Financial and credit mechanisms. Credit mechanism

  • II. By type of economic use:
  • 8. Main directions of atmospheric protection.
  • 9. Legal and economic regulation of the state of the air basin.
  • 10. The importance of water resources and directions of use. Water use and water consumption.
  • 12. Water balance. Wastewater treatment.
  • 13. Management, legal and economic regulation of the use of water resources.
  • 14. Land Fund of the World and the Republic of Belarus.
  • 15. State and legal regulation of land relations.
  • 16. The importance of forest and biological resources.
  • 17. Forest cover. Composition of forests in Belarus.
  • 18. Forest management and reforestation.
  • 19. Legal and economic regulation of the use and protection of biological resources of the Republic of Belarus. Direction of forest protection.
  • 20. Mineral resources. Classification.
  • 21. Balance of mineral reserves of Belarus.
  • 22. Rational use and protection of subsoil.
  • 23. Methods of environmental management. Their essence.
  • 24. Basic functions of environmental management and its organizational structures.
  • 25. Environmental management as a system for managing environmental activities.
  • 26. Environmental licensing, certification, audit.
  • 27. Planning and forecasting in the field of environmental protection.
  • 28. Legal regulation of the environmental sector.
  • 29. Regulation and standardization in the field of environmental protection. Ecological certification.
  • 30 Environmental regulation.
  • 31. Environmental monitoring.
  • 32. Inventories of natural resources.
  • 33. Economic and statistical accounting in the field of environmental management.
  • 34. The importance of state environmental assessment and control.
  • 35. Economic assessment of natural resources. Cost and rent concepts.
  • 36. The concept of “economic assessment”, cost, price of natural resources. Concepts of opportunity cost, total economic value.
  • 37. Types of damage from pollution and environmental depletion. Economic damage and its component.
  • 38. Social damage and its forms.
  • 39. Cumulative economic damage. Assessment methods.
  • 40. Structure of total economic damage and its assessment in the Republic of Belarus.
  • 41. Environmental pre- and post-costs.
  • 42. Environmental capital and current costs.
  • 43. Internal and external environmental costs.
  • 44. Assimilation potential. The essence of the right to use.
  • 45. Assessment of environmental costs with an assessment of total economic damage.
  • 46. ​​Economic efficiency of environmental costs.
  • 47. Indicators of investment projects for environmental protection measures. Social efficiency.
  • 48. The essence of economic stimulation. Basic methods and their importance in market conditions.
  • 49. Formation of a system of paid environmental management in the Republic of Belarus.
  • 50. Price (tax) regulation of environmental activities.
  • 51. Mechanisms of market regulation in the environmental sphere.
  • 53. Financial and credit mechanism for environmental management.
  • 54. Environmental aspects of privatization.
  • 55. Entrepreneurship and development of the environmental market.
  • 56. Environmental insurance services.
  • 57. Global and regional environmental problems and ways to solve them.
  • 58. International environmental cooperation.
  • 59. UN activities in the environmental field.
  • 60. Participation of the Republic of Belarus in international environmental cooperation.
  • 53. Financial and credit mechanism for environmental management.

    To date, our country has developed a disparate credit and financial mechanism for environmental management, consisting of individual structural units. As part of this mechanism, we can distinguish the following systems: forecasting and programming, financing and lending for measures for nature conservation and rational use of natural resources, pricing for products of extractive industries and payment natural resources. A distinctive feature of this mechanism is its low efficiency, therefore, in recent years, measures have been taken to activate its individual links.

    Purpose The creation of an integral financial and credit mechanism for environmental management is to improve the environmental situation in the country with minimal costs of material, financial and labor resources based on ensuring the most favorable economic conditions for environmental and resource-saving activities of enterprises.

    To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    · increasing the role of budgets different levels in financing environmental programs and activities;

    · improving the system of state extra-budgetary environmental funds;

    · creation of a system of environmental taxation and insurance;

    · clear delineation of sources of financing;

    · activation of the credit mechanism in the field of environmental management.

    In the Republic of Belarus there is excessively wasteful extraction and consumption of all types of natural resources, which has a negative impact on the environment. The processing of a huge amount of natural resources is also carried out in conditions of a low technological level of industry and a high degree of deterioration of fixed assets.

    As environmental problems worsen in developed countries market economy At the first stage, centralized environmental management systems began to be created. At the same time, financial and credit incentives (tax benefits, credit, depreciation, etc.) played a secondary role.

    However, in subsequent years, as security costs increased environment Their low effectiveness began to emerge. The use of economic regulators in the system of state environmental management is the most important problem for countries with rich experience in market management, and even more so for our country. At the same time, even in countries with developed market economies, state financial and credit corporations are being created to finance and provide credit for environmental protection measures.

    The introduction of international and domestic environmental taxes and the expansion of their types will allow, according to foreign scientists, not only the redistribution of financial resources from more developed countries, which heavily pollute the Earth’s atmosphere, to less developed ones. Most importantly, they make it possible to provide financial resources for the development and creation of low-waste and non-waste technologies.

    54. Environmental aspects of privatization.

    Privatization in environmental management (in in a broad sense This concept) in addition to the problem of property relations over natural resources, has another important aspect - environmental, associated with the tasks of preserving the environment in the process of denationalization of state-owned enterprises.

    Privatization means not only the transition to private ownership, but also a more general process of changing ownership through the sale or transfer of state property under various conditions to collectives, shareholders, foreign firms, and individuals. The named business entities, in their equal activities and healthy competition, most of all meet the requirements of a civilized market economy. The market in its modern understanding denies the monopoly of one form of ownership and encourages their diversity and economic equality.

    Privatization of state property is certainly not a domestic invention. An active process of privatization was observed in a number of Western countries in the 1980s. The reasons for privatization were, on the one hand, the low profitability of the denationalized objects, and on the other, the government’s need for cash. Many privatized companies have dramatically increased their efficiency.

    Privatization policies in countries that have embarked on the path of market transformations are aimed at generating income from the sale of state property, providing employment, modernizing privatized facilities, revitalizing regional economic development, increasing tax revenues, etc.

    Discussions in society and government agencies regarding privatization are related to the fact that the transfer of state property into private ownership affects the economic, social and other interests of individual citizens, groups, and society as a whole. But along with solving some problems, privatization can aggravate others, including environmental ones, since clear legal frameworks for the state’s influence on business entities that have received a certain sovereignty as a result of denationalization have not yet been developed. According to many researchers of this issue, the rights of privatized objects are protected by law in to a greater extent than the interests of society in the field of environmental protection.

    Industrial enterprises - the most important objects of privatization - are also the main sources of environmental pollution. The technical base of the industry of the post-Soviet republics is outdated. At most enterprises it represents the traditional (fourth) or even relict technological structure. According to rough estimates, only about 18% of the total fleet of machinery and equipment in industry meets world standards, of which only 4% is involved in technological processes that meet international standards. At most enterprises built decades ago, the technologies used did not always meet the environmental requirements of that time, much less they are far from today's environmental standards.

    Of course, in a market economy, economic methods of influencing polluting enterprises come to the aid of administrative levers, but one cannot hope for their high efficiency in the near future. After all, it is known that the current standards for payments for pollution are significantly lower than the costs required to reduce pollution, and it is more profitable for an enterprise to pay for emissions without reducing their volume. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt rules for taking into account the environmental factor in the process of privatization of state property, prohibiting, first of all, increasing emissions (discharges) into the environment above the existing level.

    The most important condition preceding the privatization of an object should be an environmental audit. At the same time, the rules must clarify the values ​​of environmental parameters that the enterprise must comply with. At the same time, an environmental audit of enterprises subject to privatization should become the primary organizational and legal mechanism for developing a sound environmental remediation program and, ultimately, ensuring that the environmental interests of society are taken into account in the privatization process.

    An environmental audit will make it possible to identify environmentally hazardous enterprises, which, until organizational and technical measures for environmental remediation are carried out on them, should be excluded from the list of objects subject to privatization. And in general, the privatization process should be placed under the control of environmental authorities, which set environmental standards for privatized objects and deadlines for their implementation, and are also required to regularly monitor compliance with environmental standards.

    The process of privatization of state property, properly regulated by the state, can help improve the environmental situation and solve the problem of greening production. One of the measures for this is the development of a system of benefits for entrepreneurs who offer advanced environmental and resource-saving technologies and undertake (in the form of an agreement) to reconstruct the acquired production in this direction.

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    Based on the essence and functions of finance, the state, in the process of implementing financial policy, builds a financial and credit mechanism that is adequate to the prevailing conditions of socio-economic development.

    The financial and credit mechanism is a management system, and its successful functioning is directly related to the use of the categories of production management theory. However, it is quite difficult to reveal the essence of the financial and credit mechanism, since the patterns of financial management have not yet been sufficiently studied. The reason for this situation is the underestimation of the main achievements of the theory of production management, which provides a methodology for approaching solving the problems of increasing the impact of finance and credit on production that are relevant for the entire national economy.

    The essence of management is revealed in functions. Control functions are certain type activities in management, isolated in the process of specialization of managerial work. These include: planning, organizing, coordinating, stimulating and controlling. In the field of financial management, management functions have their own specific content.

    Planning. Planning is the scientific prediction of the course of development and the determination of ways to implement expanded reproduction. Financial planning is an organic component of planning the country's economy. It ensures mutual coordination of its individual elements, helps to identify and mobilize the internal reserves available in the economy.

    The main financial plan of the country is the state budget of Russia, which concentrates most of the financial resources at the disposal of the state for the implementation of its financial policy. At the stage of planning income and expenditure of the state budget, the necessary relationship is established with the financial plans of enterprises and sectors of the national economy, financial plans of property and personal insurance organizations, and credit plans. At the same time, planning the indicators of financial and credit plans by regulating tax conditions significantly depends on the indicators of the state budget, therefore budget planning occupies a central place in financial planning.

    The process of financial management of enterprises and business organizations is another important link in the unified financial and credit system- begins with the preparation by each enterprise of a financial plan, which is included in the final section of the business plan, which reflects in monetary form income, expenses and financial results of production and other types economic activity. Financial plans provide for the formation and expenditure of funds for the planned period, thereby predetermining the entire process of managing their finances.

    Management of insurance, credit and other parts of the financial and credit system is also carried out in accordance with financial plans. At the same time, in each link of the financial system planning is the leading management function.

    Organization. This function of financial management is expressed primarily in the selection and formation of a system of governing bodies, the order of their subordination, and the establishment of the rights and responsibilities of each body. In a broader sense, this function also involves the development of new methods of influencing the improvement of production results, for example, the choice of methods for withdrawing net income to the budget, a combination various forms financing, introduction of progressive types of banking services, improvement of cash payments, etc. The result of performing the functions of the organization is to create a structure of governing bodies, enshrined in the relevant provisions, job descriptions and other regulatory documents.

    Coordination. In the field of financial management, coordination means ensuring the unity of actions of financial authorities to eliminate imbalances in the order of formation and expenditure of funds provided for by the plan. These imbalances arise due to changes in economic conditions. Thus, in the financial management of enterprises, coordination is manifested in the modern identification of the reasons for non-fulfillment of the financial plan and the development of proposals for the financial recovery of the enterprise, the search for additional sources of financing and lending for the development of production, as well as in the elimination of temporary financial difficulties.

    Execution of the state budget in the event of arrears in payments to the budget by enterprises and organizations can lead to such a form of coordination as sequestration of budget expenditures.

    Stimulation. Carrying out this function, governing bodies connect people’s labor activity with the satisfaction of their material and spiritual needs.

    In modern economic conditions, the use of material interest has become an objective necessity. Stimulating the activities of employees occurs by satisfying their social, collective and personal interests. Finance, being a system of economic relations, is closely related to the economic interests of individual employees of enterprises and commercial organizations, shareholders joint stock companies.

    Society is interested in the development of production and the successful implementation on this basis of the state’s financial policy in the field of financing housing construction, social security, improving the level of education and culture. These public interests are satisfied by transferring part of the financial resources of enterprises to the state budget. For the same purpose, part of the income of citizens is transferred to the state budget in the form of taxes from the population.

    In market economic conditions, incentives as a management function objectively proceed from the main goal entrepreneurial activity related to making a profit. Interest in the final results of financial and economic activities can be expressed in increasing wages, receiving dividends on shares of joint-stock companies, establishing a fair taxation system, and maintaining economically feasible proportions in the distribution of net profit of enterprises for accumulation and consumption.

    Incentive also means a certain financial responsibility for the results of economic activity. Financial methods of implementation financial liability in practice, they are different for individual economic entities, their managers and individual employees.

    A specific form of financial liability at an enterprise can be penalties, penalties, fines levied in case of violation of contractual obligations, late repayment of bank loans, or non-payments to the budget. In case of ineffective activity, bankruptcy proceedings may be applied to the enterprise. A system of fines is applied to enterprise managers in case of violation of economic legislation. TO individual employees enterprises and business organizations are subject to fines, deprivation of bonuses, and dismissal from work in case of violation of labor discipline.

    Control how the management function in the field of financial relations is based on general principles systems of state control.

    Forms of financial control are determined by the requirements of the state's financial policy. The financial system of the state covers all types of funds at both the federal and regional levels, as well as at the level of individual economic entities. Therefore, financial control is multi-level and comprehensive.

    State financial control is intended to implement the financial policy of the state and perform its functions in managing the economy. First of all, this is the development, approval and execution of budgets at all levels and off-budget funds, as well as control over the financial activities of enterprises and government organizations.

    Control over the finances of the non-state sector of the economy is aimed at fulfilling monetary obligations to the state, primarily regarding taxes and mandatory tax payments, compliance with the legality and expediency of spending budget subsidies and loans allocated to enterprises, as well as compliance with the rules established by the state for conducting monetary settlements, accounting and reporting.

    Thus, the current economic conditions financial and credit mechanism represents a system of financial and credit methods and management levers in order to implement financial policy.

    A necessary condition for the successful functioning of the financial and credit mechanism is the formation and selection of its rational structure. In the sense of organization, management structure refers to a system of governing bodies.

    Financial management is carried out by both bodies state power, and special financial management bodies.

    Correctly formulated financial policy and well-functioning financial and credit mechanism that takes into account the requirements systematic approach to its construction and operation are merely necessary conditions for effective financial management. In order for the set goals and methods of achieving them to form a unified management process, professional management is necessary.

    Financial policy of the Russian Federation

    The legislative and executive branches of government participate in the development of the state's financial policy. According to current legislation and in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, priority in the development of financial policy belongs to the President of the Russian Federation, who, in his annual messages to the Federal Assembly, determines the key directions of financial policy for the coming year and for the future.

    As part of the implementation of the assigned tasks, the Government of the Russian Federation is developing a legislative basis for the functioning of the financial system of the economy for the coming periods.

    State Duma has the right to approve or not approve proposed laws and itself has the right of legislative initiative.

    The main features of the financial policy of the Russian Federation at present are:

    Increased interrelation between the monetary policy of the Central Bank and the fiscal policy of the Government;

    An increase in the number of financial mechanisms and resources used in the economy;

    Rapid growth of the fictitious capital market.

    The financial policy of the Russian Federation in the 21st century is determined by the following strategic directions:

    Unity of goals, financial policy instruments and economic development goals, political system as part of improving the material well-being of citizens;

    Ensuring economic growth while simultaneously increasing the efficiency of financial regulation;

    Determination of new structural proportions of the economy and development of all sectors of the economy;

    Creation of new financial instruments and mechanisms;

    Curbing inflation;

    Increasing the role of regional and local budgets.

    In financial policy, unity of action is necessary based on the interdependence of the dynamics of value and natural material flows of goods and services, ensuring the basic economic proportion of expanded reproduction - between production, current consumption and accumulation of the social product. It is necessary to change the reproductive essence of financial policy, which is now aimed at fully stimulating the sphere of circulation to the detriment of the developed production of consumer and investment goods. As a result, over the past years there has been a very significant increase in the number market structures in the field of commerce, sales and resale, provision of financial services etc., while the number of direct producers increased to an incomparably smaller extent. The volume of commercial services increased tenfold, and production from year to year decreased very significantly with an exaggerated increase in prices. Reforming financial policy should affect the entire system of regulators - value, tax, credit, emission and other instruments for regulating the economy. These regulators must implement new methods of financing and lending to the economy, managing structural and investment policies, income and accumulation, involving financial resources in the budget, organizing their circulation not only across industry and departmental verticals, but also horizontally between enterprises, their associations, and regions. Financial policy must be organically integrated into all measures of structural reform, the reproduction process - to transform the economic, social, material, and organizational structures of social production. The immediate goals of structural policy are to overcome the decline in production, the fall in living standards of the most active part of the working population, and restore investment activities. I believe that a significant contribution to strengthening the economic base of the Russian national economy will be made by the developing sector of medium and small businesses, to which financial policy should provide maximum opportunities for growth. In addition, I believe that a new generation of economists, unencumbered by past stereotypes of administrative-command government, will be able to provide all possible assistance in reforming the mechanisms of economic regulation of the economy.

    Financial mechanism

    For the successful implementation of financial policy, a financial mechanism is necessary.

    Financial mechanism– a set of methods for organizing financial relations used to ensure favorable conditions for economic and social development. The financial mechanism is the most dynamic part of financial policy. Its changes occur in connection with the solution of various tactical tasks. Consequently, the financial mechanism is sensitive to all the features of the social and economic situation in the country.

    The structure of the financial mechanism can be represented as follows:

    Financial methods;

    Financial leverage;

    Regulatory support;

    Information support.

    At the same time, the financial system, like any other, needs effective management. For this purpose, an appropriate financial management apparatus has been created in the Russian Federation.

    Control– this is a set of techniques and methods of purposeful influence of the subject of management on the object of management to achieve a certain goal.

    Subject of management– those organizational structures that carry out management.

    Control objectvarious types financial relations (main groups: finances of business entities, finances of insurance, finances of the state, finances of the population (households).

    Specific forms and methods of financial management are:

    Financial planning;



    Financial regulation;

    Adoption of financial legislation;

    System of methods for mobilizing financial resources.

    The totality of all organizational structures who manage finances are called financial apparatus.

    In any state, it is the financial management apparatus that carries out work on operational financial planning, accounting and analysis, control and regulation, drawing up and executing financial plans.

    With the help of such a mechanism, credit policy is implemented.

    Economics and law: dictionary-reference book. - M.: University and school. L. P. Kurakov, V. L. Kurakov, A. L. Kurakov. 2004 .

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    Financial and credit policy is one of the components of state regulation of the economy. The financial and credit policy of the state is understood as a set of measures of economic regulation of money circulation and credit aimed at ensuring sustainable economic growth by influencing the level and dynamics of inflation, investment activity and other important microeconomic processes. Financial credit The mechanism of the enterprise is the ways of using financial credit. resources, as well as the form of organization of the enterprise’s finances.

    The structure of the financial and credit system mechanism includes the following elements:

    1. System for regulating the financial activities of an enterprise(*state regulatory and legal regulation of the financial activities of an enterprise (adopting laws and other regulations governing the financial activities of enterprises); *market regulation mechanism; *internal mechanism for regulating certain aspects of the financial activities of an enterprise.

    2. System of external support for the financial activities of the enterprise ( State and other external forms of financing the enterprise: *Lending, *Leasing (rent), *Insurance, *Other forms of external support for the financial activities of the enterprise. (licensing, state examination investment projects).

    3. System of financial leverage(includes forms of influence on the process of adoption and implementation management decisions in the field of financial activities: Price, Interest, Profit, Depreciation, Net cash flow, Dividends, Synergies, Penalties, fines, penalties, etc.

    4. System of financial instruments(consists of the following contractual obligations that provide a mechanism for the implementation of individual management decisions of the enterprise and fix its financial relations with other economic entities: *Payment instruments (payment orders, checks, letters of credit, etc.); *Credit instruments (loan agreements, bills of exchange etc.); *Deposit instruments ( deposit agreements, certificates of deposit, etc.); *Investment instruments (shares, investment certificates, etc.); *Insurance instruments (insurance contract, insurance policy, etc.), etc.

    The main direction of our country's monetary policy is to curb inflation. To improve monetary policy, it is important to reconsider the way programs are designed. On at the moment The main direction of curbing inflation, in turn, is controlling the money supply. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the budget deficit in various ways.

    It is very important to pursue an active policy in the field of public debt management, both external and internal.

    Another direction should be the implementation of strict control over the banking system.

    It is also very important to attract investment in domestic production. It remains enough now acute problem, since most investors, both domestic and foreign, are very wary of not yet very stable Russian enterprises and prefer to invest their funds abroad or in the foreign exchange market.

    Another objective of monetary policy is the development of the stock market, including the market for government securities as alternative types investments and diversion of funds from the foreign exchange market.

    Thus, monetary policy is most effective only when its instruments are used in combination and taking into account other areas of government regulation of the economy, such as fiscal policy, social policy, etc.