Seeing huge frogs in a dream. Big frog according to the dream book

In a dream, we can encounter various representatives of the animal world. These can be either cute fluffies that you just want to cuddle and stroke, or ugly, unpleasant creatures.
Frogs in reality cause us rather disgust, but they are completely harmless animals. Therefore, their appearance in a dream usually does not carry any negative message. Our article will help you find out what the appearance of frogs in a dream promises.

  • Why do we dream about frogs? A dream where you did not have to touch the cold slippery skin of these jumping animals, but simply watch them from the side, portends good luck in all areas of life. Everything you dreamed about will come true! You will be able to bring all your plans to life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a frog that does not sit still, but actively moves, portends surprises for the dreamer. Know that something will pleasantly surprise you soon.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a frog. If in a dream you yourself are a frog and look at yourself in the mirror, then this speaks of your inconstancy. You easily switch from one job to another, not caring at all about finishing things.
  • Dream Interpretation: for a guy to see a big frog in a dream means that in reality he will be confused because of some situation.
  • Why does a woman dream about a frog? For a woman, seeing a jumping frog in a dream is especially good. Such a vision portends a bunch of pleasant surprises.
  • Frog in a dream various dream books. Each of the dream books gives its own interpretation of what it sees, choose the most suitable one for you.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of a frog in your hands according to Freud’s dream book? Touching this amphibian in a dream indicates your dissatisfaction in life with your partner. Everything you do is done reluctantly and without enthusiasm. Only mutual concessions and heart-to-heart conversations will help solve this problem.
  • Why do you dream of croaking frogs? You will experience hitherto unknown sensations. Maybe it will be an affair with a representative of a different race or even sex with a person of the same sex. In any case, you will remember this adventure for the rest of your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: kill a frog. A dream where you crushed a frog with your foot warns of the promiscuity of your sexual relations, which may soon have a detrimental effect on your health. The consequences of such a life may be irreversible.
  • Why does a woman dream of frogs? Many frogs that you watch in a dream indicate your tender feelings for your partner and the desire to have children from him.
  • , frogs? If you eat a variety of nasty creatures in a dream, you are a very frivolous person.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Miller's dream book: a frog croaking in a swamp predicts a short trip over a short distance.
  • Catching a frog in a dream means that you are irresponsible in relation to your health. Your lifestyle may soon seriously undermine it.
  • Why do we dream about frogs? Miller's dream book says that seeing and hearing these animals in a dream means a meeting with old friends, which will not bring you the desired emotions.
  • To see many small frogs frolicking in the grass in a dream means friendship with a person who in the future will become your close friend and support.
  • Why do you dream of frogs in the water? Many amphibians in the water portend a journey. What it will turn out to be and what it will lead to depends only on you. (cm. )
  • Why does a woman dream of big frogs according to Miller’s dream book? Seeing such a frog in a dream promises a lady a marriage to a wealthy man who has already been married. You will have to take care of his children yourself.
  • Eating a frog in a dream means that you are sometimes guided not by common sense, but by your whims. This really hinders your endeavors.
  • Why do you dream of a swamp with frogs? Such a dream promises some sorrows, but your loved ones will help you cope with them.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • A frog dream foretells a lie on the part of your partner.
  • Why do you dream of a jumping frog according to Tsvetkov’s dream book? An amphibian jumping across the road is a sign of danger. Take a closer look at those around you - among them, someone is secretly plotting intrigues for you.
  • A dream about frogs croaking in a pond indicates the arrival of good news.
  • According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, many frogs in a dream predict illness.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • The dream “green frog” promises the dreamer fleeting fun and disappointment in love.
  • Why do you dream of a frog in the house? Such a dream is interpreted literally - peace and harmony will settle in your family. (cm. )
  • Why do we dream about frogs? Many frogs in the house portend long years mutual love and respect.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a frog? A croaking creature foretells that you will soon learn something that will make you very happy.

English dream book
Dream Interpretation: a lover dreamed of a frog. Rest assured, something good will happen soon.
Dream Interpretation: seeing a frog in a dream for business man predicts good luck in money matters, as well as full support from others.
Esoteric dream book
Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a frog? Dress warmly and take an umbrella, today you may get caught in the rain.
Why do we dream about frogs? Lots of wahs esoteric dream book they also talk about the dreamer's illness.
Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

  • Why do you dream about toads and frogs? Such dreams promise the dreamer a desired purchase or a successful scam.
  • Seeing a frog in a dream can also mean pleasant and not so pleasant meetings, which will give rise to many rumors about you.
  • Dream Interpretation: frog in hand. A croaking toad on your hand means meaningless conversations.
  • Why do you dream of toads and frogs jumping on the ground? You will soon separate from your soul mate. Life apart will show whether you need this person or not.
  • Catching a frog in a dream predicts sad news for the dreamer.
  • Frog in the mouth. The dream book explains such a plot by the dreamer's oratorical abilities. Most likely yours future profession will be associated precisely with this skill. (cm. )
  • Seeing a lot of frogs in a dream promises success in business.

Dream Interpretation of Medea
Frog - interpretation according to Medea's dream book. This vision promises possible changes, for example in habits or position in society. All these changes will lead you to success in business.
Dream Interpretation: frogs. Many frogs warn the dreamer about an unpleasant story that he is destined to get into. You will have to rely only on yourself.
Dream book of the 21st century

  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams “frog”. By dream book XXI century, the interpretation of a dream involving frogs depends on your and their actions in it:

Seeing a frog in a dream means your affairs will go smoothly;
- kill a frog in a dream - you are treating a woman unfairly;
- dream book: seeing a jumping frog is an unexpected surprise;
- eating frogs in a dream means illness;
- dream book: catching a frog means victory, prizes.

  • The interpretation of a dream in which you saw a toad or a huge frog at night can be ambiguous.
  • The dream of “toads, frogs” means both good luck in money matters and betrayal of a person close to you.
  • Why do you dream of a big frog or toad sitting in your hands? Having seen such a dream, know that your financial situation will soon improve dramatically.
  • Dream book of the 21st century: why do you dream of toads and frogs in the water? Such a dream predicts success.
  • Seeing a frog or toad in a carriage in a dream means climbing the career ladder.

Autumn dream book
Why do you dream of frogs in a dream, according to autumn dream book? The frog is a symbol of peeping. Be careful, someone from your circle is collecting dirt on you.
Spring dream book

  • Frog in a dream. What does such a dream mean? By spring dream book the frog promises bad things. Someone will trick you or you will make an enemy.
  • A frog's dream in water predicts good luck, fulfillment of desires, and recognition from society.
  • Dream Interpretation: frog in the house. Kicking a frog out of your house is very bad sign for the dreamer, foretelling the death of a loved one.

Summer dream book
What does it mean when you dream about frogs? The summer dream book interprets this vision literally - it will rain.
Why does a girl dream about a frog? - you dream of a prince from a fairy tale.
Azar's Dream Book
Dream Interpretation: frogs in a dream promise the dreamer profitable investments.
Dream Interpretation: catching frogs predicts sad news.
Vanga's Dream Book

  • Vanga's dream book: frog. According to Vanga, a frog carries negative emotions for the dreamer, such as anger, suspicion and greed. Don't give in to them, it will only get worse.

Holding a frog in your hands in a dream means intrigues against you;
- to see croaking frogs in the water in a dream - you will repent of your past deeds, but it will be impossible to return anything;
- to see a lot of frogs in a dream - all your misfortunes are from unbelief;
- seeing a frog in the house in a dream means tense relationships with relatives.

  • What does it mean to kill a frog in a dream? Such a vision speaks of your uncontrolled, all-consuming suspicion. If you don't change your behavior, your loved ones will turn away from you.
  • Seeing a frog jumping on you in a dream means a deterioration in your physical condition.

Aesop's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: The frog princess is dreamed of by dreamers who are far from reality. A good imagination, of course, never hurts, but you need to know when to stop.
  • Why do you dream of catching frogs? For the dreamer, catching frogs with his hands speaks of big threat health. There is a person in your social circle from whom you can pick up an unpleasant sore.
  • Dream Interpretation: clean pond at the window with a frog. Sitting by the window and listening to the croaking of frogs in the pond predicts disappointment and crying. Perhaps soon you will face a loss that will bring you a lot of pain and suffering.

Combined dream book

  • The interpretation of the dream “a frog jumping along the road” comes down to the fact that you will soon meet your future spouse.
  • Why does a man dream about a frog? For a young man, such a dream promises a quick marriage to a dear friend.
  • Why do you dream of killing a frog? An unexpected misfortune will come into your carefree life.
  • , a frog you put in a jar of milk indicates that you can be trusted. You are not prone to reckless behavior and your loved ones respect you for this.
  • Why do you dream about so many frogs? The dream foreshadows stupid disagreements with relatives.
  • Why do you dream about frogs? The appearance of these creatures will help you answer this question. If you remember what color and size the frog was, whether it was dead or alive, this will tell you a lot.
  • Why do you dream about a big frog? For a woman, such a plot promises marriage with a widower. He will be able to make you happy and provide for you, and in return you will raise his offspring.
  • The dream “big frog” can also signal a disease.
  • Dream Interpretation: a large frog in the water warns of the presence of a hypocrite in your environment.
  • Seeing a big frog in a dream married woman means that her husband will have success in business. Expect a valuable gift from your lucky husband.
  • Dream "huge frog". It is very difficult to meet a giant frog in reality, especially in our latitudes. What does such a dream mean?
  • Why do you dream about a huge frog? For a woman, such a vision is a wonderful sign denoting a happy meeting. Don't pass by your happiness.
  • Dream Interpretation: a huge frog jumping on you warns that you are paying too much attention to your whims and, as a result, are degrading spiritually.
  • Dream "little frog" If you dreamed of a bunch of little frogs, remember that behind an ugly appearance there may be spiritual charm and kindness hidden. Such a dream cannot carry a negative meaning.
  • Why do you dream about little frogs? Babies frolicking in the grass are a symbol of good friends who will always support and help you.
  • Why does a woman dream of small frogs? For representatives of the fair sex, seeing tiny frogs promises interesting acquaintances.
  • Dream Interpretation: a small frog warns of imminent health problems if you do not change your addictions. Your lifestyle is now destroying your body.
  • Why do you dream of a green frog? A dream where a green frog appears promises the dreamer a lot of joy.
  • Seeing green frogs in a dream foretells insignificant but cute and interesting adventures. In the near future, pleasant little things will make you happy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a green frog that appears to a lover advises not to listen to stupid stories about your other half. Think sensibly, otherwise your relationship will be destroyed.
  • Why do you dream about a big green frog? Such a dream suggests that your life will soon be filled with funny and exciting acquaintances with new people. Communication with them will change you for the better.
  • Frog - dream book. What does the green frog mean? For a young lady, such a dream advises you to take a closer look at the guys around you; perhaps you do not notice a very good person.
  • Why do you dream of yellow frogs? Yellow or brown frogs are harbingers of rather unpleasant things. A dream where you see yellow amphibians indicates that your romantic feelings are not mutual.
  • Dream interpretation: a yellow frog jumping on you may indicate liver problems. Just in case, get tested.
  • Why do you dream about a black frog? Black color usually does not bode well. Also in the case of a black frog, the dream promises trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: a black frog dreams of a person who has to go through a very unpleasant conversation. Its outcome will have negative consequences for you. However, do not despair, try to ignore the troubles and move on with your life.
  • Why do you dream about a white frog? The white frog, on the contrary, is associated with the dreamer himself and speaks of his good character.
  • The dream “white frog” also promises disappointed hopes.
  • Dream Interpretation: a white frog running away from you portends a long separation from a good friend.
  • Why do you dream of a dead frog? You will win the difficult struggle for championship. Everyone recognizes your authority. Your loved ones will be proud of you.
  • The dream of “dead frogs” means that you will encourage those around you to take decisive action and charge them with your energy.
  • Dream interpretation: the frog is dead. If in a dream you see a dead animal in your palms, your financial situation will be shaken. Think about your actions in this regard.
  • What does a frog mean in a dream will also help determine its location. Remember where you saw the green jumper - in a swamp, in a house, in an aquarium?
  • Why do you dream of frogs in the water? Water is the natural habitat of frogs. See frogs in it - good sign to the dreamer.
  • Dream Interpretation: frogs in the water promise to achieve great success and recognition.
  • Why do you dream about frogs? clean water? See frogs in clear water predicts unexpected joy. Perhaps you will win the lottery or be given a pleasant surprise.
  • The dream of a “frog in a swamp” is interpreted as insurmountable difficulties for the person who saw it. In general, dirty swamp water in dreams always means trouble.
  • Why do you dream of big frogs in the water? Such visions are usually news.
  • Why does a woman dream of frogs in the water? - to the praise and approval of men.
  • Why do you dream of frogs in the apartment? If you dreamed that noisy and restless frogs filled your house and made life in it unbearable, expect quarrels, omissions and disagreements with relatives.
  • Why does a woman dream of frogs in the house? For girls, such a dream promises unpleasant gossip.
  • If a man dreamed of a frog and it was in his house, expect tipsy friends to visit.
  • Why does a woman dream about a frog? The dream book says that if a woman sees disgustingly croaking frogs in her home, this predicts quarrels with neighbors.
  • The dream “a frog in the house” can also represent parting and melancholy if in the dream you were trying to catch frogs jumping around the apartment.
  • Frog on the bed. The dream book represents the bed as a symbol of marriage and fidelity. A frog on the bed is a favorable sign for lovers.
  • The frog climbed into the bed. The dream book interprets such frog impudence as harmony in relations with a spouse.
  • Why do you dream of a frog in an aquarium? Taming a frog and placing it in your home promises to start your own business, which will be very profitable for the dreamer.
  • Why do you dream of a frog in your mouth? Such an unpleasant dream foreshadows the most vile and base gossip that you can imagine. You will be surprised by people's envy.
  • The dream “a frog under the skin of your left hand” suggests that you are harboring some idea that no one knows about yet.
  • Dream Interpretation: a frog on your leg means that wherever you go, good luck will accompany you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a frog is jumping on me. If a frog jumped on you in a dream, this is a warning about neglect of your health.
  • The dream of “a frog jumping on me” can also be interpreted as spiritual devastation if the frog in the dream filled you with disgust.
  • Dream Interpretation: a frog jumped on its back hints that some actions are being performed behind your back. Be careful not to look stupid in the future.
  • Why do you dream about a biting frog? A bite is a symbol of grief. In such a dream, it is important to remember whether there was a bite mark, whether you felt it.
  • The dream “bitten by a frog” predicts the dreamer’s worries due to gossip about you. If at the same time there is still a bite mark on your body, it will take you a long time to return to normal life.
  • a frog that you did not feel means that all the bad things in your life are in the past.
  • Dream Interpretation: a frog bit you and you felt pain - a bitter loss.
  • Dream interpretation: frog bite on the hand. If an amphibian bites your palm, get ready for financial stagnation.
  • What does it mean to see a frog in a dream? The answer to this question can also be gleaned from your actions towards her. For example:

Feeding a frog in a dream is a joyful event. Dream Interpretation: feeding a frog, a toad - success in money matters;
- kissing a frog in a dream - for a girl - a long-term marriage;
- dream book: running away from a frog means a quarrel.

  • The dream of “live frogs”, which you take in your palms, warns of the existence of ill-wishers. IN this moment these people are plotting against you.
  • Seeing a frog alive in your home in a dream also indicates that you have enemies who you should not listen to.
  • Dream Interpretation: frogs in a dream jumping into your apartment promise the completion of hated household chores. For married ladies, such a plot can also mean the presence of a person who dreams of destroying your happiness.
  • Frog in a dream. Meaning. To see a frog peeking out of a swamp in a dream tells the dreamer that he should not refuse the advice and help of others. This will help you cope with difficulties.
  • Why do you dream about a snake and a frog? It is very difficult to interpret such a dream without additional details, because snakes can also portend a lot, it all depends on their actions and appearance. For example, if in a dream a frog jumped on a snake, your mother-in-law or mother-in-law bitterly regrets something.
  • Why does a pregnant woman dream of a frog? For women in this position, seeing a frog in a dream promises the appearance of a girl.

IN modern world It is customary to greet people by their clothes, therefore, in a dream, having seen such an unsightly creature as a frog, we are preparing to find many unpleasant predictions in this regard in the dream book. However, mostly the frogs promise positive emotions and good deeds. Great importance has the way you meet a frog in your dream. If in a dream you are friendly to a green guest, joy awaits you; if you yourself had a negative attitude towards the frog, for example, you dreamed that you kicked it out of the house or tortured it - expect corresponding consequences in your life.
Frogs in our night dreams can become true predictors; you just need to be able to recognize the signs they leave. We hope our dream book will help you with this.

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    To me dreamed about it dream, in which frogs different colors(green, sand) and sizes jumped on me and tried to get under the covers when I sleeping. Dream dreamed about from Monday to Tuesday. I dreamed about it Today in dream frog, ordinary. As if I I'm in my room and to me this one is literally annoying frog, it just climbs and that’s it. I I'm trying to get rid of her to me disgusting. She me got me very tired I started to get angry, managed to push her to the threshold, at a respectful distance from me, I wanted to kill her, but when I looked at her, frog...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "oldsage"

    Frog in dream| What does it mean if to me dreamed about it frog? frogs- harmless creatures, and see them in dream- a favorable sign. Dream means success in business; It promises peasants a favorable year, a good harvest and healthy, profitable livestock. Dream, in which frogs jumped, indicates a lack of commitment. It is typical for you to move from one to another. In addition, this dream suggests that you are taking basic steps towards some goal. Dream dreaming when you achieve success. Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Jump in dream mean attempts in reality to overcome difficulties or obstacles, and such actions are characterized by swiftness and quick decisions. Jump in length show the degree of achievement of the plan.See in dream toad or frog means that in reality you will have to face a vile person, unpleasant in all respects, but in addition, you can expect deception, selfish actions and betrayal from him. If a toad is for you dreamed about it in the house, it means this person is included in your home and family. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "grc-eka"

    In dream did you see frog- the most ordinary one, from the outside. To you dreaming, how is she jumps, or there are many of them, and they are all jumping merrily. Do you hear croaking in dream.Your everyday life will soon become full of interesting and joyful events, meetings, acquaintances and surprises. 5. As the dream book says, if you dreamed about it frogs in the grass, this is what this means: you are obviously waiting for a meeting with a person who will soon become a faithful, devoted friend. Read more

    Dream book "DomSnov"

    For what dream frogs in dream- dream book. Dreams O frogs, as a rule, are deciphered based on the associations associated with this animal. Namely: Princess frog.To me dreamed the fact that the young man and I went to the registry office to submit an application. and suddenly appears from around the corner frog And jumps on me.I I start screaming because I I'm afraid of them. Then they are small, poisonous green. frogs jumping on me and one gets stuck on the ring finger where the wedding ring is worn... and I I squeeze my hand when I put my hand down, it’s dead. Why is this?? Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    However, if dreamed about it jumping along the path frog, then very soon there is a risk of being tied in marriage. Universal dream book also warns that it may happen that you meet a person of a different nationality and cannot resist the temptation to experience something new. step on in dream on frog, means that your health will be in danger due to relationships with the opposite sex. Read more

    Dream interpretation "fundin"

    If in your dream frog jumps, this indicates that you have no obligations. Are you inclined jump from one place to another. Besides this dream says that you are taking serious steps towards your goal. If in dream you heard a frog croaking, this indicates that you did not do what you wanted. if you dreamed, what you eat frog, this symbolizes dubious and unpleasant tasks that you need to complete. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "womanadvice"

    Dream where we had to catch frog, predicts receiving bad news. This may also be an indication that you need to reconsider your lifestyle, as some habits have a negative impact on your health. For what dreaming jumping frog? Watch how jumps frog, which means we should expect separation. If frog jumps on you is a harbinger of surprises and pleasure. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    If in dream frog jumps dream dreamed what you stepped on frog, then this one dream Read completely

    Dream book "sonnik-mira"

    Frog galloping, sharply and to the side portends a surprise, however, if you see that she jumps in the grass, then soon you will have a reliable and close friend. To trouble dreaming eating frogs. Dream, in which you caught them, is a harbinger of illness due to your negligent attitude towards health. Step on it in dream- to health problems. frogs, dreamed to a person in love, symbolize happiness. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    What means Frog in dream: To you dreamed about it Frog what is it for - You will achieve success thanks to your personal qualities. Imagine that frogs a lot of. They jumping and croak. Dream book of Catherine the Great. What does it mean Frog Meaning sleep Frog: To you dreamed about it Frog what is this for, toad - A tale about how frog turned into a handsome prince after a kiss from the princess, actually tells us: we should not judge by appearance and push away everything that seems ugly and unpleasant at first glance. Read more

    Dream interpretation "junona"

    Interpretation dreams Frog, dream Frog, dreamed Frog. Dream InterpretationSuch dream indicates that in real life A serious loss or bitter disappointment awaits you, which will make you very worried. If in dream frog jumps along the road you are walking on, then soon on your life path you will meet a person with whom you want to connect your life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "womanjournal"

    What to expect if dreamed about it frog? For what dream frogs, what could this mean? Many dream books say that toads dream someone who constantly dreams of something unrealistic and transcendental. If you carry frog in hand in dream, this indicates that your health is in rather poor condition. If in dream frog jumped along the path, then a wedding may soon take place. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    If in dream frog jumps dream prophesies a quick wedding with a loved one. if you dreamed what you stepped on frog- then this one dream is a prophecy that your serene happiness will be broken by unexpected grief. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Which means similar dream may indicate your desire to try something exotic and hitherto unknown to you. I dreamed about it dead frog, Kill frog in dream- harm a woman. Had a dream, What I I want to take a glass of water from there to me in the mouth jumps big toad. I I carefully take it out of my mouth so as not to damage it and spit it into a glass of wine. And so twice, and then she disappeared somewhere. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    If in dream frog jumps along the road you are walking, then soon on your life path you will meet a person with whom you want to connect your life. Young people like this dream prophesies a quick wedding with a loved one. if you dreamed what you stepped on frog, then this one dream is a prophecy that your serene happiness will be broken by unexpected grief. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    If in dream frog jumps along the road you are walking, then soon on your life path you will meet a person with whom you want to connect your life. Young people like this dream prophesies a quick wedding with a loved one. if you dreamed what you stepped on frog- then this one dream is a prophecy that your serene happiness will be broken by unexpected grief. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

    Dream, in which you fish frogs, means that you think too little about the harm that your lifestyle causes to your health. Favorable dream, in which you see jumping they will frog in the green grass, because after this sleep A faithful friend will appear in your life, who will become a support for you in difficult times. Ukrainian dream book. See frogs in dream means: How will dream frog, then this, they say, is a bad omen: deception, enemy. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.bun"

    If in dream frog jumps along the road you are walking: then soon on your life path you will meet a person with whom you want to connect your life. Young people like this dream prophesies a quick wedding with a loved one. if you dreamed what you stepped on frog: then this one dream is a prophecy that your serene happiness will be broken by unexpected grief. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "OnWomen"

    Dream, in which the girl saw a big frog, portends an imminent marriage, and future husband turns out to be a rich widower with children, so she must be ready to raise them as her own. Galloping frogs in dream portend unexpected pleasant moments and surprises. If it's an amphibian jumps along the road you are walking on, it means that in the near future you will meet young man, with whom you wish to connect your future destiny. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "listname"

    If in dream frog jumps along the road you are walking, then soon on your life path you will meet a person with whom you want to connect your life. Young people like this dream prophesies a quick wedding with a loved one. if you dreamed what you stepped on frog, then this one dream is a prophecy that your serene happiness will be broken by unexpected grief. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    They have approximately the same meaning frogs And in dream, especially if dreamed a lot of toads. Problem solving. If in real world you are thinking about some problem or planning a new business, then the dream book recommends turning to this dream Special attention. So see how much frogs jumping into a large hole or disappear in any other way - not very good. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonmir"

    Frog in dream symbolizes good qualities and beauty that hides under external ugliness. Often it foretells success in business and prosperity, which can be achieved thanks to one’s own character traits. If they are highly jumped, then expect surprises and pleasures. Promotion will finally be given to the person who dreamed about it frog, riding in a carriage. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "lovushka-snov"

    Frog. frog see in dream(but not a toad!) frog see in dream- such dream portends success, a successful resolution of certain problems. Croaking frog see in dream or hear croaking - such dream promises changes for the better, good news, news. If frog jumped on You in dream– in reality you will receive support and help at the right time. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonvryky"

    What does it mean frog in the house in dream. If dreamed, What frog jumped into your house, then in reality you will have to perform unpleasant chores around the house. The same dream may predict the appearance of an envious woman who wants to turn your house into a swamp. Green frog, usually, dreaming to the fact that you will pay attention to an ordinary person who has known you for a long time and discover qualities in him that you had not noticed before. Dream Interpretation frog jumps on me.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    For what dreaming Frog according to the dream book: Frog- If you dreamed about it frog- then an unplanned and very successful acquisition awaits you. If you saw in dream, How frog jumps on the ground - then someone is watching you. If in a dream you heard how frog croaks - then you will have favorable news. If you saw in dream very bright frog- then your lover will deceive you. Pocket dream book T. Lagutina. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    It is advisable that they jumped and did not notice who was looking at them. In general, any movement in dream promises a joyful event. What if in a dream frog does some actions, it means business or career will go uphill. When will you dreamed about it(xia) a lot frogs? Today. Yesterday. Read more

    Dream book "sny-sonnik"

    If in dream frog jumps along the road you are walking, then soon on your life path you will meet a person with whom you want to connect your life. Young people like this dream prophesies a quick wedding with a loved one. if you dreamed what you stepped on frog, then this one dream is a prophecy that your serene happiness will be broken by unexpected grief. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "GigaMir"

    If in dream frog jumps along the road you are walking, then soon on your life path you will meet a person with whom you want to connect your life. Young people like this dream prophesies a quick wedding with a loved one. if you dreamed what you stepped on frog, then this one dream is a prophecy that your serene happiness will be broken by unexpected grief. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream book frogs in water dreamed about it, for what dream in dream frogs in water". In dream everything was like that I with my dad and brother we are floating along the river and here I I sit down on some tree and I'm jumping from him when I jumped I saw in the water frog And to me in dream my dad said "Something is all today frogs around Sasha" I I'm afraid frogs and quickly returned to the birches when I was returning there I more.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Why do you dream about the Frog?

  • The beauty that lies beneath the surface ugliness.
  • Impermanence; shirking from one thing to another.
  • May express a desire to find her prince.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

In a dream see a frog

  • The frog can be a symbol of stillness, patience and the ability to focus accurately. A frog can sit completely motionless for a long time, waiting for a fly to appear nearby. When the future victim comes into range, the frog catches it in one infallible movement.
  • In many ancient rituals, the frog was associated with the moon and rain. In Egypt, frogs lining up in rows along the banks of the Nile a few days before the sky began to frown were considered a symbol of fertility. Images of frog gods were placed on mummies. Madame Blavatsky, a mystic and philosopher, argued that the frog is a symbol of creation and resurrection, since it lives both in water and on land and, disappearing in the fall, reappears in the spring.
  • It can also be a sign of inconsistency - jumps from one subject to another.
  • In some cultures, the frog is considered a symbol of purification. The shamans of the Aztec and Mayan states took water into their mouths and sprinkled it on sick people, concentrating on the energy of the frog.
  • The frog symbol may indicate a desire to find one's prince, as the frog turned into a prince after kissing the princess. It can be a symbol of transformation and the beauty hidden behind apparent ugliness.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Frog?

  • To fall in love without reciprocity

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

Why do you dream about the Frog?

  • Seeing frogs means success in business / great achievements / good rumors.
  • Cutting or killing frogs means knowing that you are harming a woman.
  • They jump sharply - surprise/pleasure awaits.
  • Eating frogs means trouble, heartbreak.
  • Hearing frogs means well-being, pleasant hearing.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Frog

  • A frog caught in a dream indicates that you are careless with your own health. A frog jumping in the grass means that you will have a faithful friend to whom you can entrust any secret.
  • A frog in a swamp dreams of misfortune, which you will overcome with the help of friends.
  • A huge frog portends a woman’s marriage to a rich widower with children.
  • If you ate frogs in a dream, expect little joy and very little benefit from communicating with some people.
  • The croaking of frogs promises a trip to see friends, which, however, will not bring you joy.

Dream Interpretation: Chinese dream book Zhou-gun

Dream Interpretation Frog

  • A frog and a toad croak, running away. - There will be a squabble.
  • Mole cricket or frog. - They foretell a situation that will be incomprehensible to you.

Dream Interpretation: Aesop's Dream Interpretation

In a dream see a frog

  • There are many different folk signs related to the frog. Perhaps they could be deposited in your subconscious and serve as the reason for the appearance of this amphibian in a dream. For example, during the day you heard the loud croaking of frogs and thought that it was raining, or you stepped on a frog and decided that it would be a disaster, or you dipped a toad in milk so that it would not go sour. They also say that if you pick up a frog, a wart will definitely appear on your hand.
  • Or maybe you dreamed of a frog because in real life you met a pompous person, full of self-importance, and, looking at him, you remembered the famous folk wisdom: “No matter how the frog sulks, it’s still far from the ox.” When deciphering your dream, you should not forget about the folk tale about the frog princess that has survived to our times. It is quite possible that you dreamed of a frog because in reality you dream of something unrealistic and unrealistic.
  • Holding a frog in your arms in a dream is a sign that your health is in serious danger. Perhaps among your close circle there is a person suffering from a contagious disease who poses a real threat to you.
  • Listening to the croaking of a frog in a dream means tears. Such a dream indicates that in real life you will face a serious loss or bitter disappointment, which will make you very worried.
  • If in a dream a frog jumps along the road you are walking on, then soon on your life path you will meet a person with whom you want to connect your life. For young people, such a dream predicts a quick wedding with a loved one.
  • If you dreamed that you stepped on a frog, then this dream is a prophecy that your serene happiness will be broken by unexpected grief.
  • Dropping a frog into a can of milk in a dream means that in real life you are a person you can rely on and trust with all your secrets. Thanks to your prudence, you do not commit rash and thoughtless actions.
  • If you saw a large number of frogs in a dream, then in the near future you will have absurd quarrels with people close to you.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Veles

Dream Interpretation Frog

  • Green frogs jumping out of the mouth - to earn money through teaching, public speaking

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Frog?

  • Seeing caught frogs means that you are careless with your own health, which may cause suffering for your loved ones.
  • Seeing frogs in the grass means that you will have a pleasant and balanced friend, a confidant of your secrets and a good adviser.
  • To see a very large frog means for a woman a marriage with a rich widower who has children who need care.
  • If you eat frogs, this means a quickly passing joy and very little benefit from communicating with some people.
  • Seeing frogs in a swampy area means misfortune, which you will overcome thanks to the kindness and help of friends.
  • Listening to the croaking of frogs means that you will soon go to visit friends, but this trip will not bring you joy.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Frog

  • (jumping across the road) - spy, spy;
  • hear croaking - good news;
  • an ordinary frog is a deception in love.

Dream Interpretation: Freud's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Frog?

  • Picking up a frog in a dream means doing something in real life that you feel disgusted with, for example, practicing oral sex, which your partner may like. Try to discuss the problem with him, maybe you will find something that will suit both of you and you won’t have to make any sacrifices.
  • Hearing frogs croaking in a dream means exotic sex. Perhaps you will meet a person of a different nationality, and you will be overcome with curiosity - how is “it” for them? Just remember to take precautions.
  • Stepping on a frog in a dream means your health will be at risk, and carelessness in relationships with the opposite sex will be to blame. If you don’t change anything in the very near future, the prediction will come true in the worst case scenario.

Dream Interpretation: Vedic dream book Sivananda

In a dream see a frog

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Frog?

  • A dream in which you catch frogs means that you think too little about the harm that your lifestyle causes to your health. A dream in which you see baby frogs jumping in the green grass is favorable, because after such a dream a faithful friend will appear in your life, who will become a support for you in difficult times. For a young woman, a dream in which she sees a male frog means that she will marry a wealthy widower and will have to take care of his children. If you dreamed that you were eating frogs, then in real life you too often follow your own whims, which is why your business suffers. A dream in which you hear frogs croaking means that a short trip awaits you.

Why did you dream about the Frog (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

  • The frog is a symbol of your carelessness. You probably take serious events in your life lightly.
  • Why do you dream of frogs in the grass - this is a favorable sign that predicts a quick friendship with a calm, reliable and balanced person who will help you solve some troubling problems.
  • Eating frogs in a dream is a benefit, but not a big one. The joy of your purchase will soon be replaced by worries about future fate you and your loved ones.
  • Why dream of a frog croaking loudly in a swamp - get ready for the fact that the trip for which you have been preparing for a long time will not bring you much joy.

Why did Frogs dream (Psychiatric dream book)

  • I dreamed of frogs - harmless and defenseless creatures, and a dream about them only means that you subconsciously do not expect negative events.
  • But be careful if the dreamed frogs behave restlessly - croaking incessantly or chaotically jumping in different directions. Are you in Lately Did you quarrel with any of your friends? If yes, the dream encourages you to make peace with him, otherwise you will think about what happened for a long time.
  • If you live in rural areas and are engaged in crop production, a dream about frogs speaks of abundant harvests, which you will achieve through your own efforts.

Why do you dream of a Frog (Romantic dream book)

  • Why does a woman dream of a big frog - in reality she will soon meet a rich widower who will become her husband and life partner.
  • But if you are afraid of this toad, marriage will not bring you happiness. Frogs that you kicked out of the house portend the beginning of a series of quarrels and disagreements in family life. Your relationship with your loved one will be in jeopardy unless you show a little patience and understanding.

Everyday interpretation of a dream about Frogs (allegory of the writer Aesop)

There are many different folk signs associated with a dreamed frog. Perhaps they could be deposited in your subconscious and serve as the reason for the appearance of this amphibian in a dream. For example, during the day you heard a loud croaking and thought it was raining, or you stepped on a frog and decided that something was wrong, or you dipped the toad in milk so that it wouldn’t go sour.

They also say that if you pick up a frog, a wart will definitely appear on your hand. And, it turns out, you dreamed of a toad because in reality you met a pompous man, full of self-importance, and, looking at him, you remembered the well-known folk wisdom: “No matter how pouting a frog is, you are far from an ox.” It is quite possible that you dreamed of a frog because in reality you dream of something unrealistic and unrealistic.

  • Why dream of a frog in your hands - your health is in serious danger. Perhaps among your close circle there is a person suffering from a contagious disease who poses a real threat to you.
  • Listening to the croaking of frogs in a dream, according to the dream book, means tears. The dream indicates that in reality you will face a serious loss or bitter disappointment, which will make you very worried.
  • If in a dream a frog jumps along the road you are walking on, then soon on your life path you will meet a person with whom you want to connect your life. For young people, the dream prophesies a quick wedding with a loved one.
  • If you dream that you stepped on a frog, then this dream is a prophecy that your serene happiness will be broken by unexpected grief.
  • Dropping a frog into a can of milk in a dream means that in reality you are a person you can rely on and trust with all your secrets. Thanks to your prudence, you do not commit rash and thoughtless actions.
  • If you saw a large number of frogs in a dream, then in the near future you will have absurd quarrels with people close to you.

Analysis of the dream in which the Frog dreamed (interpretation by psychologist S. Freud)

  • Picking up a frog in a dream means doing something in reality that you feel disgusted with, for example, practicing oral sex, which your partner likes. Try to discuss the problem that has arisen with him, perhaps you will find something that will suit both of you and you will not have to make any sacrifices.
  • Why do you dream of frogs croaking in a dream - exotic sex. You will meet a person of a different nationality, and you will be filled with curiosity - how is it for them? Just remember to take precautions.
  • If you step on a frog in a dream, according to the dream book, your health will be at risk, and carelessness in relationships with the opposite sex will be to blame. If you don’t change anything in the very near future, the prediction will come true in the worst case scenario.

Frog - why do you dream in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

  • Seeing frogs in a dream means success in business.
  • Dreaming of cutting and killing frogs is a sign that you are harming a woman.
  • Jumping frogs symbolize surprises and pleasures.
  • A frog in water in a dream means success.
  • Catching a frog in a dream means winning.
  • Dreaming of eating a frog portends illness.
  • Killing a frog in a dream is an unfavorable dream, promising you troubles and obstacles in business.

Why does a woman dream of a Frog in a dream (according to the dream book of Natalya Stepanova)

  • Seeing frogs in the grass means friendship with a pleasant, balanced person who will become the keeper of your secrets and a wise adviser.
  • Frogs in a swamp foretell a misfortune that you will overcome with the help of friends.
  • The croaking of frogs in a dream means that you will go to visit friends, but this will not bring you joy.
  • Why do you dream about eating frogs - to the fleeting joy of communicating with some people.

Why do you dream of a Frog in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing caught frogs in a dream means that you are careless with your own health.
  • If you dream of frogs in the grass, you will have a pleasant and balanced friend.
  • Seeing a very large frog in a dream for a woman means marriage to a rich widower with children who need care.
  • I dreamed of eating frogs - a quickly passing joy and very little benefit.
  • Dreamed of a frog in a swampy area - a misfortune that you will overcome thanks to the kindness and help of friends.
  • Hearing the croaking of frogs in a dream means you will soon go to visit friends, but this trip will not bring you joy.

Almost all people feel disgusted when they see frogs, and only a few come in to pet or pick up an amphibian. When people see it in a dream, they don’t think about what it is good sign, although in vain, since most often it is negative images that have a positive interpretation. To find out information about events of the future and present, it is necessary to analyze the dream taking into account the main details, and then begin decoding.

Why do we dream about frogs?

Seeing a frog sitting on the grass means that you will soon find a faithful friend who will help you in difficult situation, both in advice and in action. If an amphibian was in a swamp, this is a symbol of misfortune, which can only be overcome with the help of close friends. Hearing a frog croak means you should beware of gossip and slander. A large number of amphibians indicates that in the future you will make an unplanned, but ultimately profitable acquisition. A dream where a frog is in the water is a positive sign that promises success in life.

It will be interesting to know what it means if you dream of a frog in the house. In this case, night vision is a symbol that you will thank fate for happy moments and gifts. Night vision, where you picked up a dead frog, warns of problems in material sphere. If you step on a frog, this is a warning that happiness will soon be disrupted by spontaneous grief. Watching amphibians catch insects means that in reality you are trying to get rid of some kind of burden that is weighing you down. long time. A dream where you ate frogs indicates joy through meeting someone influential person. Tree frogs are a harbinger of meeting friends from the past, perhaps you will meet the person you loved as a child.

Why do you dream that a frog bites?

Such a dream can be interpreted as an indication that all troubles are behind us and everything will be fine. There is other information that a frog bite is a harbinger of troubles that will arise due to numerous gossip.

Why do you dream of a green frog?

An amphibian of this color is a harbinger that you will unexpectedly make a profitable purchase. It is also a symbol of short joy. For people in a couple, a green frog indicates that the relationship has deteriorated and is fading away. The dream book says that the reason is ridiculous gossip. There is also radically different information, according to which such a dream promises the occurrence of joyful events and feelings.

Why does a girl dream about a frog?

Such a dream predicts marriage, and the chosen one will be a financially secure widower, but he will have his own children. It can also be a symbol of the emergence of numerous gossip.

Why do you dream of catching a frog?

If an amphibian is caught, this is a warning about the occurrence of diseases that will cause loved ones experiences and suffering. A dream where you had to catch a frog predicts receiving bad news. This may also be an indication that you need to reconsider your lifestyle, as some habits have a negative impact on your health.

Why do you dream of a jumping frog?

Watching a frog jump is something to expect. If a frog jumps on you, this is a harbinger of surprises and pleasure. Seeing amphibians jumping along the road where you are walking means that in the future you will be able to meet a person who will turn out to be your soulmate. A frog jumping on green grass predicts the appearance of a faithful friend in life who can be trusted.