Quantum armor mod 1.7 10. Armor, tools, weapons. Gameplay changes

Industrial mod Industrial Craft 2 Experimental (also called IC 2) is designed to create machines, devices and objects necessary to automate resource processing and farming in Minecraft. It adds new resources and ways to extract energy. Players will be able to use electricity and launch various industries.

The mod allows you to build water mills, solar panels and windmills that will provide energy to homes and factories. Armor and weapons made from new types of materials with unusual properties will protect the character from aggressive external environment. Players will be able to fly an electric jetpack or learn about nuclear power, but first they need to learn the basics of using it from the wiki or video reviews.


Due to the great popularity of IC 2 on Minecraft servers, huge amount various addons that add new blocks, materials and items.

Let's look at the most interesting ones:

  • Advanced Machines- improved versions of the chopper, extractor and compressor.
  • Advanced Power Management- control and automation of charging electrical equipment.
  • Advanced Solar Panels- powerful solar panels.
  • CompactSolars- combined solar panels.
  • Compact Windmills- improvement and combination of wind turbines.
  • Gravitation Suite - addon for Industrial Craft 2 Experimental with very expensive things, which will allow you to gain complete power over the world of Minecraft.
  • GregTech- an addition that complicates the gameplay by changing crafting recipes.
  • MFFS- protective fields.
  • Nuclear Control- control and warning system for a nuclear reactor.

Add-on files will be added in the future.

Video review

What is Industrial Craft 2?

Here it is. The future of fashion IC is IC². Feel at home, rediscovering the game elements you loved from the first part.

In addition, once you start the mechanisms, you will immediately notice how smoothly and thoughtfully everything works.

Wiring has become simpler, batteries are more useful, there are new cables, mechanisms, rubber recipes and MUCH more.

Create an obstacle course with metal poles and jumps, explore the Nether with a jetpack, or destroy the entire landscape with a nuclear charge. Blow up your house and burn your hands as you explore the more complex mechanisms of nuclear technology. Or throw on a good old composite vest and start hunting creepers, armed with a powerful nanosaber.

Mod recipes:

  • Go to

How to install the Industrial Craft 2 mod:

Requirements:(you can use other versions of the game, but this may cause bugs)
  1. First install all the above mods, then move the "industrialcraft-2.jar" file to the "mods" folder located in ".minecraft".

  2. Do not extract the contents of "minecraft.jar".

  3. Do not move the client or downloaded archive to "minecraft.jar".

  4. Don't forget to delete the META-INF folder if you haven't deleted it before.

A truly global mod, Industrial Craft 2 adds to Minecraft 1.7.10 many devices and tools to diversify the gameplay, facilitate the processing of resources and make their extraction more profitable, as well as electricity and other types of energy for their operation.

Let's look at the features of the mod, the new blocks, items and game mechanics that it adds.

Gameplay changes

After creating a new world with Industrial Craft 2 installed, you will immediately notice a number of innovations.


The mod introduces new ores that are generated in the thickness of the stone, along with the ores of vanilla Minecraft.

Name What does it look like At what altitude can you find it? What to get
Copper 70–10 Stone pickaxe or better tool
Tin 40–1
Lead 64–1
Uranus 80–1 Iron pickaxe and above

Also in treasury chests you can find iridium, which is necessary for creating high-tech things. It is not generated in the form of ore.


Another innovation of the fashion is a new breed of rubber trees called Hevea. You can recognize it by its light foliage, protruding 2–4 blocks above the crown, and dark wood with orange stains (they can also be hidden under the leaves).

Most often in nature, Hevea are generated in forest biomes and swamps. When foliage and trunk are destroyed, there is a small chance that not only seedlings and wood blocks will fall out, but also rubber, but to effectively extract it, it is better to make a faucet:

With a single click of the RMB faucet on the smudge, rubber will fall out, with a double click there is a chance to get more with the complete disappearance of the smudge. From the Hevea found, it makes sense to get several seedlings and plant them closer to home.

In addition to being used in IC crafts, collected rubber can replace coal when crafting torches and mucus when crafting a sticky piston.

Changing original Minecraft blocks

For some vanilla Minecraft blocks (water, lava, obsidian, enchanting table, anvil and Ender chest), the mod significantly reduces explosion resistance. When creating a reliable base and to protect against the consequences of the explosion of nuclear reactors, it is necessary to use special fortified blocks.

Cactus and sugar cane can now be used as fuel for furnaces and basic generators, and lava burns much faster.


Perches can be a good help at the beginning of the game:

They have very cheap craft:

The perches are installed by right-clicking on a bed that has been plowed with a hoe and, preferably, moistened and well-lit. After that, you need to plant wheat, cane, melons and other crops from standard Minecraft on them. After the plant has fully matured, by right-clicking on it, you can harvest an increased harvest, while the plant will go through a new growth cycle and will not need to be replanted.

Empty perches can grow weeds that can quickly take over neighboring beds, so at the beginning of the game, plant everything you need immediately after installing them.

If you stick poles into the same bed twice, double poles are formed. Placed between two adult plants, they will become a platform for their crossing - obtaining new species. Cultures added by the mod allow you to obtain new or scarce items (rubber, gold, iron, redstone, etc.). For successful selection, simple perches are not enough; you will need fertilizers, weed killers and an analyzer of the parameters of the resulting seeds.


The main type of energy in Industrial Craft is electricity. Thermal, kinetic and rotational energy are used much less frequently in special mechanisms.

Electricity is created in generators of various types and transmitted to consumer mechanisms through wires. Energy units (eE or EU) are used to measure it. Voltage is measured in units of energy per cycle - 1/20th of a second, which are designated eE/t or EU/t.

The eE value allows you to estimate how much energy is stored in a generator or other mechanism. The voltage required to operate the mechanism must be taken into account special attention: when it is exceeded, the device explodes, and you can lose many blocks and the resources located in them.

Basic components of mechanisms

The mod complements Minecraft with more complex crafts for iron ingots and other metals. Now they can be turned into plates, shells, wires and other objects.

To create the basic mechanisms of the mod at the beginning of the game you need to do the following:


Name Crafting recipe What is it needed for?
Hammer On initial stage allows you to turn metal ingots into plates, and plates into shells.
metal plate Used for more complex crafts.
Metal shell
Wire cutters Used for cutting plates into wires at the beginning of the game. When you right-click on a wire installed in the world, they insulate it (there should be rubber in your inventory), and when you press LMB, they remove the insulation.
Wires (copper, tin) Needed to power mechanisms with electricity from generators and more complex crafts. When not insulated, they “beat” with electric shock if the player comes into contact with them.
Rubber Rubber, obtained by burning rubber in an oven, is used for insulating wires and in other recipes.
Insulated wires (copper, tin) Needed for crafting and creating safe electrical wiring.

Housings and parts

Name Crafting recipe What is it needed for?
Main body of the mechanism Serves as the basis for the simplest mod devices.
Improved mechanism body Necessary for creating advanced mechanisms.
Battery The simplest device for transferring electricity (capacity 10 thousand eE). It is also used to create electrical appliances and power tools.
Electrical diagram Used to create basic components, mechanisms and tools.
Improved electrical circuit Similar to the usual one, needed for crafting advanced items.

Resource Processing

If in vanilla Minecraft resources existed only in the form of ores, items or ingots and blocks, Industrial Craft 2 significantly expands this chain. The new states are shown in the table:

Name Type (iron) How to use
Crushed Ore While smelting a metal ore in a furnace produces just one ingot, crushing the mined ore in a crusher produces two crushed ones, each of which can be fired into an ingot or further processed to produce by-products.
Refined Ore In an ore washing machine, crushed ore is purified by a stream of water, additionally forming heaps of dust of the same metal and stone dust. Refined ore can also be roasted into an ingot.
Dust It is formed when non-metals are crushed in a crusher and when purified metal dust is processed in a thermal centrifuge.

Additionally, a pile of impurity substance is formed that differs from the original metal. Metal dust can be smelted into an ingot or used in recipes; non-metal dust is used only for crafting.

Heap of dust Nine piles of dust form one dust, just as nine ingots or objects form a block.


To produce electricity, you need to create a generator and supply it with a resource on the basis of which it produces electricity, or fulfill other conditions. Brief description frequently used types of generators are given in the table:

Type Name Craft Application
Base Generator To operate, you need fuel (coal and other flammable items). Produces up to 10 EU/t, stores 4 thousand EU. Needed for crafting other types.
On natural energies Geothermal generator Produces 10 thousand EU by burning 1 bucket of lava (stores up to 8 in the internal tank). Output voltage up to 20 EU/t. Pauses operation if no energy is consumed, unlike a conventional generator. Lava can be supplied in buckets, capsules (disposable ones disappear), through a pump installed nearby or pipes from a mod and the like.
Solar battery Generates electricity (1 EU/t or 13050 EU from morning to evening) when exposed to sunlight. Does not work at night or in the rain; cannot be covered with opaque blocks on top. Almost useless in a single copy, and large number panels in one area causes lags. If you want to use solar energy, it is better to install one of the modifications that add more expensive and efficient panels (Advanced Solar Panels or CompactSolars).
Hydrogenerator Produces electricity from surrounding or loaded water. In surface operating mode, it produces 500/1000 EU with a voltage of 1/2 EU/t from buckets/capsules of water loaded into it (all types of capsules disappear). Does not support chests, pipes or pumps. In underwater mode, it produces 0.01–0.25 EU/t when surrounded by blocks or currents of water. IN the latter case The hydrogen generator must be installed only in river or ocean biomes, equipped with a rotor for operation (there should be no other blocks in the path of the rotor).
Kinetic wind generator Produces kinetic energy due to the rotation of the rotor inserted into it from the wind. A kinetic generator installed nearby converts it into electrical energy; the maximum output voltage can reach about 160 eE/t. Performance depends on the weather (rain increases energy production by 20%, thunderstorm - by 50%), installation height (permissible 80–180, optimal 160) and the type of rotor inside. Wind generators can be installed so that the rotor blades do not intersect, within the plane (exactly one after the other or one above the other). A distance of more than 35 blocks must be maintained between adjacent planes.
Kinetic generator Generates electrical energy (1–512 eE/t) from kinetic energy received from other generators installed close to it. The built-in storage has a volume of 200 thousand EU. An indicator of correct installation of devices is a red lightning bolt on the back of the device.
Other sources and types of energy Stirling generator Produces electricity using heat supplied from heat generators of various types or a liquid heat exchanger.
Semi-fluid generator Generates electricity from biogas (32 thousand EU per bucket) with a voltage of 16 EU/t. Stores up to 10 buckets of fuel and up to 30 thousand EU. Can burn fuel from other mods. The generator achieves its highest performance with biofuel from Forestry or diesel fuel from BuildCraft.
Atomic energy Nuclear reactor A nuclear reactor is an expensive, powerful and customizable generator. It generates electricity due to objects placed in it (fuel rods - rods filled with processed uranium - and other elements). The power depends on the circuit used. To activate, you need a red stone signal. When working, it emits radiation (kills a player without a protective suit in a few seconds), can heat up, setting fire to blocks and causing damage, or even explode.
Reactor chamber They are placed close to the nuclear reactor (1–6 pieces) and expand its internal space.

Energy consumers and other equipment

Generators are only the first link in the production chain in Industrial Craft 2; electrical appliances that work with them add new capabilities. Thus, processing mechanisms make it possible to automate the processing of resources extracted from a mine and make it more profitable, while energy storage devices and transformers make the operation of the electrical network more stable and economical.

Type Name Craft Application
Energy savers Energy saver They accumulate electricity (40 thousand/300 thousand/4 million/40 million EU) from generators installed near the usual entrances or batteries placed inside. They can supply it with a voltage of 32/128/512/2048 eE/t, respectively, through the output - the side marked with a dot (the position is changed with a wrench).
Transformers LV transformer Reduces or increases the voltage in the electrical network. Five voltage values ​​are available: 32, 128, 512, 2048 and 8192 eE/T. Each type of transformer operates on a pair of adjacent values. By default it accepts more high voltage through the input marked with five points (adjustable with a wrench), and gives out a higher one through the remaining sides - it works to lower. To switch to boost mode, you need to connect a redstone signal to any of the outputs. Then the side with five points will give out a higher voltage, and the rest will take a lower voltage.
Transformer MV
HV transformer
Transformer SVN
Resource Processing Crusher Grinds ores, ingots and other objects into dust.
Extractor Allows you to extract rubber from Hevea wood and transform 1 rubber into 3 rubbers.
Compressor Squeezes various objects and fills capsules with air.
Ore washing machine Purifies crushed ores by consuming water and electricity.
Thermal centrifuge Breaks down crushed ores, purified dust, spent fuel rods and other resources into components different types. To activate, you need a red stone signal; before operation, the centrifuge must warm up to the required temperature.
Iron stove A slightly faster (25%) analogue of the vanilla oven.
Electric furnace Burns objects a little faster than iron, consuming electricity.
Induction furnace Equipped with two slots for fired items. The speed of operation depends on the degree of its heating. It begins to warm up using electricity when a red stone signal is received; if the signal is not turned off, it will not cool down.
Blast furnace Used to produce hardened iron (analogous to steel from) and iron slag in the form of ingots or dust. To work, it must be connected to any heat generator, and it is also necessary to load air capsules inside (6 pieces per ingot). Activated by a red stone, warms up in 5 real minutes.
Metal molder Makes crafting plates, wires and shells more profitable, allows you to create capsules, shafts, compacted plates and other items.
Filler Allows you to fill cans with food, capsules with liquids, fuel rods with enriched uranium, etc.
Recycler Recycles most items and blocks from vanilla Minecraft and mods, with a 1/8 chance of generating salvage necessary to speed up the production of matter or receive random rewards.


The mod adds a number of durable blocks that allow you to protect yourself from creepers, TNT and nuclear reactor explosions.

Name How to create Peculiarities
Strengthened glass Serves as an explosion-resistant and weatherproof alternative to conventional glass.
Reinforced doors They open/close according to a signal from the red stone. Protects in both states.
Fortified Stone Spray construction foam onto the iron scaffolding. For maximum protection, it is necessary to create “boxes” of it with corner blocks.
Foam concrete Similar to Fortified Stone, but needs to be sprayed onto wooden scaffolding or directly into the world. Can be painted in different colors or covered with texture. To speed up hardening, you need to click on the block with sand.

Armor, tools, weapons

The mod adds many items that are more durable and convenient than standard ones.


Bronze armor and tools are crafted similarly to iron ones, but are 30% stronger and allow you to save iron, which is needed to create mechanisms in large quantities.

Bronze itself is created from three parts copper and one part tin:

Crushed ore, purified and ordinary dust of these metals are suitable for crafting.


The nanoarmor reduces damage dealt to the player by 72% due to its charge, and the nanosword deals 20 damage (32 if a critical hit is triggered). They craft like this:


Quantum armor is the most expensive and durable of all that the mod adds.

This is an advanced version of the nanosuit with additional functions:

  • the helmet has a night vision effect, restores oxygen under water and hunger;
  • the vest has a jetpack mode - switchable flight;
  • Leggings increase walking speed on land and water by more than 3 times;
  • boots allow you to jump high and prevent you from dying when you fall.

Quantum armor is crafted like this:

Protective suit

This is the only armor that protects the player from radiation in Industrial Craft.

It is also capable of neutralizing poisons, the effects of fire and suffocation when it gets inside the block, and when combined with oxygen capsules in the inventory, it makes it possible to breathe under water.

Basic power tools

These are “eternal” analogues of vanilla Minecraft and IC tools, which consume battery power instead of durability. The main ones are shown in the table:

Name Craft Functions
Chainsaw Allows you to cut down trees, cut leaves and wool from sheep. Has good damage (9 units).
Miner's drill Combines a pickaxe and a shovel, allowing you to mine most natural blocks (those available for an iron pickaxe and below).
Electric faucet Serves for extracting rubber from rubber drips.
Electric key Allows you to dismantle mechanisms in two modes. The normal one uses little energy, but has a chance to destroy the block. In the “lossless” mode, you are guaranteed to receive the original mechanism, but the electric key will be discharged almost completely in one operation.
Electric hoe Like a regular hoe, it creates beds from blocks of earth and grass. Can also plow the mycelium block..

List of addons

Add-ons or add-ons are mods that work together with Industrial Craft and expand its capabilities. Some interesting options, supporting Minecraft 1.7.10, are shown in the table:

Name What comes into play
Advanced Generators Improves standard generators and introduces several new mechanisms for processing resources.
Adds more efficient but expensive mechanisms.
Introduces new advanced solar panels and a number of devices and materials for their creation.
Adds several types of armor and tools with useful functions.
Allows you to combine groups of standard solar panels from Industrial Craft into single blocks with improved characteristics.
CompactWindmills Replaces outdated wind generators (not kinetic) from the mod with more efficient compact units.
Adds advanced versions of quantum armor and power tools.
Portable Recharger Introduces portable chargers capable of recharging equipped items from the inventory.
Adds a number of devices that allow you to remotely monitor the parameters of nuclear reactors and control their operation.
IC2 Tweaks “Corrects” what was missed by the creators of IC2: introduces new blocks and items that are missing in the original mod.
IHL Tools & Machines Adds more realistic mechanisms and a new tool.
A global addon that changes the generation of the world and diversifies the mechanisms from IC, as well as the principles of their operation.



The mod only requires the presence of . To install, unpack the downloaded file into the mods folder inside the game client.

A versatile, feature-rich technology mod for Minecraft, originally released in 2011. IC2 introduces many features in various areas of Minecraft, including resource processing, mining, agriculture and the player's arsenal itself.

This is achieved through the use of a proprietary energy unit or EC system and includes many generators and units to provide and store this energy and a much more stable machine and tools to use this energy in your own way. Its prevalence is such that it can be seen on almost every Feed The Beast modpack since its launch, with only select modpacks based on a specific theme omitting it.

Screenshots (enlarged):


Now that you have downloaded and installed the mod and generated new map, you really don't know where to start. Like all other maps you start on, collect some wood, then some cobblestone and coal, and build a small house (or cave if you prefer) for your first night.

Here's mine with some flowers. Availability beautiful home is always a plus, even if it's just for you, and I can easily expand on it. Beware of mobs if you are not playing in peaceful mode; Creepers can blow up what you've built. If you want, use several torches to light the area.

Keep in mind that you will need a lot of space for your industry. Try to find good place with plenty of space not too far away, like that sandy plain I see from my roof (you'll also need plenty of sand for other purposes). Don't forget to add chests and a bed to your little space. You can also start growing wheat and trees.

There's nothing new here, but you have to start with a good base if you want to go further. The next part will introduce some new things.

First ingredients and machines

Now you have a small base with four walls, a roof, a few chests, a bed, a stove and a workbench, but you want more new stuff. First, let's plant some crops IC2 style.

Take some soil near the water or dig a hole and fill it with a water block. For now this is standard vanilla Minecraft.

Then take some sticks and create some stakes for your crops.

Take them and place one on each block of arable soil. Collect wheat seeds by pulling up grass and plant them. Now that your wheat is ready to harvest, you can harvest it and the wheat seedlings will remain, saving you the hassle of using more seeds for replanting! In IC2 you can do a lot more with crops, but it will help you survive.

Now you need to assemble the rubber. You will need a lot of lumber to build our first car, and a basic generator: 34 logs exactly. However, you must collect more to use as fuel.

Use 5 wooden planks to create a tree. You'll only need 5 Treetaps, one to extract the sticky resin and four to create the extractor, but wait until the other four save space.

Now extract 6 sticky resins from rubber trees. Rubber trees are somewhat random, but I can say that they are most common in the Swamp biomes and never grow in deserts.

In the meantime, throw this in the chest and collect torches, pickaxes and food, because you will have to go to the center of the earth! The second thing you should collect is Redstone; that next to the useless red powder you have in astronomical quantities is the basis of industrial electricity. Of course, you'll need an iron pickaxe to extract it, but you should have a bad spawn point if you don't find one along the way. Additionally, you should mine copper or tin, which you will see later.

Gold. Its value is much higher in IC, especially in dust form. He is involved in many mid-level cars. You should mine it - it will become more useful in the future.

Jar. This is required for many things, but it's quite common.

Copper. Like tin, it's required for most things on chips, such as cables, so you'll want to build a good supply first. Like Tin, there is a lot in the world.

Iron. Every machine uses iron, so this will be the ore you should be hunting for the most. You will always be short of iron.

Coal. Its value has been increased, so if you need burners or heating oil, use charcoal. Use Coal for other, more important things. Coal dust is used to create solar panels; it is a more efficient fuel and many things like the nano suit use it. In other worlds you might not care about coal, but in IC it is valuable.

Uranus. You will need it to power your future nuclear reactor or to create nuclear weapons to blow up the mountain. In addition, it is not used in other recipes. It is rarer than other ores, but can be found in every layer. You will need an iron pickaxe to collect it.

Redstone: Redstone is involved in most parts of IC crafting, especially the basic ones. We need some to create the first part of the machine and then other things.

Diamond: Ha, diamond. Everyone runs after them. Try to get 3 of them and keep them in the chest; we will create something amazing with them. You should know that you can produce diamonds with coal. I'll show you later. You can do something else with them other than spend them on tools or disposable armor.

Lapis lazuli: It doesn't show here, but you know it. Involved in more advanced machines, you need Lapis BLOCKS to craft them, so if you find this now, just save it until you need to use it.

Lava: I know it's not a mined resource, but it is used to power one of the most powerful generators: the geothermal generator. Keep in mind where some lava lakes should return later.

Management: not shown here. You won't need lead for a long time, and even then, only in small quantities. It is mainly used in nuclear reactors, but is also used in intermediate batteries.

Obsidian: You need some Obsidian to enter the Void because you will need some Glowstone Dust for mid-tier vehicles (alternatively, Glowstone Dust can be created using Gold Dust and Redstone Dust). Obsidian is also part of the process of producing diamonds from coal.

You know what you can gather beneath the surface. Continue collecting some resources and return to your base for the next step.

Now that you are safe in your base, you can smelt some of the ore you collected on your trip, but be patient and don't smelt more ore than you need. Soon you will be able to create an incredible machine: the Macerator, which will give you 2 Ore Dust from one ore and other things that I will explain later. However, before you create a Macerator you will need a generator and you can also create an extractor, but to build them you must create several electrical circuits that require cables. Yes, it seems complicated, and it is. That's why I'm writing a little tutorial just for you.

Iron stove

One of the first IC2 related things you'll probably want to create is an Iron Furnace. This is an upgrade from the regular Vanilla Minecraft Kiln (known as the Stone Kiln by IC2 users). It runs faster and uses fuel more efficiently. Click on the link for details. But wait! You need to make a blacksmith's hammer to create iron plates for the iron furnace.

Now the Iron Furnace itself:

Together you will need ten iron ores, two sticks and two pieces of charcoal (or several pieces of wood) for fuel. Melt ten iron ores into ingots in a regular stone furnace.

Take sticks and five iron ingots and make a blacksmith hammer. Then place the blacksmith's hammer and the remaining five ingots on the crafting grid to create five iron plates. Now take your Furnace and use it to craft an Iron Furnace as shown above. The iron furnace is an important part of creating the electric furnace later, so now it can be used until we get to that step.

Before you continue, you will need to make a cutting tool to make cables. Requires five iron ingots. Make three of them into iron plates using a blacksmith's hammer.

Your first car

If you wish, you can exchange the extractor for the Macerator listed below if you have some Rubber Trees nearby.

6 sticky resin
3 copper ingots
9 iron ingots
2 Redstone

Do you remember the sticky resin you kept in the chest? Take three copper ingots too. We will create some copper cables. You can see that 6 rubber and 3 copper bars are required for every 6 cables. You'll need a lot of them later, but first you'll want to create an extractor. When you have this, you can make Rubber much more effective.

Melt your 6 sticky resins in any furnace to get 6 rubber.

Place the blacksmith's hammer and three copper ingots on the crafting grid to obtain three copper plates. Then place the copper sheets on the crafting grid and replace the blacksmith's hammer with cutters to cut them into wire. Finally combine your wire with rubber to create insulated copper cables.

Use the blacksmith's hammer to turn iron ingots into nine iron plates.
Now we will create our first electronic circuit. You need 6 cables, 2 red stones and one iron plate. Electronic circuits are a major industry used in every machine, so you will be using them a lot.

Next we have to create a recipe for all the machines: the basic machine casing. Just take 8 iron plates and draw a box with them in the craft interface.

Finally, we can produce our first machine. We just need 4 more Treetaps. Take 20 boards and create them. After that, place the 4 tree cards, the machine body and the electronic circuit on the crafting table and TADA!

You can plant your extractor wherever you want. Be careful: you cannot delete any machine manually. It will be destroyed if you do this. You will need a special tool made of new metal. We'll see this later.

Okay, you have an extractor, but to use it, you need ELECTRICITY, created by a GENERATOR. Now you know what we need to do next.


For this project you will need:

1 sticky resin (using extractor)
5 tin ores
4 Redstone
8 iron ore

There are two ways to create a Generator, but both require the same amount of raw materials:

First, you can use the RE battery, the base machine body and the furnace. Or you can use RE battery, 3 iron plates and iron furnace.

Both recipes generally cost the same amount of iron, so take your pick. Do not use your existing iron stove. You'll need this later, and you'll need something to swim in the meantime.

I know you're asking yourself: How do I create an RE battery? Let's do it now! 1 cable, 4 tin shells and 2 red stones. Easy no?

To create a tin body (or any material), simply use a forging hammer on a tin (or corresponding material) plate.

You need to assemble two batteries. One is needed to build the generator, and the second is needed to power your extractor.

But wait! You've just used your last cable. It's time to create more, but this time we won't waste large number resin. Go back to your extractor, put 2 sticky resins in the top slot and put some redstone in the bottom slot (pure redstone is like a low efficiency 1-volt battery, but it works). With the extractor you get 3 rubbers for each sticky resin instead of 1. Now create two tin cables.

You can now assemble two RE batteries. Then follow one of the two recipes above to create Generator.

Do not place the generator near anything; I'll explain why in the wiring section. Place the dead battery in the top slot, and put some (Char) coal or other items that burn in the bottom slot. You will need 2.5 (Char) Coal to fill one battery. I usually don't worry about getting the battery fully charged. Feel free to make more RE batteries. However, we will soon add a cable that will make batteries unnecessary.

Empty batteries can be stacked up to 16, but fully charged batteries cannot be stacked. This is a disadvantage of reuse. You can place a chest right next to the generator and it will collect your fully charged batteries.

On at the moment you can use a partially or fully charged battery to power the extractor. This will give you a lot more rubber to make cables with, which in turn will make other machines easier to assemble.

For this project you will need:

3 Flint
2 Cobblestone
9 iron ore

3 Copper Ore
2 Redstone

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for: the incredible MACERATOR, which can double your mining performance. Create another electronic circuit, another basic machine body, and collect the required cobblestone and flint. If you didn't already know, you sometimes get Flint when you break gravel blocks. After creating the Macerator, you can also soak the gravel to get Flint faster.

Place the ore in the top slot and the battery in the bottom slot, and wait until one ore magically no dust will appear, then place that dust in an electric furnace (next section!) or in fact any furnace and you have 2 ingots per ore. What, you don't know how to build an electric oven? This will be our next step in this long section.

You should know that the Macerator can do more things than create dust from ore. This can create coal dust too. Coal dust is used in many things. Macerator can make Flint from Gravel. It may not seem like it, but it is really useful. It can also make Cobblestone from smooth (regular) Stone, and incredibly, make SAND from Cobblestone. Cool, isn't it?

Note: Ores and Macerate are easier to store as needed since the dust takes up twice the chest space.

Electric oven

For this project you will need:

1 iron stove (existing)
2 Sticky resin (using extractor)
2 copper ore (using Macerator)
4 Redstone

An electric furnace will allow you to smelt using electricity instead of coal (charcoal). This is what you will use in your iron furnace to craft.

I know this is another track, but I warned you it would be all over the place.

As with other ovens, top part what you want to heat is placed, and in the bottom is the battery. It is 12.5% ​​faster than an iron furnace and there is no energy loss. If there is nothing left at the top, it immediately stops consuming power.

You now have 1 extractor, 1 generator, 1 macerator and 1 electric furnace. It's not much. If you think you can use more things, you're right.

Adding a BatBox will provide a much larger energy storage buffer for your generator and therefore make it easier to operate. You will need three rechargeable batteries to build it.

Run a tin cable (copper if you prefer) from the output edge of the BatBox to your machines, marked with a white dot. WITH positive side, you get three tin cables per ingot, rather than the two you were doing previously. Do not make the cable longer than four or five segments to avoid wasting energy. Once you connect the machines to the BatBox via cable, you no longer need batteries to operate them. Place the generator on the opposite side of the BatBox from the exit. If you find that you need to change the direction of the BatBox's output facing, you will need to refer to the "Power of Bronze" section below for information on how to make a bronze key.

BatBox can be daisy-chained to provide more EU storage space. They can also be used to break lengths of cable to avoid energy loss. The maximum length of a tin cable is about four before it loses 1 euro/t. By placing the BatBox at the end of four segments of a tin cable, you can go to another four segments without losing energy. Keep these ideas in mind as you expand.

In this image you can see the BatBox with the generator on the left and a four square length of copper cable on the right. In the current version of IC2, tin cable has taken the place where copper cable used to be in the cable hierarchy, so think of it as tin cable. Up to four machines can then be placed directly in front of the cable. From the BatBox a cable rises four squares long and connects to a second BatBox and then from there to a solar panel or some wind generator using tin cables.

NOTE. Most of the textures in the images are outdated.
To provide significant amounts of solar energy, you will need many solar panels.

You can see inner part of my small house, 3 macerators, 3 electric furnaces, 1 extractor, 1 generator in sight and 2 unknown machines. You can see that I put a chest in front of the generator to collect charged batteries when I go outside.

The Power of Bronze

You now have a small but fully functional base that allows you to get twice as many bars per mining cycle. Unfortunately, you can't move any of the cars, or you'll have to rebuild them from scrap.

Now we'll create a friend-of-a-friend tool: the Bronze Key. The bronze key is made of bronze. I hear yours small voice: “I didn’t find any new ore? How can this be so rare? YOU ARE A FOOL, bronze is made of COPPER + TIN.

You must use the Macerator to grind copper and tin ingots (or ores) into dust, then take the dust from those two ores and mix them in a 3:1 ratio (location in the crafting grid does not matter). This gives you bronze dust. To melt bronze dust into ingots, place them in the furnace. You will need six bronze ingots to make a bronze wrench:

Using the bronze wrench is incredibly simple: simply right-click on the car and its main face will rotate towards that face; right-click to rotate it to the opposite side you clicked; right-click on the same person a second time and the car will be deleted; Be careful: if the car was not empty, you will lose everything that was in it.

And sometimes you may make a mistake (about 20% chance of error) and may not get the machine you created; it's unlucky, but it happens (now 100% success rate in IC2 Experimental, so feel free to pull it off! But removing some cars will cause them to lose 20% of their accumulated power).

Only 4 vehicles can be removed safely each time: MFE block, HV Transformer, Terraformer and MINER. However, if you convert your wrench to an electric wrench and switch it to lossless mode (this mode has been removed since IC2 v2.3.222), you are guaranteed to get your cars back no matter what, at a price of 9000 EU. for the operation.

Second steps

Metal former

Tired of continuing to make cutters and forging hammers? Do you think it's weird that you have all these machines but still have to use hand tools to shape metal? Perhaps it's time to build a Metal Former.

It can make wafers, shells, cables and some other miscellaneous things. You will need to make two sets of tools using a chest and five bronze shells each. You will also need to make three copper coils. Combine them with the electronic circuit and the machine casing that you already know how to make, like this.

Metal Former has 3 modes: rolling, extruding and cutting. Rolling takes the place of the blacksmith's hammer; transforming ingots into plates and plates into shells. Cutting replaces the cutting tool, although it has no real use, since the extrusion mode converts the ingots directly into 3–4 cables (instead of 2–3 from cutting inserts, the number also depends on the material, materials are more high level make more cables). The Extruding mode also makes most of the different things, such as mines for use in kinetic machines and iron fences from Iron Casings.
Electric key

If you find that your bronze keys continue to wear out, I suggest converting your bronze key to an electric key.

An electric key works the same way. This great job, but its use does not reduce its durability. You just need to recharge it, which is quite simple. Just be careful not to drop it into the lava.

Mining drill and chainsaw

Tired of making pickaxe after pickaxe? How about an energy version? Mining Drill uses EU instead of wear, so you just need to recharge it by placing it in any generator, BatBox or higher. The chainsaw provides an energy-based version of an axe, scissors, and sword in one device. The Recipes and Resources page contains a list of all available power tools.


Remember that lava lake you found when you returned to the mines? Now it's time to use it with a pump. The pump will fill buckets or universal liquid cells for us and place them in the chest. Now we will do it! We need to make some generic fluid cells to create them:

Place the pump directly above the lava lake and place the chest right next to it (it should be touching). Place several empty buckets or universal liquid cells in the chest and start the pump. He will start filling them up and placing them back in the chest so you can pick them up later.

Geothermal energy

Once you have purchased the metal structure and pump, you will have the opportunity to make a geothermal generator. This option is not renewable like solar or wind, but it is a great alternative or complement to Coal/Charcoal. A geothermal generator generates energy from lava.

The construction of one of them is good option, if you are building your base deep underground where lava lakes are most common, or if you happen to discover a lava lake on the surface. They are omnipotent even in the Void. The Metal Former is required to make the empty cells used in this recipe.

You will also need at least one bucket to collect lava. IC2 allows you to make them from both tin and vanilla iron.

CES Unit

Now we have more cars, and we can power them with solar panels. But what should we do when the BatBox runs out of energy at night? Let's use our knowledge of bronze to increase our storage capacity! There is a CES department for this work. A CES unit stores 300,000 EU, or 5 times more than a BatBox.

Before we begin, you will need at least three gunpowders. You may have to go hunt some Creepers to get some. Run three gunpowders through the extractor to produce three sulfur dusts. Pass three Lead Ingots through the Macerator to obtain three Lead Dusts.

Collect three Advanced RE Batteries and then use them to assemble the CES Module. Before we place the shiny new CES module, we need one more thing: a low-voltage transformer. Don't worry, it's not difficult to do.

The reason we need a transformer is because the CES unit is putting out too much power at once. Most machines only accept low voltage (32 EU-p), but the CES module outputs 128 EU-p. If you connect it without a transformer, all your machines will be destroyed!

Place the CES module and low voltage transformer so that the output of the CES module is connected to the five-point side of the transformer. From there you can run cable from either single point side of the transformer to your machine.

