Saint Luke of Crimea: prayer, what helps, miracles, relics. Prayer to Saint Luke of Crimea

Somehow it happens more often that especially glorified saints are separated from our days by, if not millennia, then centuries. But church history knows many people who can safely be called our contemporaries.

One of such remarkable and somewhat unusual figures is Saint Luke, Archbishop of Crimea and Simferopol.

His unusualness primarily lies in the fact that all his life he combined spiritual service with the work of a practicing surgeon. And to his church titles they usually add: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Surgery, laureate of the Stalin Prize for the book “Essays on Purulent Surgery.” (By the way, on its cover after the “secular” surname of the author, “Archbishop Luke” is written in parentheses).

The memory of Saint Luke of Crimea is venerated three times a year:

  • June 11 – day of repose;
  • March 18 – discovery of relics;
  • February 7 is the day of the Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

"I fell in love with suffering..."

This is the name of the autobiographical book of Saint Luke, in which he talks about his “walk through torment”...

Serve the Suffering

Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky did not dream of being a doctor at all, he wanted to become an artist and, having graduated from high school and drawing school, at first he even prepared to enter the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.

But after mature reflection, the young man decided: he must do what “is useful for suffering people,” and entered the medical faculty of Kyiv University, so that upon graduation he could become a zemstvo doctor. However, life made its own adjustments: the Russian-Japanese War began, where the recent graduate went as a surgeon. Here his first practical experiments began.

Throughout his life, the saint combined prayer and scientific work. At the same time, Dr. Voino-Yasenetsky began his scientific research, thanks to which, when he returned to Moscow, he was hired at the clinic of P.I. Dyakonov, a famous scientist.

In 1915, the young surgeon’s monograph “Regional Anesthesia” was published, for which he received a prize from the University of Warsaw.

The further fate of the future archbishop was very dramatic. His wife fell ill with pulmonary tuberculosis, and the family, which already had four children, decided in 1917 to move to Tashkent with its more favorable climate. However, this did not save the woman.

“I will be a priest if it pleases God...”

After her death, Valentin Feliksovich, on the urgent advice of Bishop Innocent of Tashkent and Turkestan, undaunted by the troubled times, accepted the priesthood and began to serve the Lord. At the same time, Father Valentin did not give up his medical practice, working simply to the fullest.

In 1923, Priest Valentin took secret monastic vows and was given the name Luke.- apostle-evangelist, artist and doctor. In the same year he was elevated to the rank of bishop.

The Bolshevik authorities could not allow the doctor to openly preach the Christian faith, and the biography of St. Luke was “enriched” by arrests and exiles, the geography of which was very wide: the Yenisei, the Arctic, Arkhangelsk, the Krasnoyarsk region, as well as transfers from diocese to diocese.

But everywhere the saint did not stop healing the sick for free, regardless of persons, positions, or affiliation with other religions. There were rumors among the people that you could be healed even if you touched the cassock of the archbishop’s doctor during a service. He was engaged in both science and establishing order in church parishes.

After the war, Bishop Luka moved to Crimea. Only the place of his ministry changed, but his lifestyle and attitude to his work - both pastoral and medical - remained the same... He continued to operate, even having become blind in one eye.

The earthly journey of Saint Luke ended on June 11, 1961. He was buried in the cemetery of Simferopol, and in 1996 the relics of the archbishop were found incorrupt and moved to the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Convent. There is also an icon of the saint here.

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In 2000, Saint Luke was canonized as a confessor- after all, in the most difficult times he did not renounce his faith and, which especially irritated the authorities, came in vestments even to operations, before which he certainly prayed and baptized the patients. There were always icons hanging in the ward and office.

Help, Saint Luke!

Saint Luke was remembered by those around him, first of all, as a simple man, but with an unshakable faith in God. It was this faith that helped him successfully carry out the most complex operations, often in the most incredible conditions, and heal patients with practically incurable ailments.

How does a saint help? Archbishop Luke of Crimea is considered the patron saint of doctors. Surgeons especially turn to him in their prayers for help in their work. The sick also pray to him:

Turning to the holy face...

Icons of St. Luke are found in many Orthodox churches. The most famous, besides Simferopol:

Many believers testify that when they come to church to pray to St. Luke, they feel the healing power emanating from his icon, which has a beneficial effect on their physical condition and life in general.

This is the true meaning of this image - to receive help by turning in prayer to a person who has a Divine gift.

Prayer to Saint Luke

O all-blessed confessor, holy saint, our Father Luke, great servant of Christ. With tenderness we bend the knee of our hearts and fall before the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, like the children of our father, we pray to you with all our earnestness: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and humane God, to whom you now stand in the joy of the saints and with the faces of an angel.

We believe that you love us with the same love with which you loved all your neighbors while you were on earth. Ask Christ our God to confirm His children in the spirit of right faith and piety: to the shepherds to give holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: to observe the right of believers, to strengthen the weak and infirm in the faith, to instruct the ignorant, to reprove the contrary.

Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and everything that is useful for temporary life and eternal salvation. Confirmation of our cities, fruitfulness of the land, deliverance from famine and destruction, consolation to the grieving, healing to the ailing, return to those who have gone astray on the path of truth, blessing to parents, education and teaching of children in the passion of the Lord, help and intercession to the orphaned and needy.

Grant us all your archpastoral blessing, so that if we have such a prayerful intercession, we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and disorder, heresies and schisms. Guide us on the path that leads to the villages of the righteous, and pray to the omnipotent God for us, so that in eternal life we ​​will be worthy with you to constantly glorify the Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to order a prayer service

You can order a prayer service in any church. During the service, which is called a prayer service, they turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, or any saints whom they want to ask for help. They most often pray to Saint Luke for deliverance from illness.

And although Christian tradition instructs a person to endure illnesses with patience, as a “bitter medicine”, to see them as a means of atonement for committed sins, it is not a sin to pray to God for healing or relief of suffering.

Prayer services are not only petitionary, but also thanksgiving God for what He sent down. Don't forget about this.

A prayer service can be ordered in any church by writing a note “On health” and indicating in it the names of those for whom prayer will be offered.

A prayer service can be served together with an akathist. This service is very beautiful and warm. Many people practice reading the akathist at home. Here is this prayer appeal to St. Luke:

Chosen to the saint of the Orthodox Church and confessor, who has shone forth to our country like a luminous luminary, having labored well and enduring persecution for the name of Christ, glorifying the Lord who glorified you, who has given you a new prayer book and helper, we sing praises to you; But you, who have great boldness towards the Lady of Heaven and earth, free us from all mental and physical ailments and strengthen us to stand well in Orthodoxy, so that we all call to you in tenderness:

interlocutor of angels and mentor of men, the most glorious Luke, like the evangelist and apostle Luca, his namesake, you received from God the gift of healing human ailments, having gone through many labors in healing the illnesses of your neighbors, bearing the flesh, you did not care about the flesh, but the good deeds of the Heavenly Father You have glorified. With the same gratitude, we call you with tenderness:

Rejoice, Saint and Confessor Luke, good and merciful physician.

Seeing in people during healing, like in a mirror, the wisdom and glory of the Creator of all things, God, you always ascended to Him in spirit, God-wise; Illuminate us with the light of your divine understanding, so that we may cry out with you: Alleluia.

You enlightened your mind with Divine teachings, O all-glorious Luke, rejecting all carnal wisdom, and with your mind and will you submitted to the Lord, becoming like an apostle. For this, according to the word of Christ: come after Me, and I will make you fishers of man, leaving everything and walking after Him, and you, holy one, having heard the Lord Jesus calling you to serve, accepted the priesthood in the Orthodox Church. For this reason, as a God-wise mentor, we praise thee:

Rejoice, thou who hasst shown care for souls; Rejoice, joyful one of your guardian angel.

Rejoice, thou who excelled in learning and astonished the wise men of this world; Rejoice, you who have turned away from those who do iniquity.

Rejoice, preacher and contemplator of God's Wisdom; Rejoice, golden-talking teacher of true theology.

Rejoice, guardian of the apostolic traditions; Rejoice, zealot of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, star, showing the way to salvation; Rejoice, luminary, kindled by God, dispelling the darkness of wickedness.

Rejoice, thou who denounced the schismatics; Rejoice, you who have thirsted for the Lord's testimonies and justifications.

Rejoice, Saint and Confessor Luke, good and merciful physician.

By the power of God’s grace, even in your temporal life you received the gift, Saint Luke, to heal ailments, so that all the healings of bodily and especially mental illnesses that diligently flow to you are honored, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Having vigilant concern for the salvation of the souls entrusted to you by God, blessed Luke, pastorally towards a soul-saving life, both in word and in deed, you incessantly instructed them. For this reason, accept from our zeal the praise that is worthy of you:

Rejoice, filled with the Divine mind; Rejoice, blessed by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, having been enriched by the poverty of Christ; rejoice, shield, defend piety.

Rejoice, good shepherd, seeking out the wisdom of those who wander through the mountains of superstition; Rejoice, worker of the grapes of Christ, strengthening the children of God in the faith.

Rejoice, unshakable pillar of Orthodoxy; Rejoice, solid rock of faith.

Rejoice, accuser of soul-destroying unbelief and renovationist schism; Rejoice, wise strengthener of those who strive in the spiritual work.

Rejoice, show a quiet refuge to those persecuted from the world; Rejoice, for we have accepted the cross; you have followed Christ.

Rejoice, Saint and Confessor Luke, good and merciful physician.

Having a storm inside with many thoughts, the servant of God was perplexed at what the Lord was saying about him, when he realized that he was worthy of being the bishop of the city of Tashkent, having betrayed everything to Christ God, to Him you gave thanks for all, calling: blessed be God, pour out your grace on your bishops, and singing to Him: Alleluia.

Having heard the people of Orthodoxy, in the present persecution, about the fruitful kindnesses of your soul, God-bearing Luko, and seeing you at the level of holiness, like a worthy vessel of Divine grace, healing all the weak and replenishing the impoverished, I marveled at the wonderful providence of God for you and offered you blessings:

Rejoice, bishop, ordained by the Lord Himself; Rejoice, for the inscription of the episcopal rank on your crown is a mental warning received.

Rejoice, hierarchs are a fair adornment; Rejoice, shepherd, ready to lay down your soul for the sheep of Christ.

Rejoice, multi-illuminated lamp of the Church; Rejoice, partaker of the apostles.

Rejoice, fertilizer for confessors; Rejoice, having rejected all care for yourself.

Rejoice, sorrow reliever; Rejoice, sadder of human ignorance.

Rejoice, having proclaimed the right teaching to those who sought salvation; Rejoice, you have not been put to shame by your life of this teaching.

Rejoice, Saint and Confessor Luke, good and merciful physician.

By the rich Blood of Christ, desiring to preserve those redeemed from eternal death, in the days of terrible persecution you received the rank of bishop from the hands of the Orthodox bishops, Saint Luke, and you did the work of an evangelist well, rebuking, rebuking, begging with all patience and teaching, and singing to God: Alleluia.

Having seen your great feats in the rank of angels, you were surprised, when, according to the commandment of the Lord: the blessedness of exile for the sake of righteousness, for the sake of them is the Kingdom of Heaven, in the strength of your heart you resignedly endured imprisonment and exile for the name of the Lord and the Holy Church of Christ, arranging your salvation with great patience, and by example Edifying the souls of your faithful. We, who diligently honor you with love, honor you with these praises:

Rejoice, lampstand, placed on the church candlestick; Rejoice, ascetic, the image of long-suffering love is revealed.

Rejoice, for those who forbid the faithful to protect you; Rejoice, you humbly surrendered yourself into the hands of the tormentors for your faith.

Rejoice, humbled by the accomplices of unrighteous judges; Rejoice, you who marched meekly into captivity with humility.

Rejoice, for the sake of truth you endured separation from your Tashkent flock; Rejoice, for I was faithful to weep at separation from you.

Rejoice, thou who was crucified and bruised for the Lord; Rejoice, you who stop the lying lips of the godless.

Rejoice, you who spoke heavenly truths through your righteous lips even in exile; Rejoice, as martyrs in Heaven rejoice in your patience.

Rejoice, Saint and Confessor Luke, good and merciful physician.

You were a silent preacher of the mystery of the Most Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity both in prison and in the cities of Siberian exile, enduring hunger, the scum of the northern countries and the cruelty of the godless minions. For this reason, the Crimean Church preaches the greatness of God, revealed to you, Saint Luke. With one heart and one mouth we sing to God: Alleluia.

You shone like a radiant star to the Krasnoyarsk and Tambov flocks, illuminating the souls of the faithful and dispelling the darkness of wickedness and godlessness. And the words of Christ were fulfilled on you: blessed are you, when they revile you, and destroy you, and say all kinds of evil things against you, who lie, for my sake. For you, persecuted from city to city and enduring slander, you diligently fulfilled your archpastoral ministry and with the sweetness of your writings you satisfied all those who hungered and thirsted for righteousness, who cried out to you with gratitude:

Rejoice, teacher, guide of everyone to Heaven; Rejoice, you who are sincerely jealous of the glory of God.

Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ; Rejoice, you who endured prison and beating for Christ the Lord.

Rejoice, true imitator of His humility; Rejoice, container of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, thou who entered with the wise into the joy of thy Lord; Rejoice, accuser of greed.

Rejoice, you who have shown the destruction of vanity; Rejoice, calling the lawless to conversion.

Rejoice, for through you Christ is glorified; Rejoice, for Satan is put to shame by you.

Rejoice, Saint and Confessor Luke, good and merciful physician.

Although it was worthy to accomplish the feat prepared by God, you put on all the armor of God and began to fight against the rulers of the darkness of this age, the spirits of wickedness in the heavens, having girded your loins with the truth and dressed yourself in the armor of righteousness, you, confessor Luko, quenched all the arrows of the evil one , singing to the Creator and God: Alleluia.

A new persecution raised the lawlessness and godlessness of people against the Orthodox Church and drove you into the depths of the distant taiga country, Saint Luke, and being near death, preserved by the hand of God, you cried out with the Apostle Paul: until this hour, we hunger, and thirst, and are hungry, and we suffer and wander. We persecute, we tolerate; like the rabble of the world, the trampling of all hitherto. For this reason, knowing this about you, we please you:

Rejoice, blessed confessor of Christ; Rejoice, you who endured cruel scum and famine in exile.

Rejoice, you who were near death and preserved by the Lord; Rejoice, you who have shown complete self-sacrifice.

Rejoice, thou who hast betrayed thy soul to the Bridegroom Christ; Rejoice, Lord, crucified on the Cross, ever before you in sight.

Rejoice, you who continually remain in vigils and prayers; Rejoice, true zealot of the Consubstantial Trinity.

Rejoice, quick and free physician of all illnesses; Rejoice, having restored the afflicted to health from incurable purulent diseases and wounds.

Rejoice, for through your faith you have healed weakness.

Rejoice, for your medical healing efforts brought you to faith.

Rejoice, Saint and Confessor Luke, good and merciful physician.

Having been a wanderer in the vale of earth, you showed the image of patience, abstinence and purity, confessor Luko. When the fatherland was in trouble from the invasion of a foreigner, showing the love of the gospel, you worked day and night in the doctor’s clinic, healing the ailments and wounds of the leaders and warriors of the earthly fatherland, with your unforgettable malice and love, surprising all those who create misfortunes, and with this you turned many to Christ, to sing to Him. : Hallelujah.

Full of the love of Christ, O merciful Luke, you laid down your soul for your friends, and like a guardian angel you were near and far, taming the evildoers, reconciling the warring, and arranging salvation for everyone. Remembering your labors for the good of the people of your fatherland, we cry out to you with gratitude:

Rejoice, you who showed wondrous love for the earthly fatherland; Rejoice, teacher of humility and kindness.

Rejoice, thou who bravely endured exile and cruel torment; Rejoice, you who suffered and were tormented for Christ.

Rejoice, you who firmly confessed Him; Rejoice, conquering the malice of your enemies through the love of Christ.

Rejoice, merciful father, seeking the salvation of many; Rejoice, tempted by great sorrows.

Rejoice, you who showed wondrous patience in persecution; Rejoice, for you prayed for the enemies of the Lord.

Rejoice, for your love has conquered all enmity; Rejoice, for the kindness of your cruel heart has conquered.

Rejoice, Saint and Confessor Luke, good and merciful physician.

You were all, just like Saint Paul, in order to save at least some, to Saint Luke, performing the archpastoral feat, in the Tambov region, renovating and creating churches with many works, strictly observing the statutes of the patristic people, you did not cease to serve the salvation of your flock, singing purely to God: Hallelujah.

The branches of humanity will not be able, according to their heritage, to utter your multitude of blessings, when you appear on the Crimean land, like a loving father, to the saint, Father Luke: your generous right hand reaches everywhere. We, wanting to imitate your kindness, cry out to you in surprise:

Rejoice, ray of God's love; Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of Spasov's mercy.

Rejoice, for you have given all of yours to the poor; Rejoice, you who love your neighbor more than yourself.

Rejoice, nourisher and caretaker of suffering orphans; Rejoice, guardian of helpless elders and old women.

Rejoice, for you visited the sick and those in prison; Rejoice, for you have anticipated the needs of the poor in many places in your fatherland.

Rejoice, for having mercy on the poor, you have provided them with meals; Rejoice, for the Mother of God rejoiced at the depth of your mercy.

Rejoice, earthly angel and heavenly man; Rejoice, for you appeared to everyone in their sorrows, like a comforting angel.

Rejoice, Saint and Confessor Luke, good and merciful physician.

To serve the salvation of your Crimean flock for many years without ceasing, in the image of the Chief Shepherd Christ, you brought you to the Heavenly Father on the shoulders of the lost world, comforting you with the hope of God’s mercy, you were drawn to the correction of life by your teaching words, with a pure heart to sing to God: Alleluia.

Having become a faithful servant of the Heavenly King Christ God, Father Luko tirelessly proclaimed the word of truth in all the churches of the land of Tauride, feeding his faithful children with the soul-saving food of the teachings of the Gospel and commanding them to strictly fulfill the church charter. Moreover, we glorify you, like the good shepherd:

Rejoice, tireless preacher of the gospel truth; Rejoice, for you have preserved the flock of words given to you by God.

Rejoice, protecting your sheep from soul-destroying wolves; Rejoice, strict guardian of the church rite.

Rejoice, guardian of the purity of the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, for through you the Holy Spirit wrote the words of salvation.

Rejoice, you who preached the existence of God as the sage of this age; Rejoice, for your word is like a gilded robe, clothed in the mysteries of faith.

Rejoice, lightning, destroyer of pride; Rejoice, thunder, fear of those who live lawlessly.

Rejoice, planter of church piety; Rejoice, archpastor, instruct and admonish spiritual shepherds unceasingly.

Rejoice, Saint and Confessor Luke, good and merciful physician.

The singing at your tomb, servant of God, did not cease in the days of your blessed dormition. Many people, leading you God-bearing and equal to the angels, have gathered from all the borders of your earthly fatherland to make a conciliar prayer for your soul, ascending to the heavenly abode of the Heavenly Fatherland, chanting to God: Alleluia.

You were a luminary in the Church of Christ, burning with the immaterial light of the grace of God, Saint Luke, illuminating all the ends of our earth. Remembering your blessed dormition and great glorification in Heaven and on earth, with joy we offer you these blessings:

Rejoice, unfading lamp of the Never-Evening Light; Rejoice, for many have glorified you for the good deeds of the Heavenly Father.

Rejoice, servant of God, who has piously ended the course; Rejoice, you who have acquired faith, hope and love from the Lord.

Rejoice, you have united yourself with Christ, whom you loved, forever; Rejoice, heir to the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal glory.

Rejoice, for the light of your good deeds has shone before men; Rejoice, having taught many the commandments of Christ and created them.

Rejoice, bishop, filled with gifts of grace from the Eternal Bishop of Christ; Rejoice, quick helper to those who call upon you.

Rejoice, new light and affirmation for the Crimean land; Rejoice, blessed patron of the Christian race.

Rejoice, Saint and Confessor Luke, good and merciful physician.

Having recognized the grace given from above, we reverently kiss your honest image, Saint Luke, hoping that you will receive what you ask from God. The same goes for holy icon yours (if you say before your relics: to your holy relics), we pray to you with tenderness: strengthen us to stand well in the Orthodox faith, and pleasing to good deeds, silently sing to God: Alleluia.

Singing to God, who is wondrous in His saints, we praise you, Christ’s confessor, saint and intercessor before the Lord. For you are all in the highest, but you do not abandon those below, Saint Father Luke reigns ever with Christ and intercedes for us sinners before the Throne of God. For this reason, in tenderness we call you:

Rejoice, Light unapproachable to the viewer; Rejoice, for the angels rejoice with you and men rejoice over you.

Rejoice, enlighten the unbelievers with your works and writings; Rejoice, strengthen and confirm those of little faith and cowardice.

Rejoice, for you have appeared worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, having reached the villages of paradise through confession.

Rejoice, you who endured the reproach of Christ for the sake of Christ and received eternal glory with Him; Rejoice, guide of our souls to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, representative before the Throne of God for us sinners; Rejoice, praise to Orthodoxy and joy to our land.

Rejoice, thou who havest been deemed worthy to be among the saints; Rejoice, partaker of the council of all Crimean saints.

Rejoice, Saint and Confessor Luke, good and merciful physician.

O great and glorious servant of God, our holy father Luke, accept this praiseworthy song from us unworthy, brought to you with filial love! By your intercession at the Throne of God and by your prayers, strengthen us all in the Orthodox faith and good deeds, save us from all troubles, sorrows, illnesses and misfortunes found in this life, and deliver us from torment in the future and make us worthy to be with you in eternal life. and with all the saints sing to our Creator: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos, and the 1st kontakion.

Interlocutor of angels and mentor of men, the most glorious Luke, like the evangelist and apostle Luca, his namesake, you received from God the gift of healing human ailments, having gone through many labors in healing the illnesses of your neighbors, bearing the flesh, you did not care about the flesh, but the good deeds of the Heavenly Father You have glorified. With the same gratitude, we call you with tenderness:

Rejoice, having subdued your mind to the yoke of Christ from your youth; Rejoice, former most honorable village of the Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, having inherited the bliss of the merciful, according to the word of the Lord; Rejoice, having healed many sick people through the faith of Christ and the knowledge given by God.

Rejoice, merciful physician to those suffering from bodily ailments; Rejoice, artful healer in the days of battle for leaders and warriors.

Rejoice, teacher of all doctors; Rejoice, quick helper in the needs and sorrows of those who exist.

Rejoice, confirmation of the Orthodox Church; Rejoice, illumination of our land.

Rejoice, praise to the Crimean flock; Rejoice, decoration of the city of Simferopol.

Rejoice, Saint and Confessor Luke, good and merciful physician.

The holy confessor, Archbishop Luke, successfully combined in his person a good shepherd who heals mental ailments and a doctor who relieves physical ailments. And now, through sincere prayers to him, he continues to perform numerous healings.

Useful video

Bishop Afanasy (Archbishop Luka (in the world - Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky)) was born in Kerch on April 27, 1877. After graduating from high school, he decided to devote himself to what is useful for suffering people, and chose medicine. After graduating from the university, the future saint was engaged in practice and theoretical research in the field of medicine. In the 20s of the twentieth century, he worked as a surgeon in Tashkent, and actively participated in church life, for example, in meetings of the church brotherhood. He took the words of Bishop of Tashkent and Turkestan Innocent: “Doctor, you need to be a priest” as God’s call. After three years of service as a priest, Father Valentin took monastic vows with the name of the holy apostle, evangelist and physician Luke. On May 31, 1923, Hieromonk Luke, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow and All Rus', was secretly ordained bishop. From that time his confessional journey on the cross began. Numerous arrests, torture and exiles did not weaken the saint’s zeal in fulfilling his archpastoral duty and in his medical service to people.

The “public prosecutor,” security officer Peters, brought the bishop to trial in the so-called doctors’ case (1921). Among the questions was this: “How do you believe in God, priest and professor Yasenetsky-Voino? Have you seen him, your God? “I really haven’t seen God, citizen public prosecutor. But I operated a lot on the brain and, when I opened the skull, I never saw the mind there either. And I didn’t find any conscience there either.” The “Doctors' Case,” fabricated by Peters, failed miserably, but after some time Vladyka was still subject to repression. Exiled by the authorities to distant Turukhansk, the humble holy doctor was consoled by the great I.P. Pavlov: “With all my soul I sympathize with you in your martyrdom.”

He was truly a miracle worker. I remember the story of how in Siberia he had to perform abdominal surgery on a peasant with a penknife, and sew up the wound with a woman’s hair, and there was no suppuration. Between the first exile to Turukhansk and the second exile to Arkhangelsk, the bishop lived in Tashkent. There he continued to receive patients at his home.

While in his third exile near Krasnoyarsk, already at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Bishop Luka offered the authorities his experience and skill to treat wounded Soviet soldiers. Since October 1941, he was appointed consultant to all hospitals in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and chief surgeon of the evacuation hospital. The inspection showed that no other hospital had such excellent results in treating complex infectious joint wounds. Thousands of military personnel were saved from death or lifelong disability. We had to work in unbearable conditions: the staff was inept and rude, the doctors did not know the basics of surgery. All this had an extremely bad effect on the Vladyka’s health. During operations, he increasingly sat down on a chair: his legs could not support him. It was difficult to climb the hospital stairs: chronic lung disease, emphysema, was making itself felt.

In 1944, Vladyka received a decree of appointment to the Tambov and Michurin Sees, and from 1946 to 1961 he was the ruling bishop of the Simferopol and Crimean diocese. Vladyka Luke made a number of discoveries. The famous “Essays on Purulent Surgery”, which was published in November 1944, belongs to the famous surgeon. Until now, they are a reference book and textbook for many surgeons.

In December 1945, the saint was awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” For outstanding achievements in medicine, he received the Stalin Prize of the first degree, which he donated to the needs of orphans. All this meant official recognition of the saint’s selfless work. In 1958, the Lord sent him a new test - blindness in both eyes. However, the Lord saw with spiritual eyes. Despite his terrible illness, he regularly performed divine services, constantly preached and received the suffering.

His Grace died on June 11, 1961, on the day of All Saints who shone in the Russian land. By the determination of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) of November 22, 1995, Archbishop Luke of Simferopol and Crimea was canonized as a locally revered saint. On the night of March 17-18, 1996, the discovery of his incorruptible relics took place, and on May 24-25, 1996, the celebration of the glorification of the saint took place. His multi-healing relics rest in the Holy Trinity Cathedral of Simferopol. In August 2000, the Jubilee Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church glorified the holy confessor Luke among the host of Russian new martyrs and confessors of the 20th century. His memory is celebrated on June 11 (new art.) / May 29 (old art.) and on the day of remembrance of the Council of Crimean Saints on December 28 (new art.) / December 15 (old art.)

Editor's response

From April 1 to 2, believers can venerate the relics of St. Luke, which were exhibited in the Donskoy Monastery in Moscow. talks about the life of the saint.

Archbishop Luke, in peace Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky, born April 27, 1877 in Kerch in large family pharmacist Felix Stanislavovich, originating from ancient Russian noble family. The father, being a convinced Catholic, did not impose his religious views on the family. Mother, Maria Dmitrievna, raised children in Orthodox traditions and was actively involved in charity work.

At baptism the baby was named Valentine in honor of the holy martyr Valentin Interamsky, who received the gift of healing from the Lord and then became a priest. Like his heavenly patron, he became both a doctor and a clergyman.

The secular life of St. Luke

Valentin spent his childhood in Kerch. In 1889, the family moved to Kyiv, where he graduated from high school and art school. After that, he submitted documents to the Academy of Arts, but later withdrew them, deciding to choose medicine. I tried to enter the Faculty of Medicine at Kiev University, but failed.

He managed to enter the medical university in 1898. “From a failed artist, I became an artist in anatomy and surgery,” he said about his education. After graduation, he became a zemstvo doctor and worked at the Kiev Red Cross Medical Hospital.

In 1904, as part of the hospital, he went to Russo-Japanese War. He worked in an evacuation hospital in Chita, and headed the surgical department.

In the fall of 1908, he left for Moscow and entered an externship at the Moscow surgical clinic of the famous professor Dyakonov, and was engaged in anatomical practice at the Institute of Topographic Anatomy.

At the beginning of 1909, Valentin Feliksovich submitted a petition and was approved as the chief physician of the hospital in the village of Romanovka, Balashov district, Saratov province. Sometimes, without tools at hand, during emergency operations he used a pocket knife, goose feather, plumber's pliers, and instead of thread - woman's hair. In 1910, he submitted a petition to the doctor of the Pereslavl-Zalessky hospital in the Vladimir province, where he first headed the city, and soon - the factory and district hospitals, as well as a military hospital.

Pastoral activities

In 1921 he decided to become a priest. He did not stop his surgical and teaching work. “I consider it my main duty to preach about Christ everywhere and everywhere,” he remained faithful to this principle until the end of his days.

In 1923, he was secretly tonsured a monk with the name of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke and received the rank of bishop. This was followed by arrests and exiles. Years of prison, Stalin’s camps and a 13-day “conveyor belt” interrogation, when he was not allowed to sleep, but did not break him - he did not sign the documents and did not renounce the priesthood. In the Tambov diocese, Bishop Luka simultaneously served in the church and worked as a surgeon in 150 hospitals for two years. Thanks to his brilliant operations, thousands of soldiers and officers returned to duty.

After World War II, Bishop Luke was appointed Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea. During the entire time of his service at the Crimean department, he received patients at home, consulted in a military hospital, lectured at a medical institute, served and gave sermons in churches.

Merits in medicine

In 1946, Voino-Yasenetsky was awarded with a prize Stalin, first degree for services in medicine. He gave the first systematic teaching on local anesthesia using ethyl alcohol injected into nerve bundles, and also substantiated the systematic use of antiseptic methods for purulent surgery even before the invention of antibiotics.

As a surgeon, he performed many operations on patients with diseases of the biliary tract, stomach and other abdominal organs. He worked successfully in such areas of surgery as neurosurgery and orthopedics. He expressed a number of important ideas in certain medical areas: the theory of clinical diagnosis, medical psychology and deontology, surgery (including general, abdominal, thoracic, urology, orthopedics and other sections), military field surgery and anesthesiology, healthcare organization and social hygiene.

Veneration and canonization

Archbishop Luke died on June 11, 1961. In November 1995, by decree of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archbishop Luke was canonized as a locally revered saint. On the night of March 17-18, 1996, the discovery of the holy relics of Archbishop Luke took place. Archbishop Luke was glorified among the host of new martyrs and confessors of Russia in 2000.

Christians look at things around them differently than most people. They even consider their own body as a temple of God. But since a person is stricken with sin, his physical existence is burdened with ailments that cause many unpleasant moments. Even the apostles were forced to endure physical infirmities until their very last days. But still, you can receive endowment - for this it is customary to pray to the saints. One of the most famous healers is Saint Luke of Crimea.

Healer of the body

Amazing fate I was expecting a boy, who was born in April 1877 in Kerch. They named him Valentin. The family moved to Kyiv, where the fourth of five children showed artistic talent.

My father came from a noble Belarusian family and was a Catholic. But his natural delicacy did not allow him to impose his beliefs on any of the family members. The mother was Orthodox and was engaged in works of mercy.

In his youth, the future very rarely visited the temple. But even then, sacrifice arose in his soul, which later became the main feature of his character. When the question arose about what educational institution go, Valentin chose medicine, because she brings more benefit to society. The ability to draw well was very useful to the young man while studying at Kiev University. In his own words, he became an “artist in surgery.”

Valentin Voino-Yasenetsky was predicted to have a brilliant scientific career. But after graduating from university, he expressed a desire to become an ordinary zemstvo doctor in order to treat ordinary peasants. This is where he saw his own destiny. I was never afraid of “dirty” work.

Having completed my studies, Valentin was admitted to the hospital. There he met his future wife. She was very religious, she didn’t even want to get married. But the young doctor managed to achieve his goal. Four children were born in the marriage with Anna (all of them have already rested in God). The wife herself died at a fairly young age from consumption. This sad event aroused in the talented doctor an interest in church life and God. He began to visit the temple often.

Healer of souls

In 1920, the surgeon lived and worked in Tashkent, where he had moved earlier, in the hope that the southern climate would have a positive effect on his wife’s weakened health. However, this didn't help. Having lost his wife, the healer began to actively help in the affairs of the parish, which did not escape the attention of the ruling bishop. He invited the widowed Voino-Yasenetsky to take holy orders, to which he immediately agreed. Thus began his life for the glory of Christ.

During this same period, the first of many exiles begins. But repression could not shake the steadfastness of faith, even when the doctor had to live in a barracks with broken windows in winter.

Crimean diocese

A year after the end of the Great Patriotic War, when the country was rising from ruins, by decree from Moscow Saint Luke appointed bishop to Crimea. The archbishop immediately aroused the discontent of local spies from the authorities, since he did not take him into account in personnel matters.

Already a mature priest, he lectures for local doctors and advises staff at a military hospital. As throughout his life, he continues to combine prayer and scientific work and writes books. At the same time, the bishop had to restore destroyed churches throughout the peninsula.

In 1955 the saint lost his sight, as a result of which he stopped operating. But for my long life he managed to save tens of thousands of ordinary people - he restored the ability to see for many, and saved soldiers from amputation of limbs. And he warmed everyone with the warmth of his soul. The saint died in 1961, leaving a memory among the people of himself as a miracle worker. Despite the resistance of the authorities, the entire city came out to see off their beloved Bishop, the solemn procession was accompanied by the singing of prayers.

Finding the relics

The saint's grave was located in the Simferopol cemetery, not far from the temple. Pilgrims who came to this place were healed from illnesses. This forced the church authorities to carefully study the life of the archbishop and he was canonized.

The incorrupt body was found in March 1996 and was solemnly transferred to cathedral in the name of the Holy Trinity. On the veil that covered the face of the deceased, the imprint of his face appeared.

In Simferopol, 2 monuments to St. Luke, there is a museum dedicated to his life and works. Many pilgrims come to the cathedral to venerate the relics of the saint of God, which exude a wonderful aroma.


Many photos of the doctor-bishop have reached his contemporaries, there are also videos, so today you can have a clear idea of ​​his appearance. The icons have a great portrait resemblance to the “original,” although we should not forget that they show a person renewed by Christ.

The saint’s earthly life lasted quite a long time (he died at 84); icon painters depict an old man with gray hair. He is wearing bishop's vestments. In the left hand there is either a staff or a Gospel. On the right hand he gives blessings to believers. On the chest is a panagia with the image of the Virgin Mary.

In life, the saint had poor eyesight and wore glasses. But in the Kingdom Heavenly people get rid of bodily infirmities. Therefore, a bishop who is already with Christ does not need glasses. In a number of images, Luka Krymsky is depicted with surgical instruments - they indicate the type of activity during his life.


Exile for the Christian faith was a fatal sentence for many. Thousands of people laid down their heads for not denying Jesus. Many were subsequently rehabilitated, like St. Luke (in 2000). Several years earlier, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church recognized him as a saint; five years later he was numbered among the host of Russian new martyrs and began to be commemorated in all churches of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The confessor has three holidays— June 11, December 28 (Cathedral of Crimean Saints). He is especially revered in Greece, where holy Orthodoxy is the main religion. In honor of St. Luke, many churches were consecrated there. The silver shrine, in which the relics now rest, was sent by the monks of the Greek Orthodox Church. The relics of the saint are still kept in Crimea, and in Moscow there is an icon with a particle - in the Church of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God (on Ordynka).

Saint Luke - what you can pray for

  • People turn to a healer in case of bodily illnesses. It doesn’t matter what kind of illness befell the believer - the confessor, by the power of Christ, is able to help from many physical ailments, as thousands of those healed talk about.
  • Pregnant women pray for a safe pregnancy and birth. It is no secret that even today this such a natural event can be dangerous for both mother and baby.
  • If you are going to undergo surgery, you should also turn to St. Luke of Crimea. There are many known cases when he appeared to patients and performed complex operations himself.
  • During treatment, you can read a prayer to the saint so that he will contribute to a speedy recovery.
  • Luka Krymsky also helps during times of mental suffering, because he is known for his kindness to people. This is visible even in his scientific works— people were not just faceless “diagnoses” for him; the saint always made sure that the patient felt calm and believed in the success of the operation.

Testimonies of healings

The greatest healer is Jesus Christ, He gives His faithful servants the power to heal people without resorting to traditional medicine. Saint Luke also had such a gift..

  • One day they brought the saint a baby whose larynx was swollen. It was impossible to carry out the operation - the tumor was too large and there was a risk of damaging vital arteries. After three days of prayer, the swelling subsided and then completely disappeared.
  • One of the parishioners was preparing for limb amputation. Came to last time confess, receive the blessing of Fr. Luke. He did not let the woman go; together they began to pray fervently. After a few days, the legs began to heal quickly, and the operation was canceled. The saint’s prayer helped save the woman’s legs.

This is just a small list. Luka Krymsky did many more good deeds. Miracles continue to this day.


Luka Krymsky was a very talented surgeon - performed operations on the heart, intestines, and restored the ability to see. At the same time, Saint Luke was a priest, read sermons, and led people to faith. How did he have enough strength for everything? Who, if not Jesus Christ Himself, put fire in his heart, instructed, supported and consoled?

The saint rested very little, trying to help as many people as possible. But the main thing he did was carried the Christian faith throughout his life, without abandoning it even during the repressions. Faith and prayer helped the righteous man to withstand personal grief, exile, and physical weakness. Like a bright lamp, he showed the way to everyone who came to him. The path not only to physical, but also to spiritual recovery.

Those born from December 22 to January 22 will be protected by the icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy", their guardian angels are Saint Sylvester and Venerable Seraphim of Sarov.

Those born from January 21 to February 20 are protected by Saints Athanasius and Cyril, and they will be protected by the icons of the Mother of God “Vladimir” and “Burning Bush”.

The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God is the intercessor of those born from February 21 to March 20. Their guardian angels are Saints Alexius and Milentius of Antioch.

Those born from March 21 to April 20 must ask for protection from the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, and they are protected by Saints Sophrony and Innocent of Irkutsk, as well as George the Confessor.

The icons “Supportress of Sinners” and the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God will protect those born from April 21 to May 20. Saints Stepan and Tamara, Apostle John the Theologian are their guardian angels.

If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 21, you need to ask for help from the icons “Seeking the Dead,” “The Burning Bush,” and “Vladimirskaya.” Protected by saints Alexei of Moscow and Constantine.

Icons “Joy of All Who Sorrow” and the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - Intercessor for those born from June 22 to July 22. Saint Cyril is their guardian angel.

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant and Elijah the Prophet protect those born from July 23 to August 23, and the icon “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” protects them.

Those born from August 24 to September 23 should ask for protection from the Burning Bush and Passionate Bush icons. Their guardian angels are Saints Alexandra, John and Paul.

At the icons of the Pochaev Mother of God. “The Burning Bush”, “The Exaltation of the Holy Cross” should seek protection for those born from September 24 to October 23. Saint Sergius of Radonezh will protect them.

Saint Paul is the guardian angel of those born from October 24 to November 22. The icons of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear" and "Jerusalem" protect them.

Those born from November 23 to December 21 should ask for the intercession of the icons of the Mother of God “Tikhvin” and “The Sign”. Saint Nicholas the Saint and Saint Barbara are their guardian angels.

In every home it is desirable to have the Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (Goalkeeper), which protects the house from enemies and ill-wishers.

So who should you pray to first?

First of all, of course, we should pray in front of the image Savior Jesus Christ. And, of course, in all difficult cases we must intensely pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, the Queen of Heaven - She, “the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim,” stands above all the saints and for us is the first Intercessor and Intercessor before Her Son and our Lord.

“Savior Almighty” is often simply “Savior” or “Savior” is central image in the iconography of Christ, representing Him as the Heavenly King. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,” says the Lord, “Who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” The Chief Physician of souls and bodies, who knows about everything, and to whom our prayer appeal should first of all be directed. According to the rules, this icon is placed at the head of the iconostasis.

"Savior Not Made by Hands"

According to church tradition, the first icon was the image of the Savior - the Savior without Hands. This icon has incredibly strong energy and amazing story. It is customary to turn to the image of the Savior with prayers for guidance on the true path, for the salvation of the soul (if you repent of sins), deliverance from bad thoughts and miraculous healing. Remember to recite the Lord's Prayer and repent before you ask for mercy for yourself and your loved ones.

The “miraculous” image was not written by human hand. They say that this happened during the Savior’s earthly life. The ruler of the city of Edessa, Prince Avgar, was seriously ill. Having heard about the countless healings that Jesus Christ performed, Abgar wanted to look at the Savior. He sent a painter to paint the face of Christ.

However, the artist was unable to complete the assignment. Such radiance emanated from the Lord’s face that the master’s brush could not convey His Light. Then the Lord, having washed His face, wiped His most pure face with a towel, and His Image was miraculously displayed on it. Having received the Image, Avgar was healed of his illness.

There are images of the Savior in every church, but if you want to strengthen your prayer to the Savior, you can go to the temple that bears his name, or where the icon became famous, or where a “sign” was given from above.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

This is the main shrine of Moscow and the entire Russian land. They turn to her mercy. making particularly important decisions related to social activities before major fateful moments in life. People often pray to this icon for the salvation of Russia; they turn to it when the country is in trouble.

People have always treated the Vladimir Icon with special reverence; many miracles and signs are associated with it. Before her, the anointing of sovereigns and emperors took place. When electing All-Russian metropolitans, and then patriarchs, the lot was placed in a shroud in the icon case of the Vladimir icon, hoping that the Mother of God herself would indicate the person pleasing to Her.

According to legend, this icon was painted by the Evangelist Luke on a board from the table at which the Savior dined with the Most Pure Mother and Righteous Joseph. IN mid-XII century the shrine came to Russia. When she was being taken to Suzdal, not far from Vladimir the horses stopped and could not move. The Assumption Cathedral was erected on this spot, where the miraculous icon, since then called the Vladimir Icon, was installed. With the transfer of the capital from Vladimir to Moscow, the icon also moved. In 1395, the Vladimir Mother of God appeared in a dream to the invader Tamerlane and forced him to retreat from Moscow. Since then, the icon has been considered the patroness of the capital and all of Rus'.

Icon of the Mother of God “Leaping of the Child”

One of the most beloved icons among the Russian people. This icon is responsible for the fullness of motherhood. Women who want to have children pray in front of this icon. Also, prayer in front of the image of the “Leaping of the Baby” will help in cases of difficult pregnancy, or if a very small baby gets sick.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

People pray to this icon for the sight of blind eyes, for deliverance from the invasion of foreigners, and is an intercessor in hard times, it is used to bless those who marry.

The mothers of soldiers serving in hot spots of the country know the power of the patronage of this icon. It is customary to offer prayers to the Kazan Mother of God before military operations and campaigns. Great Russian commanders always prayed to “Mother of Kazan” before battles in order to win battles with minimal losses. Women gave this iconographic image to their husbands, sons and loved ones in the hope that it would protect them from an enemy bullet, captivity, and death.

The miraculous appearance of this icon to the residents of Kazan took place in 1579. The Mother of God appeared in a dream to ten-year-old Matryona and ordered her to inform the Archbishop of Kazan and the city authorities that she was buried in the ground. In the indicated place they found an icon, which, apparently, was buried even before the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible - it was hidden by Christians who lived in the Tatar capital.

The icon received the name of the Kazan Mother of God and was recognized as miraculous. She was considered missing from 1903 until she turned up in the Vatican. Negotiations are currently underway to return the shrine to Kazan.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

The Iverskaya Mother of God is approached with prayers for prosperity, for protection from illnesses, enemies, slander and dark forces.

The Iveron Mother of God herself called herself the Great Protector for believers when she miraculously found herself in the Iveron Monastery on Athos (Greece). In the 9th century, the soldiers of King Theophilus the Iconoclast were sent to destroy the holy icons. In one house, one of them hit the Virgin Mary’s cheek with a spear, and blood flowed from the wound. To save the image, the owners gave it to the sea, and the icon moved standing along the waves. One day, the monks of the Iversky Monastery saw a pillar of fire on the sea - it rose above the image of the Mother of God standing on the water. The icon was placed in the temple, but in the morning it was discovered above the monastery gates. This was repeated several times until the Mother of God, appearing to one of the monks in a dream, said that she did not want to be kept, but that she herself would be the Guardian. The icon was left above the gate, which is why it is often called the “Goalkeeper”.

Icon of the Mother of God "Seven Arrows"

Conspiracies from irreconcilable enemies are read before her. During war, they read so that the weapons of enemies will bypass the defenders of the Fatherland and the relatives of soldiers. At least seven candles are placed in front of the icon. This icon can show seven miracles, or help you find out the future for seven years.

Icon of the Mother of God "Softening Evil Hearts"

On the icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts,” the Mother of God is depicted alone, pierced by seven swords. The seven swords symbolize the fullness of sadness and heart disease that was suffered on Earth Holy Virgin Maria. In front of the icon they pray for a softening of the heart and for believers their mental suffering is alleviated, hostile relationships are softened, giving way to a feeling of mercy.

Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness"

When turning to the Mother of God “Tenderness,” they pray for healing from ailments.

The icon was in the cell of St. Seraphim of Sarov. With oil from the lamp that burned in front of the cell icon, the Monk Seraphim anointed the sick, and they received healing. In front of this icon, the monk departed to the Lord. Another name for the icon is “The Joy of All Joys.” This is what St. Seraphim himself often called this icon.

Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign"

“The Sign” is one of the most revered icons among our people. Many signs of miraculous power are performed from this blessed shrine. The Merciful Lady reveals through this shrine the signs of Her protection and intercession both in national disasters and in the lives of ordinary people. Christian mothers who come to the realization of their powerlessness to give happiness to their children, to protect them from the always close and inevitable danger, turn their gaze to this image and find support and help.

Icon “Helper of Sinners”

It is required for economic prayers and conspiracies for those who have gravely sinned, who are in captivity (prisons and settlements), as well as for urgent absolution, for example, before going to a medical operation or a very dangerous task.

This icon is the last hope for the forgiveness of the Lord Jesus Christ, because His beloved mother herself acts as a merciful intercessor for those who have sinned, willingly or unwillingly. You cannot buy this icon during Lent.

Icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice"

They pray to this icon for the healing of those possessed by the disease of passion, drunkenness and gluttony.

The appearance of the holy image occurred in 1878. A peasant from the Efremov district of the Tula province, a retired soldier, was obsessed with the passion of drunkenness. He drank everything he had and soon became a beggar. His legs were paralyzed from excessive drinking, but he continued to drink. One day, an elder appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to go to the city of Serpukhov to the monastery of the Lady Theotokos, where the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” is located, and serve a prayer service in front of it.

With no money and no control over his legs, the peasant did not dare to set out on the road. But the holy elder appeared to him a second, and then a third time and threateningly ordered him to fulfill the command. A retired soldier went to the monastery on all fours. In one village he stopped to rest. To ease the pain, the old housewife rubbed his feet and laid him on the stove. The next day he felt better. Leaning first on two, then on one stick, he reached Serpukhov.

Arriving at the monastery and telling about his dreams, the sufferer asked to serve a prayer service. But no one in the monastery knew the icon of the Mother of God with that name. Then they thought: isn’t this the same icon that hangs in the passage of the church to the sacristy? On the reverse side they actually saw the inscription: “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” In the face of St. Alexis's disciple, the Monk Varlaam, the ailing peasant immediately recognized the old man who had appeared to him in a dream. Their Serpukhov peasant returned home quite healthy.

The news of the wonderful glorification of the icon of the Mother of God quickly spread throughout Russia. Possessed by the passion of drunkenness, their relatives and friends hurried to offer prayers to the Mother of God for healing from their illness, and many came to thank the Lady for HER great mercy.

Icon of the Mother of God "Unfading Color"

They pray to this icon for the preservation of a pure and righteous life. It also helps in choosing the right spouse. Pure fiery prayer to this icon helps in resolving difficult family problems. Many healings of the sick are being performed.

Icon of the Mother of God "Three Hands"

People pray in front of this icon for hand diseases (or hand injuries). When St. John of Damascus had his hand cut off due to slander against him; he tearfully prayed before the icon of the Mother of God so that his hand, which wrote spiritual works for the glory of God, would grow back. And the severed hand during short nap has grown together. Then St. John, as a sign of gratitude to the Mother of God, hung a silver image of a hand to her icon, which is why the icon got its name. They also pray in front of this icon for peace of mind.

Mother of God of Pochaevskaya

When turning to the Mother of God "Pochaevskaya" they pray for protection from internecine hostility, from enemy invasion, for healing from blindness, both physical and spiritual, for liberation from captivity.

The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered shrines. The miraculous icon was kept for 300 years in a monastery on Pochaevskaya Mountain. The celebration in honor of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God on July 23 was established in memory of the deliverance of the Assumption Pochaev Lavra from the Turkish siege in 1675.

Icon of the Mother of God "Feodorovskaya"

To pray in front of this icon during difficult childbirth.

Mother of God of Leushinskaya (I am with you and no one else is with you)

The icon “I am with you and no one else is with you” has existed for almost a century.

She appeared to lift the spirit of the faithful. Literally the name of the icon sounds like. “I am always with you and no one will hurt you.” The very sound of the name of the miraculous image fills the heart with goodness and indestructible hope: God is with us, the mercy of the Mother of God always covers us. In the most seemingly hopeless situations We are not abandoned in life, even if there is apparently no one nearby. But the presence of this Divine help is in everyone’s heart.

The icon, in order to have the power to help people, was prayed for by powerful prayer books - the holy righteous John of Kronstadt and the Venerable Seraphim of Vyritsky.

Our Lady of Ostrabram

The Icon of the Mother of God “Ostrabramskaya” is an ancient Orthodox shrine. She is one of the most beautiful images of the Mother of God. The time of appearance of this icon is not known. They pray to her for the happiness of the married couple and protection from the interference of evil forces in the family.

Our Lady of Jerusalem

The Jerusalem Icon of the Mother of God, according to legend, was painted by the holy evangelist Luke in the 15th year after the Ascension of the Lord in Gethsemane. In 463 the image was transferred to Constantinople. Through the intercession of the Jerusalem Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Byzantine troops repelled the attack of the Scythians. In 988, the icon was brought to Korsun and presented to the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. When the Novgorodians adopted Christianity, Saint Vladimir sent them this image.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Jerusalem they pray in grief, sadness and despondency, for healing from blindness, eye diseases and paralysis, during a cholera epidemic, for deliverance from the death of livestock, from fire, during relaxation, as well as during an attack by enemies.

Our Lady of Mercy ("It is worthy to eat")

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Merciful”, or “It is worthy to eat”, they pray for mental and physical illnesses, at the end of any business, during epidemics, for happiness in marriage, in accidents

Icon of the Mother of God "Seeking the Lost"

In front of this icon they pray for headaches, toothaches, fevers, eye diseases, for the admonition of those who have fallen away from the Orthodox faith, for perishing children, for a blessed marriage and for addiction to wine drinking.

Mother of God "Soothe My Sorrows"

When turning to the icon of the Mother of God “Quiet my sorrows,” they pray for deliverance from various illnesses, both physical and mental. The miraculous power of the icon first appeared at the end of the 17th century in Moscow, in the Church of St. Nicholas in Zamoskvorechye, when a noble lady was cured with the help of prayers addressed to the miraculous icon.

Icon of the Mother of God “Desperate One Hope”

In front of this icon they pray and ask for prosperity and well-being. It also helps to escape from despair and find a way out of various everyday needs.

Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of the Intercession they pray for deliverance from troubles and for the protection of the country from enemies.

Icon of the Mother of God "The Burning Bush"

This icon saves the houses of those who venerate and pray to Her from fires.

Icon of the Mother of God "Spreader of the Loaves"

In front of this icon they pray for deliverance from drought, loss of grain, famine

Traditionally, they also ask for help from their Guardian Angel and yours patron saint. According to church tradition, every person at Holy Baptism is given by the Lord an incorporeal guardian angel. At the same time, a person also has a holy heavenly patron, the one in whose honor the holy name (given in Baptism) is given, and, possibly, another, a connection with whom can be given by the Lord through prayer. In Christianity, it is believed that throughout our lives our personal Guardian Angel is invisibly present next to us, praying to the Lord for us, and after our death will justify us before God.

Guardian Angel

According to Orthodox and Catholic beliefs, a guardian angel is invisibly with a person throughout his entire life, if the person retains love for God and fear of him. The task of the guardian angel is to contribute to the salvation of the ward. In particular, guardian angels spiritually instruct Christians in faith and piety, protect their souls and bodies, intercede for them during their earthly life, pray to God for them, do not leave them, finally, after death and take the souls of those who have ended earthly life into eternity .

There are also separate saints. to whom we pray on special occasions, each of them received a certain gift from the Lord for their earthly work, and now the Lord works any miracles through their prayer for us. The Savior honored them all with the honor of being intercessors for us before God in various needs. These saints either themselves suffered a similar need or illness, or others received healing and help through them. Each of these saints, to whom they pray for specific help, has some relation to this area.

From biographies saints we know that the grounds for special prayer appeal to the saint develop in different ways: some of the saints personally asked the Lord for the gift of helping people in specific life circumstances. Others received a revelation sent by God (for example, in a dream), in which it was reported that they had been given a gift to get rid of such and such a need, and after that the saints began to provide help to everyone who came to them. Trust in some saints was formed on the basis of “human rumor”, which created historical legends about them, and on the help that came from the saints.

There are also patron saints of a certain type of activity. And now, when new professions appear more and more often, many of them do not have their own heavenly patron, sooner or later the question still arises of which saint to pray for success in newly emerging areas. How is the patron saint of new professions determined? Here it is appropriate to quote the words of the Deputy Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archpriest Father Vsevolod Chaplin:

“The patron of professions is chosen according to the deeds of the saint. This tradition has existed since Christian times immemorial. The Church specifically blesses us to consider this or that saint as a patron in business. Now it is usually announced by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. More recently, Alexy II blessed miners and all workers in the mining industry to turn to the Holy Great Martyr Barbara. But there is no list or “schedule” of how often and for what professions (narrow specializations or entire industries) a patron saint should be appointed.

If a patron has not yet been identified for your profession, you yourself can read the lives of the saints and find one whose deeds are related to your profession. For example, officially patron of the Internet not announced, but as a result of discussions, Internet users themselves chose who John the Evangelist. Who - Chrysostom .

Even better if this saint is your local. For example, there was a great martyr in your region who healed people with herbs, and you are a doctor - you pray to him.”

Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky

The holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky is the patron saint of warriors and protector of all Rus'. To make the service prosperous and successful, the icon of St. Alexander Nevsky can be placed in the office. For those men who bear the name Alexander, it is better to keep the holy image at home, it will help them maintain good health and build a good career.

St. Ave. Alexy, man of God

Saint Alexy, the man of God, is the heavenly patron of men who bear the name Alexey, the icon helps them achieve well-being and prosperity in life. In addition, any person in need of mental and physical healing or experiencing financial difficulties can turn to the image of the saint. For infectious diseases, eye diseases, mental disorders, alcoholism and drug addiction, they pray to Saint Alexis, the man of God.

St. Anna the Prophetess

The Holy Prophetess Anna is the patroness of infants. If your child is sick, turn to her in prayer. Those who are faced with the problem of infertility will also be helped by the icon of the saint. For her righteous life, the prophetess Anna was given the opportunity to see the newborn Christ in the temple, so that she could then preach the Good News. Those who want to get rid of grief, who lack humility, who want to live righteously, but are subject to temptation, should turn to the saint for help. It will protect you from troubles and illnesses, and help you live a long and prosperous life.

Apostle Andrew the First-Called

Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called is the patron saint of professions related to the sea. They pray to him for the protection of those who set sail. The sailor’s relatives can contact the saint, so they keep the icon at home. A holy image is also needed on the ship; it will give the team confidence and unite all team members. Apostle Andrew the First-Called is also the patron of translators and teachers foreign language. The parents of their daughters and the girls themselves ask the saint for a successful marriage.

Holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia of Rome

“Holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia of Rome” is a famous Russian icon, through which they turn to saints with a request to create and preserve a family. She helps those who want to have children. Married women with children pray in front of the icon for the health of all family members, for the recovery of the child, for deliverance from female diseases and joint diseases. The icon will help you survive a bereavement; by praying in front of it you will get rid of grief and sadness.

St. Blg. Prince Boris

Holy Righteous Prince Boris (baptized Roman) is a saint who is prayed to for heart disease. People turn to him, as well as his brother, the holy noble prince Gleb, for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In a house where there is an icon of the saint, love and mutual understanding will reign. For those men for whom Saint Prince Boris is a patron, the icon will help them avoid illness, protect them from enemies, and help them find a close-knit family and reliable friends.

Holy noble princes-passion-bearers Boris and Gleb

The holy noble princes-passion-bearers Boris and Gleb help believers get rid of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, contribute to the reconciliation of warring parties, and are patrons of purity and chastity. When praying to the holy passion-bearers Boris and Gleb, they receive healing from seemingly incurable ailments. Through the icon they pray for the salvation of the soul of a loved one or acquaintance, protection from evil spirits, about peace on Russian soil.

Holy Martyr Vadim of Persia

Holy Martyr Vadim of Persia - will protect from betrayal and deception. Through prayer, the icon will help get rid of vices: pride, self-interest, lust. The saint is the heavenly protector of all men named Vadim. His patronage will help develop mental fortitude, strengthen in faith. In any trouble, turn to your intercessor for help.

Hieromartyr Valentin, Bishop of Interamna

Hieromartyr Valentin, Bishop of Interamna, patron of pharmacists. It helps those who create or sell medicines to achieve success in their work. If a loved one is sick, pray for his health in front of the icon of St. Valentine. He helps those who sincerely believe, healing diseases from which people have suffered for many years, including chronic diseases of internal organs and paralysis. The icon of the saint will protect from unfair trial.

The Holy Martyr Valentina of Caesarea is depicted on the icon with ears of wheat, which is not only a symbol of Christian believers, but also a sign of any endeavors. By praying to the saint, you will receive a good reward for your work, your family will live in abundance. For those who are patronized by Saint Valentine of Caesarea, the icon helps to live in piety, peace and love and protects from dangers.

Holy Martyr Valery of Sebaste

Saint Valery of Sebastia is one of the forty Sebastian martyrs, to whom people turn with prayer for forgiveness of sins in repentance, for protection from enemies and troubles. The icon of the saint will protect the house from floods and fires. If your legs hurt, ask the martyr Valery of Sebaste for help. His image will help you find lost item. As a heavenly patron, the saint will help a man named Valery resist temptations and relieve him of self-doubt.

The Great Martyr Barbara is the patron of the mining industry.

Saint Basil the Great

Saint Basil the Great is an Ecumenical saint and teacher; people pray to him when entering a new home, asking for protection from evil people. If you are opening a new business, the saint will help you in your work, and you will achieve your goal. Basil the Great is also known as the patron of monasticism and musicians. He has long been considered the patron saint of gardens and vegetable gardens, to whom people pray for a bountiful harvest.

Holy Martyr Faith of Rome

The Holy Martyr Vera of Rome, the heavenly patroness of women named Vera, will protect from troubles, dangers and misfortunes. People turn to the holy protector for help with any emotional distress; prayer will support you in any endeavor and help you make your dreams come true. With the icon of the Holy Roman Faith, you will build a wonderful career, create a family and prosperous living conditions for loved ones.

Holy Martyr Veronica

The Holy Martyr Veronica (Virinea) of Edessa is a heavenly intercessor, through prayer to whom you will gain determination and courage in business. The icon will protect you from enemies, make your home a fortress into which no evil will penetrate. Keep the image in the eastern part of the room and turn to the saint in prayer every day, asking for support in everyday affairs and, especially, in trouble.

Holy Martyr Victor of Damascus

Holy Martyr Victor of Damascus is a heavenly intercessor and patron to whom people pray for healing for hand diseases, various skin and eye diseases. The icon will help men named Victor in their career advancement and protect them from dangers and enemies. Through prayer to the saint, they gain health, find reliable friends and faithful life partners.

Saint Venerable Vitaly of Alexandria

Saint Venerable Vitaly of Alexandria is a saint who saves sinners. They pray to him when they want to protect them from vice loved one. He will enlighten you, save you from sin and guide you on the right path. Ask for help yourself, and also give an icon of the saint to someone you are worried about. The holy image of the patron is also needed by men whose name is Vitaly. The icon will support them in everyday affairs, protect them from deception, from slanderers and envious people.

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir

The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir is the Baptist of Rus', to whom they pray for strengthening the faith, for deliverance from external enemies and internal strife, for peace and unanimity, for salvation from all evil, troubles and misfortunes. His icon will help those who ask for healing from fatal and eye diseases, deliverance from blindness. The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir is considered the heavenly patron of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Holy Blessed Prince Vyacheslav of Czechia

The holy noble prince Vyacheslav (Vaclav) is a warrior-martyr, the grandson of the holy princess Lyudmila. They pray to the Holy Blessed Vyacheslav of Czech for the protection of the state from external enemies, for the protection of soldiers who defend the Motherland, its border, are on military exercises or in places of military conflicts. The holy noble prince Vyacheslav is still dearly loved by the Czech people and is revered as the patron saint of the Czech Republic.

St. George the Victorious

The Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious is revered as the patron of the Christ-loving army. In addition, the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious is considered the patron saint of all those involved in farming. Of the lifetime miracles, the miracle of St. George about the serpent is especially famous, which became the main subject of the icons of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious on horseback, which symbolizes the victory over the devil - the “ancient serpent”.

They also pray to him for the return of lost children.

Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow

The holy noble prince Daniil of Moscow is the son of Alexander Nevsky. People turn to Holy Prince Daniel for help in God’s blessing over the house, in housing problems, and pray for finding their home. Also, the holy noble prince Daniel of Moscow is now the heavenly patron Corps of Engineers Russian army.

Dimitri Donskoy, Righteous Grand Duke of Moscow

The Grand Duke of Moscow Dimitri Donskoy was canonized as a holy believer on the basis of his great services to the Church, as well as on the basis of his personal pious life, which embodied the saving Christian idea of ​​sacrificing oneself for the good and salvation of others. They turn to the help of Saint Demetrius of Donskoy to strengthen the country, to defend its integrity and unity, to repel all threats, to increase the faith and piety of the people, to strengthen families - to protect them from physical extinction and spiritual death.

Holy Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria

The Holy Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria lived in the 3rd century. The daughter of noble parents, she was distinguished by rare beauty, an inquisitive mind, a desire for truth, and was unshakable in the faith of Christ. Saint Catherine is the heavenly patroness of teaching and knowledge. Both teachers and students can ask her for help. All who prayerfully turn to Saint Catherine gain both intelligence and success in their studies.

Apostle John the Theologian

Beloved disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. Holy Evangelists John the Theologian. Mark. Luke. Matthew They pray for help in strengthening the family. The holy evangelists Luke and John help with editorial, journalistic and television work. Apostle John is also the patron of book publishing and the Internet in terms of opportunities for disseminating Orthodox culture. Since the Apostle John was born in the family of a fisherman, he is also considered the patron saint of fishing. The Apostle John the Theologian, who cares for the spread of Orthodox culture, who heard a revelation about the fate of the world on Mount Patmos and wrote it down in the book “Revelation (Apocalypse) of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian,” is the patron saint book publishing and everyone related to books.

Ksenia Petersburgskaya

Ksenia Petersburgskaya began to work miracles and help people, especially women, during her lifetime. After her death, the chapel over her grave in St. Petersburg became a real place of pilgrimage. Through the prayer of Blessed Xenia, the afflicted were healed, peace was established in families, and those in need received good jobs. They pray to Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg for marriage, for health, for love, for pregnancy, for children, in a variety of difficult everyday circumstances.

Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke

The Holy Apostle Luke is an apostle of the seventy, one of the four evangelists, a companion of the Apostle Paul. The Holy Apostle Luke studied the art of medicine and helped people even in his earthly life, especially with eye diseases. In Orthodoxy he is considered the first icon painter and the patron saint of doctors and painters; doctors and farmers also receive special help from him. The holy evangelists Luke and John help with editorial, journalistic and television work. They pray to the Holy Evangelists John the Theologian, Mark, Luke, and Matthew asking for help in strengthening the family.

Saint Luke of Crimea and Simferopol

Saint Luke of Crimea and Simferopol is the patron saint of all medical science and other natural disciplines related to it, and above all surgery. Prayer before the icon of St. Luke of Crimea and Simferopol will help the doctor before a complex operation, as well as the patient who is undergoing surgery. Also, a prayer addressed to the saint in front of his icon will protect the person addressing him from various events and phenomena common to human life.

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene

Saint, one of the myrrh-bearing women who followed Christ. She was the first to bring the Good News to the apostles about His Resurrection, thus becoming an apostle for the apostles who left their Teacher in that sorrowful hour, and therefore she was numbered among the Equal-to-the-Apostles. Prayer in front of her icon helps to receive forgiveness of the seven deadly sins, protection and deliverance from bad addictions; before her they ask for repentance when committing an abortion. Saint Mary Magdalene is the patron of hairdressers and pharmacists.

St. Matrona of Moscow

Matronushka was born in the village of Sebino, Tula region. From birth the girl was blind, but the Lord gave her spiritual sight. People from surrounding villages and distant places came to the blind girl and, through her prayers, received healing from illnesses and consolation in sorrows. At the age of 17, Matronushka’s legs gave out and she could no longer walk.

In 1925, Matronushka was transported to Moscow, where she lived for about 30 years. Without her own place, she constantly moved from place to place and experienced a lot of suffering. People were constantly coming to her, up to forty people a day. She raised many bedridden patients to their feet, healed mental illnesses, helped with difficult life situations with her prayers - insoluble issues were resolved, incurable diseases retreated.

Mother Matronushka died on May 2, 1952, and was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery. Now there is a very beautiful chapel above her grave. Constantly, in summer and winter, people come to her and bring fresh flowers, talk about their problems and ask for help and intercession.

The relics of Saint Matrona of Moscow are located in the Pokrovsky Convent.

They pray to her for the healing of physical and spiritual illnesses, for help in family troubles, for helping children choose the right path in life, for getting rid of sinful addictions, for help in finding a job, in solving housing problems, and in all everyday needs.

Suffering people come to venerate her at the Intercession Monastery and the Danilovskoye Cemetery. All who come to Mother with faith and love receive consolation.

A Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael, the military leader of God’s army, over time could not help but become the patron saint of the military, intelligence officers and bodyguards, and not only Christian ones. He is highly regarded by both Jews and Muslims. Archangel Michael is perhaps one of the most popular saints; greengrocers, artists, drivers, ambulance crews and water carriers consider him their patron, and later radiologists and specialists in radiotherapeutic treatment methods also began to consider him as their patron. Initially, Archangel Michael was the Patron of construction.

Holy Martyr Nadezhda

Hope is one of the theological virtues. It is the reassurance of the heart in God with the confidence that He constantly cares about our salvation and gives us the promised bliss. Hope expresses the idea of ​​surrendering oneself to God, the emotional experience of being in the hands of God and the conviction of God’s justice and mercy. The intercession of martyrs was resorted to in cases of special need and sorrow.

Holy Martyr Natalia

The Holy Martyr Natalia lived at the beginning of the 4th century in Nicomedia. Natalia was a secret Christian, and her young husband Adrian professed paganism. During the persecution of Christians, impressed by the wondrous patience of the Christian martyrs, Adrian believed in Christ. Openly declaring his new faith, he accepted the crown of martyrdom. During the torture, Natalia encouraged her husband's faith, telling him about what awaited him. eternal life. With her spiritual suffering, Saint Natalia also earned the crown of martyrdom and soon died at the grave of her husband. They pray to the holy martyrs for happiness in marriage, for protection of the family hearth.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

This is the most revered saint in the world. Nicholas the Wonderworker became famous as the intercessor of the unjustly offended and the patron of all who are on the move - fishermen, pilots, sailors, travelers. He also patronizes women, children, beggars, innocent prisoners and animals. The Wonderworker is especially revered in the Russian North.

Those who are often on the road or have a profession related to transport should definitely have this image at home and visit temples that bear its name.

Saint Equal to the Apostles Nina

Saint Nina, Equal to the Apostles, is the enlightener of Georgia. As a young girl, Saint Nina, having listened to her mentor’s stories about Iveria (Georgia), became eager to enlighten this country, and having been granted a vision of the Mother of God, she became even more strengthened in her decision about apostolic service. The sermon about Christ, the miracles that Saint Nina performed, and her virtuous life created the impossible. Gradually, almost all of Iberia adopted Christianity. For her holy life and apostolic works, the Georgian Orthodox Church named Saint Nina equal to the apostles. Christians turn to her in prayers for intercession, strengthening of faith, and healing from many ailments and misfortunes. Saint Nina is the patroness of teachers.

Saint Panteleimon

The entire Christian world turns to the holy great martyr and healer with prayers for healing from illnesses. The great martyr lived in Asia Minor at the beginning of the 4th century. Having studied the art of medicine, Pantoleon (worldly name) achieved such success that he attracted the attention of Emperor Maximian. who wished to make him the chief court physician. The Lord gave him the gift of healing ailments, and soon people abandoned other doctors and began to turn only to him. Envious people reported to the emperor that Pantoleon confessed Christ, and the saint was handed over to torture. When Maximian ordered the young man’s head to be cut off, the sword bent like grass, and everyone heard a voice from heaven, calling the martyr a new name - Panteleimon (in Greek - “all-merciful”). Then the saint himself ordered the soldiers to cut off his head, and at the same time a new miracle occurred: instead of blood, milk flowed out, and the olive tree to which the holy martyr was tied was filled with healing fruits.

The image of St. Panteleimon, as a rule, is present in the home iconostasis along with the images of the Trinity, the Savior and the Mother of God.

St. Paraskeva Friday

St. Paraskeva Friday is the patroness of trade and weaving, and accordingly patroness of needlework and needlewomen.

St. Seraphim of Sarov

The great Russian saint, Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, was awarded by the Lord with the gift of clairvoyance and healing for his ascetic deeds. Human hearts were open to him, as were the past and the future. The advice that the reverend elder gave sometimes caused bewilderment and seemed strange, but everyone who followed the instructions exactly could be convinced that this advice was the only true and saving one. Through the prayers of St. Seraphim of Sarov, numerous signs and healings were performed at his grave. In front of his icon, people turn to the saint for help in mental and physical healing, with diseases of internal organs, with diseases of the legs, and also pray in sadness.

Saint Venerable Sergius Radonezh

The Holy Reverend Sergius of Radonezh, through prayer to him, will protect you from any life problems. The saint is asked to protect children from bad influences and from failures in their studies. Prayers before the icon of the saint, who himself was a model of humility, help in gaining humility and taming pride - both one’s own and someone else’s - since pride is known as an evil, from which many troubles arise in our lives and those around us.

In the end, I would like to say that it is important to remember that when we pray in front of an icon to a saint, we must direct our thoughts to the Lord, the Giver of all good things, since the prayer for us will be a saint, and its fulfillment will come from God.

We pray to the Savior, the Most Holy Theotokos and the saints in front of their icons in order to find peace in our souls, to feel protection and support. And through our sincere prayer we receive help in one need or another.

May the Savior, the Most Holy Theotokos and the saints hear your prayers and help you, and may your Guardian Angel and Heavenly Patron always be your faithful intercessors.