What does community advertising on VK mean? This is how VKontakte describes the differences between advertising for impressions and transitions. Recommended community posts in users' news feeds

We continue the series of articles about VKontakte advertising. In two previous articles, SMM specialist Svetlana Raevskaya told us about opportunities and. Today we will look at the latest type of advertising on the VKontakte social network - advertising in communities.

If you choose this type of advertising, then you have 3 ways to implement it. The first is through the official VKontakte exchange. The second is placing advertising posts through third-party advertising exchanges, for example www.sociate.ru The third is purchasing advertising posts directly from community administrators.

In September 2014, VKontakte changed the rules for advertising in communities, increasing the limit on commercial posts from 3 to 5 per day. Moreover, two of them must be placed through the VKontakte advertising exchange. For abuses when publishing advertisements, including “mutual PR,” violators are subject to a ban on publishing links on the wall, the terms of which are determined depending on the scale of the violations and the history of punishments by the community.

Placement through the official VKontakte exchange

I will not repeat the VKontakte instructions; each of you can read it in your advertising account. I will name only the main pros and cons this method advertising placement.

A big plus of placing through the official exchange is detailed statistics. In statistics, you can see the number of community subscribers and the total number of users who viewed the advertising post, as well as their distribution by gender and age. You can track the number of unique users who clicked on at least one link from a post, as well as the number of users who shared, commented, or liked the post. If a community was advertised using a post, you will receive information about the number of users who joined it thanks to this advertisement. This information will allow you to choose better communities and improve your advertising posts.

The downside that negates all the advantages of placement through an exchange for you and me is the high cost. Only large brands and agencies use this method of advertising in communities.

Placing advertising posts through the sociate.ru exchange

The Sociate.ru system allows you to choose sites yourself, without contacting community owners directly. Acting as an intermediary, the exchange controls payments and timely placement of posts. It also offers a convenient search through the community catalog. Important! In the exchange catalog you can even find those communities that, for one reason or another, are excluded from VKontakte’s internal search.

The exchange interface is clear and convenient. There is a large “Help” section. It contains answers to all the most popular questions among beginners.

Purchasing posts directly from community administrators

This method of advertising in communities still remains the most common. You yourself choose a community to post, negotiate with its administration about the conditions and cost of posting, and prepare the post yourself (some administrators offer their services for preparing a post for a fee). What you need to pay attention to:

1. Conditions and cost of accommodation.

The standard placement conditions are as follows: your advertising post hangs on the community “wall” in first place for 1 hour, then begins to move down under other posts and is deleted after 24 hours. This is the best time-tested option. In some groups, your post may remain on the “wall” forever if it fits into the general content. Hosting costs vary greatly depending on niche, group size, and a variety of other factors. There is no clear pricing system. Moreover, in the same community in different time price may vary. It depends on the competition. When there are no advertisers, administrators often reduce the price. And vice versa.

2. Analysis of community statistics when choosing a platform for advertising

Studying the statistics of the community in which you plan to place an advertising post Special attention pay attention to 3 parameters: coverage, traffic and activity (likes, reposts, comments). Reach is the number of users who viewed community posts. Most experts agree that 20% of the total coverage can be considered good. total number community subscribers.

The “Attendance” tab will help you understand whether there have been infusions of offers into this community. Likes, reposts and comments in the community will show how active and involved the audience is in its life. Pay attention to the content of the comments. You can always understand whether they were left by real users or fakes.

3. At the end of March, VKontakte connected detailed statistics of posts of communities with more than 10,000 thousand participants

This means that when advertising in a large community, you can ask its administration for statistics on your advertising post. You need to agree on this in advance, since when you delete an entry, information about its statistics also disappears.

  • total user coverage;
  • coverage of subscribers of this community;
  • how many users switched to the community after seeing either the post itself in news feed And recommendations, or its repost;
  • the number of users who “passed” the entry into the community and soon subscribed to it;
  • the number of users who followed any link from the text of the post (not counting the link to the community in the post title and the link to the author in the signature).

Recommended community posts in users' news feeds

While this article was being prepared, VKontakte announced a new promotion format - recommended community posts in users’ news feeds. The new format will allow you to promote posts from communities in user news feeds on the web and mobile versions, as well as in VKontakte applications. The post that will be used by advertisers will have the same capabilities as a regular post: you can add text, an illustration or a photo album to it, attach a video, a wiki page, a survey, a map, and so on. The main difference between such a publication and a regular post in the community is the ability to show it to a specific audience. Advertisers will have access to more than 20 targeting options, including behavioral and retargeting. The first advertising publication will appear in the users’ news feed after 6–10 entries and after the 25th. The technical test of promoted posts will begin on May 1, and on May 15 the new tool will be available to all major advertisers.

This news blew up the professional communities of SMM specialists and Internet marketers. Experts predict the consequences of this innovation and the degree of its influence on the VKontakte advertising market. I dare to suggest that, given the high cost of this method of promotion, it will remain inaccessible to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs and will repeat the fate of the VKontakte advertising exchange.

Good luck in developing your projects!

I work in the field of SMM. I recently opened my own small online agency “ Good idea" We help small businesses find customers on social networks. We create communities of loyal customers. We work on social networks and forums. I myself specialize in VK. Our website

Advertising in VKontakte communities is still capable of bringing good profits in almost any business, and this is no exception. Of course, a lot of things Lately has changed. The VKontakte administration is trying to strengthen control and eradicate advertising that is purchased outside the exchange and offers gray goods.

On the one hand, a complete ban on gray offers will have a positive effect on the cost of purchasing advertising in VKontakte communities - the price will be lower and the ROI will be higher. But this will be a significant blow to all affiliates who actively work with all sorts of dubious products, such as weight loss products, enlarger creams, stimulant chewing gum, etc.

First of all, I am writing an article for arbitrage specialists in the hope that you know what traffic arbitrage is, so I will not explain the basics. The article may also contain slang typical for affiliate marketers. So if you find an expression you don’t understand, read the article about it or ask your question in the comments.

This step-by-step instruction for advertising in VK communities. And at the end they are waiting for you Additional materials in the form of a presentation, a script for the VK exchange and a table template for running an advertising campaign. Add-ons will help you effectively increase the speed of work and profit from each advertising post.

1 Select an offer

To place advertisements in VKontakte communities, you need to choose the right offer. Beginners should choose an already promoted offer that is on the rise in popularity. This will make it easier to start, since there is definitely a demand for the selected product if it is actively advertised.

If we see that the number of advertisements for an offer is increasing monthly, it means we can work on it (possibly not for long). If the dynamics are the opposite, that is, popularity is falling, this is a sign that the offer has been “squeezed out” and affiliates gradually stop working with it, having worked through the previously selected target audience (TA).

The graph shows that the peak in popularity of Ray-Ban glasses was from April to May 2016, but now there is a gradual increase before the summer. Therefore, in April-May you can take this offer and test it.

I don’t recommend that beginners get involved with little-known offers. Generating consumer demand is a costly business. Let professionals with huge budgets do this. Although I will not hide that in this case all the cream will go to them.

I am sure that many of those who read this article will gain enough experience to independently create demand in the market, start selling goods on their own and make money from their VKontakte group.

Do not take medical topics and gray offers for your first tests. With them you will not pass moderation and will have to negotiate directly with community administrators. If this doesn’t scare you and you are ready to correspond with admins, then you can try.

The offer should be selected based on personal knowledge about a specific target audience. For example, if you play games or watch streams, then you are in the know and it is more logical to choose a gaming offer.

If you don’t know anything about the potential buyers of an offer that is now at the peak of its activity, you can look for information about your target audience on forums, articles and landing pages. On forums, people openly write about their problems, so-called “pains”. And articles and landing pages need to be studied in detail and analyzed for whom the text is intended, what the copywriter focused on when writing the text.

  1. Availability of demand (increase in the amount of advertising);
  2. Creates a WOW effect (there is a unique property that distinguishes the offer from other similar offers on the market);
  3. The EPC (average return per click) indicator is preferably more than 6 rubles;
  4. The widest possible GEO (minimum is the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan)

The main mistake of many beginners is choosing an offer with a narrow GEO

Please understand that when buying advertising in VKontakte communities, we pay for all subscribers. Often 25% of subscribers are located in Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. If, according to the terms of the offer, traffic is accepted only from Russia, then all other traffic from the CIS will not be counted even if there are conversions. You will simply lose some of your profits.

Some public pages have subscribers from European countries. A very small percentage, but with a low budget even this should be taken into account.

If you have a low budget, choose an offer with a registration fee (browser games, dating sites, fresh offers in the information business). Testing such offers is cheaper.

What to do if the offer is good, but the GEO is narrow?

If one CPA affiliate program has limited GEO for a suitable offer, be sure to look for this offer in other affiliate networks for missing countries. In such a situation, flows will have to be redirected using a traffic backer or tracker.

If for a specific offer in other affiliate programs there are no conditions that expand the GEO to the CIS level, then you should not advertise it in VKontakte communities. There is targeted advertising for it.

2 Determine the target audience

Now you need to determine your target audience for the selected offer. It is important to do this as accurately and in detail as possible. Usually there is not one audience, but several. Therefore, you need to create a table of several audiences, noting the following points:

  • Age
  • Family status
  • Interests, hobbies
  • Needs
  • Desires, dreams
  • Problems and pains
  • Idols, favorite films, who is the authority
  • What he loves
  • What actions did you take to get rid of the problem?

I repeat, if you don’t know the target audience well for a potentially good offer, your direct route is to forums, articles and landing pages - find out more about the buyer than he knows about himself!

Offer – corset for reduction Waist Waist Trainer

Young mothers
— Age: 24-30
— Pain: recovered after childbirth, husband is unhappy
— Complexes: the waist has increased and the sides began to hang down a little
— What makes you happy: career achievements
— Interests, hobbies: music, sports
— What is important in solving a problem: quickly and safely
— What are you willing to spend money on: the opportunity to lose weight without risk to health
Women who try but can't lose weight
— Age 40+
— Pain: countless diets have failed
— Complexes: being overweight is bad for your health
— What makes you happy: children’s successes
— Interests, hobbies: cooking, knitting
— Idols: Malysheva
— What is important in solving a problem: speed is not important, the main thing is a guaranteed result
— What are you willing to spend money on: the opportunity to lose weight without physical activity

3 Selecting VKontakte communities for advertising

The next step is to select the communities in which we will buy advertising. This must be done for each audience.

The main indicator in selection is the percentage of target audience in the community. If the target audience in a community is less than 40%, it is not suitable for us. Since it is unlikely that paid advertising in such VKontakte communities will pay off at all, not to mention profit. That's why we select only the best communities!

Comparison options:

  1. Percentage of target audience by gender and age. The bigger it is, the better. Less than 40% of the target audience is not suitable for us.
  2. Audience interest. Determined by the ratio of likes to the coverage of posts over the past 24 hours. Also pay attention to reposts and especially comments. The presence of adequate comments on recent posts is a clear sign of an active audience.
  3. CPM – price per 1k views of a post. The lower the better. For each topic, the CPM is different, but if it is below 50 rubles, this is very good.
  4. Number of posts per day. Acceptable - 1 post per hour. If it happens more often, it’s worse for us: the post will quickly “drown” in the news feed. But it’s not worth taking on communities where the last post was a few weeks ago.

Based on the combination of all these parameters, it is necessary to select VKontakte communities for advertising. I have arranged them in descending order from most important to least important.

Have you noticed that the percentage of target audience is the most important indicator? That is why it is necessary to accurately determine the profile of the target buyer before selecting communities.

Where you can select communities:

  • Official VKontakte exchange
  • Search VK by topic name

The easiest way to select communities is on the official VK exchange. To get there, go to “ ” -> “ Advertising in communities» —> « Available sites».

For example, the topic “Beauty” is too broad a concept for us. This definition includes communities on manicure, makeup, hairstyles, the history of beauty, fashion, and so on. For us, these are different topics with different audiences.

After all the sorting, we begin to select communities based on CPM, traffic, reach, and audience activity.

4 Prepare advertising posts

Choosing a creative format

There are three main formats when advertising is purchased in VKontakte communities. It is advisable not to mix them!

Direct advertising of the offer

This is the most common format. The image clearly reflects the essence of the ad and shows the product face to face or in action (dynamics attract attention). The text contains the main advantage of the offer. If there are several of these, it is permissible to make a list of advantages.

At the time of writing this article, GIF images are very popular. They attract attention, better explain product features, and increase conversion.

Post leading to the laying

The image does not contain the product, it should arouse interest and be bright at the same time. The test creates intrigue and necessarily corresponds to the meaning of the gasket.

This format is used to warm up the audience, raising the level of trust in a dull offer (enlarger creams, remedies for insomnia or alcoholism).

Selling story

Post-story, just like the previous format, is used to warm up the audience, strengthen trust and interest of the target audience. Only the gasket is missing, because the story of the gasket is contained in the text of the ad. Famous person in this case, it is replaced by a regular subscriber of the community in which the advertisement is placed.

When a person reads such a story, he involuntarily tries it on himself and begins to trust if something similar has already happened in his life.

Suitable for offers whose miraculous properties are hard to believe. For example, chewing gum is a pathogen.

If you have decided on the format, then we proceed to selecting images and composing text.

Preparing pictures (creatives)

Choose bright and noticeable images. The best option after the redesign is the use of square creatives. They occupy as much space as possible in the news feed. A picture this size is difficult to scroll through. At the same time, if there is text on the image, then a person may have time to read it and become interested in our offer.

You can (sometimes even need) to place text in the picture, but it should be minimal. The font should be large enough to be easy to read on a mobile phone screen.

Compose concise and understandable phrases that put pressure on the pain of a potential buyer. The principles of drafting can be different: (1) intrigue (understatement), (2) appeal, (3) question.

If you choose photos with people, then there should be no clipart! Use realistic photos like this real people. Such photographs are more credible.

Doesn't inspire confidence

Makes you feel good

We compose text for advertising in VKontakte communities

In most cases, the text of the post should also be as short as possible and carry maximum meaning. The exception is a post in the form of a selling story.

List only clear advantages, and not just made-up ones like “75% discount” and “ high quality" This has not been done for a long time, but the words “certified by Rostest” are still believed. This is an advantage of the offer.

It is advisable to compose the text for the post so that it puts pressure on the pain and covers the main doubts that can hold you back from making a purchase. Women are afraid to use teeth whitening products, which can have a detrimental effect on their health. But the line "Use this safe remedy, certified by Rostest! we unobtrusively cover this fear.

We prepare links for each post

To receive information about the effectiveness of advertising in a specific VKontakte community, for each post you need to create a unique link with a specified unique subID. It is best to enter a unique community id there (the value after “vk.com/”).


Instead of “public41871682” for each post, manually write the id of the community for which the post is intended. All that remains is to shorten this link using vk.cc.

5 Advertising in VKontakte communities

Go to “Analysis of VK Publics” and enter a link to the community of interest. We look at activity by day of the week and by hour.

In this example, it is better to place around 19:00 hours.

Another important point, on which your profit depends:

Sometimes in a CPA affiliate program an offer is disabled or the GEO is reduced, so keep an eye on the selected offer so as not to lose traffic. Notice such changes in a timely manner and redirect traffic to a similar offer or another affiliate program.

18-20 hours after posting, we record the results for each post in a table.

What to do with negative comments?

I’ll tell you straight that the products in CPA networks very often do not differ good quality. Therefore, advertising posts receive negative comments. This significantly reduces the effectiveness of advertising in VKontakte communities.

There is an exit: negotiate with the community admin to clean up negative comments.
Usually everyone goes to the meeting. If you are posting through an exchange, then there should also be administrator contacts.

If the admin’s contacts are nowhere to be found and public messages are disabled, there is no need to post there.

In the future, you will select a dozen or two communities where you will purchase on an ongoing basis. You will have a trusting relationship with the administrators of these communities. In this case, you can ask for editor rights so that you can independently monitor the reaction to advertising posts.

6 Analysis of results

Without analytics it is impossible to achieve consistently good results!

I already wrote that after 18-20 hours the results must be recorded in a table. Each offer has its own table!

Now you need to properly analyze the records. Let's get started.

We look at the amount spent on the topic and the leads received.

If you spent more than the affiliate reward for a confirmed lead and there are no conversions, then we made a mistake at the audience selection stage.

We look at the “Interest” indicator

It's good when interest is 0.5 or higher. If interest is low, it means the creative is bad, or again there is a mistake with the audience.

If interest is good, but there is no conversion, it means:

  • the creative doesn't match the landing page
  • not enough hits received (small community)

If the audience of a small community shows good interest and the cost of advertising is small (up to 400 rubles), we purchase from it again.

We look at the price for the transition

Knowing the landing page conversion and offer approval (percentage of lead confirmation) in the affiliate program, we can calculate the cost per transition, which we can pay without losing money. All these values ​​are indicated in the affiliate program where you connect the offer.

Offer: Magnetic brush for windows. Landing page conversion 1:38 (that’s 2.63%), approval rate 67%, deductions for a confirmed order on average will be 600 rubles.
We count: 600 rubles. * 0.67 * 0.0263 = 10.57 rubles.

At a price of 10.57 rubles. we will not make a profit. It turns out that in order to work profitably, you need to reduce the cost of advertising or increase its effectiveness.

But in any case, always look at the end result. See how much money was invested in the audience test and how much was earned. Situations may be different, but advertising will pay off.

How to attract the target audience to your group? Absolutely all community owners face this question. There are several ways for which you will have to pay in any case: direct money or your time. Today we will talk about attracting users through advertising in public pages. Let's look at the example of the social network VKontakte, but this method of growing an audience is also suitable for Odnoklassniki and Facebook.

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Site analysis

Publishing on such advertising platforms is reminiscent of traditional media. Each group is dedicated to a specific topic: sports, healthy lifestyle, reading, travel, cooking, and so on. They sell advertising space that you can buy for your ad. Choose a group that suits your product and advertise. Read on to find out how to do it right.

Methods of advertising in public pages

On this moment There are 3 ways to place advertising posts:

  1. Official advertising exchange VKontakte, Market platform ;
  2. Unofficial exchanges: Sociate.ru, Plibber.ru;
  3. Direct collaboration with communities.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Official exchange VKontakte

The safest, but less varied in terms of choice and more expensive way is to place advertisements in public pages through the official VKontakte exchange. You can access it through the advertising account in the user’s personal profile.

The scheme of work is quite simple:

  • replenish your budget;
  • create an ad;
  • choose advertising platforms;
  • submit a request for publication;
  • study placement statistics.

To submit an application, the remaining budget must be at least 150 rubles. At the same time, the minimum amount for replenishing your account is 500 rubles. Therefore, to start your advertising campaign, you should focus on this amount. It’s worth noting right away that the social network charges a fairly high commission. If you compare the prices that administrators or unofficial exchanges can offer, the markup sometimes reaches up to 45%. But by overpaying, you get a 100% guarantee of public reliability and help in solving controversial issues from the social network itself.

Unofficial advertising exchanges

The most popular and the first to appear on the market is the Sociate exchange. With its help, you can place advertisements not only on VKontakte, but also on other social networks.

Watch a video review of how to work with similar exchanges:

Direct cooperation with community administrators

Another way is a direct agreement with community owners. The advantage of this approach is individual work with clients: firstly, you do not need to pay commission to exchanges, secondly, you can negotiate discounts for large volumes or for frequent orders.

In most cases, administrators own several public pages. The total number of subscribers in them can exceed several tens of millions of users. By choosing advertising in such public pages, the cost of an advertising campaign can be significantly reduced through package offers. Sometimes savings can reach 300% compared to the Market Platform.

This is a more labor-intensive method of work, as you need:

  • manually select sites for placement,
  • ask the administrators for prices and statistics (although this information is often indicated in their personal profile on the wall),
  • transfer payment to them,
  • manually send an advertisement,
  • V right time check his publication,
  • request access to statistics again.

Also, many large interesting sites work only with exchanges. Calculate the cost of an hour of your work and evaluate which method of publishing in groups is beneficial for you.

Another significant disadvantage of direct cooperation is the risk of being deceived. Do not transfer by administrator immediately large sums, look for reviews on the Internet about these people. We also had funny cases when administrators refused to provide access to group statistics, explaining that the statistics were the result of their many years of work. How can you choose a group without knowing its indicators is a question.

Keep in mind that all public owners are private individuals. They may leave, get sick and not respond to you for several days, ignore your application or refuse to publish. Therefore, set aside a few days before the desired launch date of the advertising campaign.

How to choose a public page for VKontakte advertising: checklist

Below we will share our checklist for choosing public sites for VKontakte advertising.


First of all, choose groups that meet the interests of the target audience. These may or may not be obvious solutions. For example, you have products for children. Which groups to choose? Of course, sites dedicated to child development, education, leisure. But let's look a little more broadly at the interests of parents, and mothers, first of all. After all, her areas of interest are household, and self-care, and self-development, and relationships with my husband, and so on, and so on. But, if you have a modest advertising campaign, it is better to choose direct thematic public pages.


Study the design and content of the posts posted in the group. Do you like their content and design? Are they full of an excess of absurd symbols? What is the number of advertising posts for thematic ones? Do you like the products that are advertised? Would you like your product to be featured alongside current posts? We analyze, put a tick in the checklist and move on to analyzing statistical indicators.


The next parameter for selecting a public for advertising on VK is the number. You should not consider communities with up to 100 thousand members and it is better not to choose monsters with more than 2 million users. In the first case, the coverage is too small, in the second, the audience is too vague.

Placement price

Let's look at the placement price. We calculate it through the cost of contact with the user. The optimal figure is up to one and a half rubles per thousand participants. For example: you have chosen a group with 1,600,000 subscribers, the price is 2,000 rubles. We consider 2000/1600 = 1.25. Let's take it!

Audience solvency

We request statistics from the admin if we communicate directly. When placed through exchanges, it is available without additional request.

The first indicator we pay attention to is the age of the participants.

We are interested in potential buyers, which means we need to weed out the audience under 18 years old. If there is more than 25% of it in the group, you should choose another site.


So, in our example of 1,600 thousand participants, full coverage is half and this is a good indicator.



One of the most important indicators is user activity. To calculate the coefficient we need, sum up the likes, reposts and comments for the month. Divide the resulting amount by the number of participants.

The figure must be at least 0.7. This means that each user must carry out some activity at least once during the period. For ease of calculation, download the data into Excel. In our example, the total activity is 1,575 thousand actions, and the indicator is equal to one, which is more than a good result.

In the infographic, we presented our checklist and displayed the indicators that you should focus on.

How much does advertising cost on VKontakte public pages?

The main question that should concern you as an advertiser is not the cost of the ad, but its return on investment. Calculate the cost of a lead - an attracted customer - and compare it with the indicators of other channels of attracting customers, for example, targeted advertising. Perhaps advertising posts are not best strategy for you.

Don't chase indicators

Administrators of large communities are successful and professional marketers. Who else but them can create good first impression? To avoid accidentally giving too much great importance lines on the graphs, take a closer look at user comments - this will give a much better idea of ​​both activity in the community and reader loyalty. After all, how they feel about the content determines how they perceive your ad.

There are many free ways to promote and promote groups and communities on social networks. Some of them are very effective, but they all require time and effort. Therefore, one day there comes a time when you realize that in addition to all the available methods, it would be good to add another, paid method - targeted ads. And if you have not previously had experience in advertising, for example, on a social network such as VKontakte, then the next question arises quite quickly: how to make VKontakte advertising yourself, without turning to specialists for help.

In fact, there is nothing complicated. I think that with the help of my screenshots, you will be able to repeat all the steps, make an advertisement on VKontakte, and analyze the results.

We are starting our first advertising campaign

The first thing you need to start with is follow this link to the VKontakte advertising page. We are interested in the first tab “Targeted Ads”. I’ll say right away that targeted ads are a key feature of VKontakte advertising, and require the availability of tools with which you can customize the display of an ad based on various parameters.

  • Gender, age, Family status, country and city of residence.
  • University, faculty, school, year of higher education.
  • Positions, districts, metro stations and even streets.
  • Interests, hobbies, favorite movies, books, games, etc.

That is, we can customize our ad in such a way that the ad is shown to the target audience. If your target audience does not include schoolchildren, then you can independently set the desired age of the audience and exclude ad impressions from the field of view of schoolchildren.

Click on the “Targeted Ads” tab and carefully read about the advantages of advertising on VKontakte. Feel free to click “Create ad”. On the next page we are asked what we want to advertise: our community (group, public or meetings), the VKontakte application, a video with a link to the advertiser’s website or an external site. The most popular is community advertising, so we choose this option as an example if it suits you.

Here, on this page, you will need to select your community, and you will find yourself on the ad posting page. Task: choose the accommodation option that you like best.

  • Heading 25 characters + image 90x120px with payment per impression
  • Heading 25 characters + image 90x65px + ad text 60 characters with pay per click
  • Promotion of communities - the group logo is automatically displayed.

In my opinion, the most difficult thing is to write a 25-character headline correctly. In my case, it would be better to adjust the title with two words: “Treasury of Tips.”

Scroll down and you'll see your targeting settings. You can select a country, city, gender, indicate interests and education. If you consider it necessary and tick the necessary points, then in this way you will narrow your audience to a target audience interested in your products and services.

The most important thing left is to set the cost of the advertising price. And to do this, it is important to determine what you want to pay for - impressions or conversions.

Here's how VKontakte describes the differences between advertising for impressions and transitions:

“Cost-per-impression ads are a more static format than pay-per-click ads. They are suitable for advertisers interested in generating demand for goods or services of a particular brand or for image advertising. The main component of pay-per-impression ads is the image.
When paying for impressions, for every 1000 impressions, an amount that you set yourself is deducted from your budget (for example, 1 ruble = 1000 impressions).

When paying for conversions, only unique conversions from your ad are counted. If a VKontakte user has already clicked on this ad (from any computer), the transition will not be counted. You also set the price for the transition yourself (for example, 1 transition = 1 ruble).”

It is only worth considering the fact that when paying for impressions, the image is noticeably larger due to the absence of ad text and, most importantly, there is no CTR in the cost per thousand impressions formula.

Since the effectiveness of advertising can only be determined through testing, I prefer to listen to the advice of more experienced people and set payment for clicks. That is, I will only pay for those people who clicked on my advertisement and followed it. For the first time, I recommend starting with a small transition cost - 3 rubles, even though VKontakte recommends that I pay from 22 to 31 rubles for the transition.

As an example, I can give my results:

Having set the transfer cost to 3 rubles, I topped up my account with 300 rubles. In 3 days, 36 transitions were made, and 5 people became subscribers of the group. Small results, but to get the best, I need this experience today. As a result, in 3 days out of 300 rubles, 108 rubles were spent. The cost of one subscriber was 21.6 rubles. A little expensive, to be sure. We still have to work on reducing the cost of a subscriber. It is difficult to achieve what you want the first time. This means that I have to test the increase in the cost of transition, since the higher I set the bid, the more often my ad will be shown.

With experience will come an understanding of chips that seem to lie on the surface, but cannot be understood the first time. By experimenting with the selection of target groups and improving the advertising itself, you can achieve a smaller number of target audiences and a lower, but more optimal cost of transition.

You also need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to constantly monitor the effectiveness of your ad; if you are not satisfied with the results, you can always edit the ad and make changes to the settings.

Launch an advertisement

After you agree to the VKontakte advertising policy, the ad must be launched in your personal account. Now that you have created your first advertising campaign, you will see an “advertising” link on the right side of the page; follow it at any time and you will find yourself in your advertising account.

Budget replenishment

At the top, enter the amount of the total limit and the daily limit. That is, how much money would you spend on advertising per day, and over the entire period of time. Of course, first you need to top up your balance personal account and transfer money in any way convenient for you: bank cards Visa and Master Card, via electronic payment systems Yandex.Money, WebMoney and Qiwi wallet You can also top up your account using a fairly large list of payment terminals.

After the money appears in your personal account account, you need to set the daily and total limit at the top of the page and in the table, and run an ad in the “status” section. After this, your ad is sent for moderation for approximately 2-3 hours. The moderation of VKontakte ads is serious: you cannot address the audience first-name in an advertisement, indicate phone numbers in the text and in the image, you cannot advertise drugs, pornography, tobacco products, etc.

You should know! There must be at least 100 rubles left in the campaign account, otherwise you will see a warning:

“Unable to run ad. For each launched ad, your budget should be at least 100 rubles. You can top up your budget or stop your ad. "

Don’t be afraid to make changes to the ad settings during a running advertising campaign if you see that the result is not satisfactory to you. In some advertising campaigns, it will be more profitable to use payment for impressions rather than for clicks. But you will have to experience this for yourself.

Pay attention to the ads that are showing on your page right now. Assess whether the advertiser correctly took into account your interests, or chose to waste the advertising budget. For example, if you are a mother on maternity leave, and you are shown an advertisement for the Elektrostal plant, then this is a clear sign that the advertiser has set up his ad incorrectly, and accordingly the effectiveness of his advertising campaign will be low.

We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Followers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”


Let us immediately note that there is no universal solution on how to advertise a group on VK. A good result can only be achieved through systematic, systematic and high-quality work.


Before moving on to advertising the VKontakte group, let’s establish the basic truths about the creation of the groups themselves. First of all, you need to be sure that the chosen topic/idea of ​​the project is truly relevant and interesting. There is a pattern: than more interesting topic- the faster the group’s audience grows.

Most likely, there are already groups on the Internet whose concept is similar to yours. Your task: refine the idea, make it wider/narrower, look from the other side, add zest and bells and whistles that your competitors don’t have. The group should help users solve an existing problem (having an interesting pastime, obtaining information about a product/service, communicating with like-minded people, etc.).

We've decided on the profile, now we're choosing a name. There are 2 options: positioning by service/product and by activity. That is, the name should reflect the main area of ​​activity: “Window installation in Moscow”, “Laptop repair in St. Petersburg”, “Wedding limousines in Tomsk”. If there is a ready recognizable brand, which has an impressive number of clients, we simply call the group the same as the company.

note that social network VKontakte is well indexed by search engines, provided that the name is correctly composed. That is, if you make a name in accordance with the most relevant search queries, this will ensure an impressive influx of search users. To create an attractive name, the Yandex tool Wordstat will help.

And last on our list, but far from least important, is content. 3 criteria for quality content: relevance, uniqueness, virality. After reading the material, you should have a desire to repost. If the user finds the information useful, he shares it on his page and it becomes visible to his friends, which provides an additional influx of subscribers to the group. The number of reposts and likes are the best indicators of content quality. If there are few of them, it is necessary to change the direction and/or topic.

How to advertise a group in contact: effective ways

As you know, Russian people are terrible at improvisation; various limits and restrictions are a challenge for us. Therefore, there is a workaround for this mechanism: we buy fake pages and add people as friends who meet the criteria of the target audience (TA) of the group. Next, we send them an invitation to join the group. IN in this case the user receives an invitation from a friend, which increases the level of trust.

It is logical that, due to the existing limitation, you will need not just 1-2 pages, but dozens and even hundreds. Services and programs will help with this, for example, SmmLaba. Price: 350 rubles for the purchase of pages (50 pieces for 7 rubles) + 1500 rubles for the purchase of a proxy for each fake (50 pieces for 30 rubles) + 700 rubles/month for the software.

Targeted advertising. These are those annoying messages that appear on the side and in the news feed. Understanding the intricacies of targeted advertising is an independent science. Let us describe only the essence of this advertising for VK public pages: advertising posts and offers are displayed only to the target audience, which you can specify by gender, age, interests, and place of residence. Looking for young mothers aged 25 to 30 living in the Moscow region? The system itself will find them and show you your offer, which they cannot refuse. To independently set up targeted advertising, the Getuniq service will be useful.

  1. Advertising a VKontakte public page through posts in other public pages. This method is as old as the social network itself. The principle is indecently simple: you purchase posts in popular groups and communities, from where the user can follow a link to your site. An advertising post is posted for a specific time; the time of publication and removal is agreed upon in advance. The most commonly used scheme is 1/23: the post stays in first place for an hour, and then stays in the feed for 23 hours and gradually drops as other posts are published. Special services can facilitate the process of selecting a “promoted” group, monitoring publication time and payment; we will talk about them below. You can negotiate directly with administrators. The cost of the post will be 10-20% lower, but there are practically no guarantees.
  2. Inviting. This method is suitable for promoting a specific meeting/event. You create an event, designate the beginning and end, provide an organizer and invite guests. The difference from the first method is that invitations are sent out by other groups in which your target audience is located. Scrolling through the community feed with jokes, you probably saw invitations to webinars, master classes or trainings. This is inviting in its purest form.
  3. Competitions. no more today effective way how to advertise a group on VK, how to hold competitions. In order to take part in the competition, the user must perform an action useful for your group - repost, comment, subscribe, and so on. Where to post posts about the fact that you are holding a competition if the advertised group does not have many subscribers yet? Communities like “Competitions (name of city), “Freebies in “name of city”,” “Promotions (name of city)” will come to the rescue; they have already generated an audience ready to perform certain actions.
  4. Mutual PR. That is, you promote the post of another group/organization, and they post your post. There are a number of nuances here: the number of subscribers should be approximately the same, the content and topics should be similar, the owner/administrator should be adequate so that they can accept the offer and not throw out surprises.
  5. Expert opinions. This is a promotional post with a link to the group, commissioned from a celebrity/blogger/expert. For example, through a group you sell sportswear. You can order from famous person post that he chooses your online store for sports.

Texts for advertising a group on VK: standard templates

The most common is direct advertising. Posts like this drive home the proposal head-on. The effectiveness of the message in this case directly depends on the art, talent and level of professionalism of the copywriter. There is only one rule here: the text should be as selling as possible and minimal in size.

Direct advertising is effective both for increasing the group’s audience and for sales. You need to list the advantages of the product/service, convince the subscriber of the need to purchase, interest and attract them to the group/website, etc.

An example of an advertisement for a group on VK: “The object of desire for fashionistas from all over the world.” favorable price! UGG boots from UGG for only 4,000 rubles! Group subscribers receive an additional 10% discount. Hurry! The promotion is valid for a limited time: from May 1 to June 1, 2018.” An advertising post provides room for imagination, don’t be afraid to experiment.

If you are trying to increase the number of subscribers, your post should describe the benefits of joining the group. The group must be clearly positioned according to interests, then people will join more willingly.

For example: “Developing Logic” - these are new logic problems every day, these are lively debates and discussions, these are effective methods and techniques for developing intelligence, these are interviews with experts in the field and much more.”

The second type of post is a post with a cliff. The point is that you post interesting text, or rather the beginning of it. And to read the continuation, the user must follow the link to the group.

The full version of the text is displayed in a group, above the wall, so that every visitor sees it first. If you don’t pin the text, you won’t be able to avoid a sea of ​​negative reviews and comments, and it won’t add more subscribers. When used correctly, a “torn” post can gain thousands of new subscribers. According to statistics, if the content is really interesting + the post is posted in a high-quality thematic community (with a real, not fake audience), every fifth visitor will remain in the group and subscribe.

And the last type is a wiki post. These are thoughtful, informative posts, formatted as Wikipedia articles. The better and more relevant the material provided in the Vivic post, the more users will join the group. For highly specialized professional groups, this is just the thing.

How to set up advertising on VK for a group

Specialized services will help with this:

  1. http://oliveaclub.ru/. Here you can keep track of advertising campaigns and manage them, monitor the number of new subscribers from advertising, the number of clicks from a post, etc.
  2. http://allsocial.ru/. The service itself searches for optimal communities for posting advertising posts and monitors group statistics.
  3. http://borgi.ru/. It also looks for groups to place advertisements, analyzes competing groups, and monitors trends in partner programs.

Let's take a closer look at how to set up targeting. First of all, open the VK market platform and create a profile here. To create an ad, open the “Targeting” section and select its type: “Community”, enter the name of our group, as shown in the figure: Finally, we determine how we will pay for advertising: for clicks or for impressions. And click “create ad”. That's it, targeting has started.

Advertising a group on VK: the cost you will have to pay

We figured out how to advertise a VKontakte group. Now let's talk about how much it will cost. Again, there is no universal figure or pricing scale. The cost of a group's advertising campaign can be up to 1,000 -2,000 rubles, and may exceed 20,000 rubles. The most important thing is to actually start doing something.

If you attract 10,000 subscribers, then it will be much easier, since the mechanism has already been launched. Bring your audience to 20 thousand, then 30 thousand, 40 thousand. And don’t slow down, continue promotion, the cost will be lower and the effect will be greater. But you already need to come up with original posts and unique offers, something new and original.

Let's look at the approximate prices of the main types of advertising:

  1. The price of targeted advertising depends on the clickability of the ad being served and the competition for the specified target audience. On average, 1 click in Moscow and St. Petersburg costs 25-30 rubles, 1 click costs 5 rubles. An adult subscriber costs from 10 rubles. In the Russian Federation and from 25 rubles. in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
  2. An advertising post in the community costs between 500-3500 rubles/day, depending on the audience.
  3. The price of an expert opinion post is as agreed, even barter for a product/service is possible.

So, how to advertise a VK group? The answer is simple: it varies. Try all methods, conduct analytics and track which method gave results and what you need to abandon. Only A complex approach and comprehensive coverage will produce results.

Thank you subscribers and creative inspiration!