Tatiana's childhood. Upbringing. So, she was called Tatyana. Neither her sister's beauty, nor her rosy freshness, would she have attracted the eyes. Dick, sad, silent - presentation

Introducing the reader to Tatyana Larina in the second chapter of the novel (stanzas XX-XXIX), Pushkin characterizes in great detail the everyday and spiritual culture on the basis of which the heroine grew up, and tells how her childhood passed. Local, village life is quite patriarchal. It has preserved the “habits of the dear old days” and ancient customs. This is Russian culture. Against her background, Tatyana’s unusual nature emerges, her exclusivity, her “atypicality,” those features that made up the individuality of her “uncommon face”:

So, she was called Tatyana.
Not your sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She wouldn't attract anyone's attention.
Dick, sad, silent,
Like a forest deer is timid,
She is in her own family
The girl seemed like a stranger.
With all the naturalness, “naturalness”, childish purity of Tatyana the girl and Tatyana the girl, with all general outline with other children Pushkin heroine Already in childhood she was distinguished by her unusual character and behavior:
She didn't know how to caress
To your father, not to your mother...
Child herself, in a crowd of children
I didn’t want to play or jump
And often alone all day
She sat silently by the window.

So, intimate communication with nature, silence, thoughtfulness, dreaminess, restraint of feelings, testifying to deep nature, intellectual concentration, immersion in one’s own inner world- such is Pushkin’s depiction of Tatyana, who does not need a colorful and dazzling external life. She is attracted by the simple environment and modest rural leisure. She is not bored alone with herself: sufficient satisfaction and entertainment are provided by captivating imagination scary stories.

As a girl, Tatyana's character, for all its individual characteristics was formed under the influence of Russian life, Russian patriarchal culture and European bookishness, which also cannot be underestimated. And although Tatyana was sharply different from her peers, there are laws of nature that are the same for everyone. The time comes when a girl thinks about her fate, about her betrothed. So Tatyana, once seeing Onegin,

With inexplicable joy
I couldn’t help but think about it;
And a thought sank into my heart;
The time has come, she fell in love.
So the grain fell into the ground
Spring is enlivened by fire.
Her imagination has long been
Burning with bliss and melancholy,
Hungry for fatal food;
Long-time heartache
Her young breasts were tight;
The soul was waiting for someone
And she waited. The eyes opened;
She said: it's him!
Alas! now both days and nights,
And a hot lonely dream,
Everything is full of it; everything to the sweet girl
Incessantly magical power
Talks about him.

And here Pushkin again immerses us in the girl’s reading circle, making it clear what books Tatyana Larina read and which filled her spiritual world at the time of falling in love. Their set is traditional and very interesting in that, firstly, by the time the novel “Eugene Onegin” was written, they were pretty outdated - they all belonged to sentimentalism (Richardson, Rousseau, Werther, Grandison) of the 18th century, with the exception of the novels Baroness Julia Krudner "Valeria, or Letters of Gustav de Linard to Ernest de G." (1803) and Sophie Cotten “Matilda, or the Crusades” (1805), but even those in spirit should be attributed to the previous century - and, secondly, only positive persons are named among the heroes. Through books, Pushkin penetrates into Tatyana’s soul, revealing for us purity, freshness of feelings, naivety, explained by small life experience and the exceptional trustfulness of a noble heart, which has not yet encountered earthly evil, which has not known either misfortune or suffering.

The main character of the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" is Tatyana Larina.

Tatyana was born and grew up in the village, in classic family Russian nobles from the provinces: “They kept in life the peaceful habits of dear old times...”. As a child, the girl is in many ways similar to other girls of that time. Just like the others, she “believed in the legends of the common folk of antiquity, and dreams, and card fortune telling", she was "disturbed by signs." However, starting from an early age, Tatyana had a lot of things that separated her from the rest, moreover, “Wild, sad, silent, like a forest deer, timid, she seemed like a stranger in her own family.” Thus, it is clear that she did not caress in any way towards either dad or mom, did not particularly want to play and have fun with the mass of children, and “often sat alone at the window all day long.” True, no one pulls her back, they don’t blame her for her taciturnity and silence, they leave her to be on her own.

In Larina's creation of individuality main role The situation in which the girl grew up and was brought up played a role. The most understanding and “native” person for Tatyana Larina was not her father, mother, sister or any other relative, but the serf nanny.

From her youth, Tatyana avidly read sugary novels by Richardson and Rousseau that evoked a slight tear of emotion, which “replaced everything for her.” Reading books awakened and raised the flight of thoughts and dreams, expanded the imagination of a sensitive and dream-loving girl, but could not completely seal in her those character traits and individuality that had their roots deep in the ethnic basis of the Russian soul.

The creator of the novel “Eugene Onegin” characterizes Tatyana as a soft dreamer. WITH early childhood she lived a special life inner life. The girl grew up surrounded by perennial oak forests, in the bosom of spacious endless fields and bright, soft, fresh meadows.

Close contact with nature, trusting and close friendship with the nanny taught Tatyana the natural manifestation of emotions and feelings. Therefore, from the very beginning of acquaintance with the main character the reader grasps the power of attractiveness and sincere beauty of the “maiden of the forests” and succumbs to the power of these kind and emotionally strong qualities.

Tatyana Larina adored winter from her childhood: “Tatiana (Russian in soul, without knowing why) with her cold beauty I loved the Russian winter.” It was at this time that she dreamed especially clearly, colorfully and sensually.

The image of Larina in the novel “Eugene Onegin” revived the author’s ideals and revealed the ethnic strength of the Russian spirit. What is most striking about this heroine is the harmonious intricacy of the best common and noble character traits and principles of life. From her very youth, Tatyana Larina’s love grew and grew stronger, and over time, fiery love for everything around the world without exceptions or divisions.

Lesson-by-lesson design

Grade: 9

Subject: literature
Tatyana Larina - “sweet ideal” A.S. Pushkin.

Goals: 1. Develop students’ speech.2. Reveal the image, show that Tatyana is “Pushkin’s sweet ideal”, .3. Improve your skills in working with text.4. Cultivate a sense of loyalty and devotion.

Equipment: presentation, text.

Epigraph (on the board)

Tatyana is an exceptional creature,
Deep, loving, passionate nature... V.G. Belinsky


1. Organizational moment. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Guys, today we will continue working on the novel “Eugene Onegin”. Our task is to reveal the image of Tatyana, to prove that Tatyana, Pushkin’s sweet ideal, is the ideal of the Russian soul.

2. Work on the topic.

Checking homework (children completed Tatyana’s characterization).

3. Introductory speech by the teacher. About the epigraph.

Every person, and especially a poet, has his own ideas and dreams “about an earthly angel.” Therefore, probably, women are glorified in Russian literature, especially impressively.

They often talk about "Turgenev girls" These images will forever disturb the imagination with their femininity, purity, sincerity and strength of character. But it seems to me that “Pushkin’s girls” are no less interesting and attractive.Masha Troekurova from “Dubrovsky”, Marya Gavrilovna from “Metel”. But the most attractive and “famous” of all Pushkin’s heroines is Tatyana Larina.

Pushkin’s “sweet ideal” - his Tatyana - is the very beauty that will save the world. When you read a novel or repeat your favorite lines to yourself, you always involuntarily forget that Tatyana Larina is just a dream, Pushkin’s idea of ​​what a woman should be like, worthy of the admiration and love of him, “one of the smartest men in Russia.”

So, she was called Tatyana.

Not your sister's beauty,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She wouldn't attract anyone's attention.

Dick, sad, silent,

Like a forest deer, timid,

She is in her own family

The girl seemed like a stranger.

A.S. Pushkin

Tatyana is a participant in the plot action of the novel, in which her role is comparable to the role of Onegin.

The fact that her character is dynamic and developing, we will consider today in class. The conversation about Tatyana will continue according to this plan: (table on the board):

    Tatyana's childhood and youth

    Meeting Onegin and love for him

    Tatyana at the end of the novel

4. Conversation on questions: (at the same time we fill out table 1. Tatyana’s childhood and youth)

- Which one? social environment Has Tatiana's childhood passed?( Tatyana is a landowner’s daughter, represents the patriarchal nobility, a type of culture closer to the people.)

- What significance did books have for Tatyana? What was she reading?

- . How did the Larins live?(On a purely everyday level, Onegin and Tatyana live in a circle of completely different foods, tastes, and habits. Onegin consumes english words, The Larins are accustomed to Russian “jargon”. Onegin respects French truffles - the Larins have salted mushrooms (“Salted mushrooms for the winter”).

- In what words does Pushkin show Tatyana’s loneliness in the family? Is there

Does she have an inner closeness with her sister Olga? What is the difference between them?

Not your sister's beauty,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She wouldn't attract anyone's attention.

- What character traits did Tatyana develop in childhood and adolescence?(“Thoughtfulness, daydreaming, tendency towards sadness, loneliness, silence...”)

- How does Tatyana’s closeness to folk life? (“Tatiana believed in the legends of the common folk of antiquity, And dreams, and card fortune-telling, And the predictions of the moon,” Through the nature around her, through serfs and her nanny, through rituals, naive beliefs and signs with which she was so full village life, Tatyana comprehends Russian, native, close to her soul)

PRESENTATION (before the turn in Tatyana’s fate)

5. Meeting with Onegin and love for him. (fill in the column)

Where did the heroes meet?

So, the meeting took place. We learn that Tatyana has fallen in love. Who does she tell about her love? (To the nanny)

The conversation depicts a Russian young lady in the midst of a tormenting passion. Her sister wouldn't understand her. The nanny won’t understand either, which is why she reveals her secret to her.

Yes, love is a wonderful feeling. Speaking about it, I cannot help but recall the words of the outstanding academician Likhachev.

The most educational quality of a person is love. D.S. Likhachev.

Tatyana decides to write a letter to Onegin.What's the most amazing thing about him? What are Tatyana's words?(Tatyana decides to write a letter. This is a naive and noble impulse. Everything in the letter is true. The poet tries to justify Tatiana for her determination to write and send a letter. Tatiana’s letter is an act of fearlessness and despair of love, it is the embodiment of the “ideality” of the heroine)

How did Onegin react to the letter? How did Onegin show himself in his relationship with Tatyana?

(You can’t order your heart, you can’t blame the hero for not responding to Tatyana’s love. He listens not to the voice of his heart, but to the voice of reason, doesn’t believe in love, is not yet capable of loving.)

“You will agree, my reader,
What a very nice thing to do
With sad Tanya our friend”
Why did he “act nicely”?

The “nice deed” is that he did not want to seduce the young girl who was in love with him, but simply preferred a moralizing sermon to that girl. Having told Tatyana about the gloomy future from living together and love, he ends his reasoning with tedious advice from his “senior comrade.”

Onegin did not understand Tatyana’s love, did not “trust” her sincerity. Onegin leaves

6. Tatyana at the end of the novel

How was Tatyana’s life? Has Tatyana changed?


How does the novel end?

(Tatiana’s rebuke. Tatyana does not like the world and would consider it happiness to leave it forever for the village. Tatyana responded to him with the same misunderstanding, perceiving his letter and confession of the painful love that gripped him only as “a whimsical rake, eager to have fun with a social affair with married woman" She did not believe his sincerity; this saved herself and him from a lot of trouble)

Tatyana - a sweet ideal appears in the last stanza “I am given to another.” There is true pride in these words. Loyalty. Loyalty to those relationships that constitute the special feelings and purity of femininity.

7. Summarizing the purpose of the lesson. Estimates and their analysis.

8. D/z. The letter is by heart.

9. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Guys, what conclusion do you draw?

Conclusion: Unlike Onegin, Tatyana thinks not only about herself. And most of all, not about myself. This is the moral greatness of Tatyana. This is what makes Tatyana the ideal of a Russian woman.

Can we say that Tatyana is a “sweet ideal?”

Tatiana's childhood. Upbringing. So, she was called Tatyana. Neither her sister's beauty, nor her rosy freshness, would she have attracted the eyes. Wild, sad, silent, timid as a forest deer, she seemed like a stranger in her own family. She did not know how to caress herself towards her father or her mother; The child herself, in a crowd of children, did not want to play and jump, and often sat alone all day silently by the window.

Tatyana did not play with other children. She did not do needlework. She did not know how to lie and pretend. Tatyana is a spiritual, romantic nature. Her pampered fingers did not know needles; leaning over the hoop, she did not enliven the canvas with a silk pattern. But even in these years Tatyana did not pick up dolls; She didn't play burners

Tatyana's father, a kind fellow, but belated in the last century, led a simple, philistine lifestyle, like his parents and grandfathers: he ate and drank in a dressing gown; his life rolled on calmly; in the evening the neighbors sometimes got together good family, unceremonious friends, and push, and slander, and laugh about something. He sincerely loved his wife, was indulgent to her whims, never read books, but did not interfere with his daughter’s passion; in general, he was a simple and kind gentleman, unencumbered by intellect and education, and Lensky, full of sincere sadness, remembers him with warmth. Tatyana's mother experienced passionate love in her youth, but according to ancient custom, without asking her advice, the girl was taken to the crown. She was torn and... I cried at first, but then I took up housekeeping, got used to it and became happy. Her lifestyle is typical of a village landowner: She went to work, Dried mushrooms for the winter, Maintained expenses, shaved her foreheads, Went to the bathhouse on Saturdays, Beat the maids in anger All this without asking her husband. These were nice, hospitable people, completely satisfied with their position, not trying to comprehend the structure of the universe, but sincerely attached to each other, appreciating decency, simplicity, and kindness. Such villagers, like beautiful pictures of nature, attract the poet with their harmony and freedom. The main characters of the novel also fall under the charm of nature and the simplicity of human relationships, but they do not always have enough poetry and the ability to find beauty in the simple.

“...a positive character - Pushkin's Olga Odin - an unconditional, passive expression of the era, a type that is cast, like wax, into a ready-made dominant form. The other has an instinct for self-awareness, originality, and initiative. That is why the first is clear, open, and immediately understandable... The other, on the contrary, is original, seeks its own expression and form, and therefore seems capricious, mysterious, elusive.”

How the stanzas are explained to the reader brave act Tatiana’s decision to write to Onegin, to open her soul? What is in Tatiana’s letter? How did Onegin react to Tatiana’s letter? Tatiana

“It was not a book that gave birth to passion here, but passion still could not help but manifest itself a little like a book. Why imagine Onegin as Volmar, Malek-Adel, de-Linar and Werther?.. Because for Tatyana the real Onegin did not exist, whose Onegin she could neither understand nor know...”

The image of Tatyana Larina. In his unsurpassed novel “Eugene Onegin,” A. S. Pushkin managed to create images that were both typical of his time and unique. The novel has two main characters - Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina.

It was Tatyana who became Pushkin’s “sweet ideal”; it is with the help of her image that the poet convinces us that an understanding of lofty goals is always available to a person, there is always the opportunity to rise above a spiritless environment.
So who is she, Tatyana Larina?
Tatyana grew up and was brought up in the village, in a traditional family of provincial nobles: “They kept in life the peaceful habits of dear old times...” Russian nature, atmosphere folk traditions and customs, “the legends of common folk antiquity,” the nanny’s stories gave birth to and strengthened in the girl’s heart love, a feeling of closeness to her people. Communication with nature, a close, trusting relationship with her nanny taught Tatyana the natural manifestation of feelings, and from the very first moment of meeting the heroine, we fall into the power of the charm and spiritual beauty of the “maiden of the forests.”
Since childhood, Tatyana read the sentimental novels of Richardson and Rousseau, which “replaced everything for her.”
Reading books awakened thoughts and developed the imagination of an impressionable and dreamy girl, but could not drown out in her those personality traits that were rooted in the soil of the people. As a little girl, she preferred the nanny's scary stories to ordinary children's fun and games.
Dick, sad, silent,
Like a forest deer, timid,
She is in her own family
h The girl seemed like a stranger.
Living in her world of sincerity and purity of feelings, Tatyana was always closed and lonely: “I’m alone here, no one understands me,” - however, this self-absorption and thoughtfulness only enrich her inner world, making it more whole.
Dreams and unspent spiritual strength, images of novels read and the stormy personal life of sister Olga prepared Tatiana’s tender and sincere heart for great and beautiful love.
The soul was waiting... for someone,
And she waited... The eyes opened;
She said: it's him!
Evgeny Onegin differed favorably from Tatiana’s circle with his eccentricity, intelligence, education, and knowledge of the world, which is why all the heroes of the novels the girl read
...they put on a single appearance,
Evgenia merged into one.
Pretense is alien to Tatyana, so the letter she writes to Onegin is filled with sincerity, spontaneity, and purity. This letter simply and naturally poured out of her loving heart, although in fact such a declaration of love challenged the vulgar world of the Pustyakovs, Skotinins, Buyanovs. Trusting Onegin, Tatyana expected that he would understand her, appreciate her, and love her, but for Eugene the time for love had not yet come; he treated the girl’s deep feeling as a slight hobby. But at the same time, he was able to appreciate Tatyana’s merits and even tried to warn her against further mistakes:
Learn to control yourself;
Not everyone will understand you like I do;
Inexperience leads to trouble.
Rejected by her beloved, Tatyana not only continues to love him, but also strives to understand his inner world, aspirations and hopes. She visits Onegin's house and reads his books.
True to her feelings and principles, Tatyana does not betray the oath given to Onegin: “No, I would not give my heart to anyone in the world!” - even when, by force of circumstances, she marries an unloved prince. But Tatyana knows how to sacrifice herself, her happiness, because she sees her moral duty in unbreakable marital fidelity, in one’s own inner purity. She turned out to be a good student and learned to “control herself.” Having become a society lady, she, of course, acquired neither vulgarity, nor pretense, nor affectation, but remained simple and natural, dear to the author’s heart, Tanya. But, now a princess, Tatiana knows how to hide her feelings, since she has passed the science “ high society” and can no longer trust people recklessly:
The princess looks at him...
And what didn’t bother her soul,
No matter how strong she was
Surprised, amazed,
But nothing changed her:
It retained the same tone.
Her bow was just as quiet.
Now between Onegin and Tatyana there lies a real abyss, because they love, but do not understand each other. They cannot be together, since Tatyana is married, and moral purity, duty and honor are more important to her than personal happiness - such is her upbringing, the principles of life.
But I was given to someone else
I will be faithful to him forever.
Pushkin's novel ends very sadly, because I really want people who are truly close to each other to be happy. But in the tragic ending there is more truth and knowledge of life, which does not always quickly and accurately satisfy our desires. Observing the fate and relationships of the heroes cleanses us, enriches our feelings and soul, since in the image of Eugene Onegin, Pushkin portrayed, although typical, but not at all ordinary, his contemporary, and the image of Tatyana Larina will remain the ideal of a Russian woman for many decades.