What does the devil come to in a dream. Why the devil dreams - the main interpretation. Why do you dream about the devil according to Vanga’s dream book?

The images that come in dreams are not always pleasing, and sometimes even frightening. The illusion of a dream is a completely different reality with unusual characters and events. What does the dream picture in which you happened to meet the devil portend? Why is the vision in a dream? Dream books warn that you should not be scared, and also do not interpret the encrypted script literally.

I'll meet with dark force Even in dreams, people tend to associate them with evil and trouble. Compilers of dream books interpret the appearance of a devil in a dream in two ways. Traditionally, the image of evil spirits indicates to the dreamer that his life is based on hasty choice and deceit. At first, fate favors a person, but rash actions and deals with conscience eventually transform into pride. A period of extraordinary luck ends with melancholy and gloomy forebodings.

  • Phantasmagoria with the devil is interpreted as a signal to the owner of the dream that he should stop and not succumb to harmful impulses. There is a threat of turning into a demon yourself.
  • A night illusion warns the dreamer against temptations to commit bad deeds. The manifestation of secret vices in reality can result in poverty.
  • Some authors interpret the dreaming of an imp as a well-founded concern for children. The imp also warns that the dreamer will sin in reality.

If an innocent girl happened to see the devil in the plot of her night dreams, she should be wary of increased attention from her married seducer. For adult women, a dream signals a threat from an unfamiliar admirer - he can lure money from her or deprive her of jewelry.

Deciphering the image by popular dream interpreters

Among the negative interpretations of the unpleasant image of evil spirits, there are rare favorable explanations of the dream. A demon from his night dreams foretells a gambler big win, but the consequences of fate's gift are unpredictable. Basically, dream books associate the image of an imp with fear in anticipation of defeat, as well as bitter despair after dubious pleasure.

Interpretation of the character according to Miller's dream book

A devil who dreams in a dream foretells trouble for the dreamer due to his indiscriminateness in seeking pleasure. The author of the treatise has an extremely negative attitude towards the image, which can cancel any other good signs dreams.

  • People working on the land, after sleeping with the devil, should expect the loss of crops, diseases of domestic animals, and other troubles.
  • If the contemplator of the illusion saw the devil in the image of a respectable gentleman inviting him to visit him, one should expect traps set by hypocrites.
  • The demonic dream character manifests the secret desires of the modest and quiet dreamer. A man dreams in reality of being strong and confident, even arrogant.

Why do you dream of talking with the devil? The dream foreshadows health problems. It is important to remember the words - they carry a special meaning. When, according to the night scenario, someone from the dreamer’s entourage turns into a devil, expect meanness from this person in real life.

Explanations from Vanga's dream book

The seer's treatise contains one of the few positive interpretations of the night painting with the demon. Phantasmagoria portends considerable luck, as well as the dreamer’s growing popularity among friends and relatives. The dream prediction will come true if the person does not become proud, otherwise there will be consequences worst traits character cannot be avoided.

  • A conversation with the devil warns the owner of the dream about a mortally dangerous situation. Caution and attentiveness will prevent tragedy.
  • If you manage to grab the imp by the tail and twirl it, the dreamer risks being left alone due to his causticity and evil character.
  • For those who saw the devil appearing as a man in a dream, night vision foreshadows financial well-being, laurels of respect and honor.

According to the authors An ancient dream book, illusions with devils show the irritation of a person who in reality has committed impulsive actions that are completely unusual for him. Running around mythical creatures on the dreamer’s body - a symbol of his depravity; a wild life should be abandoned.

Interpretation according to Loff's dream book

Image of any kind evil spirits the author associates with temptation. However, according to the hierarchy of magical entities, the demon is considered the most powerless creature, but is capable of turning into a tempter. The devil is associated with petty tricks and sarcasm, but not with real villainy. Therefore, communication with evil spirits indicates to the dreamer his base feelings - jealousy, greed, revenge. A fight with a demon promises a reality battle for one’s own selfish interest.

Unusual images from Freud's dream book

  • a conversation with a mythical entity reflects a bouquet of sexual desires that are not destined to come true;
  • if the dreamer has a meal with a demon, this is a symbolism of selfishness in the sphere of sexual relations;
  • a dreamed group of devils is a hint of the sexual promiscuity of the owner of the dream (many partners).

Decoding from the treatise Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

The authors of the dream book warn the owner of the dream about bitter repentance in reality after the pleasures of a dubious plan. Have you ever had an argument with an imp? The dream promises problems with the tax service. However, the wild dance of devils around a sleeping person is a sign of favorable changes in business against the backdrop of worsening family relations. If you had to run away from a little devil, your friends’ promises are false, and they themselves only pretend to be friends.

Interpretations of the Erotic Dream Book

  • The authors explain the appearance of evil spirits in a dream by the secret desire of the dream contemplator to become a leader.
  • Overwhelming fear at the sight of a mythical image warns the dreamer that he is being pushed to unsightly actions.
  • If, according to the night scenario, a person himself has turned into a devil with magical abilities, it means that in reality he craves love and new emotions.

For correct interpretation night vision with a demon, it is important to remember the details mystical picture. If the dreamer managed to escape from demonic imprisonment, such a scenario prophesies the acquisition of new knowledge along the long path of life.

The trait that appears in a dream does not promise fatal troubles in reality. But neglecting the hint of the subconscious can result in unpredictable consequences, which generally will not please the dreamer. Especially in case of contact with a representative of the demonic cohort.

In the morning, do you remember that you dreamed of “some kind of devilry”? If you see the devil himself, then suspicions will involuntarily arise that life has prepared an unpleasant surprise. Although there is hope that future luck has appeared under a terrible guise.

So why do you dream about the devil? There are many answers, it all depends on the details night dreams. Don’t worry ahead of time, calmly study all the interpretations.

Vanga's version

Vanga claims that a devil appearing in a dream is an unkind omen that can change the meaning of the most positive vision to a negative one. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in evil spirits or not.

Therefore, Vanga believes that dreams with devils, even tiny and harmless ones, must be treated carefully and responsibly. The best solution is to think about how to get rid of bad character traits and habits. And then act, work on your behavior.

Character traits

According to the dream book, the devil is a reflection inner world sleeping. The devil is identified with such distinctive features a person that he is not even aware of, or it symbolizes his secret thoughts and desires. It’s not for nothing that they say that sometimes you need to try to look at yourself from the outside. It is necessary, but not everyone and not always manages to be objective.

Fears, apprehensions, and other negative emotions - this is what, according to the dream book, a devil with horns, hooves and other “advantages” may dream of. For the time being, a person copes, drives away terrible thoughts and premonitions, but if the devil appears in a dream, then too much negativity has clearly accumulated.

So night vision “with devilry” does not bode well in reality. What if you had to give birth to a devil in a nightmare? Why do you dream about such a strange plot? Moreover, the sleeper himself is “the architect of his own misfortunes.”

Why did you dream that the devil was strangling a sleeping person? The dream book indicates that the demons, dormant for the time being in the dreamer’s soul, are about to break out, and he will not be able to curb his destructive passions.

Based on what has been said, it is not difficult to guess what the dream prophesies in which the devil was driven away. According to the dream book, this is a sign that you will be able to find the strength to cope with negative impulses, bad thoughts, and desires.

Who is dreaming?

For accurate interpretation The vision also matters who saw the devil in the dream. For example, if this creepy creature was present in a man’s night vision, then it is likely that a modest, reserved man at heart considers himself a brutal, arrogant, self-confident macho.

For a young girl to dream of a little devil, this is rather advice - in real life, be careful with new acquaintances, especially male ones. Why does a woman dream of an unclean man with horns? Alas, a respectable admirer who appears on the horizon may not be at all who he claims to be. In any case, the dream book recommends that the lady be careful; perhaps the new gentleman is rich and has weight in society, but he is an evil and insidious type.

A threat to the dreamer's health, reputation and even life is predicted by dreams in which he had to kiss or hug with Satan.

But if in a dream a young lady fell in love with the shaitan, then in reality she may become a victim of an experienced swindler who simply plays on her feelings and, perhaps, pursues selfish interests, warns the Muslim Dream Book.

For a young man, such a dream also does not bring anything positive. If he lost his head from a she-devil in a night phantasmagoria, then in reality he will fall into the snare of a cruel libertine or a mercantile person.

Professional affiliation

It is curious that the interpretation of a dream about a trait even depends on the profession of the dreamer. For example, a red shaitan running around the surrounding area can foretell crop failures or loss of livestock for a farmer.

If the dreamer is a firefighter, driver, hunter, athlete, in a word, his activity is associated with stress and risks, then the dream book strongly advises, after the vision of the red line, to show maximum vigilance and caution - accidents, injuries, and road incidents are likely.

Deterioration in physical condition, adversity, disgusting mood and loss of strength - this is why a sick person dreams that he is being strangled by the devil. However, even a healthy dreamer will have to go through a difficult period after such a plot.

Miller's opinion

The size of the demon you see can also affect the dream book’s prediction. This is how the little devil anticipates minor troubles and annoying mistakes in reality. But a huge demon with horns dreams of serious troubles and misfortunes, according to Miller’s dream book.

Killed, destroyed the devil in a dream? Great, that means you’ll deal with problems just as deftly and quickly, disarm your enemies and win complete victory.

Not everything is so sad

Fortunately, a dream about a devil does not always promise something negative. Having beaten him in a dream, you can hope that fate will actually give you pleasant surprises, the dream book pleases.

Don't cry at night - the devils will dream about you my grandmother said. The world of dreams immerses a person in a completely different reality, in which I can meet completely different people and the most incredible events happen. Sometimes dreams turn into nightmares and bring negativity into people's lives. Why do you dream about the devil? How to interpret this dream?

Why the devil dreams - basic interpretation

A dream in which mythical characters appear to a person can cause him bewilderment and panic. In order to prevent this from happening, it is worth realizing that not all dreams need to be interpreted literally and not every dream will exactly turn into reality.

Dream books present two interpretations of dreams about the devil. In the classical interpretation, the appearance of a devil in a dream suggests that your whole life will be implicated in deceit and some hasty choice. At first you will become a very successful person, but soon your success will develop into pride and those people who previously completely trusted you will turn away from you.

It’s worth figuring out whether you really need so many pleasures; in order to fully relax, you should moderate your ardor and not give in to the temptations that life will give you. If you dream that you yourself have turned into a devil, you should not be happy that life will give you incredible opportunities; rather, it will take a lot from you. You may find yourself without money precisely because of your own wastefulness and stupidity.

If in a dream you speak to the devil, beware for your health; caution will not hurt now. Listen to his every word, these words will contain a lot of important things for you. If one of your loved ones has turned into a devil, try to temporarily limit communication with the person or carefully look at all his actions. This person is preparing meanness against you.

Why do you dream about the devil according to Vanga’s dream book?

Vanga's dream book says that dreams of the devil as a symbol of luck. You will grow in the eyes of your colleagues and loved ones. But you should wisely use everything that life has given you. If the devil appears out of nowhere, out of nowhere, expect unexpected expenses and expenses.

If the devil himself talks to you– you will receive valuable experience from a wise person, but you are unlikely to be able to use it wisely. If you get into a fight with the devil, and he loses to you, you twist him by the tail, throw him up - you have a rather complex character, which does not give you the opportunity to correctly understand people and the motives of their behavior. You alienate others and destroy their love for you.

In order to be loved and understood, you just need to moderate your ambitions and become kind person which you really are. If the devil appears in a dream of a young girl, she should be careful in choosing a gentleman. She will most likely make a mistake and give her heart to the wrong chosen one.

If a pregnant woman dreams of the devil- someone was very jealous of her pregnancy, and she would soon understand who it was. She should take care of her health and the health of her unborn child.

Why do you dream about the devil according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says that the devil is dreamed of as a harbinger of unexpected changes in a person's fate. For young man the appearance of a devil in a dream can mean either the beginning of a new whirlwind romance or a loss of stability in a relationship. It all depends on the circumstances of the dream and the events that unfold in it.

  • If the devil appears suddenly and talks slyly to a man in a dream, such a dream promises him a meeting with a selfish young lady;
  • If the devil begins to attack a man, but he defeats him, such a dream speaks of a possible crisis in the relationship, frequent scandals and reproaches; you shouldn’t dwell on the negative, it’s time to move forward;
  • If the devil opens his eyes to his beloved’s betrayal, he should not rush to conclusions, most likely this is a deception;
  • For a man to turn into a devil himself - to break a girl’s heart.

If there are several devils in a dream– it’s time for a man to think about whether he leads a rather dissolute lifestyle. For a woman, a big devil in a dream is a reflection of male sexual energy, which she so lacks in reality. It's time for her to think about correctly placed life priorities. She has been looking for happiness in her life for quite a long time and cannot find it. And the whole problem is in herself - it is necessary to look for love, and not carnal pleasures.

For a lonely girl, such a dream promises meeting a sexually active man who will give her whirlwind romance, but to cultivate feelings in young man– she will need to make every effort herself.

Why do you dream about the devil according to other dream books?

In Veles's dream book it is said that the devil is dreamed of as a harbinger of news, good or bad - an additional interpretation of the dream will say. If in a dream you kiss the devil, such a dream suggests that you will suffer colossal losses in reality, you should be prepared for this. If you talk to him in a dream, such a dream promises betrayal, escapism from reality.

If in a dream you run away from him and quite successfully- in reality, all your adversities and troubles will end. If there are quite a lot of devils around you, sorrows and illnesses await you. If you defeat the devil in a dream, you will win an important argument and defeat your enemies.

IN erotic dream book it is said that you dream of the devil as a harbinger of your unbridled sexual desires. You want to possess a person, to subjugate him to your will. If you are very frightened of the devil in a dream - they want to subjugate you, do not let anyone do this. If you become a devil in a dream and at the same time commit incredible acts, you are bored with everyday life and your relationships, you want something new and fresh, you want to breathe life into your relationship.

IN esoteric dream book it is said that a devil in a dream symbolizes evil that is directed against you. If you see someone turning into a devil, you should be wary of this person in reality. He is driven by pride and arrogance, he is no longer afraid of anything and will not stop halfway.

If you yourself become a devil in a dream- someone is magically trying to make you quarrel with others, lose your core and stop being strong-willed and strong man. Do not give in to fleeting hobbies and do not enter into conflicts yet, even if you have to defend your point of view - you will lose in the argument.

In the Muslim dream book, it is said that to see the devil dead - such a dream suggests that sadness and grief will soon await you, but you will be able to overcome them. If the devil tries in every possible way to harm you in a dream, you should expect the same minor troubles in reality. If a woman dreams of arguing with the devil, she will also argue with her man and will lose him soon, she will face a break in relationship, a divorce.

In the wanderer's dream book it is said that devils are dreamed of as symbols of the fact that a person is often irritated and everything bothers him, he does not want to accept life as it really is. If a person dreams of devils running out of him, he is too irritated and tense even in his sleep. If they get inside a person, irritation accumulates and will soon lead to an explosion of emotions, the person will no longer be able to control himself. If you dream about devils running all over you, you will lead a riotous lifestyle and everything will irritate you.

In Miller's dream book with It is said that devils are seen in dreams as symbols of future problems and illnesses. If a person sees himself in the guise of a devil, he is driven by base desires, which will simply lead him to the end of his white streak in life and create a lot of problems. You should be wary of temptations, as there is always a price to pay for them. And the price of fleeting pleasure may be too high.

In Medea's dream book it is said that devils in a dream are an oversaturation of emotions and passions. It is worth giving up bad habits, otherwise they will destroy you. There is chaos inside you if devils dance in your sleep. You yourself would have embarked on this vicious and illicit dance, which is why you are unlucky in life. You're missing out on a lot of good options because of petty indulgences. If a girl has such a dream, she will be surrounded by the empty attention of gentlemen, they will only create problems for her and will not solve situations that are important to her.

Why do you dream about the devil? Often such a dream indicates that it is time to lead an ordinary and measured life. This will avoid troubles and conflicts. There are too many temptations around a person and he simply cannot resist them.

Such a dream encourages you to think about making the right choice priorities. It opens up unlimited opportunities for self-improvement.

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How to learn to remember your dreams

Dreams are one of the familiar and at the same time mysterious manifestations of the human subconscious. The ability to dream is given to everyone, but the fast pace of life and stress over time can deprive you of the ability to remember what you see in a dream. However, learning to remember dreams again and thus receive clues from the subconscious is not at all difficult.

Lucid Dreaming: A Simple Path to Your Subconscious

Answers to any questions, the realization of even the most unrealistic dreams, self-knowledge and development of one’s personality are only a small part of the opportunities that the world of lucid dreaming can provide. The ability to control your dreams is available to everyone, you just have to want it and find a path connecting the conscious mind with the subconscious.

Why do you dream about the Devil?

The devil in the modern dream book

The devil in your dream is evidence that in the near future, luck will accompany you in all your endeavors, and you will very quickly achieve significant success and earn recognition in society. However, you should beware of pride, which can take root in your soul and turn you into arrogant, vain and evil man. If you allow the sin of pride to darken your soul, you will quickly lose what you have gained through luck and get into big trouble due to your penchant for dubious entertainment. A dream in which you yourself were a devil warns: your ill-considered and frankly stupid actions and vices, which you hide from others, will sooner or later lead to poverty and loneliness. If in your dream you talked with the devil, it means that in reality you need to be especially vigilant and careful, since you are threatened mortal danger- you may be the victim of an accident.

The devil in Miller's dream book

A dream in which you saw a devil is a warning that your passion for forbidden pleasures and dubious ways of spending time will attract problems and troubles into your life. You should be more selective when choosing entertainment and consider the possible consequences of your actions. If in a dream you saw yourself in the form of a devil, it means that your limitations, stupid and thoughtless actions and craving for vicious activities will lead to exorbitant financial expenses and extreme poverty

The devil in Vanga's dream book

A devil in a dream is a sign that in the near future, thanks to incredible luck, you will quickly achieve success and significantly increase your status in society. You should be wary of pride and vanity, otherwise you risk turning into an angry, arrogant and arrogant person with a callous soul. The dream that you are twirling the devil while holding him by the tail warns: your anger and habit of constantly being sarcastic can cause even the closest people to refuse to communicate with you, and you will be left alone with your bad character. Talking to the devil in a dream is a signal that your life is in mortal danger, but if you are careful, you will be able to avoid it.

The devil in Freud's dream book

To see a dream in which you are peacefully talking with the devil is a sign that on a subconscious level you are suffering from the inability to satisfy your secret sexual fantasies and desires. If you dream that you are eating at the same table with the devil, it means that you are selfish in sex. Such a dream is evidence that in intimate relationships you care only about your own feelings and satisfaction, and your partner is absolutely indifferent to you. A dream in which you see many devils symbolizes your tendency to constantly change sexual partners and your reluctance to build long-term relationships. serious relationship with one person. If you dreamed that a devil or several devils were leading you somewhere against your will, it means that in reality you suffer from an inferiority complex and are unsure of your sexuality.

I love sleeping: it’s pleasant and completely safe for health.

The devil is the most popular character in Russian folklore. In numerous tales and stories, he appears in the usual role for himself and those around him as the sworn enemy of man, trying by all means available to evil spirits to prevail over human intelligence.

Battle of aliens from the other world

On the other hand, the devil is the most beloved fairy tale hero! Despite the seeming paradox of such a statement, there is no need to prove the fact that if there were no devils in the world at all, a replacement would certainly be invented for them. To assert the triumph of human reason over evil spirits without the obligatory “scapegoat” has at all times been considered a farce unworthy of the public. And the devil could not have been more suitable for the role of a “goat”: horned, bearded, with a tail. In general, he is a freak to whom all misfortunes can be blamed.

In cases where the devil materializes, a person appears before a creature that is more like a nightmare: black, with claws, a tail and horns, a wide muzzle, a long nose or, conversely, with a pig’s snout and eyes glowing brightly in the dark.

“Last summer, two of my friends and I vacationed on the coast of the Azov Sea,” says Muscovite Vladimir Novikov. - Due to a number of reasons, we did not have a civilized vacation, so for three weeks of vacation we were forced to live like “wild” tourists - in nature.

One evening we settled down for the night on sandy beach near Mariupol. My friends quickly fell asleep, but I tossed and turned on my uncomfortable bed for a long time. In the end, after just soaking my sides, I lay down on my back and tried to fall asleep, counting the stars in the sky. But soon my attention was attracted by two bright points that were moving down the sky at high speed. Continuing to observe them, I realized that these were not cosmic bodies. The dots on my eyes were increasing in size and were about to fall in close proximity to me!

I did not hear any noise from unknown bodies falling to the ground. However, about five minutes after their supposed landing, it seemed to me that behind the nearest stone ridge someone squealed thinly and loudly. Now there’s no time for sleep at all!

And behind the stone ridge I suddenly heard frequent snorting, heavy snoring and, finally, I saw THEM! They were devils, real devils!! With horns, tails and hooves!!! They were clearly visible to me because their fur glowed in the night, as if it had been rubbed with phosphorus. With every step the devils came closer to our place of accommodation for the night. I closed my eyes in horror, opened my mouth to scream and... I couldn’t utter a sound. You know how it happens in a dream: you are being pursued, you want to call for help, but for some reason you can’t...

Continuing to pretend to be asleep, I raised my eyelids and... immediately slammed them shut. One of the devils was staring at me. The spectacle was so impressive and at the same time repulsive that even with my eyes closed I kept its incredible image in my memory for a long time. The monster was two meters tall, of an ugly build - as if a huge black horned goat was rearing up - and with a boring, crazy look of large, round, bright yellow eyes. When, after a while, I opened my eyes again, I saw that both devils were already looking at me and my sleeping friends.

I don’t know how long this exchange of glances lasted. I only remember that while we were looking at each other, I asked myself an idiotic question: why don’t they stink - like in most fairy tales - of sulfur?

I never had time to answer it: one of the devils bent down, picked up a weighty, about thirty kilograms, cobblestone from the ground and, holding it like a feather in his hand or paw, took a step towards me. I realized that now the end would come for me, but, I repeat, I could not escape: all my limbs were paralyzed. I closed my eyes, saying goodbye to life, and... the next moment I heard the sound of a struggle!

Opening my eyes again, I saw that the devils were fighting! The fight was terrible: one of the devils beat the other with the very cobblestone that was intended for me. The air was quickly filled with their inhuman screams and real pig squeals. I suddenly felt that I could already control my body, and tried to push my comrades away. But neither my blows nor the heart-rending screams of the fighting monsters could wake them up. I still can’t understand what this was connected with. Just as I can’t understand another thing: why did one of the night monsters decide to stand up for me?

The fight between the devils ended as unexpectedly as it began. They quickly jumped up from the ground, shook themselves off like dogs with their whole bodies and... I missed the moment of their disappearance, closing my eyes from the first rays rising sun.

In the morning, I told my friends about my nightly adventure and showed them a broken horn with dried blood and a large tuft of fur - all that I found at the site of the night fight of the devils. In response, my friends laughed at me.

Offended, I did not tell them about the most important thing. About the fact that the clump of damn wool continued to glow in the dark! Returning home from vacation, I gave a few hairs of hair to an expert I knew from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He, having passed them through a dozen spectrometers and other “smart” devices (I don’t know much about them), spoke out unequivocally: the hairs belong to a hominoid unknown to science, the hairline of which is partially similar to the hairline of the so-called “Bigfoot.” As for the glow of the wool, he did not say anything specific, only clarifying that he did not find phosphorus in the wool.

Now my mysterious findings are being studied in a closed research institute.”

The mystery of the Shatura pond

No stranger to devils family life, but since there are no females among them, they marry, when they are thirty years old, witches, strangled or drowned women.

Adult devils treat newly born imps rather unceremoniously. On dark nights, they sneak up to a house where there is an unbaptized baby or one cursed by the mother and perform a substitution. Changelings (pups) are typically “skinny in body and extremely ugly.” They scream constantly and eat a lot. Their head is excessively large and hangs to the side. After two years they strangely disappear.

Many people know the expression: “There are devils in still waters.” And they really are there! These are little devils that adult devils carry into the pools from houses. Here the descendants of evil spirits live up to seven years.

...This pond was dug on the outskirts of the Shatura forest with the help of a caterpillar excavator by summer residents, to whom the Moscow region authorities allocated six hundred square meters of land here, in a completely uninhabited place. A pit was dug in the place where dowsers found underground springs. The new pond had 13 of them: seven were located on one side and six on the other.

Ten years have passed since then, and the history of the pond has become overgrown with numerous secrets and mysteries. One of them is a green fog that envelops the pond in quiet moonlit nights, and at this time terrible screams and sobs are heard from under the water.

The locals don’t swim in this pond anymore: they’re afraid. Not a year goes by without someone drowning in it and, what is especially strange: in the area of ​​​​the seven springs. Moreover, only young men and men drown, while children and women survive incredibly

A year ago, in mid-July, a girl was swimming in a pond with a large inflatable ball. She was splashing quite close to the shore, when suddenly a funnel appeared in the middle of the reservoir, and the child began to be pulled towards the seven springs.

The forces of the elements and the child were unequal, the whirlpool pulled her to the lost place, snatched the ball and... again threw her to the shore, where the poor girl was picked up by adults who ran up. The ball spun in a whirlpool, froze, then two shaggy hands rose from the water and dragged it to the bottom.

The rescuers don’t believe the stories about the creature living at the bottom of the reservoir, but, nevertheless, they are not eager to go down there again.

Naturally, the anomalies and devilry happening on the cursed pond attract the attention of all kinds of adventure lovers. So, immediately after the incident with the girl, a certain Evgeniy showed up in the dacha village, introducing himself as a metropolitan researcher of paranormal phenomena. For several nights in a row he kept watch for an unknown creature in the thickets near the pond, until, finally, one morning the summer residents found him lying unconscious on the shore.

Having come to his senses a few hours later, Evgeniy told those gathered completely incredible story. Just after midnight, the surface of the pond, according to him, began to seethe violently, and then a certain creature on four legs climbed onto the shore. It was the size of a large dog. The creature shook itself off the water, stood on its hind legs and headed exactly in the direction where Evgeniy was sitting in the thickets. At this time, the moon came out from behind the clouds, and in its ghostly light, Eugene saw that a real devil was moving straight towards him! With a tail, horns and eyes that glow in the dark.