How to look good for a girl. Gym: clothes and attributes of a novice bodybuilder

Surely many people are familiar with the problem when you have decided to go to fitness, but day after day you put off training for a variety of reasons. Often the reason for such “postponement for later” is the elementary lack of a beautiful, and most importantly, comfortable, sports uniform. Now we’ll figure out what you need to wear to the gym so that your workouts bring only positive results.

Urban style. Yes or no?

Sports style of clothing has become part of our daily life finally and irrevocably. The “sport-chic” style has generally become one of the main trends of the season. But despite all this, everyday city clothes are completely unsuitable for real training. Now there are many specialized brands of clothing and shoes, so for your own convenience it is better to purchase at least one set designed specifically for sports.

How to choose the perfect outfit?

  • Considering that nowadays almost every fashion brand offers a special sports clothing line, choosing an excellent option to suit your taste and budget will not be difficult.
  • When choosing clothes for sports, you should not take into account your intentions to lose weight or, conversely, gain weight. An outfit for the gym should fit you perfectly, not be too tight, but not hang loose on your body.
  • Multi-layering in a sports set is not best option. If you want to get a good sweat on to lose weight, it's best to achieve this effect naturally.
  • Minimum set for fitness - a sports top, two T-shirts or T-shirts, leggings and a pair of sneakers.


As a top for your sports outfit, choose tank tops or T-shirts made from breathable materials that quickly absorb moisture. The T-shirt should fit slightly around the body, but not restrict movement. It's also worth paying attention to the neckline. Things that are too open can make you uncomfortable when bending over, for example.

It is advisable to take a sports jacket or hoodie for training. Firstly, it will save you from the cold if your exercise machine is located directly under the air conditioner. Secondly, after heavy exercise, even in summer, going straight outside is quite dangerous. A hoodie will help regulate body temperature and leave no chance of catching a cold.


As for the bottom half of your workout wardrobe, don't wear wide pants to your workout. Such models will not make your figure more attractive, but will only cause inconvenience when exercising on exercise equipment. Instead, you should pay attention to tight leggings or sports breeches, which will ensure normal blood circulation and keep your legs toned.

Short shorts, again, are best left for home workouts, unless, of course, the gaze of the opposite sex is more important to you than the training process itself.


What really deserves special attention are the shoes. The wrong shoes can turn a workout into torture. To avoid this, choose shoes based on the type of physical activity you plan to do. For treadmill and other cardio equipment, as well as for active sports games Running shoes are ideal.

And forget about sneakers! They have no place in the gym!


All the sports spirit and motivation can easily disappear when you find that, except for stuffing all your things into an ordinary handbag or plastic bag, you have no other way to bring everything to the gym. Of course, if your intentions are serious and your sports activities will not stop after three trips to the gym, you need to get a sports bag.

For those who are used to traveling to the fitness club by car or by bus, a sports bag with a wide strap would be an ideal option. And for those who are going to travel on foot, on a bicycle or on a skateboard, a backpack that is not too large and without unnecessary weighting parts is best suited.

A detail you can't do without

It is also advisable to purchase socks for sports in sports stores. The models presented there do not contain seams and are made of durable materials, which means they will eliminate the possibility of calluses.

Some time ago I wrote an article about how to take the first step and decide on.
We will assume that you have made up your mind, but now the question arises - What do you need to go to the gym (besides motivation and goals)?

Sportswear, of course. Let's talk about it today.

Everything seems simple and there are no strict requirements for clothing, however There are characters, looking at whom it is difficult not to smile. I've often seen men who don't care how they look in the gym. These, in my opinion, can be found in any rocking chair.

They are wearing:

  • An old, holey T-shirt that you “don’t mind.”
  • Tights of unknown year of birth.
  • Slides with a killer foot odor.

This list can be continued, but that’s not what we’re here for.

Sportswear comes first should be comfortable. And comfort is a high-quality material and freedom of movement during exercises.

Here is a set of sports uniforms, which, in my opinion, is optimal.


When choosing a T-shirt for the gym, place the main emphasis on the material. The T-shirt must be breathable so that the body “breathes” during physical activity. Cotton T-shirts are perfect for sports.


Personally, I like shorts much better than tights. They don't cling to exercise equipment, you feel more free in them, and they don't stick to your feet during intense workouts.

Another tip: buy shorts that come above the knee. Long shorts constantly catch on your knees during barbell squats and other similar exercises. This is terribly infuriating. And it’s so hard, but there’s still something constantly clinging to it. 🙂


Modern gyms have long introduced the rule of visiting the establishment only in sports shoes. And that's right. After all, an accidental fall of a weight plate or dumbbell on an open foot can deprive you of the ability to move normally for a long time. It is better to choose well-known sports companies Nike or Adidas.

Running shoes– this is what is most suitable for a beginner. In addition, running is an excellent warm-up. By running a little before lifting weights, you will warm up your body, circulate blood through your veins and prepare your heart for the upcoming loads.


For me, this is a must-have attribute of the gym and here’s why: gloves protect hands from calluses, which will certainly appear on your hands from the barbell and dumbbells.

If you think you are calloused male hands- this is cool, then ask your girlfriend about this. With such hands you can easily leave scratches on her delicate skin. You don’t want her to avoid your touch?!

I hope it’s now clear what to wear to the gym. However, there is something else What it is advisable to take with you to the gym:

A bottle of water. During intense sports, the body dehydrates, the blood thickens, blood circulation deteriorates with all the consequences. Therefore, drink, drink and drink water again.
A small towel. It's no secret that you will sweat a lot while pumping. Therefore, a small towel on hand will be very useful. Let others wipe the sweat from their faces with the edges of their already soaked T-shirts.
Shower accessories. Everything is clear here.

With this equipment you can move mountains in the gym. The main thing is the attitude and desire to change yourself. You will change, your environment will change, everything will change.

At least gym and not the podium, girls always tend to worry about their appearance and try to look the most attractive and there is nothing wrong with that. Sports fashion also has its own trends.

What to wear to the gym?

Basically, no one really cares what you wear to the gym. But the first thing to note is that no matter how much you worry about your appearance, clothes should not distract you from your workouts. Constantly thinking that something needs to be tightened, tied or twisted somewhere is not good and will distract from the main activity in the gym. You go to the gym to get a perfect figure, right? Then try to make sure that nothing bothers you, including unnecessary distractions from clothes.

Modern sportswear for the gym most often combines both practicality and aesthetics. Bright colors are not prohibited here; on the contrary, they are encouraged. There are no strict rules regarding styles, so you can safely choose the gym clothes that you like.

How warm should you dress for going to the gym?

Most likely, many girls have heard that the more you sweat in the gym, the better, that is, the more you lose excess weight. Trying to lose weight as quickly as possible, some people deliberately dress warmer or even wrap themselves in films. Either way, if you exercise seriously, you will sweat. The opposite approach - taking off as much as possible so as not to be so hot - is also not very rational. Modern clothing for sports in the gym is made from specially designed materials that help regulate heat transfer.

What kind of clothes should a girl choose to go to the gym? Based on the consideration that you will get hot during training, initially dress so that when you enter the room in which you will be training, you will be a little cold. Then you will warm up and it will no longer be cold, but with the help of this little trick you can avoid overheating in the gym.

Another issue that arises during training is the smell. And if how someone looks in clothes doesn’t really matter to anyone, then the smell will certainly be noticed in the gym. Based on this, you should have at least two sets of clothes for training and you need to wash your clothes after each of them.

What to wear to the gym - tips

  • Buy clothes for the gym that are exactly your size; those that are smaller will restrict your movements, and those that are larger will simply be uncomfortable, and there will also be a chance of getting caught on something that is no longer safe or losing your pants.
  • When training, be sure to wear socks under your shoes, even if it is very hot outside. It is best to choose special sports socks rather than regular everyday socks.
  • To go to the gym, give preference to bright and cheerful colors. You'll still be washing your clothes after every workout, but the color will help you cheer up and get more positive emotions from training.
  • The quality of your shoes is no less important than the quality of your workout clothes. The shoes you wear to the gym should fully support your foot, but at the same time allow it to “breathe.” You cannot choose hard shoes for running; they are intended for strength training.

More often than not, what kind of clothing a person wears is dictated by his purpose. The same goes for the gym. If you are visiting it in order to be healthy and become the happy owner of a great figure (which will attract attention anyway), focus on quality sportswear. Yes, most often it is not cheap, but it is definitely worth it. Moreover, manufacturers do not forget about the aesthetic component, so you can always find something that suits your taste.

Don't forget that too revealing a sports uniform is not a good idea for going to the gym. Even if you are used to constantly wearing miniskirts, wearing such clothes can harm others, because you will take away attention that should have been spent on, for example, installing a projectile on a power frame.

The first trip to the fitness club scares many women.

An article about who does what in the gym and why no one will pay attention to your fatness.

An interesting observation inspired me to write this article. Enough long time I tried to no avail to encourage my friends and acquaintances to listen to the voice of reason and finally replace relaxing on the couch with sports that are good for the soul and body. People came up with a wide variety of excuses, a hit parade of these excuses can be found in a separate article on this site, and in the end my persuasion led to nothing.

I colorfully described the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and the completely natural miracles that await those who practice in the long term... I promised to tell them about all the exercise equipment and take them to group classes, I swore that they would definitely like the classes... All to no avail.

As a result, I realized that a person must come to this himself, understand, feel, realize and, most importantly, want to change his life. My task is only to help him with this, to push him in the right direction.

Complex "fat"

One of the excuses mentioned above never gave me peace. More precisely, then it seemed to me that this was another excuse. It was mainly used by mature women, as well as girls who had never exercised before, when I invited them to visit the fitness club.

Most women experience exactly the same fears and emotions.

The phrase sounded something like this: “I won’t go to the gym. I’m fat (unathletic, thin, insert your own version) and I don’t know how to do anything, everyone will point the finger at me.” And, as it turned out, these words are not another excuse for one’s own laziness, but a psychological fear of many women.

The root of this fear lies in two phenomena:

  • The first of these phenomena is a certain self-doubt, which is present to one degree or another in most people before discovering something new. This is a normal condition and will pass naturally.
  • And the second is something that can and should be fought against. This is ignorance and misunderstanding of the atmosphere that reigns in a typical fitness club.

Don't be afraid to become a black sheep

Considering the above, I will take the liberty of dispelling the myth that you, brazenly showing up to the gym with your extra pounds and other “fears and horrors” that you have imagined will still not become the “highlight of the program”.

  1. Choose a well-established fitness club to visit, preferably a large one, where people go various categories people. And under no circumstances go to the basement rocking room, where only hefty men exercise on semi-homemade exercise machines.
  2. Ask yourself a question - why do you still want to go to a fitness club? You want to get rid of extra pounds, improve the shape of your body, become healthy and beautiful. What do you think everyone else wants? That's right - the same thing. And that's exactly what they came for.
  3. What do you think is the most important thing for any athlete? From a professional bodybuilder or gymnast to a beginner who still confuses aerobics and Pilates? That's right - your own results and achievements. Our own, not someone else's. Do you see what I'm getting at?
  4. Where do trainees most often look? You guessed it again - in the mirror! To control the correctness of your exercises. No wonder all gyms are hung with mirrors. And even more so the halls for group training. Or they look “inward”, concentrating on doing the exercises, or relaxing after the next approach - to the sides, just resting, and not looking out for newcomers to laugh at them.
  5. Who at the fitness club really cares about the number of folds on your stomach? Except, actually, you? Only one person - your coach. Everyone else has enough problems with their own figure - the biceps are not pumped up enough, the butt could be rounder, the six-pack does not appear on the stomach, etc.
  6. In other words, believe me, people go to a fitness club to improve their own body, and not to look at someone else’s.

After two or three visits you will get the hang of it and feel at home.

Common sense

Of course, all of the above fades and loses its meaning if you come to the gym not in simple and comfortable sportswear, but in tight mini-shorts on maxi-hips, a faded sweater from your grandmother’s chest, or with eight bracelets on each arm and leg. Then you are guaranteed a lot of attention from those around you. All eyes are on you, congratulations, you are a star!

But for various reasons, day after day you postpone the start of classes.

Lack of desirable fitness clothing should not be an obstacle to studying. The main thing is to start. Later, you can buy what you like and will correspond to the chosen workouts.

What to wear to fitness

It is preferable to wear clothes made of dense, shape-holding, breathable materials that wick away moisture. It is optimal to have mesh inserts that provide ventilation and create comfort during exercise.

If you are planning to study with a trainer in the gym on weight training equipment, it is better to choose tight-fitting clothes in neutral colors.

It is not safe to exercise on weight machines in loose clothing. The T-shirt or top should be long enough. In addition, sports pants, breeches or leggings. In this form, you will not experience discomfort when exercising on sweat-soaked exercise equipment.

ForStepand others intense aerobic training Bright, short, tight-fitting, but not restrictive tops and shorts are perfect. For such workouts, tops with a bra that tighten or support the breasts are perfect.

For Pilates and especially Yoga classes wear only comfortable clothing from natural materials, neutral, bed shades.

For group classes where rugs and balls are expected to be used, it is also recommended to wear leggings, breeches, trousers, including quite wide ones

For classes oriental dances You can put a hip belt embroidered with coins directly on your sweatpants and that will be enough.

Do not wear to fitness

Fitness clothing should be appropriate for your body type, true size, fit you well, and fit your location.

Clothes should not be worn, which you wear while relaxing at the seaside or in the country, as well as pajamas or pajama T-shirts.

Working out in jeans is uncomfortable, and wearing shoes is not safe.

Particular attention should be paid to shoes. When choosing sneakers, consider what activities you plan to wear them for.

If, for example, you will actively train on a treadmill, then the sneakers should have a flat cast sole, without a heel, and with laces.

This is very important. Only in this case will the feet be positioned correctly and not be damaged. You will be able to walk heel to toe and easily endure a 45 minute marathon.

Look attractive and aesthetically pleasing

Choose clothes that highlight the best in your figure and hide flaws.

For example, a T-shirt with a wide horizontal neckline looks very attractive. This neckline allows you to open two shoulders or casually shift the T-shirt to one shoulder.

Choose socks that match the color of your sneakers, preferably short or matching the color of your sports trousers.

During intense exercise, you will sweat. To prevent sweat stains from being noticeable, you can wear an alcoholic T-shirt under a sports T-shirt.

Should it be used for intense aerobic exercise? slimming belt Or should I also wear a sports jacket?

All this is certainly possible, but it is better to use a warming cream. It causes profuse sweating and helps remove fat in problem areas.


A distinction should be made between swimming on the beach or in the pool on vacation and working out in the pool at a fitness club.

For fitness training, it is better to use a closed swimsuit. It is important to choose the right size. Eat various options spectacular swimsuits. They can be slimming, perfectly lifting the breasts, modeling the figure using various prints.

Thus, You need to think through all the details of your fitness wardrobe.

The main thing in sportswear is comfort, functionality, excellent fit, and compliance with fashion trends.

A fitness club is a place for sports, relaxation, communication, and dating. Everyone visits the club based on their interests.

If you came for sports activities, then focus on them and create a proper training program.

It is absolutely normal to have no makeup, no perfume, a clean body and clothes. During training, use a towel and be sure to drink water!

I like unusual, functional, fashionable fitness clothing Italian brand Freddy. Clothes of this brand fully meet the requirements of professional athletes and dancers.

Italian gymnasts and ballet stars from Milan's La Scala train there.

Are you working out at a fitness club but not seeing visible results? Do you want to lose weight, but don't know how?

I'm withpleasure I will share with you my experience in organizing fitness training and healthy nutrition.

And if it's time to change your style, wardrobe, then shopping with a stylist or on and- the right decision!

I wish you all success in achieving your goals!

Do you want to change?

Tatyana Gavrilova image consultant in St. Petersburg and Italy

What should a girl wear to the gym?

Believe me, gym clothes have great value first of all for you personally! There are mirrors and men around, and you are in stretched sweatpants and an old worn T-shirt? Due to the fact that such things will make you feel awkward, you will want to leave the workout as quickly as possible. And you bought a subscription not to constantly turn around with the thoughts “everyone is looking at me with condemnation” or “I wish I could get back to the locker room as soon as possible,” but for sports activities and improving your physical fitness.

Stylish sportswear really motivates! You will feel confident and want to become even better, which is what fitness is all about.

What clothes should be for the gym, or what should a girl wear to the gym?

Basic sportswear for a fitness club: shorts, leggings, pants, top, T-shirt.

Example combinations:

  • sweatpants and T-shirt/undershirt/top
  • leggings and T-shirt/undershirt/top
  • shorts and T-shirt/undershirt/top

Shoes for going to the gym are only sneakers. It is possible to wear sneakers, but it is not advisable, since they have thin soles.

Tips: what kind of clothes should you wear for the gym, what is best to train in?

  • It is most convenient to do stretching and other exercises in sports leggings (tights). They stretch well and do not restrict movement
  • sportswear should not press on the body or compress the limbs
  • clothes that are too bright will not last long; due to frequent washing, the colors lose their newness and the clothes look worn
  • choose the size correctly. Clothes should not be too small or too loose, things should fit well
  • give preference to natural fabrics, your body should breathe
  • a strict no to jeans and denim shorts, it’s completely uncomfortable and looks weird
  • You shouldn’t choose an outfit that’s too revealing; the gym is a place to work out, not to flaunt yourself
YaBkupila offers fashionable images of what to wear to the gym for a workout:

Every girl and woman who takes care of herself knows firsthand about the benefits of sports.

Regular exercise will not only make your body slim and fit, but will also improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalize metabolism, improve skin condition and give good spirits. What else do you need to always feel young and beautiful? Undoubtedly, the success of any workout depends on your desire and desire, on the intensity and time of training.

However, do not forget about one more component successful training, about correctly selected sportswear. It is she who provides you with comfort and makes classes more convenient and enjoyable. Properly chosen clothing will prevent you from rubbing calluses, relieve diaper rash and allow your body to breathe. Thus, nothing can overshadow your activities, and you will receive not only benefits from them, but also pleasure.

Shoes for the gym 2016 what to choose fashion trends new photos

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of shoes. Here preference should be given to sports sneakers for the gym or for running.

They feature a comfortable wide, slightly springy sole. Sneakers - only if you are going to do yoga, Pilates, calanetics; they are not suitable for fitness and aerobics at all, because... do not support the foot, do not provide stability.

In shoes, it is important that they do not rub when you just bought them; it is better not to take them to the gym right away, but to walk around at home. Otherwise, for the first training session you need to take a patch for calluses.

What to wear to the gym 2016 fashion trends photos new items

Basically, no one really cares what you wear to the gym. But the first thing to note is that no matter how much you worry about your appearance, clothes should not distract you from your workouts.

Constantly thinking that something needs to be tightened, tied or twisted somewhere is not good and will distract from the main activity in the gym. You go to the gym to get a flawless figure, right? Then try to make sure that nothing bothers you, including unnecessary distractions from clothes.

Modern sportswear for the gym most often combines both practicality and aesthetics. Bright colors are not prohibited here; on the contrary, they are encouraged. There are no strict rules regarding styles, so you can safely choose the gym clothes that you like.

Girls, if you really want to study and not charm the opposite sex, dress comfortably. T-shirts with a cutout, which are not very comfortable when bending over, are immediately excluded. The most comfortable thing is loose sweatpants or leggings (you can stretch well in them), and a T-shirt/jacket/sweatshirt, all of your choice. I also highly recommend special gloves for the gym, since exercise equipment often causes calluses on the palms, and delicate women’s hands should always be perfect.

You can buy them at almost any sports store. It is also best to take a small towel with you to the gym to wipe off sweat and a bottle of water. You can take your player with you (if it and the music don’t bother you).

Sportswear for the gym: tips for choosing

First of all, it is worth paying considerable attention to the choice of clothing, which should be as comfortable and pleasant to the body as possible, and should not restrict movement.

To get started, you can buy inexpensive items: regular knitted leggings and cotton T-shirts. Moreover, you should not be ashamed of your shape and be afraid to buy tight leggings for working out in the gym, since you will be most comfortable in them, and you should also not give preference to wide sports trousers: they are not entirely suitable for performing exercises on the leg muscles.

If you decide to take up sports seriously and are preparing for this thoroughly, then you can think about purchasing branded clothing from brands such as Nike, Reebok, Adidas, which are designed specifically for fitness and strength training.

Sports bag for the gym trends new items photos

A sports bag or a backpack - whichever is more convenient for you, but just a hint from an experienced gym regular: if you ride a bike, walk to the gym or rollerblade, then choose a backpack. He shouldn't be too large sizes, not necessarily with orthopedic inserts and other bells and whistles - they only add heaviness. An athlete will not damage his back if he maintains an even posture from the first step.

For those who will be traveling to sports club By car or bus, on the contrary, a bag with a wide shoulder strap is more convenient.

Don't forget about water!

If you have been studying physical labor, then you know very well how thirst overcomes, fitness is the same work. During exercise, the body spends a lot of water, normalizing heat exchange. This is why the body literally begs us to drink any liquid. Be sure to take water with you. Its volume should not be less than half a liter, be guided by your feelings, because for some people even a one and a half liter bottle is not enough to meet the needs of the body.

You can take water in a regular bottle, or you can choose a special container for sports. For example, bottles for cyclists are perfect for training; they will never spill and are easy to use.

Shower accessories

After training, be sure to take a shower, this is no secret. This helps you tone up, wash away sweat, and also relax. Never neglect this opportunity. You will need everything you usually use: shower gel, washcloth, towel and rubber slippers. The last point is especially important for personal hygiene; even in the best fitness clubs you can pick up a fungus. It is better to buy small shower accessories so that they do not take up much space. Change of underwear: after a shower, it is imperative to change into clean clothes!

Hair band : You will feel enormous inconvenience if you forget this little detail, especially if you have long hair.

If the fitness club has a sauna and swimming pool, do not neglect it. For the pool, purchase a swimming cap and a swimsuit, one-piece or two-piece - at your discretion, since there are no restrictions here. The sauna, in turn, is a huge plus for both health and body. To visit it, you also need a special cap on your head, for example, made of natural sheep felt, so as not to dry out your hair, and a towel on which you will sit.

First of all, you need to understand that all your makeup and beautiful hairstyles will, alas, deteriorate after 10 minutes, and the perfume you use can acquire a completely unpleasant aroma due to the smell of sweat.

Let's say you're a complete newbie. And we’ve never been to the gym, except at school. Believe me, everything is not scary at all, you will be accepted and loved there, especially if you can follow these 10 simple rules.

1. There is no need to despise group classes.

For some reason, it is generally accepted that housewives over forty go to group groups to chat over relaxed exercises. And you should go to some X-Pump yourself! And when the last housewife holds on steadfastly, and you begin to die at the 41st minute of class, you will understand how very wrong you were.

2. Don't make gross food mistakes!

It would be stupid, for example, to eat a banana right before a workout - then instead of your own subcutaneous fat, you will burn the unfortunate banana. Sometimes beginners pour protein into a shaker and for some reason drink it during training, which also reduces its effectiveness. Drink BCAA's during your workout and save the protein for later!

3. Dress correctly

You won't believe it, but there are people who go to fitness in rubber slippers. There are also smart guys who come in sneakers
Converse. Believe me, they work out in jeans too. Remember that sportswear is sportswear; you will not confuse it with casual clothing.

Girl dressed incorrectly for fitness

4. Don’t talk on the phone/whatsapp

People who are doing important exercise while sitting on the phone are especially infuriating. If you really need to exchange a few words, at least sit on the bench!

5. Are you a man? Forget about the leg trainer!

It’s especially funny when you, a fragile girl, growling and grimacing, do the last approach to the biceps, and at this time some fat guy is looking at you relaxedly, putting his legs together.

6. Don't dive into the pool as a fish!

It's incredibly annoying. And absolutely all men are guilty of this. Especially men in their fifties with round bellies. WITH On the other hand, I didn’t see girls in sports swimsuits and with athletic figures trying to prove something to someone by diving with a fish. They calmly go down the stairs into the pool and begin to swim.

7. Girls, don’t go crazy on cardio.

Many girls come to the gym just for cardio training. Yes, you will burn fat, but beautiful figure You can’t sculpt without weighting. So don't harm yourself.

Having decided to take up fitness and getting ready for their first class, many beginners have little idea of ​​what clothes for the gym will be most suitable. To help them make their choice, we have summarized the experience of experienced athletes and made recommendations for choosing clothes and shoes for fitness and bodybuilding.

What should an athlete's equipment be like?

In order for clothing and footwear for sports to help achieve your goals, they must meet the following requirements:

  • provide thermal comfort;
  • be comfortable when moving;
  • comply with safety standards;
  • do not distract others from training;
  • present your appearance in a favorable light;
  • always be clean and tidy.

In addition to these points, some fitnessists believe that sportswear for fitness should have status, and choose only products from prestigious brands. This is a personal matter for everyone, but beginners are unlikely to spend significant sums on sports equipment. High-quality sportswear can be bought inexpensively, and in addition, with regular training, the size of your clothes can soon change significantly.

Let's consider each of the requirements for clothing and shoes for the gym in more detail.

Thermal comfort

Whatever the temperature in the gym, during intense physical activity You definitely won’t freeze. You will likely feel hot and sweaty during your workout. That's why best choice There will be a short-sleeve T-shirt made of knitwear that absorbs sweat well, and shorts below the knees, or sports pants made of fairly light and hygroscopic stretch fabric.

Do you need tracksuits, trowels, and sweatshirts in the gym? Yes, having any of these things is desirable. They usually do a warm-up before strength training. If it's cool enough in the gym, then by warming up, you'll be more likely to warm up your muscles during the warm-up.

When working out on exercise machines, you can take off your sweatshirt or trowel while remaining in your T-shirt. And at the end of the workout, when you head to the locker room, outer sportswear will come in handy. By insulating your body, which is hot and damp from sweat, you will protect yourself from drafts and avoid colds.

There is an opinion that by exercising in warm clothes, feeling temperature discomfort and sweating heavily, the exerciser will lose weight faster. Actually this is not true. Weight loss with increased sweating occurs not due to accelerated fat burning, but due to getting rid of fluid. A sauna has a similar “weight loss” effect. Having restored the water balance, the body returns to its weight. Extra layers of clothing do not affect the intensity of fat burning; they can only make the workout more difficult and uncomfortable.

When talking about thermal comfort, we cannot fail to mention gym shoes. Sweaty feet are a common problem, especially among men. When choosing sports shoes, there are many criteria that will be discussed in detail below. To ensure that your feet do not overheat during training, you should pay attention to sports models with mesh inserts. They promote good ventilation of the feet, prevent excessive sweating and all related problems.


What types of materials are best for sportswear? Previously, it was believed that clothes made from natural fabrics: cotton, linen were best suited for sports. But the experience of athletes completely refutes this statement. Cotton and linen knitwear absorbs sweat well, but it takes a long time to dry and, remaining wet, cools the body. Constant skin contact with sweat-soaked fabric can cause diaper rash and chafing.

Clothes made from synthetic materials designed specifically for sports are much more comfortable during training. They are highly hygroscopic and breathable, quickly absorb and evaporate moisture. Due to this, they are much more comfortable for sports than cotton and linen. This is exactly the rare case when synthetics are preferable to natural materials.

The same goes for socks. Contrary to popular belief, the best socks for sports are not cotton, but special socks for sports, characterized by increased hygroscopicity and the absence of any seams.

However, for those who want to lose weight and only do cardio exercises for now, cotton jersey T-shirts will do just fine. They are especially suitable for those who are embarrassed about excess weight, because unlike tight-fitting sports jersey, a loose, elongated cotton T-shirt does a good job of hiding figure flaws.

Comfort while driving

Items must be properly sized. When working out in the gym, you have to move not only a lot, but also in a variety of ways. Therefore, clothing for fitness should stretch well in all directions so as not to restrict movement when performing any exercise. Clothes that are too tight are not acceptable. Tight belts, tops that pinch the armpits, and pants that cut into the crotch should be excluded. Choose low-cut socks, without elastic that compresses the shin.

When choosing a T-shirt, shorts, trousers, evaluate whether it is comfortable to squat, bend, or stretch in them. Pay attention not only to freedom of movement, but also to ensure that when performing exercises, certain parts of the body, for example, the lower back and buttocks, are not excessively exposed. After all, not only physical, but also psychological comfort is important.

An important condition for the comfort of men and women's clothing for fitness is the absence of rough seams. Sweaty and hot skin with constant contact with rough seams and hard labels will chafe and become injured, causing pain.

Safety standards

The safety of training largely depends on sportswear. Clothing that is too loose is dangerous because it can get caught on protruding parts of the exercise equipment and cause you to lose your balance.

Another danger loose clothing is that the instructor cannot see how correctly the strength exercises are performed. Only in tight-fitting sportswear is it possible to notice from the outside the incorrect position of the body and errors in movements. This gives the instructor the opportunity to correct the student’s mistakes and teach him the technique.

Hiding in a robe, you can avoid criticism, but at the same time master strength exercises incorrectly. And the wrong technique will not only prevent you from achieving desired results, but can also cause injury, which happens quite often.

Shoes play a big role in ensuring the safety of training. She must fit under certain type loads. Read more about this in the corresponding section.

Rules of decency

The desire to demonstrate the advantages of a figure and attract the attention of members of the opposite sex is quite understandable, but people usually go to the gym for a completely different purpose. Provocative sportswear that reveals the details of your physique distracts you from your workout, which can have a bad effect on both your workout results and your reputation.

When choosing clothes for the gym, it is recommended to be more modest; all the advantages of a figure can usually be appreciated even without provocatively revealing clothes. Moreover, open sweaty areas of the body leave unpleasant wet marks on benches and seats of exercise equipment. To whomever it will be noticed, too much open clothes will help to arouse not sympathy, but, on the contrary, hostility from others.

Attractive appearance

When choosing clothes for the gym, your priority should be comfort and safety. But we must not forget about the aesthetic side. You should like yourself in these clothes. Even if your physical fitness While it is far from perfect, the reflection in the gym mirror should be pleasant to you. This will create an upbeat mood and increase motivation for regular exercise.

How to dress for the gym so that your appearance is presented in the most favorable light? The principles for choosing sportswear are the same as for the rest of your wardrobe:

  • emphasize the advantages of your figure;
  • try to hide flaws as much as possible;
  • choose shades that match your skin and hair tone, eye color.

There are many opportunities to follow these recommendations when choosing sportswear. Depending on whether it is necessary to emphasize the beauty of the legs and hips or, conversely, to hide their shortcomings, you can choose: tight or loose shorts of various lengths, leggings, loose sports trousers. The same applies to the upper part of the sports uniform - by varying the sleeve length, neck shape, degree of fit, you can choose the most suitable model of a T-shirt or top.

Remember that light shades visually increase volume, while dark shades reduce volume. This allows you to visually adjust the proportions of the upper and lower parts of the figure.

Cleanliness and neatness

One of the most important conditions for an attractive appearance in the gym is cleanliness and freshness of clothes. It is necessary to wash your underwear, T-shirt, shorts and socks after each workout. Shoes also need to be dried and aired; you should not forget them in your bag until the next workout, as this can lead to an unpleasant odor.

The service life of sportswear is determined not only by its appearance, but also freshness. Even if the T-shirt has not faded or stretched, it is time to replace it if the moisture absorbed into it does not go away after washing. bad smell. On average, replacement of sportswear with intensive use is required once every six months.


Shoes for the gym should be selected taking into account the type of training. To exercise on a treadmill, you should purchase running shoes, and for strength training– weightlifting or wrestling. High-quality athletic shoes securely fix the foot and promote alignment of the joints of the knees and ankles during exercise. strength exercises. This serves as an excellent injury prevention and protects joints from rapid wear and tear.

Athletic shoes are not suitable for running and jumping. Due to its rigidity, the spine experiences shock loads during running, which can cause problems with the intervertebral discs. Therefore, if you plan to do both strength and cardio training, purchase two types of shoes and do not forget to change them.

For fitness classes with elements of cardio aerobics and step aerobics, running sneakers are suitable. If stretching exercises predominate (yoga, Pilates), then buy soft, flexible shoes - moccasins, sneakers, sneakers.

One of the important requirements for shoes is that they should not be worn out. Professionals recommend changing your running shoes after 500 miles, which equates to approximately 1 pair per year for two runs per week.


Many people think that it makes no difference what kind of underwear to use for training, because it is not visible under clothes. This is not entirely true. The wrong selection can cause inconvenience and even the most comfortable outer sportswear cannot compensate for it.

Special underwear designed for sports is made of synthetic materials that fit tightly to the body and provide comfort and good ventilation. This is especially important during intense workouts and heavy sweating.

It is recommended to select underwear for exercise in the gym from hygroscopic materials that have sufficient elasticity. The selection of sports bras for women deserves special attention. They should support the chest well so that during active movements it is fixed and the skin does not stretch. At large size You should choose a bra with wide shoulders and a belt. Since the support properties of bras weaken over time, it is recommended to replace these items of women's sportswear every 6-9 months.


When working with large free weights, you may need gym gloves to help you grip the weights more securely and avoid blisters. Sports gloves differ from regular gloves in having cut fingers and the presence of gel pads on the palms. A beginner does not need this accessory; put off purchasing it until you move on to training with heavy barbells and kettlebells.