Slavic name book, explanatory dictionary of the blasphemer. Excerpt from the book by A. V. Trekhlebov. Slavic Name Book. Explanatory Dictionary of the Blasphemer. in modern borrowings

A.V. Trekhlebov...Slavic name book...

“Svarog is our God, and not other gods, and without Svarog we have nothing but death.

...And the Greeks want to baptize us so that we forget our gods and so turn to them in order to collect tribute from us, like shepherds flocking to Scythia.

Do not let the wolves steal the lambs, who are the children of the Sun!

...The Greeks do not know about our gods and speak evil about us out of ignorance. But we have a name of glory.

... Having the beautiful crown of our Faith, we should not accept someone else’s.”

Veles's book*

Since ancient times, Russian people have known about the fateful meaning of the name. It testifies to the purpose of the child, his eminence (nobility), character, abilities, level spiritual development. Knowledgeable parents, wanting to have a child with certain qualities, try to attract a life with the corresponding fate and destiny to incarnate in him. They achieve this not only through special rituals, but also by choosing an appropriate name for the child. The sound of each name contains a certain frequency of sound vibration, therefore only that life that has a similar vibration is embodied in the child. Zhivatma, knowing her fate, knows what name she will be called after her incarnation. Thus, it is not the name that influences a person’s fate, but with the help of the name, life is attracted to the embodiment with the corresponding fate and destiny.

The ancestors of the Russian people were Slavs. They called themselves that not only because they were a glorious family, but more because, living in accordance with the Laws of the Ancestor, they never asked Him for anything, but only glorified Him. Hence both “slav-yang-in” and “krest-yang-in”: here “Yan” is positive side the attraction of the Almighty, that is, spiritual life; “Yin” – negative side, i.e., worldly, self-loving life, from which one should start for the knowledge of good and evil for the sake of gaining the wisdom of the Triune God (Svarog, Dazhbog, Perun - Light, Conscience, Will). To ask the Progenitor for anything is to suspect Him of negligence, that He may not do something for our benefit. A true believer completely trusts his Heavenly Father and therefore, under any circumstances, says: “Thy will be done, but not mine.” For the Almighty knows best what a person really needs - that is exactly what He sends to him out of His immeasurable love. The Slavs always realized that real Faith will not try to involve the Almighty in the vanity of human affairs. The Book of Veles (1.1; 1.5; 6.1; 1.6) says this:

"Slavic name book"

“Glory to our fathers and mothers! Because they taught us to honor our gods and led us by the hand along the right path.

So we walked, and were not parasites, but were Russians - Slavs who sing glory to the gods, and therefore are Slavs.

...For we came from Dazhbog and became famous, glorifying our gods, and we never asked or begged them for our good.

...And when they prayed, they washed our bodies and said glory, and also drank surya drink to the glory of the gods; Five times a day, fire was lit in the sanctuaries - Oak was burned. And they also magnified Sheaf (Veno) and praised Him, for we are Dazhbog’s grandchildren, and did not dare to resist our glory.

…And so we remain glorious, for we glorify our gods and pray with our bodies washed with clean water.”

In order to be convinced that the Slavs derived their name from glory, it is enough to cite some Slavic proper names, which included the root “glory” as a fundamental concept. For example: Bogu-slav, Budi-slav, Bole-slav, Breti-slav, Buri-slav, Bryachi-slav, Verkhu-slav, Voloslav, Vyshe-slav, Vladi-slav, Vito-slav, Enter-slav, All-slav, Vyacheslav, Gremi-slav, Gori-slav, Gorodi-slav, Dobro-slav, Dobe-slav, Dan-slav, Dedo-slav, Domo-slav, Zhizne-slav, Zhili-slav, Wait- slav, Zhe-slav, Zveni-slav, Zde-slav, Izya-slav, Lyubo-slav, Miroslav, Milo-slav, Na-slav, Pero-slav, Pereya-slav, Predi-slav, Rado-slav, Rati-slav, Sby-slav, Sveto-slav, Stanislav, Sudi-slav, Tverdi-slav, Churoslav, Yaroslav, etc. In “The Tale of Igor’s Host”, out of 20 Slavic names, 14 end with “slav”, and in Nestor’s chronicle, out of 130 Slavic names, 103 fall on the same root. For example: Slavomir, Slavyata, Slavomil, Slaventa, Slavetin, Slavibor, Slavich, Slavish, Slavnik, Slavin, Slavo, Slavoboy, Slavolub, etc.

This root is in the names of many Slavic cities, tracts and other places: Pereyaslavl (now Rosslau), Zaslavl, Brislavl, Yaroslavl, Slavensk, Slavyansk-Serbsk, Slavenskoe Lake, Slavenskie Klyuchi, Slavitino (a village in the Novgorod region), Slavyansk-on- Kuban, Slavenka (street in Novgorod), etc.

There is not even a shadow of a doubt that all these names and titles were derived from the root “slav”. Is it possible to say that at least one of them was derived from the “word”, as ignorant people do? In the first case, each name and title expresses the special attitude of the Slavs to the world around them, and in the second, they would all mean nonsense.

And in order to confirm that Slavic names contain not only a deep meaning, but also a characteristic of an educated people, who clearly expressed their love for peace, peace and harmony with a number of personal names that contain deep ideological content, greatness, fortitude, euphony, caressing hearing and delighting the soul, several more examples can be given.

Names testifying to the peacefulness of the Slavs: Bogumir, Budimir, Dobromir, Dragomir, Zhdimir, Zhiznemir, Zvonimir, Zdimir (“to create” - to build, to create), Krepimir, Ladimir, Lyubomir, Miran, Mirbud, Mirogray, Mirodar, Miromir, Mironeg, Mirota, Mirya, Miroslava, Mirava, Mircea, Radomir, Ratmir, Svetomir, Stanimir, Tvorimir, Tihomir, Khvalimir, Khotimir, Jaromir, etc.

"Slavic name book"

Spiritual qualities were highly revered by the Slavs, as evidenced by the names: Vladdukh, Vsemil, Dobrovlad, Dobrogov, Dobrozhen, Dobrozhizn, Dobromil, Dukhovlad, Dushevlad, Lyubomysl, Miloduh, Radovlad, Radomysl, etc.

Names testifying to the hospitality of the Slavs: Budigost, Gostevid, Dobrogost, Lyubogost, Radgost.

Names testifying to heroism, speed and ability to exercise power: Vladimir, Vlastimir, Vsevolod, Vladislav, Chestimir, Gromoboy, Yaropolk.

The Slavs call their women names that are pleasing to the ear, characterizing them as a source of joy, love, tenderness, peace, goodness and harmony: Bogumila, Bozhena, Beliana, Bratomila, Vesela, Veselina, Vesnyana, Vsemila, Vsenezha, Golub, Dobrodeya, Dobromila, Dobronega . , Sineoka, Smeyana, Smirena, Slavomila, Umila, Ulada, Uslada, Yasynya.

Only the Slavs have the names of Faith, Nadezhda, Love, Osmomysl (thinking for eight or having eight thoughts for each matter), Vsemysl (thinking about everything), Premysl (rethinking everything), Goreslav (glorifying in grief). Together with other names, they testify that since ancient times the Slavs discussed deeply about all areas of human life, about all the needs of the soul and heart; that they are hospitable and peace-loving, but brave and courageous, love glory and boasting, can exercise power, honor spiritual virtues, and are devoted to the true Faith. All this can be seen from the Slavic names, breathing high, spiritualized life, from which emanates the vigor and strength of a wise people, full of luminous aspirations.

Distortion of the purpose of the name

in modern borrowings

In the Vedic culture of the Slavs, a person’s name is directly related to his fate and evolutionary level of development. If the varna* (etheric body) of a born child corresponds to a priest, then his name has two roots. And one of the roots is usually “slav” - that is, glorifying, or “lyubo” - loving. For example: “Boguslav” - glorifying God, “Dobroslav” - glorifying goodness, “Lyubomir” - loving the world, “Lyubomysl” - loving to think, etc. A two-root name indicates that a person is twice-born (i.e. born in body and spirit). If varna corresponds to a knight, then the child is given a two-root name, having the roots “mir”, “vlad”, etc. For example: “Branimir” - fighting for the world, “Tvorimir” - creating the world, “Vladimir” - owning the world. If varna corresponds to vesya, then the name has one root, and if smerdu, a simple nickname or nickname is given. Christians who came to Rus' forbade calling Russian children Russian names in order to hide the true level of human development. Of the 150 names allowed by the official Christian Church (the Orthodox Autocephalous Church, unfairly called now the Russian Orthodox Church, i.e. the Russian Orthodox Church), only 14 are Russian: Boris, Vadim, Vladimir, Vladislav, Vsevolod, Vyacheslav, Gleb, Rostislav, Vera, Zlata , Love, Lyudmila, Nadezhda, Svetlana. The rest of the names are Jewish, Greek or other peoples.

"Slavic name book"

The Jewish names imposed by priests during baptism were pronounced by Russian people in their own way. So the name Johanaan turned into John, then into Ivan. Most of the names used today are not Slavic. This is a bizarre mixture of Greek, Latin and Hebrew nicknames, nicknames, names and entire sentences. For example, Benjamin is “son of right hand”, Maria - “wretch”, etc. Together with the surname and patronymic, the result is completely bizarre combinations. For example, Yakov Moiseevich Ivanov is translated as “The heel taken out of the water by Jehovah-given,” and Liya Trofimovna Efremova as “The Well-fed Fertile Heifer.”

For comparison with the Slavic tradition of naming, which takes into account the level of spiritual development of a person and has a deep meaning, we can cite the meanings of modern common names, diligently implanted by the official church and often serving simply as nicknames.

Names brought from Israel

Male: Avdei (servant), Adam (dirt, clay), Azarius (Jehovah's help), Akim (Jehovah set), Ananias (Jehovah's gift), Bartholomew (son of the bearded one), Benjamin (son of the right hand), Gabriel (man of God) , Gury (lion cub), David (beloved), Daniel (God's judge), Elizar (the help of the gods), Elisha (saved by the gods), Ephraim (fruitful), Ivan (Jehovah gave), Ishmael (the gods hear), Elijah (the power of God ), Joseph (increased), Isaac (she laughed), Isaiah (God's salvation), Lazarus (helper god), Michael (who is like a god), Savvatiy (Saturday), Seraphim (fiery), Savely (desired), Samson ( sunny), Thomas (twin), Jacob (heel).

Female: Ada (joyful), Anna (grace), Eve (vital), Elizabeth (who worships God), Leah (heifer), Marianne (miserable grace), Mary (miserable), Susanna (water lily).

Names brought from Byzantium

Male: Agathon (kind), Anatoly (resident of Anatolia), Andrey (courageous), Andronik (winner of husbands), Anisim (helpful), Antip (persistent), Arkady (shepherd), Artyom (possessor of impeccable health), Arkhip (senior groom) ), Athanasius (immortal), Vasily (royal), Vissarion (forest), Galaktion (milk), Gennady (noble), George (venerable), Gregory (vigilant), Demid (council of the gods), Denis (Dionysus, god of wine and fun), Dmitry (dedicated to Demeter, goddess of agriculture), Dormidont (carried on spears), Dorotheus (gift of God), Eugene (noble), Evgraf (well written), Evdokim (illustrious), Evlampius (well luminous), Euseus (pious ), Eustathius (steady), Evstigney (blessed), Epiphanes (proclaimed), Ermolai (merchant), Erofey (sanctified by God), Efim (compassionate), Zinovy ​​(living as God pleases), Zosima (vital), Hilarion (cheerful), Hippolytus (unharnesser of horses), Carp (fruit), Cyrus (lord), Makar (blessed), Matthew (divine gift), Methodius (purposeful), Mitrofan (having a glorious mother), Nestor (returned home), Nikanor (seeing victories) , Nikita (winner), Nikon (victorious), Nifont (sober), Panfil (beloved by all), Parfyon (virgin), Peter (stone), Plato (wide), Polycarp (multiple), Savva (slave), Sophron (sane) ), Stepan (ring), Trofim (pet), Tryphon (pampered), Fedor (gift of God), Fedot (given by God), Philip (loving horses), Foka (seal), Christopher (Christ-bearer), Erasmus (beloved).

"Slavic name book"

Female: Agatha (kind), Angelina (bringer of news), Anisya (evenly distributing), Anfisa (blooming), Vassa (wooded gorge), Veronica (bringing victory), Glafira (skillful), Glyceria (sweet), Dora (gift) , Dorothea (gift of God), Eugenia (noble), Evdokia (favour), Catherine (virgin), Elena (torch), Euphrosyne (joyful), Zinaida (born of Zeus), Zinovia (power of Zeus), Zoya (life), Iraida (daughter of Hera), Iya (violet), Kira (mistress), Cleopatra (glorious by father), Xenia (foreigner), Lydia (resident of Lydia), Mavra (black woman), Melania (black), Muse (goddess of sciences and arts) , Olympiad (Olympic), Pelageya (sea), Praskovya (Friday), Raisa (light), Sophia (wisdom), Stepanida (organizer), Teresa (hunting), Faina (shining).

Names borrowed from the Romans

Male: Augustus (sacred), Anton (Roman family name, in Greek - entering into battle), Valentin (strong man), Valery (strong man), Venedict (blessed), Vincent (victorious), Victor (victor), Vitaly (vital ), Dementius (dedicated to the goddess Damia), Donatus (gift), Ignatus (unknown), Innocent (innocent), Hypatius (high consul), Capito (tadpole), Claudius (lame-footed), Clement (lenient), Constantine (permanent), Kornil (horned), Laurus (tree), Laurentius (crowned with a laurel wreath), Leonid (lion cub), Leonty (lion), Maxim (largest), Mark (languid), Martyn (born in March), Modest (modest), Mokey (mockingbird), Pavel (finger), Prov (test), Prokofy (prosperous), Roman (Roman), Sergei (Roman family name), Sylvester (forest), Felix (lucky), Frol (blooming), Caesar (royal) , Juvenal (youthful), Julius (fidgety, curly), Januarius (gatekeeper).

Female: Aglaya (brilliance), Agnessa (lamb), Akulina (eagle), Alevtina (strong woman), Alina (step-brother), Albina (white), Beatrice (lucky), Victoria (goddess of victory), Virginia (virgin), Diana ( goddess of the hunt), Kaleria (alluring), Capitolina (named after one of the seven hills of Rome), Claudia (lame leg), Clementine (indulgent), Margarita (pearl), Marina (sea), Natalia (nee), Regina (queen), Renata (renewed), Ruth (red), Silva (forest).

Names borrowed from other peoples

Male: Arthur (Celtic) – big bear; Varlaam (Chaldean) – son of the people; Karl (German) – brave; Kirill (pers.) – sun; Rudolf (German) – red wolf; Timur (Mongolian) – iron; Edward (German) – taking care of property;

Female: Adelaide (German) – sparkling with nobility; Lucia (Italian) – luminous; Martha (Syrian) – mistress, mistress; Nonna (Egyptian) – dedicated to God; Stella (Italian) – star; Tamara (Georgian, from the Israeli Tamar) – palm tree, fig tree; Emma (German) – affectionate.

Slavic names,

reflecting qualities Knowledge

Since ancient times, the Slavs have used the hidden power of names. Each name is a characteristic of a certain quality and property. For example, in Russian legends they talk about the Snake Yusha, who has many heads and personifies the power (energy) of the Progenitor - as many types of energies exist, Yusha has as many heads. One day Yusha decided to pronounce all the names of the Almighty God, each of which means some of His qualities or properties: God is rich; The Lord is sovereign; The Creator is the creator; Creator – creator; Lord - owner; Progenitor – original, generating; Genus – giving birth; Buddha – awakened one; Dazhbog - gracious, giving; Yarilo - ardent, powerful; Sventovit – winning light; Svarog is the creator of the worlds of the universe, etc. Voicing such names with all his heads at the same time, Yusha continues to list them, without repeating himself, to this day.

"Slavic name book"

The Slavs have names corresponding to 21 qualities of Knowledge, that is, human wisdom. These qualities take people to the spiritual level, elevating them to the highest state of human existence. Such Knowledge is the key to a person’s spiritual life and cultivates in him unshakable faith in the Almighty and spiritual teachers, without whose mercy it is impossible to find the truth.

The Vedas (“Bhagavad-gita”, 13.8-12) say that: modesty; humility; non-violence; tolerance; simplicity; approaching a bona fide spiritual teacher; purity; durability; self-discipline; renunciation of objects of sense gratification; absence of false ego; awareness that birth, death, old age and illness are evil; lack of attachments; independence from enslavement to wife, home, children, housework and work; calmness in the face of both pleasant and unpleasant events; constant and pure devotion to the Progenitor; an enlightened mind that leads away from idle communication and crowds of people to solitude; self-sufficiency; recognition of the importance of achieving excellence; continuity of deep knowledge of the Spirit, Light and true “I”; the wise search for perfect Truth - all this is proclaimed Knowledge, and everything that exists besides this is ignorance.

Let's take a closer look at each of these qualities.

MODESTY and HUMILITY mean that a person should not strive to be revered. And even if he reached high level spirituality, or rather, precisely because of this achievement, his self-esteem should always be objectively restrained. For many people, vanity has become an insurmountable obstacle to spiritual growth, sometimes leading to the collapse of their best aspirations.

The quality of modesty is reflected in the names: Lepko, Lyudmil, Mal, Molchan, Svetolik, Taislav, Tihomir; Bozhemila, Velizhana, Vsemila, Lyuba, Lyudmila, Malusha, Milovzora, Beloved, Prelesta, Prigoda, Umila.

Quality of humility: Blagomir, Bogumir, Bozhimir, Bratimir, Vadimir, Velimir, Vitomir, Gostimir, Dobrolyub, Dobromil, Dragomir, Miran, Mirko, Mironeg, Mirya, Zhiznomir, Svetomir, Smirya, Spitimir, Tvorimir; Bozena, Mira, Mirava, Nadiya, Smirena, Slawomir.

NON-VIOLENCE means that under no circumstances should any person be the cause of suffering for other beings. This also includes the inadmissibility of concealing information leading to liberation from suffering.

These qualities are reflected in the names: Blaginya, Blagoslav, Blagoyar, Borimir, Vsemir, Dobr, Dobrovit, Dobrodey, Dobroslav, Dobrokhod, Dobrynya, Kazimir, Ladimir, Lyubomir, Ludomir, Mirobog, Mirogost, Mirogray, Mironeg, Mirolyub, Miroslav, Mirota, Nekrut, Putimir, Radimir, Ratimir, Stanimir, Stoymir, Sudibor, Tverdimir; Dobrava, Dobrina, Dobrogora, Dragomira, Zvenimir, Milonega, Mirina, Miroslava, Radomir.

"Slavic name book"

TOLERANCE means that a person must resist the demands of his feelings, steadfastly endure all external worries and trials caused by unfavorable natural phenomena and hostile creatures.

This quality is reflected in the names: Blazhko, Vsemil, Dobrovlad, Krepimir, Milad, Miley, Milen, Milovan, Milodar, Milomir, Miloslav, Miloneg, Mirognev, Mirodar, Miromir, Terpimir, Khotomir; Vseslava, Dobromila, Dobromira, Ladomila, Lyubusha, Nadezha, Ulada, Shchedra.

SIMPLICITY means that, having realized the law of cause and effect (the law of Karma), a person becomes so simple-minded that he does not hide the truth, whatever it may be, even from his ill-wishers.

This quality is reflected in the names: Lipok, Lyudobozh, Milorad, Milyuta, Milyai, Umil, Chesn; Veselina, Domoslava, Mila, Milava, Milena, Nezhana, Rada, Radmila, Ruta, Sineoka, Tsvetana.

As for the APPEAL TO THE TRUE SPIRITUAL TEACHER, this issue needs to be considered in more detail.

The Vedic scriptures constantly speak about the invaluable benefits of spiritual guidance. It is argued that a thousand lives lived without communicating with a spiritualized person are not worth even a minute spent with him. The Almighty is Love, and only those who have come to know Him as Love can teach others about the Progenitor and His laws. “Become perfect yourself, and then teach others,” knowledgeable people advise. At the same time, the main, deep task of the teacher is not simply to encourage or excite the mental or any other abilities existing in the student, but to transfer spiritual power to the student: in order to revive the spirit, the impulse must come from another soul and from nowhere else. This spiritualizing impulse cannot be extracted from books, since their study can only make a person smart, teach him to express thoughts intelligently and consistently, including about spirituality. But when it comes down to it Everyday life, being well-read and informed helps little, and the person turns out to be completely incompetent in his actions and in his attitude towards what is happening. A true teacher is distinguished by knowledge of the very spirit of the Holy Scriptures, and not by studying them with the help of grammar, etymology and philosophy; a teacher who allows his mind to be carried away by such research loses the spirit of the Teaching. The soul from which a high spiritual impulse emanates—the person who directly transfers the life-giving power of Love to another—is the True Teacher (sage). His duty is to determine the means by which the disciple can fix his mind on the Supreme.

The Vedic scriptures list six signs of a Teacher: a sane person who is not disturbed by the demands of the mind, the desire to speak, outbursts of anger, who does not yield to the demands of the tongue, stomach and genitals - is worthy of teaching people all over the world. Despite the apparent simplicity of observing these conditions, acquiring these qualities is not with the help of willpower, and through the deep spiritualization of all nature - a very difficult task. A person who has fulfilled these conditions can no longer be seduced by transitory worldly joys; he experienced a higher, spiritual state - the worst was replaced by the best.

"Slavic name book"

In the scriptures, a person, whose mental powers and functions of the body are entirely under the heel of irrepressible passions, is likened to a heap of damp firewood, resisting spiritual fire and stubbornly refusing to burn. Therefore, you need to bring “dry firewood” from the side and light it: as they burn, they will gradually dry out the damp wood, which sooner or later will ignite along with them. “Dry firewood” for kindling can only be taken from the one who has it, that is, from the sorcerer.

In our chaotic difficult time There are a lot of people calling themselves “teachers”. Such impostors have been presented to the worldly public more than once by the media. Such false teachers best case scenario are capable of giving out information at the level of the mind, or at worst - misleading.

The Vedic scriptures say that fools, living in darkness, thinking themselves wise, boasting of their useless knowledge, walk like blind men led by blind people. Unfortunately, the world is full of such people: every beggar would like to give millions, and every ignoramus would like to be a teacher. But as much as a beggar is a millionaire, so an ignoramus is a teacher. Nowadays many people do not accept sound doctrine and choose teachers who cater to their desires.

Choosing a spiritual teacher can be decisive in your life. So be careful! Remember that a true Teacher must have all the qualities of Knowledge.

The quality of acceptance of a true spiritual teacher is reflected in the names: Vedoslav, Vedogost, Rodislav, Slaver, Khvalibud; Ladoslava, Uslada.

CLEANITY is a necessary condition for advancement spiritual path. It can be external and internal. External cleanliness includes constant washing of the body with all kinds of cleansing of the entire body and living environment. Inner purity is achieved through prayer, concentration of consciousness on the Almighty and other means.

These qualities are reflected in the names: Belun, Lebedyan, Luchezar, Peresvet, Rodosvet, Rodoslav, Svetlan, Chestimir; Beloslava, Vidana, Golub, Krasa, Kupava, Lazorya, Lyubava, Lyubomila, Milolika, Miloslava, Beautiful, Rosana, Rusava, Svetana, Svetla, Svetlena, Svetolika, Siyana, Yasynya.

PERSISTENCE, SELF-DISCIPLINE and DENYING mean that a person must have great determination to improve in spiritual life, accepting that which is favorable to this and rejecting that which hinders progress along the path of spiritual development. The vanity of this world should not concern those striving for perfection.

The quality of perseverance is reflected in the names: Blyud, Velikosan, Vitoslav, Moguta, Nadya, Prokuy, Stanil, Stoyan, Tverdolik, Tverdyata, Yarobor, Yarun; Borislava, Bronislava, Verna, Vladelina, Vlastelina, Stanislava, Stoyan, Jan.

Quality of self-discipline: Boris, Boyan, Vazhin, Vecheslav, Vlad, Voislav, Mezislav, Ozar, Svetozar, Svetopolk, Stoislav, Tvorilad, Cheslav, Chest; Velena, Vlad, Voyslav, Vysheslav, Vyacheslav, Dobrodey, Zhdislav, Krasnoslav, Prebran, Chesta, Jaromil.

"Slavic name book"

The quality of renunciation is reflected in the names: Bedoslav, Goremysl, Niskinya, Ostrovets, Uprav, Yaroslav; Gorislava.

ABSENCE OF FALSE EGO means not identifying with your body. After all, our true “I” is nothing more than zhivatma - an individual, self-luminous particle of the Almighty, equal to Him in quality, but not in power. Zhivatma, as written in the Vedic scriptures, has the size of one ten-thousandth the thickness of a hair and is located in the human body at the level of the heart, permeating with consciousness and creating the entire body. Thus, it is the cause of life, for when life leaves the human body, the latter becomes non-viable and, due to the law of constant increase in entropy, is destroyed. That is, when the main life for some reason ceases to support the space organized by it (in in this case– the human body), then it disintegrates to the level of the abilities of secondary living beings to create the space available to them. The Vedic scriptures (Bhagavad-gita, 2.18-20) say: “Life is indestructible, immeasurable and eternal; only the body in which it incarnates is subject to death... For zhivatma there is neither birth nor death, it has never arisen, does not arise and will not arise. She is unborn, eternal, original; it is not destroyed when the body dies.”

If we resort to modern concepts, we can say that zhivatma is beyond the influence of space-time dimensions. That is why it is considered spiritual and not material. This is our true “I”.

The absence of a false ego is reflected in the names: Vedenya, Vedoman, Vedomysl, Vseved, Vsevid, Dukhoslav, Ogneved, Svetoslav, Solntslav, Stolposvet, Yarosvet; Bogdana, Bozhedan, Bozhedara, Vedana, Dolyana.

BIRTH, DEATH, OLD AGE AND DISEASES bring suffering to a person, which he begins to realize while still in the womb. The only way to get rid of suffering is to spiritualize your consciousness.

Awareness of this is reflected in the names: Goremysl, Maribor, Milodukh, Michura, Navolod, Provided, Prozor, Yavolod, Jaromir; Velmira, Veslava, Goreslava.

INDEPENDENCE FROM enslavement by your wife and children does not mean at all that you need to get rid of all feelings towards your loved ones: love for them is a natural manifestation of human relationships. But when misunderstood love becomes an obstacle to spiritual improvement, one should abandon such attachment.

The lack of affection is reflected in the names: Lyutomir, Lyutomysl, Mezhdamir, Sivoyar, Trimir.

INDEPENDENCE FROM enslavement to worldly activities does not mean the cessation of activity as such. On the contrary, one should work hard, but one should not become attached to the fruits of one’s labor and desire reward, for labor for reward is slavery. Free activity is necessary for spiritual development.

"Slavic name book"

Free activity is reflected in the names: Bozhan, Bozhedom, Volelub, Volemir, Stozhar.

CALM IN THE FACE OF BOTH PLEASANT AND UNPLEASANT EVENTS appears as a result of the spiritualization of consciousness.

The quality of calm is reflected in the names: Bedoslav, Vseslav, Likhovid, Likhoslav, Nerev, Slavomir, Khvalimir, Brave, Yar; Bogolepa, Boleslav, Vladislav, Lyuborad, Lyuboslav, Svatava.

CONSTANT AND PURE DEVOTION TO THE HIGH is the natural need of any being, since he is an integral part of the Supreme. By serving Him, any being brings benefit to the Common Whole, and therefore to itself: a person has no other way to achieve personal benefit.

Devotion to the Almighty is reflected in the names: Beloslav, Bogdavlad, Bogolyub, Bogorod, Bogumil, Bozheslav, Lyubislav, Lubodar, Svetoslav, Slavata, Slavy, Tvorislav, Khvalibog; Boguslav, Vysheslav, Zvenislav, Rodoslav, Slavomil, Yaroslav.

A TENDENCY TO SOLITUDE is favorable for spiritual life. Solitude makes it possible to avoid communication with unrighteous people and preserve the living environment in natural purity.

This necessary condition for enlightenment of the mind is reflected in the names: Bogodey, Boguslav, Bogukhval, Vedomysl, Molibog, Trevzor.

DETACHMENT FROM THE DICTAT OF THE CROWD is a necessary condition for the preservation and development of individuality, which is the basis of personality, without which spiritual improvement is impossible. Ancient Greek scientists argued that the worst are always in the majority, because the crowd inevitably averages the individual and does not allow it to go beyond the limits of philistine concepts, interfering with its spiritual advancement. Detachment from the dictates of the crowd indicates self-sufficiency and the desire for self-improvement.

Self-sufficiency is reflected in the names: Bogolep, Bozhidar, Bozhko, Velizar, Vsevlad, Dovol, Lyubozar, Radovlad, Samovlad, Sobeslav, Tverdislav, Troyan, Jan, Yarovit, Jaromil, Yarun.

Recognition of the importance of self-improvement is reflected in the names: Beloyar, Bylyata, Virilad, Gayan, Gremislav, Dushevlad, Zoryan, Rostislav, Svetislav, Svetobor, Svetogor, Svetozar, Svetoyar, Tvorilo, Khotibor, Chestimysl; Breslava, Guya, Gradislava, Dobroslava, Zorina, Irina, Matryona, Svetogora, Svetozar, Slavina, Sobin, Cheslava, Yanina, Yarina.

CONTINUITY OF DEEP KNOWLEDGE OF SPIRIT, LIGHT AND TRUE “I” ensures non-stop evolutionary development.

This quality is reflected in the names: Budislav, Veznich, Velesvezd, Verkhuslav, Zhizneslav, Istislav, Lyubomysl, Ogneslav, Yanislav, Yarosvet, Yaroslav; Agnia, Boyana, Veroslava, Gala, Zarya, Zarina, Lara, Radosveta, Svetoslava, Yara.

A CONSCIOUS, WISE SEARCH FOR THE PERFECT TRUTH leads a person to inner perfection, which consists in conscious service to the Almighty.

This quality is reflected in the names: Bogoved, Borzomysl, Vedagor, Velimudr, Vseved, Dorogomysl, Osmomysl, Premysl, Radomysl, Skorodum, Yaromudr; Alla, Omniscience, Inga, Lyubomudra.

"Slavic name book"

The way of Slavic society

and its connection with a person’s name

The Slavs give names not only in accordance with moral qualities person, but also in accordance with his varna. The great legislator Manu teaches: people are divided by natural evolutionary development into four varnas - sorcerers, knights, vesi and smerds.

VEDUNS - those who have wisdom, i.e. are able to control the mind and feelings, have tolerance and simplicity, purity, knowledge, truthfulness, faith in Vedic wisdom, devotion to the Progenitor, etc. They teach Vedic knowledge, are priests perform ceremonies and rituals.

VITYAZI - those who have virtue, strength, determination, courage in battle, nobility and the ability to lead. Although they study the Vedic scriptures, they never act as preachers and teachers. Their duty is to fight for justice.

VESI – those who are engaged in farming, trading, raising cows. The cow is considered one of the mothers of man, as she feeds him with her milk. Therefore, according to Slavic laws, killing these animals is considered a crime. Just as a king is obliged to protect his subjects, so a village must protect cows. When an animal dies a violent death, its development stops. He will have to be born again in the same body and live his entire life to its natural end, gaining the full experience of this incarnation. In addition, the killer and his victim at the level of nature are one organism, therefore they are inseparable from each other. They can be compared to different creatures inside the human body. For example, if a lymphocyte harms a red cell (erythrocyte), then it harms the entire body, and therefore itself. If the development of the victim slows down, then, naturally, the development of all nature slows down, and therefore the development of the killer. And according to the law of cause and effect, all sinful responsibility for the actions committed falls on him, creating his fate both in this and in the next life.

Vedic society does not need industrial development and urbanization. Since ancient times, the Slavs knew that they could live happily if they had land and raised grain and cows on it. For it is not muscular labor that enriches the country, but the sale of grain abroad, which is the purest gift of Nature. But if non-ferrous metals, oil and other raw materials are sold to buy bread, the state not only does not enrich itself, but leads its people to impoverishment and harnesses them to the colonial yoke of other countries that provide bread. Therefore, the wealth of the villages is not money, but cows, grain, milk and butter. But, nevertheless, they do not refuse to wear jewelry, beautiful clothes and even gold, receiving them in exchange for their agricultural products.

SMERDS are those who serve the other three varnas, for they have no inclination towards mental, military and trading activities and, as a result, are satisfied with their position. They are content to: eat, sleep, defend themselves and copulate.

"Slavic name book"

The duties of all four varnas are non-harm, truthfulness, purity and self-control. Inclusion in one of the varnas depends on the individual natural abilities and inclinations of a person, which are clearly visible in that life goal which he sets before himself.

Such a goal could be:

lust is the uncontrolled activity of vital feelings. This is a stinking state.

benefit - consciously controlled fulfillment of desires. This is a state of weight.

responsibility - correctness of actions. This is the state of a knight.

self-improvement - living in spirituality and preaching religious doctrine. This is the state of a sorcerer.

Each of the varnas has its own correspondence with the qualities of nature (ignorance, passion and virtue) and reflects the following:

SMOKERS – darkness, ignorance, immobility, unmanifested possibilities.

VESI is a combination of ignorance, passion and intensified action.

VITYAZI – a combination of passion and justice.

VEDUNY - enlightenment, peace, balance.

Smerdas live in fear, despondency and worries;

weigh – in grief, joy and work;

knights - in anger, rage and battle;

witches - in calmness, tranquility and prayer.

Names are given according to the varna. If a person has the varna of a priest, then his name should consist of words meaning goodness, glorification of the Almighty, joy, love, knowledge. If the varna is a warrior, then the name should contain words meaning order, power, protection, struggle, military strength. The name of artisans and peasants should mean wealth, creativity, homeliness, type of activity; and for servants - service, a character trait, an external sign.

Slavic names


Male names:

B;VA – funny.
B;YKO is a talker.
BAT;SH – long-legged (“batat” – chat, swing your legs).
BATURA is stubborn.
BERN - bumpkin (“ber” - forest, “bern” - log).
B;DIN (Bodilo, B;day) – prickly.
B;TKO - knocking, pounding.
BOTUK - fat man.
BR;NKO – earthly, calm.
BULG;K – restless.
BULYCH is a cunning person.
BULBA - fat, strong man.
BUN (Bunya, Bunko) – proud, rebel.
BUS – foggy.
BUSL;Y – reveler.
VAZH;Y – sporun.
VAK;Y – verbose.
VALUY is a screamer.
WIND;N – windy. EVEN;RKO – born in the evening.
VESH (Veshnyak) – spring, born in spring.
VITCH;K – twisted.
VIH;RKO - disheveled, tousled.
VICA – flexible.
VLAS – hairy.
RAVEN;Ts – black-haired.
VOROSHILA - a heap.
GAM - noisy, loud.
GLAZKO - big-eyed.
GLUSH;TA (Glushko) – quiet.
GN;VESH (Gn;von) – angry.
GODUN – slow.
G;LIK - thin, bald.
GRABK; - handy.
GR;ZYA is a dreamer.
D;VBUSH - dumbass.
DUB;Ts (Dubovik, Dub;k, Dubun, Dubynya) – strong.
DUGINYA - bending in an arc, strong.
GREED – greedy.
HEAT (Zhar;k, Zhar;x) – hot.
ZERDEY – lanky.
Zhmuryonok (Zhmurya) - narrow-eyed, squinted.

"Slavic name book"

HALL;M – proud.
ZEL;NYA – young.
ZYRYAY – looker, big-eyed.
KAT;Y – reveler.
KOPT;L – dark-skinned.
COSMAT – shaggy, shaggy.
K;CHEN – big-headed.
KRUT - steep, sharp.
KUDR;Y (Kuzh;l) – curly.
KULOTA is a fighter.
KURB;T is a stocky, strong man.
KUTS is short.
KUCHMA - shaggy, unkempt.
LAG;CH – giant.
FOREHEAD;N – big forehead.
LOCH;K – curl.
LUZG - worthless.
HARRIER - whitish.
LYUT - fierce, evil.
MALYGA - short.
MALYUTA (Small, Malyuga) – small.
INTERMEDIATE – business.
ME - changed.
MENSHAK (M;nshik) – small, junior.
MLAD – young.
MN;TA – suspicious.
SILENT;N – silent.
FOUND – foundling.
NAM;ST – local.
NARYSHKA – reddish.
NEV;R – disbeliever, doubter.
NEVZ;R – nondescript.
Nezhd;N – unexpected, unexpected.
A simpleton is a simpleton.
NEZV;N – uninvited.
N;ZDA (Nezdilo) – non-creating (“zda” – create, do).
NECLUDE - clumsy.
NEKR;S – ugly.
NEKRUT – soft, flexible.
UNLOVE – unloved.
NEM;T – poor.
NEMIL - not nice.
NEMIR – restless.
NEN;SH – stranger.
NERAD;Ts – lazy person.
N;ROV - quiet, calm.
N;SDA – unyielding, patient.
UNG;DA – objectionable.
NECH;Y – random.
NON-POISON – not gluttonous.
NISKINYA - empty.
NURSE; - nanny, guardian.
OFFENSIVE - touchy.
ULSTIN (Olyata) – flatterer, talker.
OP;ST – annoying.
OT;Y – secretive.
SHURK – petty.
OSCH;RA – fierce, grinning.
P;SMUR - gloomy.
P;CHEK – toothy.
PELG – faded.
P;SHKA (Pesh;k) – walker.
PLEKHBN (Pleshk;) – thin-haired.
SUPPORTED – assistant.
LATE;Y – late.
PUUPEL – ashy.
POSP;L – hasty.
POCHINOK - firstborn.
PROKHN - beggar.
RAG;ZA – quarrelsome, abusive.
REP;X - annoying, annoying.
R;PSHA - dissatisfied, murmurer.
R;VERSE - tall.
RTISCH - largemouth.
RUD;K (Rutyn, Ryzh) – red-haired.
RUSAK - light brown.
RYNDA is a big guy.
RYUMA is a whiner.
SAM;HA - proud.
SVIR is a liar who blames others.
FISTULA - whistler.
SIV;K – gray.
SKLOV is a troublemaker.
SLINK; - slobber, lazy.
SMEKHN - amusing person.
SMIRNOUY (Smirya) - humble.
STUSH – shy.
SUVOR (Surov;n) – severe.
SUMNIK – doubter.
SUTORMA – restless.
SUKH;N – skinny.
SYP - quarrels over trifles.
TALAL;Y – talkative.
TESH;TA (Teshen) – comforting.
TOMILO - tiring.
TUG;RIN (Tuglo) – sad.
TULIK – tenacious.
PRISON - a weakling, incompetent.
UGRIM (Gloomy) - gloomy.
URYUPA is a crybaby.
USHAK - eared.
KHLIN is a deceiver.
HOV (Hov;n) – hiding.
HOC – desired.
KHOHRYAK - weak.
CHUH - idle talk.
SHADR - pockmarked.
CHARKO - pot-bellied.
NOISY - screamer.
SHUST - nimble.

Female names:
Bezputa – unpathless, unlucky.
VERESCH;GA - talker.
VETRANA – windy, light.
VL;SYA – long-haired.
GREZA - dreamer.
TOOTH;HA – toothy, witty.
IST;MA – tiring, tender.
KUK;BA - hoarder, stingy.
KUN;VA – dormant.
LATUTA – sweet tooth.
LUTA – angry.
LINDA is a slacker.
MAZYRYA - gourmet.
MALUSH (Mala, Malyava, Malukha) – small.
FOUND (N;ida) – found.
NEG;YES - worthless.
NEMIRA – restless.
RESULT – touchy.
LATE - late.
RUTA is a redhead.
RUSSIA - fair-haired.
SOL;HA – a sluggish slob.
SUKH;TA – skinny.
TAMILA (Tomila) – languid, sweet.
TUGA – sad.
TSYBA - slob, unkempt.
SHCHEPETUHA - dressy girl, dandy.


Male names:

BAZHAN (Bazhen) – adored.

BAKUNYA is a talker.

BASQUE; - Handsome.

B;KHAR – storyteller.

BEL (Belik, Belota, Belun, Belyai, Belyak) – white, pure; white-faced

BLAZHK; - blissful.

DISH – guardian.

BOZH (Bozhan, Bozhko) - God's.

BOLOREV - loud.

BOLSH;K – big, senior.

BORZYATA - fast.

BORIS (Boray, Boril, Boryata) – struggling.

B;RICH - bog, forest, strong.

BOROD;Y – rich in birth, bearded.

BRAZD - plowman.

BRANCO – warlike.

BUD;Y (Bud;n, Bud;nko, Budilo) – awakening, early riser, waking everyone up.

BUY – powerful.

BUYAN – violent, courageous (“Yang” – male energy, strength).

BULAT – strong, hardy (often a blacksmith).

BUSHUI – swift, strong.

BYLYATA - experienced, experienced.

VAVULA is a talker.

VADIM (Vodimo) – ringleader, leader.

VAZHIN - respectful, sedate.

VARUN – dyer (“var” – paint).

VARYAZHKO – swimmer (“varyaty” – swim).

VELIGA (Velichko) – big.

VER;N – faithful.

VERSHYLO - active.

VESNYAN – spring.

VESYAK - peasant.

VIDAN (View) – prominent.

VITIM (Vitya) – winner.

VLAD (Vladan) – owner.

POWER – powerful.

VOIK (Vo;ts, Voilo, Voiko) - combative, warlike.

V;LOT (Vol;tok) is a giant.

FLASH - awakening.

VYSH;TA – high.

VYATKO – big, senior, chief.

GAI – mobile.

GAYAN – lucky, courageous (“ga” – movement, path; “Yan” – male power).

GL;DISH - white-handed.

GLEB – heavy, powerful.

NEST - large family, large family.

G;DA – lucky, beautiful.

YEAR;TA – slow.

GODIM is a reconciliator.

G;YKO - a big man, a strong man.

GOLOV;N – smart.

GOR;ZD – capable, understanding.

GOR;N – high.

GORD;Y (Proud) - proud.

GOROV;TO – excellent, sublime.

HOT - hot.

GUEST – merchant.

GR;DAN – builder.

GUDIM (Gudoy) – musician.

DAVILO is a strong man.

DAN (D;nko, D;nsha) – given.

DARYAN - courageous, d'Aryan.

GRANDFATHER - who took after his grandfather.

DELYAN (Deyan) – businesslike, active.

DIVISH is amazing.

GOOD;GA – virtuous.

DOBRYNYA (Dobr, Dobrilo, Dobryn) - kind.

DOV;L – satisfied.

DOLYAN – lucky.

DOMZH;R - homebody, family man, loving the heat of the hearth.

"Slavic name book"

DOMN - homely, economical.

DOMOZHIR – homely, prosperous (“fat” – wealth, prosperity).

D;ROZH - dear.

DRAGAN (Dr; gosh) – precious.

SHOW;N – soulful.

JAD;N – demanding, greedy.

Zhdan (Zhdanko) - awaited.

ZHIVKO – lively, fast.

ZHIL;N – tenacious.

ZHITK; - grain grower

ZHIKHAR is a daredevil.

ZABAY – bully

BACK;RA – perky.

ZASL;V – glorifying.

ZVAN - called.

HEALTH;VEN is a big guy.

ZL;TAN - golden, golden-haired.

Z;RKO – vigilant.

ZORYAN (Zoriy) - born at dawn, son of dawn.

IGOR – connecting, unifying (“yoke” – connection).

ID;N – walker.

IZBOR – chosen one, chosen one.

ISKR is fast.

KARIN (K;riy) – brown-eyed; racial

KIY - blacksmith.

KRAS – beautiful.

LEBEDYAN - fine, slender.

LEPC; - Handsome.

LIP;K – flower.

LYUBIM (Lyubsha) – favorite.

LYUDIN (Lud;ta) – artisan.

LOCAL - local.

MIL (Mil;y, Mil;n, Milk;, Milyuta, Milyatin) - dear.

MILOV;N – touching.

MIRAN (Mirash, Mir;n, Mirk;, Mir;ta, Mircha, Mirya) – peaceful.

MICHURA – remembering the departed ancestors (“chur” – ancestor).

MOGUTA is a strong man.

MUUSTA (Bridge) – paving, paving the way.

NADEZHA (Nad;th) – reliable.

NAC;N – observing the law.

NASL;V - working for the glory of the Ancestor, gods and ancestors.

NAZH;TA (Gentle) – gentle.

ODYAKA - grateful.

OZ;R – illuminated.

OL;L - beloved.

OL;S – forest (“about” – near, nearby.).

URAY - farmer.

OSK;L – beekeeper.

PERYATA – light.

PL;VEN – swimmer.

GENDER;D – flexible.

POLEL - loving.

PREBRAN – neat.

PRED;G – very expensive.

PROFIT – adding.

PROKOSH - thrifty (for future use).

PROKUY - forged, strong.

PRUCHICA – durable, strong.

PUTYATA - smart.

PYAST – strong-armed (“past” – fist).

RAD;Y (Radekh) – guardian, advisor.

RADIM (Rad, Radko, Radom, Radota) – joyful.

RANK; – early.

REKUN – storyteller.

RUSL;N – bright soul (“rus” – light brown, light).

ROW; - decent.

RYAHA – clean.

SVARN (Svarun) – beautiful (“var” – paint, color).

SEZHIR - rich.

SEZ;M – tiller.

SELYAN (Selyata) - a villager.

SEMYUN - family man.

SIV;R – northern, severe.

SIDOR (Sidr;g) – precious, dear.

SIYAN – shining.

SL;VIY (Slaven, Slavn, Slavish, Slavuta, Slavyata) - glorious.

LAUGHTER - cheerful.

SMIRAN (Smirn) – meek, modest.

SNEPHAN – white-skinned.

SUN – sunny.

STAV;K – persistent.

STAVR – marked, experienced.

STANIL (Stanyata) – solid.

STRIGA (Strizh;k) – fast, impetuous.

VERDILO - approver.

CREATED – creator.

PATIENT – patient.

T;ROP – hasty.

TURILA (Turyak) – mighty.

UV;TICH – exhorting.

UDAL - daring.

ULAD - settling.

UMIL - touching, sweet.

UPR;VA – fair.

BRAVE - brave man.

HOREB – balanced (“choir” – center, balance).

"Slavic name book"

HOT (X;ten) – desired.

KHOTUL - thrifty.

COLOR;N – blooming, prosperous.

TsUK;N – sweet.

CHAYAN – desired.

CHINA – important.

HONEST (Chesn) – honest.

CHURA – well-born (“chur” – ancestor).

SHEMYAKA – strong-armed (“myakat” – crush, reap).

SHIRAY – broad-shouldered.

GENEROUS - generous.

YAN – positive, courageous.

YAR (Yarun, Jarek) – furious.

Female names:

BAZHENA – desired (“bazhati” – to desire).

B;LA - white, clean.

BLAGINYA - kind.

BOZHANA - God's.

BORNA – pine forest, forest, strong.

BUDANA - awakening.

BUYANA – noisy, courageous.

VELENA – commanding.

V;NDA – collected.

V;RNA – true.

VESELA (Veselina) – cheerful.

WEIGHT; I am rural, rural.

VESNYANA – spring.

VID;NA (Vida) – prominent, beautiful.

VLADA – okay, slender.

VLASTA – powerful.

VYSH;NA – high.

GALA – spiritual (“ga” – movement; “la” – soul).

GALINA – feminine, earthy.

GAYA – mobile.

GAYANA – courageous.

GODITSA (Godna) – pretty, lucky.

BLUE – tender.

MUCH - capable.

DANA (Danuta) – given.

DARENA (Darina) – gifted.

DARYANA (Daria) – courageous, d’Aryan.

DELYANA – business.

DOBR;VA (Dobrina, Dobrana) – kind.

SATISFIED - satisfied.

DOG;DA – quick-witted.

DOLYANA – lucky.

DOMNA - homely, economical.

DRAG;NA – precious.

DUSHANA – soulful.

ZhD;NA – awaited.

ZHEL;NA – desired.

ZHIL;NA – tenacious.

ZAB;VA – funny; comforter.

ZADORA - perky.

ZARINA (Zar;na, Z;ra) – illuminated, beautiful.

ZASL;VA – glorifying.

ZV;NA – called.

ZL;TA (Zlatana) – golden, golden-haired.

ZORYA (Zorina, Zoryana) – born at dawn, sparkling.

IZBORA – chosen one.

INNA (Inga) – feminine (“Yin” – female energy).

KARINA – brown-eyed, short-haired.

KR;SA – beautiful.

LAG;DA – pleasant, sincere.

LAZ;RYA – azure.

L;RA (Clara) – guardian (“lar” – guardian spirit).

LEBEDYANA – slender.

LEPAVA – beautiful, gentle, pleasant.

LYUBAVA (Lyuba, Lyubima, Lyubusha) - beloved.

LUDA is humane.

MATRYONA – mature.

MILA (Mlava, Militsa) – sweetheart.

MIRA (Mir;va, Mirana, Mirina, Mir;ta) – peaceful, reconciling.

MLADA – young, okay.

NADEZHA (Nadia) – reliable.

NASLAVA - doing everything for glory.

NEG;NA (N;zha) – tender.

LOVELY – beloved, attractive.

OLELYA - beloved.

OL;SYA – forest (“o” – nearby, about).

ULGA (Olyana) – playful (“ol” – drink, “ha” – movement).

POL;YES – flexible.

POLEVA - field.

POL;LA – loving.

POLINA (Polyana) – balanced (“Yin” – feminine; “Yang” – masculine).

PREB;NA – neat.

PREC;SA – beautiful.

PREL;STA – lovely.

PRIG;DA - pretty.

R;DA - pleasing.

ROS;NA – clean, fresh.

ROUGE;NA – pink.

BLUSH – rosy, rosy-cheeked.

RUS;VA (Rusana, Ruslana) – fair-haired.

"Slavic name book"

SWAT;VA – making happy.

LIGHT;NA (Sv;ta, Sv;tla) – light.

SELYANA – rural.

SIYANA – shining.

SLAVIA (Slavena, Slavna) – glorious.

SMEYANA – laughing, cheerful.

SMIRA;NA – peaceful.

SNEZH;NA (Snezhina) – snowy, white-faced.

SOBINA – special, feminine.

TURA – powerful.

UL;DA - settling.

UMILA - touching.

USL;DA – delightful.

COLOR;NA – blooming, delicate.

CHARUSHA – plump, kind, generous.

CHAYANA – awaited, desired.

GENEROUS - generous.

JADVIGA - nurse.

YANA – courageous.

YARA (Yarina) – sunny, ardent.

ASH - clear.


Male names:

BELOVOL;D – lordly.

BELOTUR – light-strong.

BELOYAR – light-colored.

BIVOY - beating warriors.

BLAGOR;D – noble.

BLAGOYAR – merciful.

BOESL;V - glorious in battle.

BOYD;N – given for combat.

BOLESL;V – striving for greater glory.

BORIV;Y – winner of warriors.

BORIMIR – fighting for peace*.

BORIP;LK - victorious regiment.

BORISL;V (Borusl;v) – fighting for glory.

BOYAN is a courageous fighter.

BR;VLIN - brave, warlike.

BR;NEN (Br;nim) – military.

BRANIB;R – victorious in battles.

BRANIMIR – fighting for peace.

BRANIP;LK - commander.

BRANISLE;V – gaining glory in battles.

BRATIV;Y – governor.

BRATIMIR – gathering the world (veche, cop).

BRATOSIL - strong with brotherhood.

BRATOSL;V (Bratisl;v) – glorious with brotherhood.

BRETHISL;V (Bresl;v) – who has gained fame.

ARMOR;V – glorious with weapons.

RINGING NUMBER;V – ringing with glory.

BUDIV;Y – awakened (spiritualized) warrior.

BUDIMIR – awakening (spiritualizing) world (veche, cop).

BUDISL;V - glorious in awakening, seeking glory.

BUY-TUR – assertive, strong, powerful.

BUESL;V - famous for assertiveness and courage.

BURIV;Y – a warrior like a storm, a hurricane.

BURISL;V – renowned for its power (storm-like).

BYSL;V - famous for experience.

VADIMIR – leader of the world (veche, cops).

VADISLAV – glorious for his leadership.

VALDAI - lord.

VARTISL;V – filled with glory.

VEL;BA - nobleman, ruler.

VELEMIR (Velmir) – commander, ruler of the world (society).

VELIKOS;N – great rank (rank).

VELISL;V – many-glorious.

WENCESSL;B – crowned with glory.

VIDBOR is a prominent (famous) wrestler.

VIDOGUUST – a prominent (notable) guest.

VITOMIR – victorious at the world (meeting, meeting).

VITOSL;V – famous for victories.

LORD - ruler.

VLADIMIR (Volodimer) – owner of the world, ordering of society.

VLADISL;V (Vl;slav) – owner of glory.

VLATIMIL - dear, merciful with power.

VLATISL;V - glorified by fair power.

VNISL;V - famous for attention, insight, understanding of the essence.

VOEG;ST – mercenary warrior.

VOIB;R – fighting (winning) warriors.

VOYNATA is a hereditary warrior.

VOISV;T – fighting with light (energy).

"Slavic name book"

VOISL;V (Vojtislav) is a glorious warrior.

VOYMIR is a warrior of the world (society).

VO;UYTEKH - city mayor, voit (head of the city cop).

VOLBRAN (Olbran) – free warrior.

VOLELOVER – lover of will.

VOLEMIR – performing

the will of the world (veche, cops).

VOLOD;R – ruler (“owning Aryan”).

VOLODISL;V (Volosl;v) – owner of glory.

V;LGA (Voleg;st, Volgost, Voleg) – favoring guests.

VOROTISL;V (Vratisl;v) – returned glory.

VOYAN (Voyata) – warlike.

VS;VOLOD (Vsevl;d) – omnipotent.

VYATSHESL;V – eldest in glory.

VYACHESL;V (Vyacheslav) – the most glorious.

GODIMIR – suitable, needed by the world (society).

GODISL;V – fit for glory.

GORDIAN – courageous, having self-esteem (“YAN” – masculine).

GORIMIR – burning (living) for the world (society).

GORISL;B – burning (living) for glory.

GOROB;Y is a capable, excellent fighter.

GOSTOMYSL (Gostevit, Gosten;g, Gostimir) – caring, thinking about guests.

GRADISLAV (Grodislav, Gorodislav) – creator of glory.

GRADIMIR – creating the world (veche, copa).

GREMISL;V – resounding with glory, glorified.

GRIDYA – griden, warrior, warrior.

GROMOBUI (Gromol) is a powerful fighter.

GUDIMIR - convener of the world (veche, cop).

GOODISLE;V – gathering, proclaiming glory.

DALEB;RRRRRRRRRR – capable of fighting from a distance.

DANISLAV (Dansl;v) – paying tribute to glory.

ELENGINE - powerful.

DERZHIKR;Y - border guard, border guard.

DOBESL;V (Dobisl;v) – one who obtains glory.

EXPENSIVE – having expensive (valuable, unusual) power.

ESISL;V – truly glorious.

ZHIZNEMIR (Zhiznomir) – living for the world (veche, cops).

ZHILISL;V – famous for endurance.

ZHIROVIT – conquering with wealth (“vit” – victory; “fat” – wealth).

ZHIROMIR – increasing the wealth of the world (society).

FAT;V – glorious in wealth.

ZHITOV;B - advocating for prosperity (“Zhito” - grain, life, wealth; “to knock in” - to call).

ZHYTOMYR – ensuring the prosperity of the world (society).

ZARUBA - fighter
Tags: Slavic name book. A.V. TSlav


Oh, Russian Word, Holy!
For better Future Times
Verb You, Life and Enlightenment.
F. I. Tyutchev

The main goal of this dictionary is to cleanse the Russian language from distorted interpretations of native Russian words, names and concepts. Nowadays, a completely opposite meaning is attached to many words of the Vedic culture of the Slavs, for example: blasphemy, witch, righteous man, culture, etc. Since ancient times in Rus', blasphemers-storytellers were the bearers and guardians of the heritage of their ancestors. The enemies of Russian culture falsely declared blasphemy (the transfer of the experience of ancestors) to be sacrilege and began to claim that the history of Russia began only with its baptism. But the word “history” means “taken from the Torah,” the Jewish scripture translated as the Old Testament. It turns out that the “historian” is a follower of the Old Testament tradition. Now historians carefully keep silent about the fact that many thousands of years before the forced baptism of Rus', all Slavs were literate. It is silent that the Slavic runica and knotted writing formed the basis of the writing of the Pelasgians, Etruscans, Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese, etc. Historians do not say that Sanskrit came from the Russian knotted script and is based on the spelling rules of the Slavic runica.
For many centuries, the experience of mankind has consisted of the struggle between light and dark principles - divine and demonic, followers of culture and civilization. And since time immemorial, Russia has been the stronghold of the forces of light in this struggle. The name of the great power appeared many thousands of years ago, its meaning is as follows: “grew” - growth, increase; “siya” - radiance, light; i.e. Russia is a force that increases enlightenment. That is why it is the only country bearing the name “holy” - Light Rus', Light Russia (trying to hide the truth about the luminous beginning of Russian names, ill-wishers replaced the letter “e” with the letter “ya” in luminous words. Instead of “light” it turned out “holy” , instead of “light” - “holy”, etc.)
For the revival of the Vedic culture of Russia and the greatness of the state, it is now extremely important to return the true meaning of Russian words. To correctly understand the meaning of Russian names, you cannot do without this dictionary.


And Veles said:
Open the box of songs!
Unwind the ball/
For the time of silence is over
And it's time for words!
Songs of the bird Gamayun

Bazhen (Bazhan)- desired child, desired.
Belozar- white dawn, enlightened.
Belogor- highly enlightened.
Beloslav- From BEL- white, turn white and SLAV- glorify.

Belyan- walking the path of light and spiritual improvement.
Berimir- caring about the world; or the conqueror of it.
Berislav- one who takes glory, who cares about glory.
Blagoslav- glorifying kindness.
Bogdan (Bozhko)- a child given by God.

God scholar- knower of the gods.
Bogodar (Bogadar)- gifted by the gods.
Bogolyub- lover of the Gods.
Bogomil (Bogumil)- dear to some of the Gods.
Bogumir- interaction between the Gods and the world.

Boleslav- glorifying the forest deity.
Borimir- a fighter for peace (or in the world), a peacemaker.
Borislav- a fighter for glory or a glorious fighter. (Judeo-Christian abbr. "Boris").
Boyan- divine storyteller.

Bratislava- From BROTHERS- fight and SLAV- to glorify or glorify brotherhood (brother).
Bronislav (Branislav)- a famous warrior or one who glorifies battle.
Bryachislav- from BRYACHI- rattle and SLAV- glorify.

Budimir- peacemaker or peacemaker.
Vedagor- knowledgeable about the highest, knowledgeable.
Vedislav- glorifying knowledge (knowledge).
Veleslav- glorifying Veles.
Veligor- great sublime.

Velimir (Velemir)great world or the incarnation of Veles.
Velimudr (Velemudr)– knowledgeable or wise, like Veles.
Velisvet (Velesvet)- great enlightened one; light of Veles; interaction between Veles and Svetovit.
Velislav- great glory, most glorious.
Wenceslaus- dedicating to glory, crowned with glory.

Veselin- cheerful, cheerful.
Vladimir- owner of the world (a cursed name in Rus' in connection with its bloody baptism).
Vladislav (Volodislav)- possessing glory.
Vojislav- a glorious warrior or truly glorious.
Wolf- one of the personified names of the animal world or a partial embodiment of Perun.

Crow- one of the personified names of the animal world or a dark incarnation.
Vorotislav- returning glory.
Vsevid (Omniscient)– all-seeing; omniscient.
Vsevolod- the ruler of the people, who owns everything.
Vsemil- loved by everyone.

World- worldwide, i.e. capable of penetrating all worlds.
Vsesvet- all-worldly, i.e. capable of perceiving all lights (worlds).
Vseslav- all-glorifying, famous.
Vyshezor- seeing (seeing) higher worlds, i.e. the worlds of Rule and Glory.
Vysheslav- glorifying the elder RELATIVES (Gods). Vyacheslav is the most famous, the most glorious.

Vyachko- legendary personality: Vyachko - the progenitor of the Vyatichi.
Godoslav (Godlav) - Historical figure: Godoslav- Prince of the Bodrichi-Rarogs.
Gorazd- skillful, capable, good.
Gorislav- fiery, burning in glory or highly revered.

Gorynya- mountain-like, huge, indestructible; fiery.
Gostemil (Gostomysl; Gostemysl)- dear to another (guest). Historical figure: Gostomysl- Prince of Novgorod.
Gradimir- guarding the world or your city.
Gradislav- protecting the glory or glorifying the city (or glorified in it).

Granislav- improving fame.
Gremislav- illustrious.
Gudislav- a renowned musician, trumpeting glory.
Dalemir- far (secluded) from the world (society).
Darimil- giving mercy, abundantly merciful.

Daren- donated.
Dzvenislav- glorified.
Dedoslav- glorifying ancestors, keeper of family traditions.
Dobrovest- telling about good.
Dobrovlad- possessing kindness and non-violence.

Dobrogor- exalting goodness.
Dobrolyub- kind and loving.
Dobromil- kind and sweet.
Dobromir (Dobrynya, Dobrysha)- kind and peaceful.
Dobromysl- kind and reasonable.

Dobroslav- glorifying kindness.
Domaslav- glorifying relatives.
Dragomir- more expensive than the world.
Drevoslav- glorifying antiquity, the heritage of ancestors, the family tree.
Treeworld- associated with the family tree and nature.

Dubynya- like an oak, indestructible.
Druzhina- comrade.
Lark- one of the personified names of the animal world.
Zhdan- long-awaited child; expected.

Zhivomir- living in the world or the embodiment of Alive.
Zhivorod (Zhivarod)- the path of a healer to ROD.
Zimovit- harsh, merciless; winter orbit is the prototype of “Santa Claus”.
Zlatomir- golden world.
Sincerely– sincere; sparkling.
Kazimir- showing the world.
Koschey- thin, bony.
Krasimir- beautiful and peaceful.

Kriv- leader of the tribal union, which later began to be called "Children of Kriv" or "Krivichi".
Kudeyar- sorcerer Yarila.
Ladimir (Ladomir)– living in harmony with the world; sorcerer of Lada.

Ladislav- glorifying Lada (love), the embodiment of Lada.
Swan- personified name of the animal world; one of the incarnations of Mara.
Luchezar- radiating dawn.
We love you- Darling.
Lubodar- giver of love.

Lubomir- loving the world or loved in the world.
Lyubomysl- loving to think.
Luboslav- lover of glory, beloved, glorified.
Lyubomud- keeping wisdom.
Lyuboyar- loving Yarila - the sun.

Mal (Small, Mladen)- Jr.
Mieczyslaw- famous for the sword.
Milan- Cute.
Milovan- caressing, caring, or the one who was spared.
Milorad- sweet, joyful (to the sun).

Miloslav- sweetly glorifying.
Miloyar- beloved by Yarila.
Peaceful- peace-loving.
Miroslav- glorifying the world and glorified in the world.
Molchan- taciturn, silent.

Mstislav- glorifying revenge. Historical figure: Mstislav Vladimirovich- Prince of Tmutarakansky, Grand Duke Kyiv.
Nevzor– blind.
Nekras- one of the “negative” names.
Fire expert- knowing the spiritual essence of fire; sorcerer of the Fire God.

Ognedar- giver, sacrificer to Fire.
Firelover- loving fire or embodiment of the Fire God
Ogneslav- glorifying Fire God or his incarnation.
Ogneyar- fusion of two elements (levels); solar flame; partial embodiment or embodiment.

Oleg- early Russian (post-Aryan) meaning - “movement towards the light.”
- one of the personified names of the animal world; one of the incarnations of Perun.
Peresvet- a very light or partial incarnation of one of the Gods of the light pantheon. Historical figure: Peresvet- warrior of the Battle of Kulikovo.
Provid (Prozor)- seer, clairvoyant.
Putimir- wanderer.

Putislav (Putyata)- glorifying wanderings; explanatory.
Radigost- caring for another (guest).
Radimir (Radomir)- caring about the world.
Radislav- caring about fame.
Reasoner- reasonable, reasonable.

Ratibor- defender.
Ratmir- defender of the world.
RODislav (RODaslav, RODeslav, RODoslav)- glorifying the ROD; glorifying his family.
Rostislav- growing fame.
RODimir (RODamir, RODemir, RODomir)- GENUS And WORLD; giving birth to the world; partial embodiment or embodiment;

RODomysl- thinking about his kind.
RODOSVET- enlightening, spiritualizing kind; the name of the sorcerer ROD.
Svetoslav (Svetislav)- glorifying light, bright, ardent.
Svetlana- bright, pure soul.
Svetobor- struggling, winning with light, enlightenment.

Svetovid- seeing the light, perspicacious; incarnation of Belobog.
Svetozar- illuminating with light.
Svetogor- The embodiment of the power of the earth.
Svetomir- enlightening the world (society).
Svetopolk- leader of the light army.

Svetoyar- fiercely light (enlightened), sunny.
Skorodum- quick thinker.
Slawomir– glorifying the world or glorious in the world.
Smeyan- funny.
Nightingale- personified name of the animal world.

Som - personified name of the animal world.
Stanimir- establishing peace.
Stanislav- establishing glory.
Stoyan- strong, unbending.
Sudimir- a sage who talks about the world.

Sudislav- conferring glory.
Tverdimir (Tverdomir)- from HARD- hard and WORLD- peaceful, peace.
Tverdislav (Tverdoslav)- from HARD- hard and SLAV– glorify; glorifying the firmament.

Tvorimir- creating the world.
Tihomir- quiet and peaceful.
Trislav- glorifying Triglav.
Tour- personified name of the animal world. Historical figure: Tour- founder of the Turic family.

Brave- brave.
Caslav- seeking glory.
Churoslav- glorifying CHUR (sorcerer).
Yarilo- solar incarnation, hypostasis of the heavenly plowman.
Jaromil- dear Yaril the sun.

Jaromir- sunny world.
Yaromudr- endowed with bright wisdom.
Yaropolk- leader of the solar army.
Yaroslav- glorifying Yarila.

Female names

Bazhena- female form of the name Bazhen.
Belogora- enlightened.
Beloslava- female form named after Beloslav.
Berislava- female form named after Berislav.
Blagoslava- female form named after Blagoslav.

Bogdana- female form of the name Bogdan.
Bogumila- dear to the Gods.
Boleslav- female form named after Boleslav.
Borislava- female form named after Borislav.
Boyana- female form of the name Boyan.

Bratislava- female form of the name Bratislav.
Bronislava- female form named after Bronislav.
Vedana (Vedeneya, Vedenya)- in charge.
Vedislava- glorifying knowledge.
Velizhana- polite, pacified her feelings.

Velizara- multi-light, illuminated.
Velimira- female form of the name Velimir.
Velislava- female form named after Velislav.
Wenceslas- female form named after Wenceslaus.
Faith- faith, faithful.

Veselina (Vesela)- female form named after Veselin.
Vladimir- female form named after Vladimir.
Vladislav- female form named after Vladislav.
Vojislava- female form named after Voislav.
Omniscient- omniscient.

Vsemila- female form of the name Vsemil.
Vseslav- female form of the name Vseslav.
Golub- meek.
Gorislava- female form named after Gorislav.
Gradislava- female form named after Gradislav.

Granislava- female form named after Granislav.
Darena (Darina, Dara)- female form of the name Daren.
Dzvenislava- glorified.
Dobrovlada- possessing kindness.
Dobrogora- exalting goodness.

Dobrolyuba- loving goodness.
Dobromila- female form of the name Dobromil.
Dobromira- female form of the name Dobromir.
Dobroslava- female form named after Dobroslav.
Dragomira- female form of the name Dragomir.

Zhdana- female form of the name Zhdan.
viviparidae- Priestess Zhiva.
Zvenislava- proclaiming glory; glorifying.
Zlatotsveta (Zlata)- golden-colored.
Zoremira- illuminating, enlightening the world.

Spark- female form named after Iskren.
Casimir- female form named after Kazimir.
Krasimira- female form of the name Krasimir.
Lada- beloved, dear. Goddess of love, mother of the Gods.
Ladomila- dear to the goddess Lada, merciful.

Ladomira– female form of the name Ladomir.
Ladoslava- glorifying Lada.
Luchesara- radiant, illuminating with light.
Lyubava (Love)- darling.
Lyubomila - beloved, dear.

Lyubomir- female form of the name Lyubomir.
Lyuboyar- loving Yarila.
Lyudmila- female form named after Lyudmil.
Ludomira- reconciling people.
Milada- dear to the goddess Lada.

Milana (Milena)- female form of the name Milan.
Miloslava- female form named after Miloslav.
Miroslava- female form named after Miroslav.
Mstislava- female form named after Mstislav.
Hope- hope.

Nekras- female form of the name Nekras.
Ogneslav- glorifying Fire.
Ogneyara- female form of the name Ogneyar.
Peredslava (Predslava)– preceding glory. Historical figure: Predslava- wife of Svyatoslav Igorevich, mother of Yaropolk Svyatoslavich.

Peresvet– female form of the name Peresvet.
Radmila- pleasing with sunny mercy.
Radimir- female form of the name Radimir.
Radislava- female form imnei Radislav.
Radmila- caring and sweet.

Radosvet- sanctifying joy.
Joy (Rada)- joy, happiness, sunny.
Rostislav - female form named after Rostislav.
Svetislava- female form named after Svetislav.
Svetlana- female form named after Svetlana.

Svetozara (Svetlozara)- female form of the name Svetozar.
Svetogora- female form of the name Svetogor.
Svetoyar- solar.
Snezhana- white-haired, cold.
Stanimira- female form of the name Stanimir.

Stanislava- female form named after Stanislav.
Tikhomira- female form of the name Tihomir.
Chaslava (Cheslava)- female form named after Chaslav.
Chernava- dark-haired, dark-skinned; partial incarnation of Mary or Chernobog.
Pike- personified name of the animal world. The earthly incarnation of the ROD.

Jaromila- dear Yarile.
Yaroslav- female form named after Yaroslav.

The name book will be supplemented over time.

sorcerer RODimir

A name determines a person's destiny. This is the key to his inner self. After all, it is not without reason that in Rus' a person had two names, one - false, for everyone, and the other - secret, only for the person himself and his very close people. This tradition existed as protection from unkind spirits and unkind people. Often the first name was deliberately unpretentious (Kriv, Nekras, Zloba), for even greater protection from the evil ones. After all, without the key to the essence of a person, it is much more difficult to cause evil. The rite of the second naming was performed in adolescence, when the main character traits were formed. The name was given based on these traits.

We respect Greek national culture and Greek national names, by which we are now called. But the name determines the fate of a person and reflects his essence, the essence of his soul and character. Therefore, we are convinced that for the revival of our Family, our Nation and our Great Rus', we must return to our roots and origins, to our native culture and to our native names. Every relative can undergo the ritual of speaking.

Beloslav (a) - comes from the roots BEL - white, white and SLAV - to glorify. Glorifying White (for example, Good and Light, in other words, everything good, good, bright, holy).

Berislav (a) - comes from the word BRAT and the root SLAV - to glorify. Takers of Glory, caretakers of Glory.

Blagoslav (a) - comes from the word BLAGO and the root SLAV. Glorifying Good, Good.

Bogumil (Bogomil) - dear to God.

Borislav (a) - comes from the word STRUGGLE and the root SLAV. Fighting for Glory.

Bratislav(a) - comes from the word Brother, Brethren and the root SLAV. Glorifying Brotherhood, Unity (for example, military).

Bronislav (a) - comes from the word Bron and the root SLAV. Defender of Glory, protecting Glory.

Budimir (a) - comes from the words Wake up and Peace. Awakening, awakening the world.

Vedoslav (a) - comes from the word Veda (Knowledge) and the root Slav. Glorifying the Vedas (Knowledge).

Veleslav (a) - comes from the name Slavic God Veles and the root SLAV. Glorifying God Veles.

Velesha - female name, originating from the God Veles.

Velimir (a) - comes from the words Great and Peace. Great (Big) world.

Velimudr - comes from the words Wisdom and Greatness. Great wisdom, great sage.

Velislav (a) - comes from the words Greatness and Glory. Great, great glory.

Wenceslaus (a) - comes from the words Crown and the root Slav. Crowned with Glory.

Vetroslav (a) - comes from the word Wind and the root SLAV. Glorifying Wind (1 of the 4 elements of the Universe).

Vladimir (a) - Owner of the World.

Vladislav (a) - comes from the words Own and the root Slav. Possessor of Glory. Volodislav (a), abbreviated Vlad (a) - the same meaning as Vladislav (a, s).

Voislav (a) - comes from the words Warrior and the root Slav. Glorious, illustrious Warrior.

Volkolak - wolfman.

Vorotislav (a) - comes from the words Vorotit (return, return) and the root Slav. Returner of Glory.

Vsevolod is the ruler of the people, who owns everything.

Vsemil (a) - beloved by everyone, dear to everyone.

Vseslav (a) - comes from the words Everything and the root Slav. All-glorifying, famous.

Vyatichi is a representative of the Vyatichi clan.

Vyacheslav (a) - the most glorious, the most glorious.

Vyachko - the ancestors of the Vyatichi.

Godoslav is the prince of the Bodrić-Rarogs.

Gorazd - skillful, capable.

Gorislav (a) - burning in glory.

Gorynya - like a mountain, huge, indestructible.

Gostemil - dear to another (guest).

Gradimir (a) - guardian of peace.

Gradislav (a) - guarding glory.

Dobrolyub - Loving Good. Kind and sweet.

Dobronrav (a) - comes from the words Good and Moral. Good character (character).

Dobrosvet (a) - comes from the words Good and Light. Good World. Bringer of Good.

Dobroslav (a) - comes from the words DOBRO and SLAV. Glorifying Good.

Dragomir (a) - more expensive than the world.

Drevoslav (a) - comes from the word Drevo (tree) and the root SLAV. Glorifying the Tree (Trees were especially revered in paganism and among the Slavs, because it was believed that the roots of trees signify the ancestral connection of generations; the souls of our Ancestors, animals and Gods live in them).

Dubynya - like an oak, indestructible.

Zhdan (a) - a long-awaited child.

Zhiznomir - living in the world.

Zareslav (a) - the same meaning as Zoreslav (a, s).

Zvenislav (a) - ringing, announcing glory.

Winter is harsh, merciless.

Zlata is a shortened name from Zlatotsvet (a, s).

Zlatomir (a) - comes from the words Zlat and Mir. Golden World.

Zlatotsvet (a) - comes from the words Zlat and Tsvet. Golden-flowered.

Zoreslav (a) - comes from the word Zarya and the root Slav. Glorifying Zorya.

Izyaslav (a) - who took glory.

Iskra is the feminine form of the name Iskren.

Sincere - sincere.

Koschey is thin and bony.

Krasimir (a) - beautiful and peaceful.

Lada - beloved, dear.

Ladimir (a) - comes from the words Lad and Peace. Getting along with the world.

Ladislav (a) - comes from the name of the Mother Goddess Lada - and the root SLAV - glorification, glorify. Glorifying Mother Lada.

Luchezar (a) - luminous Beam. Illuminating, illuminating with a ray (of light).

Lyubava (Lyuba) - the same meaning as Love.

We love - beloved.

Love is beloved.

Lyubomila - dear, beloved.

Lyubomir (a) - comes from the words Love and Peace. Loving World.

Lyuboslav (a) - comes from the words Love and the root Slav - Glorify. Lover of Glory.

Lyudmil (a) - dear to people.

Fierce thinker - one who thinks about good and evil.

Mechislav (a) - the same meaning as Mechislav (a, s).

Mechislav (a) - comes from the words Sword and the root Slav - to glorify. Glorifying Sword.

Milan (a) - dear, dearest.

Miloslav (a) - comes from the roots Mil and Slav. Glorifying mercy, merciful.

Mirolub (a) - the same meaning as Lyubomir.

Miroslav (a) - comes from the word Peace and the root Slav. Glorifying the World.

Molchan (a) - comes from the word Silence. Silent, taciturn (beech).

Mstislav (a) - comes from the word REVENGE and the root GLORY. Glorifying Vengeance.

Navislav (a) - comes from the words Nav and the root Slav. Glorifying Nav (“black god”).

Hope - same meaning as Nadezhda.

Hope is hope, hoping for the best.

Nevzor - unseeing.

Nekras - ugly.

Ogneslav (a) - comes from the word Fire and the root SLAV. Glorifying Fire (1 of the 4 elements of the Universe)

Overexposure - very light, the brightest.

Putimir - comes from the words Path and Peace. Walking along peaceful paths, peaceful.

Rada - the same meaning as Joy.

Radigost - comes from the words Radet and Guest. caring, caring for the guest (another person).

Radim is the ancestor of the Radimichi.

Radislav (a) - comes from the word Radet (takes care) and the root SLAV - to glorify. Caring or caring about Glory.

Radmila - comes from the words Radet and the root Mil. Kind, caring and sweet.

Radosvet (a) - comes from the words Joy and Light. Illuminating with joy.

Joy - joy, happiness.

Rastislav(a) - the same meaning as Rostislav(a, s).

Ratibor - comes from the words Rat and Struggle. Military Fighter (Warrior).

Ratmir (a) - defender of peace.

Rodislav (a) - the same meaning as Rodoslav (a, s). Glorifying the ROD and RODichs.

Rodovest - Bulletin of the Rodovest.

Rodosvet - Illuminating Rodosvet (for example, with its achievements and good deeds, outstanding personality), Light of ROD.

Rodoslav (a) - comes from the roots ROD and SLAV - to glorify. Glorifying ROD.

Rostislav(a) - comes from the word GROWTH and the root SLAV. Growing, growing Glory.

Sventovid - the same meaning as Svetovid.

Svetislav (a) - the same meaning as Svetoslav (a, s).

Svetlana (a) - bright, pure in soul.

Svetovid - comes from the words Light and View. Seeing Light, perspicacious.

Svetozar (a) - comes from the words Light and the root Zar. Illuminating with Light.

Svetopolk - comes from the words Svet and Regiment. Light Regiment. Regiment bringing Light.

Svetoslav (a) - comes from the roots SVET and SLAV. Glorifying LIGHT.

Svyatopolk - comes from the words Saint and Polk. Sacred (Divine) Regiment.

Svyatoslav (a) - Sacred Glory, i.e. Divine Glory.

Slavomir (a) - the same meaning as Miroslav (a, s)

Snezhana is white-haired and cold.

Stanimir (a) - comes from the root Stan and the word Mir. Establishing peace.

Stanislav (a) - comes from the word STAN and the root SLAV. Establishing, placing Glory.

Stoyan (a) - strong, unbending.

Tverdimir (a) - comes from the words Firmament and World. Solid world.

Tverdislav (a) - comes from the word Firmament and the root Slav. Glorifying the Firmament (i.e. the Earth, 1 of the 4 elements of the Universe)

Createmir (a) - comes from the words Create and Peace. Creator, creator of the world.

Temnoslav (a) - comes from the word Darkness and the root Slav. Glorifying Darkness.

Tihomir (a) - comes from the words Quiet and Peace. Quiet and peaceful.

Kladovzor - comes from the words Cold and Glance. Cold Gaze (look).

Chaslav (a) - comes from the words Tea and the root Slav. Tearing, thirsting for Glory.

Yarilin (a) - comes from the word Yarilo (Sun). Sunny, positive, cheerful.

Yarisvet (a) - comes from the words Yar (i) (Yarilo) and Light. Sun Light.

Yarobor - fighting with Yar (Sun, Yaril), persistent.

Jaromir (a) - comes from the words Yar (Yarilo) and Peace. Sunny World.

Yaropolk - comes from the words Yar (Yarilo) and Polk. Leader of the Solar Army, the Troops of Light and Good.

Yarosvet (a) - the same meaning as Yarisvet (a, s).

Yaroslav (a) - comes from the roots YAR - Yarilo (Sun) and Slav - to glorify, glorify. Glorifying Yarilo (Sun).

Note: The list of names is incomplete. It contains only the most common Slavic names and are given as examples. Every Slav can come up with a name for himself that reflects his essence and soul.

You can add names yourself that are not included in our list by commenting on this page. Thank you in advance for your help.

A. V. Trekhlebov


Perm 2002

Alexey Vasilievich Trekhlebov


Signed for publication on July 28, 2002.

Boom. offset. Format 60x84 1/16. Times typeface.

Offset printing. Conditional oven l. 4.93. Academic - ed. l. 2.95.

Circulation 500 copies.

DICTIONARY OF THE SLASHER ..................................................... 4

Basic concepts of names.................................................... 5

SLAVIC NAME LIST............................................ 27

Preface........................................................ ........................... 27

Distortion of the purpose of the name in modern borrowings 30

Slavic names reflecting the qualities of Knowledge........... 34

The way of Slavic society and its connection with a person’s name 42

Slavic names........................................................ ................. 45

Names of the smerds........................................................ ................... 45

Names of the villages................................................... ........................ 50

Names of the knights................................................... .................... 58

Names of sorceresses........................................ .................... 68

Blasphemer's Dictionary

Oh, Russian Word, Holy!

For better Future Times

Verb You, Life and Enlightenment.

F. I. Tyutchev

The main goal of this dictionary is to cleanse the Russian language from distorted interpretations of native Russian words, names and concepts. Nowadays, a completely opposite meaning is attached to many words of the Vedic culture of the Slavs, for example: blasphemy, witch, righteous man, culture, etc. Since ancient times in Rus', blasphemers-storytellers were the bearers and guardians of the heritage of their ancestors. The enemies of Russian culture falsely declared blasphemy (transmission of the experience of ancestors) as sacrilege and began to claim that the history of Russia began only with its baptism. But the word “history” means “taken from the Torah” - the Jewish scripture, translated as the Old Testament. It turns out that the “historian” is a follower of the Old Testament tradition. Now historians carefully keep silent about the fact that many thousands of years before the forced baptism of Rus', all Slavs were literate. It is silent that the Slavic runica and knotted writing formed the basis of the writing of the Pelasgians, Etruscans, Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese, etc. Historians do not say that Sanskrit came from the Russian knotted script and is based on the spelling rules of the Slavic runica.

For many centuries, the experience of mankind has consisted of the struggle between light and dark principles - divine and demonic, followers of culture and civilization. And since time immemorial, Russia has been the stronghold of the forces of light in this struggle. The name of the great power appeared many thousands of years ago, its meaning is as follows: “grew” - growth, increase; “siya” – radiance, light; i.e. Russia is a force that increases enlightenment. That is why it is the only country that bears the name “holy” - Holy Rus' *, Bright Russia.

For the revival of the Vedic culture of Russia and the greatness of the state, it is now extremely important to return the true meaning of Russian words. To correctly understand the meaning of Russian names, you cannot do without this dictionary.

Basic concepts of a name book

And Veles said:

Open the box of songs!

Unwind the ball!

For the time of silence is over

And it's time for words!

Songs of the bird Gamayun

ARYAN, ARYAN, in Western European terminology - ARIAN - a follower of the Vedic culture. The Sanskrit name “Aryan” comes from the Old Russian word “aprian” - a peaceful, non-military person (“a” - against, “prya” - dispute; hence - “strife”).

ASTRAL BODY is the second subtle material vestment of the living being. Created by feelings, desires and passions. With a change in feelings, the color and outline of the astral body change.

AURA is a set of energy radiations of a person emanating from his subtle structures and bodies, reflecting both the general spiritual level and his momentary mental state, emotional mood.

ACHARATE PILLAR is an energy channel connecting a person with the noosphere (sphere of the mind), i.e. information and energy field of the Earth. Consists of two light cords. One cord comes from the top of a person’s head, where the hair diverges in a spiral, and connects it to the spiritual egregor. The second comes from the fontanel, located on the crown of the head, and connects with the generic egregor. When a person begins to intensively use both communication channels, they merge into a single column of light. Therefore, a person with such abilities is called a “light”.