General questions of the theory of complicated sentences. Lecture: The concept of a complex sentence. Sentence with introductory and intercalary constructions

The concept of “complicated sentence”.
Homogeneous members of the sentence.
Isolated members of a sentence.
Input and plug-in structures.

A traditionally complicated sentence is considered from the point of view
in terms of its punctuation.
Typically, complex sentences include sentences with
homogeneous members and isolated phrases.
In some grammars sentences are called complex
with introductory structures and appeals.
Two types of complications:
Syntactic - introducing an additional element into a sentence
syntactic element
Confused, he stood at the door (2 propositions, 1 predicate).
Semantic - the emergence of a new proposition, syntactically
not allocated
I listen to the birds singing (2 propositions, 1 predicate).

1. The concept of “complicated sentence”

Signs of a complicated sentence:
More syntactic positions than in elementary
sentence (predicative core + conditional
distributors in the form of phrases). OSP has
distributors included directly in the offer.
In addition to predicative and subordinating relations, there are
coordinative and semi-predicative relations.
Formal semantic-syntactic indicators
(conjunctions, particles, intonation).
The OSP is the object of constructive syntax.
A construction is a syntactic unity that
characterized by relative independence, integrity
and is formatted according to certain grammatical patterns, consists of
components, the number and nature of which are determined externally
specific words.

Homogeneous members of a sentence are such members
proposals that:
connected coordinating connection,
occupy the same syntactic position and perform
the same syntactic function (complement,
definition, circumstance);
You can always put a coordinating conjunction between them;
pronounced with the intonation of enumeration;
do not always have the same morphological expression
In front of us was a building, old, wooden, without a roof.
The semantic relationships between the ECPs can be defined as:
connecting (and, yes, a);
adversatives (a, but, yes);
dividing (or, either, then... then);
connecting (yes and, but also, yes and that);
gradational (not only... but also, not so much... as).

2. Homogeneous members of the sentence

The question of
homogeneity of the main members of the sentence.
Sentences with several subjects combined by one
predicate, it is considered to be simple with OCP
The heat and drought lasted for more than three weeks.
There are several points of view regarding predicates:
Each predicate is interpreted as a component capable of creating
separate offer. It's polypredicative, but
monosubjective unit (in logic – complex judgments)
The song got confused, trembled, broke, went out.
If several predicates have one common component (link
or secondary), then they are homogeneous
They dressed me, gave me shoes, fed me.
He was big and kind.
All predicates with one subject are homogeneous.

2. Homogeneous members of the sentence

Agreed definitions are homogeneous if
each of them is directly related to the defined
in a word.
These definitions are in relationship with each other
enumerations: connected by coordinating conjunctions or
Homogeneous definitions mean:
distinctive features of different objects
Below, in the blue, yellow, and purple spots, it swayed rhythmically
reflection of the city.
different signs of the same object
He held out his red, swollen, dirty hand to me.
In context, homogeneous definitions
synonymously approaching Cold, metallic light
flashed on thousands of wet leaves.

2. Homogeneous members of the sentence

Heterogeneous definitions characterize:
one object, but from different sides
The boy was pasting a fresh Moscow newspaper onto the wall.
the previous definition does not apply directly to
to the defined noun, and to the phrase
The early harsh winter dawn appeared through the dead haze.
The definitions expressed are usually heterogeneous
pronoun and adjective your blue suit.
Context can help bring together heterogeneous
definitions The letter was written in large, nervous handwriting.
The choice of one group or another is determined by the author’s task
(commonality - homogeneous definitions, difference - heterogeneous).
On the syntactic relations of definitions with one
The word being defined is also influenced by the position. Definitions,
those located after the defined word are always homogeneous
I will possess the eternal, undoubted truth.

Isolation is a complication of a sentence by
introducing an additional syntactic position into it.
This is the semantic and intonation highlighting of secondary
members of the proposal to give them more
A separate state of emergency carries certain semantics and is formalized
using appropriate syntactic connections
and internal formal organization.
Isolated emergency situations are needed in order to convey complex
semantic content.
To do this, various formants are included in the revolutions:
particles even, modal words of course, function words,
adverbial determinants with a wide temporal meaning
sometimes, sometimes.
Complex sentences with isolated members:
with semi-predicative isolated members;
with clarifying isolated members.

3. Isolated members of a sentence

1. Complex sentences
with separate definitions:
with participial phrases
At the gate stood a wagon drawn by three
Tatar horses.
with adjective phrases (adjective with
dependent words).
Here is my bird, once cheerful, singing on the window.
with inconsistent definitions
Styopka, with a jagged spoon in his hands, took his place
in the smoke near the boiler.
with separate applications
The regimental adjutant was a German, the stutterer Merck, a man
solid rules of life.

10. 3. Isolated members of a sentence

agreed definitions (with dependent words) in postposition;
two or more uncommon postpositive definitions;
single postpositive definition if it has an additional
circumstantial meaning
The Kremlin, undestroyed, was white with its towers and Ivan the Great.
definitions “torn off” from the word being defined
And again, cut off from the tanks by fire, the infantry lay down on the bare slope.
definitions in preposition, if there is an adverbial meaning
Stunned, the mother kept looking at Rybin.
definitions related to the personal pronoun;
inconsistent common definitions
He, with his intelligence and experience, could already notice that she distinguishes him.
Not separated:
if the word being defined by itself in a sentence does not express
the required concept, i.e. needs definition:
She looked dignified and somewhat offended;
if the meaning of the definition is connected not only with the subject, but also
The sea lay at his feet, silent and white from the cloudy sky.

11. 3. Isolated members of a sentence

2. Complex sentences
with special circumstances:
with adverbial phrases
After standing for a while, he moved forward.
with substantive and adverbial phrases
One day in the spring, at the hour of an unprecedented hot sunset,
In Moscow, on the Patriarch's Ponds, two citizens appeared.
The next day, in the evening, Alexey came running at a trot.
Participial phrases are isolated,
regardless of place occupied in the sentence
(express circumstances of time, reasons, conditions,
concessions, course of action).
Not separated if:
closely related to the predicate;
are phraseological units;
have an intensifying particle I.

12. 3. Isolated members of a sentence

two single circumstances, if they are homogeneous members
The water runs, sparkling and murmuring.
single circumstance if it serves as an additional
He shuddered and began to listen.
Circumstances expressed by nouns may be isolated if
they are quite independent:
It was already late at night when I went out into the street.
Thanks to daily communication with him, Morozka began to think...
I leaned over to mild case wounds, do not tip back.
Despite the early hour, the streets were full of people.
Additions may be added
with prepositions instead, except, besides, except, over, etc.
I really liked the story, except for some details.

13. 3. Isolated members of a sentence

Complicated sentence
with clarifying isolated members of the sentence
Information that further specifies other members
offers; characterized by the presence of formal means
that is, namely, otherwise, even, especially, mainly.
clarifying - relate to one member of the sentence, narrow the concept
or limit it.
In Crimea, in Miskhor, last summer I made an amazing discovery.
In autumn, when it rains, the river will become dangerous.
explanatory - the second name in relation to the first concept,
which is not well defined; you can insert words before the explanation
that is, namely, or
It was Alexander Timofeevich, or simply Sasha.
connecting - information that arose along the way, additional
comments and clarifications. Various are used for connection.
words and phrases even, for example, in particular, including, etc.
Everyone was completely embarrassed, especially the unfamiliar young man.
It was very warm, even hot.

14. 3. Isolated members of a sentence

Functions of connecting structures:
artistic and expressive;
great semantic load;
increasing the expressiveness of statements;
logical selection of the necessary facts;
means of actual division of a sentence
change in rhythm, tendency towards condensation.
Particular expressiveness is inherent in the so-called parcellation,
understood as the division of a sentence in which the content
utterances are realized not in one, but in several speech units
He soon quarreled with the girl. And here's why. They have
trouble struck. Big.
In journalism, this technique is used to enhance
semantic and expressive shades of meaning.
Expressive syntax also uses segmentable
designs (double designation designs)
The clock here will also be on deck.

15. 4. Input and plug-in structures

Input and plug-in structures
have an additive nature in relation to
semantics of the main part, are characterized
isolation, special intonation,
not grammatically related to the base
Introductory words and constructions are
which express the speaker's attitude towards
what has been said, give a general assessment of what is being reported,
indicate the source of the message and the connection with
context (see qualifying modus

16. 4. Input and plug-in structures

Meaning of introductory words:
reliability, confidence, of course, indisputably;
guess possible, probably;
emotional assessment to surprise, to joy;
an indication of the degree of normality as always;
the speaker's attitude to the way he expresses his thoughts
in other words, to put it simply;
source of the message according to words, according to opinion;
connection of thoughts and their sequence
so, finally, for example;
a call to the interlocutor imagine, say for mercy;
indication of the expressive nature of the statement
All jokes aside, to tell the truth, between us.

17. 4. Input and plug-in structures

Morphological expression:
special words, however, say, please, therefore;
nouns fortunately, unfortunately, essentially;
adjectives in general, the most important thing;
pronouns with prepositions in addition, opposite that;
adverbs certainly, more accurately, more precisely, by the way, finally;
verbs in various forms By the way, I suppose, of course.
Introductory sentences
perform the same functions as introductory words;
differ only structurally, because reproduce one or another
block diagrams simple sentence;
most often included in the main one with the help of conjunctions
Students, as we said above, are often late for
are not ready-made frozen expressions;
varied in lexical composition and not limited in volume.

18. 4. Input and plug-in structures

Plug-in structures
go beyond complications and are related to the structure of the sentence and text;

Lesson objectives: Understand what a complex sentence is. Find out what syntactic structures can complicate a sentence. To develop the ability to distinguish between simple complex and complex sentences. Review the material studied on the topics " Incomplete sentences", "Types of one-part sentences"

Orthoepic warm-up. Wholesale, generally, cakes, catalog, beets, contract, water supply, chain, chaos, sorrel, cement, dancer, phenomenon, force, faryor, dowry, hunk, pamper, bartender, nap, blinds, cedar, quarter, clog, call, more beautiful, nettle, coco yush

Check it out!!! Wholesale Ovy, obshO, t Orty, catal Og, beets, dogs Or, water supply Od, flail Point, x Aos, sorrel Spruce, tsem Ent, dance Ovshchitsa, hair dryer Omen, force Ats, headlights Or, prid Anoe, scrap Ot, balls At, b Armen, dormant Ota, blinds, cedar Ovy, quart Al, zak Uporit, ringing It, beautiful Ivee, speck Willow, coco Yush

SENTENCE is the basic syntactic unit that contains a complete statement. SIMPLE COMPLEX Contains one grammatical stem Contains two or more grammar basics EXAMPLE: The hall was decorated with red balloons. The hall was decorated with red balloons, and green and orange balloons hung from the ceiling of the lobby. NOT COMPLICATED COMPLICATED EXAMPLE: The building was decorated with red, green and orange balloons

A sentence is considered complicated if it contains punctuation marks (and in oral speech intonation) words, phrases, constructions. The sentence can be complicated by: HOMOGENEOUS MEMBERS SEPARATE CIRCUMSTANCES REPEATING WORDS INTRODUCTORY WORDS, PHRASES, SENTENCES SEPARATE DEFINITIONS ADDRESSES SEPARATE ADDITIONS DIRECT SPEECH SEPARATE PARTICLES SHE IS 8 INTERJOINTLY

Exercise Let the pines and spruce trees stick out all winter, They sleep wrapped up in snow and blizzards. 3. How sweetly the dark green garden slumbers, Embraced by the bliss of the blue night, Through the apple trees, whitened with flowers, How sweetly the golden month shines! 9

In distant childhood, we greeted with special joy the cranes returning to their homeland in the spring. (Narrative, non-vocal, simple, two-part, full, extended, complicated by a separate definition, expressed by a participial phrase) Hearing their voices coming from the high sky, we left our games and, raising our heads, looked into the blue heavenly heights . (Analyze the sentence yourself) 11

Assignment: explain the punctuation marks in this text, determine how simple sentences are complicated. How often do we scold autumn, calling it a boring, dreary time. Maybe we're right? Our walks become shorter, and the play of light and shadow fades. The facades of the houses, becoming gray, all seem to have the same face. Just recently, two days ago, it was warm, free, good both in the forest and in the field. But into the quiet autumn, full of colors, rains and winds suddenly burst in. However, the gold of autumn has not yet faded. It, having fascinated many artists, continues to warm us on their canvases. 12

Homework: Compose an oral monologue on the topic “Complicated sentence”, using the supporting notes compiled during the lesson and material §39. Exercise

In this article:

Simple sentences are varied. They can be complicated. The mechanisms of complications are different, the complicating components have different nature. The proposal can be complicated:

1) homogeneous members,
2) separations,
3) introductory words and sentences,
4) plug-in structures,appeals.

Here we consider the complication of a simple sentence by homogeneous members.

§1. Homogeneous members of the sentence

Homogeneous members- these are members of a sentence associated with the same word and answering the same question. Examples:

I like ice cream.

I love ice cream, chocolate, cookies, cakes.

Laughing girls ran into the room.

simple two-part extended sentence

Cheerful, laughing, squealing, screaming girls ran into the room.

a simple two-part extended sentence complicated by homogeneous members

Any member of a sentence can be expressed by a number of homogeneous members. Subjects, predicates, objects, definitions and circumstances can be homogeneous. Complications with homogeneous members can be introduced into a sentence in different ways and be punctuated differently. For more details, see: Chapter 10. Homogeneous members of a sentence.

§3. Introductory words and sentences. Plug-in structures

Introductory words and sentences, and even more so inserted constructions, are complicating components that are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence and are not members of the sentence. They are necessary because with their help the speaker can express a wide range of meanings: confidence-uncertainty, various feelings, emotions, assessments, degree of reliability, possibility, confidence, indicate the source of information, build speech consistently, activate the attention of the interlocutor, etc. Introductory words and sentences, as well as inserted structures, are varied. It is important to recognize them and not confuse them with homonymous members of the sentence.

Fortunately, my mother did not ask what time I returned, and there was no unpleasant conversation.

fortunately- introductory word, separated by a comma

The dishes break, fortunately.

fortunately- addition, syntactic connection - control: beats (to what?) fortunately

§4. Appeal

Appeal is a word or combination of words that names the person or group of persons to whom the speech is addressed. The appeal is not part of the sentence.

Son, listen, I'll tell you a story.

son- appeal

Dear Anna Sergeevna, hello!

Dear Anna Sergeevna- appeal

Test of strength

Find out your understanding of this chapter.

Final test

  1. I don't like lemons.?

    • complicated
    • uncomplicated
  2. Whether the sentence is complicated or not is: I don't like lemons, oranges and grapefruits.?

    • complicated
    • uncomplicated
  3. Whether the sentence is complicated or not is: I don't like citrus fruits: lemons, oranges and grapefruits.?

    • complicated
    • uncomplicated
  4. Whether the sentence is complicated or not is: It's nice to look at the roses blooming on the porch.?

    • complicated
    • uncomplicated
  5. Whether the sentence is complicated or not is: It's nice to look at the roses blooming on the porch.?

    • complicated
    • uncomplicated
  6. Whether the sentence is complicated or not is: Luckily the tram arrived quickly.?

    • complicated
    • uncomplicated
  7. Whether the sentence is complicated or not is: Without any doubt, he should be the captain of the team.?

    • complicated
    • uncomplicated
  8. Whether the sentence is complicated or not is: Anna Petrovna, will you be at school tomorrow?

    • complicated
    • uncomplicated

Slide 1

The concept of a complex sentence
The twentieth of January Cool work

Slide 2

Lesson objectives:
Understand what a complex sentence is; Find out what syntactic structures can complicate a sentence; Practice the ability to distinguish between simple complex and complex sentences; Review the material studied on the topics “Incomplete sentences”, “Types of one-part sentences”.

Slide 3

Orthoepic warm-up.
Wholesale, generally, cakes, catalog, beets, contract, water supply, chain, chaos, sorrel, cement, dancer, phenomenon, flyleaf, porcelain, dowry, hunk, pamper, bartender, nap, blinds, cedar, quarter, clog, ring, more beautiful, nettle, whooping cough.

Slide 4

Come to visit me!
They came to you.
It's cold outside. I can not sleep. It was getting dark outside.

Slide 5

the basic syntactic unit that contains a complete utterance.
Contains one grammatical stem
Contains two or more grammatical stems
The hall was decorated with red balloons.
The hall was decorated with red balloons, and green and orange balloons hung from the ceiling of the lobby.
The building was decorated with red, green and orange balloons.

Slide 6

A sentence is considered complicated if it contains words, phrases, and constructions highlighted with punctuation (and in oral speech with intonation). The proposal can be complicated:

Slide 7

Slide 8

In distant childhood, we greeted with special joy the cranes returning to their homeland in the spring. (Narrative, non-vocal, simple, two-part, full, extended, complicated by a separate definition, expressed by a participial phrase) Hearing their voices coming from the high sky, we left our games and, raising our heads, looked into the blue heavenly heights . (Analyze the sentence yourself)

Slide 9

Assignment: explain the punctuation marks in this text, determine how simple sentences are complicated.
How often do we scold autumn, calling it a boring, dreary time. Maybe we're right? Our walks become shorter, and the play of light and shadow fades. The facades of the houses, becoming gray, all seem to have the same face. Just recently, two days ago, it was warm, free, good both in the forest and in the field. But into the quiet autumn, full of colors, rains and winds suddenly burst in. However, the gold of autumn has not yet faded. It, having fascinated many artists, continues to warm us on their canvases.

Slide 10

Compose an oral monologue on the topic “Complicated sentence”, using the supporting notes compiled during the lesson and the material from §39. Exercise No. 222

Traditionally, complicated sentences include: 1) sentences with homogeneous members; 2) proposals with separate members; 3) sentences with introductory and plug-in constructions; 4) proposals with appeals. The center of complicated sentences is occupied by sentences with isolated members.

The general properties of complicating components are: 1) their meaning is additive in relation to the semantics of the main part of the statement; 2) complicating components are characterized by relative isolation of structure and special intonation, conveyed in writing by commas, dashes, parentheses, and often combinations of characters.

Sentences with homogeneous members.

Homogeneous members of a sentence are one of the manifestations of the structural-semantic category of syntax - homogeneity, which is also found at the level of a complex sentence.

All members of a sentence can be homogeneous: Flash by booths, women. Boys, benches, lanterns. palaces. gardens, monasteries.

The components of sentence members, most often predicates, can be homogeneous: Happiness can't, shouldn't be the same.

As the examples show, homogeneous members of a sentence usually have the same morphological expression, but they can be expressed by different parts of speech and in different forms any part of speech.

Homogeneous members of a sentence are characterized by a set of the following characteristics: 1) occupy the position of one member of the sentence; 2) are related to the same member of the sentence subordinating connection; 3) are connected by a coordinating connection; 4) often have the same morphological expression; 5) usually express similar concepts. The main feature of homogeneous members of a sentence is that they occupy the position of one member of the sentence. It is in this property of homogeneous members that all the others are manifested and combined.

In a sentence, homogeneous members are combined into an integral structural and semantic block in relation to other members of the sentence. The syntactic function of the entire group of homogeneous members coincides with the syntactic function of any member of this group. Thus, homogeneous members do not enter into connection with other components of a sentence on their own, but only in structural-semantic unity, in a composed series.


Generalizing words are the most general (most abstract) expression of the semantics of homogeneous members. They usually occupy actualizing positions: either they open the composed series, or they close it. Generalizing words are the same members of a sentence as homogeneous ones, therefore any homogeneous members can, in principle, have a generalizing word. However, words with an objective meaning are more often generalized, and very rarely - with the meaning of an action! Generalizing words are rarely found with homogeneous verbal predicates.

Pronominal word forms are often used as generalizing words: everything, always, everywhere, everywhere, nowhere and so on.: All: liio. gait, look, voice - everything suddenly changed in her\

Let us especially highlight examples with a generalizing verb form: He noticeably rejuvenated - tinted mustache, wore embroidered shirts.

There is an explanatory connection between prepositive generalizing words and homogeneous members of a sentence. Homogeneous members are clarifying words in relation to the generalizing word, so they can be highlighted with a “dash”: There was everything - doubts, suffering, and heat, and cold trembling.).


One of the main factors is the semantics of definitions: homogeneous definitions characterize different objects (or one object) according to one characteristic (color, material, size, etc.), and heterogeneous ones define objects (or an object) from different sides. Wed: White, red, and blue shirts flashed everywhere between the trees. - He was wearing a brand new blue satin shirt and black pants. However, a semantic feature cannot be the only and sufficient criterion for distinguishing between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, because Definitions that denote different characteristics of the same object(s) often function as homogeneous ones: Not far from the shore, large, black, angular stones stick out from the water.. Such homogeneous ones are considered as synonyms that are used together in order to more fully characterize the object; by crossing, they describe the object more fully and are united by the unity of the impression they produce.

The most significant thing is that in a homogeneous series, usually only qualitative (more often) or only relative adjectives are used. If one of the definitions is a qualitative adjective and the other is a relative adjective, then the definitions are usually heterogeneous: Regal oak forest approached the very windows.

Definitions are usually homogeneous if the adjective definition (or single participle) is followed by a participial phrase: In the quiet, greenery illuminated by lights, there were cozy tables everywhere.

Among the syntactic factors we note the following:

1. The question of homogeneity/heterogeneity of definitions is decided on the basis of the nature of the connection between words in a phrase: definitions are not homogeneous if one of them is directly related to the word being defined, forming a phrase with it, and the other refers to this entire phrase as a single complex name. A well-known example of a complex phrase long freight train in which tion long O refers to the combination freight train: a long freight train.

2. The homogeneity/heterogeneity of definitions may depend on their number: the more definitions, the brighter the intonation of the enumeration, reflecting the speaker’s desire to list the characteristics of an object that are important for its characteristics: A good spreading, white-trunked, light green, cheerful birch.

3. In the postposition, definitions usually act as homogeneous, which is associated with an increase in their predicativeness with the neutralization of morphological differences. Wed: The injections were given by my sister, young, tall, shy. - The injections were given by a young, tall, shy sister...