Ricky Martin biography personal life. Style of star children: sons of Ricky Martin - Matteo and Valentino

Ricky Martin (real name Enrique Martin Morales) was born on December 24, 1971 in San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico. His father was a psychologist and his mother was an accountant. Parents divorced in 1973. On his father and mother, Ricky has two half-brothers.

Ricky grew up in a traditional Catholic home and went to Sunday school. My musical career He started at the age of 13, in 1984, performing on stage with the Latin American group Menudo. Solo career Martin didn't start until six years later.
In 1990, he was offered the role of Pablo in the Mexican series "Reach the Star", and a year later, in 1991, in the continuation of the series "Reach the Star 2".

After filming the series, Ricky took his famous pseudonym"Ricky Martin" and also signed a contract with the Sony Discos label. In 1991, his first Spanish-language album appeared, entitled Ricky Martin.

In 1993, the second studio album Me Armards (translated into Russian as “You Will Love Me”) was released. The second album sold approximately one million copies worldwide.

In 1994, the singer moved to California, where he continued his acting career, starring in the TV series “General Hospital,” and a year later released his third album, A Medio Vivir (“Half of Life”). The single from this album Maria brought Martin popularity in Europe. At the same time, the singer was also engaged in his acting, playing on Broadway in various productions.

After a series of performances, in 1997, Ricky recorded another, fourth, album, Vuelve (“Come Back”). In the same 1997, he was chosen to write the anthem for the World Cup, held in France. His song The Cup of Life/La Copa de la Vida ("Cup of Life") became the anthem.

In 1999, Ricky Martin's first English-language album was recorded. The album includes duets with Madonna and the Swedish singer Mekha. In the same year, the whole world heard his most successful single, Livin' La Vida Loca. The single took first place in many charts. It was followed by the second, no less successful, She's All I Ever Had.

After the successful release of his first English-language album, Martin recorded his second album, Sound Loaded, which went on sale in November 2000. The most striking singles of the album: She Bangs, Loaded, as well as a duet with Christina Aguilera Nobody Wants to be Lonely.

In early 2001, Ricky created a collection of Spanish-language songs, La Historia, which reached number one in chats Latin America. At the end of the same 2001, the singer also released a collection of English-language songs.

In 2003, work on the album was completed on Spanish entitled Almas Del Silencio ("Silence of the Soul"). A few weeks after its release, the album reached number one on the Billboard 200.

On November 11, 2005, Ricky Martin released another English-language album called Life, during the creation of which the singer himself acted as a co-author of most of the compositions.

In 2006, MTV launched the reality show "MTV Diaries: Ricky Martin" based on the singer's life behind the scenes, short interviews and scenes from the tour. At the same time, the MTV Unplugged album, consisting of concert recordings, was presented to the public.

Also in 2006, Ricky performed at the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games in Turin. After two years, which he spent mostly on tour, the singer released the collection Ricky Martin 17.

In 2011, Martin’s next album was released, entitled Music+Soul+Sex/Musica+Alma+Sexo.

The singer’s personal life often became the object of all sorts of gossip and rumors. For several years, Ricky Martin dated Mexican TV presenter Rebeca de Alba, with whom he planned to marry, but unexpectedly broke up in 2005. In August 2008, a surrogate mother gave birth to the singer’s two twin boys, Valentino and Matteo.

On March 29, 2010, Ricky Martin published letters in Spanish and English, in which he officially admitted his homosexuality. And in November 2010, in several interviews, he publicly expressed his desire to marry his lover.

In addition to his career as a singer and actor, Ricky Martin also takes part in social activities. He is the founder of the Ricky Martin Foundation, which is engaged in charity work. His foundation organized summer camp for the poor and was awarded various awards: “Award of Hope”, “International Humanitarian Award”, “Spanish Gratitude for helping to save three Syrian girls in Calcutta”.

Ricky Martin is a pop singer from Puerto Rico, one of the main popularizers of Latin American music at the world level. His hits “Livin’ La Vida Loca” (“Living a Crazy Life”) and “La Copa de la Vida” (“Cup of Life”) are still heard on dance floors after many years.

Fans are attracted not only by his work: he is a person open to all philosophical movements, a homosexual, a vegetarian, a philanthropist, he actively opposes discrimination and racial prejudice, and his charitable foundation fights the slave trade around the world.

Childhood and early career

Ricky Martin is often called Ricky, but this is incorrect. His stage name- short for his full name "Enrique".

Ricky was born into the family of psychologist Enrique Martin Negroni and accountant Neireda Morales. The parents of the future celebrity divorced as soon as their son was two years old. Both father and mother met new love- that’s how Rika got big family: two half-brothers, Daniel and Eric, as well as three half-relatives - brothers Fernando and Angel and sister Vanessa.

The boy was raised in a deeply religious manner. As a child, Ricky was a minister for the local priest and also attended Sunday school. Despite the strict upbringing inherent in Catholics, the boy was not limited in self-expression: his parents encouraged his son’s vocal talent, who almost from the cradle was dancing from the mirror with a comb instead of a microphone, and when the boy turned 9, his father took him to an advertising casting. For the next couple of years, young Enrique's face regularly appeared in commercials for toothpaste, lemonade and hamburgers.

The musically gifted teenager was cast several times for the boy band Menudo to replace Ricky Melendez, who had left the group. He was rejected twice due to his short stature. But the boy was persistent, and the third time the producers, seeing the fire in Ricky’s eyes, still made him part of the team. Ricky, then simply Enrique, performed with the group from 1984 to 1989. With his participation, 11 albums were recorded: Evolución, Menudo, Explosion, Ayer Y Hoy, A Festa Vai Começar, Viva! Bravo!, Refrescante, etc. In July 1989, 17-year-old Ricky Martin left the group, setting off on his own.

Ricky Martin started his career at Menudo

This decision was not easy for him. He owed a lot to Menudo - with them he recorded 11 albums and learned, it seemed, everything there was to know about show business. But the strict framework of the contract, the constant supervision of managers, the total lack of showing one’s real self - all this pushed Ricky to the end of cooperation. After breaking his contract with Menudo, he returned to Puerto Rico, where he graduated from high school and celebrated his 18th birthday. Having become an adult, he received the right to open his own bank account, after which he moved to New York, towards new opportunities.

Solo career

After school, the young artist intended to become a student at the New York School of Art. But life made its own adjustments - even before the start of classes, Ricky was invited to the Mexican musical Mama Ama el Rock (“Mommy Loves Rock”). On stage, he was noticed by a Mexican television producer and approved for a role in the soap series “Reach the Star.”

Ricky Martin in "Evening Urgant"

In 1990, Ricky Martin signed a contract with Sony Discos, and the first album, which was simply called “Ricky Martin,” was not long in coming. Unfortunately, the young singer did not carefully read the terms of the contract, according to which Ricky received only one cent from each album sold.

Ricky Martin's debut album, with a charming long-haired young man on the cover, sold 500 thousand copies. The singer received only $5,000, but the more than modest reward did not destroy his enthusiasm. The album's first single, "Fuego Contra Fuego", was certified gold in Argentina, Puerto Rico and Mexico. And when Ricky went on tour South America, he was greeted with applause everywhere. “I felt like I was at home,” the singer later described his first solo tour.

In 1993, Ricky Martin presented the world with another album, “Me Amaras” (“You Will Love Me”), which was received quite warmly, but did not make a breakthrough. He also starred in two seasons of the sitcom Getting By and landed the role of a singer-bartender on the soap opera General Hospital, later recognized as one of the longest-running series in television history. During these same years, Ricky Martin slept with a man for the first time, but hid his sexuality for the next 15 years.


In 1995, the English-speaking world's understanding of Latin music changed radically, thanks to Ricky Martin's new album, A Medio Vivir. Almost half of the three million copies sold were purchased in Europe, where the title song of the record, “Maria,” was especially passionately loved. This composition became Ricky Martin's first international hit. In France alone, 1.4 million copies of the single were purchased.

Ricky Martin – Maria

Following his phenomenal success in the musical field, Ricky Martin was recognized as an actor. He took part in the Broadway production of Les Misérables immediately after publicly saying that he would dream of playing on Broadway. He was entrusted to play Marius - the main thing character productions.

After 11 weeks of showing the play, Ricky sat down in the studio and recorded his fourth album, “Vuelve” (“Come Back”). 8 million copies of the record were sold worldwide. But the artist considered the main achievement of those years not new album, and not a role in a Broadway musical, but a performance at the World Cup in France in 1998, for which Ricky specially wrote the composition “La Copa de la Vida” (“Cup of Life”), which became the unofficial anthem of the championship.

Ricky Martin – Cup of Life (1998 FIFA World Cup)

Career blossoming

After performing at the 1998 World Cup, Ricky decided that it was time to sing in English, so in 1999 his first album, Ricky Martin, was re-released on English with the addition of new hits. The record, which was purchased by 22 million listeners from all over the world, also included duets with Madonna and Meya, the hit “Private Emotion”, recorded together with the star of the Turkish scene Sertab Erener, and, of course, the composition “Livin" La Vida Loca”, which became business card Ricky Martin for many years to come. It is generally accepted that it was this song that caused the international boom in Latin American music and opened the way to world stage Jennifer Lopez, Enrique Iglesias, Shakira and Thalia.

Ricky Martin – Livin' La Vida Loca

The second English-language album arrived by the end of 2000. "Sound Loaded" debuted at number three in the US, but didn't reach number one. Singles from the album are “She Bangs”, “Nobody Wants To Be Lonely” (duet with Christina Aguilera) and “Loaded”.

At the beginning of 2001, the artist released a collection of songs in Spanish “La Historia”, which conquered the Latin American charts, and a little later a collection of English-language compositions appeared - “The Best Of Ricky Martin”, which consisted entirely of remixes of greatest hits Ricky Martin.

In 2003, the singer released another album in Spanish entitled “Almas Del Silencio” (“The Power of Silence”). Ricky himself said that with this album he really wanted to return back to his old self, full of emotions and adrenaline.

Ricky Martin. Concert in Moscow. 2016

Two years later, another English-language album with the laconic and thoughtful title “Life” was released. Here, according to the artist, he finally connected with his emotions. “This record is as multifaceted as our lives. It's about the anger we feel. About the joy we experience. There is uncertainty and love here - all the emotions that are inherent in people."

But for some reason the record received a rather cold reception - only 700 thousand copies were sold worldwide. Perhaps the fashion for Latin American music has passed, or perhaps, on the contrary, new, more bright stars. One way or another, Ricky Martin stepped away from recording new songs for a long time, devoting himself to other areas of activity.

In the fall of 2006, the reality show “The Ricky Martin Diaries” was released. It showed footage from behind the scenes life, interviews and live performances.

Ricky Martin's next album came out six years later. The album “Musica + Alma + Sexo” (“Music + Soul + Sex”) was recorded on the way from Miami to Golden Beach, Florida. Over the years of inactivity, Ricky had accumulated more than 60 songs in his collection of unreleased songs, which had to be carefully filtered in order to please fans, who had long despaired of hearing anything new from their idol, with the highest quality material.

Personal life of Ricky Martin

Ricky Martin was twice included in the list of the most beautiful people of the world according to People magazine - in 2000 and 2006.

Since the early 1990s, Ricky Martin has maintained the public appearance of an affair with Mexican TV presenter Rebecca de Alba. Their romance flared up and then died out again. The girl was sincerely in love with Ricky - even five years after the final breakup, which occurred in 2005, she insisted through tears that her affair with him was the best thing that had happened in her life.

In 1999, the singer’s personal life became the subject of numerous rumors after Ricky Martin, in an interview with the British publication The Mirror, refused to comment on his sexual orientation. “I'm not going to comment on whether I'm gay or not. It’s none of your business who I’m in bed with: a woman, a cow, or even a broom.”

In 2008, Ricky Martin became the happy father of two sons, Matteo and Valentino, who were born to him by a surrogate mother.

From an early age, Geminis were distinguished by diametrically opposed characters. Valentino, Ricky said, is a born contemplator, he loves tranquility, nature and all living things. Matteo is a true leader, subjugating those around him. He likes to boss his brother around and tell him what to do and what not to do.

Only in 2010, Ricky Martin revealed all his cards and admitted his homosexuality. “I am glad to tell you that I am gay and very happy to be who I am,” he wrote on his official website. A little later, he expressed his desire to marry his boyfriend Carlos Gonzalez Abell. His chosen one was a stock broker; Ricky found his business suit and tie very sexy. In 2014, the couple announced their breakup.

Ricky Martin Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth60 million dollars
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Yearly SalaryN/A
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Product EndorsementsRicky Martin Foundation
Highest Grossing MoviesFahrenheit 9/11, Taylor Swift: The 1989 World Tour - Live & Party at the Palace: The Queen's Concerts, Buckingham Palace
ColleaguesHarrison Craig, Michael Paynter & Joel Madden


  • Photo: house/residence of cool talented 60 million earning San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States-resident

  • Miami house ($2 million) (Swimming Pool Tennis Court Jacuzzi Sauna Bar Beach)


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Ricky Martin: Single, Dating, Family & Friends

Who is Ricky Martin dating in 2019?
Relationship statusSingle
SexualityGay (Homosexual)
PartnerCurrently in no confirmed relationship
Ex-boyfriends or ex-husbandsCarlos Gonzalez, Ines Misan, Rebecca de Alba
More infoWas previously married and divorced
Has any kids?Yes, father of: Valentino Martin, Matteo Martin
Shall the American actor, musician & director Ricky Martin find love in 2019?

Names of father, mother, children, brothers & sisters.

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style

Ricky Martin endorses clothing brands like unknown. And wears brands like Ugg Classic, Armani & Mafia Style.
Weight70.7 kiloClothing stylebohemian
Favorite colorsblack
Feet size11
Waist size113
Buste size152
Butt size130
Does Ricky Martin have a tattoo?Yes

Official websites/fansites: www.rickymartinmusic.com

Does Ricky Martin have official Social Media profiles?

A talented Puerto Rican musician named Ricky Martin is today one of the most famous homosexuals in the world who has publicly acknowledged his non-standard sexual orientation. Singer Ricky Martin was twice included in the TOP 50 most beautiful people in the world according to People magazine. Throughout many years his creative career Ricky Martin hid his real intimate preferences from everyone. He was afraid of criticism and condemnation, so he started a relationship with Mexican celebrity Rebecca de Alba.

Only in 2010 did the singer confirm his homosexual orientation. He even had a man whom he did not hide from the public. Ricky Martin and his husband were a wonderful couple, which really made the talented performer happy.

Ricky Martin and his lover

So far, in Ricky Martin's personal life there have been only one really with a man. We are talking about a successful economist named Carlos Gonzalez Abella. When Ricky met Carlos, he already had two small children. However, this did not stop the guys from joining romantic relationship which turned into a serious romance. Abella was simply crazy about the children of his chosen one, which endlessly pleased the talented performer.

When the decision was made to marry, Ricky Martin and his husband could not stay in Puerto Rico; weddings between people of the same sex are not allowed in this state. That is why Martin was forced to take Spanish citizenship. The celebration took place on January 28, 2012 in one of the sunny corners of Spain. Before this, the couple lived together for about three years. However, it is quite difficult to find photos on the Internet of Ricky Martin and his husband kissing. Despite the love and mutual understanding that reigned between Carlos and Ricky, at the beginning of 2014, news of their divorce spread throughout the world. Now the singer is again on a free search, but he has beloved children in his life, so he devotes the lion’s share of his time to raising them.

Ricky Martin and his children

The fact that Ricky Martin was gay became known back in 2010. There have been rumors about his homosexual orientation even since 1999. However, all this did not stop the musician from feeling all the delights of fatherhood. In 2008, brothers Matteo and Valentino Martin were born. The singer used the services of a surrogate mother.

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  • Ricky Martin told why he hid his sexuality for so long and about meeting his husband

Ricky Martin loves his children very much and spends a lot of time with them.

In 2010, the famous Puerto Rican musician and actor Ricky Martin came out, which amazed all his fans, because he had been dating TV presenter Rebecca de Alba for a long time.

Already in 2018, the 46-year-old singer said goodbye to his bachelor status and married 33-year-old Swedish artist of Kurdish origin Jwan Yosef. The other day, Ricky Martin spoke frankly about meeting his husband.

In an interview with Attitude magazine, he shared his most secret things: “We started communicating on the Internet. And we continued our conversations online for six months. He and I talked about everything except sex. But when I first saw him, I stopped breathing."

Their relationship developed rapidly: “My feelings grew like a snowball for six months. It was an incredibly romantic time. When we first met, I said, “I’m going to marry this guy.” Apparently he thought the same thing, only he told me about it later.”

The musician also admitted why he hid his homosexuality for a long time: “I devoted myself entirely to my career. I had no time to enter into a new relationship, and I’m not just talking about romantic ones.”

He was haunted by the thought that the secret would soon be revealed: “I was afraid to just talk to people. Even with producers and business partners. It seemed to me that if I spent at least a few hours with them, they would learn everything about me and my nature. I spent so much time and energy trying to hide my nature.”

Martin said that he fully felt all the negative aspects of homophobia: “For a long time I was a closeted gay man, forcing my partners to hide. I had relationships with men who hid their sexuality, and with those who did not hide it, but because of me they were forced to lead a reclusive life.”

According to the singer, it became much easier for him when he finally stopped keeping silent about who he really was and allowed himself to enjoy life.

- Matteo and Valentino, who were born to them by a surrogate mother in 2008.

Fans are concerned about the question: will the orientation of parents affect the future of their children? What do you think?