Why do you dream about father? Why do you dream about the church inside: interpretation of the meaning of the dream according to various dream books for men and women

Sometimes people have amazing and unpredictable dreams. Often, upon waking up, you want to find connections between a dream and real life and understand what this or that dream meant.

Usually the priest is seen in a dream about something sublime; he often appears to unbelievers in order to warn and guide them on the true path.

What does a dream about a priest mean?

A priest or priest in a dream is an urge to analyze one’s actions, to realize one’s own sins and shortcomings. If the priest is sad in a dream, it follows that the person’s conscience is truly unclean. This dream is a warning about the need to rethink your life and actions so as not to regret what you have done in the future.

In some dream books, the priest is a harbinger of illness. If he conducts a divine service in a dream, then the illness will be very serious. Confessing to a priest means making a mistake, the consequences of which will fall on the shoulders of family and friends.

A wedding ceremony in a dream with the participation of a priest promises happiness in your personal life. If a woman dreams of a priest in love with her, then in reality gossip and conversations await her.

The blessing of the priest is a dream about something good and happy. Fortune will be on your side and it’s finally time to act.

In a dream, being in the role of a priest means doubts and indecision. In reality, a very strange matter awaits you, requiring a quick decision.

Why do priests dream according to Miller’s dream book?

If you dream of a church and a priest, then this is invariably a good sign. This dream book urges you to be careful in real life. It would be useful for a woman to worry about her reputation, and for a man to become more self-critical.

If in a dream the priest ignores you, then danger is not far off. But having a conversation with the priest promises considerable honors. Seeing a clergyman in a dream, but not talking to him - such a dream promises someone will enslave you; this dream is a warning.

A priest conducting a service in a dream portends troubles and illnesses. Confession in a dream means humiliation, which will greatly darken your life.

Why do priests dream according to Vanga’s dream book?

According to Vanga’s dream book, a priest reading a prayer is a sign of imminent repentance. You should immediately turn to God. If the priest blesses you in a dream, then you will soon have the opportunity to receive the support of an influential person. Such a dream can mean success in all endeavors.

Seeing yourself as a priest in a dream means that your true purpose is to bring love and goodness to people. A Catholic priest is interpreted in Vanga’s dream book as impending changes in life. A person has to difficult choice or making a responsible decision.

If in a dream a priest crowns you, then such a dream promises a serene and happy life with the person you love. Confessing in a dream means getting into a difficult situation in reality.

Modern dream book

A priest or priest is dreamed of as a warning of impending troubles. Meeting and inviting the priest to visit means finding the right answers in real life.

If you have such a dream: you are standing in church and cannot understand what the priest is saying, it means that you will make a mistake due to ignorance or isolation and secrecy.

Being baptized in a dream means uncertainty and inaction in real life.

If a man dreams that his beloved is marrying her father, then this means that there is no need to rush things, let everything take its course. If a woman dreams of being infatuated with a priest, then in reality her lover or husband will be unfaithful.

A priest in a dream seeks the love of a woman, then in reality she may be accused of frivolity and stupidity, which will not be unreasonable.

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The priest dreams of illness. And if you saw him during the service, then anxiety will be added to everything.

A woman who dreamed that she was in love with a priest should be prepared to be deceived by her lover. A dream in which a priest seeks her love means that she will be found fault with for being too fond of entertainment.

If in a dream you confessed to a priest, then you will have to grieve because of some unseemly act of yours. In general, any dream in which a priest or preacher appears before you serves as a reminder of your own vices and weaknesses. Become more demanding of yourself, and you won’t have to be sad.

A dream in which you see a priest, but do not talk to him, should be taken as a warning: do not let anyone subjugate you to their will.

A conversation with a priest in a dream foreshadows high honors in the future. And if the priest looked sad and tired at the same time, know that this is a warning about possible evil.

The Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga interpreted dreams about a priest as follows.

To dream of a majestic priest saying a prayer means that it is time to repent for all your sins.

If a priest blesses you in a dream, then you will soon receive the support of an influential person. Sometimes such a dream prophesies success in all endeavors.

A dream in which you saw yourself in the rank of priest means that you are called to Earth in order to bring good to people. You are destined to become a servant of the Church.

If you dreamed of a Catholic priest, then changes await you in the near future. You may need to make difficult choices or decisions.

If a priest crowns you in a dream, then in real life you will have a happy, calm life with your loved one.

Confessing to a priest in a dream is a harbinger that you will soon find yourself in a very difficult situation. You can get out of it only if you resort to the services of your influential acquaintance, who, before providing you with all possible help, will demand an explanation of what is happening.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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In our secular world, living among worldly worries, vain joys and sorrows, we sometimes forget about our soul. And also about her connection with God. But the soul does not forget. And she visits us in our dreams, so that she can gradually reach our consciousness.

She appears to us in the form of a spiritual person - a priest or monk. A cleric can be a benevolent priest, a strict priest, or a dejected monk in black. What does this mean and there is no clear answer to this. It all depends on the situation, on the details that you managed to remember. But in any case, you need to listen to such a dream: a soul that has a direct connection with the astral world speaks to you. She asks you to reconsider your lifestyle, pay attention to your health, or reminds you of the evil you have done to your neighbor.

Miller's Dream Book

Various interpreters of night visions view the image of the priest in their own way. Thus, Miller’s dream book believes that a priest dreams of danger. A woman can be framed and thereby tarnish her reputation. A man is also threatened with all sorts of intrigues or withering criticism. The danger doubles if you dream that you are turning to a spiritual shepherd, but he does not notice you. This means that there is no blessing from above for your plans, and you will fail. However, if you dream, the dream book states, of a priest-priest, and even in good location spirit, this good sign for those who have pure and high intentions. You should listen to what the Holy Father says. His words should be your guide to action. If you have seen a priest reading a prayer, get examined by a doctor.

Women's dream book

Church, priest, liturgy and confession in the book of interpretations for the fair sex mean a completely different fate. Just seeing a priest outside the church means you need to try to be critical of yourself and your actions. If you do not enter into a conversation with him, someone is trying to influence you. A conversation with a priest, on the contrary, foreshadows good luck and good fortune in the near future. high position. The most favorable dream is when a clergyman blesses you. Soon you will have an influential patron or friend. But if you saw a priest presiding over a church service, it’s not good. This means mental anguish, anxiety. Such a dream can serve as a harbinger of illness. Also doesn't promise anything good vision, in which you confess to the priest. This is a sign of humiliation. To be in love with a confessor in a dream means that in real life you should be wary of betrayal on the part of your lover or a person whom you trust unconditionally. If the priest “puts wedges on you”, be prepared for reproaches and harsh criticism.

Family dream book

A priest in secular clothes foreshadows calm days. If you dreamed of him wearing church vestments (liturgical vestments), you need to repent of your sins before God. Why test His patience? If such a person commits an unkind act, his crime will be revealed. For the patient, such a vision also does not bode well. If you dream that you are being crowned by a priest, then this joyful event will happen soon, and if you are already married, joy from your soulmate awaits you. Without being ordained, in clerical vestments? Perhaps you take on too much, and you will be subject to shame and ridicule. Why do priests of other religions dream? A Catholic priest, pastor or clergyman of a different faith (mullah, rabbi) means drastic changes that will occur in your life.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to this dream interpreter, a priest is certainly a good image. If he is busy reading prayers, you should turn your soul to God, ask Him for your most secret things. A blessing in a dream predicts success in all your endeavors. If you saw yourself in the vestments of a clergyman, you are called to earth to serve people and bring them good. A Catholic priest means a difficult choice.

You should think before making a difficult decision, says the dream book. The priest, who looks tired and sad, warns of impending danger. If the spiritual shepherd looks dissatisfied and irritated, you have a bad conscience. A wedding in a dream is certainly a good sign. But confession means that in real life you will soon find yourself in difficult situation, from which you can emerge with honor only with the help of an influential friend.

Gypsy dream book

Why do priests dream in the mythology of this nomadic people? The rich vestments of the church ministers made them, in the eyes of the gypsies, symbols of stupid extravagance. If you saw a butt in a dream, this means a rich and prosperous life. If you happened to see yourself in this unsightly role, you borrowed or spent money unwisely. Such a dream can mean failure in all business affairs or in the workplace. If you dreamed of priests in a church or cemetery, you may soon find yourself in an uncomfortable, ambiguous position, you will have to justify yourself and explain yourself. A priest or monk reading a prayer and bowing warns of wrong decisions made. If in a dream you were overcome by an irrepressible desire to confess to your confessor, be prepared that sad news will soon reach you.

Dream Interpretation of the Mayan Indians

It is clear that this pagan people did not have priests. But there were priests - people who had a special gift to communicate with the gods. The clergy occupied a prominent position in the hierarchy of Mayan society, they were respected, and their prophecies were treated without any criticism. But as far as dreams are concerned, even among the Indians the priests enjoyed an ambivalent reputation. So, if in a night vision the favorite of the gods read a spell or prayed, this meant that the gods took the sleeping person under their care. Waking up in the morning, the Indian had to thank higher powers for patronage. Draw fruits, flowers, decorations on paper, and burn the paper at midnight. But there are also unhappy visions in which a priest appears. The interpretation of Mayan dreams indicates that if a priest makes a sacrifice, the person who sees it will not have enough time for important matters. To avoid being late submitting your quarterly report, simply set the clock back a day at midnight.

What does Freud say about this?

The founder of psychoanalysis was in no hurry to brand the interpretation of dreams as a relic of the superstitions of the past. He believed that in night visions our subconscious and especially libido, which during the day, during wakefulness, is subordinated to the “over-ego,” are more fully revealed. Since the church still does not ordain women as priests, in Freudianism it is a symbol of the male penis. But at the same time, the clergyman is associated with a safe space and an orderly life. If you are a man and you dreamed of a priest, then most likely you are yearning for safe sex that would not lead to unwanted pregnancy your spouse or lover. But if a woman dreams of a priest, then she either suffers from a castration complex, or wants to get along with a dominant lover who would completely subjugate her to his power. At least that's what the dream book says. A priest in black means voluntarism, brutality, dominance. The clergy themselves may disagree with this, considering the color of their vestments to be a symbol of renunciation from the world.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

What do priests dream about according to this book of interpretations? Seeing him is unfortunate, confessing to him is humiliation. If the priest is in full regalia - to mortal danger for the whole family. And only a cheerful, laughing priest, and even in secular clothes, means pleasant surprises. Probably the medium had some conflicts with the church...

If you happen to see a priest (priest) in a dream, then you can be sure that this dream can be considered a harbinger of changes in life. Do not neglect this dream, because a father in a dream is a warning, a warning. First of all, this suggests that you should be more careful, act more carefully and not make unnecessary mistakes, which can easily be avoided if you think through your actions and think about the consequences of your actions. And then you will not make mistakes due to your ignorance.

Why do you dream about the priest in the house?

  • If in a dream the priest enters your house dejected or sad, then this is a symbol of serious troubles approaching you, evil.
  • If you dreamed of a priest in the house and you are talking to him about philosophical, rhetorical questions, then this means that in real world You need to confess, admit your crimes.
  • If the priest is silent, then this is a warning, a sign that they want to mislead you, they want to manipulate you to achieve their goals.

Why do you dream of a priest in a cassock?

  • If in your dream the priest’s robe has an unusual color, then this is a favorable, positive sign, a wonderful symbol that predicts joyful events in the future.
  • A dream in which a priest is dressed in a black cassock and with all the attributes - soon a situation will arise in your life that threatens your family.
  • The black cassock is a prediction, a warning that you should not create idols for yourself.
  • If the priest was dressed in simple clothes, then happy, joyful events await you.

Why do you dream about the priest in church (see)

Father in church is a good sign. You, like the priest from the dream, are in your place. But you should try and be careful. You should not sin, you need to be more careful in your affairs, there may be minor health problems - do not start them and solve them immediately so that there are no complications in the future.

Psychologist Miller's Dream Book

  • Seeing a priest in a dream is a warning about a future illness.
  • Why do you dream of a priest, father: A priest is a religious, clergy person, your mentor, adviser and assistant, to whom you can turn in a difficult situation.
  • The fact that this person appeared in your dream serves as a reminder that you, like any person, have vices. And, judging others, do not forget about yourself - you should be more strict with yourself.
  • Why do you dream about seeing your father? You happened to see the priest in your dream, but at the same time you did not have a conversation with him, then this is a warning that intrigues are being built against you, they are trying to manipulate you. If you are not careful, you may find yourself under the power of enemies or simply bad people, ill-wishers.
  • Why do you dream of a church service, priest - if in your dream you saw a priest in church, then this is a warning about a possible imminent deterioration in health, possible problems in life. You should be more careful and monitor your diet and lifestyle more closely.
  • Why dream of kissing a priest - when a young lady dreams of falling in love with a clergyman, this indicates that she should be afraid of betrayal by her lover or simply young man, which is now very close.
  • If the father in a dream himself achieves the sympathy of a young lady, in the present there will be criticism, reproaches that she pays too much attention to entertainment and forgets about the main thing.
  • Dream of “talking to the priest.” A conversation with a clergyman is a sign that great honors and rewards await you in the future.
  • Why dream of a conversation with the priest (confession) - in the very near future you will experience grief, sadness, and humiliation. This dream warns that you should be careful, since your rash actions may, over time, negatively affect you and your loved ones and have serious and severe consequences.
  • Why do you dream of a tired or sad priest - the dream is a warning about planned atrocities against your person.

Interpretation of dreams by Irina Udilova

Big universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurova

  • The dream “father blesses” is one of the most favorable.
  • If you happen to see how the priest sprinkles you, gives you a blessing and lets you go in peace, then this means that success, happiness and prosperity, and large incomes await you in the future.
  • Why do you dream of a priest praying in church - this dream indicates your excitement about the future of your loved ones. And not in vain - this dream warns of future grief, is a sad sign, a symbol of grief. However, all this will not last long.
  • The dream “a priest in a cassock, colorfully decorated and very smart” says that a long and difficult lawsuit awaits you over a large inheritance. But in the end everything will end for you in the best possible way.
  • Why do you dream of a priest in a black cassock - to see a clergyman dressed in black in your dream is a symbol of grief, a seal, a bad sign.
  • If in a dream you confess to a priest, then this speaks of your remorse, bitterness and shame for your sins, you want to fix everything mistakes made, but you can't.
  • Dream Interpretation: the priest lifted a heavy burden in a dream - confession from a priest in dreams and further absolution says that your torment and suffering are in real life will soon stop, you have atoned for your guilt. However, you should still go to church in reality to confess your sins.
  • Loving a priest and talking to him in a dream about love is a sign that in reality you will be condemned for dissolute behavior and your reputation will be tarnished. You should beware of unseemly behavior.
  • In a dream, did you become a priest yourself? This is a symbol that predicts troubles and minor problems in your life.
  • Why do many priests dream - the appearance of a large number of clergy is evidence that you will need help from a strong and powerful patron who can provide support in solving problems that may arise in the near future.

Generalized dream book

Family dream book

  • The most favorable are dreams in which the priest blessed you. This dream says that success, joy, prosperity and high income await you in the future. You will be happy, there is no need to fear anything and you need to go towards the goal that you have set for yourself - and you will be able to achieve everything.
  • Seeing a priest praying in a dream means you are worried about the fate of your loved ones.
  • The priest, who appeared in a dream in colorful, very elegant and bright vestments, says that soon you will begin a lawsuit over an inheritance. It will be very long and difficult, but in the end it will end in your favor and you will receive great wealth.
  • A father seen in a dream in dark or black vestments is a sign of future grief, suffering and sadness.
  • Confess to the priest in a dream - you want to correct the mistakes that you have made, but you cannot do it.
  • If, after confession, the priest lets you go in peace, forgiving all your sins, then this will mean that your torment will end.
  • If you yourself became a priest or a clergyman in your dream, problems and troubles await you in the future. You should be careful.
  • Father in a dream - You need help, support, protection.
  • If a dream in which a clergyman is present carries negative character– Father is angry with you, is sick, etc. – You should look at your problems from the outside, this is the only way you will find a way out of them.
  • If you dreamed of a lot of priests, then you should be careful with your finances, your time, and so on. Beware - health problems are possible.

Psychological dream book

  • A dream in which you saw the image of a priest is an unfavorable and dangerous symbol. Your dream is a warning, a warning. But you should be especially careful if a priest was performing a service in a dream.
  • If in your dream you were in a confessional, then this indicates that in life you will have to be upset and ashamed of your indecent behavior.
  • In general, any dream in which the priest performs the functions of a preacher is a reminder of his sins, that “all of us, people, are not without flaws” and you should first of all pay attention to your sins, and not reproach other people for their actions. You should demand more from yourself - this is how you can stop being sad.
  • If you see a priest in a dream, but you did not have a chance to talk to him, you are being warned and informed that someone is trying to manipulate you.
  • A conversation with a priest in a dream predicts a pleasant future, some gift of fate. However, if the celebrant had a sad, unhappy look, then this indicates that a lot of evil awaits you.
  • If the priest blesses you in a dream, then soon you will receive much-needed support.

Islamic dream book

  • To see the priest in his full attire - you need help in your affairs and actions. But don’t worry - very soon you will receive it from someone who has a lot of power and will become your patron.
  • If you dreamed of a clergyman in a simple, everyday and rather modest attire, you will soon meet someone who at first glance will not stand out in any way, will be ordinary and unremarkable, but after some time it will turn out that he is a strong and powerful person.
  • If you watched a priest at a divine service, reading prayers, this means that you are about to participate in an event that is important for society. This will give you new acquaintances and help you earn respect.
  • The blessing of the priest in a dream - everything that you are planning to do soon will come true. If the priest performed a memorial service in a dream, it means that the problem that has not bothered you for a very long time will finally be solved in the best way for you.
  • To see a priest preaching - you will learn great news, on which a lot will depend.
  • You should mentally imagine the face of the clergyman seen in your dream and say his words of gratitude for the night phenomenon. It's a great sign if you later see this person in life.

Dream Interpretation of Semenova

  • Why do you dream about the church inside and the priest - the mentors of your soul appear so that you comprehend, understand that you have weaknesses and various shortcomings. However, there is nothing wrong with this - after all, everyone has shortcomings. However, you should be careful, because due to your rash actions you can cause a lot of pain to yourself and your loved ones, people dear to you.
  • If in your dream you see a priest performing a service in a church, this is a symbol and harbinger of future illnesses, anxiety, and your mental torment.
  • What does it mean if you dream of a priest from the Catholic Church - important changes await you in your life. It is quite possible that soon there will be a very difficult and very difficult choice to make a responsible decision.
  • Why dream of a church priest crowning you - in reality you will be happy with your beloved, you will love him with all your heart, just as he loves you. It will give you peace, tranquility, a lot of joy and love.
  • Why do you dream of a priest’s blessing - soon you will have much-needed help for your business from an influential person. It is quite possible that this dream predicts success in your endeavors.
  • To receive a blessing from a priest in a dream is good sign, an omen of happiness.

Interpretation of dreams according to the “House of the Sun”

  • The priest thanked or blessed in a dream: to see this dream is a sign that you should turn to a priest to consult with him or repent of your atrocities; the time has come for the much needed at the moment spiritual lesson.
  • The dream “father came” and the number “9” - if in your dream you see a clergyman and a nine, in any form, then this indicates that in the dream you found yourself in the afterlife. This number symbolizes the sacred completion of any ongoing cycle, including life. Nine is the ending, summing up, reaping the fruits of all completed activities, closing the “loop” on a cosmic scale.

Dream Interpretation "Sonarium"

  • IN modern world the priest occupies the same place as the priest in ancient times. Being a symbol of the spiritual principle, the priesthood, as well as being a mentor on the path of righteous life, a divine servant can remove the sins you have committed.
  • A priest appearing in a dream foreshadows illness, various illnesses - both serious and not so serious.
  • In the same case, if the priest is performing a service in your dream, then a very restless, difficult time awaits you, foreshadowing a lot of grief and problems. But don’t despair - all this will pass.
  • The dream "father in black clothes" has negative character, is quite bad and unfavorable. It is much better if in a dream the priest has a white or colored robe.

Interpretation of dreams according to Rommel

  • If in a dream you had a chance to talk with a priest, then this indicates that in reality you will have conversations at philosophical topics with someone, or there is a need to pray.
  • However, in general, the figure of a clergyman symbolizes important messages, sometimes well-being, and sometimes illness. Everything depends, first of all, on the state of your spirit, how you feel at the moment.
  • If in a dream you tried to hide something from the priest, conceal something, or did not say anything in a conversation with him, then in reality your unsightly secrets will be exposed.
  • Confession during a dream is a sign of humiliation in life.

Interpretation of dreams according to the dream book ancient tribe Mayan

  • The Mayan dream book distinguishes two types of interpretation of dreams in which a priest or a clergyman is present - positive and negative.
  • Why do you dream about a priest blessing/praying (positive meaning from a dream): if in a dream you saw a priest praying or blessing you, then this indicates that higher powers are protecting, caring for you, and helping you to fulfill your destiny. It is worth thanking them for this, but do not abuse this situation - luck may turn away from you.
  • Why do you dream about a priest in a dream (negative meaning): if the priest in your dream is tired, minding his own business, and looks bad, then this means that in the near future you will absolutely not have enough strength or time to achieve all your goals. You shouldn’t spread yourself thin – you need to gradually complete one task at a time and move from one to another.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorova

  • The dream “father in the house” says that if in a dream you met and became acquainted with a clergyman, invited him to your house, it means that in real life you are listening to your intuition, but have not yet been able to find the answer to a question that is important to you.
  • The dream “church and priest” says that if in a dream you are in a church while a service is taking place there, but you absolutely cannot understand what exactly the priest is saying, then this dream should be considered as a warning to you against mistakes, which you may allow due to isolation or ignorance.

Esoteric dream book

  • Seeing a church and a priest on a platform in a dream - you will soon drive yourself into a double, complex and ambiguous position; inconvenient, unpleasant circumstances await you in the future.
  • In the case when you see yourself in the role of a priest in a dream, this indicates the fact that your pride will be punished, a stupid position awaits you in which you will put yourself through your behavior and inability to compromise.

Modern dream book

  • In a dream, the priest appears before the diseases that await you in the very near future in life.
  • The dream “church minister priest” is a warning, a warning. You should be especially careful if in a dream you saw a priest at a service, since this indicates future troubles and is a harbinger of serious illnesses. There are cases when in a dream a woman finds herself falling in love with a priest - this indicates that there is high risk to suffer from love that arose in relation to a low, callous, unnecessary and unprincipled man.
  • If in a dream the priest sought the sympathy of a girl or woman, then this means reproaches for her frivolity, carelessness, unseemly and empty behavior, and a penchant for playful, cheerful pastime.
  • Did you confess to your priest in a dream? This symbolizes the deepest humiliation, and possible sadness and grief in the future.
  • In general, we can conclude that dreams in which you see a clergyman, according to the modern dream book, are bad sign, a warning about the troubles and misfortunes that you can inflict on yourself and your loved ones, relatives, your family - all this can happen due to your unseemly behavior.

Dream book of the 20th century

  • A priest in dreams is a symbol of morality, religious laws and unspoken rules conscience.
  • To see that a priest is behaving in a manner inappropriate for his rank - you may be seriously offended by people from whom you absolutely could not expect such actions.
  • If the priest from the dream is very strict or sad, your conscience is not clear, you should repent and ask for forgiveness.
  • Blessing of the priest - in life you are on on the right track, continue in the same direction.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Seeing a priest in a dream is a wonderful symbol that speaks of future well-being and further happiness.
  • If you dreamed of confessing to a priest, you should be wary of possible humiliation, betrayal and unseemly behavior of your loved ones. This will greatly hurt you and cause unimaginable pain.
  • If a priest dreams of a person who has broken the law, then this means that his actions will be revealed.

Noble dream book of Grishina

  • Why do we dream of a priest or priest - often a symbol of that part of our “I” about which we know nothing or very little, but which at the same time knows a lot itself and is able to look into the future. Thus, the appearance of a priest is a help, an omen, a warning sent to you to save you from mistakes.
  • Seeing a priest in your dream means trouble, misfortune, committing sin, danger.
  • If in a dream the priest appeared before you in full robes, this is a symbol of danger to the life of one of your family members.
  • To see a priest in ordinary, simple, secular clothes - a good, favorable, positive event awaits you soon.
  • Seeing a deacon in a dream means joy, good news.
  • Seeing the metropolitan, the pope - to prosperity, joy, a positive outcome of some matter.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

  • Asking for a blessing from a priest in a dream is a reminder of your weaknesses. If you surrender your destiny to the will of God, everything will be decided well.
  • The dream “I had a dream about a priest and had a conversation with him” says that you will receive a high position, various honors and recognition.

Gypsy dream book

  • Seeing a priest in a dream means you will spend money for other purposes, unnecessary waste. It is worth reconsidering your future spending and making purchases more wisely.
  • If in a dream you were a priest, then this means that you have already spent money unwisely. Try not to do such things in the future.

Mythological dream book
If in a dream you see a priest or simply an unbeliever in priestly vestments, this portends regret and repentance. Perhaps you will soon receive bad news (it all depends on the plot of the dream).

Old Russian dream book

  • Seeing a priest at home in a dream is a good sign. To future abundance, prosperity, happiness in the family.
  • Also, the priest in a dream says that a letter, message or some news awaits you soon.

Dream Interpretation Kananita
If in a dream you happen to see a priest or priest at his workplace and performing daily duties, then this is a warning dream, since in reality you risk finding yourself in an ambiguous position. Be careful, beware, lest your frivolity play a very cruel joke on you.

An old Russian dream book. Why do you dream about father?

  • A sick person's dream of a priest foretells prosperity and happiness.
  • If a criminal dreams of a church and a priest, all his crimes await him.

Interpretation of dreams from a psychoanalytic dream book

  • A priest who appears in a woman’s, girl’s, or girl’s dream is the archetype of a wise old man; you should listen to his words.
  • A father who appears in a dream for a man, guy, young man or boy is the unity of opposites, the inseparability of anima and animus, which can only be separated through pain.

Dream interpretation of tarot

  • If you saw a priest in your dream, this means that you should repent of your deeds and ask God for forgiveness for what you have done.
  • Also, a priest in a dream means helping loved ones, the presence of weak hope.

Dream book of psychologist Freud

  • Father in a dream is a phallus symbol.
  • The fact that you saw a priest means that in real life you strive to ensure that your sexual contacts are protected, safe, and you never forget that you should use protective equipment - primarily condoms.

Abbot dream book for a Catholic

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a priest means success.
  • Dream Interpretation: talking with the priest is a sign of joy.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

Wanderer's Dream Book

I dreamed of a priest in a cassock - the path is shown to you, support is given, a blessing for what you have planned. Also, the appearance of a priest in a dream indicates that the sleeping person has a bad conscience.

American dream book

A dream about a church and a priest is a symbol of your deep spiritual consequences. When interpreting a dream, you should first of all pay attention to the position of the priest in your dream.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The dreams in which you happened to see the priest are evidence of the superiority of the powerful “Super-I”, as well as fears.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a church and a priest in a dream means prosperity. Perhaps soon news will come to you from afar, wait.

Astrological dream book

The appearance of a priest in your dream indicates that soon questions spiritual development will bring you to the forefront.

Universal dream book

Seeing a priest in a dream means illnesses in the future.

Seeing yourself as a priest means loneliness awaits you.

Grandmother's dream book

According to grandma's dream book 1918, a priest in a dream is a symbol of well-being and prosperity.

Slavic dream book

Seeing a priest in a cassock in a dream means good luck, prosperity, happiness in your home.

Electronic dream book

Various conversations on philosophical, eternal topics await you.

Newest dream book

A priest in a dream means trouble; you will have no luck in the near future.

Chinese dream book

  • This dream book gives meaning to dreams in which you see many priests - in in this case You should combine the interpretation from other dream books (regarding actions occurring in a dream; place; situation, etc.) with the color of clothing.
  • Large quantity people in white robes - there will be cases that will be directly related to the service.
  • Blue robes are a symbol of separation from your family, separation from loved ones.
  • Violet or purple clothing is overused.
  • Red clothing on clergy is happiness, great luck, a favorable sign.

Dream Interpretation by Seasons

  • Autumn dream book. I dreamed of a priest, a clergyman, performing his service - this dream suggests that your life has reached a dead end, you should rethink everything you have done and confess.
  • Winter dream book. Talking with the priest means good news, a good solution to your affairs.
  • Spring dream book. If a man dreams of a priest, it means vicious thoughts; for women, it means temptation.
  • Summer dream book. Father in the house - to the fulfillment of secret desires.


The father you saw in a dream is a reminder of imperfection human nature. For atheists, dreams with the presence of a priest indicate that they may soon be drawn into a big adventure. Another interpretation is that perhaps the atheist will soon understand that he should choose religion, accept the path of faith.
Do not forget that a priest can speak not only with words, but also with facial expressions and gestures. It is possible that you have already guessed about some moments or situations in your life - in this case, the behavior of the priest in a dream can confirm your guesses. Also important are all the actions and words that were spoken and done towards you by the priest from the dream. Kind words, warm, spoken in a good mood, as well as a blessing - this is a very good, positive sign. If in a dream you dreamed church service, prayers (especially of a repentant nature), confession and other actions of this type are evidence that in real life you need to repent, or soon you will have to bitterly regret.
In any case, a priest in a dream is a warning, a symbol of respect and trust, so this dream should not be ignored.

Dream Interpretation Father

The world of night scenes is quite diverse and multifaceted. Dreams that you have are unpredictable. Sometimes, waking up after seeing a night vision, a person tries to find a logical connection between the dream and real life. How interesting it is to find out what the dream portends in the future.

Dreams in which a person sees a priest are quite rare and, oddly enough, mostly for non-believers. If you nevertheless dreamed of a priest in a night story, then you should figure out what he portends for you.

if you dreamed of a priest

I dreamed of a priest in a dream

If the question arises: why is the priest dreaming, then the person who sees such a dream needs to analyze his actions and think about whether he is doing everything right. A priest seen in a dream advises you to correct your sins.

The dream book indicates: the priest was sad - which means you are reproaching yourself for the wrongdoings you have committed. In some dream books, this plot foretells the approach of trouble.

The clergyman in the night story had good mood- favorable vision.

Did you see a big-bodied priest? A favorable dream indicating a beautiful and carefree life for the dreamer.

Was he with a beard in your story? Your family loves you and cherishes you.

Seeing a priest without a beard indicates to the dreamer that an unfamiliar person is worried about him.


Was the priest wearing a cassock?

Try to remember how the priest was dressed.

  • Was the priest dressed in a festive cassock? In the near future, your loved ones will need your support.
  • Seeing him in a black cassock means a pleasant family dinner.
  • In white - the dreamer will be invited to dinner at a restaurant.
  • He was dressed in worldly attire - expect good news.

Did you touch the cassock in your night vision? For the big holiday.

A Catholic clergyman foreshadows changes in the dreamer's life. If you dreamed that he was confessing, then this plot foreshadows hopeless situation, in which only an influential acquaintance can help.

See in church

The priest came into church - he’s in love with you stranger. If you dreamed that a priest was leaving a church, you became the object of love of an old friend.

Were you inside the church and kissed his hand? There is a long journey ahead in the near future.

Was he holding a bible in his hands? To a pleasant holiday.

Remember exactly what actions took place inside the church.

Divine service

if you dreamed of a divine service

I had a dream: a priest was holding a service in a church - a dream foreshadows serious illness. Did you confess in a dream? This means that in real life you will make a mistake that will cause your sadness, and the situation will also upset your loved ones.

Did you dream that he performed a service in a language you did not understand? This plot indicates upcoming dangers in the dreamer’s real life.

Did the priest perform the wedding ceremony? The dream foreshadows a happy family life.


The plot in which the priest blesses is a favorable sign. Anyone who sees this plot can count on good luck in all endeavors. Stop thinking, start acting.

Another blessing seen indicates a renewal of relations with a person with whom the dreamer is now in a quarrel.

Is the priest blessing you? Will support you in the near future influential person. The dream can also be a signal that you will soon find the answer to the question that is tormenting you.

if you saw him on the street

Sometimes the plot dreams that the clergyman was not in the church, but in other places:

  • Seeing him on the street means hard work.
  • Meeting him at the market means you will actually fall in love with a good person.
  • If you saw him in someone else’s house, you will go on a business trip.
  • Were you in the car with him? Meet old friends.

Be your own priest

If you had a dream in which the dreamer himself was a sacred minister and conducted a rite of worship, this means that the people around you consider you a leader and do not understand why you do not strive to take the place of the boss.

Dream for a woman

A woman has a dream in which a priest was in love with her - this means that she needs to become more restrained in her actions and entertainment, otherwise she will ruin her reputation.

To be the most in love with him is a sign of betrayal and betrayal of your loved one.

Miller's Dream Book

what did the father do

  • A priest seen in a dream foreshadows illness in real life.
  • Seeing him during a service is a sign of concern.
  • Confessing to him means humiliation and sadness.
  • Talking with the priest is an honor.
  • Was the priest gloomy and upset? Beware of enemies.

Esoteric dream book

According to the interpretation of this dream book, a priest conducting a service in a church dreams of a risky business.

Gypsy dream book

The priest points out your lack of economy. If you happened to be the priest yourself in the night story, it means that you will actually make a rash purchase, and in the future you will regret the wasted money.

Modern dream interpreter

Did you dream about a priest? The dream indicates your weaknesses. Did you see the priest inside the church, but didn’t manage to communicate with him? This means that in the near future another person will try to subjugate you. Did the conversation take place? The dream foreshadows the achievement of great heights in life.

Did you see that the priest in the cassock is you? The dream book indicates: you doubt your abilities and doubt that you will complete the task assigned to you. Be more determined, you will succeed.

Dream interpreter Grishina

Seeing a blessing in a dream indicates that the dreamer enjoys authority among those around him and everyone is always happy to see him.

If you see a priest in your night vision, then the dreamer should pay attention to his inner world, reconsider all your committed actions and analyze life values.

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