Comparison in the work of an unknown flower. “Unknown Flower”, analysis of Platonov’s work

One of the most touching, in my opinion, works of Andrei Platonovich Platonov “ Unknown flower“There is no specific genre, the author himself defined the genre of his work as “fairy tale,” this is due to the fact that truth and fiction are very closely intertwined in it.

This is a touching story about a small, lonely flower who lived in a wasteland. The whole life of this flower is a difficult struggle for survival. While still a small seed, it sprouted, finding itself in a hole between stone and clay, feeding only on dew and dust. But, despite all the hardships, the unknown flower was not like other flowers, “one vein is blue, the other is red,” with its petals it looked like a bright star.

Then the reader gets acquainted with the second character of this fairy tale - the girl Dasha, resting near a vacant lot in a pioneer camp. When she goes to the station to send a letter to her mother, she hears a delicate floral scent from the vacant lot. And following the smell, she finds an Unknown flower, and this is how they meet. Dasha really missed her family and, just like the flower, she felt lonely. Therefore, in the Unknown Flower she found a kindred spirit. She came to him every day, and they talked, the flower said that he did not know his name, because there was no one here to call him, because it was completely empty.

The girl, touched by this small but very persistent flower, did everything to ensure that the conditions of its existence were favorable for it. She told the pioneers from the detachment about her new friend, and with joint efforts they made the soil of the wasteland fertile so that new flowers would grow there the next year. After four days of work, the pioneers were able to fertilize the entire wasteland and completely forgot about this flower, only Dasha came to say goodbye to the little working flower before leaving.

The next summer Dasha went to the same pioneer camp, where last year I met the Unknown Flower. And the first thing she did was run to the vacant lot. But there was no more wasteland: green grass grew everywhere and various colorful flowers bloomed, fragrant like that very flower, colorful butterflies flew and birds fluttered merrily. From an uninhabited, lonely place this place turned into lovely house for many living beings. And all this thanks to the resilience and hard work of the little flower and Dasha’s responsiveness and kindness. But, unfortunately for the girl, the Unknown Flower was not among all this variety of colors, but his son was. But the pioneer found another flower, it was similar to its predecessor. This flower grew from a stone, or more precisely, between two very closely located stones. He was more beautiful than the last flower, and he was as hardworking and patient as his father.

Thus, the author tries to convey to readers that with the proper desire, patience and hard work, you can overcome any obstacles, even those that at first glance seem insurmountable. The author also pays attention good deed girls, which leads the reader to think that the second important principle happy life is mercy and responsiveness.

Analysis 2

The work, in the form of a simple story about a flower growing in a vacant lot, speaks about an important ideological problem - the role of one’s own efforts in the formation of a person.

The author writes that the flower that grew on the most barren land turned out to be the most beautiful and viable. In a story extremely devoid of events, he introduces the pioneer girl Dasha. This is absolutely positive image. She loves nature and wants to take care of those who have a hard time. In particular, Dasha brings the pioneers to the wasteland, and they fertilize it. The girl set herself the goal of making life easier for the flowers, helping them become even better, but she noticed that of the descendants of the first beautiful flower, only one became beautiful too - having grown up again in an inconvenient place where she had to fight for existence. The rest, who received additional feeding and were placed in more comfortable living conditions, degraded and became less beautiful.

Platonov deliberately merges two concepts: beauty and vitality. Indeed, research in psychology shows that we subconsciously like everything that is strong and capable of overcoming difficulties. Here the writer sought to express his protest against the effeminacy and laziness that comes from a comfortable and carefree existence, which allows people not to show their inclinations and talents and to lead a dull, miserable and uninteresting life.

The author does not give his in-depth analysis of the truly important philosophical and ethical problem that he posed in this work. He shows the result of plant life, in the form of which he demonstrates his understanding of people and society as a whole. However, it should be noted that such praise of strength and the will to live, development through overcoming difficulties, can also lead to negative consequences. In the story, in fact, the reader is pushed to another conclusion: care, compassion and mercy are harmful to the weak themselves. Such views are convenient, since they greatly help to make life easier by abandoning moral and ethical obligations. It is precisely such examples that have always fueled selfishness, cruelty and indifference.

However, in general, we can conclude that the main idea of ​​​​the work is correct. Indeed, it is overcoming difficulties that moves progress forward and makes a person an individual. The story teaches us to fight and move forward, which can hardly be denied.

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The story is Platonov's fairy tale The Unknown Flower is one of latest works author, which makes you think, which evokes thoughts and shows how difficult it can be human life and how important the help of caring people is. The work describes the desire for life, describes growth, the difficulties of survival.

Platonov Unknown flower

Platonov’s story “The Unknown Flower” tells us about an ordinary flower, but at the same time the flower was not quite ordinary, because it managed to grow in the middle of a wasteland, where there is no life-giving moisture, where there is no nutrient soil. A seed just accidentally fell into a hole between clay and stone. But the plant wanted to live so much that it managed not only to germinate, but also to rise towards the sun. It managed, using only the morning dew and dust brought by the wind, to grow and cover the entire area with its aroma. It was the aroma that attracted the attention of one girl. Her name was Dasha and she lived in a pioneer camp. She passed by, and in her hands was a letter to her mother. At that moment the girl was also lonely. She missed her relatives and then she saw a lovely flower, which could not answer what it was called, because “no one calls it, it lives alone.” The girl did not remain indifferent, she told her pioneer friends about the flower, who made sure that the flower was comfortable, that the soil became fertile and that the seeds that fell from the flower sprouted and grew from them, and did not die, beautiful children.

And the seeds sprouted, the girl was convinced of this in the second year, when she again came to the former wasteland. But now herbs grew here and flowers bloomed, however, Dasha did not find the old flower, but in its place, his son grew, even more beautiful and strong, because he grew “from stone.”

Platonov Unknown flower main characters

In Platonov’s work “The Unknown Flower” there are two main characters: the flower and Dasha. The flower is small, but hardworking, in its desire to live, it managed to overcome difficulties and blossomed.

Dasha is a hardworking girl, a pioneer. She is not indifferent and loves nature, so she did not stand aside and helped create with her friends good conditions for the continued existence of the poor small, but so beautiful, flower.

Platonov Unknown flower main idea

The main idea of ​​Platonov’s work is that with the help of perseverance. aspirations, hard work, courage, all difficulties that a person encounters along the way will be overcome.


1. How an unknown flower appeared
2. The complex life and struggle for survival of a flower
3. Girl Dasha
4. Help from a girl and her friends
5. A transformed wasteland and Dasha’s meeting with the descendant of an unknown flower.

Analysis of the fairy tale by A.P. Platonov "Unknown Flower"

1) Features of the genre of the work. Work by A.P. Platonov’s “The Unknown Flower” belongs to the genre of literary fairy tale. IN literary fairy tale the writer’s position and the essence of the author’s intention are visible. “Unknown Flower” in the fairy tale genre. Fairy tale - literary genre, combining the characteristics of two genres: fairy tales (a narrative based on fiction) and were (a narrative based on real events). The beginning of the work by A.P. Platonov’s “Unknown Flower” is reminiscent of the fairy tale genre: “Once upon a time there lived a little flower.”

2) Plot Features. Plot is the sequence of events in a work of fiction.

How is the place where the flower lived described in the work? (in a vacant lot, no grass grew there, there were only old stones, there was dry dead clay)

How does the work of A.P. end? Platonov? (a story about a new unknown flower that grew among the stones) 3) Characteristics of the heroes of the work.

Flower image.

When did the little flower begin its life? (“one day a seed fell from the wind”)

What did the flower do to survive in the wasteland? (“This seed languished for a long time, and then it was saturated with dew, fell apart, released thin hairs of the root, stuck them into the stone and clay and began to grow.”)

What natural phenomena helped the little flower survive? (wind and dew)

What was the little flower like? (hardworking)

Like A.P. Platonov describes the corolla that once blossomed on a flower? (“Its corolla was composed of petals of a simple light color, clear and strong, like a star. And, like a star, it shone with a living, flickering fire, and it was visible even on a dark night.")

Why did the pioneers perceive the little flower as a hero? (the flower survived, despite the difficulties, and blossomed)

The image of the girl Dasha. Dasha is a pioneer, a hardworking girl, she misses her mother when she is away from home, and writes her a letter; knows how to appreciate the beauty of nature, remembers a little flower all winter, a kind soul.

Why did the girl Dasha walk past the vacant lot? (the girl was in a pioneer camp, missed her mother, so she “wrote a letter to her mother and took the letter to the station so that it would arrive quickly”)

How did Dasha feel when she approached the vacant lot? (fragrance)

What connection did Dasha see between herself and the lonely flower growing in a vacant lot? (“Maybe this flower misses its mother there, like I do,” thought Dasha.”)

What did the guys do in the vacant lot? (fertilized the soil in a vacant lot)

What was Dasha thinking about all long winter? (“about a small flower unknown by name”)

4) Artistic Features there were fairy tales.

What epithets does the writer use to describe the wasteland where the little flower grew? (“bare stone wasteland”, “dead clay”, “bare stone”, “dry clay”)

What artistic and expressive means were used to create an unknown flower? (epithets: “its leaves could not... become green: one vein was blue, another red, the third blue or gold”, “its corolla was made up of petals of a simple light color, clear and strong”, “it glowed living flickering fire"; comparison: petals, "like a star"; metaphors: "the thin hairs of the root came out", "the leaves were heavy with dew"; guarded the dew and collected it drop by drop,” “he worked day and night,” “he... overcame his pain from hunger and fatigue with patience,” “the flower... did not want to live sadly,” “he was dozing,” etc. )

The genre of the work is a fairy tale. There are two main characters - the strange flower itself and the girl Dasha.

The beginning is the appearance of an unknown flower in a vacant lot. Development of action - a description of the growth, survival and formation of a plant. The culmination is a meeting with the girl Dasha and her work to improve the wasteland. The denouement is that a descendant of an unknown flower grows in a vacant lot, becoming even more beautiful than its father.

In an allegorical manner, the fairy tale talks about the need to overcome life's difficulties. If the soil on which a creature grows becomes noble, this does not at all mean that the life of this creature will improve.

Dasha, coming to the fertilized wasteland a year later, did not find the flower - it died. But his descendant grows up in the same difficult conditions, on rocks. His father gave him vitality and the ability to overcome difficulties. The consequence of this was the external improvement of the new flower.

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The genre of the work is a fairy tale. There are two main characters - the strange flower itself and the girl Dasha. The beginning is the appearance of an unknown flower in a vacant lot. Development of action - a description of the growth, survival and formation of a plant. The culmination is a meeting with the girl Dasha and her work to improve the wasteland. The denouement is that a descendant of an unknown flower grows in a vacant lot, becoming even more beautiful than its father.

In an allegorical manner, the fairy tale talks about the need to overcome life's difficulties. If the soil on which a creature grows becomes noble, this does not at all mean that the life of this creature will improve. Dasha, coming to the fertilized wasteland a year later, did not find the flower - it died. But his descendant grows up in the same difficult conditions, on rocks. His father gave him vitality and the ability to overcome difficulties. The consequence of this was the external improvement of the new flower.

The appearance, survival and formation of an unknown flower in a wasteland. A girl, Dasha, accidentally wandered into a vacant lot and met a flower. The girl brought pioneers with her to improve the wasteland. A year later, Dasha came to the camp again and came to visit the flower. Instead of a vacant lot there was a well-kept place. Meeting with the descendant of a flower.

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