Interpretation of dreams of being deprived of food. Why do you dream about food - the main interpretation. Why do you dream about food according to other dream books?

Vivid images, which we see in a dream, can help us determine our problems and find an answer to a question that has been tormenting us for a long time. To understand why you dream about food, you need to remember what you ate, cooked, bought, what the food looked like, and what sensations you experienced. The dream book explains the meaning of this plot in very different ways.

Although food has always been considered the most necessary condition of human life, seeing it in a dream often indicates that positive changes await. For example, the interpretation depends on whether you experienced the taste and whether it was pleasant or not. Delicious food is a desire for self-improvement, and not tasty food foreshadows trouble. Let's look into the interpreter and understand all the nuances of the predictions.

Abundance of food

Which means a lot of food on the table, explains Aesop. Aesop's Dream Book reports that this indicates the rapid excitability and passion of the male dreamer. We must learn to restrain ourselves and control our passions.

Another option for why you dream about something like this is the sudden arrival of guests.

Set table

The folk dream book believes that a table set with food predicts prosperity and a cloudless life.

What is the meaning of a dream in which you are sitting at a large table with food and are busy eating? In this case, all the worries and worries about some important event will fall on your shoulders. Sometimes what you see predicts illness.

Did you dream that you were sitting at a table and there was a plate of food in front of you? Modern dream book in this case, it promises pleasant meetings and acquaintances.

A plate of soup appearing in a vision foreshadows good news of a financial nature.

It happens that in our night dreams we see a refrigerator full of food. Pulling food out of the refrigerator means the arrival of a person dear to your heart. Putting food in the refrigerator - you will achieve success in business, your work will bring dividends.


Frying something means problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The esoteric dream book sees in this plot a harbinger of conflicts, scandals, quarrels with loved ones.

Of particular importance is the dream in which a woman fries food for a man. In this case, the dreamer will have a big squabble with the man for whom she cooked in the dream, or he will become a source of trouble and misfortune.

The People's Interpreter also gives an explanation of what dreams of cooking mean. The dream is interpreted as pleasant chores; perhaps long-awaited guests will arrive. In this case, you need to pay attention to the mood in which you were preparing food in a dream. If something did not work out during the cooking process, then minor adversities and disappointments await you in reality.

If the dish seen in a dream was overcooked or burned, then quarrels and scandal are inevitable. If you dream of a strong burning smell, then the scandal will be major.

A full pan standing on the stove promises fruitful work and reward for work.

Salting food during cooking in a dream means difficulties with work, conflicts with colleagues.

Aesop explains why you dream of oversalting in food. Aesop's Dream Book warns that you need to be careful, as intrigues are woven around, and someone is trying to take your place.

Cooking food in night dreams is a sign of achievements in life. The business you start will have a very good result.

The dead and food

Sometimes deceased relatives may appear. One common vision is of a deceased person preparing food. Oddly enough, such a plot is positive character, especially if the deceased shares the prepared dish. Such content promises good health and material well-being.

If, on the contrary, the dreamer prepares food for the dead, then this has an unfavorable meaning and portends a serious illness, possibly with a fatal outcome.

Seeing a dead person treating the dreamer to food in a dream is a sign of happiness and wealth. Moreover, if the deceased treats him with berries, then the prediction here has reciprocal value. The universal dream book reports that a treat in the form of red berries means the arrival of relatives.

Buying food

If you dreamed that you were choosing food in a store or market, get ready for financial difficulties. The Dream Book of Wanderers recommends refraining from rash investments of money.

Here you also need to take into account exactly what products you bought. For example, why dream of buying ripe fruits? Such a dream foreshadows material losses, but in this case all losses will be reimbursed.

Did you dream that you were buying something baked to eat: a bun, a pie, bread? Grishina's dream book is convinced that this means profit or loss. If the baked goods purchased in the dream were fresh, then additional income will soon appear; if they are stale, large losses await.

Share a meal

Sharing food in a dream, feeding someone with different dishes means success in enterprises. The universal dream book is confident that the efforts made are not in vain. Everything you put effort into now will pay off and produce good results.

Also, such a dream characterizes the dreamer as an open person, ready to help.


Of particular importance are plots in which the dreamer eats certain foods.

Miller explains in detail why you dream of eating fish? If you ate it, then what you saw has a positive omen. You will soon receive pleasant news, news. Miller's dream book interprets quickly eating fish as a harbinger of minor troubles and worries.

Eating meat in a dream means illness. Feeding someone meat means losing your reputation. Fry meat - meetings and noisy companies are expected, where you will show your best side.

Eating canned food in a dream means receiving winnings or benefits. The Dream Book of Wanderers suggests that someone will be able to provide great help with advice.

If you dreamed that you were eating in a dining room, this foreshadows friendly gatherings, a feast, and warm company.

Ask for food

Begging, asking for food in a dream - bad sign. The people's dream book promises imminent bankruptcy and serious financial difficulties. However, for poor people who find themselves in need, the dream foreshadows outside help and even enrichment.

Wanting to eat and begging passers-by for something to eat means that some opportunities are missed that could make life better.

If a dead person asks for food in a dream and you give him something to eat, the predictions are unfavorable. This means serious illness.

If you dream that a deceased relative is asking for food, this could be a warning of impending troubles. In this case, Aesop’s dream book recommends visiting the grave of the deceased and ordering a repose service in the church.


It happens that we commit actions that are completely out of character for us. For example, let's commit a theft. The 21st century dream book interprets such a plot very negatively. You will be disappointed, a dark streak in life, spiritual exhaustion.

Spoiled food and dishes

Dreamed foods may have a repulsive appearance, a disgusting smell, or be spoiled. For the most part, such dreams have a negative meaning.

Grishina gives a description of why worms are in food in dreams. Grishina points out that among your acquaintances there are ill-wishers who always put a spoke in your wheels. Take a closer look at your surroundings and try to reduce communication with people who behave hypocritically and two-facedly.

If you dream of worms, it always means trouble, ambiguous situations in which you will look negative.

A slightly different meaning if the dreamer sees wormy fruits. Here the Modern Dream Book warns of conflict, discord in relationships with a loved one. You need to make compromises in order not to find yourself alone.

Noticing maggots means major troubles and betrayal of people you considered friends and well-wishers. Do not be too trusting, do not reveal your plans to anyone until you are convinced of the person’s sincerity.

What could it mean if you dreamed of flies in your food? If a fly gets stuck in honey or jam, in reality you will witness how a hypocritical, two-faced person will be caught in a lie. If you dreamed that a fly was crawling on your food, your persistence in achieving your goal will not be crowned with success.

You may also dream of hair in food. This reflects your state of mind. Psychological dream book believes that you have entered into confrontation with the people around you, you are not satisfied with their position towards you.

Shereminskaya also gives an explanation of what spoiled food means. In this case, grief is foreshadowed.

Rotten food supplies can promise illness. To see how you sort out spoiled, rotten food, this means in the near future a deterioration in relations with friends, or even their complete cessation.

The cause of unpleasant dreams about edibles can be a hearty dinner before going to bed. In this case there is no need to give great importance night dreams in which repulsive images of food appear.

Various interpretations

Miller unexpectedly explains why such a plot is dreamed of. This predictor believes that such a dream warns that careless handling of documentation can cause misfortunes in business or at work.

The folk interpreter, on the contrary, reports that prosperity and prosperity await the dreamer.

If you dream of a tray of food, then the dreamer’s plans will be fulfilled exactly as he wishes and imagines.

If you eat and the dish seems tasteless, and after you eat, you are offered spices, then unjustified hopes and unfulfilled plans are expected.

If you dream that you are distributing food, this characterizes you as a person who is ready to make sacrifices in love or in professional activity.

Treat with food strangers- to waste and financial losses. Also, a similar plot may characterize you as a lazy and uninitiative person.

Very often we have a variety of dreams. They can be bright, rich, realistic. Since ancient times, people believed that every dream brings with it an explanation of an event, a change in fate, or a warning of impending troubles.

How to interpret dreams about food

In ancient times, various astrologers and magicians were involved in the interpretation of dreams. An accurate prediction promised the astrologer honor and universal respect. People remembered what was predicted and, based on these interpretations, various dream books were compiled.

The compilation of dream books was carried out not only simple people, but also such famous ones as Vanga, Freud, Nostradamus. Probably, any person at least once in his life turned to a dream book to clarify his dream. The interpretation of dreams is influenced not only by what is dreamed, but also on what day, as well as the gender of the person (male or female).

It is calculated according to folk signs that what you see on the night from Thursday to Friday must come true. And if what you saw was unpleasant, then you should say the phrase in the morning, looking out the window: “Wherever there is night, there comes sleep.”

Often, after stormy feasts, visits to cafes and restaurants, ordering pizza or Chinese food, or going to bed on an empty stomach, a person may see a variety of food in a dream. Subconsciously, a sane person understands that the dream was inspired by the previous evening, but despite this, he wonders what what he saw means.

Why do you dream about eating at home or in a restaurant?

If a sleeping person dreams of beautiful, fresh food that one just wants to eat, then this can mean health for this person, not only physical, but also mental. Conversely, if you see spoiled, rotten food in a dream, you need to be careful; health problems are possible.

See in a dream merry feast with an abundance of food means some great joy, a pleasant surprise or big change in life. Moreover, it is desirable that you sit at the table with friends, eat and have fun. If you sit alone at the table, this means the proximity of minor troubles or minor losses.

Seeing yourself in a restaurant and at the same time the waiter takes away your uneaten dish can promise great moral difficulties: gossip, intrigue, scandals, the center of which you will soon become. And if you eat at home and your daughter takes away the plate, then expect trouble from people who depend on you.

Dining at home with your family promises a health problem, but dining at a party is an unexpected, successful acquisition without extra costs and hassle.

Food in a dream - why do you dream of bread?

Seeing bread, loaf or any other thing in a dream bakery product, know what awaits you great wealth. Very good for the sleeper if you dream about rolls. If you buy them in a store, then this means big profits and the acquisition of huge capital.

If you bake it yourself, then for unexpected, pleasant guests. Cutting a bun in a dream means receiving some kind of savings. This could be an unexpected inheritance left to you. For a woman, baking a full tray of buns means great prosperity, love and happiness.

I dreamed about food - cereals, fruits

It is not good to spill salt or any cereal in a dream. This symbolizes a quarrel with loved ones, career difficulties and all kinds of failures.

But bright, juicy fruits or ripe vegetables will predict new acquaintances or even marriage. To dream of raw meat is a sign of a major illness, and cooked meat is a sign of influence on you from the outside. Live fish promises pregnancy to a woman, creative achievements to men. Dreaming of boiled fish symbolizes enrichment of knowledge, while bony fish symbolizes illness.

Why cook food in a dream?

You can cook food in a dream. And this will mean a change in the life of the sleeper better side. And if food is stolen from you, then beware, this may portend future losses.

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that no matter what dream you have, do not forget that it is just a dream. He can predict or warn about future events, but only you are the master of your destiny and only in your power to decide what awaits you in the future!

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

The food is delicious, a meal and pleasant company while eating in a dream foreshadow good news O imminent success in business. Eating delicious food in a dream is a sign of a prosperous life.

Buying food in a dream is a sign of profit for those who do not eat enough, and a sign of loss for those who do not know what hunger is. Seeing leftovers in a dream means minor grief; eating them means illness. Overeating in a dream is a harbinger of losses.

To see others eating - expect news that may be of great importance to you. Cold food instead of hot food in a dream means that your relationship with someone will come to naught (cool). Look who will treat you or bring you such food.

Eating cold (cooled) food in a dream is a warning that you should not blindly trust people and rely on their help. If you dream that your food was stolen or the waiter took it away, or you lost food, then try to avoid conflicts, be careful with your surroundings, as you have ill-wishers who are literally ready to tear a piece out of your mouth.

Taking a bite of something tasty is a warning about a possible scam, as a result of which you will get something. However, the risk of the enterprise is unlikely to justify the gains. Taking a bite from something inedible is a sign that your hopes of regaining what you lost will not come true. Picnic, eating at a picnic is a sign of the instability of your position.

If you dream that you were invited to a restaurant or to a picnic, then expect good news and advantageous offers. Food that is spoiled, burnt, rotten, rancid means bad news and failures. Seeing food on tables is a sign of life's structure. A well-served table in a dream promises a prosperous life and a stable position in life. real life. If you dream that you are hungry in a dream, then in reality you will crave real changes.

If you find something to eat, then wait good changes. And vice versa. If you dreamed about exotic food, this is a sign that you will soon receive an unusual offer. Seeing a lot of good food in a dream is a harbinger of everyday joys and peace.

Cooking in a dream means that you can get into trouble. However, it depends on what exactly you are doing. See food by name. Seeing a brew is a sign that you are starting some kind of business that will bring you a lot of trouble, trouble and scandals. Feeding others in a dream is a harbinger of wastefulness. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows the receipt of news. See what you feed by name. Often such a dream warns you that you will have to answer for your words. Seeing sauce or gravy in a dream means that your business will be complicated by circumstances that you did not foresee, especially if the sauce or gravy is bitter or sour. If they are sweet, then expect deception from your loved ones or partners. If you vomited in a dream, then this foreshadows losses, losses and failures in business.

If you dream that you ate something bad and vomited, then after such a dream your affairs will improve. Eating fried meat in a dream is a sign of losses and damages; eating a big one in a dream fried fish- sign good hopes for the fulfillment of desires and growth of well-being. The bigger the fish, the richer you will become. Small fish in a dream is a sign of anger and frustration due to the unseemly actions of people around you.

Why do you dream about food according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Food in a dream represents food not so much for the body as for the mind. Seeing food is a sign of future success. Eating alone means gaining knowledge and experience. Eating with someone - exchanging thoughts, ideas, information. If you dreamed of appetizing food, it means separation. If you dreamed of disgustingly prepared food, beware, you could become a victim. Cooking in a dream means meeting close and pleasant friends.

The process of eating food in a dream is considered by dream books in a metaphorical sense: the interpretation of such dreams is related to the spiritual, and not the physical, essence of a person.

Try to remember the details of the dream: what kind of food you tried, what its quality was, whether you ate alone or surrounded large number of people. This will help you correctly interpret the dream picture. Let's look at the situations in which you happened to eat in a dream, and find out what food means in dreams.

As the dream book indicates, food symbolizes vitality, power, procreation. Eating food in a dream symbolizes the desire to receive more love, strength, and various benefits from life. If you dreamed of food that you ate with pleasure, you are satisfied with the current situation and happy with your status.

In general, eating in a dream in many sources means minor troubles, obstacles, something undesirable. But perceived taste can change this meaning. For example, sweet and pleasant taste sensations dream of well-being and positive changes in life. A sour, bitter, unpleasant taste, on the contrary, indicates that difficulties will have to be overcome in the near future.

If you eat delicious dishes in a dream, this means that you are satisfied with your position and the business you are doing now will only benefit you in the future. A tasty dish in some cases may mean that the dreamer will attend a banquet. Eating something sweet in a dream promises flattery or unjustified praise in the future. According to Hasse’s dream book, dreams of delicious food mean that a person will correct his shortcomings and become more perfect.

Why do you dream of tasteless food? Burnt dishes on the table are regarded as a sign of bad news. If in a dream you tasted a tasteless dish, displeasure awaits you in the future. According to the dream book, tasteless food can sometimes predict illness or deterioration in well-being. If you dreamed of over-salted food, it means that there is excess in your life, you are afraid of losing something.

Eating a lot reflects a person's desire to gain love, be dominant, and have power. In another dream book, many cooked dishes in a dream promise the sudden appearance of guests in the house. A table with a lot of food on it for a man can mean that a person shows ardent passion in bed and is easily excitable. In this case, the dreamer needs to learn to control his desires. Seeing a lot of dishes for a woman means sensual love.

A richly laid table and a lot of food on the table personify an ambitious character and the desire to take power into one’s own hands. Setting the table for a feast for which many dishes have been prepared is a reflection of the dreamer’s attempt to influence an unfavorable situation in life.

Eating food

Eating in a dream means minor difficulties or satisfaction in the form of the fulfillment of a minor desire. Also, food often means that the dreamer is experiencing a lack of love or this moment he was not self-actualized enough. A person lacks inner confidence that his personality deserves the attention and love of others.

  • Eat it yourself - the knowledge gained in the near future will be useful in later life.
  • – if you offer your help to someone, be prepared to refuse your mercy.
  • Observe diners - you are an outside observer of your own life, you need to be active and join people close to you in spirit.

If it is not possible to touch food, it means that there are some social or internal obstacles to the possession of life's goods. The person giving food in your dream wants to have influence over you in real life.

Eating together with your friends in a dream means sharing entrepreneurial activity with them. Eating in company means success and favorable events; eating alone means a slight loss. If only you ate food, but were surrounded by a large number of people, the dream reflects your dissatisfaction with life.

If in a dream you watched the diners, but did not put a crumb in your mouth, you had a vision that speaks of your desire for spiritual cleansing and the desire to rise above earthly reality. Why do you dream about food that you eat together? The dream speaks of your affection and love for the partner whom you would like to see next to you always.

According to the dream book, there are fresh air means instability. You were invited to have lunch together - an auspicious sign that promises good luck. If a person in his vision chews a lot and constantly, the dream is a reminder of dissatisfaction - for example, this may indicate a hunger for love. If in a dream you are at the table and see a plate of food in front of you, pleasant acquaintances and meetings await you in the future.

Dream books can interpret the symbolism of food taken away in a dream differently, so before searching for the meaning of such a dream, a person needs to remember what exactly he dreamed about, what actions he performed with food. After all the details of the dream have been restored in memory, you can move on to searching for the answer to your question: why do you dream about food? It is worth considering that the dreamed food is mostly positive character in interpretations.

Dream books can interpret the symbolism of food taken away in a dream differently

In Miller's dream book Special importance is given to dreams associated with fish food. If the dreamer ate fish in a dream, his life will soon change positive side, he will receive good news. If you quickly consume fish, the dreamer will real life Minor hassles should be expected.

Miller's dream book considers a dream about food as a warning: if the dreamer is careless in handling documentation, he will soon face a breakdown in business or in his professional activities.

And the people's dream book, on the contrary, he is inclined to a positive interpretation of such a dream: soon the dreamer will find prosperity and success.

Miller is convinced that if a meal takes place in pleasant company, the dreamer will soon receive benefits, or his affairs will become successful.

If someone takes away a half-eaten meat dish, the dreamer will soon have to endure a grudge against a person who is unpleasant to him.

According to the modern dream book:

  • just looking at food means major troubles due to incorrectly executed or lost documents;
  • eating alone means minor losses;
  • eating in pleasant company means great success;
  • eating bread means quick wealth;
  • Seeing leftovers in a dream means disappointment, and eating them means poor health.

Food in the dream book (video)

Seeing spoiled food in a dream – what does it mean?

Dreams of spoiled food mostly have negative interpretations.

  1. Dream Interpretation of Grishina claims that if you dreamed of wormy food, this means the appearance of ill-wishers among friends, and the possibility of ambiguous situations arising.
  2. When contemplating wormy fruits or berries, the dreamer will soon need to be prepared for a conflict or termination of a relationship with a loved one.
  3. Maggots in food symbolize troubles, betrayal of loved ones or friends.
  4. The presence of flies in honey or jam portends an early detection hypocritical person. If flies crawl across the dish, this means that all the efforts spent on doing business will not be justified.
  5. A dream in which hair is present symbolizes state of mind the dreamer: he is dissatisfied with the position of others, which causes anxiety.
  6. According to Shereminskaya's dream book spoiled food promises grief.
  7. If the stored food has rotted, the dreamer will soon need treatment.

If a person sorts through rotten food in a dream, in the near future he will face the end of friendly relations, or their significant deterioration.

Why do you dream about delicious shawarma?

Why do you dream about delicious shawarma? Taking a bite of delicious shawarma means profit that will be received as a result of the scam. However, you need to be careful here: the risk of a scam is not comparable to the profit received. Perhaps in this situation it is better for the dreamer to refuse unjustified risks, otherwise his time will be practically wasted.

Taking a bite of delicious shawarma means profit that will be received as a result of the scam

Why do you dream about food on the table?

If you dream of food being placed on the table, you need to pay attention to the number of dishes.

  1. If a man has a dream in which the table is laid out with a large variety of dishes, he says that the dreamer is a hot-tempered person and recommends that he learn to restrain his passions. If the dreamer is a child or a woman, then such a dream foreshadows the unexpected arrival of guests.
  2. By folk dream book an abundance of food symbolizes quick prosperity, as well as a cloudless life.
  3. Seeing a perfectly set table in a dream means a prosperous life, increasing your own well-being.

If a man has a dream in which the table is laid out with a large variety of dishes, he says that the dreamer is a hot-tempered person

If you dreamed that there was exotic food on the table, the dreamer will soon receive an interesting offer.

Buying or eating food in a dream: interpretations

Very often in dreams related to food, a person eats it.

  1. If a person sits at a huge table and eats in a dream, soon the responsibility for holding an important event will fall on his shoulders. In some situations, such a dream may portend illness.
  2. If the dreamer sits at a table on which there is only 1 plate, in reality pleasant acquaintances or meetings with old friends await him.
  3. A dream in which a person eats soup from a plate promises a quick positive change in his financial situation.
  4. Eating meat in a dream foretells an imminent illness.

If the dreamer sits at a table on which there is only 1 plate, in reality pleasant acquaintances await him

The dream may also show the plot of buying groceries.

  1. Buying food in a store or market foreshadows imminent financial difficulties.
  2. Buying food in a dream, according to the Wanderers’ dream book, is advice to deny yourself the thoughtless waste of money.

You also need to pay attention to the product itself that was purchased. If fruits were purchased, then soon the dreamer will expect losses, which will eventually be compensated for him. If we were talking about buying baked goods, then such a dream has an ambiguous interpretation: it can mean either losses or profits. Buying fresh baked goods promises the dreamer serious income, while stale baked goods promise losses.

Why does a woman dream about food?

Most often, women dream about food while it is being prepared.

  1. If a woman fries something in a dream, perhaps in reality she will soon have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. By esoteric dream book such a plot foreshadows conflicts and quarrels. Cooking food portends great achievements in life.
  3. If a woman did not succeed in some dishes during the cooking process, similar dream symbolizes minor disappointments, and if the lady was in a pleasant mood - the arrival of long-awaited guests.
  4. A dream in which a woman salts food promises difficulties in professional activities and the emergence of conflict situations in a team.

Most often, women dream about food while it is being prepared.

Feeding a man food in a dream – what does it mean?

  • If you had a dream in which a man feeds a man various dishes, the breadwinner should soon expect success in his professional activities. By Universal dream book such a plot suggests that the things started in reality are not in vain and in the end they will bear fruit.
  • If the dreamer feeds a man meat, he may soon lose his authority.
  • Sharing food with in a dream by a stranger, means that in reality the dreamer will be expected monetary losses and unexpected expenses. The same plot can be a warning that a person needs to be less lazy.

Feeding a man in a dream can symbolize wastefulness, so in real life the dreamer is advised to give up thoughtless spending. If a woman needs to fry food for a man, in reality she should expect a deterioration in the relationship with the man she saw in the dream. Moreover, this will not just be a quarrel, but a source of trouble.