Alexander Maslyakov resigned from his post as director of the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Youth Center “Planet KVN”. Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov. Curriculum Vitae

Seven Russian cities claim to be the place where the KVN presenter is imprisoned

The popularity of some people is so high that it leads to all sorts of historical disputes. So in Ancient Greece seven cities disputed the right to be considered the birthplace of the great Homer. IN modern Russia This tradition was picked up by localities that claim that it was in their colony that the permanent presenter of KVN, Alexander Maslyakov, served his prison term.

“Don’t you know?!”, residents of the Verkhnekamsk district of the Kirov region are surprised. “We all know that Maslyakov was imprisoned in Lesnoy. Years later, he was even invited here to some anniversary: ​​“Welkom, Alexander Vasilyevich! Lesnoy is waiting for you again!” But he refused."

The version about the Tver trace of the main “Kaveen member” was once launched by singer Mikhail Krug. Express Newspaper then contacted the AMiK company for comments, and KVN administrator Efimov officially assured that Maslyakov had never been imprisoned. Only Krug insisted: “No, it’s true, he was sitting on our sotka.” Everyone in Tver knows this.”

The overwhelming majority of Internet resources agree that Rybinsk had the honor of hosting the future KVN president. Although they are probably just copying news from each other. Pretty much the same way I did it" Russian newspaper– Nedelya”: “As the media say, Alexander Maslyakov spent several months in colony 83/12 in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region.” There was someone former employee this colony Safonov, who confirmed this version: “For the zone administration, Maslyakov was an ordinary prisoner, like the others. Quiet, intelligent, he did not particularly annoy his superiors.”

However, patriots of the territories do not agree with such falsification of history. Here are a few quotes from various forums and sites refuting the primacy of Rybinsk.

“In fact, he served time in the Udmurt colony Art. Karkalay. At that time, buying and selling dollars was considered a very serious crime, but the case was presented as insignificant, Maslyakov served a short sentence and was released early after a few months.”

“Maslyakov served his sentence on the outskirts of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, in a colony general regime. There is even a barracks called “Maslyakovsky”, or simply “KVN”. The sitters wanted to install memorial plaque at the barracks and name the street on which the barracks are located after the KVN member.”

“He was in prison in the 70s, for sure, in the Tula region, in the city of Donskoy, with Gusman, for currency matters!” They say that local historians, in the absence of other celebrities, are proud of this fact.

“Maslyakov was in Tagil, so he never missed our teams.”

In general, the story is dark, from the distant past - the early seventies, each time starting with the dubious “according to some information.” According to some information from the blogger, in 1972, the captain of the KVN team of the dental institute, when leaving for Israel during a customs inspection in Sheremetyevo, was arrested for trying to take about a kilogram out of the country precious stones. As a result of the investigation, it turned out that Maslyakov handed over the stones to him for sale, and he received 8 years in prison under Article 88 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR “Illegal transactions with currency valuables.” However, the Minister of Culture Furtseva allegedly stood up for the talented TV presenter and placed a corresponding letter on Brezhnev’s desk. In 1974, Maslyakov’s sentence was revised, the term was reduced, and he himself was released on parole.

The KVN president himself completely denies the fact of his short-term stay in places not so remote. Moreover, questions on this topic evoke in him not a cheerful and resourceful reaction, but obvious irritation and anger. He even got a certificate of no criminal record. However, despite the presence of a certificate, which can be completely obtained from the Odessa import, there is no reason not to believe Alexander Vasilyevich. Although, it seems, in vain he does not want to use such a strong rumor to further popularize the game, nevertheless, in Russia, every fourth adult man was directly related to the prison re-education system.

And I told myself: hold on

The Lord is harsh but right

You can't live your life in Russia,

I haven't seen prison.

(Igor Guberman)

And why bring up the past now? Not long ago, Channel One spoke about the changes that had occurred in his beloved national game. For the first time, “Voting KiViN” was held not in Jurmala, but in Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad region, and judging by the comments made, all the changes are only for the better. Firstly, the Kaveen officers admitted, better hall, which is not blown, the audience here does not freeze, as in Jurmala, it is more convenient for them to watch what is happening on stage, and, most importantly, there are spectators here who are hungry for KVN. Secondly, A. Maslyakov noted, new investments came to the region along with the festival. Thirdly, Acting Governor N. Tsukanov said: “The roads are good, you don’t need a foreign passport, and the service is the same as in Europe, even better.” President Vladimir Putin, who came to inspect the Yantar Hall, listened to all this with pleasure. Fourthly, a joke was made especially for the head of state, which Channel One chose to illustrate, as the presenter put it, “sparkling and rather bold” speeches. Judge for yourself.

Kaveen members' joke (song to the tune of "Island of Bad Luck"):

“- All covered with worries, absolutely all,

There is a decent person in this world (apparently, so that viewers with not the fastest minds would have no doubts about who is a decent person in our multi-billion-dollar human world, at that moment one of the team members raised a portrait of Putin attached to a stick)

They create problems for him from night to dawn

They don’t seem to be from Africa, but they are savage people” (and, apparently, to hint at who the decent pigs are in our mortal world, portraits of Obama, Merkel, and Hollande soared up).”

“Hooligans,” Vladimir Vladimirovich responded somehow not too cheerfully. And, I’m afraid to admit, this joke made me laugh a lot. A complex association arose - I don’t know why, but the song with two voices reminded me of the dialogue between the first minister and the king from the play by Evgeniy Schwartz:

"First Minister. Let me tell you straight, bluntly, like an old man: you great man, sir!

King (he is very pleased). Well, well. Why, why.

First Minister. No, Your Majesty, no. I can't get over myself. I will repeat once again - forgive me my unbridledness - you are a giant! Light!".

Well, a note.

August 6, 2015 Izvestia published an article in which they described how Alexander Maslyakov’s long-term project to find a building for a club of cheerful and resourceful people ended - since this winter it has been controlled by his personal company. From the Rosreestr database it follows that on January 29, 2015, the building of the former Havana cinema, owned by the capital authorities and reconstructed at their expense, was transferred to the ownership of Dom KVN LLC. 51% of this company is controlled by Alexander Maslyakov and his wife Svetlana; The general director of this company, founded in November 2014, is Maslyakov Jr.’s wife, Angelina. Real estate market experts valued this building at up to 2 billion rubles.

Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov(born November 24, 1941, Sverdlovsk) - Soviet and Russian TV presenter, Honored Artist Russian Federation(1994), full member (academician) of the Academy of Russian Television Foundation. Founder and owner of AMiK (Alexander Maslyakov and Company) - organizer of KVN.

Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov
Type of activity:
TV presenter, TV producer
Date of birth: November 24, 1941
Place of birth: Sverdlovsk, RSFSR, USSR
Country: Russia

Father Vasily Vasilievich Maslyakov(1904-1996), originally from the Novgorod region, military pilot, navigator, participant in the Great Patriotic War, after the war he served at the Air Force General Staff. Mother Zinaida Alekseevna Maslyakova (1911-1999), housewife.

Alexander Maslyakov graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (1964), Higher courses television workers (1968).

He has been working in television since 1964, when he was still a fourth-year student at MIIT. He explains his arrival on television as follows:

One day Pasha Kantor, the team captain, ran into me in one of the classrooms and said: “Listen, let’s be one of the five!” And he explained that the workers of the youth editorial office of Central Television were going to film a funny program. And the presenters should be five students from the institute that won the last KVN game. That is, ours. “You will be one of the five,” Pasha repeated, and I obediently agreed.

He was the host of the programs: “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” (in the beginning - co-host), “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls”, “Addresses of the young”, “Come on, guys”, “Cheerful guys", "12th floor"; reported from the World Festivals of Youth and Students in Sofia, Berlin, Havana, Moscow, Pyongyang; was a permanent presenter for several years international festivals songs in Sochi, also hosted the programs “Song of the Year” (1976-1979), “Alexander Show” and many others.

The first presenter of the program “What? Where? When?" (1975, hosted the second release of the game - there was no presenter in the first release).
The book “The Beatles of Perestroika” states that Alexander Vasilyevich was once the host of the “Vzglyad” program; he broadcast this program on April 1, 1988.

Maslyakov is a permanent presenter, director and director of the popular television program “KVN”, president International Union KVN and television creative association "AMiK". Despite the fact that Maslyakov plays the role of host in the games of the KVN Major League, he was also a member of the jury twice: in the 1994 season finale and at the 1996 Summer Champions Cup - both games were held as part of KVN cruises.

He is the chairman of the jury of the TV show “Minute of Fame”.
In January 2012, he became a member of the “People's Headquarters” (in Moscow) of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin.
In 2013, he became a member of the jury of the TV show “Sense of Humor” together with Yuli Gusman.

Awards and prizes
Winner of the Ovation Prize (1994).
In 2002, Alexander Maslyakov was awarded the highest award of the Academy of Russian Television - “TEFI” “For personal contribution to the development of domestic television.”
In 2006, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, in commemoration of the 45th anniversary of KVN, awarded Maslyakov the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, “for his great contribution to the development of domestic television and many years of creative activity.”
Order "Dostyk" II degree (Kazakhstan, March 11, 2007)
At the beginning of 2007, Alexander Maslyakov was awarded the Order of Merit, III degree, which he received from the hands of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko during the game
In November 2011, in the year of the 50th anniversary of KVN, the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev awarded A. V. Maslyakov the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree
An asteroid (5245 Maslyakov), discovered by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, was named in honor of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov

Ratings and criticism
Philosopher, culturologist and sociologist P. S. Gurevich believes that Alexander Maslyakov has long gained popularity. He hosted a variety of programs - “KVN”, “Jolly Guys”, “Come on, girls!” He behaves freely on camera, is resourceful, and sometimes amazes with a witty remark. Shows tact. At its origins, it seemed to embody a social portrait of a young Soviet man. This is precisely how he seemed to viewers - resourceful, easy-going, sociable.
But time passed. The criteria have changed. New requests arose. The presenter's appearance remained unchanged. Maslyakov did not even try to find new facets of his image. Skills grew, professionalism was enriched. But in general, today on the screen Alexander is perceived as a slightly outdated Komsomol functionary... No, you cannot forever use an image once found. The image needs to be changed or filled with new content.

Forbes magazine editor Alexandra Zhokhova notes that:
- Alexander Maslyakov successfully exploits the KVN brand, in the creation of which he was involved in Soviet years. The system he created - in fact a factory of pop stars - is aimed at obtaining the maximum possible income before its participants reach the level of free floating.

Journalist and TV presenter L. G. Parfenov speaks about Maslyakov as follows:
- This person should be in the Guinness Book of Records. He has been on the television screen for almost 50 years. "The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful" is a unique phenomenon in world television, just like Alexander Maslyakov. Joking for half a century is a serious matter, not everyone can do it. Maslyakov- I can do it. As soon as the KVNists did not call him behind his back - Master, Guardian, AlVasMas. Loving, of course. For them, he is an unquestioned authority, an absolute monarch. WITH light hand monarch of KVN, the game turned into a real star factory. And today many television celebrities can say: “We all came from KVN.”

His name is inextricably linked with the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, just as KVN is inextricably linked with Alexander Maslyakov. He hosted many programs on television, but it was KVN that played a fateful role not only in his career, but also in his personal life.

Women idolized him, fans did not give him a pass. But he always remains faithful to the one he called his only one more than 45 years ago.

Love under the flag of KVN

Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova - KVN presenters, 60s.

Alexander Maslyakov wanted to become an actor, but decided to first become a transport engineer. It was all due to lack of self-confidence; the future star presenter was afraid that during competitive tests he would be declared mediocrity and sent to become an engineer. He graduated from MIIT in 1964, and already in 1968 he received a diploma from the Higher Courses for Television Workers.
But already in his fourth year at the Institute of Transport, Alexander Maslyakov becomes the host of the television Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. He replaced Albert Axelrod, who left the program.

Alexander Maslyakov in his youth.

He appeared on stage with Svetlana Zhiltsova, who had worked in KVN since 1961. And people’s rumors more than once made Maslyakov and Zhiltsova husband and wife. However, many girls worked in the KVN editorial office, so the appearance of a new employee, hired as an assistant director of KVN in 1966, was not surprising.
When 19-year-old Svetlana Semyonova was introduced to Alexander, he exclaimed: “Wonderful, another bride has come!” But Svetlana was discouraged and partly offended by such an exclamation. She considered herself the only one. And then she had to wait a long time for the moment when he himself realized her uniqueness. But the relationship between Svetlana and Alexander was quite friendly. They were friends for almost five years, but everyone understood that friendship was gradually turning into a romantic relationship.

Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova.

They were in Leningrad when, during a walk together, Svetlana became offended by something. Alexander immediately knelt down in front of her on a small bridge and said: “Let's get married!” In front of everyone, among the crowded seething crowd. But the girl was not at a loss, but only pragmatically inquired about the date of the proposed marriage.
On October 2, 1971, Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Semyonova became husband and wife. At first, the newlyweds lived with Maslyakov’s mother, later they moved to own apartment. The doors in their house were not closed: friends always came in, everyone was welcome and everyone felt quite comfortable in their house.

KVN captains competition, Alexander Maslyakov - presenter.

True, Svetlana had to leave the youth editorial office immediately, since nepotism was not welcomed on television at that time. And the program was soon closed as politically unreliable.

Family of cheerful and resourceful

Alexander and Svetlana Maslyakov with their son.

But Maslyakov remained working on television, he hosted a variety of programs, and never sat idly by. He remembers with particular warmth how he hosted the very first episode of the program “What? Where? When?". When the TV presenter disappeared from the screens for some time, rumors immediately spread about his arrest and serving time.
In 1980, a son, Alexander Maslyakov Jr., was born into the family. And already in 1986, Alexander Vasilyevich, together with his like-minded people, managed to achieve the restoration of KVN on television. At the same time, Svetlana Maslyakova returned to television, becoming the permanent director of the Club. Behind the scenes, the Maslyakovs’ son also grew up, accompanying his parents always and everywhere, since there was no one to leave him with.

Alexander Maslyakov.

Alexander Vasilyevich and Svetlana Anatolyevna do not hide: there are quarrels and very heated arguments in their family. But they only concern work. The couple have never quarreled in 45 years.
Guests still often gather in their house. And these guests are the same ones who were in their youth. New faces are added, but old ones do not disappear. And this, according to colleagues and friends of the Maslyakov family, main value this family: the ability to love people, respect them and treat the personality of each person with great respect.

Alexander and Svetlana Maslyakov.

Since childhood, the Maslyakovs’ son has been called nothing less than San Sanych, although back in preschool age his name was at times transformed into Sam Samycha. He was a very independent child and categorically refused any help. He graduated from MGIMO, defended his PhD thesis in economics and became the host of the KVN Premier League.

Alexander and Svetlana Maslyakov with their granddaughter Taisiya.

Unlike his father, San Sanych married quite early, at 22 years old. Alexander Vasilievich and Svetlana Anatolyevna immediately accepted their son’s wife into the family, loving her as my own daughter. In 2006, the younger Maslyakov couple had a daughter, Taisiya, who has also been leading KVN since 2017, only in a children’s league.

Maslyakov family.

Of course, Alexander Vasilyevich always had a lot of fans. They came to his house, waited in the entrance, and called him on the phone. But Svetlana Anatolyevna always treated this with a fair amount of humor, seasoned with a bit of pride. After all, it was her husband who became the subject of dreams of thousands of women. And he is infinitely devoted to his family and faithful to the one he chose as his wife 45 years ago.

Today Alexander Maslyakov is a cult figure of Soviet and Russian television. He has great authority among many influential personalities. Some people are a little afraid of him. Especially the players of KVN teams. They all know that if Alexander Vasilyevich is not in a good mood, then it is better not to ask him questions again. Even on the KVN stage, all jokes concerning the host are pronounced with extreme caution.

Young Sasha studied at an ordinary Sverdlovsk school, and, by the way, graduated with honors. After school, Alexander entered the energy department of the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers. Why exactly there? Alexander Vasilyevich himself still cannot find an answer to this question. However, thanks to this very institute, Maslyakov later became the host of what is perhaps the longest-running show - KVN.

In 1957, one of the editors of Soviet television, Sergei Muratov, met the director from Czechoslovakia Stanislav Strad. Stanislav said that he hosts the most popular GGG program in the country - “Guess, Guess, Fortune Teller.” This is how the “Evening of Fun Questions” program appeared. The first episode of this program was divided into 2 sections - the first was given to Bogoslovsky and Lifanova, and in the second section the hosts were Albert Axelrod and Mark Rozovsky.

Sergei Muratov: “It was a debut for everyone. The game was played not with teams, as later in KVN, but with spectators. Absolutely random people were called on stage using various tricks. Let's say the presenter fired a parachute into the hall - whoever it lands on comes out. Spectators for the first time actors. And not only those in the hall, but also those sitting in front of the TV.” But not everything went as smoothly as we would like. After one curious incident, the program was closed for “technical reasons.”

The “technical break” lasted 4 years. In 1961, a new youth editorial team appeared on television, headed by Elena Galperina. It was she who proposed to revive something like “BBV”. Sergei Muratov, who at that time already knew how such enthusiasm ends, initially refused. But Elena was able to convince ambitious guys that such a game was promising.

Sergei Muratov: “And we gathered at Misha Yakovlev’s on Mira Avenue. The three of us again: Alik Axelrod, Misha and me. That's when KVN was born. We wanted a name new game was purely television, and KVN was the name then for the brand of televisions of that time - solid boxes with a tiny screen.”

Duet debut

After 2 years, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov became the host of KVN. At that time, he was still studying at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, where he entered with a friend. Maslyakov was not an avid KVN player at that time, but participated in various student events. theatrical productions. In January 1963, the captain of the MIIT team invited Maslyakov to try himself as a presenter. Alexander Vasilyevich did not deny it for a long time, since anyone to a normal person It was interesting to look at the entire television kitchen.

So, in 1964, Maslyakov began working on the Central Television of the USSR State Television and Radio. He was the host of the KVN programs, Hello, we are looking for talents, Come on, girls!, Addresses of the young, Merry guys, Alexander show, as well as the Red Carnation festival.

Alexander Maslyakov has been working in television since 1964. In 1966 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, in 1968 - the Higher Courses for Television Workers. He was the host of the programs: Hello, we are looking for talents, Come on, girls, Addresses of young people, Come on, guys, Cheerful guys; reported from the World Festivals of Youth and Students in Sofia, Havana, Berlin, Pyongyang, Moscow; For several years he was a regular host of international song festivals in Sochi, also hosted the Song of the Year, Alexander Show and many others. In 1974, for illegal transactions with currency, he ended up in the YN 83/2 colony in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, where he received a short sentence and was released early after a few months. The first presenter of the program What? Where? When? (1975)

Maslyakov is a permanent presenter and director of the popular television program KVN (club of cheerful and resourceful people), president of the International KVN Union and the television creative association AMiK. Several times Maslyakov himself sat on the jury of the Major League.

On the eve of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation in 1996, he was a confidant of B. N. Yeltsin.

Since 1994 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of AMIC Bank.

In 2002, Alexander Maslyakov was awarded the highest award of the Academy of Russian Television - “TEFI” “For personal contribution to the development of domestic television.”

In 2006, President of the Russian Federation V.V. To commemorate the 45th anniversary of KVN, Putin awarded Maslyakov the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, “for his great contribution to the development of domestic television and many years of creative activity.”

President of the International KVN Union.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Member of the Russian Television Academy. Married.

Father - Vasily Maslyakov (1904-1996), originally from the Novgorod region, his whole life was connected with aviation, was a military pilot, navigator, fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, after its end he served on the General Staff of the Air Force.

Mother - Zinaida Alekseevna (born 1911), devoted her life to her family and raising her son.

His wife, Svetlana Maslyakova, after graduating from school, came to television as an assistant director of KVN (in 1966). In 1971, Alexander and Svetlana got married. For many years now, the wife of the Club president has been a KVN director.

Son Alexander Maslyakov (born 1980) is a graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, host of the Planet KVN and Premier League programs.

Today Alexander Vasilyevich is almost 68 years old, 46 of them were given to KVN. The age is respectable, and recently a message appeared in the press that Ivan Urgant will soon become the host of KVN. However, the press service of the AMiK company denied these rumors: “Our president is not going to go anywhere, he is full of strength and energy.” And it’s unlikely that the host of KVN will ever be someone other than Maslyakov. Today, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. plays Premier League games and does a great job - his father is happy. Most likely, he will be the one to continue the successful business started by his father.

Without exaggeration, we can say that the favorite TV presenter of millions of viewers Soviet Union, Russia, near and far abroad, today it is as popular and in demand as it was forty years ago.

Childhood, family

The biography of Alexander Maslyakov, the eldest, begins in Sverdlovsk on November 24, 1942. Sasha was born into the family of a military pilot and a housewife. The father of the future TV star, Vasily Maslyakov, was born in the suburbs of Novgorod. His life was closely connected with aviation. He fought on the fronts of the Second World War and was a military pilot and navigator. Later he served in the Air Force General Staff. Mom Zinaida Maslyakova took care of the house and raised her son.

In his youth, Alexander Maslyakov, whose biography will forever be associated with television, did not even suspect this. In 1966 he graduated from the Institute of Transport Engineers in Moscow, and two years later he became a television and radio broadcaster after completing special courses. I didn’t play in KVN at the institute, but I took part in various student productions and had absolutely no stage fright.

At this time the team student team MIIT gained weight in KVN and in 1963 won the final of the TV game. The team captain offered the handsome and charming Alexander the role of presenter. He did not refuse and the next day after his first broadcast he woke up famous throughout the Soviet Union.

TV presenter career

Alexander Maslyakov was noticed on television and they began to actively invite this talented

young man to work as a presenter of various youth programs. Any program he hosted instantly became super popular. All of them today make up the golden fund of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company - “Addresses of the Young”, “Jolly Guys”, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls”, etc. Alexander Maslyakov, whose biography was now inextricably linked with television, in those years he was so in demand that without his participation it was impossible to imagine a single youth program. He conducted brilliant reports from world youth festivals in Sofia, Berlin, Havana, Moscow, Pyongyang. For several years he hosted song festivals in Sochi, the program “. Song of the Year" and other entertaining youth programs.

Why Maslyakov disappeared from the screens

At the end of the seventies, Alexander Maslyakov suddenly disappeared from the screens. The biography of the famous presenter took a sharp turn. As they say evil tongues, Alexander Maslyakov ended up in a colony in Rybinsk for illegal currency transactions. In those days it was a serious crime, but after a few months Alexander Vasilyevich was released. However, he himself categorically denies this fact in his biography.

The disappearance of Alexander Vasilyevich from television screens coincided with the unexpected closure of the KVN program. As the presenter himself explains, the program was closed without explanation. Probably someone didn't like the sharp student jokes. After all, the program was originally intended to be entertaining, but you can expect from students not only jokes about their institute life, but also caustic political remarks.

After 14 years, Alexander Vasilyevich again took over the post of KVN host. His first and only partner, Svetlana Zhiltsova, refused to return.

On the issue of age

You can often hear the question: “How old is Alexander Maslyakov, has he not changed at all over the years?” On November twenty-four, two thousand and thirteen, the popular presenter turned seventy-one years old. As Alexander Vasilyevich himself believes, communication with young people and good humor give him strength and energy.

At the celebration of the seventieth anniversary, which took place over closed doors, many famous and popular people in Russia gathered. On this day, everyone wished the hero of the day creative longevity, and the question of how old Alexander Maslyakov was did not arise. He is always young, and his sparkling humor can be the envy of young people.

Alexander Maslyakov: biography, KVN today

Today, our beloved presenter is the permanent director and director of the most popular KVN program of the AMiK association. Today it is the main ideologist, censor, and now the main one of the International KVN Union. In addition, Alexander Vasilyevich is the chairman of the jury of another popular show - “Minute of Fame”.

Personal life

Maslyakov Alexander Vasilievich, whose biography knows ups and downs and

consists not only of one work, but for forty-two years he has been happily married to Svetlana Maslyakova, who has been the director of her favorite program for many years.

Son and successor

On April twenty-eighth, one thousand nine hundred and eighty, a boy was born into the Maslyakov family in Moscow, who was named Alexander.

His parents’ close connection with Soviet and then Russian television predetermined his fate. WITH early age he was closely associated with his parents' main project. In his youth, Alexander dreamed of becoming a policeman; a career as a TV presenter was not part of his plans. Then the desire to get involved in politics appeared.

After leaving school, Alexander graduated from MGIMO, defended his dissertation, became a candidate of economic sciences, but never began his career as a diplomat. Today he is the presenter of the Premier League. Married to Angelina Marmeladova (now Maslyakova). The marriage produced a daughter, Taisiya.

Interesting facts

  • An asteroid discovered by the Crimean Observatory is named after the permanent presenter of KVN.
  • Alexander Vasilyevich does not drink alcohol at all.
  • Once Maslyakov hosted the “Vzglyad” program.

Future plans

Alexander Maslyakov, whose biography is inseparable from the famous club of comedians, dreams of opening the KVN House in Moscow. The TV presenter also plans to live to be a hundred years old without parting with humor.

Alexander Vasilyevich is popular and loved not only by television viewers. His services have been recognized by the state. In 2006, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, Fourth Class, for his contribution to the development of Russian television.