How to advertise in your community. What to do if the offer is good, but the GEO is narrow? Offer – waist reduction corset Waist Trainer

Hello to all readers and visitors of my blog site. The New Year 2017 has arrived. I hope you had a great time and are now full of strength for new achievements.

Today we’ll talk about how to advertise in VKontakte communities. In the past, I talked about how to properly set up targeted advertising in contact.

Advertising in communities is suitable for those who definitely cannot make targeted advertising, since you will not pass moderation on VK. In principle, public advertising is suitable for almost everything that does not contradict the rules of advertising and the legislation of the Russian Federation; you just need to choose a suitable community and know your target audience.

Before ordering advertising, you need to prepare a post for publication, write a good selling text, design an image that matches the post, indicate the necessary link in it and preferably with a UTM tag, in order to track the effectiveness of the advertising channel.

Typically, posts are posted in their groups and repost advertising is ordered, this allows you to attract users both to your community and to the product that is advertised in this post.

The next task is to choose the right community for advertising.

1. Through the official exchange in contact

3. You can negotiate directly with community administrators

Go to, click on advertising posts in communities. After this, a window opens, and in it you need to click enter the office.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

It will be revealed to us great amount sites, we can filter them by parameters, topic, price per advertising post, number of participants, daily user coverage and others.

For example, we need to advertise our group on an automotive theme, selling auto parts. We indicate several parameters, topic, ad price, number of participants, preferably at least 50,000 people. It is better to choose the age of the group’s main audience at least 24 years old, as this is a more solvent audience.

And a sea of ​​options opens up for us, we can immediately see the price, the average daily reach of users who view community posts. It is this parameter that needs to be assessed; the coverage should be at least 40-50% of the total number of participants; if it is significantly less, then this group doesn't fit.

This means that the participants in it are inactive, and there is a large number of bots, there should be no more than 5%.

We can open any community and look at some parameters, if we see dogs we immediately close it, such a community is not suitable.

If there are few comments or reposts in a group, then the group is probably inactive. Of course, all this can now be done artificially, but all this will be inconsistent and therefore impossible to see.

You can view detailed group statistics, see the figure.

Here you can see the number of reposts, audience coverage, age of subscribers, their gender, and their geographic location.

Advertising is usually posted for 24 hours after it is removed; for the first 2-3 hours it comes first. But it happens that admins do not delete an advertising post; they immediately write about it on their site.

If you decide to use third-party advertising exchanges, you can consider the Forum service. Here are the approximate prices for advertising in groups, here you can choose suitable platforms yourself.

It is also worth considering the Sociate service; there are a lot of different communities; you can select them by clicking on the sites and then filter by various parameters, mainly the number of participants, price per post, topic.

The way it works is very simple; statistics are also available after the advertisement is released.

The most best time to release an advertising post in weekdays in the morning from 8 to 10 am and in the evening from 19 to 22 o'clock local time or Moscow time, depending on what audience is needed.

Be sure to keep a special table that will keep track of all the communities you work with. There are a lot of them now, so choose carefully, and don’t constantly advertise in the same communities; it’s better to change them.

Keep track of your ads to ensure they come out within the agreed time frame.

You can also directly write to the administrator and ask how much it costs to place an advertisement in his community, and there you will agree on payment and placement time, and of course send him your ad so that he can decide whether he will advertise it or not.

Many people say that public advertising will soon die, I think it won’t be that fast, now it exists and works well.

I placed ads in groups and advertising works very well in them, the main thing is to choose the right community and know exactly what goal you are pursuing by placing an ad, as well as what your target audience is, then the effect of such advertising will be good.

There is no need to order advertising in large communities where prices are very high. As a rule, such advertising campaigns are unjustified; start testing with small communities of 50,000-100,000 people.

Good luck to everyone, if you have any questions, ask :)

Social networks, in addition to their main purpose, have acquired one more purpose - promoting goods and services to the masses. Now everyone can make money from advertising, but there is one problem. To receive income from placement, you must first advertise the group and recruit a sufficient number of participants. For a novice administrator of the VKontakte community, it becomes a vicious circle.

In fact, patience will help you promote your own community or public VKontakte page.

How to advertise a group and how much does it cost? To answer these two questions, let’s decide on the method of advertising. There are two types of VKontakte advertising: targeted and regular posts in thematic groups. The location and cost of each method are different.

Targeted advertising of the VKontakte group

Configured for a specific audience is called targeted. When placing targeted advertising, many parameters of the target audience are used: gender, age, location, interests, etc. Efficiency largely depends on the correct settings. Firstly, well-configured targeted advertising will cost several times less, and secondly, the correct parameters will quickly lead the user to the target audience and, accordingly, will quickly promote a young community.

If you have a narrow target audience, be precise in your targeting. This way you will save your budget.

Let's look at placement step by step:

  • Go to your group and select “Community Advertising” in the drop-down menu under your avatar.
  • Place an advertisement.
  • Configure target audience settings.
  • Specify the price and location of the advertisement.

Advertisers have three ad formats available: image and text, large image and community promotion. To the right of the settings panel, you'll see what your ad looks like after it's published. The best option is the “Image and Text” format because the right words can hook the user no less than a bright photograph.

Setting the parameters of the target audience is carried out based on the focus and theme of the group.

  • For example, if a group sells products through a social network, then limit the target audience by location based on delivery capabilities.
  • When a community contains entertaining content and generates advertising revenue, geographic targeting is inappropriate.

The same applies to other parameters. When setting up interests, you should not limit yourself strictly thematic areas. Related topics may also be among the attractive content for potential audiences.
Targeted advertising in news feed VC.

Next, select a payment method and price. On VKontakte, an advertiser has the right to independently decide what he will pay for: for clicks and for views. Views are much cheaper, but just because a user viewed an ad does not mean that he will subscribe to the community. Paying for clicks, although more expensive, is more effective.

Posts in thematic public pages

Advertising post with a link to the group.

Posts are posted through third-party exchanges, advertising accounts and group administrators. To submit your advertisement officially:

  • In your advertising account, go to the “Advertising in Communities” section.
  • Top up your account.
  • Create an advertisement and send it for moderation.
  • Select an advertising platform based on traffic and audience coverage.

In the advertising account menu you will find ad statistics, compare available publishing platforms and control your budget. When an advertiser posts a post through their account, group administrators can contact the user themselves and offer to post an advertising post in their community.

You can do without all these manipulations and directly contact the administrator, and, in fact, place an advertisement in his community. They agree on the timing and cost of publication through personal messages, but first you need to request access to public statistics. The fact is that a seemingly promoted group may turn out to be half filled with fake pages, and the activity may be simulated using bots. By advertising a public page in a community, the advertiser will simply lose his money. The price for an advertising post is set based on the fact of its publication. That is, it doesn’t matter whether someone enters the community based on an advertisement or not, you will have to pay in any case.

How to advertise a VKontakte group for free?

In the field of Internet marketing, the word “free” is synonymous with the words “long and difficult.” Subscribers obtained on your own are always more expensive than an attracted audience. There are several ways to community. The most popular ones include:

Sending out invitations

To send out invitations, identify your target audience in two ways: through search and through competitor groups. In the first case, select users by location, age and gender, and then send private messages to the maximum number of people on the list.

If we consider the second method, then this is the banal theft of subscribers from competitors. Find the most popular public page with a similar topic and send invitations containing information about the promoted community. To send invitations, stock up on fake accounts; if your profile is too active, it will be blocked for spreading spam. You should send approximately 30–40 messages per day from one page.

Competitions and prize draws

Viral marketing tools. The method of attracting traffic is absolutely legal, do not be afraid of temporary blocking. It is worth noting that this method promotions are not completely free, you still have to spend money on prizes. If the group sells goods or services, offer a free item or gift certificate as a prize. Systematic holding of competitions will ensure a constant influx of new subscribers to the contact group, and at minimal cost. The prize in the competition must be related to your product or service, otherwise you will receive untargeted subscribers.

Mutual PR

It implies close cooperation between two or more community administrators. It is difficult to cooperate with competitors; for mutual promotion, it is better to make a list of groups on related topics with a similar number of subscribers and offer them joint publication of advertising. For example, a community that sells cosmetics promotes the services of a makeup artist and vice versa.

Activity in other communities and attracting users from external resources are the weakest methods of advertising, but nonetheless work. Free advertising is placed in the comments under posts of promoted groups and under thematic articles on blogs, information sites, etc. Before leaving comments with links in popular communities, study the group rules, otherwise administrators will ban the user for sending spam.

Texts for advertising of the VK group

If choosing a bright and tempting photo for a post takes a few minutes, then writing a good selling text can take more than an hour. When writing advertising text, you should not reinvent the wheel. Effective templates have long been developed that will tell you how to correctly write a selling text. Here are some really catchy options:

Example for sales groups:

  • “Rejuvenating face mask ****** will not only get rid of wrinkles, but will also give freshness to your image. You can order here: _____"
  • “Brand watches ***** are back in STOCK! Hurry up to place your order and we will give a discount to the first 10 customers!!!”
  • "SENSATION! For the first time in our store discounts up to 70%!!! PRESS____"
  • “Today only, 50% discount on 2nd purchase!!! Terms of the promotion here: ____"
  • “Don’t know where to find branded items at low prices? Then you should come to us _____. Join and get a 20% discount on your first purchase"

Example for entertainment publics:

  • “Do you want to have a slim and toned body? Subscribe to the ****** community and achieve your first results in just 7 days!”
  • “Do you like author's photographs? Then ***** is for you here. Here are collected only the TOP professional photographs of 2017 of the year"
  • "SHOCK!!! The second grader came home after school activities, and there... Continued in the source."
  • “Do you want to win any argument? Then sign ______.”
  • “Finally found an awesome group! New memes every day HERE"
  • “95% of 100 will ignore this post. Hello, my name is Alexey, and I’ll tell you how I made my first million...”

This is only a small part of how users are hooked on VKontakte. The most ambitious and original administrators regularly come up with new ways to attract subscribers. Although ad templates consist of 1-2 working phrases, they are all based on classic psychological techniques. Some of them arouse curiosity, others touch pride. And most importantly – they work!

You can’t rely on one advertisement when promoting a young community. Experiment, try, surprise and subscribers will reach out on their own. Whatever the method of advertising on VKontakte, only the most active and enterprising users manage to promote their group. We read less and do more, then luck will definitely smile.

We released new book"Content marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


The VKontakte social network boasts a huge number of popular communities that delight subscribers with interesting and relevant information every day. The VK marketing platform allows you to place advertisements and posts in communities that are selected in accordance with your target audience (TA). The market platform brings together a huge number of diverse thematic communities, which allows you to find the right audience and achieve desired result: increasing subscribers of your group, advertising goods/services in VK groups, promoting the site and attracting traffic to it, and so on.

Is the game worth the candle?

Today, many are wondering whether advertising in VKontakte groups has an effect, since Instagram and Facebook are gaining more and more popularity. As practice shows, placing advertising posts in VK public pages has enviable effectiveness. If the public has 100 thousand subscribers from the target audience or more, your ad will definitely be of interest to 5-10 thousand people, and 2-3 thousand users are guaranteed to take a useful action (that is, go to the site, subscribe to a group, etc.). Just imagine what the effect will be if you post a post in a community where the target audience is measured in more than one million.

To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances: time spent in the TOP of the group, time of publication, etc.:

  1. In VK there are practically no restrictions on advertised goods/services. If you set up targeting, then moderators set a number of restrictions. For example, advertising of intimate hygiene products for women or new beer will not be targeted. But in thematic communities you simply have access to activities.
  2. If you correctly set your target audience and select communities, the result will be pleasantly surprising. Outline the avatar of your average consumer and then move on to selecting communities. Naturally, if you are promoting children's products, public pages for motorists or communities where average age The audience is 16-20 years old.
  3. If your budget is limited, then it is better to refuse promotion in leading communities. For example, a post in “New Music” with an audience of 8.6 million will cost 20,650 rubles. An advertising post in the familiar “Lepra” will cost 10,999 rubles. As a rule, Coca-Cola, Lamoda, McDonald's, and so on are advertised in these communities.

How to advertise in a VKontakte group

To do this, go to the VK advertising exchange in groups by following the link and select “Place Ads”. To start working on an advertising post, select “Create an entry.” Please note that the ad you place must comply with the rules for posting ads in communities, which you can find here:

So, let's start creating an advertising post. First of all, we decide on the type: we will have a new unique ad or we will repost an existing post. Next we write the text. Maximum amount characters is 16,000. If you want the text material not to collapse and look attractive, it is better to write a concise, meaningful text of 280 characters. Your text may use hyperlinks, for example, to a product catalog, to a website, to your own group on VK, and so on. You can replace the link with words to make it more attractive; for this, the following construction is used: @short_page_address (text).

An advertising post can be accompanied by illustrations, videos, animations and other attachments. To do this, select “Attach”, and then select the necessary files. Please note that videos and audio materials must first be uploaded to your page from your computer, and then attached to a new publication.

How to place an advertisement in a VKontakte group

To select a public page as efficiently and accurately as possible, it is necessary to specify a number of criteria: time of publication, advertising campaign budget, region of coverage, thematic focus, gender, age of the audience, and so on. Next, the advertising exchange in VKontakte groups will generate a list of the most relevant publics that meet the criteria you entered and have free slots for advertising at the specified time. The exchange also automatically selects the most favorable ratio of placement cost and audience reach. You can exclude in advance communities that are not suitable for you for one reason or another, then they will be removed from the presented selection. When you have decided on the choice of sites, confirm your choice by clicking the “Place” button. Then the advertising post is accepted by the system for publication at the selected time on the specified sites.

When you select publics, be sure to view their statistics by clicking on the icon next to each of them. This will allow you to find the most profitable proposition. In the selection, the number of subscribers is displayed on average; these are people who are not just subscribers to the community, but also regularly read news and posts in it. For each community, you can also obtain information about the gender and age structure of the existing audience and the level of activity.

It is important to consider that the time the system publishes a publication is calculated based on the advertiser’s time. That is, if you want to publish an entry at 09:00, 13:30, or 20:00 (the most effective time), the publication time will be changed by the system for public administrators in other time zones so that the entry is “published” in 09:00, 13:30, or 20:00 according to your time.

Management and control of advertising in VKontakte communities

  1. Awaiting publication. That is, the post is already in the publication plan, next to it you can see the date and time of publication.
  2. Active. The community posted a publication, subscribers read the announcement.
  3. Completed. The 24 hour recording was posted in the community. As a rule, the 1/23 scheme is used: the post was in the TOP for 1 hour, and then was in the feed for 23 hours and moved down as new posts were released.
  4. Not fulfilled. The community posted a post, but it stayed on the wall for less than 24 hours. The reason for this may be cancellation of the application by the administrator or advertiser, that is, by you. For unfulfilled publications, money is returned by the system to in full. Once a publication has an active status, it can no longer be withdrawn.

For more convenient use personal account, place advertising records in the archive. If necessary, you can always extract the advertising message from the archive and reactivate it. You can track the effectiveness of each post using statistics graphs. It shows the ratio of funds spent and the number of clicks on links from the post. In addition, you can receive information for each specific public: how many subscribers saw the post, how the subscribers who saw the post are distributed by age and gender, how many users followed the link, left a comment or liked it.

Statistics allow you to analyze the effectiveness of a campaign and see what results advertising in public pages brings. You can also abandon ineffective communities and increase the budget for working with productive groups.

Cost of advertising on VKontakte in groups

Every advertiser is interested in how much advertising in VK groups costs and what budget is required to achieve the goal. Payment for placing an advertising post is debited from the account if the publication lasts on the wall of the selected communities for 24 hours. There is no universal price scale for advertising in VK public pages. It is calculated based on a number of parameters: the popularity of the topic, the number of subscribers in a particular community, competition among advertisers, and so on.

On average, 1000 impressions of a post cost 15-20 rubles, in entertainment communities 25-35 rubles. On average, the price of advertising in VK groups is calculated using the formula: reach/100. That is, if a community has an audience of 10,000, the cost of a post in it is 100 rubles. However, administrators often set their own prices because they consider the collected audience to be unique and valuable; in this case, they can calculate the cost of VKontakte advertising in their group using the formula: coverage/20-30.

Please note that large groups have a large number of subscribers, but they experience a phenomenon called “banner blindness”. That is, users see advertising quite often and get used to ignoring it, without even reading it carefully. Plus, keep in mind: statistical studies show that the solvency of subscribers to communities about cars and raising children is higher than subscribers to groups with jokes.

Today there are no clear established limits on advertising prices in the VKontakte group. The best thing to do is to go by trial and error - buy posts in different groups, expensive and cheap, and analyze where more traffic comes from, higher conversion.


  1. Advertising in VK groups is relevant and effective.
  2. It is easy and simple to set up yourself using the social market platform. networks.
  3. Thanks to the statistics section, it is necessary to constantly monitor the advertising posts placed.

In the image below you can see an example of our ad and two selected VKontakte groups that we consider target. We could simply know this group, be their subscriber, or it could be your competitors.

Let's use the VKontakte search and enter a keyword for our topic. IN in this case for example, this would be "business":

We choose from them those that are most suitable for us and where, in your opinion, yours might be located. You can also choose groups of your competitors: this ready-made audience can show itself most effectively among others. We copy the names of these communities and their links into a separate text file.

Now we are faced with the task of gathering the remaining groups where our clients may be. To do this, we will use a separate service located on the website. This service is free to use, unlike its popular counterparts. Go to the website and select the appropriate item in the left menu:

Select the very first item called “Search for community audiences.” This opportunity will allow us to find out which other groups our target audience belongs to.

To do this, after entering the link to the first community, select the range of subscribers for similar groups. The system script will search for similar communities, analyzing the existing audience from the first community. This way, you can find relevant groups without using a manual search on VKontakte.

Next, we specify the “Extended Information” format: you can get communities and information about them. For example, the percentage of audience matches. This will help you choose groups with the most similar audience.

Go down below and click on the “Start audience search” button. In the pop-up window, click on the “Log in via VK” button, then allow application access.

You will see the previous page again and if you have not saved the data, then enter it again and begin searching for the audience. In the “Show Top… results” column, select the value 100 for faster results. The process can take from one hour to several tens of hours, depending on the audience of your chosen community. While the audience is gathering, you can study :)

Ultimately you will receive the following information:

We review each community for compliance. We choose those that, in our opinion, include our target audience. We copy the links of these groups into a previously created file for future use in our advertisements on VKontakte.

The method used above for searching for similar communities is also notable for the fact that in this way you can search without entering specific keywords. Previously, during a manual search, we used the word “Business”, but in the results of the parser you can get a list without this keyword. Thus, if the initial community has the maximum target audience for you, using this service you can find the most similar communities and, as a result, use their audience for advertising.

Let's figure out how to choose a public page for advertising on VK, consider the points that require attention, and also study certain tricks.

  1. We make a selection of popular public pages that may be of interest to us;
  2. We carefully study their statistical indicators;
  3. We analyze the content and select the most popular by the number of visits;
  4. Finally, we adapt the advertising post to the selected group or page.

Let's look in detail at how this works in practice.

Advertising in VK public pages - select a community

Step 1. Make a sample.

To select a list of public pages suitable for our advertising campaign, just go to the advertising account. Click “Advertising” on the left under the main menu. Once in personal account, from where the Republic of Kazakhstan is managed, click first “Advertising in communities”, and then “Available sites”.

As you can see, here you can find the desired community by name, topic, price per post and other parameters. Let's look at what public indicators you should pay attention to first.

  • Geography. If your products or services are provided in one region or city, is it worth ordering advertising in a community with subscribers from all over the world? Of course no. For these purposes, some regional public page is suitable, where the majority of subscribers (70-80%) are from your city.
  • Floor. Everything is simple here, if your target audience is women, then look for women’s public pages, if men, then vice versa. If it is both of them, we recommend dividing the advertising campaign and making one advertising post for girls and another for men.
  • According to the age. Just as in the previous case, the target audience is the reference point. Select the required quantity age groups. Important! Give Special attention recommended for the segment under 18 years old: public subscribers such age category demonstrate greater engagement. Despite the lack of solvency, such target audience is extremely useful. Advertising of games, cheap accessories and various small items can be especially effective;
  • Dogs and bots. Of course, the fewer bots and deleted pages (dogs), the better. However, they are present almost everywhere, but if they are more than 20%, from total number, then you should be wary of such a group;
  • Category coverage and involvement. This parameter is one of the most important. Since VK has introduced a system for ranking posts, the priority is to show more popular publications, and there may be a situation where the public has more than a million subscribers, and posts receive no more than 3000-4000 unique views. It is important to consider that engagement – ​​comments, “likes”, etc. - can be artificially increased, then coverage cannot be.

Unfortunately, not all public pages are represented in the VK advertising account; in this case, you should contact the community administrators for advertising placement, ask them for statistics on the group, and check all other indicators manually. Having compiled a list of the most interesting public sites for advertising, you can move on.

Step 2. Statistical indicators of publics.

To study the statistics, just click on the name of the public. After that it will open in a new tab. You will need to go to the group itself and evaluate the frequency of publication of posts. The ideal option would be a community where posts are posted at least once an hour. If there are significantly more publications, then the post with advertising content will rapidly lose position.

Returning to your advertising account, rate coverage of posts by day. Click the chart icon next to the community. By studying the activity schedule, you can find the most favorable period for creating an advertising publication. For example, in the group “Did you know?” — there is no peak activity, but a noticeable drawdown is visible certain days— these are the ones you should avoid if you expect to get maximum effect from your advertising.

Important! Rapid changes in the activity graph should be alarming - the activity may be inflated. You should also be wary of such a phenomenon as a mass exit of participants. This may be due to the attraction of an uninterested audience that, after looking around, is in a hurry to leave the group.

You can also study growth rates and demographics - the gender of visitors, their age, and geographic dispersion.

Step 3. Content analysis.

The content of entertainment publics with memes, films or music is unlikely to tell anything new about their subscribers, but thematic communities that publish content of a strictly defined focus should be studied better.

Advertising a game in the style of Civilization in the appropriate public.

Identify popular posts. Understand why they became popular. And take this into account when creating an advertising post. What should you pay attention to?

  • Text formatting(whether the text is divided into paragraphs or written in continuous text, whether emoji are used, whether words are written in capitals, and so on).
  • Image(is there text in the picture, are images of people, animals, children used, is there a corporate style for pictures for posts).
  • Contact with the audience(does the text of the post end with a question, is there a call to leave comments or share the post, etc.).

Step 4. Adaptation of the advertising post for public.

Now all the data received must be taken into account when creating an advertising post. Write text, choose an image and make a cool call to action to achieve high CTR, conversions and ROI.

To attract attention, use the pain points of your potential clients. Offer part of the solution in a post, and post the rest on the website. At the same time, do not try to sell immediately - first trust, then sale.

Or give something for free - a webinar, a trial lesson, etc.

Work on the uniqueness of the content, no need to copy from competitors or from any sites, create unique content in the form of articles, photos and other things.

Nuances and tricks of public advertising

So, a suitable group has been selected. Now is the time to create compelling ads. You can resort to a number of tricks: