Comic fortune telling for Christmas. Fortune telling for children at Christmas

The day before Happy Holidays On the Nativity of Christ, all Christians, young and old, prepare for this solemn day: they cook kutya and the prescribed dishes for festive table, come up with entertainment for guests, clean their own home, create small Christmas installations, etc. In this pre-holiday chaos, children often have almost no work to do; they disturb parents and adults, constantly getting into trouble. But giving little girls and boys an interesting and responsible task is very simple. It’s enough to tell them about what Christmas fortune telling for children there are.

Among the people, children were not given a special role in the process of fortune-telling; they were almost always with their parents or left to their own devices, so initially no specific practices created for the purpose of finding out their fate were developed for them. However, in ancient books and collections of folklore, the fact that children have no place in the process of fortune-telling is not clearly indicated. Therefore, here we offer the most adequate fortune telling for children, which they can do on their own.

If there are a lot of books in the house

It is interesting to tell fortunes with children at Christmas using books, and in this case any kind of literature can be taken. This fortune telling is suitable for children of different ages: for kindergarten students, schoolchildren, and teenagers. In addition, you can change books from year to year, depending on the state of mind, erudition and emotional state of the children. For Christmas, it is better to take appropriate books: the Bible, Psalms, appropriate prayers and parables. Fortune telling is carried out directly as follows:

  • First, a specific question is asked that worries the fortuneteller. You need to ask it to the book on which they are telling fortunes, mentally repeating it to yourself several times.
  • After the task has been formulated, you need to open the book at the first place you come across, setting a certain line, from which the answer corresponding to the question will be read.
  • Fortune telling experts confirm that a correctly formulated question is already half the battle, and books never lie if you approach them with an open heart.

Fortune telling by other people's windows

If the children are not completely tomboys and they can be entrusted with the difficult task of spying on strangers, then you can entertain them on Christmas Eve with the following fortune telling:

  • On the night before Christmas, several fortune-tellers go to a street they know (maybe one next to their own) and, having made a wish for a specific house, go to its windows to see what is happening there.
  • Depending on what they see there, they can interpret their fate: they will see tightly curtained windows - life will flow peacefully, without change; spy on someone else's feast - the year will be cheerful, kind and eventful; they will see dark windows - they won’t see happiness in the near future, etc.

In this fortune-telling, the age and gender of those people who flash outside the windows of the mysterious house also matter: young people - for joy and carelessness, old people - for serious events and wisdom, middle-aged people - for stability and well-being.

The future is through folk signs

In the old days, it was mainly older people who could come up with a good fortune-telling for Christmas for children, who instructed the tomboys to follow the signs: the weather, animals and birds, the sky and precipitation, trees, etc. The kids put all their diligence and concentration so as not to miss the smallest hints that nature gave. To the point that all the days around Christmas were planned out in detail. Based on the analysis of each of them, it was possible to say what the weather would be like in the coming year. So, instruct your child to learn and notice these basic natural phenomena for Christmas:

  • Presence of snow. If there is a lot of snow on Christmas Day, this means a successful and good year.
  • Air temperature. If the day is generally warm and fine, then the harvest will be sound and good, the wheat fields will be full of grain.
  • The presence of wind, or even a snowstorm. If there is a snowstorm on Christmas Eve, there will be a lot of honey due to the abundance of bees.
  • The number of stars in the sky. If there are many stars in the sky, then there will be a lot of peas in the harvest.
  • Children can even keep a specific diary of fortune telling on natural phenomena, where they can write down, or even sketch, their observations, noting the signs associated with them.

Tell fortunes on the brownie's lap

In addition to serious, almost scientific observations of weather and nature, on Christmas Eve it is proposed to entertain children with stories about a kind housekeeper who guards a person’s home, contributing in every possible way to his free life and prosperity. To do this, you need to show the children pictures of the house-elf in advance, tell them about his abilities and character, and also teach the kids to respect the forces that guard the house and live in it side by side with the person. As part of this practice, it is proposed to teach children to feed the brownie by placing pieces of food and a couple of spoons of milk at the window for him at night. A brownie “fed” in this way may well help with fortune-telling, becoming kinder to the people with whom he lives and whose house he serves. So, fortune telling itself will include the following steps:

  1. You need to take a small saucer or a lid from a jar, pour fresh milk into it and place an impromptu plate closer to the threshold of the front door.
  2. While the milk is standing near the door, you need to melt all the candle stubs in the house in a metal vessel, while saying to the vessel: “My little house, dear master, come quickly, drink milk, talk about fate.”
  3. When the wax is melted, you need to pour it into cold milk and fix the shapes that will appear when it hardens in the liquid.
  4. It’s not always easy to figure out what happened as a result of fortune telling, but kids like this stage the most. It can be interpreted this way: stars - to many interesting events, cross - to sadness and illness, flower - joy, animals - new friends, lines - travel, roads, people - many new characters in fate, etc.

Practice guessing on cats

You can diversify children's fortune telling at Christmas by involving pets in fortune telling. Both hamsters and guinea pigs, both dogs and cats. But traditionally in rural magic, a representative of the cat family is considered the most mystical animal that can bring on its paws the truth about a person’s future. It is better if the animal is black or tricolor, but other colors are also suitable. You need to do the following:

  • Come up with and formulate to yourself or, on the contrary, out loud a certain desire related to future affairs or events.
  • Then you need not even number call by your name once pet. Call until the cat deigns to run into the room where the fortune tellers are sitting.
  • At the moment when the cat crosses the threshold, you need to record the fact which paw will be transferred through it first.
  • Fortune telling is interpreted very simply: if left paw went forward with the right, then the plan is destined to come true, but if the cat turns out to be right-handed, then it is better to forget about that desire as unrealistic.


A good fortune-telling game at Christmas for children who really want to “be like adults” may be one in which the whole point lies in the distribution of the so-called “cups of fate.” So what does it take?

  1. Take absolutely identical mugs, preferably deep ones and always according to the number of fortune tellers, then rinse them well (to remove foreign energy).
  2. Then you need to scatter various objects in these circles in random order that you can find in the kitchen or in your mother’s boxes. For example, these could be coins, beads, pieces of bread, sugar cubes, seeds, onions, salt, pebbles and other small things.
  3. The items at the bottom of the improvised “cups of fate” are filled with black tea (so that the contents are not visible) and then offered to fortune tellers to choose from.
  4. Each participant must choose a cup for themselves and take an object from its bottom.
  5. The decoding is done approximately as follows: if you got an onion - to sadness and disappointment, if you got a pebble - to solve difficult life problems, at the bottom there was sugar or candy - life will be sweet and beautiful, a coin - promises wealth and luxury, a bead - interesting meetings, seeds - a lot of new friends, but if there is nothing in the mug, it means that life next year will not bring any special changes.

Perhaps you can pick up fortune telling for older children in this video:

Target: appeal to spirituality - moral traditions and the values ​​of its people.


Form cognitive needs and interests, activity;
- enrich the child’s experience, saturate this experience with new knowledge and information about the environment, expand and deepen the opportunities for the emergence and consolidation of sustainable cognitive interests;
- cultivate love for the traditions of the Russian people and their culture.

Destination: pupils of the Fakel cultural center of primary and secondary school age.

Form:entertainment and educational program.

Duration: 45 min.

Equipment and props:pieces of paper with wishes, a box, music.

Progress of the event:


The night from January 6 to 7 is Christmas Eve. This is not only a major Orthodox holiday, but also a time for Christmas fortune-telling, lasting until January 19 (Epiphany). You can treat this ancient Russian tradition as a game and have fun with your friends, or you can get serious. Few people refrain from fortune telling on these magical and mysterious days.

Once on Epiphany evening

The girls wondered:

A shoe behind the gate,

Having taken it off the leg, they threw it... (V. Zhukovsky “Svetlana”)

Christmas melodies are playing.


Today we will talk about Christmas fortune telling. Yuletide fortune telling- This is an ancient, pagan tradition. Christmastide - falls on two weeks from January 6 to Epiphany (that is, until January 19). And this best time for fortune telling.

Most of all, young girls were looking forward to fortune telling in order to find out their future and find out the name of their betrothed, but few people refrain from fortune telling on these magical and mysterious days. Folk signs fortune telling is very diverse: they are carried out on things, on money, on coffee and mirrors, fortune telling by candles, snow, wax, watches and rings, and so on.
They usually told fortunes in the evenings when they were getting ready for gatherings. Today we will look at the simplest, most popular and unexpected Christmas fortune telling.

What have you heard or know about the brownie? What is its character and features?

Sample stories from children:The little housekeeper protects a person’s home; contributes in every possible way to a comfortable life and prosperity, etc.
How should one appease a brownie who guards a house and lives side by side with a person? (children's answers)

“Tell fortunes on the brownie’s lap”

So, the fortune-telling itself will include the following steps: you need to take a small saucer or lid from a jar, pour fresh milk into it and place an improvised plate closer to the threshold of the front door.While the milk is standing near the door, you need to melt all the candle stubs in the house in a metal vessel, while saying into the vessel:

My little house, dear master,

Come quickly and drink some milk,

Talk about fate.

When the wax is melted, you need to pour it into cold milk and fix the shapes that will appear when it hardens in the liquid.

It can be interpreted like this:stars - to many interesting events; cross - to sadness and illness; flower - joy; animals are new friends; lines - travel; roads, people - many new characters in fate, etc.

You can place pieces of food and a couple of spoons of milk at the window for him at night. A brownie “fed” in this way may well help with fortune-telling, becoming kinder to the people with whom he lives and whose house he serves.

“The future is through folk signs”

So, the day before, you guys were tasked with learning and noticing the following of the main natural phenomena at Christmas:

Presence of snow. If there is a lot of snow on Christmas Day, this means a successful and good year.

Air temperature.If the day is generally warm and fine, then the harvest will be sound and good, the wheat fields will be full of grain.
The presence of wind, or even a snowstorm.If there is a snowstorm on Christmas Eve, there will be a lot of honey due to the abundance of bees.

The number of stars in the sky.If there are many stars in the sky, then there will be a lot of peas in the harvest.

“Fortune telling on beans (cereals)”

Fortune telling by beans is fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish.
You need to sit down with a jar of cereal or beans, make a wish and say it out loud. Take a handful of cereal out of the jar, and once again make a wish out loud, scatter it on the table. Count the number of grains; if there are an even number, the wish will come true; if there is an odd number, unfortunately, not.

Game for Christmas “Gifts of the Magi”

Everyone present takes turns putting their hand into a bag containing all kinds of souvenirs and sweets, and trying to guess what kind of item is in their hand; After this, the item is taken out of the bag. If the participant guessed correctly, then he takes this item for himself.

"Fortune telling with plates"

The teacher gives instructions, and several willing children begin to carry them out:

I have several plates, and in them: bread, garlic, sugar, salt, a ring and a coin. Then, everyone present closes their eyes, and everyone chooses a plate for themselves. Whoever has a plate of bread is a sign of prosperity, with sugar is a sign of a fun time, salt is a sign of misfortune, garlic is a sign of tears and troubles, a coin is a sign of wealth, and a ring is a sign of early marriage.

“If there are a lot of books in the house”

Fortune telling is carried out directly as follows:
First, a specific question is asked that worries the fortuneteller. You need to ask it to the book on which they are telling fortunes, mentally repeating it to yourself several times.

After the task has been formulated, you need to open the book in the first place you come across, setting a certain line, from which the answer corresponding to the question will be read. (Several people can participate in fortune telling with a book if desired.)


A good fortune telling at Christmas can be “Cups, Spoons, Ladles”, in which all the salt lies in the distribution of the so-called “cups of fate”. So what does it take?everyone should take exactly the same mugs (preferably deep ones and definitely according to the number of fortune tellers).
Then you need to scatter various objects in these circles in random order that you can find in the kitchen or in your mother’s boxes. For example, these could be coins, beads, pieces of bread, sugar cubes, seeds, onions, salt, pebbles and other small things.The items at the bottom of the improvised “cups of fate” are filled with black tea (so that the contents are not visible) and then offered to fortune tellers to choose from.Each participant must choose a cup for themselves and take an object from its bottom.The decoding is done approximately as follows: if you got an onion - to sadness and disappointment, if you got a pebble - to solve difficult life problems, at the bottom there was sugar or candy - life will be sweet and beautiful, a coin - promises wealth and luxury, a bead - interesting meetings, seeds - a lot of new friends, but if there is nothing in the circle, it means that life next year will not bring any special changes.

"Fortune telling for wish fulfillment"

In advance, the children were given the task of writing wishes on 13 pieces of paper. Children put them in a bowl and pour water, the first one that floats up will come true. (Several willing children take part in fortune telling on pieces of paper.)

"Divination with dice"

For fortune telling you will need two dice. The participant rolls the dice. If a double is rolled, he receives a prediction. You can roll the dice six times. If in six throws there is no double, it means that the time for fortune telling has not yet come for this participant, and fate does not want him to look into the future. Doubles value:

Two units - failure in business;

Two deuces - quarrels with friends and loved ones;

Two threes - travel, new acquaintances;

Two fours - success in business;

Two A's - material well-being;

Two sixes are great love.


Rely on fortune-telling - don’t make a mistake yourself. Girls, you don’t need to rely only on fate and wait for the prince without doing anything to meet him. Try to arrange your life the way you see it in your dreams - you will definitely succeed, because the main thing is to be confident in your happiness.

Be healthy and happy, dear guys! May God give you all the brightest and most beautiful things! Enjoy the holidays and take care of each other!

Previously, people were sure that fortune telling gave the most truthful answers only one night a year - from the sixth to the seventh of January. That is why everyone went home in the evening and began to guess. Naturally, children were also present, but they were not assigned any significant role. However, over time, Christmas fortune telling for children appeared. Therefore, parents who need to prepare for the holiday can tell their children about several methods of fortune telling and be sure that their children will do interesting thing which can help develop imagination and fantasy.

Children's fortune telling for Christmas

Fortune telling for children at Christmas does not require any complex skills. But some methods require that the child must be able to count and read. If the baby has not yet learned this, it is better to help him.

Fortune telling on rice grains

For this fortune telling you will need a deep container. You need to pour about half a kilogram of rice into it. Then the child should ask an exciting question and place his palm in the rice. After this, he must pull out his hand and count how many grains have stuck. If there are an even number, then the answer to the question is “yes”, and if there is an odd number, then the answer is “no”.

Fortune telling with tangerines

You can find out whether your cherished wish will come true with the help of your favorite citrus New Year's fruit - tangerines. The child must make a wish and take the tangerine he likes from the bag or bowl. Then the fruit must be peeled and divided into slices. If there are an even number of them, then the child should wait for his wish to come true.

Fortune telling by book

For this method of fortune telling, the child will need his favorite book. He must give it to his parents or friends, and name any page and line number. What is written in the book awaits the child in the near future. It often happens that the prediction cannot be deciphered so easily - in this case, parents should help and use their imagination so that the child does not get upset.

Christmas fortune telling for girls

Fortune telling for Christmas for girls can mainly provide answers to questions regarding likes and feelings, but in cases where it is too early for a young lady to think about this, a method of fortune telling with wax can be suggested. It is better if adults help, because hot wax can burn the skin.

Wax fortune telling

First you need to take a very ordinary candle that you can buy at a hardware store, light it and hold it in your hands at an angle for a while so that the wax drips into a metal bowl or mug.

Then the container must be placed on the stove and held over low heat until the wax is completely melted.

After this, you need to pour the hot wax into a transparent glass filled with cool water. The shape that the wax took is a prediction for the future. Let the girl fantasize and think about what she can expect in the near future.

And for parents, here is a little hint: if the wax has taken a shape resembling a person, it means that you will soon meet a new friend, if it is a flower, then love is worth waiting for, if it is stars, then there will be successes and achievements, if the figure is of a strange shape, then the future is yet to come not defined.

Fortune telling by shadow

You can also invite the girl to tell fortunes using the shadows that an ordinary newspaper can give. First you need to take a fresh press and crumple a piece of newspaper in your hands. Then the resulting lump needs to be straightened out a little and placed on a plate. After this, you need to place a candle nearby and turn off all the lights. A shadow from the newspaper will appear on the wall - this is the answer to asked question. Here you will also have to use your imagination to understand the message.

Christmas fortune telling for boys

It is believed that guys do not like activities such as fortune telling. But there are fun ways to tell fortunes at Christmas for boys that all children are sure to enjoy.

Fortune telling by wish

Boys do not sit in one place, so you can offer them to use a cat or a cat for fortune telling, which they will need to hunt. The child must make a wish and sit on the sofa or bed in the room in such a way that he can clearly see the entrance to the room. After this, he must call the cat. You need to call the animal until it comes. You may have to resort to trickery and lure your pet into the room with treats. The most important thing that a child should see is which paw the cat will first cross the threshold of the room with, if it is the left one, then everything will be fine, if it is the right one, then it is better to forget about this desire.

If there is no cat at home, but there are other animals, you can also try this fortune-telling with them.

Ksenia Golubeva
"Christmas Fortune Telling" Holiday script for older children preschool age

"Christmas Fortune Telling" Holiday scenario for children of senior preschool age with a rural library.

Target: Contribute spiritual development children through gaining knowledge about the Orthodox faith, introduce children to the history of the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, and form an idea of ​​the Christmastide. Develop interest in Orthodox holidays, cultivate a love for Russian folk culture.

Progress of the event:

Dressed carolers (employees) enter the hall rural library) and congratulate everyone on the holiday.

1 Librarian: I sow, I sow

Happy New Year!

To be healthy

We lived for many years!

2 Librarian: Open the chest

Give me a piglet,

Damn it,

At least the fat wedge!

1 Librarian:

Do you know, kids, that since ancient times many nations have had happy holidays which they celebrated in winter. For example, our ancestors, grandparents, solemnly celebrated the day of the winter solstice. Cheerful, noisy holidays were supposed to return warmth, light, and spring to people.

All these customs have survived to this day; you and I also celebrate many different winter holidays.

When I was little, my grandmother told me a story, I remember it well, listen.

I remember the first time as a child

I heard a story about Christmas.

I was moved to tears -

After all, little Christ was born

Not in a rich eminent house

And he was not lying in a lush cradle,

And in a remote cave on straw,

The angels bending over him sang.

Children sing a song: (“Christmas carol”, music by A. Shidlovskaya, folk lyrics.)

1st child: In the manger I slept on fresh hay

Quiet tiny Christ.

The moon has emerged from the shadows

I stroked the flax of his hair.

A bull breathed on a baby's face

And, rustling like straw,

On an elastic knee

I looked at it, barely breathing.

2nd child: Sparrows through the roof poles

They flocked to the manger,

And the bull, clinging to the niche,

He crumpled the blanket with his lip.

The dog sneaked up to the warm leg,

Licked her secretly.

The cat was the most comfortable of all

Warm a child sideways in a manger… .

3rd child: Subdued white goat

I breathed on his forehead,

Just a stupid gray donkey

He pushed everyone helplessly.

I'd like to look at the child

Just a minute for me too!

And he cried loudly

In the pre-dawn silence...

And Christ opened his eyes,

Suddenly the circle of animals moved apart

And with a smile full of affection,

He whispered: “Look quickly!”

Librarian: The word Christmas is always associated with the words “tree”, “gifts”, “fortune telling”, “games”. We always celebrate Christmas in January, when christmas tree still standing at home dressed up. Let's play a little. Do you agree?

Game: "Who is faster?"

(2 pairs of felt boots tied together, two children take part in the game, they run in felt boots around the Christmas tree, who will run to the place faster).

Game: "Rider"

(two teams of 6 people, two balls, poles, music).

Librarian: At Christmas they not only gave gifts, played, had fun, but also told fortunes. Christmas fortune-telling is the name given to fortune-telling performed during the Christmas season. Christmas time is a wonderful two weeks of magical holidays, snow and hope, which begins on Christmas Eve on January 6, and ends on Epiphany on January 19.

Fortune telling during this period is considered the most reliable and most often comes true, since Christmas fortune telling occurs on holy days, and according to legend, they help people good spirits and angels.

Fortune telling at Christmas is one of the most famous and interesting Russian traditions, which has come down to us from time immemorial. As a rule, fortune telling was done by girls and women, but there are some types of fortune telling for children. Listen here:

First fortune telling: “Fortune telling on a bow.”

Let's try to tell fortunes with onions today. We cut the bulbs into 12 slices and leave them overnight; in the morning we will come to the kindergarten and see what weather awaits us every month. Let's start a competition to see who can cut the onion into 12 slices the fastest.

Second fortune telling “Fortune telling with the help of books.”

First, a specific question is asked that worries the fortuneteller. You need to ask it to the book on which they are telling fortunes, mentally repeating it to yourself several times.

After the task has been formulated, you need to open the book in the first place you come across, setting a certain line, from which the answer corresponding to the question will be read.

Fortune telling experts confirm that a correctly formulated question is already half the battle, and books never lie if you approach them with an open heart.

(Fortune telling is carried out).

Third fortune telling “Fortune telling by other people’s windows”

On the night before Christmas, several fortune-tellers go to a street they know (maybe one next to their own) and, having made a wish for a specific house, go to its windows to see what is happening there.

Depending on what they see there, they can interpret their fate: they will see tightly curtained windows - life will flow peacefully, without change; spy on someone else's feast - the year will be cheerful, kind and eventful; they will see dark windows - they won’t see happiness in the near future, etc.

Fourth fortune telling “The future - through folk signs.”

Presence of snow. If there is a lot of snow on Christmas Day, this means a successful and good year.

Air temperature. If the day is generally warm and fine, then the harvest will be sound and good, the wheat fields will be full of grain.

The presence of wind, or even a snowstorm. If there is a snowstorm on Christmas Eve, there will be a lot of honey due to the abundance of bees.

The number of stars in the sky. If there are many stars in the sky, then there will be a lot of peas in the harvest.

Children can even keep a specific diary of fortune telling on natural phenomena, where they can write down, or even sketch, their observations, noting the signs associated with them.

(Fortune telling is carried out).

Fifth fortune telling: “Tell fortunes on the brownie’s lap.”

(In addition to serious, almost scientific observations of weather and nature, on Christmas Eve it is proposed to entertain the kids with stories about a kind little housekeeper who protects a person’s home, in every possible way contributing to his free life and prosperity. To do this, you need to show the children in advance pictures of the housekeeper, tell about his abilities and character, and also teach children to respect the forces that keep the house and live in it side by side with a person. As part of this practice, it is proposed to teach children to feed the brownie - by placing pieces of food and a couple of spoons of milk for him at the window at night. like a brownie, he may well help with fortune-telling, by becoming kinder to the people with whom he lives and whose house he serves.)

Sixth fortune telling: “Train fortune telling on cats.”

Traditionally, in rural magic, representatives of the cat family are considered the most mystical animal, which can bring on its paws the truth about a person’s future. It is better if the animal is black or tricolor, but other colors are also suitable. You need to do the following:

Come up with and formulate to yourself or, on the contrary, out loud, a certain desire related to future affairs or events.

Then you need odd number Call your pet by name once. Call until the cat deigns to run into the room where the fortune tellers are sitting.

At the moment when the cat crosses the threshold, you need to record the fact which paw will be transferred through it first.

Fortune telling is interpreted very simply: if the left paw goes ahead of the right, then the plan is destined to come true, but if the cat turns out to be right-handed, then it is better to forget about that wish as unrealistic.

Librarian: Now you know what Christmastide and Christmas are and how our ancestors have long celebrated this holiday.

Child: I sow this wind,

Happy New Year

With cattle with a belly,

With little kids,

Happy little ones!

How many twigs are there on a bush,

I wish you had so many children!

Child: I sow I sow

Happy New Year!

New year, new happiness

Be born wheat,

Peas, lentils!

There are heaps of heaps on the field,

Pies on the table!

Happy new year, happy new happiness, master and hostess.

Christmas song: "Christmas song" music. S. Podshibyakina, lyrics. E. Matvienko.

Child: New Year came,

The old one stole

Showed yourself!

Go people

To welcome the sun.

Drive away the frost!

Game: "Tug of War."

(two teams and a rope). Happy New Year. Music, fun.