Why do you dream of a child who has not yet been born? Should you worry? Miller's Dream Book: circumstances will improve. Big dream book Why dream about giving birth to a boy

It portends a happy improvement in your life circumstances, and it is possible that the birth of a beautiful child really awaits you.

If a young lady, even before the wedding, dreams about the birth of a baby- the dream warns her of the need to take care of her reputation and protect her dignity. The dream may foretell good news, the receipt of an inheritance.

Dream book of lovers

A girl who, even before marriage, had a dream that she had a child.- you should take care of your reputation and not get involved with dishonest people.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Birth is a sacred event that has ritual significance in all cultures of the world. And it is not surprising that it is closely related to one of the Jung archetypes of the Self, which gives life to another. Because it is an archetypal image, there are many accompanying symbols associated with birth and life.

Dream book for a bitch

Birth of a child- happy and joyful changes in life, unexpected acquisitions, good news.

New family dream book

The birth of a child seen in a dream- portends a happy improvement in life circumstances. Or perhaps you really are expecting the birth of a beautiful baby.

If a girl dreams of having a baby before marriage- She should be more careful about her reputation.

In general, a dream about the birth of a baby- may portend good news and changes.

Modern combined dream book

For a married woman to see that she is having a child- sign great joy and a huge inheritance.

Lonely woman similar dream - foreshadows the loss of virtue and a break with the beloved.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Give birth to a child yourself- to a secret criminal desire; watch the birth of a child- base passion.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Birth of a child of other parents- a reflection of the powerful impact on awareness on the part of this person.

Your own child- a reflection of a powerful change in awareness. A reflection of beginnings, renewal and rebirth.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Childbirth- a bright symbol of renewal and rebirth. They can symbolize new stage your life, both external and internal.

Birth may mark- spiritual awakening or release of a powerful creative force hidden within you. Is it time to give life to a new project or ideal in your life? Isn't it time to start all over again?

With the birth of something new- usually the death of something old is associated. These may be old ideas or old stereotypes that limit your horizons. Don't stop on your path, even if it means saying goodbye to a lot.

Birth marks- an undertaking, but it can also symbolize vulnerability and defenselessness.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

If not married woman dreamed that she gave birth to a child- this indicates inevitable promiscuity.

A married girl has such a dream- prophesies a successful birth.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Birth- to new ideas and plans.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Images of birth- can be ambivalent and hide the idea of ​​death, but can be unambiguous. Thus, during dreams, an individual can crawl out of small holes, passages, caves or, conversely, crawl into cavities, move away from the sea or come to it, enter or exit a tunnel, etc. These dreams are often colored by anxiety, which is associated with the fact that the idea of ​​death is close to the idea of ​​birth. The birth that occurred or the situation of childbirth and birth itself.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

A dream in which you saw the birth of a child can tell about many things. What is the meaning of such a dream? What does it promise different people? What does it warn about? Why do you dream about the birth of a child? Interpretations in dream books will help you understand these and other questions.

What might one dream of about the birth of a child according to Miller’s dream book?

A dream in which a baby is born may foretell the receipt of an inheritance or good news.

If you dreamed about the birth of your child, such a dream promises a happy improvement in the circumstances in your life, and perhaps you will actually have a beautiful baby.

If a young unmarried girl sees the birth of a baby in a dream, this means a warning about the need to take care of her own reputation and protect her dignity.

The birth of a child according to Vanga’s dream book

Seeing the birth of a child in a dream is a symbol that is associated with significant life changes, liberation from something or resolution of affairs.

If you are giving birth, such a dream predicts your participation in an event that you consider insignificant, but its consequences may come as a big surprise to you.

Seeing your own birth in a dream means that fate is giving you a chance to start your life over again. Perhaps such a dream is associated with the mystery of reincarnation of souls, and you once existed in another body and dimension. You should reconsider your life values ​​and make an attempt to rethink your purpose.

The birth of a child according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of the birth of a child, and you directly delivered the child, this portends an acquaintance with a person who can make perfect couple for you. Perhaps you don't take him seriously yet because you imagine your soulmate differently. However, he will be quite persistent and will be able to make you believe that your relationship is possible.

If in a dream a child was born to you, then such a dream predicts your pregnancy (only if a woman dreams about it). And if suddenly a man saw in a dream that he was delivered, this is a warning about the future consequences of his extramarital affair.

Seeing the birth of a child in a dream: what does it mean for different people?

A young girl who saw the birth of a baby in a dream even before the wedding should become more cautious in her actions, since her behavior may be interpreted by those around her as promiscuity.

And if a girl saw the birth of her own baby in the water, this means that she will soon lose her virginity or quickly get married. The birth of a baby, dreamed of by a married or pregnant woman, can portend a joyful event and an easy birth. When an elderly lady has a dream where she herself gave birth to a child, this foreshadows an upcoming illness.

If a man saw in a dream that he was giving birth to a baby, this shows his creative nature and the presence of new interesting ideas. Excellent prospects can be open to him if he listens to his own intuition.

It is believed that the birth of a baby seen in a dream is very favorable for men and the more children are born before his eyes, the more successful and prosperous his life will become. Perhaps he will be promoted, success in all endeavors, receive an inheritance or unexpected profit.

Seeing your childbirth in a dream means achieving your goal in reality, no matter what the cost. Seeing in a dream how your acquaintance or friend gave birth to a child promises well-being and happiness for the woman you see.

For those who want a child and cannot conceive, such a dream predicts the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. If a woman or even a man gave birth in a dream, this means cleansing and liberation from the burden that oppresses you.

What does it mean to dream about the birth of a girl child?

The birth of a girl's child, seen in a dream, foreshadows serious changes in life or even the beginning of a new period in her life soon. For a woman, such a dream can mean her openness to everything new, impatient anticipation of new relationships and love.

If a man saw such a dream, most likely he has a new business in his plans, which should become profitable and successful, giving him authority and respect. An unmarried girl who sees the birth of a girl's child in a dream will soon learn wonderful news that can change her whole life.

Why might you dream about the birth of a boy?

If you dreamed of the birth of a boy, this means that your life circumstances are improving, and family happiness is not in danger. Such a dream can be a symbol of happy news concerning your friends or relatives, and also foreshadow the emergence of new ideas and plans in the near future.

If a woman planning a child saw the birth of a boy in a dream, this is a harbinger of the birth of her own baby. In addition, such a dream can mean an easy and successful birth.

Miller's dream book: newborn

If a person dreams that he has a child, then in reality this foreshadows a significant improvement in life and happiness. Sometimes such a dream actually predicts the birth of a child. If a young unmarried lady has such a dream before marriage, this is a warning that she needs to take care of her feminine reputation and maintaining her dignity. This event may also foreshadow the receipt of an inheritance and joyful events.

Small dream book

For a married woman, this dream foretells a very large inheritance and great joy. For a single woman, such a dream promises a loss of dignity and a break in relationships because of this. Childbirth symbolizes rebirth and renewal. This dream may portend a new stage in life (both in the external and internal world).

Denise Lynn dream book

A dream about the birth of a child can mark the awakening of powerful spiritual forces and creative energy dormant in a person. What you dream of about the birth of a child seems to indicate whether it’s time to start a new grandiose project or start life anew? However, with the birth of something new, something old dies. These can be stereotypes, ideas and values ​​that limit a person's horizons. This dream is advice - not to stop, even if you have to say goodbye to many things. Birth is always some kind of undertaking, however, such a dream can also speak of vulnerability and defenselessness during a period of change.

Dream Interpretation: interpretation - why do you dream about the birth of a daughter?

If you dreamed of the birth of a girl, this is a harbinger of an imminent revolution in the dreamer’s life. Fateful changes are coming in life that will lead to a meeting with a person with whom he will be happy.

Wanderer's dream book

For a girl, giving birth in a dream is a real dispute. For a mature woman, such a dream symbolizes the imminent achievement of a goal and joy. Seeing your birth from the outside means success in life and happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Tatiana the Great - why do you dream about the birth of a boy?

If a lady who is not expecting a child dreams that she is giving birth (or has given birth) to a boy, then in reality she will experience great success in business sphere. To an unmarried girl this dream foreshadows joyful and good events. Men have such a dream for profit or big win. For older people, the birth of a boy may be an unexpected dream. material well-being and good health.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - interpretation of why you dream about the birth of a child?

The birth of a child marks family happiness.

Vedic dream book

For a married lady, this dream predicts a fairly easy and prosperous birth.

French dream book

If you dreamed of the birth of a child, then this foreshadows happiness in the dreamer’s house in all its manifestations.

Veles's dream book - why do you dream about the birth of a child?

The birth of a child - new ideas and grandiose plans.

Lovers dream book

For an unmarried lady, a dream in which she gave birth to a child warns her against relationships with dishonest people, which could lead to loss of reputation.

Every dream we see is a certain sign that allows us to better understand ourselves and look a little into our future.

You can dream about anything, but the dream book will give an explanation for any dream.

Why do you dream about the birth of a child? What do dreams about the birth of a new life mean?

If a girl appeared

If you had a dream in which you saw the birth of a girl, pleasant changes await you. For example, giving birth in a maternity hospital speaks of a new, more profitable place of work. And if the action took place in an apartment, then soon you will move to a new place of residence.

A pleasant acquaintance and the development of relationships is what dreams of the birth of a girl in transport mean. And if you saw a dream about several women giving birth at once, then the dream book promises that your life will be full of bright colors.

  • A long labor means a tempting offer from old acquaintances.
  • Seeing your friend among women giving birth is a sign of wise advice from a colleague.
  • In a dream, women mixed up their children - a long-awaited meeting.
  • The appearance of twins means an increase in wages.
  • A dream in which a girl was born with long hair, – to a decent life.

Many women are concerned about why they dream about the birth of a girl if they give birth themselves. The dream book explains such dreams as your hidden feelings. For example, feeling pain during childbirth means worrying about family life loved one. A quick, painless process means that you are worried about the health of your loved one.

The birth of a daughter in extreme conditions is a sign that you have fallen in love. And if in a dream you were in a beautiful, clean room, this means that you are satisfied with your appearance.

A dream in which you gave birth to a big girl speaks of your excessive shyness. And you dream about the birth of twins or triplets when you are worried about things at work.

The birth of a boy

Joy and positive emotions- this is what dreams of the birth of a boy mean, seen from the outside. If yours is giving birth best friend, get ready for a loud celebration with a luxurious feast. And the birth of a stranger promises a romantic walk and beautiful words.

As the dream book writes, a boy born in clothes dreams of interesting journey. And if you saw a birth that resulted in the birth of a black baby, get ready for a pleasant acquaintance.

  • If a blond boy is born, it means fun with your best friends.
  • Taking delivery of women means finding a way out of a confusing situation.
  • Many newborn children - to happy life in abundance.
  • Holding a newborn baby in your arms means effective flirting.
  • Someone gave birth in your house - a pleasant surprise.

Why do you dream about the birth of a son? What do dreams mean in which you give birth to a boy? Most often this happens when you are on the verge of important events.

For example, a dream about the birth of a desired child means that soon you will be able to use your abilities and make good money. And if a son was born, whom you decided to abandon, then luck will be your companion in many matters.

The birth of twins promises profit in a new place of work. And if three babies were born, then you will have a reliable, rich patron.

As the dream book says, giving birth to a boy and immediately breastfeeding him in a dream means being ready for children in reality. And to take milk for your son from other women - accept important decision, which will become fateful for you.

Now you can see that the birth of a baby is not only a pleasant event in reality, but also good sign in night dreams. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Every dream is a piece big picture our life. Most people do not attach much meaning to night visions. However, any dream, if interpreted correctly, can predict our future or warn us against danger.

The thought of having a child excites almost everyone. Indeed, the birth of a new life is a miracle that is incomparable. Why do you dream of giving birth to a child in a dream? Let's look at the interpretations from the most popular dream books.

If you dreamed that you were giving birth to a baby, you will soon have the opportunity to return to your native land, where you were born and raised, and connections with old friends will also be renewed.

Dream interpretation of “having a child” from the medium Hasse

  • If in a dream you give birth, this means that in reality you have to make a lot of efforts to achieve your goal.
  • A pregnant girl dreams of the birth of a child - in reality she will have a boy.
  • If you observe childbirth from the outside, this promises you big losses, perhaps it will be the loss of property or a failed investment.
  • For people with serious illnesses, such a dream foreshadows the approaching end of life.
  • For adventurers, dreaming of childbirth means returning to their home.
  • For people in prison, the dream predicts the approach of release.

Interpretation of the dream “giving birth to a child” from the prophetess Vanga

  • Giving birth to a child - such a vision promises drastic changes in life and the release of your internal energy. This also means that you will be able to finally come to a peaceful agreement in conflicts that are already complicating your life. long time.
  • In a dream, you observe a suffering woman in labor - an unfavorable sign that foreshadows the emergence of serious problems. However, if the birth ends successfully, then all troubles will pass you by.
  • If a baby or a woman giving birth dies during childbirth, this means that a great tragedy awaits all of humanity.
  • Watching your birth from the outside means fate provides you with the opportunity to correct all your mistakes and “start living from scratch.”

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

  • Giving birth to a baby in a dream means that there is a high probability that you will conceive soon.
  • Accepting someone else's birth - a dream foreshadows a meeting with a person who will become one and only for you.
  • During childbirth, your loved one is near you - this indicates that he is yours main support and protection in life. If he stands somewhere far away, it means he has love affairs on the side.
  • If in a dream is born dead child– probably one of the partners is infertile.

What does a dream in which you give birth mean, according to Nostradamus’ dream book?

  • If an innocent girl dreams of giving birth, this promises her a quick loss of virginity.
  • Watching a married woman give birth - soon you yourself will become a participant in this amazing event.
  • In a dream you see many girls giving birth - this is a favorable sign that foreshadows the end of all wars and the reign of world harmony.
  • A woman in a dream gives birth to a slippery snake - symbolizes the appearance of the Antichrist, a God-rejecter who will bring death with him.
  • If a representative of the stronger sex dreams of childbirth, this indicates that he will encounter something new, still unknown.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

  • In a dream, you yourself give birth - a favorable sign, foreshadowing events that will change your life in better side. All the problems that have been bothering you for a long time will suddenly disappear, and peace and quiet will reign.
  • If a young girl dreams of giving birth, this indicates that her reputation is under threat. Therefore, you need to be as careful as possible to protect your honor.
  • A man dreams of the birth of a child - this means that he can safely implement everything that has been planned for a long time, since luck is now on his side.
  • For a young woman, such a dream promises an early pregnancy.

How do modern dream books explain dreams?

  • If a married woman dreams of giving birth, it’s probably time for her to think about joining the family.
  • Watching someone else's birth from the outside means a period of melancholy and despair will come in your life. However, you shouldn’t give up, the black stripe always gives way to a white one.
  • If you are helping a woman in labor, the expression “luck is on its tail” is about you.
  • For a young girl, a vision of childbirth foreshadows a serious quarrel that will exhaust her mentally.
  • In a dream, a representative of the stronger sex gives birth - this indicates that you are overestimating your capabilities, so you should refuse to implement your plans. Otherwise, you will face complete failure.
  • If the baby is stained with blood, your family is in danger, so you need to warn them.
  • A stillborn child is born - you should consult a doctor and undergo a full examination of the body. There is a high probability that you have serious health problems.
  • If you dream of a newborn boy adult woman- this portends her happiness and prosperity, and for a pregnant woman - a quick and easy birth.
  • If a young girl dreams of the birth of a son, she should not have children in the near future because of her lifestyle.
  • For a man, the birth of a boy is a harbinger of a successful deal that will bring him a good income.
  • If a young girl gives birth to a girl, this indicates that she is behaving in an unworthy manner, and for an adult woman such a dream promises her well-being.
  • The birth of a girl for a man is a warning about possible ruin. Therefore, when choosing an investment direction, be extremely careful.
  • Difficult and painful childbirth in a dream means that you are actually trying to go against the law.