Throw away unnecessary things. Why you shouldn’t give away or throw away old things

It's time to start spring cleaning! Again, you turn out the contents of all the cabinets and nightstands onto the floor and begin to sort through the heaps of trash. “It seems like you don’t need this box, but it’s so beautiful! But this blouse reminds me of student years... Magazines from the early 2000s seem to be no longer relevant, but there beautiful pictures and the recipes are interesting, although I have no desire to cook at all.”

This is how mountains of garbage accumulate in the house, of which there is absolutely no use for many years, and they take up plenty of space. How to get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment?

Every home has a bag or two of unnecessary things. Most often, the following items fall under this concept:

  • old dishes, extra sets;
  • outdated or broken equipment;
  • cloth;
  • toys;
  • magazines, newspapers, notebooks with notes;
  • empty jars and boxes;
  • stationery;
  • shoes;
  • all sorts of little things like accessories and hats;
  • expired cosmetics;
  • pieces of furniture.

Get ready to get rid of everything that does not benefit you and only interferes with your life, because it takes up free space and spoils the atmosphere of comfort.

Let's start getting rid of unnecessary things: 10 unusual ways

To begin with, it doesn’t hurt to do some general cleaning and throw away everything you don’t mind. But this is just the beginning, and it will be more difficult to part with things further. Therefore, we offer you 10 techniques that will help you master the art of getting rid of unnecessary things.

Crucial 12 months

Most best way find out what things should be thrown away - keep track of what you use throughout the year. While going through the boxes, try to remember when you were in last time met with every subject.

With things in the closet, everything is generally simple: hang the clothes on hangers and turn them around. Turn every item worn at least once right side out. In a year you will see what remains untouched. If you haven’t worn it during all this time, you’re unlikely to wear it later. The same goes for other items.

Imaginary move

Imagine that the time has come to move to a modest, cozy apartment. There is little space in the boxes, so you can only take with you what you really need. Can you do without a juicer and toaster? There is a reason to get rid of them. In your “new” home, you are also unlikely to need clippings from magazines from ten years ago and cute dresses from your school days. But put your favorite shoes and folder with documents away from the trash can!

Psychology of poverty

There is a theory according to which people who lack finances to organize their lives are prone to hoarding, not money, but garbage things. This is due to the desire to leave something “for a rainy day, what if it comes in handy?”

If you do not consider yourself poor and are striving to improve the quality of your life, immediately eradicate this habit.

Soon you will notice that life is really starting to get better. Positive thoughts and a new environment in the apartment are powerful prerequisites for achieving well-being.

Create comfort

It is impossible to achieve a warm, cozy atmosphere if your home is littered with junk. From this pile, select items that can be used to make your home more comfortable and cozy. For example, hang old family photos on the wall, put a blanket on the chair, make a panel of memorable little things. And don't forget to read.

But throw everything that turns out to be superfluous in the trash. Believe me, the apartment will become more spacious and much more comfortable.

Down with broken things!

Remember the main rule: never keep broken things. These include torn clothes or broken dishes. If something was not repaired immediately, the situation is unlikely to change in the future.

Tights with a crease even after darning will not look so great. There is no need to try to glue a broken favorite cup or vase - the seams will still be noticeable, and such objects attract bad energy. In addition, there is a pleasant reason to buy something new.

Rule of ten

This is a very useful and clever trick. Its essence is that every week you need to throw away 10 unnecessary items. For example, in 7 days, used cosmetics jars, dead batteries, a stack of scribbled papers, holey socks, etc. can accumulate. The rest will be found in the depths of the closet or on the mezzanine.

Don't forget that different types Garbage needs to be disposed of in different ways. In particular, this applies to batteries and accumulators, plastic and glass containers.

Thanks to this technique, you will soon get rid of most unnecessary things, and absolutely “painlessly”.

Gifts for no reason

Another way to part with unnecessary things is to donate them. Surely, in your closets there are purchases that are useless to you, gifts that have never been tried and other nonsense. Think about it, maybe someone you know could use it more. For example, you can buy an almost new food processor for a friend who loves to cook much more than you. Well, what if your gift doesn’t benefit her? Well, then relax, it's not your problem anymore :)

Learn to share

Children's things, books read, toys are memorabilia, but you can do without them. But there are people who lack precisely these things that are useless to you. Learn to share, there is no need to create a junk warehouse at home.

    Find out if someone you know needs items that you have in your “stocks”.

    Call orphanages and clarify the list of necessary items, or immediately directly transfer them packages with selected “goods.”

    Take things to the volunteer center, so people in need have the opportunity to get what they lack.

This way you will do a good deed and parting with what you have accumulated will not be so difficult.

Source of additional income

There is another very useful way get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment. Organize a sale! It’s very easy to do this today; you don’t need to stand in the market or in the courtyard of your house and offer goods to passers-by.

    Create an ad on free sites for selling things. If an item is expensive, it would not be a bad idea to advertise it for a symbolic price.

    Post an ad on your social media page. You can ask your friends to repost or send a message to thematic flea market groups.

    Take your items to the consignment center. This is especially true for electronics and household appliances, as well as children's things and furniture.

An alternative option is to arrange a barter. You can negotiate with friends or on special websites. For example, you can exchange a skirt you are tired of for beautiful jewelry or a blouse in a fashionable color.

Limit the space

To prevent debris from accumulating again after general cleaning, limit the space available for storing it. The closets should be spacious and comfortable. Leave a separate drawer or bedside table for the most expensive and memorable things, select a suitcase or a beautiful box, but nothing more. Balcony, mezzanine, attic, top shelves of a closet, drawers in a chest of drawers - this is not a place for storing rubbish! Store here only what you really need.

The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you risk throwing away something really important and necessary. To prevent the accumulation of junk in the future, reorganize your storage system. Surely you will have a lot of space freed up, so there is a reason to make a small rearrangement and update the interior.

In the summer, many people start renovations or general cleaning of their apartment. This is the time to declutter without regret. Trash is an amazing variety of objects that fill our living space and quietly whisper to us: “You won’t throw me away, what if I’m still useful?”

As a result, a home, regardless of its size, is gradually filled with a thousand things that we can do perfectly well without: here you can find perfume bottles, old postcards, newspapers and magazines, blouses that we no longer wear, coffee sets, which coffee has never been drunk, and juicers, the juice from which was extracted exactly four times two years ago.

We need to get rid of all this, we understand that. But how to do this? It's a pity!

There are many ways to convince yourself to get rid of this or that junk. All you have to do is choose one or more that will help you.

Method one
Imagine that tomorrow you are moving to another apartment. Today you need to have time to get together, review all your things and decide: what goes to waste, what can be given to friends or relatives, and what you really can’t do without. The ideal option is to “move” to a smaller and cramped apartment than the one you live in today.

Method two
We continue to use our imagination. Imagine that you are suddenly left completely without money, and the only way out is to sell “something unnecessary” (according to Matroskin). And now it’s quite simple: select from the existing things what can be sold without much grief. And then - really sell it! Doesn't work? Then donate!

Method three
Take a large trash bag. Now set yourself a task: right now, collect exactly 27 items in it that can be thrown away. If you do this at least once a week, you can eliminate most of the clutter from your home pretty quickly. Agree: in the apartment there are always 27 torn socks, expired batteries, worn out tights, non-working pens and markers, old magazines and empty coffee cans.

Method four
Organize a “junk cabinet” in your home. Put in it those things that seem to be completely unnecessary in the household, but for some reason it’s a pity to part with them.

You can store it here for a while cute boxes candy boxes and bottles of your favorite perfume, expired lipstick of such a beautiful color, newspapers with recipes that you are unlikely to cook with, and baby onesies (completely intact!), from which your child has grown out of for about 10 years. In addition, you can put here all the items that you will definitely need, but it is not yet clear how and when.

But remember: there can only be one such bedside table! When it is filled to capacity, you will have to make room in it for new rubbish, which means something will inevitably go to the trash heap.

Method five
Unnecessary and unsuccessful gifts are a real scourge of limited living space. After all, it is inconvenient to throw away what was given to you, perhaps with love: an apron from your mother-in-law, a vase from Angelina Petrovna from the next department, a porcelain dog from a colleague and a book about tasty and healthy food from your grandmother.

And don’t throw it away! Make a knight's move: give an apron to your grandmother, a cookbook to Angelina Petrovna, a vase to a colleague, and a dog to your mother-in-law. Or vice versa. And everyone will be happy!

Method six
Make a strict rule in your home: every day before going to bed, devote 10 minutes to removing everything unnecessary. Look around the surrounding space with your master's eye. Have you read the newspapers? In the trash! Are your socks torn? Well, don’t darn them - they’re in the trash! Does your refrigerator smell something suspicious? Carry out an immediate inspection; everything that has gone bad goes in the trash! Running out of deodorant? There is no point in storing the bottle, we throw everything away mercilessly and mercilessly!

At the same time, the main thing is not to succumb to laziness, which will inevitably replace the liberating impulse of the first days. Tell yourself: I won’t go to sleep until I clear my house of garbage!

Method seven
Closets with clothes are an amazing breeding ground for junk! Let's do this. We take out each item, twirl it in our hands and think: when was the last time we put it on? The rule is very simple: if an item has not been worn for a year, it will never be worn! This means that you either need to throw it away or give it to a friend, sister, neighbor or colleague. It depends on the degree of wear, size, color and general view. We only leave what we really like and can’t imagine our wardrobe without.

If you don’t raise your hand to get rid of old things, remember the unwritten law: a new one will soon take the place of the old thing! Let this comfort you.

If it is already indecent to give THIS or there is no one, and it’s a pity to throw it in the trash (the whole thing) - just put everything in a large package and place it near the entrance. The owner will be found quickly!

If you strictly follow at least one of the above rules, very soon you will learn not to let your living space become cluttered. For the future: before you buy any thing, ask yourself: will it soon become trash?

By getting rid of everything unnecessary, you not only free up space: you cleanse your soul. Yes, yes, these are not just words: in a cleanly tidied house, thoughts flow somehow differently, more orderly and calm, and bright ideas come to mind more often, and in general, the mood improves!

Let getting rid of junk become not a boring chore for you, but a holiday or an adventure. After everything unnecessary has been thrown away, be sure to do a wet cleaning and ventilate the apartment, admire the work of your hands and praise yourself for the work done. Now is the time to drink a cup of aromatic tea or coffee, and maybe even go to a cafe with friends.

And lastly
Don't overdo it! After all, in such an economic impulse, you can throw away something really necessary and dear to your heart, mistakenly taken for trash. For example, an album with old family photographs that will be so interesting for your children and grandchildren to look at. Or my daughter’s first drawings. Or a handful of cogs and bolts that may soon turn into in capable hands son into a transistor radio...

If your hands are itching to quickly start throwing everything away, go to the kitchen, there are plenty of things to throw away that you will never regret.

1. Mugs
Count how many of them you have? Your apartment has probably never seen so many people. And in general, in case of guests, there is probably a service. Of course, there are mugs that are very cute and cute, but there are probably also completely stupid ones: with company logos, presented on the occasion of the launch of a new (and long-dead) brand of chewing gum. General cleaning - best time get rid of them.

2. Food containers
You rarely see such an impeccable storage system as in the photo in reality. Not only do there usually be too many containers, but most of them also lose their lids. Of course, you can also leave a couple of these as a last resort (if anything happens, you can delay cling film), but no more. Containers also absorb odors and darken. It’s definitely time to part with such people.

3. Stale spices
Seasonings, dried herbs, teas... Don't think that they don't have an expiration date. After just a few months, the plant in an open package noticeably loses its properties and taste qualities, and after a couple of years it completely turns into empty dust. (By the way, cinnamon retains its taste the longest).

Explore the contents of your kitchen shelves and force yourself to finally throw away those old spices that have lost their taste. Don’t forget about the old tea, or rather what’s left of it - after all, you brought it from India five years ago.

4. Portioned little things
A packet of ketchup was brought from McDonald's, for some reason a box of jam was taken from an airplane, salt and pepper were taken from a peregrine falcon, and the chopsticks were received along with the delivery of sushi. Sometimes for some reason I really want to keep all these bags and boxes - just in case they come in handy. And what about small pieces of soap and disposable mini-shampoos from hotels, which will definitely come in handy for your next vacation or, God forbid, when you end up in the hospital?

At home, in a box, however, all this quickly turns into real garbage, waiting in the wings to go to the trash heap. H so as not to clutter the living space, clean andYou need to throw away old things regularly. However, thrifty housewives can completely save the sugar and pour it somewhere.

Perfume and cosmetic samples also fall into this category of trash. If you still haven’t tried their contents, throw them away without regret. Without them, the shelf in the bathroom will definitely be transformed.

5. Permafrost
Take a look in the freezer, you can find a lot of mysterious products there. If you don’t remember when and under what circumstances this or that block of ice ended up here, there is no doubt that it would be better for it to become dinner for stray dogs than for you to treat your household to it.

6. Expired medications
They need to be removed from the medicine cabinet as soon as possible before anyone eats them. They usually do not cause regrets, but there is another difficulty.

It is believed that medicines should not be thrown into the trash; this can be dangerous for people and environment. How to throw them away correctly? - Tablets must be crushed and mixed with other garbage, suspensions must be poured into the toilet - in general, a whole science. In Europe and America, there are special instructions on this matter, and pharmacies accept medications for disposal. In our country, very few people think about such things. But it is nevertheless necessary to clean your home medicine cabinet regularly.

7. Old towels and sheets
Even after a fair amount of wear and tear, they do not lose useful properties, which is why they are thrown out extremely rarely. It may well turn out that an entire shelf is occupied by pillowcases from long-defunct pillows and old sheets that do not fit any bed in the house. It's time to deal with them!

Don't know how to throw things away correctly? - Yes, it’s very simple! Leave a couple of sheets for your beloved child so that your teenager has something to turn into a ghost on Halloween, and throw the rest in the trash or into rags. (This means that the rags of the previous generation will have to be thrown away completely).

It is believed that three sets of linen are enough for each bed: one for bed, the second for washing, the third for reserve. Same thing with towels. Keep unnecessary old things, especially incomplete sets, there is practically no reason. Perhaps out of a great love for diversity.

8. Hangers
In the universe whose name is “wardrobe,” you can’t figure it out right away. If you can’t immediately figure out what things to throw away, at least get rid of the extra hangers. Those flimsy ones with which things are most often sold. Or metal ones left over from dry cleaning - they are definitely not needed.

9. Storage media
Few people have deposits of cassettes and floppy disks anymore, while many disks take up space without any reason. Even if you still watch videos on a tape recorder with great pleasure, thin out your home film library: get rid of ordinary films, games, etc. When you finish cleaning, only your favorite ones and those that once changed your life should remain.

10. Electronic waste
Progress cannot be stopped, and we have no choice but to throw away unnecessary things: televisions, mobile phones, inkjet printers, computers and other outdated equipment.

If you take your first computer in your life to the trash, which opened up a wonderful new world, seems like real blasphemy, contact services that deal with electronic waste disposal. If you're lucky, they'll come and pick it up. Perhaps this will make it easier to part with him.

In general, it is believed that this kind of waste should be recycled in special places. But even from the landfill, it will quickly be sent where it should be. Don't forget: for someone yours old unnecessary things is a source of income.

Of course the wires chargers, adapters and all the unknown things needed from devices that have gone out of use should also go home. But before you throw away unnecessary things, make sure that the charger from your current phone is not stuck in the trash.

Do you know how to properly throw away old things? When and how often should this be done? Tell us what other things we should get rid of first.

An ordinary apartment of the average resident cannot boast of either extra space or the availability of space to store all the accumulated junk. What seems to be needed is not actually used for years, although it still seems like “what if someday?”

The Eastern teachings of Feng Shui actively promote the idea that old things attract bad luck and failure, which means it’s time to gather your courage and carry out a thorough revision.

Where are old things hidden?

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing superfluous, but if you look closely, you can find something that you can easily do without. How to get rid of old things and where to start? Traditionally, from the dressing room, kitchen, pantry and balconies, if you have a garage you can visit there too.

There is an interesting technique for getting rid of unnecessary things: you need to take a bag and, after walking around the apartment, in 5 minutes collect 13-15 things that you throw away. This exercise twice a month will significantly reduce the amount of excess on shelves and cabinets.

Wardrobes, chests of drawers and drawers

The unspoken “Plyushkin syndrome”, which sometimes prevents a sober assessment of the spacious capabilities of furniture, forces an unimaginable amount of things to be “trampled” onto shelves and hangers. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow some simple rules for organizing and storing clothes in closets:

  1. Remove items from your wardrobe that are small in size, that do not match the color and style. And also those with which you have negative memories. Things, more than others, represent a person’s connection with the past. Remember that clothes tend to accumulate energy and store emotions, worsening the mood and well-being of the owner, and even if you really like them, they have no place in the closet. A good alternative to the trash can is to hand over old items, in good condition or never worn for some reason, to used clothing sales services.
  2. It is worth throwing away wardrobe items: hopelessly worn out, frayed and beyond repair, with unwashed stains, crooked arrows and inept darning. Nothing spoils the impression of a person more than his unkempt appearance. appearance.
  3. Worn out shoes that are out of fashion and cracked in places, with lost bag fittings should also not take up space on the shelf.
  4. Follow the rule: before you go for new things, remove a few old ones. The thought of free space in your wardrobe stimulates successful purchases.
  5. Divide the torn beads, bracelets and chains into two piles: those that can be repaired and those that you are ready to part with.
  6. Perfumes and cosmetics that have expired must also be disposed of.

In the East they say that old things represent unfinished business, unfulfilled plans and forgotten dreams. Think about it, is it worth clinging to them? After all, a thrown away item does not mean the loss of something valuable; on the contrary, it makes room for something new: new ideas and opportunities, and, according to the assurances of Eastern sages, even contributes to financial well-being.

Pantry, loggias and balconies

What to do with old things: skis, skates, old books, skateboards and fishing rods, most of which have long been forgotten, but continue to occupy precious square meters? Most often, leisure items, repair items, or unused household items end up in the pantry:

  1. Household appliances that are broken and waiting for their “hour X” to go to the workshop can already be safely thrown into the trash can. If after so much time they have not been brought to working condition, then it is unlikely that they will ever earn money again.
  2. Be sure to check the seams, blanks and other products for safety and damage. Everything is fine? Great, just wipe the dust off the cans and place them on the shelf so you won’t forget about them.
  3. Tools, building materials and other household appliances must be kept in a special box in perfect order and condition.
  4. Fishing rods, skis, etc. Answer yourself honestly – do you really need them or are they worth it just to have them?

Increasingly, designers advise using the spaces of loggias and glazed balconies as winter gardens and seating areas. Listen - maybe this will be the ideal solution for organizing this part of your home?


The kitchen is not only the face of the housewife, but also a place where family members like to spend time over tea or just with a book, so it is logical that over time, unnecessary items appear there.

Look through all the cabinets, drawers and shelves. Items not related to kitchen utensils and cooking, return it to its place. Check household appliances for serviceability, cords and plugs for integrity.

Throw away broken and chipped dishes without regret. Not only does it attract misfortune, it also poses a threat to health. Ladles, ladles and cutting boards that have lost their consumer properties can also be replaced with new ones.

The kitchen area should be clean and fresh; regular tidying up and wiping down shelves is essential. Please note that it is not recommended to throw away knives; Eastern philosophy is of the opinion that this leads to quarrels and illnesses. But scribbled pens, broken pencils, receipts, and scraps of newspapers should be thrown into the trash without delay.

How to attach something that would be a shame to throw away

Of course, you won’t be able to send items in perfect condition, poorly purchased items or ones you don’t like, designer models that are unsuitable in size, as well as items from expensive brands into a container. The only right solution is to find a new owner for them. The list of organizations and places where you can donate old things is not so short:

  • thrift stores;
  • charities;
  • social and assistance centers for the needy, low-income families and people in difficult situations life situation;
  • charity organizations at churches;
  • online stores and exchanges (like Avito).

Before you give things away, they need to be prepared. Wash or dry clean clothes, and wipe shoes and bags with a damp cloth and apply cream. Check the safety of the buttons, the serviceability of the zippers and the general appearance. Wardrobe items that resemble rags are more appropriate to be used as floor rags rather than given to people.

At the offices of charity centers where you can donate old things, they also accept household appliances in working order, leisure equipment (skis, roller skates, skates), cribs, strollers and playpens, souvenirs and interior accessories. Of course, it is better to discuss the list of items that you plan to bring in advance by phone. If you are not sure about the demand, or some of your things were not accepted, leave them in a visible place near the trash cans, believe me, there are people who will need them too.

What should not be thrown away?

Of course, when carrying out the next general cleaning, you need to take into account that not all things can and should be thrown away. For example, put it off until better times:

  • antiques and things that qualify for this category (in addition to furniture, decorative items and paintings, these can be rare and valuable editions of books, vinyl records, limited versions of discs);
  • clothes and shoes in vintage style, provided they are in perfect condition;
  • collections of coins, stamps, jewelry and grandma's jewelry;
  • children's toys, inherited, and others family heirlooms;
  • family jewels and dinner sets;
  • household items self made, lace, etc.

Very often, things that do not have enough space in the apartment find a home in country houses and at dachas, fitting perfectly into the local surroundings and decor. These can be household appliances, clothes, and even the notorious figurines and vases that do not fit on the shelf in the living room.


The handmade trend has been popular for many years and allows needlewomen to create something new based on what is out of fashion and out of date. The second life of old things sometimes implies their complete transformation.

For example, scraps from old trousers, sweaters and cardigans selected according to texture will be useful for making a patchwork bedspread. From frayed jeans, by steaming several seams, you can make an excellent skirt; a shirt will become a wonderful tunic or long blouse.

Furniture and interior items can be processed and decorated using various techniques(decoupage, craquelure), which will give them a unique and unique look.

Various ideas allow you to find a use for old suitcases, giving them the appearance of mini-lockers or chairs; an untunable grand piano that would make excellent bookshelves; tennis rackets repurposed as wall mirrors; and even a broken garden rake that would make an excellent glass holder.

Inspiration and desire make it possible to bring life to any thing, successfully fitting the alteration into the living space. It is important to remember that change is always for the better. You shouldn’t regret and cling to memories, because new things bring with them luck and purity of thinking, and this is the main thing!

People, as a rule, do not realize that at any moment they can throw anything out of their lives. At any time. Instantly.
~ Carlos Castaneda

You've probably noticed that the owners of apartments randomly filled with old furniture and various junk are usually unhappy and unlucky in life. Perhaps they have many reasons to accumulate what they think are necessary things.

However, this is one, perhaps main reason their misfortunes are that they simply did not leave room for the new. After all, if you don’t teach yourself to make room for the new, you will never get rid of the old and thus, living with memories, you will only become unhappy over time.

To break this vicious cycle, get rid of unnecessary things as soon as possible! Start applying these recommendations now to improve your life!

  1. If, over the course of a year, the thing that you were looking for and found with difficulty remains unnecessary, say goodbye to it.
  2. Be absolutely ruthless about decluttering.
  3. Do not leave dried flowers or dust on them.
  4. Do not leave clothes hanging over the backs of chairs.
  5. Don't leave dust on the mirrors.
  6. Don't transform all rooms at once.
  7. Buy only what is perfect, not just cute.
  8. Before you hang a new shirt in your closet, you need to throw away your oldest one.
  9. Get rid of anything that doesn't fit in style, color or size.
  10. Get rid of everything old and worn out, with stains and holes.
  11. By collecting unnecessary things just in case, we assume that this case will come and we will have to walk around, for example, in frayed pants. We set ourselves up for failure and trouble. Thus, we program ourselves and our loved ones for a life when you will not be able to buy new things, and you will be forced to wear old, unfashionable ones, having previously patched them up.
  12. By leaving unnecessary things in the house, you are setting yourself up for poverty. The desire to hold on to old things is a sure sign of the psychology of poverty.
  13. Nothing new and valuable will come into our lives until there is free space. You cannot create something new without completely getting rid of everything old.
  14. The fewer things you leave, the sooner your wardrobe will be replenished with new ones.
  15. When you cling to things that no longer serve you, you cling to principles and ideas that no longer serve you.
  16. To come to the house new thing we need to make room for her. As soon as you realize this, put your house in order and get rid of unnecessary things, you will have both money and time to buy.
  17. Get rid of everything that pulls you back to the past.
  18. Eastern philosophers recommend constantly changing something in the house, rearranging furniture, washing dust, and letting things know that they have not been forgotten.
  19. The cost of a bouquet of flowers and a pair of tights is about the same, so why do we keep tights in our dresser drawer for years? We won’t keep a dried bouquet in a vase for so long!
  20. You need to throw away those things that are frayed, worn out and unattractive in appearance.
  21. You need to throw away shoes and bags of outdated models; nothing spoils an outfit more than out-of-fashion shoes and bags.
  22. Weed your wardrobe mercilessly and simply throw out everything that doesn’t bring you joy. Make room for new changes, new relationships that will come to replace old things.
  23. Old things do not provide the opportunity to acquire new things, they hoard negative energy, which can affect your well-being and luck in general.
  24. Broken electrical appliances work like vampires, taking away the positive energy of the room and strengthening the negative.
  25. A burnt-out light bulb will force you to spend more energy earning money, can worsen your well-being and create self-doubt.
  26. Old, out-of-use items, and especially broken and defective items, create negative energy in your home, contribute to stagnation in your life, and even negatively affect your health.
  27. First of all, the trash can should be blessed with chipped and cracked dishes and mirrors with some defects.
  28. Old, forgotten things represent postponed matters, unresolved tasks.
  29. An altered item ends its days too early in a dark wardrobe.
  30. Any thing carries within itself the psychic energy that a person put into it.
  31. The space of the apartment is filled with information about the things that are in it. If an item was shoved into a corner or pushed onto the mezzanine as unnecessary, then what information was put into it? And if there are a lot of such things in the apartment, then the whole house is filled with negative, dead zones that form around unnecessary objects. The space filled with such things becomes denser and begins to push a person out of own apartment. Man loses vitality- your energy potential, wasting it on unnecessary things.
  32. Looking at a portrait hanging on the wall, we inevitably transfer part of our consciousness there. Do we always have excess energy to throw away?
  33. In the east they say that energy potential leaks through holes in clothes, in pockets, socks, tights (and under jeans to save money). You can't hide yourself from yourself.
  34. Spots are the materialization of unresolved problems.
  35. Old unnecessary things draw energy onto themselves.
  36. A worn jacket with which the image of yourself as a loser is associated. Take it to the trash heap.
  37. The smell of a blouse of pre-perestroika freshness, the aroma of unfulfilled hopes and disappointments.
  38. Every old thing is your unfulfilled dreams and plans.
  39. We are clearing space not for new things, but for new desires, beginnings and achievements. Agree, old detectives, thrown into the trash are a small price to pay for a bright future.
  40. There is only one criterion for selecting unnecessary items. If something is not useful within a year or two, it will never be needed again.
  41. Old things must be thrown away mercilessly.
  42. Things have the ability to absorb and accumulate the energy of the person using them. Mostly negative. When there is too much energy, the thing begins to give it away. This is especially true for upholstered furniture that is used for sleeping. The maximum service life of a bed or sofa is 10 years.
  43. As soon as you want to make some changes in this life, get rid of unnecessary worries, troubles in the family and stagnation at work, as well as if your health worsens, immediately begin to free your home from negative emotions. The same can be done when everything in the house is just wonderful and there is not the slightest reason for any worries. Just to strengthen your positive aura and maintain appropriate harmony in your family and work.
  44. All things that cause physical discomfort when worn should be mercilessly thrown away.
  45. By clearing space, we signal our readiness to change and accept abundance and happiness into our lives. If you want positive changes in your life, then make room for them!
  46. Any thing has its own time and purpose. Eastern practitioners say that your favorite thing gives you positive charges while absorbing negative ones. Having served its life, it, like a battery, must be disposed of. However, if you do not part with it, its negative charge can ruin the entire spiritual atmosphere in your apartment.
  47. Constant contemplation of old and decrepit things, if they are not collectible and brilliantly restored antiques, forms the psychology of poverty in our minds. We get used to offending ourselves and being content with what is patched and shabby.
  48. The thing should bring renewal and the desire to move forward!
  49. Things we stop using accumulate negative energy.
  50. If you accidentally find something that you didn’t remember existed an hour ago, you can safely throw it in the trash, even if you really need it, you won’t find it.
  51. There is tremendous healing power in clearing your home of unnecessary things. While clearing the external level, we make internal changes possible, we release for this huge amount energy.
  52. People prone to depression tend to keep clutter on the lowest level. Remove everything unnecessary from the floor, and it will raise your energy and give you good spirits.
  53. Having blockages keeps you stuck in the past. When every space in your home is cluttered, you simply don't have room for anything new to come into your life. Clearing the rubble will allow you to move forward. You must free yourself from the past to create a better tomorrow.
  54. Keeping old books that you haven't used for a long time prevents you from creating space in your life for new ideas and original ways of thinking. When there are too many books in the house, your thinking stops. Books must be released when their time comes. Start clearing out your book pile with those books that you bought by chance and that you have never used, as well as with old books that have already begun to deteriorate over time. Ultimately, you should be left with a set of books that will reflect the you of today as you want to be of tomorrow. Learn the basic rule: “Before something new comes, something old must go.”
  55. It is important to have a REALLY favorite item in your wardrobe. Favorite things give you self-confidence! Favorite things - they sit on you somehow differently, and you behave somehow differently in them, you feel great and this feeling is passed on to everyone around you!
  56. Particular attention should be paid to torn and broken items. Either they need to be repaired immediately or thrown away immediately. And under no circumstances should they be allowed to sit for a long time until hands can reach them. Eastern practitioners say that this is unacceptable because they negative energy accumulating destruction involuntarily breaks the internal harmony of the house.
  57. Love for trash is a hint that you are strongly attached to the past and it is slowing down the path to a bright future. Having dealt with your old shoes, you can change your hairstyle, job, apartment, etc. Or take a different look at what is. In any case, there will be more space in the corridor.
  58. If your home is not littered with junk and extraneous things, then you will have the opportunity to: keep your mind clean and tidy, and also allow new opportunities and things to enter your home.
  59. Home is mirror image ourselves. Our home is a symbolic representation of ourselves and, in fact, in a deeper sense, an extension of ourselves. At home these are our models. Change this pattern and the energy will change. Tidying up drawers changes this pattern.
  60. To get rid of a negative past, get rid of objects in your home that carry the energy of the past into the present.
  61. If there are objects in your home that remind you of something bad or were given to you by someone you don't like, get rid of them.
  62. The things in your home should bring back good memories. Otherwise, negative associations will reduce the energy of your home. When you buy something for your home, remember that how you feel when you buy it will affect how you feel once it's in your home. If you buy something and the salesperson is rude and you feel irritated, then chances are you will never truly enjoy the item. If the mood when purchasing is good and joyful, then the associations with this item will be pleasant.
  63. If possible, radically change the environment: rearrange the furniture, change the color scheme of the rooms, etc. Change everything beyond recognition.
  64. Never wear clothes that have negative memories associated with you, no matter how much they cost.
  65. Make your home a real magnet that attracts love and happiness. If an atmosphere of love has settled in your home; love will be attracted to you from outside too. The energy field attracts only that which is similar in character and quality to itself. Focus your attention especially on the intention with which you are transforming the energy of your home: what you would like to see in your home.

Most of us have a developed hamster instinct: to hide everything we can in a hole. But the mink is not rubber. Gradually, things clog all the pores of the house, so that it is impossible to turn around, they lie somewhere on the mezzanine for years, collecting dust and spoiling in cramped spaces and various closets and pantries, huddling forlornly under sofas and shelving.

More than once, you probably had a feeling of melancholy when you found yourself in the room of a lonely ancient old woman. Do you know why? This is not only the old age of the owner of the apartment, but also the smell, the specific smell of a hamster’s home.

Because in this old woman’s closet, mixed with new, clean things, there were dresses that she had once worn in her youth, and moth-eaten hats that had gone out of fashion half a century ago; in her sideboard there were broken mugs, neatly glued together in places where they had been chipped, and plates with chipped edges and even pieces of half-eaten bread. All of them carried information about decrepitude, about the readiness to crumble into dust at the very first touch. That's why never regret throwing anything away.

However, know when to stop, throwing away everything you have indicates that you are not okay with your psycho-emotional state. So get it in order first. And of course, you don’t have to throw everything in the trash. Some of them can be donated, some can be given to those people who need them more.

Before your next purchase, remember the golden truth - we buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.
