Russian architecture in the first half of the 19th century. Russian architecture of the first half of the 19th century Presentation of architecture of the first half of the 19th century

The presented material is intended for use in studying the History of Russia course in grades 8 and 10 on the topic “Russian culture of the first half of the 19th century.” Additionally, it can be used in a lesson on World artistic culture when studying the architectural style of late classicism-empire.

The purpose of the lesson: form a holistic idea of ​​the development of architecture in the first half of the 19th century.


  • increase the level of cognitive abilities of students;
  • active mastery of the material;
  • cultivate a sense of pride in the great Russian culture, patriotism, and raise the level of general culture;

New terms: Empire style, “Moscow Empire style”, “St. Petersburg Empire style”

New names: A. Voronikhin, A. Zakharov, Thomas de Thomon, C. Rossi, O. Bove, Gilardi, A. Grigoriev.

Form of delivery: Combined lesson in acquiring new knowledge using a training presentation, input and final control of knowledge with elements of developmental thinking technology. The lesson is conducted in a computer class .

During the classes

Stage 1. Motivation

The topic of the work is Russian architecture I half of the 19th century century, Empire architecture. This style was bright, but short page in the history of Russian and Western European architecture.

In Russia it established itself after the victory in the War of 1812, when Russian society was experiencing an upsurge, a unity of all residents of the state, therefore architectural style carried with it the pathos of heroism, the affirmation of the strength of the human mind, the power of the state. It was imbued with a life-affirming, victorious spirit, that is, it contained a creative principle.

Learning task

The majestic and harmonious Empire architecture of the first half of the 19th century does not lose its attractiveness today, what is the secret of its eternal youth? Can the first half of the 19th century be called the “golden age” of Russian architecture?

Stage 2. Knowledge activation

And we will start with repetition, with solving an introductory test in order to remember in what historical conditions Russian culture developed in the first half of the 19th century.

Stage 3. Main part of the lesson

Working with a training presentation

Today we will learn how architecture developed in the first half of the 19th century in the Russian state.

The study of this topic will be according to plan.

1. Empire style: origin and features.

2. St. Petersburg Empire style:

A.N. Voronikhin,

J. Thomas de Thomon,

A.K. Rossi,

O. Montferrand.

3. Moscow Empire style: O. Bove, D. Gilardi, A. G. Grigoriev.

4. Conclusion, verification test.

You will each work independently in the lesson in front of each student on the computer screen with a training presentation. Study it carefully after completing the study - proceed to the test test questions

Test test questions

If the results of the final test are not satisfactory, then students turn to the memo material, after studying which, they repeat the attempt to solve the test.

4. Final stage

Students briefly formulate the features of the development of architecture in the first half of the 19th century learned in the lesson.

In architecture, classicism was transformed into “empire”, combining the severity of lines and richness of decoration.

After the War of 1812, Moscow and St. Petersburg underwent detailed restructuring. The Palace and Senate Square, in Moscow - Teatralnaya.

Significant contributions to the architecture of St. Petersburg were made by A. Zakharov (Admiralty), A. Voronikhin (Kazan Cathedral, the building of the Mining Institute, K. Rossi (Russian Museum, Palace Square and the General Staff, the ensemble of the Mariinsky Theater, the building of the Senate and Synod O.. Montferrand (Issakievsky Cathedral, Alexander Column)

In Moscow, O. Beauvais (reconstructed Red Square, Bolshoi Theater, Arc de Triomphe) and D. Gilardi (Moscow University building, Lunin House) worked in the Empire style.

In the 30s, the single style disintegrated, eclecticism or historicism appeared.

After this, we return to the learning task and try to answer the question posed at the beginning of the lesson.

What is the secret of the eternal youth of architecture of the 1st half of the 19th century?? Can the first half of the 19th century be called the “golden age” of Russian architecture?

A journey into the world of architecture of the first half of the 19th century convinces us that talented works created in any architectural style exist outside of time and continue to excite modern man. Empire architecture is a living source of creative ideas!

These magnificent works architecture goes to Russia to see the same way as Renaissance masters go to Italy.

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Markovtseva Olga 8th grade

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First third XIX called the “golden age” of Russian culture. Its beginning coincided with the era of classicism in Russian literature and art. Buildings built in the classicist style are distinguished by a clear and calm rhythm and proportions. Back in the middle of the 18th century, St. Petersburg was surrounded by green estates, then the construction of the city began. St. Petersburg classicism is the architecture not of individual buildings, but of entire ensembles.

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Work began with the construction of the Admiralty building according to the design of I.K. Korobova and A.D. Zakharova, 1806-1823

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Great importance had construction in early XIX century of the Exchange building on the spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

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Senate and Synod building

Construction 1829-1834 architect K.I. Russia. The Senate and Synod building is the last one great work great architect. The architectural monument is distinguished by rich sculptural decor.

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Alexandrinsky Theater

The Alexandrinsky Theater (designed by K. Rossi) is part of an ensemble of two squares and a street; the theater is a masterpiece of Russian classicism. Grand opening The theater took place in 1832, it was named after the wife of Nicholas I. It is one of the oldest professional theaters in Russia.

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Mikhailovsky Palace

The Mikhailovsky Palace theater building was conceived as a gift to Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich from his brother Emperor Alexander I. Construction was carried out from 1819 to 1825 according to the design and under the leadership of K.I. Russia. In the composition of the palace, the manor scheme, traditional for Russian classicism, found its application.

In the composition of the palace, the manor scheme, traditional for Russian classicism, found its application.

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Auditorium Petersburg Bolshoi Theater in the 1820s

View of the Bolshoi/Kamenny Theater in St. Petersburg before demolition in 1886

The building of the Bolshoi Theater (construction in 1824, architects Beauvais, Gilardi, etc.) is one of the best examples of Russian, classical architecture.

Grand Theatre

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Monument to Minin (standing) and Pozharsky (sitting) against the backdrop of St. Basil's Cathedral

The monument to Minin and Pozharsky was the first monument in Moscow erected not in honor of the sovereign, but in honor folk heroes. In 1803, the collection of donations began for the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, which was erected on Red Square in 1818.

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Grand Kremlin Palace

The Grand Kremlin Palace is located on Borovitsky Hill. Its facade faces the Moscow River and stretches from west to east for 125 meters. The palace was built in 1838-1849 by a group of Russian architects under the leadership of K.A. Ton.

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Cathedral of the Kazan Icon Mother of God

Kazan Cathedral was conceived as main temple capital and was built in 1801-1811 according to the design and under the leadership of the outstanding architect A. N. Voronikhin. The cathedral became a monument to Russian military glory: trophies of the Patriotic War of 1812 were placed there. In 1813, the great Russian commander M.I. Kutuzov was buried here.

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St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg

St. Isaac's Cathedral is the most large building, erected in Russia in the first half of the 19th century according to Montferrand’s design.

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General Staff Building

In the center of the capital, on Palace Square, K.I. Rossi erected the General Staff building (1819-1829).

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The world-famous palaces, parks and architectural ensembles of Peterhof represent an outstanding monument to Russian artistic culture XVIII - XIX centuries, founded by Emperor Peter I.

Palace and park ensemble "Peterhof"

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The credit for its creation goes to many outstanding architects, artists and unknown artisans.

Amazing parks, fountains various forms and types (176 in total), 4 cascades, majestic palaces, gilded statues ancient gods and heroes, collections of sculpture, paintings and works decorative arts makes Peterhof a unique and invaluable asset of world culture.

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Gradually, eclecticism replaced classicism. This is a free choice and different historical styles. The early stage of eclecticism (1830-1860) is associated with romantic stylization. More and more previously unknown types of structures were built - railway stations, "passages", large industrial buildings, apartment buildings, new streets were laid, old ones were expanded and regulated, gardens, squares and boulevards were built, many shopping, banking, educational, entertainment and hospital buildings were built buildings and complexes.

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Museum of Science and Industry

The initiators of the creation of the Polytechnic Museum were scientists who united in 1864 into the Imperial Society of Lovers of Natural History, Anthropology and Ethnography (IOLEAE). The idea arose to create a publicly accessible Museum of Applied Knowledge in Moscow. To collect exhibits for the museum, an All-Russian Industrial Exhibition was organized in Moscow. The grand opening of the exhibition took place on May 30, 1872.

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Historical Museum

The Historical Museum in Moscow was founded in 1872, opened in 1883. The largest repository of monuments national history and culture. The Moscow City Duma gave away its own site for the construction of a museum.

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Cathedral of Christ the Savior

In 1839, on the banks of the Moscow River, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was founded according to the design of the architect K.A. Ton. He combined classicism with the “Russian style”.

It took almost 44 years to build, and in 1883 it was opened for worship. On December 5, 1931, the temple building was completely destroyed by an explosion.

The temple was restored in the 90s of the twentieth century and has been reopened for visits and services since 2000.

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The Hermitage opened its doors, where they were collected art treasures imperial family. The first public art museum appeared in Russia.

In 1852 in cultural life A remarkable event occurred in Russia.

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Tsarskoye Selo Admiralty

Tsarskoe Selo is a brilliant monument of world architecture and landscape art. Its three parks occupy 600 hectares, with more than 100 architectural structures.

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Catherine Palace in Tsarskoe Selo, St. Petersburg

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Pavilion "Grotto" in the Catherine Park of Tsarskoe Selo, St. Petersburg

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Russian architecture of the first half of the 19th century

Andreyan Dmitrievich Zakharov (August 8, 1761 - August 27, 1811), one of the most prominent Russian architects, creator of the Petrograd Admiralty. A native of Petrograd, Zakharov was sent to prison at the age of 6 younger age academic school at Imperial Academy Arts, a course in which he graduated on September 3, 1782 with a large gold medal, promotion to the 14th grade and a trip abroad. Notable works: Admiralty building in St. Petersburg.

Zakharov rebuilt the Admiralty almost completely, leaving only an elegant tower with a spire. The fortifications at the shipyard were destroyed, and a boulevard was laid out in their place (now the Alexander Garden is located on this site). Having preserved the configuration of the plan of the already existing building, Zakharov created a new, grandiose (the length of the main facade is 407 m) structure, giving it a majestic architectural appearance and emphasizing its central position in the city (as mentioned above, the main highways converge towards it in three rays). Architectural ensemble The Admiralty consists of two U-shaped buildings (external and internal). The Admiralty Ditch passed between them. The outer building was occupied by administrative institutions of the Russian sea and river fleet, and the inner building still housed production workshops.

Andrey Nikiforovich Voronikhin (1759 – 1814). The son of a serf peasant. Andrei Voronikhin was born into the Russian-Permyak family of serfs, Count A. S. Stroganov, who was for a long time the president of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. He studied painting in the workshop of the Ural icon painter Gavrila Yushkov. The young man's talent attracted the attention of Stroganov, and in 1777 the count sent Voronikhin to study in Moscow. Presumably Voronikhin’s teachers were V.I. Bazhenov and M.F. Kazakov. Since 1779, Voronikhin worked in St. Petersburg. Famous work: Kazan Cathedral.

Kazan Cathedral is one of the largest churches in St. Petersburg, made in the Empire style. Built on Nevsky Prospekt in 1801-1811 by architect A. N. Voronikhin to store the revered list miraculous icon Mother of God of Kazan. After the Patriotic War of 1812, it acquired the significance of a monument to the Russian military glory. In 1813, commander M.I. Kutuzov was buried here and the keys to the captured cities and other military trophies were placed.

Carlo di Giovanni (Karl Ivanovich) Rossi was born (1775-1849) in Naples. Since 1787, together with his mother, ballerina Gertrude Rossi, and stepfather, an outstanding ballet dancer Charles Le Pic, lived in Russia, in St. Petersburg, where his famous stepfather was invited. Notable works: Russian Museum with Arts Square Palace Square General Staff Building

The main building of the museum is located in the city center, on Arts Square. It was built according to the project famous architect C. Rossi in 1819-1825 and represents an outstanding example of a palace ensemble in the style of high classicism (or Empire style, as it is often called). The palace was intended for Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, the fourth son of Emperor Paul I.

Palace Square. The square is formed by historical and cultural monuments federal significance: Winter Palace, Guards Corps Headquarters Building, General Staff Building with Arc de Triomphe, Alexander Column. Its dimensions are about 5 hectares (according to other sources - 8 hectares; for comparison, Red Square in Moscow has an area of ​​2.3 hectares). As part of the historical development of the center of St. Petersburg, the square is included in the World Heritage List.

General Staff Building The central part of the building consists of two buildings connected by an arch, together forming an arc with a total length of 580 meters. In addition to the General Headquarters, the buildings housed War Ministry, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Finance (in the eastern building). After October revolution the building housed the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, and later the police department. Currently, part of the building belongs to the Western Military District. In 1993, the eastern wing of the General Staff building was transferred to the Hermitage. On the side of Nevsky Prospekt, an outbuilding was attached to the building, where the Free Economic Society was located. Until the 1840s, there was an old building on the corner of Nevsky Prospekt. In 1845-1846, architect I. D. Chernik built a new building on this site, the facade of which was designed in general forms with the General Staff.

Osip Ivanovich Bova was born in St. Petersburg into the family of the Neapolitan artist Vincenzo Giovanni Bova, who came to Russia in 1782 to work in the Hermitage. The name Giuseppe given at baptism was later changed in the Russian manner to Osip Ivanovich. Soon after Osip's birth, the family moved to Moscow. He received his architectural education at the architectural school of the Kremlin Building Expedition (1802-1807) from F. Camporesi, then, even before the fire of Moscow, he worked under the leadership of M. F. Kazakov and K. I. Rossi in Moscow and Tver. Famous works: Red Square Theater Square Triumphal Gate

Red Square is the main square of Moscow, located in the center of the radial-ring layout of the city between the Moscow Kremlin (to the west) and Kitai Gorod (to the east). A sloping Vasilyevsky Descent leads from the square to the bank of the Moscow River. The square is located along the north-eastern wall of the Kremlin, between Kremlyovsky passage, Voskresenskiye Vorota passage, Nikolskaya street, Ilyinka, Varvarka and Vasilyevsky descent to the Kremlin embankment. The streets leaving the square further branch out and join the main highways of the city, leading to different parts of Russia.

Theater Square (Petrovskaya Square in the 1820s, Sverdlov Square in 1919-1991) is a square in the center of Moscow. It is located to the north-west of Revolution Square, between Teatralny Proezd, Petrovka and Kopyevsky Lane. On the square there are the Bolshoi and Maly theaters and the Russian Academic Youth Theater.

Moscow Triumphal Gate - built in 1829-1834 in Moscow according to the design of the architect O. I. Bove in honor of the victory of the Russian people in Patriotic War 1812. Now located on Victory Square (Kutuzovsky Prospekt) in the area Poklonnaya Gora. The nearest metro station is Park Pobedy.

Konstantin Andreevich Ton is a Russian architect who developed the so-called. “Russian-Byzantine style” of temple architecture, which became widespread during the reign of Nicholas I, who favored him. Among the most famous buildings are the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Grand Kremlin Palace. Rector of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Brother of architects Alexander and Andrey Tonov. Famous works: Grand Kremlin Palace Leningrad Station Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Grand Kremlin Palace. The length of the palace is 125 meters, height - 47 meters; the total area is approximately 25,000 m². The palace ensemble includes the Terem Palace, nine churches (from the 14th, 16th, 17th centuries), a vestibule and about 700 rooms. The palace building forms a rectangle with a courtyard. Five halls of the palace (Georgievsky, Vladimirsky, Aleksandrovsky, Andreevsky and Catherine), named after the orders Russian Empire, are currently used for state and diplomatic receptions and official ceremonies, and the palace itself is the ceremonial residence of the President of the Russian Federation.

Leningradsky Station is an architectural monument, protected by the state. The station building was built in 1844-1849 according to a single design by architects K. A. Ton and R. A. Zhelyazevich. The construction was carried out by the Board of the IV District of Communications and Public Buildings, the sole contractor was the merchant of the 1st guild A.L. Torletsky. Built for the St. Petersburg station in Moscow and the Moskovsky station in St. Petersburg, Petersburg-Moscow railway, traffic on which began in 1851.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow - Cathedral Russian Orthodox Church, not far from the Kremlin on the left bank of the Moscow River (Volkhonka Street, 15-17). The existing structure is an external recreation of the temple of the same name, created in the 19th century, carried out in the 1990s. On the walls of the temple were inscribed the names of officers of the Russian army who died in the War of 1812 and other military campaigns close in time.

ARCHITECTURE of the first half of the 19th century.

The leading style in Russia in the first half of the 19th century
became the Empire style - militant, victorious classicism.
The style developed during the empire of Napoleon I
in France, where he was distinguished by ceremonial splendor,
monumental architecture and rich decor.
J.F.T. Chalgrin
Triumphal Arch
B. Vignon
Church of Saint-Madeleine
Triumphal Arch

Empire style features:
Sample – the art of Imperial Rome
distinguished by pomp, commitment to
military topics;
in the decoration of buildings: swords, shields, helmets,
Triumphal Arch
O. Beauvais
special role sculptures, sculpture, like
would “talk” and begin to explain
the design of the architectural structure;
Kazan Cathedral
A. Voronikhin.

Empire architecture
Avenue architecture
And squares
Architecture of individual
D.I. Gilardi
O.I. Bove
A.G. Grigoriev

Architectural ensembles arose in St. Petersburg and Moscow
transforming both capitals. Large public buildings were built
buildings - theaters, stock exchanges, government and military institutions.
The customer state spared neither effort nor money for the construction
, which contributed to the extraordinary scale of construction in
Empire style

Kazan Cathedral
View of the Kazan Cathedral
Artist Fyodor Alekseev

The author of the cathedral is a former serf of Count A.S. Stroganov.
Studied architecture from famous architects V.I. Bazhenov and
M.F. Kazakova.
The temple was built on the eve of the war of 1812.
Soon the cathedral became a monument to the victory of the Russian people in
Patriotic War. The architecture of the cathedral is worthy of this Glory.

The main decoration of the cathedral: majestic stone columns - 144 on the outside made of Pudost stone and 56 on the inside made of granite.
The temple is a brilliant example of the synthesis of arts...
From the north, bronze statues of St. Vladimir are installed in niches,
Al. Nevsky, John the Baptist, Andrew the First-Called.
The external sculpture was made by sculptors I.P. Martos,
S.S. Pimenov, I.P. Prokofiev
and V.I. Demut-Malinovsky.

The building is decorated
strangling Anthea"
sculptor Pimenov,
And "The Rape of Proserpina"
Mining Institute building
(1806-1808) architect. A.N.Voronikhin

Ensemble of the Strelka of Vasilyevsky Island
in front of the building
Two Rostral
Thomas de Thomon (1805-1810)
Exchange building

Exchange building
The architect took the form of an antique as a model
periptera-temple, surrounded on all sides by columns. Important
sculpture plays a role. The god of the sea swims towards the current of the Neva
Neptune in
a chariot drawn by sea horses.

Rostral columns - beacons,
personifying the sea
the power of Russia. They are decorated
anchors and bows of ancient ships.
At the base carved out of stone
figures representing
Russian rivers: Volga, Dnieper,
Neva and Volkhov.

(1805-1823) A.D. Zakharov
The building consists of 5 parts:
central tower, two
wings and two hulls.
The spire is a ship that crowns
tower, became
St. Petersburg.

Sculpture plays an important role: here it is not
decoration, but part of a whole. Co-authors
Zakharov were: F.F. Shchedrin, S.S. Pimenov,
I.I. Terebenev, V.I. Demut-Malinovsky.
The sculpture enhances the building's significance as
monument to Russian naval glory.

The main idea of ​​the building: Russia is great
sea ​​power. Bas-relief above the Arch
“Establishment of a fleet in Russia”: Neptune
presents Peter I with a trident as a sign of dominion
over the seas.

K. Rossi completed the half-kilometer
arc of buildings, and in the center he designed
passage gate - the arch of the General Staff.

Fanning out
2 arches (view from Nevsky
The Arch of Rossi resembles a triumphal gate.
Military armor is placed on both sides of the passage.
Between the columns are figures of warriors.
The arch is crowned by a chariot in which the goddess stands
Victory. Its authors are sculptors - S.S. Pimenov,
IN AND. Demut-Malinovsky.

Mikhailovsky Palace
One of the most beautiful halls, White Column, a model of which
was sent to English
to the king.

theater (1816-1834)
K. Rossi: “The dimensions of the proposed
my project
superior to those of the Romans
considered worthy for their
monuments Are we really afraid
compare with them in splendor..."

The theater building is an example of synthesis
arts The sculpture reveals
purpose of the building:
antique theater masks,
garlands of laurel wreaths,
statues of muses in niches
magnificent quadriga
Apollo on the main attic
Theater named after A.S. Pushkin

Rossi Street (1828-1834)
Recognized as one of
the most beautiful streets in the world!
consists of two extended buildings built
for the directorate of theaters and for the Ministry of Education.

Senate building
and Synod
An ensemble of two equal-sized buildings:
Senate - closer to the Neva and
Synod - closer to St. Isaac's Cathedral.

Senate and Synod united
an arch thrown over Galerna

Elagin Ensemble
palace (1818-1826)
Currently there is a museum here
K. Rossi.

Height: 101m
Dome diameter 25m
4th largest in the world;
holds 12 thousand. people
Construction and finishing
cost the state
23 million 256 thousand rubles
“The cathedral’s shortcoming” – accusation of overcrowding
rare and precious
materials used for its construction.

It is decorated with:
112 columns
from granite monoliths
up to 114 tons each
About 400 reliefs and
bronze sculptures
Decoration of the cathedral: more than 150 works of monumental art
painting; among them are works by V. Shebuev, K. Bryullov, F. Bruni;
Over 300 statues, sculptural groups and reliefs were completed
I. Vitali; more than 60 mosaics made by Russian masters.

Mosaics of the cathedral in 1862 on
World's Fair in
received high praise:
“Russians have brought the production of smalt to such a level
perfection like nowhere else in
The cathedral contains one of the
largest stained glass windows in Russia
area of ​​28.5 sq.m.

Many species were used in interior decoration
valuable stones: malachite, lapis lazuli, porphyry, marble.

"New Life" of St. Isaac's Cathedral.

Contemporaries of the 19th century:
“The sight of the column is a real pleasure
a satisfied eye lovingly surveys
details and rests on the whole.”

Column height - 47.5 m
The world's tallest monolith, weight 600 tons.
Is a monument
Russian military glory, a symbol of victory in the war
The column is crowned by a 4.26 m figure.
angel trampling a snake
(Sculptor B.I. Orlovsky).
O. Montferrand, participant Napoleonic Wars, together with
Russian craftsmen erected a monument to the glory of the winners
war with Napoleon. This is the highest triumphal
column in the world!

Moscow Empire style
Its originality stemmed from the combination
new ideas of the 19th century with national traditions;
Before the War of 1812, the appearance of Moscow was created by M.F. Kazakov.
Building of the City Hospital, architect. M.F.Kazakov.

Moscow after the fire
out of 9 thousand houses survived
2.5 thousand
In the capital in 1813-1830.
architectural ensembles,
the most important public
Created in 1813, the Commission for the Construction of Moscow (from
students and followers of M.F. Kazakov), provided
stylistic integrity of the city's development.

O.I. Bove
The commission was headed by architect O.I. Bove,
created the architectural ensemble
city ​​center. He spent:
reconstruction of Red Square
(shopping arcades)
Layout of the Alexander Garden;
Created Theater Square at the expense of
"burial" of the Neglinka River.
Rauch. " Red Square"
Upper shopping arcades

Theater Square(1816-1824)
arch. A.A. Mikhailov and O. Bove
Center square-building Bolshoi
theater with a height of 37 meters,
along its axis was located an 8-column
portico topped with a magnificent
figure of Apollo on a chariot
the hall accommodated 3 thousand. spectators.
Moskovskie Vedomosti o
birth of the Bolshoi Theater:
"the most beautiful building
enchanting noble
simplicity combined with
grace, majesty and
ease" January 17, 1825

Rebuilt by an architect after a fire
A.K.Kavos (he increased
height, changed
proportions and
architectural decor).
Bolshoi Theater fire, 1853
Quadriga of Apollo
Sculptor P.K. Klodt

The Bolshoi Theater is a pride
Russian culture.
Since 1842, performances have been staged on its stage.
Russian operas and ballets
In 1941, the Germans broke through
the bomber dropped 500kg.
bomb on the theater.
Every year at the Bolshoi fountain
veterans gather at the theater
Great Patriotic War.

On Theater Square The building of the Maly Theater of the “second Moscow University” is also located. Its opening took place in
1824 The architects were O. Bove and
A.F. Elkinsky (rebuilt in 1838 by architect K.A. Ton).
This theater is also called “Ostrovsky’s house”,
47 plays by A.N. Ostrovsky were staged on his stage.
A.N. Ostrovsky about theaters on Teatralnaya Square:
“national theaters are a sign of a nation coming of age,
as well as academies, universities, museums.”

Alexander Garden
O. Bove designed the Alexandrovsky device
garden to Trinity Bridge. The best were landed
trees and bushes, flower beds were laid out, a grotto was built.
It was planned to arrange ponds with a cascade in the garden
and lighting. This idea of ​​O. Bove was brought to life
In the 20th century during the reconstruction of Manezhnaya Square.
A separate exit from the Alexander Garden led to

Manege building (1817).
Built for the 5th Russian victory
weapons in the war of 1812
Intended for viewing
and military exercises. Represented
unique engineering structure length 166m, width 45m.
Without intermediate supports inside. IN
The playpen could maneuver
infantry regiment of
2 thousand people. Built by
project of engineers A.A. Carbonier,
and L.L. Betancourt.

Triumphal Gate O. Beauvais (1834)
Erected at the Tverskaya outpost on
place of wooden ones erected in
1814 for the meeting of the victorious
Russian troops from a foreign campaign.
In 1936 the arch was dismantled, its parts
were kept in the Museum of Architecture at
territory of the Donskoy Monastery. IN
1983 the arch was restored to
Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Sculptures
on the arch were made by I.T. Timofeev and
I.P. Vitali. The basis of the project
The famous Arch of Titus was founded.

Temple buildings
O. Beauvais
In the religious architecture of the 20-30s, temple
domed rotunda.
Church of All Who Sorrow
Joy on Ordynka.
Church of the Ascension near Nikitsky

O. Beauvais
House of N.S. Gagarin on Novinsky Boulevard (destroyed
during the war)
Church of the Intercession

D.I. Gilardi (1788-1845)
D.I. Gilardi by origin
Italian. From 1810-1832 he worked in Russia.
Restored the University building (1817-1819).
A.F. Merzlyakov: “The Temple of Minevra has risen
clothed in splendor surpassing
even the one I was wearing before the fire.”
He preserved the volume of the building,
Ionic portico of Kazakov
was replaced by a larger one
Doric.Used decor
in the form of masks, torches, wreaths.

The Lunins' house on Nikitsky Boulevard
now the Museum of Oriental Arts
D.I. Gilardi
This building showed a Moscow trait - a common
picturesque composition, dynamism,
imbalance. Asymmetrical in construction
consisting of structures of various shapes and sizes,
the ensemble develops, as if following the direction of the street

A.G. Grigoriev (1782-1868)
The construction of residential buildings brought fame to the architect.
Interesting among them are 2 houses on Prechistenka:
Khrushchev-Seleznyov (now the Museum of A.S. Pushkin 1814)
Lopukhin-Stanitsky (now the Museum of Leo Tolstoy 1817-1822)
Since 1920 the museum
A.S. Pushkin
Since 1968, the Leo Tolstoy Museum.

D.I. Gilardi and A.G. Grigoriev.
Board of Trustees building
Usachev Naidyonov estate (1829-1831)
Together they carried out the reconstruction of the Widow's House,
Slobodsky Palace in Lefortovo, Catherine Institute, in

D.I. Gilardi and A.G. Grigoriev
Mausoleum-rotunda in Sukhanovo
Ceremonial monumentalism
emphasized by powerful columns
facades, clear rhythm
inserts and sculptural decor.
Equestrian pavilion
in Kuzminki

The crisis of classicism and the emergence of eclecticism.
In the 30-40s, a single style that held together
first of all Russian architecture
disintegrates, collapses
architecture is losing its former greatness and
simplicity. The time of eclecticism is coming
or historicism.
printing house
A. Balakirev
I. Mironovsky
Temple of Christ

A. Grigoriev.
O. Beauvais
K. Rossi
M. Kazakov
D. Gilardi
A. Voronikhin
O. Montferrand.
V. Bazhenov

Architecture of the second half of the 19th century

In the architecture of the second half of the 19th century
Classicism has finally become obsolete.
With the development of capitalism, changes have occurred in urban planning. Scientific and
technical discoveries in industrial production, construction of iron
roads, streamlining the city transport network, street lighting led to
searches new structure cities and the emergence of new structures: stations,
factories, factories, administrative buildings, sports facilities, shopping
buildings, etc.
Architects looked for changes in the past, in styles: Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque. This
led to the dominance of the eclectic style.

In the mid-19th - early 20th centuries in palace architecture
a movement appeared that proclaimed the “Russian-Byzantine” style. For example, in the facades of the Bolshoi
Kremlin Palace in Moscow (architect K. Ton)
mechanically combined composition techniques of that time
with details of ancient Russian and Byzantine architecture.

Facade of the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow

The central facade of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum

The third direction was based on
imitation of an elegant Moscow
architecture mid-17th century in., but created
dry, pretentious architecture, for example in
Moscow - building Historical Museum
(architects V. Sherwood, A. Semenov) with
complicated composition of the facade, in
architectural divisions of which
17th century decorative motifs were mechanically introduced.

The building of the Historical Museum in Moscow

At this time, tent tops came into fashion,
turrets, patterned decor, figured platbands. This
can be observed in the example of such buildings as:
City Duma in Moscow (architect D.N. Chichagov), and
Upper shopping rows (architect A.N. Pomerantsev).

“Artistic culture of the 19th-20th centuries” - 20th century. Russian artistic culture. Ideas for a bright future The ideal of a free personality. Artistic culture of the 19th and 20th centuries. Cultural history of the 20th century - in the Great french revolution. European art 19-20 centuries. World artistic culture of two centuries.

“Impressionism in art” - Field of poppies. Van Gogh. (1848 - 1903). Kiss. (1839 - 1906). Ravel. Style directions of artistic culture in Western Europe XIX century. (1830 - 1903). Pierre. Woman holding a fruit. Sails in Argenteuil. Aznagulova Natalya Alexandrovna. Absinthe. Sulfur. Impressionism.". Degas. Monotype. Ball at the Moulin de la Galette.

“Architecture of the 19th century” - Erected tower. Architecture XIX century. The Eiffel Tower was built by 300 workers. Everything in the interior is subject to strict geometric laws. Neoclassicism. Masterpieces. Victorian neo-Gothic. The structure will be topped with eighteen towers. Church of the Holy Family. Fabulous Neuschwanstein. Eclecticism. Outdoor device.

“Fine Art of Modernism” - Aubrey Beardsley “Climax”. art modern Salome. Salome, the femme fatale who beheaded John the Baptist. O. Beardsley "Siegfried". ART of the XX century. Beardsley. O. Beardsley “Skirt from peacock feathers" Aubrey Beardsley "Salome's Toilet" Aubrey Vincent Beardsley 1872 - 1898.

“Artists of the 20th Century” - Woman in a chair. "Guernica" and pacifism. Ghost cow. Three women. "Breakfast on the Grass" based on Edouard Manet. Raised knee. Woman in a hat. The paintings included in the golden fund of surrealism were painted in the 1930s. Three figures. Henri Matisse (French Fauvism of Matisse. One of the most famous representatives surrealism.

“Impressionism in painting” - “Camilla in a Japanese kimono.” "Boulevard Montmartre. Edouard Manet (1832-1883). "Spring Bouquet". Great Impressionists. Auguste Renoir, "The Paddling Pool". Gorich Angelina. Impressionism. "White Peonies". "Dance in Bougival." French painter, one of the first and most consistent representatives of impressionism.

There are a total of 34 presentations in the topic