What literary genre does the heart of a dog belong to? The main characters of "Heart of a Dog"

In the main

The premiere screening of the television film took place on November 20, 1988 at 18:45 on Central Television.


There were eight contenders for the role of Sharikov, including my favorite actor and friend Nikolai Karachentsov. But Tolokonnikov, whom we discovered in Alma-Ata, completely killed me. At the test, he acted out a scene with vodka: “I wish that’s all!” He grunted and hacked so convincingly, the sip traveled so amazingly down his neck, his Adam’s apple twitched so predatorily that I approved of it immediately.

Alexey Zharkov, Vladimir Simonov auditioned for the role of Doctor Bormental... The choice of director was Boris Plotnikov, who was busy in the theater at that time Soviet army as Prince Myshkin. Plotnikov worked between Moscow and Leningrad on completely different materials both dramaturgically and emotionally. And I had to switch instantly.

The role of Sharik was played by a dog named Karai (chosen from 20 dogs). The owner and trainer of the dog is Elena Nikiforova. The dog served in the police, and by the beginning of filming, the heroic mongrel had 38 arrests on his record. After “Heart of a Dog,” Karai starred in four more films.

Filming process

To convey the flavor of that time, Vladimir Bortko used a camera filter called “sepia” to simulate a black and white image. The director used this technique in other films, “The Idiot” and “The Master and Margarita”. Sometimes the film is shown in regular black and white (grayscale).

A passenger car was built especially for filming on the chassis of a Soviet GAZ truck, in which Preobrazhensky, Bormental and Sharikov go to the university.

Filming locations

Professor Preobrazhensky's apartment was rented at 27 Mokhovaya.

Musical arrangement

The author of the lyrics was the bard Yuliy Kim. He wrote the song “The Harsh Years Are Passing”, ditties performed by Sharikov (“... come, bourgeois, I’ll gouge out your little eye”) and the march of the Red Army soldiers (“ White Guard completely defeated, but no one will defeat the Red Army!”)

The most fun I had was writing verses for Sharikov, because the situation was very similar - the professors had gathered, and suddenly this one jumped up and played on the balalaika... Well, he had to sing something indecent. So I tried my best here.


I opened the newspapers and was stunned. I can’t vouch for the authenticity of the quotes, but you can open the archive and you’ll see that I’m close to the text... It said something like this: “Such crap as” dog's heart“, no one has ever filmed. For this, the director should be cut off not only his hands, but also his legs and thrown from the bridge.” But I still survived (laughs). I felt like I did everything right. We were received favorably abroad: the film was awarded prizes in Italy, Poland, and Bulgaria. And two years after the release of “Heart of a Dog”, Evgeniy Evstigneev and I were awarded the State Prize.

In Italy, director Alberto Lattuada with Max von Sydow in leading role directed the film "Heart of a Dog". This film was completely copied down to the smallest detail and just yes, very lucky, of course, with the juicy Evstigneev and the magnificent Sharikov. In the Italian film, Sharikov is a little simpler. Although Max von Sydow is a huge actor, he is still a different type than Evstigneev. But, nevertheless, all the settings, all the meanings, everything was already prepared. And therefore the film “Heart of a Dog” is just an ordinary plagiarism. And this is the answer to the eternal riddle<…>Call this rip-off a remake. If it makes it easier for you. But first, before you meaningfully declare in a guttural voice that I’ve gone overboard, watch Lattuada’s film carefully.

He was so imbued with Bulgakov’s mood that from the very beginning he knew that it would be a black and white film: the director believed that this was the only way the film could convey the flavor of the era. During filming, a sepia filter was used, and some shots were stylized as newsreels from the early 20th century.

Mikhail Bulgakov wrote the story “Heart of a Dog” in 1925, and until perestroika it was known exclusively in samizdat, although it was published abroad in 1968. The first publication of the work in the USSR took place in 1987 in the magazine “Znamya”, and almost immediately the idea of ​​its film adaptation arose.

There was literally a line of people lining up for roles in the future film. famous artists that time. So, Leonid Bronevoy, Mikhail Ulyanov, Yuri Yakovlev and Vladislav Strzhelchik auditioned for the role of Professor Preobrazhensky, but it went to Evgeny Evstigneev. And although he didn’t even read the story before filming, Evstigneev was so convincing in the role of the professor that he left no chance for the other applicants.


In addition to Vladimir Tolokonnikov, Nikolai Karachentsov was considered for the role of Sharikov. But Tolokonnikov very effectively delivered his legendary toast “I wish that everyone!” - and the director later recalled: “Volodya killed me the very moment he took a sip of vodka. He chuckled so convincingly, his Adam’s apple twitched so predatorily that I approved him without hesitation.”

Famous comedian Semyon Farada auditioned for the role of Shvonder along with Roman Kartsev, however, according to Bortko, Farada lacked the tragedy of the image, his role was too cheerful, and the image of Shvonder required laughter in half with tears.

There were no less candidates for the role of the dog. And before a mongrel dog named Karai got onto the set, the director looked at more than 20 famous and not very trained and smart dogs. For Karay, the film “Heart of a Dog” became his debut, and he subsequently starred in several more famous films.

Still from the film “Heart of a Dog” (1988)

Still from the film “Heart of a Dog” (1988)

It was decided to film Moscow in the Northern capital. Decorators and artists spent a lot of effort trying to find streets in Leningrad that were similar to those in Moscow. But this task was also completed: Prechistenka, where Sharikov and the professor met, was filmed on Borovaya Street; Preobrazhensky's house in Obukhov Lane - on Mokhovaya; other location shooting took place on Preobrazhenskaya Square, Ryleeva Street, Degtyarny Lane and other streets of Leningrad. To film episodes in a cinematograph, the group came to the Znamya cinema, and the laughing audience in the film frame were cinema visitors who watched the film Neptune's Feast.


The film caused a lot of reviews and reviews - from laudatory to indignant, but there were not only indifferent people. The premiere took place exactly a year after the publication of the story, in November 1988, and in 1989 the film “Heart of a Dog” was awarded the Golden Screen prize at the International Film Festival in Warsaw (Poland) and the Grand Prix at international festivals television films in Dushanbe and Perugia (Italy). In 1990, the director of the film, Vladimir Bortko, and Evgeny Evstigneev, who played the role of Professor Preobrazhensky, became laureates of the State Prize of the RSFSR named after the Vasilyev brothers.

Lecture on the film “Heart of a Dog”

Lecturers: film critic Maxim Semenov, actress Irina Lachina, actor Semyon Treskunov, film critic David Shneiderov, actress Lukerya Ilyashenko.

What was the nickname of the dog from M. Bulgakov’s story “Heart of a Dog”?

$$$186 V. Mayakovsky’s last poem was called:

$$$187 What type literary hero became the discovery of A.N. Ostrovsky:

$$$188. Name the country in which Bunin spent his years of emigration:

$$$189. The island where Gorky spent 7 years of emigration:

$$$190. Which artistic technique laid by M.A. Bulgakov as the basis for “Heart of a Dog”?

$$$191. Hometown M. Bulgakova:

$$$192 Which poem is not written by S. Yesenin?

$$$193 What type (genre) is complete without a plot?

$$$194 Continue the words of Behemoth, a character in M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and
Margarita": "Excuse me, queen, how could you think that I would give
could offer vodka. This …"

$ pure alcohol

$$$195 Name Bulgakov’s profession:

The name of which poetic movement is translated as “future”?


The name of which poetic movement is translated as “ highest degree something, color, blooming time.”

What poetic movement was the first in literature? silver age»?


What movement was N. Gumilev the founder of?

Which poet is not a representative of Acmeism?


Which literary device did V. Mayakovsky use when writing the following lines?

The violin twitched, begging,

And suddenly I burst into tears

so childish...


Which work by L. N. Tolstoy reflects the events Crimean War, in which Tolstoy himself became a participant?

$"Sevastopol in May"

$$$203 The second part of L. N. Tolstoy’s trilogy about different eras in human life is called:

In whom does L.N. Tolstoy see the decisive force of history?

Which genre definition stuck with L. N. Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”?

$epic novel

Which one listed works not written by L.N. Tolstoy?

$"My Universities"

$$$207 Complete the sentence of Leo Tolstoy: “There is not and cannot be greatness where there is no .....”

$simplicity, kindness and truth

Who was called the “Singer of the People’s Share”?

$ N. Nekrasova

$$$209 Who is happy man in N. Nekrasov’s poem “Who can live well in Rus'?”

$Grisha Dobrosklonov

What was the name of the cat in M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”?

Who, according to N. Nekrasov, can be a happy person?

$people's defender

$$$212 M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin was:


$$$213 A. Chekhov’s “little trilogy” includes:

$ “Man in a Case”, “Gooseberry”, “About Love”

$$$214 In the legend of M. Gorky, Danko is:


Which of the listed works is not written by M.A. Bulgakov?

$ "After the ball"

$$$216 In the legend of M. Gorky, Lara is:


What does the name “Woland” mean in M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”?


$$$218 The hero of which work by F.M. Dostoevsky commits the murder of an old pawnbroker to justify his theory:

$"Crime and Punishment"

Which of the following genres is not drama?

Which poem belongs to A. Akhmatova?


What did A. Chekhov ask before his death?

$glass of champagne

The main technique of L. Tolstoy in the work “War and Peace”?


Where did I. Bunin die?

$in France

Which poet committed suicide?

$V. Mayakovsky

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What genre is not prose?

What is not a poetic meter?

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other meanings

"Dog's heart"- story by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov.


In the USSR in the 1960s it was distributed in samizdat. It was first officially published in the USSR in 1987 in the 6th issue of Znamya magazine. Since then it has been reprinted several times.


Moscow, 1924. Professor Philip Philipovich Preobrazhensky, an outstanding surgeon, achieved excellent results in practical rejuvenation. Continuing his research, he conceived an unprecedented experiment - an operation to transplant a human pituitary gland and testicles with appendages and spermatic cords into a dog. A homeless dog chosen as an experimental animal, accidentally given the nickname “Sharik”, which he picked up on the street, ended up in the professor’s spacious apartment and received excellent food. A man who died in a fight became an organ donor Klim Chugunkin- a thief, an alcoholic and a rowdy.

The results of the operation exceeded expectations. Sharik's limbs elongated, his hair fell out, speech appeared, and he took on a human form. Rumors spread throughout Moscow about miracles happening in the professor's house. However, Preobrazhensky soon had to regret what he had done. Sharik experienced not only physical but also psychological humanization; he inherited all his bad habits from Chugunkin. Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov, as he called himself, showed an addiction to foul language, drunkenness, theft, fornication, tavern revelry, vanity and discussions about the proletarian idea. For the sake of improving your social status Sharikov on the recommendation of the chairman of the house committee Shvondera, who hoped with his help to get Professor Preobrazhensky out of the apartment, gets a job as head of the “subdepartment for cleaning the city of Moscow from stray animals (cats, etc.) in the MKH department.”

The new job pleases Sharikov’s pride, a company car comes for him every day, the servants begin to treat him with servility, and he no longer feels obligated to Preobrazhensky and Bormental, who are still trying to instill norms in him cultural life. He takes pleasure in destroying stray cats, although, according to Preobrazhensky, “cats are temporary.” Sharikov brings to Professor Preobrazhensky’s apartment a young girl he hired, from whom he hid his biography. Having learned the truth from the professor, the girl refuses Sharikov’s advances - and then he threatens to fire her. The doctor stands up for the girl Bormental.

Sharikov decides to write a political denunciation of the apartment’s inhabitants, who are far from sympathetic to the new government and its representatives in their own home. However, the paper ends up with one of Preobrazhensky’s former patients, and he returns it to the professor. Preobrazhensky demands that Sharikov get out of his apartment, he refuses and takes out a revolver. Bormenthal disarms Sharikov, together with the professor they carry out new operation, turning Sharikov back into a dog. The dog does not remember anything that happened to him, and remains to live in the professor’s apartment.

The story "Heart of a Dog", the history of which is given in this article, is one of the most famous works Russian writer of the early 20th century Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. The story, written in the first years of Soviet power, very accurately reflected the mood that reigned in the new society. So accurate that it was banned from printing until perestroika.

History of writing the work

The story "The Heart of a Dog", the history of which dates back to 1925, was written by Bulgakov in short time. Literally in three months. Naturally, like man of sense he had little faith that such a work could be published. Therefore, it was distributed only in lists and was known only to his close friends and associates.

The story “The Heart of a Dog” first fell into the hands of the Soviet government in 1926. In the history of the creation of this mirror of early Soviet reality, the OGPU played a role, which discovered it during a search of the writer on May 7. The manuscript was confiscated. The history of the creation of "Heart of a Dog" has since been closely connected with the archives of the Soviet intelligence services. All discovered editions of the text are now available to researchers and literary critics. They can be found in the Russian State Library. They are kept in the manuscript department. If you carefully analyze them, then the history of the creation of Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog” will appear before your eyes.

The fate of the work in the West

It was impossible to officially read this work in the Soviet Union. In the USSR it was distributed exclusively in samizdat. Everyone knew the story of the creation of “Heart of a Dog”; many were so eager to read it that they sacrificed their sleep. After all, the manuscript was handed over for a short period of time (often only for one night); in the morning it had to be given to someone else.

Attempts to publish Bulgakov's work in the West were made more than once. The history of the creation of the story "Heart of a Dog" abroad began in 1967. But everything happened not without flaws. The text has been copied to a quick fix and careless. The writer's widow Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova was not aware of this at all. Otherwise, she could have checked the accuracy of the text of the story “Heart of a Dog.” The history of the creation of the work in Western publishing houses is such that they received a very inaccurate manuscript.

It was first officially published in 1968 in the German magazine Grani, which was based in Frankfurt. And also in the magazine "Student", which was published by Alec Flegon in London. In those days there were unspoken rules, according to which in the event of publication work of art abroad, its publication in its homeland automatically became impossible. This was the story of the creation of Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog.” After that it became simply unrealistic to appear in a Soviet publishing house.

First publication in homeland

Only thanks to perestroika and glasnost did many key works XX century. Including "Heart of a Dog". The history of creation and the fate of the story are such that the work was first published in its homeland in 1987. This happened on the pages of Zvezda magazine.

However, the basis was the same inaccurate copy from which the story was published abroad. Later, researchers would estimate that it contained at least a thousand gross errors and distortions. However, it was in this form that “Heart of a Dog” was published until 1989. The history of creation can briefly fit in just a few pages. In reality, decades passed before the story reached the reader.

Original text

This annoying inaccuracy was corrected by the famous textual scholar and literary critic Lydia Yankovskaya.

In a two-volume edition of the selections, she was the first to print the original text that we still know today. This is how Bulgakov himself wrote it in “Heart of a Dog”. The history of the creation of the story, as we see, was not easy.

Plot of the story

The action of the work takes place in the capital in 1924. At the center of the story is the famous surgeon, luminary of science, Philip Philipovich Preobrazhensky. His main research is devoted to the rejuvenation of the human body. In this he achieved unprecedented success. Almost the country's top officials sign up for consultations and operations with him.

In the course of further research, he decides on a daring experiment. Transplants a human pituitary gland into a dog. As an experimental animal, he chooses an ordinary yard dog, Sharik, who somehow accosted him on the street. The consequences were literally shocking. Later a short time The ball began to turn into a real person. However, he acquired his character and consciousness not from a dog, but from the drunkard and rude man Klim Chugunkin, who owned the pituitary gland.

At first this story was spread only in scientific circles among professors, but soon leaked to the press. The whole city knew about her. Preobrazhensky’s colleagues express admiration, and Sharik is shown to doctors from all over the country. But Philip Philipovich is the first to understand how terrible the consequences of this operation will be.

Sharik's transformation

Meanwhile, Sharik, who has turned into a full-fledged person, begins to be influenced by Negative influence communist activist named Shvonder. It inspires him that the proletarian who is oppressed by the bourgeois, in the person of Professor Preobrazhensky. That is, exactly what the October Revolution fought against is happening.

It is Shvonder who issues documents to the hero. He is no longer Sharik, but Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. Gets a job in a service that traps and exterminates homeless animals. First of all, he is, of course, interested in cats.

Under the influence of Shvonder and communist propaganda literature, Sharikov begins to be rude to the professor. Requires you to register yourself. Ultimately, he writes a denunciation against the doctors who turned him from a dog into a man. It all ends in scandal. Preobrazhenisky, who is unable to endure this any longer, performs the reverse operation, returning Sharikov’s canine pituitary gland. Over time, he loses his human appearance and returns to an animal state.

Political satire

This work - shining example acute The most common interpretation is associated with the idea of ​​​​the awakening of proletarian consciousness as a result of victory October revolution. Sharikov is an allegorical image of the classical lumpen proletariat, which, having unexpectedly received a large number of rights and freedoms, begins to show purely selfish interests.

At the end of the story, the fate of Sharikov's creators looks predetermined. In this, according to many researchers, Bulgakov predicted the coming mass repressions of the 30s. As a result, many loyal communists who achieved victory in the revolution suffered. As a result internal party struggle some of them were shot, and some were exiled to camps.

The ending, invented by Bulgakov, seems artificial to many.

Sharikov is Stalin

There is another interpretation of this story. Some researchers believe that it was acute political satire on the country's leadership, which worked in the mid-20s.

Sharikov's prototype real life is Joseph Stalin. It is no coincidence that both have an “iron” surname. Remember that the original name of the person who received the dog’s pituitary gland was Klim Chugunkin. According to these literary scholars, the prototype was the leader of the revolution, Vladimir Lenin. And his assistant, Doctor Bormental, who is constantly in conflict with Sharikov, is Trotsky, real name which is Bronstein. Both Bormenthal and Bronstein are Jewish surnames.

There are prototypes for other characters as well. Preobrazhensky's assistant Zina is Zinoviev, Shvonder is Kamenev, and Daria is Dzerzhinsky.

Soviet censorship played an important role in the history of the creation of this work. The first edition of the story contained direct references to political characters of that time.

One of the copies of the manuscript fell into the hands of Kamenev, who imposed a strict ban on the publication of the story, calling it “a sharp pamphlet on modernity.” In samizdat, the work began to spread from person to person only in the 1930s. It gained fame throughout the country much later - during perestroika.