vases, paintings, figurines, souvenirs, keychains and much more.

candles peonies and their images landscapes and landscapes
family photos orchids and roses pair of swans
a pair of mandarin ducks crystals cranes
pair of pigeons crystal butterflies
precious and semi-precious stones any paired items candies
rose quartz ceramics dolphins

In the Brak sector, depictions of any predators are not allowed: leopards, bears or crocodiles. They bring excessive aggressiveness into relationships.

Marriage zone in different places of the apartment

According to Feng Shui, the marriage zone in an apartment can be located anywhere. Don't be upset if the southwest falls on the restrooms. There is always a way out of any situation. You need to know some rules that will help neutralize evil energies.

Don’t be sad if the marriage and love zone is in the toilet or bathroom; it’s enough to decorate the interior of the premises in green tones. When this is not possible, use green rugs, tie the pipes with green ribbons and place a few candles in the bathroom. The element of fire will enhance the energy of space.

If the southwest falls on the bedroom, then here you can use linen in pastel colors: beige, soft pink or light pistachio. Bedroom design in green or nude colors will help you be happy in your marriage.

Energy should circulate around the entire perimeter of your bedroom. Move your bed a little away from the wall. It should not be tightly propped up.