Minecraft diamond ore. How to find precious diamonds

Minimum set resources:

  1. Iron pickaxe
  2. Torches
You can also take a shovel with this set if you have the resources for it. It will make it easier for you to dig up gravel deposits. Why should you choose an iron pickaxe? Therefore, with weaker pickaxes you will not be able to destroy the diamond, or rather, you will destroy it, but nothing will fall out of it. Sword, torches and food, I think there is no need to explain what they are needed for, everything is for your benefit.

How to quickly find diamonds in minecraft

So, full combat readiness! Press the F3 button and look at the Y value. It means what altitude level we are at. We have to go deep underground, to level 10-15. It is in this gap that most diamonds are located. By personal experience I want to say that I always start digging a small 2x2 tunnel at level 12 and within at least 10 minutes the diamonds are already in my inventory. Sometimes you get lucky and in the same time you can find many more deposits of this expensive ore. As you dig, you will also find coal, gold, red stone and lapis lazuli. Don't skip these ores, they will also be useful for crafting.

If your task is to search for all kinds of ore, then you can travel through ordinary caves; they can also contain diamonds, provided that the cave is at the right level. There are no secrets, everything is very simple. Find diamonds in minecraft easier than you think, you don’t need to focus on this, just use a proven method and you will find them!

In fact, if you set out to extract more diamonds, it will not be difficult. There are several principles that must be followed when mining any mineral. Therefore, if it seems to you that gravel is easier to obtain than diamond, then you are deeply mistaken. To explain this, let's look at how to get diamonds in Minecraft.


The first way to get the desired item without cost or special preparation is provided to us by Minecraft itself. It won't be possible to do this quickly anyway.

To begin with, you can start exploring the surface of the world. Find an abandoned fortress or temple. There, in the chests, you can find a small amount of diamonds. It will become good help before you dig deep into the mines.

In addition to abandoned places, you should visit the village. In it, you can either buy diamonds from residents, or try to steal them from the blacksmith's chest. But how can you get diamonds in Minecraft in another way?


If long hikes are not for you, then you should prepare for quite a long excavation of the earth’s bowels. Where to get diamonds in Minecraft? Rocks can be located at very different depths. In particular, it was noted that deposits of this mineral are found in large quantities at a depth of 12 blocks. Moreover, they can be found even more often near lava. But more on that later.

Before you go digging for diamond ore, you will need to make some items to take with you, namely:

We're digging

So, how to get diamonds in Minecraft if you are already fully prepared? You have at least two options.

  1. We go down to a depth of 12 blocks and set up a room for ourselves with all the equipment indicated above. We illuminate it completely. We must install a door at the entrance. Now you have three bare walls. Start digging straight in one direction. The hole should be 2x2. Every two blocks you create a half-room, from which a branch will later be built. It will also be 2 blocks in height, but in width and length it will be 4. Then again we dig a 2x2 corridor. And so - as long as endurance is enough. It’s better not to go too far: you might fall into a cave or dig up a lake. In the same way, from the initial room we swarm to the remaining directions. After you have dug in all directions, you can move on to the branches and dig them according to the same principle as the main tunnels.
  2. We go down to the maximum depth and look for lava. Dig along and next to it, and also try to use the tips from the previous paragraph.

Big boom

The fastest, but also dangerous way, how to get diamonds in Minecraft. Having descended to the required depth, which was mentioned earlier, you dig a long tunnel. At the end, place the dynamite and activate it. Now run as far as possible. The explosion will be strong, but it will make it possible to “develop” a huge layer of earth. The main thing is to make sure that there is no water or lava above or below, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

As they say, nothing is ever enough. No matter how many resources players have, they will never have enough. This is understandable. After all, needs grow, no matter how much money and opportunities a person has. Compared to real world, then everything looks something like this. When a person has little money, he is content with what he has. Then he accumulates a certain amount and acquires something. For example, he invests part in a business. This brings him more cash, buys a phone, then a car, an apartment. And so on. In the Minecraft game everything is about the same. A newcomer who logs onto the server immediately thinks about how to get a lot of diamonds in minecraft.

In principle, this is feasible. You have several development paths. Now I’ll tell you right away about the most naive and easiest thing - ask the administrators for resources. The chance is very small, but some players go for it. Perhaps you can somehow help as a moderator or administrators. For example, you know how to make some kind of schemes from red dust or you know how to create cool competitions and events. So why not help each other? But keep in mind that there are plenty of such people, and your competition is high. And maybe they don’t need you at all, since the moderators themselves are interested in holding and inventing such events.

Well, then let's go the more complicated route. Then how to get a lot of diamonds in Minecraft? Although this type of resource is not found very often, you can find it in large quantities using special schemes. First, remember that diamonds are found most often at levels 5-16. In one place you can find a maximum of 9 pieces. Very common mistake for newcomers is that they will only get those that they see and go on to look further. You need to dig around 3 blocks from the found diamond. Remember this. You will think that this is not very important advice. In fact, you are very mistaken! Always take armor with you, preferably with a fire-resistant effect.

Newbies often fall into the lava, losing everything. It’s better to spend one stack of diamonds on an enchantment or buying a ready-made set, but you won’t burn alive along with all the extracted resources. Buy or enchant the Luck 3 pickaxe. With it you can extract about 3 times more resources. This is one of the most popular pickaxes, so it is highly valued on the server. Enchanting it is not so difficult, since the effect occurs quite often. Always take it with you, and do not forget that it is better to use it only for valuable ores. For the rest, make yourself another pickaxe. Dig trenches 2 blocks apart. For example, you dug a tunnel in front of you and found nothing? Skip 2 blocks from it and dig a new one.

Diamonds are one of the most valuable and rare resources in the game Minecraft. In total, diamonds are involved in 14 crafting items, of which tools and weapons are considered the most important. In this article we will figure out what can be made from diamonds in Minecraft.

Crafting a player

If you want to listen to music, then you definitely need to craft a player. On at the moment There are 12 music records that can be found in the game. Of course, this cannot be called full-fledged music, but there will still be melodies in the Minecraft style. To craft a record player you will need eight boards of any type and one diamond. You can make a player using a workbench; for this, the resources must be arranged as follows: a diamond in the center and eight boards around.

Crafting a diamond block

The main material for the construction of the lighthouse is a diamond block; it is also used for decorative purposes, for example for the effect of tiles. To craft a diamond block you will need nine diamonds placed on a workbench.

Crafting a diamond helmet

The diamond helmet is the most durable of all helmets made from other materials. To make a diamond helmet, arrange the resources in the following order:

Top row: three diamonds;

Middle row: two diamonds on the sides.

Crafting a diamond cuirass

To make a cuirass you will need eight diamonds placed in all slots of the workbench except for the empty space in the middle of the top row.

Craft diamond leggings

To create the leggings you will need seven diamonds arranged in the letter “P” on the workbench.

Craft diamond boot

Diamond boots require only four diamonds to craft. Arrange the diamonds as shown in the picture:

Crafting a diamond sword, axe, pickaxe, shovel and hoe

It's no secret that tools and weapons made from diamond are the most durable of all. It is with a diamond pickaxe that you can extract obsidian, which is so necessary to create a portal to hell. Also, their durability in use can withstand more than 1000 impacts. In general, making tools and weapons from diamonds is definitely worth it; all the instructions for crafting them are provided on the right.

Crafting an enchantment table

To create magical effects on weapons, tools and armor, you need to make an enchantment table. A table is crafted from four obsidian blocks, two diamonds and one book arranged as shown in the picture below:

Summing up

Now you know what can be made from diamonds in Minecraft. It is worth noting the fact that diamonds can be found quite rarely, and their extraction sometimes requires digging hundreds of blocks in length and depth. Therefore, try to save diamonds and not waste them, for example, on crafting hoes or shovels.

The question of how to find diamonds is rather not a technical one, but rather relates to the problem of luck. Yes, there are many cases in history when a person pulled out such a “ lucky ticket"and found a whole deposit gemstone, but for this you need to have fantastic luck. At the same time, in order not to miss your lucky break, you should know a little about what a rough diamond is. You can increase your chance of luck by taking some active steps.

There is a myth that diamonds are scattered individually over almost the entire surface of the Earth, especially in mountainous areas, and you just need to decide simple task how to find the diamond that lies under your feet. But this is just a myth; in fact, diamonds are very rare in nature for a number of objective reasons.

Features of the location of diamonds

Diamond is a mineral that is a type of pure carbon whose structure has a very close atomic packing. This unique structure is ensured by exposure to extreme factors: temperature - 1100-1300ºС, pressure - 30-50 kbar. Under terrestrial conditions, such an effect is natural environment is achieved only at depths of more than 100 km for a long period of time.

The mineral forms a crystal in the shape of a regular octahedron (hexahedron) with smooth shiny sides; in rare cases - in the form of a cube. Main physical property- hardness exceeding the hardness of all known natural substances. At the same time, the stone can be quite easily split in a direction parallel to the crystalline edges.

The main jewelry characteristic of a diamond is transparency; in this case it is called a stone " clean water" In this case, a high-quality diamond immersed in water will be completely invisible. Yellow and gray creates cloudiness in the crystal, and such a gem is classified as “unclean water” stones. The value of a diamond is increased by blue and red shades, and the rarest are golden and purple-red specimens. A real jewelry diamond is obtained after cutting a gemstone.

Diamonds are formed at great depths over millions of years, and then they are brought to the surface or at a level close to the surface due to volcanic or tectonic processes, as well as when a gas jet breaks through. Within reach of humans, the mineral appears in the composition of various rocks. Sometimes the precious substance content is less than 1 carat per ton of rock.

Diamonds can be in the following types:

  1. Placer: a collection of debris distributed over a wide area of various compositions, in which diamond grains of different sizes are embedded. Such placers appear as a result of long-term destruction of the main (bedrock) mass of rock.
  2. Kimberlite Pipe: The bedrock is kimberlite, which is a huge vertical column of solidified igneous rock brought up from the depths by a volcanic process or gas eruption. This tube contains a significant amount of diamond crystals different sizes. Kimberlite is considered the main source of the precious mineral.
  3. Lamproite dykes or pipes: small-volume accumulations of minerals (vertical or horizontal) based on calcium, aluminum and sodium, which may include diamond as a dispersed component.
  4. Eclogite: A pyroxene-based rock containing omphacite and garnet, as well as quartz and rutile. Such rocks may (in rare cases) contain diamond grains.
  5. Basalts are an igneous rock that (very rarely) can have diamond inclusions.

Principles of Diamond Search

To try to solve the question of how to find diamonds, you need to follow a certain order: theoretical definition search area; practical delineation of the site; identification of a mineral by basic characteristics. First of all, a theoretical analysis of various areas is carried out to determine the most promising one to begin the search. In this regard, several recommendations can be made. Diamonds can only appear in areas belonging to geological platforms: horizontal arrangement of rock layers, calm relief; and are never present on folded earth's surfaces. When choosing an area, you should consider the following real signs: has anyone found at least one diamond here; the presence of diamond mines in former times; finding such a feature as the mineral pyrope (a mineral of the garnet class); presence of basalt outcrops.

At the next stage of solving the question of how to find diamonds, a practical assessment of the search area is carried out with the identification of a specific area. For this purpose, simple geological, geophysical and geochemical search methods are used. During the initial analysis, to narrow the area of ​​work, the main accompanying signs are found.

Spot testing

The first and most in a simple way geological analysis is the method of spot testing. To implement the method, you need a tray, a shovel and a scoop. First, a remarkable place is selected on the bank of a river or wide stream - a sloping area of ​​sand and pebbles. Using a shovel, the top layer is removed to a depth of about 20 cm. Then the soil is poured into the tray with a scoop and it is immersed in water to soften the clay components.

Using the method of oscillatory and rotational movements, the tray is washed to get rid of light substances. Heavier minerals remain in the tray and are easily visible in the sandy residue. A visual analysis of the collected stones is carried out; you should not immediately look for diamonds; it is necessary to identify associated minerals, which are much more numerous in the quantitative composition of the placer. These minerals include blood-red pyrope, tar-black ilmenite, and emerald-green pyroxene. These accompanying substances easily break off from the main rock and are carried away by water flow. Their size can range from 1 to 5 mm. However, it should be taken into account that the removal of pyrope and ilmenite from the diamond accumulation can be up to 10 km, and the removal of pyroxene - up to 2 km from the kimberlite.

A spot sample is taken every 800-1000 m, starting from the mouth of the river and heading towards its source. If the size of the accompanying minerals increases steadily, then kimberlite can be found with a high probability. In the event that minerals suddenly stop appearing, a kimberlite outcrop should be looked for in the interval between sampling points, but away from the river bed.

The small-volume method is in many ways similar to the spot test. It is carried out using a bulk tray, and the size of one sample is 2-3 m³ of soil. This method allows you to deepen the level of size selection. Most often, a system of two sieves is used to wash the soil: the upper one with a large mesh, the lower one with small holes.

Geophysical methods

The main geophysical method of searching for diamonds is based on the fact that an increased magnetic field strength appears above the diamond tube. Diamond outcrops are found using magnetometers. Magnetic reconnaissance itself is carried out by capturing the largest number points, incl. preferably at the maximum height of the relief. The complexity of the method increases when determining the disturbance of the magnetic field at depth - in this case, to clarify the source of the magnetic anomaly, you have to dig a pit, which may well turn out to be accidental. In wetlands, the problem is young silt formations that cause magnetic interference.

Geochemical method

The simplest geochemical method is based on the fact that kimberlite rock contains increased amounts of inclusions of nickel, chromium, cobalt, manganese and zinc (almost 50 times higher than in ordinary sedimentary rocks).

When kimberlite is destroyed, its fragmentary elements spread over a distance of up to 1 km, which makes it possible to take samples for chemical analysis in many places. Such a sample is taken in a volume of about 100 g of soil; research is being carried out to identify substances of interest.