Outline of a drawing lesson (middle group) on the topic: OD summary on artistic creativity (drawing) “Draw what kind of toy you want.” Drawing lessons

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Drawing is a great opportunity to relieve yourself of boredom, the monotony of every day, and also develop creative abilities. This applies not only to children, but also to adults. To draw any object or landscape, it is not at all necessary to skillfully use a pencil or brush. The main thing is that the process itself is interesting. It’s enough to stock up on the necessary supplies, use your imagination and start with the simplest touches that will develop into a whole picture.

Favorite characters from fairy tales, cartoons and TV series help children relieve boredom. The kids draw with great pleasure. They do this by looking at existing samples or from memory. It all depends on the child's abilities.

The prerogative of boys is all kinds of cars, tanks, locomotives, rockets, motorcycles. Girls are more interested in drawings depicting dolls, flowers, and vases. If the child is tired of such drawing, then adults should join the group and offer to draw two identical drawings, and then find 5 differences in them.

What should adults draw when they're bored? Can be depicted pet, if there is one or a fictional animal that you like more than others. It is no less interesting to draw your favorite object on paper or the weather outside the window. Perhaps it will be a smiling face to lighten the mood.

A good solution would be a celebrity figure on paper if the person drawing has good drawing skills. In order not to get bored, it is recommended to depict some bright event from your life. Better yet, draw your dreams. Perhaps someday they will come true.

Drawing by interests

When a person is bored, he usually turns to his favorite activity. Even if drawing is not your hobby, turning it into a favorite activity is not difficult - the main thing is to draw what you love. If you are a lover of flowers, no matter what - indoor or garden, draw flowers.

It could be a flower meadow, a bouquet of peonies, a lilac bush - whatever you see around or imagine in your imagination. This painting will be a wonderful decoration for your room.

Those who prefer animals to nature and flowers can draw them. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds - create a portrait of your pet. This painting will certainly take center stage in your home.

Mastering new techniques

When bored, drawing lovers can start learning new artistic techniques and technician. Have you always dreamed of drawing anime, or maybe you were attracted to items made using the batik technique? The time has come to try your hand at these techniques. Perhaps someone was attracted to miniature painting, painting in the style of folk crafts. When you're bored, you can start sketching your future creations.

Drawing with children

Most often, the question of what to draw when bored is asked by parents. Small children need to be constantly occupied with something: playing, walking, drawing. It is precisely drawing that can become a salvation for young fathers and mothers. If a child is captivated, he will completely forget about boredom and will be happy to create.

What can you draw with children? There are countless options here. You can draw characters from your favorite fairy tales and cartoons with your children and even bring them all together in one picture. You can make a real cartoon comic with your child by drawing several scenes in a row. Children's drawings will decorate the room, and your child will be proud of his ability to draw.

The drawing process involves not only the use of colored pencils or paints with brushes; you can draw with children with multi-colored crayons or paints using their palms and fingers.

Drawing with children is useful both for the children themselves and for parents. This is a great option for spending time together when both the little ones and the big ones get bored.

Creation of ornaments

Probably each of you remember how at school you painted the margins of your math notebooks with ornaments. For some, this has been the case for a long time, for others, quite recently. In fact, the creation of ornaments is whole science, which you can do when you are bored.

Initially, this requires a minimum of materials: a checkered sheet of paper and colored pencils or markers. You can create patterns from geometric or floral elements, paint them in the same color scheme or combine several opposing colors.

Where will such an ornament be useful later? Lovers of handicrafts, maybe there are some among your friends or relatives, will easily transfer such ornaments to embroidery, a product made using the patchwork technique, a bracelet made of beads or leather, or used for tailoring or knitting. Finally, the idea of ​​​​an ornament can later be used to create the interior of your apartment.

Painting by numbers

Drawing pictures by numbers – great idea for those who are bored. Absolutely anyone can draw such pictures; even those who do not have the ability to paint can do it. There are paintings by numbers different sizes- there are small ones, there are quite impressive ones, there are whole sets of such paintings - when you need to color each one, and then place them side by side on the wall, getting one image.

Drawing by numbers is suitable for both adults and children. For young artists there are paintings with cartoon characters and animals – this is a kind of big coloring book, which is a pleasure to color.

For adults there are paintings by numbers in the form beautiful scenery– autumn, summer and urban. Painting such a picture, the sunny promenade of the Italian coast or the magnificent autumn landscape with a house by the lake. Separately, such paintings are made for lovers of animals, flowers, street art - each of you will be able to choose an option to your liking.


I am pleased to present to you an improved and expanded manual abouthow to learn to draw. I hope that it will cover most of the questions that I am regularly asked in the VKontakte group. For example, such as:

    • where should I start learning to draw if I have never drawn?
    • How can I learn to draw people?
    • how to learn to draw on a computer?
    • What drawing books are worth studying?
  • How can I learn to paint with acrylic, oil, pastel, and other materials?

I have collected the most useful tips from artists from the site www.quora.com , and it turned out great step by step guide, thanks to which no one will be able to hide behind excuses like “I don’t know where to start, I can’t do it, I’m mediocre, etc.”, believe me,
you will finally find out how to learn to drawb!

Just follow this manual step by step and dedicate enough time to practice, and you can come from this drawing level

to this

Some lyrics

Drawingis a skill that develops with practice. You're not alone when you think you're terrible at drawing! All great artists started by drawing stick figures like this:

The reason they moved on from these so-called "stick figures"to something much greater, is that they had insatiable desire to draw getting better and better with every new touch of pencil to paper. This desire separated them from the rest, and this the only reason which is why they became successful.

First of all, the fact that you decided to dedicate your time to improving your drawing skills is already a great achievement. Why you ask? This is really important because in art and creativity there must be passion, interest, curiosity and dedication, without which the learning process will not be as effective.

So in your case, the biggest obstacle is already behind you and you can start drawing by observing the things around you! That's how simple it is!

The following steps that I am going to suggest should help you gain the drawing skills you want and will also show you the path that you will have to go through to become an artist.

But before you blindly follow the path below, always remember that you are free to choose your own unique path—the path that is right for you. The real challenge is to practice regularly with the intention of learning., so it doesn’t matter where you start your drawing journey.

note that each step mentioned below may take weeks, months or even years to achieve perfection in it. It all depends on how much you really want to improve your skills and how much effort you are willing to put in.

There is plenty of material available online for each step below, including YouTube. I recommend checking various sources, studying different styles and practice the style that suits you best.

Let's get started!

Step 1. Learning simple shapes

First, take a paper and pencil (or pen), sit in a comfortable position, clear your mind of thoughts and just focus on the task at hand.

Now try creating a simple form. For example, draw a circle and then continue to practice it.

Try to draw a perfect circle every time. If you really take this task seriously, it could take us several days or even months. Draw smooth circle using only your hands is more difficult than you imagine.

Just start drawing circles and keep practicing these circles until you reach a stage where you can draw a perfect circle without using any assistive tools.

Your attempts will start with something like this:

After regular practice, your hand-eye coordination will improve and you will begin to draw better:

This is a pretty good result. Now move on!

Likewise, start working with other basic shapes, such as triangle, square, cube, octagon, etc.

This should keep you busy for a while again. Remember, this is a herculean task if your first drawing was the circle from this tutorial.

But after you devote some amount of time (say 6 months or one year), once you pass this rigorous exercise, and once you become a champion in drawing any of simple figures if desired, another interesting facet will appear.

At this point there are two approaches you can follow:

Approach 1 - self-learning

You can learn to draw on your own using free articles on the Internet, YouTube videos, books and tutorials.

Easiest to digest drawing lessons for beginners I'm reading Mark Kistler's lessons from the book.

After completing all the lessons, you will achieve significant success. However, although the author stated a period of 1 month, I would advise you to take your time and devote at least 1-2 hours to each lesson, completing all the practical exercises.

Approach 2 - Enroll in an art school or online course

If you don’t like self-study, then I advise you to sign up for paid courses, where they will tell you everything in detail and show you, and also force you to work practically.

The highest quality and most interesting I consider courses and master classes at Veronica Kalacheva’s drawing school.

This school offers both in-studio and online training. There are also useful free materials, which .

This school often hosts free webinars or lessons are opened for study for a while.

Register so you don't miss them!

Veronica Kalacheva's drawing school

Another site with paid but cheaper drawing courses that I like is arttsapko.ru. You can also take some courses for free on this site. There are one-time classes that take place in Moscow.

arttsapko drawing school

Further advice will be more suitable for those who chose the first approach and decided to study artistic art on one's own. But yours creative path may contain both approaches.

Step 2: Shadows and Shades

Now that you know how to draw simple shapes perfectly, let's Let's start shading these shapes.

I will continue with the example of a circle.

So, yours first attempt at circle shading, without understanding how to do it correctly, would look something like this:

Notice that even though your image didn't turn out very realistic, you were already subconsciously aware of the imaginary light source and placed it in the upper left corner and, given this source, you drew a shadow on the opposite side in the lower right corner.

That is, in order to shade objects you need common sense and nothing more.

Now continue practicing shading. It may take several months before you get something like this:

Now this circle looks like a volumetric sphere.

Next, you need to show that the sphere is not dangling in the air, but is on some surface, and you will begin to depict the shadows that the object casts on other surfaces. In this case, the drawing should already look something like this:

Always remember one simple rule, which has been demonstrated in the figure below:

Also, continue to practice shading and other shapes you've learned.

As you practice, notice how the shades vary depending on the availability of light. Look at the tonal scale with shading from light to dark below. You can use it as a guide when you draw a figure.

Keep practicing. It's an endless process!

Step 3. Perspective

The basic law of perspective says:when an object is closer it looks larger and if it needs to be shown further away it will need to be drawn smaller. If you understand this, you understand the basic law of perspective.

Now let's look at the so-calledvanishing point.

I will explain this concept using the example of a cube.

When we draw a cube, why do the length and width of that cube taper towards the end or slope inward on the paper? Look at this picture below for reference and ask yourself why is this happening?

As you can see, the ribs taper both to the right and to the left, as if they are going into the inside of a sheet of paper. This is what gives the cube the illusion of “3D” on two-dimensional paper. And this is possible, based on the basics of perspective and such a concept asvanishing point.

Now let's look at the same cube again.

In the cube, we took the vanishing point somewhere far from our eyes to the right and left of the cube. That's why the sides narrowed to inside papers on the right and left. The figure below clearly shows how the edges of a cube, if extended, will converge at one point on both sides. These two points are called vanishing points:

Now look at the green dot in the following cube drawing:

This green dot is alsovanishing point.

Imagine what a cube would look like without this vanishing point concept. It will look more like a square in 2-D.When we draw a cube, we should always remember the vanishing point, since it is this that gives us the opportunity to depict a three-dimensional figure.

So, I hope that the concept of a vanishing point has become more clear to you, because for anyone good drawing, which is drawn taking into account the space and distance between each object, the vanishing point concept should be followed by default.

Here are some more examples of the vanishing point concept for your understanding.

  • Top view (or bird's eye view):

  • Linear perspective (landscape):

  • View with many vanishing points (any real scene):

Thus, as depicted in the third example, in real scenes there are usually several vanishing points, and these points give the drawing the desired depth or 3-D effect, and a sense of space that separates it from 2-D.

Too difficult? Just don't panic now, okay? At this stage, it is enough just to understand the concept of a vanishing point. Just try to show the vanishing point in your drawings without any drawings or measurements.

This "step 3" was just a prerequisite for learning the laws of perspective, just to make you aware of its importance in drawing. Mark Kistler's "Learn to Draw in 30 Days" course has several step by step lessons to build perspective, you can start with them.

Step 4. Draw complex shapes

Now using your confidence in drawing and shading simple shapes and your knowledge of shadow and vanishing point effects, move on to the next level, which is drawing various complex shapes.

The rules of the game remain the same:

    1. Keep practicing.
    1. Observe the nuances.
  1. Try to surpass yourself every time and not repeat previous mistakes.

So first, how about an egg? It's not that different from a circle, right?

Let's just get started. Practice until you get it perfect!

Okay, it looks like an egg. Now try different fruits. For example, strawberries.

Great! These are really good strawberries. And look at this detail.The strawberry in the last picture looks quite difficult to draw, but we already have experience with shading from “step 3”. This is the same thing, only at the micro level. Believe in yourself and everything will work out!

Likewise, continue drawing different random shapes with shading. Place shadows on these drawings, taking into account effects such as reflection, refraction, transparency, etc. And just keep practicing.

There are many different objects around. Learn to draw what you see. This is one of the most important steps to become a professional artist. Don't worry if you don't do it very well at first. Sometimes when you start drawing what you see, the beginning of the sketch can look pretty terrible, but the end result can be amazing. So start doing it!

Try drawing two random objects a day. The drawing must be complete: drawing + shading + drop shadow + any other special effect.

Something like below:

Just repeat this process every day. You are on the right track!

Step 5. Draw living creatures

Since we now know how to draw and shade various objects with relative accuracy, it's time to draw moving objects and living organisms. Now it is necessary to include the movement of objects, their pose and facial expressions in the drawing, this is a real challenge!

The most important advice is to keep your eyes and mind wide open. You have to watch everything around you.

So observe all the nuances - people walking, a bird flying, a dog's posture, etc. And, when possible, create a quick sketch this specific position, movement, expression, etc. And work on the details later in your own free time.

You should end up with something like this:

This is a quick sketch that can be completed in minutes. Go to a park or cafe and just sketch the people you come across. IN in this case The main thing is not quality, but quantity. You need to see and convey the subject's pose.

Study anatomy.Yes, anatomy is the same as in biology class. You need to study the bones of the skeleton and the location of the muscles. This may seem weird and creepy, but on the other hand, it means you can draw a skeleton and skull for Halloween decorations :) This will also help in learning about human proportions and body movements. The same goes for animals - read books on animal anatomy. Almost all art books on drawing animals will have an anatomy section.

Try starting with my article:

Then try quickly drawing a few different facial expressions:

Observe and remember the differences between facial lines. Later, keep adding shadows and make them look even more realistic, like this:

Do the same with trees, flowers, animals, birds, etc.

Now that you know quite a bit, using your acquired skills you should be able to draw something like this:

Persistence, difficulty and pain will then lead you here:

And in the case of people (a little better or worse):

Now it's time to pause and take a look at the image below, this beautiful woman. She really looks very beautiful, doesn't she?

And if you ask yourself, can you be confident enough to draw her as beautiful as she is? Chances are the answer is a big “No,” right? If so, then you still have some way to go!

So your drawing is still in its infancy and there is a lot of room for improvement.For example, you will have to work on detail human eye and his movements, human hair, its shine, etc. I think you understand what I'm trying to say, don't you?

So basically, at this stage, you have to surround yourself with these complexities all the time in order to move forward and not get stuck in the middle.No one will help you with this except yourself!

Step 6. Trying different tools and materials

It's great if you can draw with a pencil, but it will be much more interesting and useful if you also learn how to use ink, paint, markers, pastels, etc. You should try different materials , if only because you may come across something that you especially like. Add color to your sketches!

Of course, art supplies are not cheap now, so you shouldn’t buy professional materials right away, in case you don’t like them and want something else? For starters, tools from the mid-price category will be enough. Now there is a very large selection of inexpensive art materials can be found at AliExpress.

Don't use fancy art boards or moleskines. Buy a large notebook or album with white sheets. Your goal is to make as many sketches as quickly as possible without worrying about wasting expensive paper.

Also, if you decide to try yourself in digital art, you don’t have to immediately take up licensed Photoshop, when you can start with free editors, for example MyPaint, SAI, GIMP.

Author: TsaoShin

Step 7. Landscapes

Now put everything together. You should start drawing landscapes with people, plants and many animals. In this step you will have an excellent opportunity to practice your knowledge laws of perspective.

To start, you can try drawing panoramas, such as the view from your window.Try to first draw landscapes more “roughly”, for example like this:

After that, detail the objects.

After extensive training, your drawings will look something like this:

Step 8. Draw from imagination

Start with something simple, like an apple. Simply move your pencil onto the paper, only imagining that you are drawing an apple before you draw it. Then do a quick preliminary sketch to get its shape and the shape of its shadow in proportion to the page. Then start shading and detailing.

Then try to draw something more complex, for example, flowers, trees, a glass, a pen, etc. Each time try to choose more difficult objects. At this point I can give no further advice other than Practice regularly.

Step 9. Forming your own style

Now you know everything. At least enough to start developing your own artistic style.Your style should be unique, and you must continue to develop it with intense practice.

Please note that I can't add anything more to this step because I don't know what your own unique style will be. I can only advise

The internet is full of resources to help you with inspiration and ideas, such as Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube. I recommend checking these sources regularly, learning about different styles, and practicing the style that suits you best.

Step 10. Getting better

This step is about improving to the point where your drawing is indistinguishable from a photograph or real picture. Of course, it is optional. But if you still If you want to develop your skills to drawing in the style of hyperrealism, this will also require a lot of practice.

While drawings that are indistinguishable from photographs are signs of the amazing skill of the artists who put in a lot of effort, there are equal examples of stunning work that Not look like the photos. So you should also keep this in mind.

Here is an example of a hyperrealistic drawing:

Sensazioni, author: Diego Coy

Step 11. Practice, practice, practice.

Artistic skills don't come with fancy sketches and pencils. This comes with practice. It is believed that in order to become a professional in your field, you need to devote a certain amount of time to it - from 2000 to 10,000 hours!

Every time when you have free time, sit down and draw something, or practice your shading, tone, etc. There are so many things to master - you always need to practice. Draw easy objects and complex ones. Draw people in detail or rough lines. Master everything as much as you can, constantly improve your skills.

Moreover, it is desirable that practice be accompanied by feedback. It’s just imperative that these viewers tell you the truth, so mom and dad are not suitable for this role.Alternatively, you can post your work in some art community or forum. Ours could serve as such a place.

Every person has moments when he becomes bored and has absolutely nothing to do. My heart is not at all in favor of my usual activities, but I still want to do something. At such moments, a simple but very exciting activity will come to the rescue - drawing. With its help you can not only pass the time, but also discover new abilities in yourself.

What to draw when you're bored

Many people don’t even think about what exactly to draw - they start mindlessly drawing lines on a piece of paper, paint over the cells in the notebook, draw flowers or hearts. Meanwhile, there are quite a lot of ideas for drawing, and they will be equally interesting to both little boys and girls and adults.

  1. Drawings by cells. This option is suitable for those who have absolutely no drawing skills. Creating this kind of image is in many ways similar to the cross stitch technique, only the usual canvas will act as a canvas. notebook sheet. So, take a piece of checkered paper and a few different colored pencils/markers. Choose a drawing that you will depict - to start with the simplest one, for example, a heart, a flower or a butterfly. Outline the outlines of the future drawing on a piece of paper and begin painting over the cells. Give free rein to your imagination - color the picture different colors, add unexpected elements. You will be pleasantly surprised by the results of such an experiment.
  2. Scenery. This is a more difficult task, but both a novice artist and a professional can cope with it without any problems - although the result, of course, will be different. If you are a complete beginner, start with the most simple and unpretentious pictures.
  3. Animals. Try to draw a cat, dog, fox or any other animal on a piece of paper the way you imagine it. You can even come up with a fantastic creature yourself and transfer its image to paper.
  4. People. Drawing people is actually very interesting. If you have never shone with special talents in fine arts, try to start with special lessons where the basic principles of drawing a person are shown in an easy and accessible way. In fact, it is not at all as difficult as it seems at first glance.
  5. 3D drawings. These are stunningly beautiful illusions that are performed using a regular pencil. The task is quite difficult, however, starting with the basics, you have every chance to become a real master of 3D art.

What else can you draw?

What else is possible draw on a piece of paper? Let's dream up together!

Try to draw something on paper that brings a smile to your face and warmth in the soul - for example, the rays of the sun in your hair or a bright rainbow after the rain. Come up with an original ornament from geometric or plant elements. For those who have absolutely no talent for drawing, paintings that need to be painted by numbers or special anti-stress notebooks are suitable - everyone, without exception, can get drawings of this kind.

If you have certain drawing skills, take gouache, oil or watercolor. Give up dark, gloomy tones, make your picture bright and light. Don't be upset if the result doesn't meet your expectations at all - just laugh heartily.

By drawing, a person not only kills time, but also relieves internal stress and distracts from negative thoughts. So give yourself free rein and don’t be afraid to use your imagination!

Why are art schools created? No, not in order to make painters out of all the students. The point is to develop in the child the ability to depict on paper objects that he sees correctly, and if necessary, he could draw a curious view of the area, or any other object, from life. The ability to draw develops in a person the ability to correctly evaluate fine arts that bring great pleasure. It also follows from this that teaching this type of art should differ from the usual method of teaching, based solely on copying from ready-made drawings, or originals. It is necessary to develop an eye, to learn the properties different lines and their mutual compatibility, distinguish between forms that are drawn by hand, without using a ruler or compass.

What can you draw with a pencil?

If there is no opportunity or desire to visit art school, you can learn all this yourself. But keep in mind that this will require much more effort to study. necessary literature. Remember that you need to start with small ones, gradually moving towards more complex ones (learn to draw in stages). Drawing books recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the following positions:

  1. Lines, their equality, connection and composition of figures
  2. Drawing rectilinear images
  3. Curvilinear figures, rules of perspective
  4. About light and shadows
  5. About regular bodies
  6. Representation of complex bodies from life

And only after that move on to drawing full-fledged paintings. You can't make it up what to draw with a simple pencil ? Look around! There is so much here: streets, houses, people, trees, animals, objects. Can't you find anything worthy of your brush? You can copy pictures from books (this is the simplest thing you can think of). And just draw mom and dad! On our website you will find a lot of useful step-by-step lessons, for example, learn how to draw:

  1. in the forest;

And much more! You can see how many ready-made lessons we have in the right column above. I also picked up a little interesting pictures, which will help your imagination. Look below!

Drawings for boys:

See mine. This complex picture in Anime style. I made the lesson much easier.

Many people like to draw and, of course, not all of them are professional artists. At the same time, the question quite often arises - what can be drawn specifically? You are bored in front of a white sheet of paper and wondering where to start. Don't worry, this happens even to the most experienced artists. As with any other creative endeavor, everyone goes through some sort of block where they can't decide what exactly to depict right away. If you are in this situation, then the tips below are just for you.

Things to Draw Easy - Drawing Ideas Inspired by Real Life

In order to overcome the initial stupor, it is best to have several simple ideas for a sketch. Then you can immediately start drawing and focus on the process itself, and not on long thoughts and painful choice of subject or composition.

So here are some simple sketch ideas:

  • The interior of your room;
  • self-portrait;
  • a family photo you like;
  • your legs or arms;
  • bracelet, ring or other jewelry - try combining them into a still life;
  • your pet;
  • houseplant;
  • fresh bouquet of flowers;
  • trees outside the window;
  • facade of your favorite building;
  • your favorite shoes;
  • fresh fruit, cut in half (citrus fruits work well);
  • house keys on a keychain;
  • a cup of coffee or tea with cookies;
  • an unusual item from the shelf;
  • your favorite wild animal;
  • someone's head, rear view;
  • landscape you love;
  • any item in a glass container;
  • any item of clothing you are wearing.

What to draw in a sketchbook - 20 ideas for drawing

Practice is an important part of developing drawing skills. Learning the basics and repeating them over and over again is the only way to improve and consolidate any skill. Just imagine what a few years of practice in something can do. By devoting some time to consistent training, you will see truly incredible progress. Moreover, in order to move from simple sketches to depicting more complex portraits and landscapes, it does not take much time.

So, when you pick up a sketchbook, or are just thinking about doing so, it's often helpful to start with some prompts that are clear-cut or just imaginative enough to engage your imagination. Using just three or four words as a starting point, you can draw a nice and detailed sketch.

No one knows for sure what exactly can really captivate him. Therefore, a great way to understand what you like to draw most is to consistently put several completely different ideas on paper with a pencil. And already knowing what you like at the sketch stage, you can more thoughtfully approach the further selection of topics for serious work.

What to draw in a sketchbook on different topics, list of 20 ideas:

  • Imagine your own jungle. What animals will be there? Will they be friends?
  • Dive deep underwater in your imagination. What do you see?
  • Imagine you are standing on the roof tall house. What do other buildings look like?
  • What kind of puppies will you find at the dog park? What will they do with each other?
  • Ride an imaginary bike across a field. Which wild flowers and did you come across herbs?
  • Draw the interiors of an unusual dollhouse.
  • Paint a room full indoor plants in pots.
  • Imagine hiking to the top of a mountain. What do you see along the way?
  • What is your dream outfit?
  • Recreate your favorite food on paper.
  • What would a wolf look like if it were made of leaves? Or a fox made of flowers?
  • Imagine a house in the forest. What does it look like and what's around?
  • Imagine what you discovered new look insects How many legs do they have?
  • Draw life on another planet.
  • What would your home look like if it were underground?
  • Draw someone's portrait, but instead of a head, use flowers.
  • Create your own terrarium. What will be inside?
  • Draw a self-portrait with your left (for left-handed people, right) hand.
  • Draw something very small, enlarging it several times.
  • Draw any character from the last book you read.

Exercises to practice drawing skills

If your artistic skills still leave much to be desired, but the desire to draw has already awakened, exercises for beginners are suitable for you.

The tasks are structured on the principle of gradual complication in order to hone your basic skills as efficiently as possible. First, we start drawing with geometric primitives (lines, curves, etc.), then we move on to two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. And later, having gotten your hands on simple shapes, you will be ready to draw objects, plants and animals based on them.

The main feature of the exercises is the “how to draw” options. By adding options for resizing, rotating, coloring, shading, and not neglecting repetition, you are reinforcing basic skills that will come in handy later when drawing something more complex.

Online drawing idea generator

In the same case, when you have already more or less mastered the basics of drawing, and perhaps even developed own style, the question “how to draw” becomes less relevant than “what to draw.” By this time, finding a drawing idea for daily practice can sometimes become a real challenge.

And here, when you no longer have enough imagination, but want to draw, or the question is what to draw when you’re bored, a drawing idea generator comes to the rescue. He offers huge amount stories that are great for daily sketches or for helping you break out of your routine and try something new. There is little point in drawing the first idea he creates. Keep generating until you find a story that catches your eye and evokes an emotional response.

The Idea Generator helps artists develop and enjoy practice and experimentation. Drawing something that does not bring joy and satisfaction is simply boring and can quickly get boring. So develop your artistic abilities through regular practice with access to millions of random drawing ideas to spark inspiration and interest.