Essay “Characteristics of the image of Matryona Vasilievna Grigorieva. Matryona in the story “Matryona’s Dvor” by Solzhenitsyn: image and characteristics, description of appearance and character, portrait

Matryona Timofeevna image and characterization according to plan

1. general characteristics . Matryona Timofeevna is the main female heroine of the poem “”, to whom the “Peasant Woman” part is entirely dedicated.

Matryona Timofeevna's age is approaching forty years, but she still retains traces of her former beauty. Hard peasant labor did not break the woman. She carries herself with great dignity and sedateness.

Matryona Timofeevna is not afraid and loves her work, realizing that it is the key to the whole peasant life.

2. Typical image. The fate of Matryona Timofeevna is similar to thousands of ordinary peasant women. With very early years the girl began to help her parents with housework. Youth and excess strength allowed Matryona not only to manage her work, but also to have time to sing and dance, in which she became a real master.

Life in her parents' house in general was a very happy time for Matryona. As was customary at that time, Matryona’s parents found a groom. It was very difficult for the cheerful and lively girl to part with her home. At first, life in someone else's house seemed unbearable to her. In the absence of her husband, the girl was reproached at every step. It was at this time that she fell in love with her Philip, who became her protector.

The tragic situation of women of that era is best expressed in the saying: “He hits - he loves.” Matryona Timofeevna believes that she is very lucky with her husband. However, her story about an undeserved beating indicates the opposite. If Philip hit Matryona several times simply because she did not have time to answer him in time, then the woman had to meekly carry out any of his orders. The narrator calls this situation “we always get along.”

3. Tragedy. Matryona Timofeevna received the strongest incentive to live after the birth of her son. It was no longer so difficult for her among her husband’s relatives. She established a warm, trusting relationship with her grandfather Savely. Trouble crept up unnoticed. Infant mortality was generally very high at that time, mainly due to insufficient child care.

For modern man the death of Demushka, gnawed alive by pigs, looks simply monstrous. The attitude of Matryona Timofeevna herself is very characteristic. She is ready to come to terms with the death of her son (“God took the baby”), but almost goes crazy during the autopsy, considering this the greatest sin and abuse of an innocent child.

4. Black stripe. Misfortunes never come alone. Matryona had only just recovered a little from the death of her firstborn when her parents died. After this, the woman devoted herself completely to work and raising other children. Another blow awaited her ahead: her husband was illegally taken into the army. The loss of the head of the family could lead to starvation. There was no way to count on help from Philip’s relatives and fellow villagers.

5. Women's happiness. Matryona Timofeevna was incredibly lucky. Thanks to the governor's wife, she got her husband back. Ordinary peasants very rarely sought justice. But does this isolated case allow us to consider Matryona “lucky”? Her entire past life was filled with suffering, humiliation and hard work. Currently, the previous problems have been supplemented by concern for the fate of grown-up children. Matryona herself answers this question: “The keys to female happiness... are abandoned, lost.”

/ / / The image of Matryona in Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matryonin’s Dvor”

A very touching work by the Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn. The author was a humanist, so it is not surprising that the story features a pure good female image main character.

The narration is told on behalf of the narrator, through the prism of whose worldview we recognize the images of other characters, including the main character.

Matryona Vasilievna Grigorieva – central. By the will of fate, former prisoner Ignatich settles in her house. It is he who tells us about Matryona’s life.

The woman did not immediately agree to accept a tenant in her yard; she advised him to find a cleaner and more comfortable place. But Ignatich was not looking for comfort; it was enough for him to have his own corner. He wanted to live quiet life, so I chose the village.

Matryona is a modest resident of the village, simple-minded and friendly. She was already about sixty years old. She lived alone because she was widowed and lost all her children. To some extent, the guest diversified her lonely life. After all, now Matryona had someone to get up early for, cook food, and have someone to talk to in the evenings.

The narrator notes that Matryona's round face looked sick due to yellowness and cloudy eyes. She sometimes had attacks of some kind of illness. And although she was not considered disabled, the illness knocked her off her feet for several days. Having learned about the difficult fate of the woman, Ignatich realized that her illness was quite understandable.

In her youth, Matryona loved Thaddeus and wanted to marry him. However, the war separated the lovers. The news came that he was missing. Matryona was sad for a long time, but at the insistence of her relatives she married her brother ex-lover. After some time, a miracle happened - Thaddeus returned home alive. He was upset when he learned about Matryona's marriage. But later he also marries and has many children. Since Matryona’s children did not live long, she takes one child of Thaddeus and his wife to raise. But also stepdaughter leaves her. After the loss of her husband, Matryona is left completely alone.

The image of Matryona is very bright and at the same time tragic. She always lived more for others than for herself. Despite her illness, Matryona did not shy away from hard work for the good of society. However, the narrator notes that the woman did not receive her pension for a long time.

Matryona never refused to help her neighbors. But her selfless actions and simplicity caused more misunderstanding on the part of her fellow villagers than gratitude.

The woman endured all the trials steadfastly and did not become an embittered person. They say about such people that they have an inner core.

The ending of Matryona's life is very tragic. Special role Her beloved Thaddeus played in this. He turned out to be a rotten man and insisted that Matryona give him the inheritance of his daughter Kira. Even then, the old woman did not defend her rights, but even helped dismantle her hut, which led to her sad end.

The image of Matryona is the image of a simple-minded woman misunderstood by others.

Matryona Vasilievna Grigorieva - central character story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn “ Matrenin Dvor" We learn her story from the perspective of the narrator, Ignatyich, who, after 10 years in the camps, accidentally came to the small village of Talnovo and became Matryona’s guest.

Ignatyich immediately liked the poor hut and the good-natured elderly, although tormented by illness, owner.

Matryona is a typical Russian peasant woman who has lived a difficult life. She is about 60 years old, she is lonely and lives very modestly, having worked hard all her life, she has never accumulated any goods. And even though her hut was large and was built under big family, but very poor - for 25 years of work on the collective farm, she was not even entitled to a pension, because she worked not for money, but for “sticks” of workdays. During her life, the old woman earned enough to earn five such pensions, but due to bureaucratic confusion she remained completely destitute.

And for last years the woman began to suffer from some kind of illness, which completely deprived her of strength. Sick and tired, Ignatyich sees her for the first time:

“...the roundish face of the hostess seemed yellow and sick to me. And from her clouded eyes one could see that the illness had exhausted her...”

Regularly suffering from attacks, Matryona still does not go to the paramedic - some kind of innate delicacy and shyness does not allow her to complain and be a burden, even for the village doctor.

But neither illness, nor great need, nor loneliness made her callous. Amazing all-forgiving kindness and humanity are reflected even in her appearance:

“...Those people always have good faces, who are at peace with their conscience...” the simple-minded face was kind and bright, and the smile was lively.

IN native village Matryona was treated with misunderstanding and even disdain. How can you understand a person who rushes to help everyone around him, but doesn’t take a penny for it?! But such was Matryona’s soul. Selfless help became a meaning for her, and work became a way to forget all the hardships, a cure for adversity that always put her on her feet.

"...But her forehead did not remain darkened for long. I noticed: she had a sure way to regain her good mood - work. Immediately she either grabbed a shovel and dug the chard. Or with a bag under her arm she went for peat. Otherwise, with a wicker body - up to the berries in the distant forest...".

Having learned about her unfortunate fate, Ignatyich was more amazed not at her childish kindness and bright naivety, but at the callousness and disgust of those around her. The wretchedness of her housing and inability to earn money irritated them, but, nevertheless, no one neglected her selflessness and constant desire to be useful.

The unhappy woman knew neither love, nor family, nor simple female happiness. Having married, as fate would have it, an unloved man, she ultimately realized that he had never loved her either. She gave birth to and buried six children who were not even three months old. And after the war I was left completely alone. But nothing could break her, and she remained pure and generous. But do people really need this? The world rests on the righteous, but the world refuses them.

So, wanting to do a good deed, Matryona sacrifices part of her own house, which was dismantled, in order to build a home for a stranger, which ultimately leads her to an absurd death, but not to the understanding and compassion of those around her. So true beauty her soul, her greatness kind heart remain noticeable only to her modest guest Ignatyich.

"...We all lived next to her and did not understand that she was the same righteous man, without whom, according to the proverb, the village would not stand. Not the city. Not our whole land..."

A lot of hardships, labors and worries fell on the shoulders of the heroine of A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s story Matryona [see. full text, summary and analysis of the story “Matryonin’s Dvor”]. Her life in youth and old age was a continuous toil. “Year after year, for many years, Matryona Vasilievna did not earn a ruble from anywhere. Because she was not paid a pension. Her family didn't help her much. And on the collective farm she did not work for money - for sticks. For sticks of workdays in the accountant’s dirty book.”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Matrenin Dvor. Read by the author

But, unlike her fellow villagers, Matryona kept living soul, remained forever unselfish, kind, delicate, and preserved her former girlish love until old age.

Not rich in words, her story about her love for Thaddeus is full of poetry, reminiscent of ancient songs and laments. After all, this is a kind of lament for the past, for failed happiness. “For three years I hid, waited. And not a word, not a bone..."; “Oh, oh, oh, poor little head!..” she laments.

The narrator seems to echo her. Intonations begin to sound in his speech folk poetry: “And the years passed as the water floated...” In his imagination are born folklore images: “I imagined them side by side: a resin hero with a scythe across his back; her, rosy, hugging the sheaf. And - a song, a song under the sky, which the village has long since stopped singing, and you can’t sing with the machinery.”

Mourning his heroine, he calls her “tulleless,” unconsciously repeating the lament of Irina Fedosova:

There is no one to take refuge with,
There is no one to lurch to in victory...

Matryona's fate is truly tragic. But not only because she lost a loved one, lived with an unloved person, buried six children in infancy; not because she is tormented by a black illness, that she struggles in poverty, that she is destined to die under a train. Her immense loneliness is tragic. No one understood, loved, or pitied her, because among the black crows she remained white.

She lived her whole life in her native village, “misunderstood and abandoned,” “stranger,” “funny.” The neighbors condemn her for what the author seems to be especially valuable about her. They speak about Matryona’s cordiality and simplicity “with contemptuous regret.” They reproach her for being “not careful.” “I didn’t chase after acquisitions... I didn’t struggle to buy things and then cherish them more than my life.” And the author reflects: "...good The language strangely calls our property ours, the people's or mine. And losing it is considered shameful and stupid in front of people.” But Solzhenitsyn’s heroine did not take care of good, but kindness. And she was incredibly rich. But no one noticed or appreciated the spiritual values ​​that she possessed.

The description of Matryona’s hut takes on a deep meaning in the story. Lonely among people, she is surrounded at home by close “creatures”. They make up a special, poetic world, in tune with her soul. She is deeply attached to this world, and he lives his independent, simple and mysterious life.

So, about ficuses it is said: “They filled the loneliness of the housewife with a silent but living crowd.” Ficus trees are compared to a forest and seem to constitute a certain part of the natural world. Even insects are spoken of in the spirit of contrasting them with everything that is outside the hut: “Besides Matryona and me, they also lived in the hut: a cat, mice and cockroaches /... / At night, when Matryona was already asleep, and I was studying at the table , - the rare, rapid rustling of mice under the wallpaper was covered by the continuous, unified, continuous, like the distant sound of the ocean, rustling of cockroaches behind the partition. But I got used to him, because there was nothing evil in him, there was no lie in him. Their rustling was their life.”

A.I. Solzhenitsyn's story "Matryonin's Dvor" touches on such topics as the moral and spiritual life of the people, the struggle for survival, the contradiction between the individual and society, the relationship between government and man. "Matryonin's Dvor" is written entirely about a simple Russian woman. Despite many unrelated events, Matryona is the main actor. The plot of the story develops around her.

Solzhenitsyn focuses on a simple village woman, Matryona Vasilievna, who lives in poverty and has worked all her life on a state farm. Matryona got married even before the revolution and from the very first day began to take care of household chores. Our heroine is a lonely woman who lost her husband at the front and buried six children. Matryona lived alone in huge house. "Everything was built long ago and soundly, for big family, and now there lived a lonely woman of about sixty." Central theme in this work there is a theme of home and hearth.

Matryona, despite all the hardships Everyday life, has not lost the ability to respond to someone else’s misfortune with soul and heart. She is the keeper of the hearth, but this is her only mission, which acquires scale and philosophical depth. Matryona is still not ideal, Soviet ideology penetrates into life, into the heroine’s house (signs of this ideology are a poster on the wall and an ever-incessant radio).

We meet a woman who has experienced a lot in life and was not even awarded a well-deserved pension: “There were a lot of injustices with Matryona: she was sick, but was not considered disabled; she worked for a quarter of a century on a collective farm, but because she was not at a factory, she was not supposed to she got a pension for herself, but she could have sought it for her husband, that is, for the loss of a breadwinner.” Such injustice reigned at that time in all corners of Russia. A person who does good for his country with his own hands is not valued in the state; he is trampled into the dirt. Matryona earned five such pensions throughout her working life. But they don’t give her a pension, because on the collective farm she received chopsticks, not money. And to achieve a pension for your husband, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. She collected papers for a very long time, spent time, but all in vain. Matryona was left without a pension. This absurdity of laws is more likely to drive a person into his grave than to ensure his financial situation.

main character has no livestock other than a goat: “All its bellies were one dirty white goat.” She ate mostly just potatoes: “She walked around and cooked in three cast irons: one cast iron for me, one for herself, one for the goat. For the goat, she chose the best one from the underground.” small potatoes, for myself - small, and for me - with egg". A good life is not visible when people are sucked into the swamp of poverty. Life is very unfair to Matryona. The bureaucratic apparatus, which does not work for people, together with the state is not at all interested in how people like Matryona live. The slogan “Everything is for people” has been crossed out ". Wealth no longer belongs to the people, the people are serfs of the state. And, in my opinion, these are the problems that Solzhenitsyn touches on in his story.

The image of Matryona Vasilievna is the embodiment of the best features of a Russian peasant woman. She has a difficult time tragic fate. Her “children did not stand: each one died before they were three months old and without any illness.” Everyone in the village decided that there was damage in it. Matryona does not know happiness in her personal life, but she is not all for herself, but for people. For ten years, working for free, the woman raised Kira as her own, instead of her children. Helping her in everything, refusing to help anyone, she is morally much higher than her selfish relatives. Life is not easy, “thick with worries,” - Solzhenitsyn does not hide this in any detail.

I believe that Matryona is a victim of events and circumstances. Moral purity, selflessness, hard work are the traits that attract us to the image of a simple Russian woman who has lost everything in her life and has not become bitter. In old age, sick, she treats her mental and physical ailments. Work constitutes happiness, the goal for which she lives. And yet, if you look closely at Matryona’s lifestyle, you can see that Matryona is a slave of labor, and not a mistress. That is why her fellow villagers, and most of all her relatives, shamelessly exploited her, while she meekly bore her heavy cross. Matryona, according to the author's plan, is the ideal of a Russian woman, the fundamental principle of all existence. “All of us,” Solzhenitsyn concludes his story about Matryona’s life, “lived next to her and did not understand that she was the very righteous person without whom, according to the proverb, the village would not stand. Not the city. Not our whole land.”