The image of Evgenia Komelkova in Vasiliev’s story “And the dawns here are quiet…. And the dawns here are quiet

(381 words) Man is a multifaceted creature. It rarely contains only positive or only negative aspects. More and more halftones, smooth transitions from one state of mind to another. Some character traits appear only in extreme situations and serve as excellent indicators of true personality traits. These traits can easily be called courage and cowardice. In a difficult situation, a person is able to either decisively take matters into his own hands and go ahead, or run away with his tail between his legs, leaving behind only a question mark.

A similar opposition is described by L.N. Tolstoy in his work “War and Peace”. Here the courage of individual heroes closely borders on heroism. Tushin, setting an example for his soldiers, himself stands at the gun with full readiness to give his life for his native Fatherland, and Prince Bolkonsky supports the fighting spirit of his comrades, proudly carrying the banner forward and suppressing the enemy morally. On the other side are characters such as Zherkov and Dolokhov. The first experiences terrible fear when carrying out Bagration's order and is cowardly in the face of danger, like a boy, and Dolokhov, having killed the Frenchman, expects indispensable praise, as if he had accomplished an outstanding feat. But the whole point is that such feats were performed by soldiers every minute, and they, caring for their Motherland with all their souls, did not seek recognition. This was their courage, which manifested itself in an extreme situation, when it was most difficult to fight the fear for their lives.

About true heroes in his story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” also told by B.L. Vasiliev. The heroism of Sergeant Major Vaskov and his girls under his charge is truly amazing. These desperate people were heading towards certain death and were fully aware of their actions, but they didn’t even think about retreating or saving their own skins: “Don’t give the Germans a single scrap... No matter how hard it is, no matter how hopeless it is, to hold on...”. They were driven forward by patriotism and holy faith in victory. And for the sake of such a great goal, without regret they are ready to give up the most precious thing they had. In a situation where even men sometimes left their combat posts, Vasiliev’s heroines showed true courage and did not retreat. Their valor has been tested by mortal risk, so no one can doubt its authenticity.

Ultimately, true courage is a trait that manifests itself in circumstances that pose a real threat to life. If a person is capable of a feat, obscurity and fear of death will not stop him. A coward, in any case, will shirk responsibility and find a more comfortable place for himself, where nothing will disturb him, even if this means betraying what is smart, bright, eternal and going over to the side of the enemy.

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Courage. What is it? I think that courage is decisiveness in thoughts and actions, the ability to stand up for yourself and for other people who need your help, overcoming all sorts of fears: for example, fear of the dark, of someone else's brute force, of life's obstacles and difficulties. Is it easy to be brave? It's not easy. This quality probably needs to be cultivated from childhood. Overcoming your fears, moving forward despite difficulties, developing willpower, not being afraid to defend your opinion - all this will help cultivate in yourself such a quality as courage. Synonyms for the word “courage” are “courage”, “determination”, “courage”. The antonym is “cowardice.” Cowardice is one of the human vices. We are afraid of many things in life, but fear and cowardice are not the same thing. I think that out of cowardice comes meanness. A coward will always hide in the shadows, remain on the sidelines, fearing for his own own life, will betray to save himself.

Courage and cowardice are most clearly manifested in people in difficult situations. life situations when you need to decide what to do, and in war. Let's look at examples from fiction.

In the work of A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter» main character- Pyotr Grinev. He serves in Belogorsk fortress. There are two of them here, young officers. The second is Shvabrin. They acted differently when the Pugachevites captured the fortress. In the face of death, Grinev behaves boldly. He is ready to die, but not to break his oath to serve the Fatherland faithfully. But Shvabrin is not like that. To save his life, he goes into the service of Pugachev. Of course, who wants to die young. But it is precisely in such situations that hidden human qualities: the best and the worst, courage and cowardice.

In V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov” there are two main characters. They are also young and also find themselves facing death: they fall into the clutches of enemies. Sotnikov holds on courageously. Beaten and tormented, he does not agree to go into service with the Nazis. Not only devotion to the Motherland lives in him, but also, of course, courage. Courage, boldness, loyalty native land help him remain human to the end. And what about the second one - Rybak? He became a coward even when he abandoned his comrade on the road, who was alone in a shootout with the police. And only fear of the partisans forced Rybak to return. He became cowardly in the face of death: he agreed to join the police to save his life, and even became an executioner: he knocked out the stool under the gallows on which Sotnikov stood. Courage and cowardice are most clearly manifested in war.

Speaking about courage and cowardice, one cannot help but recall Boris Vasiliev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet.” Five anti-aircraft gunner girls are sent with Sergeant Major Vaskov to detain a detachment of German saboteurs. Let us remember the episode in which Zhenya Komelkova goes to swim in the lake in order to force the fascists lurking on the other side to go to railway in a roundabout way, waste time. Was she scared at that moment? Of course it's very scary. But Zhenya did it brave act, she didn’t think about herself at that time. There were comrades behind her, and devotion to her native land lived in her heart. And the brave Zhenya dies heroically: she leads the enemies away from her comrades, from her wounded friend. And Galka Chetvertak? Is she really the most cowardly? Then why is her name engraved on the monument standing on the edge of the forest? She didn't die because she was afraid. Just fear gripped her when she saw enemies very close for the first time in her life. Let’s not blame a very young girl for this, let’s not say that she was chicken. After all, in war, adult men are also afraid of a lot, they just know how to overcome the feeling of fear.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this topic of the essay made me think about what role courage and cowardice play in our lives, how to cultivate the best human qualities in ourselves, become brave and strong, and not be a coward.



Reflection of the events of the war years in literature.

2. Main part.

2.1 Depiction of war in the story.

2.2 Gallery female images.

2.3 Sergeant Major Vaskov is the main character of the story.

2.4 The image of the enemy in the story.

3. Conclusion.

True patriotism.

I've only seen hand-to-hand combat once.

Once - in reality. And a thousand - in a dream.

Who says that war is not scary?

He knows nothing about the war.

Yu.V. Drunina

Great Patriotic War- one of the defining events in the history of our country. There is practically no family that is not affected by this tragedy. The theme of the Great Patriotic War has become one of the main topics not only in literature, but also in cinematography, fine arts XX century. In the very first days of the war, essays by war correspondents and works by writers and poets who found themselves on the battlefields appeared. A huge amount was written

number of stories, novels and novels about the war. The story of Boris Lvovich Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet ...” is one of the most lyrical works about the war. The events of the story take place in 1942 in the north of Russia, in a battalion where fate, after being wounded, threw the main character, Sergeant Major Vaskov. The Hero is appointed to command a “female” platoon of female anti-aircraft gunners. The author depicts different women, different from each other, but united by one goal - the fight against the enemy of the Motherland. As fate would have it, the heroines found themselves in a war where a woman had no place. Each of the girls has already faced death, the pain of loss. Hatred for their enemies is what motivates them, what gives them strength to fight.

Rita Osyanina - commander of the first squad of the platoon. Her husband, a border guard, died on the second day of the war “in a morning counterattack,” and her son lives with his parents. Rita hates her enemies “quietly and mercilessly.” She is stern, reserved, strict with herself and other fighters.

Zhenya Komelnova is a bright beauty, tall, red-haired. Zhenya, like Rita, also has a “personal score” with the Nazis. The whole family was shot before her eyes. After this tragedy, Zhenya found herself at the front. Despite this, the heroine retained her natural cheerfulness. She is sociable and mischievous, funny and flirtatious.

Lisa Brichkina is the daughter of a forester. She grew up early, cared for her sick mother for five years, ran a household, and managed to work on a collective farm. The war prevented the heroine from entering a technical school. Liza is thorough, like a peasant, knows and loves the forest, is not afraid of any work, and is always ready to help her friends.

Sonya Gurvich is a girl from a “very large and very friendly” family. Her father was a doctor in Minsk. The girl studied at the university for a year, but the war began, her lover went to the front, and Sonya also could not stay at home.

Sonya knows nothing about the fate of the family who found themselves in Nazi-occupied Minsk. She lives in hope that they managed to survive, although she understands that this hope is illusory. Sonya is smart and educated, “an excellent student at school and university,” speaks perfect German, and loves poetry.

Galya Chetvertak was brought up in orphanage, she is a foundling. Maybe that’s why she lives in an imaginary world, invents a “health worker” for herself, and maybe lies. In fact, this is not a lie, says the author, but “desires presented as reality.” Dreamy by nature

the girl entered the library technical school. And when she was in her third year, the war began. Gala was rejected by the military registration and enlistment office because she did not fit in either height or age, but she showed remarkable perseverance and “I’m fine.”

exceptions” she was sent to the anti-aircraft unit.

The heroines are not alike. It is these girls that Sergeant Major Vaskov takes with him to follow the Germans. But it turns out there are not two enemies, but much more. As a result, all the girls die, leaving only

foreman. Death overtakes the heroines in different situations: through negligence in a swamp, and in an unequal battle with enemies. Vasiliev admires their heroism. It cannot be said that girls are unfamiliar with the feeling of fear. Impressive Galya Chetvertak is very scared of death Sonya Gurvich. But the girl manages to overcome fear, and this is her strength and courage. At the moments of death, none of the girls complains about fate, does not blame anyone. They understand that their lives were sacrificed in the name of saving the Motherland. The author emphasizes the unnaturalness of what is happening when a woman, whose purpose is to love, give birth and raise children, is forced to kill. War is an abnormal state for a person.

The main character of the story is Sergeant Major Fedot Vaskov. He comes from a simple family, studied up to the fourth grade and was forced to leave school because his father died. Nevertheless, he later graduated from the regimental school. Personal life

Vaskova was unsuccessful: his wife ran away with the regimental veterinarian, and little son died. Vaskov has already fought in war, was wounded, and has awards. The girl fighters at first laughed at their simple-minded commander, but soon appreciated his courage, directness, and warmth. He tries in every possible way to help the girls who are coming face to face with the enemy for the first time. Rita Osyanina asks Vaskov to take care of her son. Many years later, an elderly foreman and Rita’s adult son will install a marble slab at the site of her death. The images of enemies are drawn by the author schematically and laconically. These are not specific people; their characters and feelings are not described by the author. These are fascists, invaders who have encroached on the freedom of another country. They are cruel and merciless. This

the image of enemies was typical for early works about the war. The reader feels neither pity nor sympathy for them. In the story by B. L. Vasilyev “And the dawns here are quiet...” we will not find descriptions of battles, we will not get acquainted with the images of outstanding military leaders, we will not find a description of pathetic self-sacrifice in the name of the Motherland. This is a story about another feat that remained unknown to the general public and was not awarded high awards. This is a feat of beautiful young women who sacrificed themselves, fulfilled their duty to the Motherland to the end, in the struggle for the freedom of their country, for happy life future generations.

// The image of Evgenia Komelkova in Vasiliev’s story “And the dawns here are quiet...”

Among the beautiful female images of Boris Vasiliev’s story, the image of Evgenia Komelkova especially stands out.

Zhenya was a bright sun that warmed the heroes even in hard time war. She was only 19 years old - the prime of youth, when you still want to live and love, when so much has not yet been said and done! The author points out that she is the daughter of an officer, and perhaps this influenced her character. Despite her almost childish appearance, Evgenia was a strong, courageous person.

At the beginning of the war, Komelkova experienced a tragedy - her whole family was shot before her eyes. However, hardly anyone could have guessed this, looking at the mischievous girl radiating with a cheerful light. Yes, she suffered, but she did not show it to others, she did not upset her with her misfortune. There was so much courage in her soul, which she covered with a beautiful smile. And only not many could understand this. So, for example, the wise Rita insightfully says about her: “Beautiful, beautiful ones are rarely happy.”

The author especially notes the appearance of his heroine. She was very beautiful: beautiful red hair, green eyes, tall, white skin. It was dangerous to fall in love with her eyes. Proud beautiful face will defeat even the enemy.

Why does Vasiliev go so deep into describing the heroine’s appearance? He shows that such a woman could shine on stage, surprise with her beauty and charisma. But she has to destroy her beauty in the war.

Thanks to her appearance and innate artistry, Zhenya creates an amazing scene for the enemy: she plays carefree, splashing in the water. And he does it so believably that the enemies think that there are soldiers somewhere nearby. In fact, Zhenya was very scared, in her huge beautiful eyes There was a childish fear, but it was not visible. But before, Zhenya was not afraid of anything. She loved to ride horses and was not afraid to sit in ambush with her father, hunting wild boars. Along with men, the girl rode a motorcycle and sang with a guitar. It was easy for her to have light affairs with men. But her attitude towards Colonel Luzhin was different. He became a support for her. After the execution of her family, she went to the front, and he was the one who supported her. Many people condemned Zhenya for his love for Luzhin, because he had a family. The girl understood this, but could not stop.

When Komelkova arrived under the command of Fedot Vaskov, she attracted admiring glances from other girls. Even they noted her beauty. They called her a mermaid, admired her transparent skin, exclaimed that they could only make sculptures from her. Even the “mossy stump” noted her beauty, but he just couldn’t express it.

Zhenya shows heroism, trying to deflect the blow from the girls to himself in a moment of danger. But when he receives a bullet, he cannot believe that he is dying. It's so stupid when you're only nineteen years old. Even now she looks beautiful, which even the Germans who were shooting notice, looking at her proud, beautiful face.

The Great Patriotic War is a great misfortune, a misfortune for the country, for the entire Russian people. Many years have passed since then, but the events of those years are still alive in the memory, alive largely thanks to the stories of veterans and writers who devoted themselves and all their work to the truth about the war, the echoes of which are alive to this day.

However, not everyone and not always managed to convey their “truth” about the war to a large readership. The barriers were primarily censorship and ideology, which allowed talking only about exploits, only about victories. But there were also unfortunate defeats, fatal mistakes, which, on the one hand, always resulted in numerous casualties, and on the other, paradoxically, pushed Russian soldiers to new victories.

One of the most truthful and vivid works about the war is Vasiliev’s story “And the dawns here are quiet...”. This is a story about the feat of not just the Russian people, but about the feat of women; about how fragile creatures, to whom a wide variety of weaknesses have long been attributed, fought the Germans, not worse than men reflecting enemy fire.

In the story, the author paints before us several difficult women's destinies, several life lines that, perhaps, would never intersect in ordinary life, if not for the war, which united them into one whole, forcing them to be participants and victims of a colossal tragedy.

The girl heroines have different characters and are completely different from each other: Rita Osyanina is a serious girl who has already faced all the difficulties of life, she is unsmiling, brave and determined. Zhenya Komelkova is a red-haired beauty who has enormous energy and is unusually artistic, which more than once helps her both in life and in battle. Liza Brichkina immediately attracts attention with her restraint, taciturnity and complaisance, while Valya Chetvertak is childishly spontaneous, she is subject to fear and emotions. Their characters are different, but these girls have the same fate - to die while performing a combat mission, completing it against everything, including common sense.

The war distorted the fates of many heroes: not only the girls died, but also the foreman. He was the last to die, having survived the death of all his soldiers, who died like real heroes, saving their homeland, Russia, and all living things. He grieves the death of the girls, feels guilty, seeing in each of them a bride, a future mother who could have children and grandchildren, but “now this thread will not be there! A small thread in the endless yarn of humanity.”

Not many books are devoted to the topic of women in war, but those that are in the library of Russian and world literature are striking in their seriousness and globality. Reading Boris Vasiliev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...”, you involuntarily put yourself in the place of those girls, you involuntarily think how I would behave if I found myself in such terrible circumstances. And you involuntarily understand that not very many people are capable of such heroism as the girls showed.

It is believed that fiction based on fiction. This is partly true, but Boris Vasiliev is a writer who went through the war, knew first-hand about its horrors and was convinced of own experience is that the topic of women in war deserves no less attention than the topic of male heroism.