What do you need to open a current account? What documents will be needed to open a bank account. Message about opening a current account

How to choose a bank to open an account for an individual entrepreneur

The first step to opening a bank account is choosing the bank that is most suitable for the individual entrepreneur.

Before visiting the nearest banking organization, an entrepreneur is recommended to conduct an analysis of the banks located in the city. It is worth familiarizing yourself with information about:

  • Possible tariffs for settlement and cash services offered by various banking organizations.
  • The price for opening an account for an individual entrepreneur.
  • The cost of maintaining a current account for an entrepreneur.
  • Tariff rates for receiving and issuing cash.
  • The cost of the payment order.
  • Possibility of using the Internet banking option.
  • The procedure for issuing plastic cards.

In addition to the above information, an entrepreneur should familiarize himself with the basic conditions for maintaining and servicing a bank account. He must know when payment orders are sent; what is the mode of accepting payments by a banking organization.

It is reasonable to assume that many entrepreneurs prefer the largest and most well-known banking organizations that have proven themselves to be positive.

The largest financial organizations are considered to be the most reliable partners, who have a large number of bonus programs for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs who cooperate with the bank on an ongoing basis.

How to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur

Before visiting a banking organization to open an account, an entrepreneur will need to complete state registration its status in tax office. Only after receiving documentation confirming the registration of the individual entrepreneur with the state will he be able to open the necessary bank account.

Documents required to open a bank account

Among the main documents that bank employees will require from a client wishing to open an account for an individual entrepreneur, the following should be noted:

  1. Application for opening a current account. The application must contain the personal signature of the individual entrepreneur and also have an imprint of the entrepreneur’s seal.
  2. Citizen's passport.
  3. Certificate of registration.
  4. Power of attorney from the entrepreneur's representative.
  5. Licenses or patents confirming rights individual entrepreneur for implementation individual species activities on a commercial basis.

In addition to the main package of documents, a banking organization has the right to require additional title documentation from a client registered as an individual entrepreneur.

It is recommended that you check the list of documents required to open a current account with bank employees in advance by phone or view it on the official website of the banking organization.

Account opening procedure

Having received the established package of documentation from the individual entrepreneur, an employee of the banking organization carries out a preliminary check of the papers. He makes copies of the original copies of documents. Copies of individual entrepreneur documents are certified in accordance with the procedure established by Russian legislation.

After additional verification of the submitted documentation, the bank opens an account in the name of the applicant. The individual entrepreneur receives a notification about opening a current account with a banking organization. After receiving such official notification, the entrepreneur has the right to issue bank card, transfer funds to your current account.

How to open a current account for individual entrepreneurs online

Today, almost all banks practice opening accounts for individual entrepreneurs and other forms of business online. But this is implemented in different ways. Most credit institutions offer entrepreneurs to fill out a form (for example, Avangard Bank):

The procedure for filling out the questionnaire is intuitive, so there is no need for explanations here. After filling out the form, the system will register the application, after which a bank employee will call the applicant back within a certain time and schedule a time to appear at the bank to provide original documents. The list of documents is given above; it is similar to what is required to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur in person.

However, most banks offer entrepreneurs to simply leave a phone number for contact:

After this, a bank employee will call you back and tell you in detail about all the steps that will need to be performed to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur.

Attention! In any case, you will have to provide documents in person, which means a visit to the bank cannot be avoided!

Account opening notification

Notification about opening accounts within the Russian Federation

Previously, entrepreneurs reported to the tax authorities and the Pension Fund about opening bank accounts.

After the Federal Law No. 59-FZ of April 2, 2014 came into force, they are not required to send to these government bodies notifications about opening accounts.

Notification about opening accounts outside the Russian Federation

According to the norms of Part 2 of Art. 12 and part 10 art. 28 of Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 10, 2003, residents have the obligation to notify tax authorities about the opening or closing of accounts, as well as changes in the details of accounts that are opened outside of Russia.

Opening an account with a financial organization by a legal entity is an important procedure. All non-cash transactions must be carried out through a current account that is valid and owned by a specific company.

When opening an account, the management of any company must be confident that the service will be high level, and its cost will remain optimal. There are other parameters according to which a credit institution is selected.

Why does an LLC need an account?

Opening an account is necessary if the company plans to accept payments or pay other companies not in cash, but by bank transfer. 100,000 rubles is the maximum amount of a transaction between legal entities that can be carried out in cash (Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 1843 of June 20, 2007). In this case, the payment must be officially recorded through the cash register.

Owning an account is very convenient, since transactions today are carried out directly from the office, there is no need to go to the bank. To do this, they open an Internet banking service.

Without a current account, an organization cannot be considered complete, regardless of whether the legal entity is a resident of the Russian Federation or a non-resident.

For those companies that purchase goods abroad or sell and provide services to other companies outside Russian Federation, it is proposed to open parallel accounts in foreign currencies, for example, US dollars. By law, an organization has the right to open as many accounts as it likes to carry out its activities.

Is an LLC required to have one?

According to Federal law"About societies with limited liability", enterprise not required to have a bank account. Its opening is the right of the company, and not an obligation to the state.

Thus, there is nothing wrong with the fact that the organization does not work for some time after opening, does not conduct business and does not own an account. If she's doing retail trade, and the amount of its transactions does not exceed 100,000 rubles, then there is no need to register it.

When contacting a bank with a request to open an account, the company must provide required package documents. Registration is carried out in a fairly short terms, a financial institution does not have the right to refuse such a request if the company really exists, operates and provides the entire package of documentation.

Cost and opening times in various institutions

First of all, you need to figure out how successful the choice of bank will be. There are many different credit institutions in our country, each of which offers its own conditions for registration and a number of account management operations. Before concluding an agreement, you must carefully study all the clauses of the agreement.

Using examples of conditions for opening and maintaining accounts of large banks, we will consider various options and differences in work.


This bank is one of the largest in Russia, with about 110 branches and representative offices around the world. It serves both individuals and legal entities. Using an example, we will consider the conditions for opening and maintaining accounts for residents, their branches and representative offices:

  • Opening takes about 3 days.
  • There is no limit on the number of open accounts.
  • Opening the first current account – 2500 rubles.
  • Opening the second and subsequent ones - 1000 rubles.

The cost of monthly service depends on the type of services provided:

  • If they are provided electronically – 800 rubles.
  • If they are provided electronically and on paper – 3800 rubles.
  • If they are provided only on paper – 6900 rubles.

In addition, there is a separate fee for making a transfer using the Alfa Online system - 30 rubles per transfer, and when providing instructions on paper - 0.1% of the payment amount (this amount cannot exceed 440 rubles). Services are provided to reduce this cost.

Sberbank of Russia

One of the most popular banks in the Russian Federation. According to his statistics, 70% of the country’s population uses the institution’s services. Large number branches, which has now reached a figure above 17,000.

It takes time to process an invoice no more than two days. At the moment, the bank is conducting a promotion to open within 5 minutes with the participation of the client in some service programs.

Sberbank tariffs vary depending on the region. Consider prices in the city of Moscow:

  • Account registration – 2400 rubles.
  • Maintenance when making payments electronically – 600 rubles per month.
  • Maintenance when making payments on paper and in case of combination – 1800 rubles per month.

Payment for translations is carried out at a rate of 30 rubles per payment, regardless of the type of translation medium. When paying from an organization's account to an account individual(if the payment is not a payment wages employee) is charged 1% of the transfer amount.

VTB 24

One of the leaders among commercial banks in the country. This institution offers to issue invoices urgently, and the deadline may be no more than 4 hours.

  • Registration cost – 2500 rubles.
  • Cost of urgent opening – 4500 rubles.
  • Opening an account in foreign currency will cost 50 US dollars.
  • Maintaining an account when using the Internet payment service “Bank-Client Online” - 1100 rubles per month.

Payments and transfers are charged as follows:

  • Payments within the bank – 6 rubles per payment.
  • Payments to accounts in other banks – 30 rubles per payment.

Bank of Moscow

A universal bank serving clients of various levels. It is also included in financial group VTB.

Registration of accounts and their maintenance at the bank is carried out according to the program of several tariff plans, which provide for a monthly payment for services included in advance in the package. Let's look at all the tariffs:

  • "Cashless". It includes the registration and maintenance of a client’s account, including a range of services such as certification of signature cards and seal impressions, certification of a package of documents of the organization, copies of which are made by the employee of the institution himself, and not by the client. The package also includes transfers to any accounts and work via the Internet Bank-Client system. Payment is made by writing off the amount of 2500 rubles monthly.
  • "Trade". Includes all the services of the “Cashless” tariff, but additionally provides the client with a checkbook and the ability to withdraw cash. Funds are credited via corporate card. Payment – ​​4000 rubles per month. For those who film large amounts, the third tariff will do.
  • "Trading VIP". The only difference from the “Trading” plan is that withdrawals will be limited a large sum– 500,000 rubles per month, and enrollment – ​​2,000,000 rubles. Payment – ​​5800 rubles per month.


This is a Russian bank with foreign participation, all shares of which belong to the Austrian bank UniCredit. His tariffs are as follows:

  • Account registration – 1200 rubles.
  • Opening subsequent accounts – 650 rubles.
  • Maintenance in rubles for payments through the online service – 1000 rubles per month.
  • Maintenance in rubles for payments on paper – 1500 rubles per month.
  • Transfer fee to Russian rubles through the Internet banking system – 25 rubles per transfer.
  • The fee for transfers in Russian rubles when providing an order on paper is 100 rubles per transfer.

The features of opening bank current accounts for organizations and individual entrepreneurs are outlined in the following video:

List of required documents

For registration you will need a package of documents. The procedure can be completed either the founder of the company or its director. You can also authorize a person, but this will require a power of attorney. An important attribute when opening is the organization’s seal.

The list of main documents will be as follows:

  • Charter
  • Certificate of registration or certificate of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority.
  • Passport of the person opening the account.
  • Card of the seal impression and signatures of persons authorized for this procedure.

What to consider when choosing a bank?

When choosing a financial institution, you need to rely on a set of tariffs for servicing and account maintenance. If the registration itself is a one-time promotion, its cost may vary slightly different banks, then it will have to be serviced for several years. Choosing one bank once and for all is the task of the head of the company.

The convenience of the organization’s location is also important, because from time to time you will have to travel there.

Opening a current account does not present any particular problems, but it is important to do everything step by step so as not to waste time and not do the same work twice.

Before contacting the bank to open a current account, you should already have in hand:

— documents issued to you by the tax office after registration;

If you want to make payments electronically (without visiting the bank), then you also need to conclude a service agreement using the Internet client-bank system. Each bank has its own nuances in this matter, and check with your bank what needs to be done to connect to Internet banking.

4. Message about opening a current account

There is currently no need to report account openings!

From May 1, 2014, the obligation was canceled legal entities and individual entrepreneurs recognized as payers of insurance premiums, report on the opening and closing of accounts (personal accounts).

Since May 2, 2014, the obligation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to report to the tax office about the opening and closing of accounts (personal accounts) has been abolished.

Now the responsibility for notifying regulatory authorities about the opening and closing of accounts of taxpayers and insurance premium payers lies exclusively with banks.

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What is a current account: 5 features + 5 advantages and 3 disadvantages of opening a bank account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs + 6 required documents.

Citizens of all developed countries use banking services...

It is not surprising that in Russia and Ukraine banks appear like mushrooms after rain.

Some close as quickly as they open, unable to withstand the onslaught of the crisis; some stay afloat by winning new clients.

If you are a bank client, then you certainly know what is a current account.

But do you know about the intricacies of its opening and closing, the peculiarities of marking and other features?

Then read the article to find answers to your questions.

What is a current account and what is it for?

Almost all clients of banking institutions have current (or current) accounts.

If our citizens open savings or other types of accounts with caution, then the plastic card that is issued when opening a bank account is frequent guest in wallets and purses.

Explanation of the term

If we use the terminology to define this phenomenon, it turns out that a current account is a kind of account that is used by another financial institution in order to control the monetary transactions that their client makes.

Most often, the real presence cash in your account equals the account balance.

It is rare that banks provide credit money to account owners.

5 features of a current account:

  1. Their main purpose is to provide the client with quick and uninterrupted access to his money.
  2. You, as a consumer of banking services, can withdraw your money and deposit it into your account whenever you want, regardless of the time of year or time of day (at least, this should be the case ideally).
  3. This type of banking service should not be used to save money or as a source of passive income.

    There are other types for this, for example, savings, deposit, etc.

  4. You can open several current accounts in one bank, which will differ in currency or intended purpose of the money.
  5. It’s rare that an entrepreneur can run his business without a cash account.

Marking of Russian banks

To avoid confusion, all accounts are marked with numbers.

Since the peculiarities of the banking system in different countries may differ, then the markings of customer accounts may also differ.

I will explain how the account is marked in Russian banks so that the system for assigning a 20-digit digital code in the Russian Federation is clear.

*Before the 1998 reform, the code of the Russian currency was 810 and corresponded to the marking Soviet rubles. Then, according to requirements international standard ISO, these three digits were replaced by 643, but within the Russian financial system Soviet 810 markings are still used.

For example, if we see this marking 408.17.810.2.7771.8694739, we can understand that:

  • the account belongs to an individual;
  • citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • the money kept in his account is rubles.

The numbers in the code are not always separated from each other by a dot.

A more common marking is to write them in a single row without spaces or punctuation.

A current account is a useful service for individuals and legal entities

Clients of banks and others financial organizations can be either private or legal entity. Naturally, all banking services, including registration of a current account, are also available to both.

Current account for individuals

In fact, according to banking terminology, accounts for individuals are usually called not current, but current.

Such accounts are not associated in any way with entrepreneurial activity, but are opened for the private needs of a private person.

But these names are very conventional, since “r/s” is used to name the account of both individuals and legal entities, which stands for current account.

Current account for private individuals is used for:

  • transfer of salary or pension;
  • replenishment of personal finances;
  • payment for various things, products, services and other things (payment is made through a payment terminal or through online banking), etc.

The main condition is that the money that goes to the account of an individual should not come from a commercial organization.

If you need to add such a service, you will have to enter into a separate contract.

Current account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

Current account is a useful working tool for LLCs, so any private entrepreneur is in a hurry to open it in order to be able to pay for goods and services, receive such payment, and replenish it own funds and perform other financial transactions.

Advantages of opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur or LLC:

    Small commission.

    Legal entities, unlike individuals, pay a fixed amount for financial transactions and this amount is relatively small (no more than 40 rubles).

    Payment terminal.

    By opening such an account with a specific bank, you can receive payment terminals from them, which is very important, for example, for store owners, because many buyers want to pay for purchased goods by card rather than in cash.

    Internet banking.

    Today, individual entrepreneurs, LLCs, and individuals have the opportunity to manage their money online.

    Salary cards.

    Having received an account in one of the financial institutions, you can issue salary plastic cards for both yourself and your employees, which allows you to accumulate accounts within one account.

  1. Payment of taxes - this function is available to both individual entrepreneurs and individual entrepreneurs.

Disadvantages of opening an account for an individual entrepreneur or LLC:

    The need to pay monthly for maintenance.

    As a legal entity, you will have to transfer a fixed amount to the bank every month for facilitating your financial transactions.

    But, if you do not make any transactions within a month, then the payment will not be withdrawn.

    Possibility of losing your money, if the bank closes, goes bankrupt, changes hands, etc.

    But, in fairness, it is worth saying that this does not happen very often.

    The likelihood of your account being seized, for example, by the Tax Service.

    This can happen when you haven't paid your taxes.

    When you pay off the debt, you will have to tinker to unblock your account, so it is not recommended to quarrel with the IRS.

How to open and close a current account in a banking organization?

The procedure for opening and liquidating a current account in a domestic bank for individuals and entrepreneurs is quite simple, but you should still be aware of some nuances in order to demonstrate your awareness if possible.

What do you need to do to open a bank account?

In accordance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, every individual and legal entity can open a bank account in the chosen bank, but no one can force you to do this if you don’t want to.

The bank whose client you want to become does not have the right to refuse you to open a current account.

The only exceptions to this rule:

  • , illegal;
  • you yourself are under criminal investigation;
  • you cannot present all the documents required by the bank to carry out the transaction.

Legal entities should also open a bank account because, according to current legislation, legal entities can carry out monetary transactions without becoming a bank client for an amount that does not exceed 100,000 rubles.

By the way, only ruble accounts are available to private entrepreneurs and individual entrepreneurs, because a separate account is opened for foreign currency.

You, as a legal entity, must present the bank with a number of documents:

1 Card of sample signatures and seals certified by a notary
2 Help about your financial condition(first of all, the bank is interested in your lack of debt to the Tax Service and Social Insurance)
3 Identity cards of everyone who will have access to the account (director, accountant, owner, etc.)
4 Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (you must receive it no earlier than a month before going to the bank)
5 Copies of all constituent documents, certified by a notary
6 A completed application form, the form of which will be provided by the bank

Depending on which bank you decide to use, the list of documents required by the financial institution may change.

It is better to clarify in advance what you need to bring with you, so as not to delay registering your account.

Some more information about using a current account by an individual entrepreneur:

Features of opening a current account using the example of Sberbank

Sberbank is the largest, most reliable and oldest bank in the Russian Federation.

It is not for nothing that private entrepreneurs choose it in order to open an account here for the needs of their business.

A large number of branches, numerous useful functions, pleasant service and other advantages attract both individuals and small businesses to Sberbank.

By the way, right now (until January 31, 2017 inclusive) private entrepreneurs can open it absolutely free.

If you don’t have time to drop by the bank, you can get a bank account number through online banking via the link https://sberbank.esphere.ru/#/sla, and then bring all the required documents within 30 days.

But in general, it is not at all necessary to open an account with Sberbank.

Many other financial institutions of the Russian Federation are at your service.

And citizens of neighboring countries also cannot complain about the lack of banking and other organizations in their cities.

How to close a current account?

Reasons for closure may vary:

  • you yourself wish it;
  • the court will rule so;
  • your company will go bankrupt;
  • The tax office will close the account;
  • you will regularly violate the terms of service, etc.

If you yourself decide to close your account due to the fact that you are reorganizing or closing your company, or have chosen another bank for service, then you need to submit a written application to the client manager.

If you have some money left in your accounts, you can get it all at the cash desk or transfer it to another account.

Now you know what is a current account, what it is for and how to open it.

Private entrepreneurs do not have to worry about the confidentiality of their data and facts on financial transactions - all banks are required to store information about their clients and not distribute it to third parties.

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When all the formalities for opening an individual entrepreneur in tax authorities settled, there are still some nuances that need to be thought through before you start your economic activity: choice tax regime, accounting, printing.

Why does an individual entrepreneur need a current account?

One of the questions that often arises for a new entrepreneur is whether he needs a bank account. A bank account is not required for individual entrepreneurs. It is usually opened by those who plan to work with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs using non-cash payments.

Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is possible to make payments between individual entrepreneurs or in the connection between individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in cash, however, the legislation limits such payments to an amount of up to 100,000 rubles per contract. For business entities this means that one-time contract, not exceeding the announced amount, can be done in cash, but for the sake of systematic payments under the same contract, a current account for individual entrepreneurs will still have to be opened.

Many organizations fundamentally work only by bank transfer, so for them the lack of a bank account with a company is a good reason for refusing to cooperate. IN modern business a current account with an individual entrepreneur is a sign of “ good manners” and the “seriousness” of the entrepreneur. Considering that most organizations, as well as individuals, are increasingly switching to online services, including in banks, having accounts is no longer a “luxury”.

Pay contractors, accept payments from clients, issue wages employees and transfer taxes and extra-budgetary contributions - a current account allows you to do all this easily and quickly, without even visiting a bank branch.

Another important factor in favor of opening an individual entrepreneur’s current account is the opportunity to receive business loans from “your” bank under a simplified procedure and preferential rates.

Opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs: where to start?

When opening an account for non-cash payments, you are usually guided by the following criteria:

  • cost of opening and maintaining an account;
  • ease of working with the bank (availability and location of branches, mode, speed of service);
  • Availability of remote banking services (RBS) for entrepreneurs.

Opening an individual entrepreneur's current account with Sberbank of the Russian Federation has long been no longer an alternative solution: you can choose any financial institution that provides services to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in your city. As a rule, you can find the most favorable rates from smaller banks (including regional ones). To do this, compare the tariffs and conditions of banks located in your city (they can be found on the websites and in bank branches). If you're lucky, you can open an account for free, taking advantage of a promotion or special offer for legal entities.

Be sure to talk to the manager for working with legal entities and entrepreneurs: perhaps he will be able to offer you interesting individual conditions.

Please note the presence of the Bank-Client system. Remote banking allows you to manage money via the Internet at any time and without leaving your home: track balances, make transfers, receive statements. This saves a lot of time (there is no need to go to the bank, sit in line, or adjust to the branch’s operating hours) and eliminates a large part of the “paper” accounting work. In addition, rates for self-service via Internet banking are usually cheaper than for similar work on paper.

Check the cost of cashing out funds through a cash desk and the commission for intrabank transfers from an individual entrepreneur’s account to an individual’s account. Most likely, the second option will allow you to transfer money from your current account to your current account via Internet banking and cash it out through a plastic card. To do this, you need to issue a debit card with free or minimal annual maintenance, linked to the individual’s account. Don’t forget to find out the addresses of ATMs that will dispense your funds without commission.

List of documents for opening a bank account for an individual entrepreneur

Let's move directly to the question of how to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur. Each bank may have its own requirements for the package of documents required to hire an entrepreneur for service.

According to the instructions of the Central Bank, the mandatory list of documents includes:

  1. Copy of passport: main spread and pages 4–5 with registration.
  2. A copy of the registration certificate tax accounting(TIN).
  3. A copy of the state registration certificate of individual entrepreneur.
  4. Licenses confirming the right of an entrepreneur to engage in licensed activities.
  5. KOPiP (card with sample signatures and individual entrepreneur seal imprint).
  6. Power of attorney and documents for third parties authorized to manage funds in the current account of the individual entrepreneur.

Usually the list is not exhausted by these documents: bankers also request a “fresh” extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and a letter from local authority Rosstat on the assignment of statistical codes.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs can be obtained from the territorial tax office within a week; its validity period for the bank is 1 month. All copies must be notarized or, if such a service is provided, certified by authorized bank employees for a fee.

Additionally, you will be asked to fill out an application and other papers required for security checks.

During the time required to comply with all formalities, bank employees will prepare an agreement, after which you will receive a certificate of opening a current account as an individual entrepreneur.

Notification of tax and extra-budgetary funds

The last stage of interaction with the bank - signing agreements on settlement and remote services - does not end with opening an account. Now you need to notify the tax office and pension fund about this event, and as soon as possible.

Notification of the tax inspectorate is carried out on a form according to form S-09-1, filled out and signed by the entrepreneur in 2 copies. Violation of the 7-day deadline established for filing a document is punishable by a fine of 5,000 rubles (Article 118 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It is advisable to visit the tax authorities in person: you need to take the second copy of the notice, signed by the inspector, and keep it with the rest of the individual entrepreneur documents. If it is not possible to get to the tax office in person, a representative can submit documents, but only with a notarized power of attorney in hand.

You can send documents by mail: a valuable letter must be accompanied by a list of attachments and a receipt. Online submission is possible only if the individual entrepreneur has a qualified digital signature certificate.

Federal Law No. 212-FZ of July 24, 2009 (Article 28, paragraph 3, paragraph 1) imposes an obligation on an individual entrepreneur to report the opening of a current account to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of Russia, as well as to the Social Insurance Fund (if the individual entrepreneur is a member) within a week. registered with social insurance).

There are no standardized forms for notifying these funds, but there are forms recommended by these institutions that are available for download at official Internet portals relevant authorities.