Moving moon in the 8th house. Indian horoscope - Vedic astrology, jyotish online

Lecture 91. 8th house in Cancer

Cancer on the cusp of the 8th house, afflicted Moon in the 8th house, ex. 8th house in Cancer or conjunction or tense aspect to the afflicted Moon.
Generally speaking, people with Moon or Cancer in the 8th house are very anxious. They are very afraid of change, and the 8th house, representing crises, also includes changes that are not tragic. The Native is often VERY afraid of these serious life changes. He may even be frightened by marriage, the birth of children, a change of job, any more or less serious choice - all this is perceived as stress.
But at the same time they have unique feature– when the event occurs and new reality comes, they very quickly adapt to it and live as if they had always lived in this reality. This is not surprising - the Moon is responsible for adjustment, adaptation, while simultaneously managing suspiciousness and anxiety - therefore people turn out to be very anxious, but at the same time adapt well to new conditions.
Taurus, for example, is also afraid of change, but he gets used to it for a long time, resisting and clinging to the stable past until the last. Lunarius - fearing even more, clinging also quite noticeably, as soon as the situation does happen - rebuilds very quickly. Often people with the Moon in the 8th house (more often with the Moon than with Cancer) say that certain periods of their lives over time begin to be perceived as “separate lives”, “such a strange feeling, as if it didn’t happen to me or was – but in another life” (it doesn’t matter about good or bad – you just get this feeling from certain stages of life).
A person with the Moon in the 8th house, or with Cancer on the cusp of the 8th house, is very dependent on his energy state. You probably know that all psychosomatics goes under the moon. In this regard, the owner of the afflicted Moon as an element of the 8th house may be inclined to catch all sorts of “evil eyes”, “damages”, feel all this, come home with a sore head, when the environment was difficult, something doesn’t bother him liked the situation or atmosphere of the society in which he was located. And he can screw it all up so much that he actually gets sick, or gets into a “streak of bad luck.” In fact—perhaps no one was “eyeing” him—he would only need himself to create similar energy problems for himself. His anxiety, strong suspiciousness and sensitivity can lead to crises, often at the health level.
It is not in vain that so much information has now appeared about the need for forgiveness, the need to work with one’s fears, the importance of removing internal blockages and problems driven deep into the subconscious - all these are issues of the Moon and Pluto. This is precisely what is seen today as the main cause of cancer, especially in women - and this is why owners of affected Cancer or the Moon in the 8th house (the 8th house is symbolically ruled by Pluto) are advised to be attentive to the condition of their reproductive organs and breasts, since they are the main risk group (together with Plutonians) in matters of oncology female organs. Well, of course, the best prevention of such diseases is working with your Moon - the psyche and subconscious.
Therefore, despite the fact that there is a risk of suffering from someone else’s energy, more and more often problems here arise due to one’s own personal emotional problems and energy state.
Again, we remember - the Moon is responsible for the human astral field - and the astral field is the field of emotions. Therefore, if problems arise on the astral body, they, without being unchecked, will definitely descend on the physical body in the form of diseases. This always happens - everything that was born on subtler fields necessarily descends on the dense body, most often, affecting those organs that are signified by the Planet that controls the corresponding field - the astral field - the Moon - the breasts, reproductive organs in women, the psyche. Or let's say, Mental field - Mercury - speech, nervous system, hands, etc.
Another serious topic for crises can be the maternal figure. It is necessary to understand broadly, without slipping into one or two clichés. For some, a mother may be a source of crisis because she beat and offended, humiliated and did not care - that is, her figure is dangerous in itself.
For some, it is the loss of their mother as a result of her death or separation from her long time. But more often, personally, I meet people with fear lose mom. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that there were reasons for this - yes, indeed, someone’s mother could be sick, or often leave, but someone may not have any visible reasons for concern. Still, our relationship with our mother is established long before we begin to realize anything, or even simply exist separately from her. Often, such fears can be a consequence of the experiences experienced by the mother during the period of pregnancy.
And when the Native becomes an adult, especially if the Native is a woman, this same fear transforms into strong fear for your children. In men, such a situation may indicate a dramatic perception of the wife (for the same reasons - from abandonment/died, to simply fear for her for some reason, or the complexity of the relationship being built).
In addition, the Moon can signify danger from women. And if Venus made the figures of young women dangerous, emphasizing their youth and attractiveness, then the Moon, as a rule, indicates danger from older women. Perhaps those who perform maternal functions in relation to Nativ, in the literal or figurative sense (“she is like a mother to me”). Maybe an older sister.
Or even a younger woman, but the one who for you in a conflict or situation acts as a “mother” or a person replacing her (mother of another child, teacher kindergarten, teacher primary classes etc.). At the same time, of course, you don’t need to immediately think about some terrible things that threaten Nativ or his child from these personalities. We remember that crisis is a relative concept, and when we talk about the Moon, it is even more relative. The Moon or Cancer in the 8th house, especially when defeated, often indicates that a person creates crises for himself simply out of nothing. Let's say, the Native may be very wary of his child's teacher, and every time he is very worried that his child is with this person. Or, having quarreled with some mother in the yard, take your child away as soon as that mother takes her child outside, because “she doesn’t look at us well!” Then my child cries all evening!” In fact, in this situation, the mother needs to understand that the child has been crying all evening not because someone else’s aunt looked at him badly, but because he, while still in his mother’s field, reacts strongly to her imbalance. In the same way, he will not remain well in kindergarten until his mother is able to calm down on this subject. Etc.
The Moon can also pose a danger from Water. But it should be noted that very often, those with an afflicted Moon or Cancer in the 8th house are afraid of Water (as well as with Neptune). It is generally very typical to be afraid of what is written in our 8th house and poses a danger to us.
Bearing and giving birth to a child, especially if there is damage and there is a connection with the 6th or 1st house, can be associated with health crises (surgeries, difficult pregnancy), but of course, in order to give such conclusions, you need to look at the entire chart.
It should be noted that the reproductive function, when the Moon, as an element of the 8th house, is affected, is often itself the cause of anxiety. And with additional indicators, it can serve as an indication of solving this issue only with the help of medicine. But even in this case, it makes sense to take the issue of stimulating ovulation very seriously - as this can cause serious harm to a woman’s reproductive functions. This is NOT a contraindication, but it is a strong indication to be extremely vigilant in this matter.
Naturally, all operations on organs that occur under the Moon can pose a threat, and accordingly, you need to have very good reasons to do breast surgery, or to operate on the uterus and everything connected with it without any special reason.
And of course, seeing the afflicted Moon or Cancer in the 8th house, we warn the Native about the need to exercise reasonableness and caution in all crowded places.

Usually this arrangement corresponds to a strong and strong body combined with weak ones. mental abilities. These people are interested in the mysterious, and during their youth they suffer from some loneliness and emotional distress. With this position of the Moon, one can expect average duration life, eye diseases, decent inheritance. (Tom Hopke)

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in the 8th house

Illnesses in childhood, youth marked by loneliness and worries, separation from the father, good restorative powers of the body. Average life expectancy, possible eye diseases, inheritance (Indubala)

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Moon in the eighth house: The Moon here gives material benefits from a partner, but shortens the life of the spouse or mother. (Shri Govind Swarup Agarwal)

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Moon in the 8th house: It is very bad to have the Moon in the 8th house. This is the worst position for the Moon. The 9th house is prosperity. The 12th house shows losses. 12th from 9th house = 8th house. This is a loss of well-being. Here the Moon gives a difficult life and poor health. They may be damaged by water. Damaged Moon in the 8th house gives early death. This is very known fact. Of course, we also need to look at how the rulers of the 1st and 8th houses are located. To have a stable life, you must have a favorable 8th house. The moon does not provide stability. Happy life possible only when other planets are strongly positioned. When the dasa period of Moon begins, the person will be in big trouble. (Mahesh Darmadasa)

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Bhrigu-sutra - ka-gha

The owner of the horoscope will have few means of transportation. Watery places - ponds, reservoirs, wells - will be dangerous to his life. If the Moon occupies the 8th house, the owner of the horoscope will renounce his relatives for his wife (or woman). When the Moon is exalted or in its own sign, the owner of the horoscope is destined long life. The waning moon speaks about the average life expectancy.


For reasons unknown to us, the sutras describing the characteristics of the position Moons in the 8th house, are indicated not by numbers, as usual, but by letters.

The 8th house is one of the most unfavorable houses in the horoscope, as it is the twelfth (losses and loss), counting from the 9th, the house of luck and prosperity. Planets lose all their good properties when they enter this house. The waning Moon, weakened by its position in Dusthana, indicates that the owner of the horoscope will not be very smart, since the Moon is a manas karaka, and during the periods of childhood and youth (the age ruled by the Moon) he will experience loneliness and mental suffering. A waxing or full Moon can bring an inheritance to the owner of the horoscope. The 8th house is an indicator of accidents and the Moon is a water planet, so the owner of the horoscope faces danger from water.

The separation from a partner by marriage, which Bhrigu Muni mentions, can be explained by the fact that the 8th house is the second (house of death) for the 7th house. By the nature of the Moon one can judge life expectancy, but in order to draw final conclusions, it is also necessary to take into account the strength and location of the owners of the 8th and 1st
houses, as well as Saturn, as ayush-karaka - an indicator of longevity. The position of the Moon in the 8th house of the horoscope is considered as one of the strongest negative combinations, or Arishtha Yoga, but its harmful effects are neutralized if the person’s birth occurs in daytime during the waning Moon or at night during the waxing Moon. In these cases, the Moon in the 8th house becomes one of the factors that protect the owner of the horoscope from all negative influences.

In addition, the Moon in the 8th house gives a tendency towards mysticism and magical abilities, as well as the ability to foresee. The horoscope of Russian mystic Daniil Andreev illustrates extraordinary possibilities full moon in the 8th house.

Other opinions regarding Moon (Chandra) in the 8th house:

"Brihat Jataka" - the owner of the horoscope will be sickly and have a fickle and restless mind.

“Phaladipika” - a short life, suffering and illness await a person if the Moon in his horoscope is located in the 8th house.

“Saravali” - the owner of the horoscope will be smart and famous, but sick and weak. His life will be short.

“Chamatkar-chintamani” - the owner of the horoscope will constantly be surrounded by doctors due to numerous illnesses. He will suffer due to terrible calamities, misfortunes and hardships.

Note: All treatises, except Saravali, talk about the negative characteristics of the position of the Moon in the 8th house. The intelligence and fame that Saravali mentions can be expected when the Moon is in the signs of Cancer and Taurus, as well as when conjunct Jupiter or other benefic planets.

Bhrigu Sutra with commentary by Indubala

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"Jataka-Bharanam" 17:20


A person whose Chandra is in the 8th Bhava has a decaying body due to many diseases. He will be extremely poor, will receive troubles from enemies and the king (government) and worry in his mind and heart.

The Moon in the 8th house of the horoscope is generally an unfortunate placement for the planet. You need to pay attention to the strength of the Moon and the aspects it forms. If it is essentially strong and harmonious, then the harm from such an astrological position can be considered minimal.

is a field of risks, dangers and borderline states. The moon is responsible for health and well-being, so its presence in this house makes a person anxious, prone to strong feelings, stress, and constantly worried about his integrity. Security issues are very important for the native, since he has been familiar with situations that pose a threat to him and his family since childhood.

Tragic incidents could occur in the native’s family, and this, as a rule, causes mental trauma to the owner of the horoscope. A person may come into contact with the topic of dangerous diseases and death, for example, due to the nature of his activity. The 8th house also means material support from partners, and since the Moon symbolizes home and real estate, it is also possible for the subject to receive an inheritance from relatives.

It will be good if the native learns to overcome his inner fears. Psychologists and psychotherapists can help him with this. By taking self-defense courses and learning to repel ill-wishers, a person will gain confidence in himself and his safety.

In their personal lives, such people can be passionate and emotional. Sexual relations occupy an important place in their lives, and it is important that there is stability in this area, i.e. you need a partner to be constant and reliable. At the same time, the owners of the Moon in the field in question are touchy and jealous, and it is important to be able to restrain their negative emotions and not provoke these people into caustic remarks and aggressive attacks.

Moon and zodiac signs

The Moon in the eighth house and the sign in which it is located will tell you about the reasons for a person’s anxiety. The native's experiences may relate to his state of health, since the 8th house is the house of illness.

The most difficult position is in. This light is weak in quality, and sometimes a person does not have enough strength to cope with the mildest infection. You need to improve the quality of your life, strengthen your immune system, be selective in food (avoid poisoning with alcohol, medications, etc.), refrain from eating junk food).

Moon in the 8th house for a man

The moon in the 8th house for a man will tell about his commercial spirit and business acumen. As a rule, the owner feels the support of others, both material and intangible, and this comes in handy in business and politics.

There may be problems in your personal life and tragic circumstances. Often the native's jealousy and suspiciousness spoil his relationships with the opposite sex. If the owner of the horoscope gets rid of his shortcomings (willfulness, secrecy, vindictiveness, suspicion, etc.), overcomes his fears, learns to protect his loved ones and lend a shoulder in difficult life situations, then his life will become more stable and calm.

Moon in the 8th house for a woman

A woman with the position of the Moon in the 8th house has a special charm and inner magnetism. She may not have a stunning appearance, but there is always something unusual, attractive, risky and bewitching about her.

In the field of partnership, it is important for the owner of a horoscope financial support, and she receives it (especially if she is strong in quality and in good aspects with other planets). Such a woman is insightful, practical and does not miss profitable opportunities in life.

Women's health deserves attention close attention. With this position of the Moon, cycle disruptions, problems with the reproductive system, and difficulties in conceiving and bearing children are possible.

The eighth house is the house of acute awareness of emotional and psychological forces. Almost all of this awareness will stem from a newfound ability to spontaneously perceive information from these subtler levels rather than from a rational analysis of any situation. It is the intense awareness of subconscious emotional and psychological issues that spurs conscious insight into human behavior. This realization can be upsetting, and you may see and know more than you ever wanted to see or know.

Keen awareness is also associated with the Sun in the eighth house of the solar return chart, but with the Moon here you are more likely to be emotionally involved with relevant issues and people. It is likely that someone in your immediate family or circle of friends will need counseling. During this year, you become more aware of your own emotional needs and psychological strengths, and you also learn to recognize these influences from Others.

It is very likely that you will study psychology during this year, but you may begin to become aware of psychological influences naturally, without any education. Initial understanding may come from connecting with people who have mental disabilities. The intensity of their psychological abnormality is captivating yet frightening. Moon in the eighth house of the solar return chart is a common position for professional psychotherapists and astrologers just beginning to counsel others. People with mental disorders do not have to play an important role in your life and can simply be acquaintances. They are not the real focus of your awareness, but act as a catalyst.

You need to become more aware of psychological influences that affect you and your immediate relationships. Intense awareness associated with strange people will give way to the ability to penetrate subtle manipulations and power games. After all, psychological awareness can occur during the simplest interactions with other people. If you are caught in an emotional power struggle, it will become more obvious to you that you and/or others are manipulating rather than communicating clearly what you need. Psychological complexes and hurt feelings confuse relationships and make it more difficult to deal with problems rationally. Subconscious feelings can undermine conscious decisions. Controversy is common. Obsessive-compulsive behavior, jealousy, guilt, inexplicable anger and helplessness are common clues that something is wrong.

Awareness and understanding of your own psychological idiosyncrasies will give you greater power over your own life. Gaining insight into your defensive reactions can help you overcome some of the barriers to intimacy. Increased intimacy is especially important as superficial relationships and superficial discussions will not satisfy you this year. You need the opportunity to discuss in detail and deeply what you are feeling and perceiving. It is during these conversations that initial awarenesses are included and later confirmed. It is during these conversations that you also formulate and express new patterns of behavior that circumvent psychological imbalances.

Emotional situations tend to be more complex and intense. Issues are no longer black or white, good or bad. Decisions are less direct, especially if you feel responsible for the well-being of others. For example, if you have children and are offered a job transfer to another state, you would not make the decision without careful consideration. On the one hand, moving can greatly improve your career opportunities, but on the other hand, it can have a big impact on your children. You must consider the emotional and psychological ramifications of your decisions as they are likely to affect others.

If your partners or family members are easily moody or hesitant, you will need to think before you speak if you want to avoid upsetting reactions. You may be in a delicate position that requires great diplomacy and tact. Other people may misinterpret or exaggerate what you say. You will be dealing with intense feelings and may expect other people to involve you in highly emotional circumstances. If you consult others professionally, it will be easier for you to control these situations. If these situations appear in your personal life, you can effectively resolve them on your own or seek advice.

Increased intuitive accuracy will encourage your trust in this form of perception. Psychic and intuitive awarenesses become stronger, but may seem less controllable. Even if you don't consider yourself to have psychic powers, this good time to trust your hunches, but if you're psychologically stressed, you may be less able to distinguish true mental impulses from fears and anxieties. In such a case, you should delay making a decision until your ability to understand becomes stronger.

Moon in the eighth house solarium may indicate changing shared resources or economic dependence. If you share funds with your marriage partner or some other person, the amount of money you receive will vary either positively or negatively. This change can be reflected in aspects to the Moon. On the other hand, your own personal resources will most likely decrease. The reduction may not be large, but you will likely feel more dependent than economically equal. There may be very good reasons for this. For example, you may be on maternity leave or may be attending school.

Financial power struggles are symbolized by the Moon in the eighth house in opposition to the planet in the second house. You and your partner or anyone else may be fighting over how to handle money or pay bills. These disputes can be very emotional and also complicated by unresolved psychological issues. Being clear and willing to discuss needs will help you reach a positive compromise. Moon in the eighth house also indicates a change in debt. Debts either go up or down, but rarely stay the same.

The Moon in the 8th house gives people the need for extreme sports. They are attracted to disasters . They love to walk on the edge of a knife. When the night luminary is struck, people begin to engage in self-destruction, especially if the Ruler Ascendant in the horoscope is in a weak position. The emotions of people with this position are filled with gloomy tones. I wouldn't say that they are pessimists. They just love to dramatize.

The relationship between mother and child is quite unique. She can either love her child very much or almost hate her. A mother can allow everything and overprotect her child. In another family, control his every action, put pressure on him. Strict and autocratic attitude.

Very often this position is found in the cards of psychics, people who practice various esoteric teachings. Among them is the famous teacher Osho, who has already become a household name.

The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, studied the depths of the human mind; he also touched upon the intimate sphere of relationships. The moon in the 8th house of the horoscope is a weak position, a night luminary, so people are sometimes drawn to self-destruction. For example, S. Freud “dabbled” in coke.

Also, the moon in the 8th house harms the psyche. It gives rise to such deviations as paranoia and persecution mania. Just need other indicators, for example

Moon in the 8th house for men.

The stronger sex with this position usually has a jealous wife who constantly likes to dramatize. It’s better not to anger her, otherwise revenge will be terrible. The spouse may have a talent for esoteric teachings and psychology. If the profession is affected, then it can work in tax authorities, in the banking sector in a credit organization, in security forces- police, prosecutor's office.

The wife's activities can be carefully hidden. But to more accurately determine the profession, it is worth paying attention to the sign of the Moon in and other significators of marriage in the horoscope.

this is an indirect indicator of widowhood in men

It is better for men with the Moon in the 8th house not to cheat. Otherwise, the woman will either kill him or commit suicide. An indirect indicator that the wife may have a lot of money

Moon in the 8th house for women.

It's not very good position for the fair sex. Since the night luminary in the horoscope is responsible for the course of pregnancy and the birth of children. And the 8th house is one of the “evil” houses of the horoscope. Women with the Moon in the 8th house often have problems conceiving. It is not uncommon for women to have diseases that interfere with the normal course of pregnancy.