The bear rolled its left or right paw

We are preparing for the Unified State Exam.
Punctuation. Tasks No. 15-No. 19.
Option #1.
Tasks No. 15. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.
1.1) Then left then right paw the bear rolled a heap of leaves into the den.
2) A sentence or a whole paragraph can summarize what has been said.
3) The grass and flowers have already withered and turned black.
4) He stood on the sidelines, neither alive nor dead.
5) Peony has been cultivated as an ornamental plant in China for one and a half thousand years, and there it is a favorite national plant, like the chrysanthemum among the Japanese and the rose among Europeans.
2.1) Darkness early winter morning hid both the site on the shore and the village and the people themselves.
2) Soldiers, exhausted from the campaign, walked past me and did my best to support them funny joke some young officer tried.
3) These poems excited and touched me with their simplicity and special rhythm.
4) Here and there along the road you come across a gloomy broom or a birch tree with sticky leaves.
5) I liked not so much the plot of the play as the acting and their energy.
3.1) Do you share the author’s point of view or disagree with him?
2) And there are piles of gold in the ground and in all corners of the white world there is loud glory about you.
3) From the top to the base, the stump seemed to be smoldering, either brightly shining or dimly silvery spots.
4) We saw the constellation Delphinus, the misty lights and the fiery feature of Perseus.
5) Raskolnikov tries to control his thoughts and feelings and does not allow his conscience to “get out” to the outside.
4.1) In this store you can purchase not only groceries, but also electrical goods, cosmetics and books.
2) In the Middle Ages, the first printed book and newspaper appeared in the hands of scientists: a thermometer and a barometer, a telescope and a microscope.
3) Architects and artists from European and Asian countries studied with Byzantine masters.
4) The village chief was either late for the meeting again or simply forgot about it.
5) The river turned out to be shallow and it was easy to ford.
5.1) The wolf changes its fur but not its habits.
2) A little more snow fell and spotted stitches of hare tracks became visible in the empty vegetable gardens
3) Freshwater pearls can be found in rivers, lakes and streams.
4) Small reservoirs are created in ravines or specially dug depressions.
5) Desert animals can long time do without water and feed on thorns and young shoots.

Tasks No. 16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.
1. A headwind (1) that suddenly flew at us (2) washed over everyone with waves of (3) grass that had melted during the day (4).
2. Ostap (1) inspired by the beauty of the Caucasus (2) shouted something (3) trying (4) to overcome the roar and groans of the Terek.
3. The great schemer (1), with his hands in his pockets (2), walked along the side (3) without noticing Vorobyaninov, who remained on the shore (4).
4. Material (1) collected by the writer for work (2) is stored in notebooks(3) of special artistic value.
5. The birds (1) occupying the steep cliffs from top to bottom (2) did not pay the slightest attention (3) to the boat floating below (4).
Tasks No. 17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in sentences.
1. Sometimes Ivan Petrovich Argunov (1) still (2) managed to completely surrender to inspiration. At such a joyful hour (3) probably (4) he created a portrait of an unknown young woman in a festive peasant dress.
2. Fun, carefree childhood(1) anyway (2) will end someday, and adult life (3) of course (4) will require serious decisions and responsible actions.
3.At the Academy of Arts V.I. Surikov studied (1) in his words (2) “with terrible greed for studies” and with such diligence (3) of course (4) he graduated with a gold medal.
4. The St. Petersburg guards (1) it would seem (2) were exclusively engaged in organizing and conducting “ palace coups“(3) however (4) they were not a blind tool of one group or another: the choices the guard made almost always led the country forward.
5. L. Tolstoy’s painful sincerity and dissatisfaction with himself (1) of course (2) part of his living soul, but most important for us (3) perhaps (4) is how he escapes spiritual development the writer sprout in his work.
Tasks No. 18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.
1.Small mountain rivers (1) have now turned into turbulent streams(2) crossing (3) through which (4) took us a lot of time.
2. Winding paths (1) smooth lines (2) which (3) beckon into the depths of the site (4) make the garden mysterious.
3.I saw happy person (1) cherished dream(2) which (3) came true.
4. The most popular option for a house in Arkhangelsk is a log house made of pine (1), the interior decoration (2) of which (3) is made of aspen or birch.
5. Cut lilacs (1) whose stems (2) are (3) split and peeled (4) stand in a vase for a long time.
Tasks No. 19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.
1. The heavy velvet curtain rose (l) and (2) when the first sounds of music sounded (3) Voronov suddenly saw the familiar little figure of the countess (4) who also came to the premiere at the theater.
2. I had already completely come to my senses (l) and (2) when we began to swim to the other shore (3) I felt so much fun (4) as never before.
3. I was overwhelmed by the grandeur of the picture (1) and (2) as soon as the shore began to disappear from my eyes (3) I hid my face on my mother’s chest (4) so ​​as not to see the terrible bulk of the water
4. Our cart began to be loaded onto the ferry (l) and (2) although we were given a good-quality boat with an oarsman (3), everyone decided to wait for the new ferry (4) which was making its trips regularly.
5.In September, white cobwebs hang on the blackened stems of wormwood (l) and (2) if dark schools of cranes stretch over the fields (3) then everything somehow immediately falls silent and listens to their cry (4) which echoes in a plaintive cry across the fields.
Punctuation. Tasks No. 15-No. 19.
Option #1.
№15 №16 №17 №18 №19
1. 1,5 13 34 2 1234
2. 2,5 123 34 14 1234
3. 2,3 123 1234 1 1234
4. 4,5 123 123 1 1234
5. 1,2 12 1234 14 134

Answer form

Date of______________________
No. No. 15 No. 16 No. 17 No. 18 No. 19

Answer form
Last name, first name of the student_______________ _________________
Date of______________________
No. No. 15 No. 16 No. 17 No. 18 No. 19
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rating _________________

Test Option 1 I. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. 1.1) Either with his left or right paw, the bear rolled a heap of leaves into the den. 2) A sentence or a whole paragraph can summarize what has been said. 3) The grass and flowers have already withered and turned black. 4) He stood on the sidelines, neither alive nor dead. 5) Peony has been cultivated as an ornamental plant in China for one and a half thousand years, and there it is a favorite national plant, like the chrysanthemum among the Japanese and the rose among Europeans. 2. 1) The darkness of the early winter morning hid both the site on the shore and the village and the people themselves. 2) Soldiers, exhausted from the campaign, walked past me and some young officer tried his best to support them with a cheerful joke. 3) These poems excited and touched me with their simplicity and special rhythm. 4) Sometimes along the road you come across a gloomy willow tree or a birch tree with sticky leaves. 5) I liked not so much the plot of the play as the acting and their energy. 3. 1) Do you share the author’s point of view or do you disagree with him? 2) And there are piles of gold in the ground and in all corners of the white world there is loud glory about you. 3) From the top to the base, the stump seemed to be smoldering with either brightly shining or dull silvery spots. 4) We saw the constellation Dolphin and the foggy lights and the fiery feature of Perseus. 5) Raskolnikov tries to control his thoughts and feelings and does not allow his conscience to “get out” II. Place punctuation marks: indicate the numbers (numbers) in place of which commas should appear in the sentence. 4) Goods (1) leaving the walls of the manufactory (2) displaced the products of artisans from the market (3). 5) The first artificial material (1) invented by man (2) in the Stone Age (3) was fireclay. 6) In the greenish sky (1) washed clean (2) by rain (3) the autumn sun was burning out. III. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers (numbers) that should be replaced by commas in the sentences. 7. Can you read? It is unlikely that (1) it is worth rushing to answer this question in the affirmative. Of course (2) anyone can read the book. But to really read it (3) means (4) to catch many shades of the author’s thoughts and feelings. 8. If a person’s tongue is sluggish, heavy, confused, powerless, then so is (1) probably (2) the mind of this person, for he thinks (3) as is known (4) only through the medium of language. 9. What (1) could be (2) more prosaic than a fashionable dandy in a coat with a beaver collar riding in a sleigh? But in Pushkin this is (3) without a doubt (4) a poetic picture. IV Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. 10. In the treasury of Russian art (1) one of the most honorable places (2) belongs to I.I. Shishkin (3) whose name (4) (5) is associated with the history of the Russian landscape of the second half of the 19th century centuries. 11.. When painting silk (1), a special coloring composition is applied to the fabric in the form of a closed contour (2) within which (3) the product is painted with special paints (5) in accordance with the sketch (6). 12..The scientific interests of S.M. Bondi (1) were formed during his studies at Petrograd University (2) after graduation (3) from which (4) he was left at the department. V. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers (numbers) that should be replaced by commas in the sentence. 13. The sun had already risen (1) when the travelers looked around at the top of the hill (2) and (3) although there was not a single cloud (4) the sky was a strange whitish color (5) and closer to the horizon it became leaden gray. 14. At first no one could understand (1) how the boat went against the current without a sail and a motor (2) but (3) when the people went down to the river (4) everyone saw a team of dogs pulling the boat. 15. Belikov wore dark glasses, a sweatshirt, stuffed his ears with cotton wool (1) and (2) when he sat on the cab (3) ordered the top to be raised (4) so ​​that no one could invade his cramped little world. Test Option 2 I. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. 1. 1) In this store you can buy not only groceries, but also electrical goods, cosmetics and books. 2) In the Middle Ages, the first printed book and newspaper appeared in the hands of scientists: a thermometer and a barometer, a telescope and a microscope. 3) Architects and artists from European and Asian countries studied with Byzantine masters. 4) The village chief was either late for the meeting again or simply forgot about it. 5) The river turned out to be shallow and it was easy to ford. 2.1) I’ve already come to Moscow three times on various matters, and each time I had to get used to this big, noisy city all over again. 2) This machine drove both the blowers and rolling machines and all the machines in the rolling shop. 3) The smoke from distant fires slowly rose into the sky or flew in separate heaps of clouds across the horizon. 4) Everywhere she was greeted cheerfully and friendly and assured of her love and eternal devotion. 5) Uncle Eroshka went to the mountains and stole from Russians and was imprisoned twice. 3. 1) The wolf molts every year but does not change its appearance. 2) The thoughts and experiences of the people accumulate and live in the word for thousands of years. 3) The bright summer sun touched the horizon and everything around suddenly turned pink and red. 4) Anyutka was the only one left at home to cook cabbage soup and clean the room. 5) Lightning cut the sky to the left, to the right and in front. II. Place punctuation marks: indicate the numbers (digits) in place of which commas should appear in the sentence. 4) Art Nouveau style (1) highlighting (2) the idea of ​​​​creating new forms (3) and expressive means(4) changed the consciousness of the masters. 5) The era (1) that began after the discoveries Galileo Galilei(2) and (3) culminating with the work of Isaac Newton (4) marked an important turn in human history. 6) Near the low, half-open door, a soldier (4) dressed in the uniform of the Preobrazhensky Regiment (5) and a cocked hat was dozing (1) leaning (2) on a gun (3). III. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers (numbers) that should be replaced by commas in the sentences. 7.Grammar (1) according to scientists (2) is a means of expressing thoughts. And the ability to best express one’s thoughts and understand others is necessary (3) undoubtedly (4) for every person, regardless of his specialty and profession. 8. Writing arises in a person as state of mind(1) decisively (2) before he starts (3) for example (4) writing up stacks of papers. 9. Studying literary creativity, IN AND. Dal (1) certainly (2) considered the creation of a “dictionary of the living Great Russian language” the main work of his life. According to the memoirs of his contemporaries (4), he wrote down the first word for this book (3) at the age of eighteen. IV Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. 10.Rose (1) the first mention (2) of which (3) dates back to the 5th century BC. (4) described in ancient Indian legends. 11.B XVIII century(1) at European imperial palaces (2) there were orchestral and choral chapels (3) for the leadership (4) of which (5) outstanding musicians were invited. 12. The sons of Johann Sebastian Bach (1) and other musicians trained by him (2) from among whom (3) many serious professionals (5) emerged testify to the talent of the Bach-teacher. V. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers (numbers), in place of which there should be commas in the sentence 13. Some new ideas came to my mind (1) and (2) if you come (3) then I will be happy to tell you about it ( 4) what worries me. 14. Romashov walked slowly along the highway (1) and (2) while he looked at the magical fire of the sunset (3) it seemed to him (4) as if there was some kind of mysterious life behind the bright dawn. 15.Territorial structure of population and economy foreign Europe developed in the 19th century (1) when perhaps the main factor of location (2) was natural resources (3) and (4) when coal and metallurgical regions of Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Poland, the Czech Republic, and other countries arose. Answers Option 1 Option 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 5 2. 5 2. 3 1.2 1.3 1.3 2 1, 2, 3, 4 3, 4 3 2 2 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 2, 3, 4 4, 5 1, 2 1, 3 1.4 1, 4 1,3,4 1, 2, 3, 4 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1,4 3 2,5 1, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1


* lie down go go go

* go go go put down

* put put put put go

* go go go lie down go

* go with your luggage, go with your luggage

2. choose the correct shape /1/ in each row

* mock underline

* slip mock deaf

* dried up slip strike

3. choose the correct shapes /2/ in each row
* waves clucks meows sprinkles
* purrs, gargles, throws a spear, goes out
* pours shines rumbles blind
* drips the roof prowls drips the rain drowned
* I'll get well, I'll become disgusted, I'll get sick, I'll get well
* become disgusted, recover, become disgusted, disgusted
* will be disgusted will be disgusted will recover will recover
4. choose the correct shapes /2/ in each row
* pay the fare pay the fare put on a dress put on a coat
* do you get off at the bus stop? fare put on a cloak put on a doll
* the enemy is exhausted I am exhausted we are exhausted we are exhausted

5. what 2 bases does the verb have?
5.1. how to find them?
6. verbs - exceptions 2 conjugations /11/
7. verbs - exceptions 1 conjugation / 2 /
8. From what basis are past tense forms formed?
8.1. What letter is written before - l - in the past tense?
9. insert the letters: ta..l re..l
10. Why in the word did it depend before -l- E, but in the form does it depend on I?
11. What determines the choice of letter in personal endings?......
12. Insert letter
3l. plural ta..t bre..t bed..t re..t count..t fight..tolerate..t kick out..t gon..tdysh..t
3.un.h. bre..t lined..t fight..t hate..t turn..t breathe..t hold..t

Task 14 /n nn in different Czech Republics
1. write down words with gaps

2. Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) NN is written.

For example paved, ruddy, discreet 1 3

1. And thick milk pouring from a clay (1) jug, and a lush loaf in a skillfully woven (2) basket, and a sliding napkin written out (3) by the artist in all details and with special expressiveness.

2. The term "herbarium" appeared in the 16th century to designate dried (1) plants collected (2) for collection and intended (3) for scientific works in floristry, selection

3. Among the ruins ancient city On strong pillars there are (1) bells with (2) fake Greek letters carved on them. In the cold autumn fogs, these bells replaced the sailors with a lighthouse.

4. Varvara and Tikhon are alien to the moral (1) maximalism of Katerina, for whom both the collapse of traditional (2) moral norms in the world around her and her own (3) violation of these covenants is a truly (4) terrible tragedy.

5. The house stood somewhat away from the forest: its walls here and there were refurbished with fresh timber, the wooden window frames were painted with whitewash, a small porch on the side, decorated with carvings, still smelled of resin. .

6. According to M.Yu. Lermontov, a brightly gifted (1) personality in a circle of nonentities is doomed (2) to misunderstanding and loneliness, and if he behaves in accordance with (3) the “norms” of this society, then to gradual (4) self-destruction.

7. The powerful(1)marble hotel of the villa "Kerilos" is decorated with(2)gilded(3)furniture, created(4) the best masters Italy in the image of ancient Greek.

8. On all the shelves, more beautifully painted with white paint, were hung (2) bunches of dried (3) raspberries - an excellent remedy.

9. When the weather is calm (1), the lighthouse keeper slowly rolls up a cigarette from sparkling (2) tobacco, puts on his uniform (3) cap and a tattered (4) pea coat and goes to the sea.

10. When the artists saw (1) Fyodor Vasiliev’s painting “Wet Meadow” sent to Yalta, they were shocked (2): the pure greenness of the grass, the invisible (3) light, the light breeze spoke of the author’s unheard (4) talent.

11. In the early (1) works created by (2) the Russian master, her later (3) influence was still felt, but his mature works were already distinguished by their absolute independence.

12. The boarding house houses, identically built (1), beautiful (2) with the same paint, are scattered (3) in small groups among the centuries-old pines.

13. The discounted (1) item was sold (2) to a collector, and its former owner, without even visiting (3), went to the station.

14. The fragile, precise (1) silhouette depicted (2) in the picture of the girl especially (3) stands out against the background of the white (4) wall along which mother-of-pearl theines run.

15. Why do skates made (1) of any material glide only on an icy (2) surface and not (3) at all on a smooth stone (4) floor.

16. The sun was golden in the east, behind the dim (1) blue of the distant (2) forests, behind the white snowy lowland (3) which the ancient Russian city looked at from the low bank.

17. The painting depicts (1) a cheerful village wedding, a motley mass of people fits well into (2) a wide landscape, with a beautifully painted (3) high blue sky.